- ABC.RAP::annotation_fileannotation file for the 450k probes
- ABC.RAP::nonspecific_probes450k DNA methylation non specific probes
- ABC.RAP::test_datatest dataset of 450k DNA methylation
- ABCanalysis::SwissInhabitantsSwissInhabitants in 1900
- ABRSQOL::ABRSQOL_testdataTest data for ABRSQOL quality of life inversion
- absorber::x_obsObservation matrix x of five variables
- absorber::y_obsValues of the response variable of the noisy observation set of five input variables
- acc::NHANESNHANES data
- ACDm::adjDurDataTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::defaultSplineObjTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::durDataTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::transDataTime Series Data Sets
- acid::datACID Simulated Data
- acid::dist.para.tDistributions and their Parameters
- acid::paramsParameter estimators obtained from Structured Additive Distributional Regression
- acp::polioPolio cases in USA from Jan 1970 till Dec 1983
- acss::exp1Data from Experiment 1 in Gauvrit, Singmann, Soler-Toscano & Zenil
- acss::exp2Data from Experiment 2 in Gauvrit, Singmann, Soler-Toscano & Zenil
- acss::matthews2013Data from Experiment 1 in Matthews (2013)
- ActivityIndex::TimeScaleTime scale vector from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
- adapt4pv::XSimulated data for the adapt4pv package
- adapt4pv::YSimulated data for the adapt4pv package
- adaptsmoFMRI::data_simfmriSimulated FMRI Data Set (for one covariate)
- adaptsmoFMRI::data_simfmri2COVARSimulated FMRI Data Set (for two covariates)
- addScales::CHITempsDaily Chicago High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::NYCTempsDaily New York City High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::SFTempsDaily San Francisco High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::USAcrimeUSA Property and Violent Crime Data, 1960 - 2014
- ADER::LucanusAllometry Data of Stag Beetles
- ADER::ailantoGermination Test of Ailanthus Seeds
- ADER::algasSize and Reproduction in Codium Seaweeds
- ADER::araAraucaria Seedlings
- ADER::arrecifesCalifornian Reefs
- ADER::chalcoAllometric Data of Giant Rhinoceros Beetles
- ADER::cladoniaCladonia Cover in Finland
- ADER::defoDefoliation in Almeria Pine Forests
- ADER::dryProductivity in Chiapas Dry Forests
- ADER::fireflyMating in Fireflies
- ADER::insectoInsects and Plant Disease
- ADER::liquenesEpiphytic Lichens Data
- ADER::plantulas0Monitoring of Helianthemum Seedlings
- adlift::motorcycledataMotorcycle data.
- ADLP::test_adlp_componentTest ADLP Component
- ADLP::test_claims_datasetClaims Data in data.frame Format
- admiralmetabolic::dm_metabolicExample demographic dataset
- admiralmetabolic::qs_metabolicExample questionnaire dataset
- admiralmetabolic::vs_metabolicExample vital signs dataset
- AF::clslowbwtBirthweight data clustered on the mother.
- AF::rott2Cohort study on breast cancer patients from the Netherlands.
- AF::singaporeCase-control study on oesophageal cancer in Chinese Singapore men.
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ccExample Data of Continuous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ceExample Data of Continuous Observations and Ensemble Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dcExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ddExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Dichotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.deExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Ensemble Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dmExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Polychotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dpExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Probabilistic Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mcExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.meExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Ensembles Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mmExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Polychotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mpExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Probabilistic Forecasts
- affluenceIndex::affluenceEquivalised income
- afmToolkit::batchExperimentExample of an afmexperiment data class.
- AFR::finratKZfinratKZ dataset
- AFR::macroKZmacroKZ dataset
- agricolae::CICData for late blight of potatoes
- agricolae::Chz2006Data amendment Carhuaz 2006
- agricolae::ComasOxapampaData AUDPC Comas - Oxapampa
- agricolae::DCData for the analysis of carolina genetic design
- agricolae::GlycoalkaloidsData Glycoalkaloids
- agricolae::Hco2006Data amendment Huanuco 2006
- agricolae::LxTData Line by tester
- agricolae::RioChillonData and analysis Mother and baby trials
- agricolae::clayData of Ralstonia population in clay soil
- agricolae::cornData of corn
- agricolae::cottonData of cotton
- agricolae::diseaseData evaluation of the disease overtime
- agricolae::frijolData of frijol
- agricolae::genxenvData of potato yield in a different environment
- agricolae::grassData for Friedman test
- agricolae::greenhouseData in greenhouse
- agricolae::growthData growth of trees
- agricolae::haynesData of AUDPC for nonparametrical stability analysis
- agricolae::heterosisData of potato, Heterosis
- agricolae::huasahuasiData: Rainfall thresholds as support for timing fungicide applications in the control of potato late blight in Peru
- agricolae::markersData of molecular markers
- agricolae::melonData of yield of melon in a Latin square experiment
- agricolae::nativesData of native potato
- agricolae::pamCIPData Potato Wild
- agricolae::paracshoData of Paracsho biodiversity
- agricolae::plotsData for an analysis in split-plot
- agricolae::plrvData clones from the PLRV population
- agricolae::potatoData of cutting
- agricolae::ralstoniaData of assessment of the population in the soil R.solanacearum
- agricolae::riceData of Grain yield of rice variety IR8
- agricolae::sinRepAmmiData for AMMI without repetition
- agricolae::soilData of soil analysis for 13 localities
- agricolae::sweetpotatoData of sweetpotato yield
- agricolae::wiltData of Bacterial Wilt (AUDPC) and soil
- agricolae::yaconData Yacon
- agrostab::exp_dataExperimental data for stability analysis
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::Param_Sets_GR4JGeneralist parameter sets for the GR4J model
- airGR::simCNGR4JDefault preview of model outputs
- airGR::simGR4JDefault preview of model outputs
- airGRdatasets::A273011002Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::A605102001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::B222001001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::E540031001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::E645651001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::F439000101Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H010002001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H120101001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H622101001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::J171171001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::J421191001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K134181001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K265401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K731261001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::V123521001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::X031001001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::X045401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::Y643401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::Y862000101Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeARadiosonde A
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeDRadiosonde D
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeDavenportRadiosonde Davenport
- aiRthermo::aiRthermoConstantsThermodynamical Constansts
- aiRthermo::fixedlinesData for plotting the lines of the thermodynamic (STUVE) diagram
- akima::akimaWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
- akima::akima760Sample data from Akima's Bicubic Spline Interpolation code (TOMS 760)
- akima::frankeTest datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered data
- align::candidate_dataSynthetic Candidate Data
- align::target_dataSynthetic Target Data
- alphaOutlier::citiesDataPopulation of the 999 largest German cities
- alphaOutlier::daysabsNumber of absence days of students
- AlphaPart::AlphaPart.pedSample pedigree for partition.
- AlteredPQR::int_pairsProtein pairs
- AlteredPQR::quant_data_allProteomic measurements data matrix
- ammiBayes::ammiDataDataset for example
- AMModels::mymodelsSample 'amModelLib' Object Containing Models and Data.
- anabel::MCK_datasetSimulated data of binding curve for MCK.
- anabel::MCK_dataset_driftSimulated data of binding curve for MCK with linear drift.
- anabel::SCA_datasetSimulated data for SCA method.
- anabel::SCA_dataset_driftSimulated data for SCA method with linear drift.
- anabel::SCK_datasetSimulated data of different binding curves for SCK method.
- anabel::SCK_dataset_decaySimulated data of different binding curves for SCK method with exponential decay.
- anomaly::machinetempMachine temperature data.
- anomaly::sim.dataSimulated data.
