- ABC.RAP::annotation_fileannotation file for the 450k probes
- ABC.RAP::nonspecific_probes450k DNA methylation non specific probes
- ABC.RAP::test_datatest dataset of 450k DNA methylation
- ABCanalysis::SwissInhabitantsSwissInhabitants in 1900
- abms::ensChilean National Health Survey (2016-2017)
- ABRSQOL::ABRSQOL_testdataTest data for ABRSQOL quality of life inversion
- absorber::x_obsObservation matrix x of five variables
- absorber::y_obsValues of the response variable of the noisy observation set of five input variables
- acc::NHANESNHANES data
- ACDm::adjDurDataTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::defaultSplineObjTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::durDataTime Series Data Sets
- ACDm::transDataTime Series Data Sets
- acid::datACID Simulated Data
- acid::dist.para.tDistributions and their Parameters
- acid::paramsParameter estimators obtained from Structured Additive Distributional Regression
- acp::polioPolio cases in USA from Jan 1970 till Dec 1983
- acss::exp1Data from Experiment 1 in Gauvrit, Singmann, Soler-Toscano & Zenil
- acss::exp2Data from Experiment 2 in Gauvrit, Singmann, Soler-Toscano & Zenil
- acss::matthews2013Data from Experiment 1 in Matthews (2013)
- ActivityIndex::TimeScaleTime scale vector from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
- adapt4pv::XSimulated data for the adapt4pv package
- adapt4pv::YSimulated data for the adapt4pv package
- adaptsmoFMRI::data_simfmriSimulated FMRI Data Set (for one covariate)
- adaptsmoFMRI::data_simfmri2COVARSimulated FMRI Data Set (for two covariates)
- addScales::CHITempsDaily Chicago High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::NYCTempsDaily New York City High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::SFTempsDaily San Francisco High and Low Temperatures in °F
- addScales::USAcrimeUSA Property and Violent Crime Data, 1960 - 2014
- ADER::LucanusAllometry Data of Stag Beetles
- ADER::ailantoGermination Test of Ailanthus Seeds
- ADER::algasSize and Reproduction in Codium Seaweeds
- ADER::araAraucaria Seedlings
- ADER::arrecifesCalifornian Reefs
- ADER::chalcoAllometric Data of Giant Rhinoceros Beetles
- ADER::cladoniaCladonia Cover in Finland
- ADER::defoDefoliation in Almeria Pine Forests
- ADER::dryProductivity in Chiapas Dry Forests
- ADER::fireflyMating in Fireflies
- ADER::insectoInsects and Plant Disease
- ADER::liquenesEpiphytic Lichens Data
- ADER::plantulas0Monitoring of Helianthemum Seedlings
- adlift::motorcycledataMotorcycle data.
- ADLP::test_adlp_componentTest ADLP Component
- ADLP::test_claims_datasetClaims Data in data.frame Format
- AF::clslowbwtBirthweight data clustered on the mother.
- AF::rott2Cohort study on breast cancer patients from the Netherlands.
- AF::singaporeCase-control study on oesophageal cancer in Chinese Singapore men.
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ccExample Data of Continuous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ceExample Data of Continuous Observations and Ensemble Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dcExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.ddExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Dichotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.deExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Ensemble Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dmExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Polychotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.dpExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Probabilistic Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mcExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Continuous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.meExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Ensembles Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mmExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Polychotomous Forecasts
- afc::cnrm.nino34.mpExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Probabilistic Forecasts
- affluenceIndex::affluenceEquivalised income
- afmToolkit::batchExperimentExample of an afmexperiment data class.
- AFR::finratKZfinratKZ dataset
- AFR::macroKZmacroKZ dataset
- agricolae::CICData for late blight of potatoes
- agricolae::Chz2006Data amendment Carhuaz 2006
- agricolae::ComasOxapampaData AUDPC Comas - Oxapampa
- agricolae::DCData for the analysis of carolina genetic design
- agricolae::GlycoalkaloidsData Glycoalkaloids
- agricolae::Hco2006Data amendment Huanuco 2006
- agricolae::LxTData Line by tester
- agricolae::RioChillonData and analysis Mother and baby trials
- agricolae::clayData of Ralstonia population in clay soil
- agricolae::cornData of corn
- agricolae::cottonData of cotton
- agricolae::diseaseData evaluation of the disease overtime
- agricolae::frijolData of frijol
- agricolae::genxenvData of potato yield in a different environment
- agricolae::grassData for Friedman test
- agricolae::greenhouseData in greenhouse
- agricolae::growthData growth of trees
- agricolae::haynesData of AUDPC for nonparametrical stability analysis
- agricolae::heterosisData of potato, Heterosis
- agricolae::huasahuasiData: Rainfall thresholds as support for timing fungicide applications in the control of potato late blight in Peru
- agricolae::markersData of molecular markers
- agricolae::melonData of yield of melon in a Latin square experiment
- agricolae::nativesData of native potato
- agricolae::pamCIPData Potato Wild
- agricolae::paracshoData of Paracsho biodiversity
- agricolae::plotsData for an analysis in split-plot
- agricolae::plrvData clones from the PLRV population
- agricolae::potatoData of cutting
- agricolae::ralstoniaData of assessment of the population in the soil R.solanacearum
- agricolae::riceData of Grain yield of rice variety IR8
- agricolae::sinRepAmmiData for AMMI without repetition
- agricolae::soilData of soil analysis for 13 localities
- agricolae::sweetpotatoData of sweetpotato yield
- agricolae::wiltData of Bacterial Wilt (AUDPC) and soil
- agricolae::yaconData Yacon
- agrostab::exp_dataExperimental data for stability analysis
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinInfoData sample: characteristics of a different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::BasinObsData sample: time series of observations of different catchments
- airGR::Param_Sets_GR4JGeneralist parameter sets for the GR4J model
- airGR::simCNGR4JDefault preview of model outputs
- airGR::simGR4JDefault preview of model outputs
- airGRdatasets::A273011002Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::A605102001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::B222001001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::E540031001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::E645651001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::F439000101Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H010002001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H120101001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::H622101001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::J171171001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::J421191001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K134181001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K265401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::K731261001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::V123521001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::X031001001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::X045401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::Y643401001Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- airGRdatasets::Y862000101Metadata and daily time series of catchment-scale hydro-meteorological observations
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeARadiosonde A
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeDRadiosonde D
- aiRthermo::RadiosondeDavenportRadiosonde Davenport
- aiRthermo::aiRthermoConstantsThermodynamical Constansts
- aiRthermo::fixedlinesData for plotting the lines of the thermodynamic (STUVE) diagram
- akima::akimaWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
- akima::akima760Sample data from Akima's Bicubic Spline Interpolation code (TOMS 760)
- akima::frankeTest datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered data
- align::candidate_dataSynthetic Candidate Data
- align::target_dataSynthetic Target Data
- alphaOutlier::citiesDataPopulation of the 999 largest German cities
- alphaOutlier::daysabsNumber of absence days of students
- AlphaPart::AlphaPart.pedSample pedigree for partition.