- Anthropometry::USAFSurveyUSAF 1967 survey
- Anthropometry::cube34landmCube of 34 landmarks
- Anthropometry::cube8landmCube of 8 landmarks
- Anthropometry::descrDissTrunksDescription of the dissimilarities between women's trunks
- Anthropometry::landmarksSampleSpaSurvLandmarks of the sampled women of the Spanish Survey
- Anthropometry::parallelep34landmParallelepiped of 34 landmarks
- Anthropometry::parallelep8landmParallelepiped of 8 landmarks
- Anthropometry::sampleSpanishSurveySample database of the Spanish anthropometric survey
- AntibodyForests::PLM_dataframeSmall PLM dataframe for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_defaultSmall AntibodyForests object with default algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_mstSmall AntibodyForests object with MST algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_njSmall AntibodyForests object with NJ algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::compare_repertoireExample output from Af_compare_within_repertoires() for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::small_afSmall AntibodyForests object for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::small_vdjSmall VDJ dataframe for function testing purposes
- aod::antibioAntibiotics against Shipping Fever in Calves
- aod::cohortsAge, Period and Cohort Effects for Vital Rates
- aod::djaMortality of Djallonke Lambs in Senegal
- aod::lizardsA Comparison of Site Preferences of Two Species of Lizard
- aod::micePregnant Female Mice Experiment
- aod::orob1Germination Data
- aod::orob2Germination Data
- aod::rabbitsRabbits Foetuses Survival Experiment
- aod::ratsRats Diet Experiment
- aod::salmonellaSalmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay
- apdesign::indv_changeRepeated measures data over three years
- apdesign::mean_changeData for a single time trend over three years
- approxmatch::DodgeramDodge ram pk 2500 data on side airbag (SAB) usage from 1995 to 2015
- apt::daVichImport prices and values of wooden beds from Vietnam and China
- arakno::globalTreeGlobal spider backbone tree.
- arakno::wscmapMatrix matching WSC and ISO3 country codes.
- arcgisplaces::fieldsPossible Fields to Return from Place Details
- arcpullr::cook_creek_envVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::cook_creek_streamsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::cook_creek_wsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::example_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::iceland_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::mke_countyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::mke_riverVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::poly_streams_containsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::poly_streams_crossesVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::portage_countyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::reykjanes_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::sp_rel_lookupSpatial relationship descriptor and lookup tables
- arcpullr::sp_rel_validSpatial relationship descriptor and lookup tables
- arcpullr::sugar_creekVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::sugar_creek_envVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::trout_hab_project_ptVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::trout_hab_project_ptsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::wis_countiesVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::wis_polyVarious example sf polygons
- argosfilter::sealSatellite tracking data from a ringed seal
- ART::data.higgins1990Dataset to be used in the ART use example
- arulesSequences::zakiZaki Data Set
- asht::ama1c1cpgThree arm phase 1 malaria vaccine trial
- asnipe::gbiDetections of Individuals Forming Flocks at Bird Feeders
- asnipe::identified_individualsRaw Observation Data of Individual Birds Feeding at Flocks
- asnipe::indsData on the Individual Birds Contained in the Group by Individual data
- asnipe::timesObservation Time for each Flock Contained in the Group by Individual data
- aspace::activitiesDemo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations
- aspace::activities2Demo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations
- aspace::centreDemo Data: Coordinates of a single source, centre, location
- aspace::wtsWeights vector
- assist::ArosaMonthly Mean Ozone Thickness in Arosa of Switzerland
- assist::StratfordDaily maximum temperatures in Stratford
- assist::TXtempTexas Historical Climate Data
- assist::USAtempAverage Winter temperature in the United States
- assist::acidLake Acidity Study
- assist::bondTreasury and GE bonds
- assist::canadaTempMonthly Mean Temperatures
- assist::chickenpoxChickenpox in New York City
- assist::climateWinter Average Temperatures
- assist::dogCoronary Ainus Potassium Concentrations
- assist::horm.cortHormone Measurements of Cortisol
- assist::parameciumGrowth of paramecium caudatum population
- assist::seizureIEEG segments from a seizure patient
- assist::starMagnitude of the Mira Variable R Hydrae
- assist::ultrasoundUltrasound imaging of the tongue shape
- assist::wesdrWisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy
- AssocBin::heartHeart Disease Diagnosis Data
- AssocBin::sp500pseudoDe-Garched S&P 500 returns
- aster::aphidLife History Data on Uroleucon rudbeckiae
- aster::beta.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::chamaeLife History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::chamae2Life History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::chamae3Life History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::echin2Life History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster::echinaceaLife History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster::famSimulated Life History Data
- aster::famSimulated Life History Data
- aster::ladataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::mu.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::oatsLife History Data on Avena barbata
- aster::phi.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::predSimulated Life History Data
- aster::predSimulated Life History Data
- aster::radishLife History Data on Raphanus sativus
- aster::redataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::redataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::theta.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::varsSimulated Life History Data
- aster::varsSimulated Life History Data
- aster2::echinaceaLife History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster2::hornwormLife History Data on Manduca sexta
- aster2::test1Test Data
- astrochron::modelAExample stratigraphic model series
- astrodatR::COMBO17_lowzGalaxy color-magnitude diagram
- astrodatR::COUP_varCOUP: X-ray source variability
- astrodatR::GlobClus_magGlobular cluster magnitudes
- astrodatR::GlobClus_propGalactic globular cluster properties
- astrodatR::HIPHipparchos stars
- astrodatR::LMC_distDistance to the Large Magellanic Cloud
- astrodatR::SDSS_QSOSloan Digital Sky Survey quasars
- astrodatR::SDSS_ptsrc_testSloan Digital Sky Survey point source photometry: Test sample
- astrodatR::SDSS_ptsrc_trainSloan Digital Sky Survey point source photometry: Training sample
- astrodatR::Shapley_galaxyShapley Concentration of galaxies redshift survey
- astrodatR::Sun_spot_numSunspot numbers
- astrodatR::asteroid_densDensities of asteroids
- astrodatR::censor_BeStellar abundances and planets
- astrodatR::ell_gal_profileElliptical galaxy radial profiles
- astrodatR::exoplanet_RVExoplanet radial velocities
- astrodatR::plan_neb_LFPlanetary nebula luminosity function
- astrodatR::protostellar_disksProtostellar disks
- astrodatR::protostellar_jetsProtostellar jets
- asymmetry.measures::GDP.Per.head.dist.1995annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head across 15 European Union (EU) countries
- asymmetry.measures::GDP.Per.head.dist.2005annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head across 15 European Union (EU) countries
- ATNr::schneiderDefault parameters as in Schneider et al. (2016)
- atRisk::data_USHistorical data for the US (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 1973:Q1 to 2020:Q1
- atRisk::data_euroHistorical data for the eurozone (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 2008:Q4 to 2022:Q3
- atRisk::data_param_histo_USHistorical parameters (skew-t) for the US from 1973:Q1 to 2020:Q1
- augSIMEX::GeneRepeatExample data for univariate error-prone covariates in repeated measurements case
- augSIMEX::GeneUniExample of genetic data for univariate error-prone covariates
- augSIMEX::ToyMultToy example data for multivariate error-prone covariates
- augSIMEX::ToyRepeatToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates in repeated measurements case
- augSIMEX::ToyUniToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates
- authoritative::cran_epidemiology_packagesA data.frame of historical metadata from CRAN packages epidemiology.
- autoRasch::correl02_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.2 correlation
- autoRasch::correl03_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.3 correlation
- autoRasch::correl04_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.4 Correlation
- autoRasch::correl05_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.5 Correlation
- autoRasch::correl06_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.6 Correlation
- autoRasch::dicho_inh_dsetInhomogenous Dichotomous Data Set
- autoRasch::dicho_md_dsetUncorrelated Multidimensional Dichotomous Data Set
- autoRasch::poly_inh_dsetThe Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset
- autoRasch::poly_md_dsetUncorrelated Multidimensional Polytomous Data Set
- autoRasch::polydif_inh_dsetThe Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset containing DIF items
- autoRasch::shortDIFA Shorter Polytomous Dataset with DIF
- autoRasch::short_poly_dataA Shorter Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset
- autoRasch::testlets_datasetMulti-testlets Polytomous Data Set
- autoRasch::withinItem_multidimWithin-item Multidimensional Polytomous Data Set
- AutoTransQF::MelanomaMelanomaFeatures from Miedema et al. (2012)
- BalanceCheck::smokingDistThe distance matrix of the smoking data
- BAMMtools::events.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mass.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::traits.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BANAM::W_votesWeight matrix for counties in Alabama, US
- BANAM::X_votesCovariate data frame for the Alabama voter turnout data
- BANAM::y_votesLogarithmized voter turnout in Alabama, US
- bangladesh::area_namesBanlgadesh administrative levels names in English
- bangladesh::map_countryBanlgadesh administrative level 0 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_districtBanlgadesh administrative level 2 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_divisionBanlgadesh administrative level 1 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_unionBanlgadesh administrative level 4 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_upazilaBanlgadesh administrative level 3 shapefile
- bangladesh::pop_district_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for district level
- bangladesh::pop_division_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for division level
- bangladesh::pop_upazila_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for upazila level
- bartMan::input_datainput_data
- bartMan::tree_data_exampletree_data_example
- BAT::arrabidaSample data of spiders in Arrabida (Portugal)
- BAT::functreeFunctional tree for 338 species of spiders
- BAT::geresSample data of spiders in Geres (Portugal)
- BAT::guadianaSample data of spiders in Guadiana (Portugal)
- BAT::phylotreeTaxonomic tree for 338 species of spiders (surrogate for phylogeny)
- BAwiR::acb_games_1718ACB games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::acb_games_2223_coachACB coaches in the 2022-2023 season.
- BAwiR::acb_games_2223_infoACB games 2022-2023, days and codes.
- BAwiR::acb_players_1718ACB players 2017-2018
- BAwiR::acb_shieldsShields of the ACB teams
- BAwiR::acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223ACB play-by-play data, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont Zaragoza
- BAwiR::acb_vbc_cz_sl_2223ACB starting lineups, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont Zaragoza
- BAwiR::eurocup_games_1718Eurocup games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::eurocup_players_1718Eurocup players 2017-2018
- BAwiR::euroleague_games_1718Euroleague games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::euroleague_players_1718Euroleague players 2017-2018
- BayesBP::simulated_data_1Generate simulated data 1
- BayesBP::simulated_data_2Generate simulated data 2
- BayesCPclust::dataError free data for all examples.
- BayesCPclust::data_aError free data for all examples.
- BayesCR::motorettesAccelerated Life Tests On Electrical Insulation
- BayesFBHborrow::piecewise_exp_ccExample data, simulated from a piecewise exponential model.
- BayesFBHborrow::piecewise_exp_histExample data, simulated from a piecewise exponential model.
- BayesFBHborrow::weibull_ccExample data, simulated from a Weibull distribution.
- BayesFBHborrow::weibull_histExample data, simulated from a Weibull distribution
- BayesGOF::AutoInsNumber of claims on an insurance policy
- BayesGOF::ChildIllFrequency of child illness
- BayesGOF::CorbBflyCorbet's Butterfly data
- BayesGOF::NorbergInsNorberg life insurance data
- BayesGOF::arsenicArsenic levels in oyster tissue
- BayesGOF::galaxyGalaxy Data
- BayesGOF::ratRat Tumor Data
- BayesGOF::shipPortsmouth Navy Shipyard Data
- BayesGOF::steroidNasal Steroid Data
- BayesGOF::surgIntestinal surgery data
- BayesGOF::tacksRolling Tacks Data
- BayesGOF::terbTerbinafine trial data
- BayesGOF::ulcerRecurrent Bleeding of Ulcers
- BayesGP::PEN_deathThe monthly all-cause mortality for male with age less than 40 in Pennsylvania.
- BayesGP::ccDataA simulated dataset from the case-crossover model.
- BayesGP::covid_canadaThe COVID-19 daily death data in Canada.
- BayesianFactorZoo::BFactor_zoo_exampleSimulated Example Dataset *'BFactor_zoo_example'*
- bayeslist::londonThe 2017 London List Experiment
- bayeslist::srilankaThe Sri Lanka List Experiment on Wartime Sexual Violence
- bayeslongitudinal::DentalDental distance
- bayesm::ScotchSurvey Data on Brands of Scotch Consumed
- bayesm::bankBank Card Conjoint Data
- bayesm::cameraConjoint Survey Data for Digital Cameras
- bayesm::cheeseSliced Cheese Data
- bayesm::customerSatCustomer Satisfaction Data
- bayesm::detailingPhysician Detailing Data
- bayesm::margarineHousehold Panel Data on Margarine Purchases
- bayesm::orangeJuiceStore-level Panel Data on Orange Juice Sales
- bayesm::tunaCanned Tuna Sales Data
- bayesmix::darwinDifferences in heights between plants
- bayesmix::fishFish length data
- BayesMortalityPlus::PTMortality Data from Portugal to be used as example
- BayesMortalityPlus::USAMortality Database from United States to be used as example
- BayesPPDSurv::melanomaMelanoma Clinical Trials E1684 and E1690
- bayesreg::spambaseSpambase
- BayesRGMM::GSPSThe German socioeconomic panel study data
- bayesSurv::cgdChronic Granulomatous Disease data
- bayesSurv::tandmob2Signal Tandmobiel data, version 2
- bayesSurv::tandmobRoosSignal Tandmobiel data, version Roos
- bbdetection::djiadDaily data the Dow Jones Industrial Average index
- bbdetection::djiamMonthly data on the Dow Jones Industrial Average index
- bbdetection::sp500dDaily data the S&P 500 index
- bbdetection::sp500mMonthly data on the S&P 500 index
- bbreg::BFBody Fat data set
- bbreg::SAStress/Axiety data set
- bbreg::WTWeather Task data set
- BCA1SG::adapt_duserA data set adapted from the data set "duser" in the package "FHtest"
- BCA1SG::adapt_skiTumA data set adapted from the data set "skiTum" in the package "spef"
- BCA1SG::linerThe marine engine cylinder liner data from Giorgio et al. (2012)
- BCBCSF::lymph.XLymphoma Microarray Data
- BCBCSF::lymph.yLymphoma Microarray Data
- bcgam::duncanDuncan's occupational prestige data
- BCRA::BrCa_1_ARBreast cancer 1-Attributable Risk
- BCRA::BrCa_betaBreast cancer beta
- BCRA::BrCa_lambda1Breast cancer composite incidences
- BCRA::BrCa_lambda2Breast cancer competing mortality
- BCRA::exampledataExample data set
- bda::EUFirmSizeFirm size data of 10 EU countries
- bda::Employment2Firm size data
- bda::Firm2Firm size data
- bda::FirmAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmDeathAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmDeathSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmEmploymentAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmEmploymentSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmJobAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmJobSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmSizeFirm size data
- bda::Job2Firm size data
- bda::LCLBreast Cancer Data
- bda::metaBreast Cancer Data
- bda::normalBreast Cancer Data
- bda::ofcoccipitofrontal head circumference data
- bda::painPain data
- bda::primaryBreast Cancer Data
- beanz::solvd.subSubject level data from SOLVD trial
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp15.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp16.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp17.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp18.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::abcd_specification_emptySimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specification_example_xtcSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_completeSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_dutch_xtcSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_single_po_without_conditionsSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_without_conditionsSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- BElikelihood::datData example for bioequivalence (BE) study
- benford::switz.dataNumber of daily new cases of COVID-19 in Switzerland
- bentcableAR::sockeyeRivers Inlet Sockeye Abundance
- bentcableAR::stagnantStagnant Band Height Data
- benthos::northseaMWTL North Sea Bentos Data
- benthos::oosterscheldeOosterschelde Marine Benthos Data
- BeQut::dataLongdataLong
- BeQut::waveData of wave
- BeSS::SAheartRisk factors associated with heart disease
- BeSS::gravierbreast cancer data set
- BeSS::prostateFactors associated with prostate specific antigen
- BESTree::DataData generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
- BESTree::FitData generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
- betapart::bbs1980BBS data by state for two timeslices
- betapart::bbs2000BBS data by state for two timeslices
- betapart::betatestA data set of 4 communities, 107 species and a 4D functional space
- betapart::ceram.nCerambycidae from Northern European Countries
- betapart::ceram.sCerambycidae from Southern European Countries
- betapart::coords.nSpatial coordinates for Southern European Countries
- betapart::coords.sSpatial coordinates for Southern European Countries
- betategarch::nasdaqDaily Apple stock returns
- BeyondBenford::address_AixesurVienneStreet addresses of Aixe-sur-Vienne
- BeyondBenford::address_LimogesStreet addresses of Limoges
- BeyondBenford::address_PierreBuffiereStreet addresses of Pierre-Buffiere
- BeyondBenford::censusAlabama census
- BGLR::mice.APedigree info for the mice dataset
- BGLR::mice.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::mice.mapGenetic map info for the mice dataset
- BGLR::mice.phenoPhenotypical data for the mice dataset
- BGLR::simulated3t.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::simulated3t.phenoPhenotypical data for simulated dataset with 3 traits
- BGLR::wheat.APedigree info for the wheat dataset
- BGLR::wheat.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::wheat.YGrain yield
- BGLR::wheat.setsSets for cross validation (CV)
- BHAI::eu_ppsAggregated data of the ECDC PPS 2010-2011.
- BHAI::german_pps_convAggregated data of the german PPS 2010-2011 (convenience sample).
- BHAI::hospital_dischargesHospital discharges in Germany (2011)
- BHAI::length_of_stayAverage length of stay of survey patients in german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::loi_ppsA list containing length of infections from all patients in the german PPS 2011 representative sample.
- BHAI::mccabe_life_expNamed list containing remaining life expectancies for each McCabe score (NONFATAL, ULTFATAL, RAPFATAL).
- BHAI::mccabe_scores_distrThe observed McCabe scores (counts) for each infection, age and gender stratum from the ECDC PPS 2011-2012.
- BHAI::num_hai_patientsNumber of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::num_hai_patients_by_stratumStratified number of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::num_hai_patients_by_stratum_priorStratified number of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (convenience sample). This distribution is used as a Prior for the representative sample.
- BHAI::num_survey_patientsNumber of survey patients in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample).
- BHAI::populationPopulation size of Germany in 2011.
- BHAI::sim_ppsSimulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_bhaiBHAI with default options was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_bhai_priorBHAI with prior was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_stratifiedBHAI with stratified sampling was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHSBVAR::USLMDataU.S. Labor Market Data
- bibliometrixData::biblioDataset of "Bibliometrics" scientific documents.
- bibliometrixData::biblio_dfDataset of "Bibliometrics" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::garfieldEugene Garfield's manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::isiCollectionBibliometrics manuscripts from Clarivate Analytics WoS.
- bibliometrixData::managementThe use of bibliometric approaches in business and management disciplines.
- bibliometrixData::scientometrics"Co-citation analysis" and "Coupling analysis" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::scientometrics_text"Co-citation analysis" and "Coupling analysis" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::scopusCollection"Bibliometrics" manuscripts from SCOPUS.
- biclust::BicatYeastBicAT Yeast
- biclust::EisenYeastEisen Yeast
- biclust::SyntrenEcoliSynTReN E. coli
- BICORN::Binding_TFsTFs in the prior binding network
- BICORN::Binding_genesGenes in the prior binding network
- BICORN::Binding_matrixPrior TF-gene binding network
- BICORN::Exp_dataGene expression data
- BICORN::Exp_genesGenes in the expression data
- bifurcatingr::ecoliLifetimes (in minutes) of lineage E. coli cells.
- bifurcatingr::emt6Mean Lifetimes (in tenths of hours) of EMT6 (BALB/c mouse mammary tumor) cells.
- bigdatadist::AusmaleAustralian Male Mortality Rates
- bigdatadist::mervalMerval Index
- bigtcr::pancancerExample Pancreatic Cancer Dataset
- bild::airpollutionAir Pollution
- bild::locustLocust
- bild::muscatineMuscatine
- BinaryEPPM::Berkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Berkshire breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::KupperHaseman.caseKupper and Haseman example data
- BinaryEPPM::Parkes.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Parkes breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::Yorkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Yorkshire breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::ropespores.caseDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
- BinaryEPPM::ropespores.groupedDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
- BinaryEPPM::wordcount.caseNumber of occurences of an article in five-word and ten-word samples from two authors.
- BinaryEPPM::wordcount.groupedNumber of occurences of an article in five-word and ten-word samples from two authors.
- binequality::county_binsA data set containing binned income for US counties
- binequality::school_district_binsA data set containing the school district data.
- binequality::state_binsA data set containing the binned state data.
- bingat::braingraphsBrain Graph Data Set
- binGroup::hivsurvData from an HIV surveillance project
- binhf::chr20DNA datasets
- binhf::mhcDNA datasets
- binhf::pintenspintens
- binomialRF::pmf_listA prebuilt distribution for correlated binary data
- binomialtrend::gsta_dataCRUTEM World Mean Temperature Data Set from 1851 to 2022
- bio.infer::bcnt.ORBenthic count data for western Oregon
- bio.infer::bcnt.emapwBenthic count data for the western United States
- bio.infer::bcnt.otu.ORBenthic count data with OTU
- bio.infer::bcnt.tax.ORBenthic count with taxonomic hierarchy
- bio.infer::coef.east.sedRegression coefficients for eastern U.S. sediment
- bio.infer::coef.west.wtWeighted regression coefficients for western U.S.
- bio.infer::envdata.OREnvironmental data from western OR
- bio.infer::envdata.emapwEnvironmental data from the western United States
- bio.infer::itis.ttableITIS taxonomic hierarchy table
- bio.infer::itis.ttableITIS taxonomic hierarchy table
- bio.infer::ss.ORsite-OTU matrix for western Oregon
- bio.infer::trait.feedingFeeding traits for benthic invertebrates
- bio.infer::trait.habitHabit traits for benthic invertebrates
- bioclim::bbRastBioclimatic Balance
- bioclim::preRastMonthly precipitation
- bioclim::tmpRastMonthly temperature
- bioclim::wbRastWater Balance
- biogas::UQGDBiogasBiogas Volume and Mass Loss from BMP bottles
- biogas::UQGDSetupBMP Bottle Setup Information
- biogas::UQGravBiogasMass Loss and Biogas Composition from BMP bottles
- biogas::UQGravSetupBMP Bottle Setup Information
- biogas::compMethane Content of Biogas
- biogas::comp2Methane Content of Biogas
- biogas::feedSetupSetup Details for Batch Reactors
- biogas::feedVolBiogas Volume from Batch Reactors
- biogas::massMass Change of Batch Reactors
- biogas::masswMass Change of Batch Reactors
- biogas::s3complMethane Content of Biogas from Batch Reactors
- biogas::s3compwMethane Content of Biogas from Batch Reactors
- biogas::s3lcomboBiogas Volume and Methane Content from Batch Bottles
- biogas::s3vollBiogas Volume from Batch Bottles
- biogas::s3volwBiogas Volume from Batch Reactors
- biogas::setupSetup Details for Batch Reactors
- biogas::setup2Setup Details for Some Batch Reactors
- biogas::sludgeTwoBiogasHeadspace Pressure, Mass measurements, and Methane and Carbondioxid Content from Batch Bottles
- biogas::sludgeTwoSetupSetup Details for Batch Reactors
- biogas::strawCompMethane Content of Biogas
- biogas::strawMassMass Change of Batch Reactors
- biogas::strawPressureHeadspace Pressure in Batch Reactors
- biogas::strawSetupSetup Details for Batch Reactors
- biogas::volBiogas Volume from Batch Reactors
- biogas::vol2Biogas Volume from Batch Reactors
- biogeom::LeafSizeDistLeaf size distribution of _Shibataea chinensis_
- biogeom::NeocinnamomumLeaf Boundary Data of Seven Species of _Neocinnamomum_
- biogeom::bambooleavesLeaf Boundary Data of _Phyllostachys incarnata_ T. H. Wen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
- biogeom::eggsEgg Boundary Data of Nine Species of Birds
- biogeom::ginkgoseedBoundary Data of the Side Projections of _Ginkgo biloba_ Seeds
- biogeom::kpBoundary Data of the Vertical Projections of _Koelreuteria paniculata_ Fruit
- biogeom::shootsHeight Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots
- biogeom::starfishBoundary Data of Eight Sea Stars
- biogeom::veinsLeaf Vein Data of _Michelia compressa_
- biogeom::whitesprucePlanar Coordinates of _Picea glauca_ Tree Rings
- BioM2::GO2ALLEGS_BPAn example about pathlistDB
- BioM2::GO_AncestorPathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
- BioM2::GO_Ancestor_exactPathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
- BioM2::MethylAnnoAn example about FeatureAnno for methylation data
- BioM2::MethylData_TestAn example about TrainData/TestData for methylation data
- BioM2::TransAnnoAn example about FeatureAnno for gene expression
- BioM2::TransData_TestAn example about TrainData/TestData for gene expression
- BioPET::dcaDataSimulated dataset for package 'DecisionCurve'
- BioPred::tutorial_dataTutorial Data
- bios2mds::gpcrPre-analyzed G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) data set
- bios2mds::sub.matAmino acid substitution matrices
- biosignalEMG::emg95306000Sample EMG data from a decorticate cat
- biosignalEMG::emg96627009Sample EMG data from a decorticate cat (4 channels)
- birdring::circumstancesEURING-code for finding circumstances
- birdring::coastEUcoordinates of the coastline of Europe
- birdring::coastpaleocoordinates of the palearctic coastline
- birdring::conditionsEURING-code for finding conditions
- birdring::lancolExample data set of EURING2000 format
- birdring::placesEURING-code for finding locations
- birdring::schemesEURING-code for ringing scheme
- birdring::speciesEURING-code for species
- BiSEp::BISEP_datA list object containing 3 data frames.
- BiSEp::BISEP_dataA list object containing 3 data frames.
- BiSEp::FURE_dataOutput matrix from the BIGEE tool
- BiSEp::INPUT_dataA Log2 Gene Expression matrix
- BiSEp::MUT_dataA matrix containing discreet mutation calls
- BivRegBLS::AromaticsAromatics petroleum data
- BivRegBLS::SBPSystolic blood pressure data
- Blendstat::DataCDDataset, peeled cherry coffee.
- Blendstat::DataNATDataset, natural cherry coffee.
- blockmodeling::bakerCitation data between social work journals for the 1985-86 period
- blockmodeling::notesBorrowingThe notes borrowing network between social-informatics students
- BLR::APedigree info for the wheat dataset
- BLR::XMolecular markers
- BLR::YGrain yield
- BLR::setsSets for cross validation (CV)
- BMS::dataflsFLS (2001) growth data
- bnlearn::alarmALARM monitoring system (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::asiaAsia (synthetic) data set by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter
- bnlearn::clgaussian.testSynthetic (mixed) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::coronaryCoronary heart disease data set
- bnlearn::gaussian.testSynthetic (continuous) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::hailfinderThe HailFinder weather forecast system (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::insuranceInsurance evaluation network (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::learning.testSynthetic (discrete) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::lizardsLizards' perching behaviour data set
- bnlearn::marksExamination marks data set
- BNPdensity::Enzyme2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the enzyme dataset
- BNPdensity::Galaxy1.outFit of MixNRMI1 function to the galaxy dataset
- BNPdensity::Galaxy2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the galaxy dataset
- BNPdensity::acidityAcidity Index Dataset
- BNPdensity::enzymeEnzyme Dataset
- BNPdensity::galaxyGalaxy Data Set
- BNPdensity::salinitySalinity tolerance
- BNPTSclust::gdpGDP per person employed from 1990 to 2012
- BNPTSclust::housesHouse price statistics in Scotland from 2004 to 2014.
- BNPTSclust::stocksMexican stock exchange market prices
- BNPTSclust::tseriesca.outOutput of tseriesca function for the GDP per person employed dataset
- BNPTSclust::tseriescm.outOutput of tseriescm function for the Mexican stock exchange market prices dataset
- BNPTSclust::tseriescq.outOutput of tseriescq function for the House price statistics in Scotland dataset
- BondValuation::List.DCCList of the day count conventions implemented.
- BondValuation::NonBusDays.BrazilNon-business days in Brazil from 1946-01-01 to 2299-12-31.
- BondValuation::PanelSomeBonds2016A panel of of 100 plain vanilla fixed coupon corporate bonds.
- BondValuation::SomeBonds2016Properties of 100 plain vanilla fixed coupon corporate bonds.
- boot::acmeMonthly Excess Returns
- boot::aidsDelay in AIDS Reporting in England and Wales
- boot::airconditFailures of Air-conditioning Equipment
- boot::aircondit7Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment
- boot::amisCar Speeding and Warning Signs
- boot::amlRemission Times for Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia
- boot::beaverBeaver Body Temperature Data
- boot::bigcityPopulation of U.S. Cities
- boot::bramblesSpatial Location of Bramble Canes
- boot::breslowSmoking Deaths Among Doctors
- boot::calciumCalcium Uptake Data
- boot::caneSugar-cane Disease Data
- boot::capabilitySimulated Manufacturing Process Data
- boot::catsMWeight Data for Domestic Cats
- boot::cavPosition of Muscle Caveolae
- boot::cd4CD4 Counts for HIV-Positive Patients
- boot::cd4.nestedNested Bootstrap of cd4 data
- boot::channingChanning House Data
- boot::cityPopulation of U.S. Cities
- boot::claridgeGenetic Links to Left-handedness
- boot::clothNumber of Flaws in Cloth
- boot::co.transferCarbon Monoxide Transfer
- boot::coalDates of Coal Mining Disasters
- boot::darwinDarwin's Plant Height Differences
- boot::dogsCardiac Data for Domestic Dogs
- boot::downs.bcIncidence of Down's Syndrome in British Columbia
- boot::ducksBehavioral and Plumage Characteristics of Hybrid Ducks
- boot::firCounts of Balsam-fir Seedlings
- boot::fretsHead Dimensions in Brothers
- boot::gravAcceleration Due to Gravity
- boot::gravityAcceleration Due to Gravity
- boot::hiroseFailure Time of PET Film
- boot::islayJura Quartzite Azimuths on Islay
- boot::manausAverage Heights of the Rio Negro river at Manaus
- boot::melanomaSurvival from Malignant Melanoma
- boot::motorData from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
- boot::neuroNeurophysiological Point Process Data
- boot::nitrofenToxicity of Nitrofen in Aquatic Systems
- boot::nodalNodal Involvement in Prostate Cancer
- boot::nuclearNuclear Power Station Construction Data
- boot::paulsenNeurotransmission in Guinea Pig Brains
- boot::poisonsAnimal Survival Times
- boot::polarPole Positions of New Caledonian Laterites
- boot::remissionCancer Remission and Cell Activity
- boot::salinityWater Salinity and River Discharge
- boot::survivalSurvival of Rats after Radiation Doses
- boot::tauTau Particle Decay Modes
- boot::tunaTuna Sighting Data
- boot::urineUrine Analysis Data
- boot::woolAustralian Relative Wool Prices
- borrowr::adaptData set used in the package vignette
- Boruta::srxSmall redundant XOR data
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_crsAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_extAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_matrixAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_crsAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_extAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_matrixAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_crsLeptopelis concolor genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_extLeptopelis concolor genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_matrixLeptopelis concolor genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_crsLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_extLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_matrixLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_crsTriturus cristatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_extTriturus cristatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_matrixTriturus cristatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_crsEcoregion data for East Africa projection
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_extEcoregion data for East Africa extent
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_matrixEcoregion data for East Africa
- BoundaryStats::grassland_crsGrassland land cover projection
- BoundaryStats::grassland_extGrassland land cover extent
- BoundaryStats::grassland_matrixGrassland land cover
- bpcp::leukAcute Leukemia data (treatment only) from Freireich et al (1963).
- bpcp::leuk2Acute Leukemia data from Freireich et al (1963).
- bpcp::sclerosisPilot study of treatment of severe systemic sclerosis (Nash, et al, 2007).
- bplsr::milk_MIRMilk traits and corresponding mid-infrared spectra
- BPM::annotGeneNamesgene names of probes in 450K array dat
- BPM::goodProbesgood probes in packages
- BPM::simUCECSimulated data to illustrate datasets in packages
- bqtl::little.ana.bcA simulated dataset
- bqtl::little.ana.f2A simulated dataset
- bqtl::little.bc.markersSimulated Marker Data
- bqtl::little.bc.phenoSimulated Phenotype Data
- bqtl::little.f2.markersSimulated Marker Data
- bqtl::little.f2.phenoSimulated Phenotype Data
- bqtl::little.map.dxMarker Map Description for Simulated Data
- bqtl::little.map.framePackage of Simulated Marker Map Information
- bqtl::little.mf.5Package of Simulated Marker Map Information
- BRACoD.R::df_counts_obesityExample microbiome data
- BRACoD.R::df_scfaExample microbiome data
- braQCA::ralliesMcVeigh et al. (2014) Tea Party Data
- breakpoint::ch1.GM03563Fibroblast cell line (GM03563) data
- brnn::DGenomic dominant relationship matrix for the Jersey dataset.
- brnn::GGenomic additive relationship matrix for the Jersey dataset.
- brnn::GOrdGenomic additive relationship matrix for the GLS dataset.
- brnn::partitionsPartitions for cross validation (CV)
- brnn::phenoPhenotypic information for Jersey
- brnn::phenoOrdPhenotypic information for GLS (ordinal trait)
- brnn::twoinput2 Inputs and 1 output.
- BSagri::BrachyceraEklektor counts of Brachycera
- BSagri::Cica1Catches of Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
- BSagri::Cica2Catches of Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
- BSagri::CountRepSimulated count data incl. repeated measurements
- BSagri::DecompA simulated data set
- BSagri::DipteraSoil eklektor data for some families of Diptera
- BSagri::ExNBCovSimulated example data, drawn from a Negative Binomial Distribution
- BSagri::ExPCovSimulated example data following a Poisson distribution
- BSagri::FeedingPupation and Hatching rate in a feeding experiment with four varieties
- BSagri::LepiInsect counts of 12 Species
- BSagri::MM1Simulated data set for a simple mixed model
- BSagri::MMPoisSimulated data for a simple mixed model with Poisson response
- BSagri::MMPoisRepSimulated data for a simple mixed model with Poisson response
- BSagri::NematoceraTrap counts of Nematocera
- BSagri::fakelnA simulated data set of lognormal data
- BSL::cellCell biology example
- BSL::ma2An MA(2) model
- BSL::mgnkThe multivariate G&K example
- BSL::toadToad example
- bspmma::breast.17Aspirin and Breast Cancer: 17 studies
- bspmma::caprie.3grpsCAPRIE Study: Three Risk Groups
- bspmma::ddtm.sDecontamination of the Digestive Tract Mortality, Short Dataset
- bssn::enzymeEnzymatic activity in the blood
- bssn::ozoneDaily ozone level measurements
- BTTL::ebaPairwise comparison data
- bujar::chopSurvival of CHOP for diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- bujar::rchopSurvival of R-CHOP for diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- c3net::expdataExample data set
- c3net::truenetReference, e.g. true, network of the example data set
- ca::authorAuthor dataset
- ca::smokeSmoke dataset
- ca::wg93International Social Survey Program on Environment 1993 - western German sample
- cabootcrs::AsbestosDataAsbestos data
- cabootcrs::AttachmentDatavan Ijzendoorn's attachment data
- cabootcrs::DreamDataMaxwell's dream data set, with simplified labels
- cabootcrs::DreamData223by3Maxwell's dream data set with added totally random column
- cabootcrs::DreamDataNamesMaxwell's dream data set, using full original labels
- cabootcrs::NishDataNishisato's Singapore data
- cabootcrs::OsteoDataOsteoarchaeological data with categories given as numbers
- cabootcrs::OsteoDataNamesOsteoarchaeological data with named categories
- cabootcrs::SuicideDataSuicide data
- CADF::bass.answeringmachinesAnswering machine data
- CADF::billionaireBillionaires
- CADF::cadf.data.sampleCADF-formatted sample data
- CADF::discretechoiceDiscrete choice
- CADF::exceldataExcel data
- CADF::fpHealth Data
- CADF::gammagammaGamma gamma spend model data
- CADF::ltv.transactionsLTV transactions data
- CADF::segltvSegmentation and LTV data
- CADF::srm_data#' Simple retention model data
- CADF::srm_summariesSRM model data
- CADF::stocksStockmarket put/call data
- CADF::transactionsTransactions data
- CADF::transactions.merged#' Transaction data
- CADFtest::coeffs_cTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CADFtest::coeffs_ctTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CADFtest::coeffs_ncTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CalibratR::exampleexample
- callback::address1Origin/Gender discrimination and strongly negative mediatic exposure (information technologist)
- callback::gender1Gender/Maternity discrimination (commercial and administrative jobs in the financial sector)
- callback::gender2Gender/Maternity discrimination (electricians)
- callback::gender3Gender/Maternity discrimination (masons)
- callback::gender4Gender/Maternity discrimination (plumbers)
- callback::inter1Gender/Origin discrimination (software developer)
- callback::labour1Labour market history discrimination (accountants)
- callback::labour2Labour market history discrimination (sales assistant)
- callback::mobility1Gender discrimination and mobility (management controller)
- callback::origin1Origin discrimination (accountants)
- callback::origin2Origin discrimination (waiters)
- capn::catchcatch function of GOM dataset
- capn::dsdotdsfirst derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
- capn::dsdotdsssecond derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
- capn::dwdsfirst derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
- capn::dwdsssecond derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
- capn::efforteffort function of GOM dataset
- capn::lvaproxdataPrey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
- capn::lvsimdata.timePrey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
- capn::paramthe parameter vector adopted in GOM dataset
- capn::profitprofit function in GOM dataset
- capn::sdotgrowth function of GOM dataset
- capushe::datacapushedatacapushe
- capushe::datapartialcapushedatacapushe
- capushe::datavalidcapushedatacapushe
- care::efron2004Diabetes Data from Efron et al. (2004)
- care::lu2004Brain Aging Study of Lu et al. (2004)
- care4cmodel::pine_no_thinning_and_clearcut_1pine_no_thinning_and_clearcut_1
- care4cmodel::pine_thinning_from_above_1pine_thinning_from_above_1
- caribou::BEH00Bluenose-East Caribou Herd 2000 Data
- caribou::GRH01George River Herd 2001 Data
- caribou::GRH10George River Herd 2010 Data
- caribou::GRH93George River Herd 1993 Data
- caribou::LRH01Leaf River Herd 2001 Data
- caribou::WAH11Western Arctic Herd 2011 Data
- catalytic::swimSimulated SWIM Dataset with Binary Response
- catdap::HealthDataHealth Data
- catdap::HelloGoodbyeAnonymous Binary Data
- catdap::JNcharacterThe Japanese National Character
- catdap::MissingHealthDataHealth Data with Missing Values
- causaldrf::hi_sim_dataSimulated data from Hirano and Imbens (2004)
- causaldrf::nmes_dataData set containing data from the National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES)
- causaldrf::sim_dataSimulated data from Schafer and Galagate (2015)
- CB2::Evers_CRISPRn_RT112A benchmark CRISPRn pooled screen data from Evers et al.
- CB2::Sanson_CRISPRn_A375A benchmark CRISPRn pooled screen data from Sanson et al.
- cba::MushroomMushroom Data Set
- cba::VotesCongressional Votes 1984 Data Set
- cba::townshipsBertin's Characteristics and Townships Data Set
- CBCgrps::dfsimulated dataset as a working example
- CBCgrps::dtsimulated dataset as a working example
- CBnetworkMA::smokingSmoking Cessation Data
- cccm::debtDebt Data
- cchs::cchsDataData from a case-cohort study with stratified subcohort-selection
- ccmm::ccmm_test_dataTest Data
- ccoptimalmatch::being_processedData for matching cases with controls
- ccoptimalmatch::not_processedNot-processed data for matching cases with controls
- CCSRfind::DXCCSRData to showcase CCSR-ICD-10 crosswalk
- CCSRfind::LegendThis dataset contains CCSR codes that are associated with over all ICD-10 codes
- CCSRfind::LegendExtendThis dataset contains CCSR codes for which there are over 1,000 individual ICD-10 codes
- CCTpack::continuousdatacontinuousdata
- CCTpack::hotcoldhotcold
- CCTpack::raterdataraterdata
- CCTpack::testdattestdat
- cdfquantreg::AmbdataAmbiguity-Conflict data
- cdfquantreg::AnxStrDataStress-Anxiety data
- cdfquantreg::ExtEventExtinction Study data-set
- cdfquantreg::IPCCIPCC data-set
- cdfquantreg::IPCCAUSIPCC data-set - Australian data
- cdfquantreg::IPCC_WideIPCC data-set - Wide format
- cdfquantreg::JurorDataJuror data
- cdfquantreg::yoonPatient Time Data
- cdlei::lifeDataHIV-related deaths from Colorado, USA, between 2000-2012.
- cdparcoord::TitanicTitanic passengers
- cdparcoord::categoricalexampleA small dataset for showing how tupleFreqs works in cdparcoord
- cdparcoord::demogDemographic statistics by ZIP Code.
- cdparcoord::hrdataA human resources simulated dataset.
- cdparcoord::smallexampleA small dataset for showing how tupleFreqs works in cdparcoord
- CDsampling::trauma_dataTrauma data with multinomial response
- CDsampling::trial_dataGenerated clinical trial data with binary response
- CDVineCopulaConditional::datasetRandom dataset from a given vine copula model
- CEDA::mda231CRISPR screen data of cell line MDA-MB-231.
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_aVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_bVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_cVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_dVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_aVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_bVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_cVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_dVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::volumes_A10_vSMCVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::volumes_nih3t3Volume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cencrne::example.dataSome example data
- cenGAM::nutrientNutrient dataset
- cenROC::hdsNASA Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Marker Data
- cenROC::mayoMayo Marker Data
- CEoptim::FitzHughSimulated data from FitzHugh-Nagumo differential equations
- CEoptim::lesmisNetwork data from Les Miserables
- CEoptim::ytSimulated cumulative data from an AR(1) model with regime switching
- CeRNASeek::datasetData for Examples
- cg::anorexiaFTAnorexiaFT Data Set in the cg package
- cg::canineCanine Data Set in the cg package
- cg::canine.listfmtCanine Data Set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcensGM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt1GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt2GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt3GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cgwtools::ascarrBanner Versions of Characters
- changepoint.np::HeartRateRecorded heart rate during a run
- changepointTests::pseudosPseudo-observations
- ChannelAttribution::DataCustomer journeys data.
- ChestVolume::Segment_exampleExample Chest Segment Definition
- ChestVolume::sample_dataSample 3D Motion Capture Data for Chest Expansion Analysis
- CICI::EFVPharmacoepidemiological HIV treatment data
- CICI::EFVfullPharmacoepidemiological HIV treatment data
- CIDER::pancreas_metaPancreas Metadata
- cif::iculombData from Italian Civil Protection
- CIMPLE::long_datalong_data
- CIMPLE::surv_datalong_data
- CIMPLE::train_datalong_data
- circlus::AbstractsAbstracts of Papers Co-Authored by Friedrich Leisch
- CircNNTSR::AntsMovements of ants
- CircNNTSR::Ants_radiansMovements of ants
- CircNNTSR::DataB5FisherSphericalSpherical Data on Magnetic Remanence
- CircNNTSR::DataUniformBivariate200obsUniform Bivariate Circular Data
- CircNNTSR::Datab3fisherDatabase B3 from Fisher
- CircNNTSR::Datab3fisher_readyData transformed from Datab3fisher
- CircNNTSR::Datab6fisherDatabase B6 from Fisher et al. (1987)
- CircNNTSR::Datab6fisher_readyData transformed from datab6fisher
- CircNNTSR::EarthquakesPacificMexicogt6Date of Occurrence of Earthquakes
- CircNNTSR::EarthquakesPacificMexicogt7Date of Occurrence of Earthquakes 2
- CircNNTSR::HomicidesMexico2005Homicides in Mexico during 2005
- CircNNTSR::HurricanesGulfofMexico1951to1970Hurricanes in Mexico from 1951 to 1970
- CircNNTSR::HurricanesGulfofMexico1971to2008Hurricanes in Mexico from 1971 to 2008
- CircNNTSR::NestNest orientations and creek directions
- CircNNTSR::ProteinsAAADihedral angles in protein
- CircNNTSR::SuicidesMexico2005Suicides in Mexico during 2005
- CircNNTSR::TurtlesMovements of turtles
- CircNNTSR::Turtles_radiansMovements of turtles
- CircNNTSR::WindDirectionsTrivariateWind directions
- CircNNTSRmult::EURUSDGBPBTCtimesminmaxMinimun and Maximun daily exchange rates
- CircNNTSRmult::NestNest orientations and creek directions
- CircNNTSRmult::WindDirectionsTrivariateWind directions
- CircOutlier::DMCEThe simulated 10% and 5% points of the distribution of DMCE.
- CircOutlier::windWind Direction
- CircOutlier::wind2Wind Direction
- circular::fisherB1B.1 Arrival times at an intensive care unit
- circular::fisherB10B.10 Directions of desert ants
- circular::fisherB10cB.10 Directions of desert ants
- circular::fisherB11B.11 Movements of sea stars
- circular::fisherB11cB.11 Movements of sea stars
- circular::fisherB12B.12: Vanishing directions of homing pigeons
- circular::fisherB12cB.12: Vanishing directions of homing pigeons
- circular::fisherB13B.13: Orientations of termite mounds
- circular::fisherB13cB.13: Orientations of termite mounds
- circular::fisherB18B.18 Wind direction and ozone concentration.
- circular::fisherB18cB.18 Wind direction and ozone concentration.
- circular::fisherB1cB.1 Arrival times at an intensive care unit
- circular::fisherB2B.2 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 133 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB20B.20 Movements of blue periwinkles.
- circular::fisherB20cB.20 Movements of blue periwinkles.
- circular::fisherB2cB.2 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 133 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB3B.3 Movements of turtles
- circular::fisherB3cB.3 Movements of turtles
- circular::fisherB4B.4 Directional preferences of starhead topminnows
- circular::fisherB4cB.4 Directional preferences of starhead topminnows
- circular::fisherB5B.5 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 164 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB5cB.5 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 164 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB6B.6 Cross-bed azimuths of palaeocurrents
- circular::fisherB6cB.6 Cross-bed azimuths of palaeocurrents
- circular::fisherB7B.7 Movements of ants
- circular::fisherB7cB.7 Movements of ants
- circular::fisherB8B.8 Orientations of pebbles
- circular::fisherB8cB.8 Orientations of pebbles
- circular::fisherB9B.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9cB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9directionB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9frequencyB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::ncfrogNorthern Cricket Frog
- circular::ncfrog.radNorthern Cricket Frog
- circular::pigeonsInitial orientation of displaced homing pigeons
- circular::rao.tableTable for Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity
- circular::swallowsOrientation of juvenile barn swallows
- circular::turtlesArrival directions of displaced sea turtles
- circular::windCol De La Roa wind direction
- circular::x.coopeCoope dataset
- circular::y.coopeCoope dataset
- circularEV::HsSPHindcast storm peak significant wave height data
- circularEV::drcDirectional covariate for HsSP data
- circularEV::thresholdExampleMLThreshold for spline ML and local ML examples
- circularEV::thresholdExampleMomThreshold for local Moment examples
- clarkeTest::conflictDataConflict Data
- classicaltest::dichodataSimulated multiple choice data with 1000 cases, and 20 items
- classicaltest::dichokeyKeys for dichodata
- classicaltest::polydataSimulated polytomous items data with 1000 cases, and 20 items
- ClickClust::B3Dataset: result of backward state selection
- ClickClust::CDataset: simulated dataset
- ClickClust::msnbc323Dataset: msnbc323
- ClickClust::synthIllustrative dataset: sequences of five states
- ClickClustCont::SimDataSimulated Data
- ClickClustCont::mMSNBCRevised MSNBC Data
- clikcorr::NDan NEHANSE data example
- CLSIEP15::dfc_referencesReference of degrees of freedon based on tau given in the CLSI Manual
- CLSIEP15::ferritin_longFerrtin data used in CLSI document examples in wide format
- CLSIEP15::ferritin_widerFerrtin data used in CLSI document examples in wide format
- ClusPred::simdataSimulated data
- ClustBlock::RATAchocRATA data on chocolates
- ClustBlock::cheesecheese Just About Right data
- ClustBlock::chocchocolates data
- ClustBlock::fishfish data
- ClustBlock::smoosmoothies data
- ClustBlock::strawstrawberries data
- cluster.datasets::acidosis.patientsHartigan (1975) Acidosis Patients
- cluster.datasets::airline.distances.1966Hartigan (1975) Airline Distance Between Principal Cities of the World
- cluster.datasets::all.mammals.milk.1956Hartigan (1975) Mammal's Milk
- cluster.datasets::all.us.city.crime.1970Hartigan (1975) City Crime
- cluster.datasets::amino.acid.sequence.1972Hartigan (1975) Amino Acid Sequence for Vertibrates
- cluster.datasets::animal.cluster.treesHartigan (1975) Cluster of Animals Forming a Tree
- cluster.datasets::birth.death.rates.1966Hartigan (1975) Birth and Death Rates Per 1000
- cluster.datasets::british.butterfly.appearanceHartigan (1975) Times of Appearance of British Butterflies
- cluster.datasets::cake.ingredients.1961Hartigan (1975) Ingredients in Cakes
- cluster.datasets::candida.oxidation.fermentationHartigan (1975) Oxidation-Fermentation Patterns
- cluster.datasets::cerci.tail.presenceHartigan (1975) Presence of Cerci in Insects
- cluster.datasets::ct.president.vote.1920.1964Hartigan (1975) Connecticut Votes for President
- cluster.datasets::european.foodsHartigan( 1975) European Food
- cluster.datasets::hardware.triadsHartigan (1975) Triads Based on Hardware
- cluster.datasets::hartigan.datasetsHartigan (1975) Data Sets
- cluster.datasets::indian.caste.measuresHartigan (1975) Indian Caste Measurements
- cluster.datasets::indo.european.languagesHartigan (1975) Indo-European Languages
- cluster.datasets::indochina.combat.deathsHartigan (1975) Combat Deaths in Indochina
- cluster.datasets::ivy.league.football.1965Hartigan (1975) Ivy League Football 1965
- cluster.datasets::jigsaw.puzzle.measuresHartigan (1975) Jigsaw Puzzle Measurements
- cluster.datasets::languages.spoken.europeHartigan (1975) Languages Spoken in Europe
- cluster.datasets::leukemia.youth.mortality.1956.1967Hartigan (1975) Mortality Rates from Leukemia AMong Children
- cluster.datasets::life.expectancy.1971Hartigan (1975) Expectations of Life by Country, Age and Sex
- cluster.datasets::life.expectancy.age.sex.1971Hartigan (1975) Expectation of Life in Various Cities by Age and Sex
- cluster.datasets::linguistic.relatednessHartigan (1975) Relatedness Values of Selected Words
- cluster.datasets::mammal.dentitionHartigan (1975) Dentition of Animals
- cluster.datasets::minor.planets.1961Hartigan (1975) Minor Planets
- cluster.datasets::mutation.distances.1967Hartigan (1975) Mutation Distances
- cluster.datasets::nails.screwsHartigan (1975) Nails and Screws
- cluster.datasets::new.haven.school.scoresHartigan (1975) Achievement Test Schores, New Haven Schools
- cluster.datasets::nutrients.meat.fish.fowl.1959Hartigan (1975) Nutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl
- cluster.datasets::ohio.croplands.1949Hartigan (1975) Ohio Croplands
- cluster.datasets::olympic.track.1896.1964Hartigan (1975) Olympic Track 1896 to 1964
- cluster.datasets::physical.measure.correlationsHartigan (1975) Correlation Between Physical Measuresments
- cluster.datasets::planet.earth.distances.1970Hartigan (1975) Planets and Moons
- cluster.datasets::planets.moons.1970Hartigan (1975) Planets and Moons
- cluster.datasets::portable.typewritersHartigan (1975) Portable Typewriters
- cluster.datasets::rda.meat.fish.fowl.1959Hartigan (1975) Nutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl Percent RDA
- cluster.datasets::sample.mammals.milk.1956Hartigan (1975) Mammals Milk
- cluster.datasets::sample.stock.yields.1959.1969Hartigan (1975) Yield of Stocks
- cluster.datasets::sample.us.city.crime.1970Hartigan (1975) City Crime
- cluster.datasets::student.questionnaireHartigan (1975) Student Questionnaire
- cluster.datasets::un.votes.1969.1970Hartigan (1975) Selected Votes in the United Nations
- cluster.datasets::us.car.repair.1969Hartigan (1975) Frequency of Car Repairs
- cluster.datasets::us.civil.war.battlesHartigan (1975) Civil War Battles in Chronological Order
- cluster.datasets::us.congressional.billsHartigan (1975) Congressman b y Bills
- cluster.datasets::us.food.cost.nutrients.1959Hartigan (1975) Cost and Nutrient Contribution for Selected Foods
- cluster.datasets::us.links.between.statesHartigan (1975) Links Between States
- cluster.datasets::us.per.capita.income.1964Hartigan (1975) U.S. Per Capita Income in Dollars 1964
- cluster.datasets::us.president.vote.1900.1968Hartigan (1975) Republican Vote for President
- cluster.datasets::us.sector.profitability.1959.1968Hartigan (1975) Profitability of U.S. Economic Sectors
- cluster.datasets::us.south.demographics.1965Hartigan (1975) Demographic Data for the South
- cluster.datasets::vervet.sleeping.groupsHartigan (1975) Vervet Sleeping Groups
- cluster.datasets::wine.evaluation.1961.1970Hartigan (1975) Evaluation of Wines
- clusterability::normals1Data generated from a single multivariate Normal distribution, 2 dimensions.
- clusterability::normals2Data generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions, 2 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (-3, -2) with each variable having unit variance and uncorrelated with each other. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 1) with each variable having unit variance and uncorrelated with each other. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals3Data generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions, 2 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions. 50 observations are from a distribution with mean vector (3, 0), 50 observations from a distribution with mean vector (0, 3), and 50 observations from a distribution with mean vector (3, 6). For each of these three distributions, the x and y variables have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals4Data generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions, 3 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 3, 2) and 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (4, 6, 0). For each distribution, the variables each have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals5Data generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions, 3 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions. 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 3, 3), 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (4, 6, 0), and 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (2, 8, -3). For each distribution, the variables each have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- ClusteredMutations::PD4107aSomatic mutations data set from a primary breast cancer genome.
- ClusterRankTest::datasetdataset
- clustMD::ByarByar prostate cancer data set.
- clusTransition::Data2DSynthetic Datasets (Two Dimensional)
- clusTransition::Data3DSynthetic Datasets (Three Dimensional)
- ClusVis::congressReal categorical data set: Congressional Voting Records Data Set
- cmbClust::aisAustralian Institute of Sport data
- cmbClust::smltn1Simulated datasets
- cmbClust::smltn2Simulated datasets
- cmenet::maizeMaize dataset
- CMHNPA::asbestosAsbestos data
- CMHNPA::cerealCereal data
- CMHNPA::cornCorn data
- CMHNPA::crossoverCross-over data
- CMHNPA::dynamiteDynamite data
- CMHNPA::foodFood data
- CMHNPA::hrHR data
- CMHNPA::icecreamIce Cream data
- CMHNPA::intelligenceIntelligence data
- CMHNPA::jamJam data
- CMHNPA::job_satisfactionJob Satisfaction data
- CMHNPA::lemonadeLemonade data
- CMHNPA::lemonade_sugarLemonade Sugar data
- CMHNPA::lizardLizard data
- CMHNPA::marriageMarriage data
- CMHNPA::milkMilk data
- CMHNPA::peanutsPeanuts data
- CMHNPA::saltinessSaltiness data
- CMHNPA::strawberryStrawberry data
- CMHNPA::trafficTraffic data
- CMHNPA::whiskeyWhiskey data
- CMHSU::SampleRWDSample RWD Data
- cmprskcoxmsm::follicFollicular cell lymphoma study
- CNLTtsa::BaiduEnd of second returns for Google from 1st March 2011
- CNLTtsa::GoogleEnd of second returns for Google from 1st March 2011
- COCONUT::GSEs.testCOCONUT test data
- CoDaLoMic::SimulatedGut microbiome simulated dataset
- CoDaLoMic::cockroachcockroach dataset
- cogirt::cptCPT Data
- cogirt::ex1Simulated Data for a Unidimensional Two-Parameter Item Response Model
- cogirt::ex2Simulated Data for a Signal Detection Weighted IRT Model
- cogirt::ex3Simulated Data for a Signal Detection Weighted IRT Model with an Experimental Design
- cogirt::ex4Simulated Data for a Unidimensional Two-Parameter Item Response Model with Two Measurement Occasions
- cogirt::ex5Simulated Single Subject Data for a Signal Detection Weighted IRT Model with an Experimental Design
- cogirt::flankerFlanker Data
- cogirt::nbackN-Back Data
- cogirt::pltPLT Data
- cogirt::soptSOPT Data
- cogirt::sternbergSternberg Data
- cohetsurr::exampledataExample data
- cold::bolusBolus data
- cold::datacoldData
- cold::datacoldMData with missing values
- cold::seizureEpileptic Seizure
- colourvision::D65CIE Standard Illuminant D65 in quantum flux (umol/m2/s)
- colourvision::RbBrazilian savannah background reflectance spectrum.
- colourvision::beeHoneybee photoreceptors
- CoMiRe::CPPCollaborative Perinatal Project data