- AlteredPQR::int_pairsProtein pairs
- AlteredPQR::quant_data_allProteomic measurements data matrix
- ammiBayes::ammiDataDataset for example
- AMModels::mymodelsSample 'amModelLib' Object Containing Models and Data.
- anabel::MCK_datasetSimulated data of binding curve for MCK.
- anabel::MCK_dataset_driftSimulated data of binding curve for MCK with linear drift.
- anabel::SCA_datasetSimulated data for SCA method.
- anabel::SCA_dataset_driftSimulated data for SCA method with linear drift.
- anabel::SCK_datasetSimulated data of different binding curves for SCK method.
- anabel::SCK_dataset_decaySimulated data of different binding curves for SCK method with exponential decay.
- anomaly::machinetempMachine temperature data.
- anomaly::sim.dataSimulated data.
- Anthropometry::USAFSurveyUSAF 1967 survey
- Anthropometry::cube34landmCube of 34 landmarks
- Anthropometry::cube8landmCube of 8 landmarks
- Anthropometry::descrDissTrunksDescription of the dissimilarities between women's trunks
- Anthropometry::landmarksSampleSpaSurvLandmarks of the sampled women of the Spanish Survey
- Anthropometry::parallelep34landmParallelepiped of 34 landmarks
- Anthropometry::parallelep8landmParallelepiped of 8 landmarks
- Anthropometry::sampleSpanishSurveySample database of the Spanish anthropometric survey
- AntibodyForests::PLM_dataframeSmall PLM dataframe for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_defaultSmall AntibodyForests object with default algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_mstSmall AntibodyForests object with MST algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::af_njSmall AntibodyForests object with NJ algorithm for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::compare_repertoireExample output from Af_compare_within_repertoires() for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::small_afSmall AntibodyForests object for function testing purposes
- AntibodyForests::small_vdjSmall VDJ dataframe for function testing purposes
- aod::antibioAntibiotics against Shipping Fever in Calves
- aod::cohortsAge, Period and Cohort Effects for Vital Rates
- aod::djaMortality of Djallonke Lambs in Senegal
- aod::lizardsA Comparison of Site Preferences of Two Species of Lizard
- aod::micePregnant Female Mice Experiment
- aod::orob1Germination Data
- aod::orob2Germination Data
- aod::rabbitsRabbits Foetuses Survival Experiment
- aod::ratsRats Diet Experiment
- aod::salmonellaSalmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay
- apdesign::indv_changeRepeated measures data over three years
- apdesign::mean_changeData for a single time trend over three years
- approxmatch::DodgeramDodge ram pk 2500 data on side airbag (SAB) usage from 1995 to 2015
- apt::daVichImport prices and values of wooden beds from Vietnam and China
- arakno::globalTreeGlobal spider backbone tree.
- arakno::wscmapMatrix matching WSC and ISO3 country codes.
- arcpullr::cook_creek_envVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::cook_creek_streamsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::cook_creek_wsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::example_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::iceland_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::mke_countyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::mke_riverVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::poly_streams_containsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::poly_streams_crossesVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::portage_countyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::reykjanes_polyVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::sp_rel_lookupSpatial relationship descriptor and lookup tables
- arcpullr::sp_rel_validSpatial relationship descriptor and lookup tables
- arcpullr::sugar_creekVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::sugar_creek_envVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::trout_hab_project_ptVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::trout_hab_project_ptsVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::wis_countiesVarious example sf polygons
- arcpullr::wis_polyVarious example sf polygons
- argosfilter::sealSatellite tracking data from a ringed seal
- ART::data.higgins1990Dataset to be used in the ART use example
- arulesSequences::zakiZaki Data Set
- asht::ama1c1cpgThree arm phase 1 malaria vaccine trial
- asnipe::gbiDetections of Individuals Forming Flocks at Bird Feeders
- asnipe::identified_individualsRaw Observation Data of Individual Birds Feeding at Flocks
- asnipe::indsData on the Individual Birds Contained in the Group by Individual data
- asnipe::timesObservation Time for each Flock Contained in the Group by Individual data
- aspace::activitiesDemo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations
- aspace::activities2Demo Data: x and y coordinates of 10 specified point locations
- aspace::centreDemo Data: Coordinates of a single source, centre, location
- aspace::wtsWeights vector
- assist::ArosaMonthly Mean Ozone Thickness in Arosa of Switzerland
- assist::StratfordDaily maximum temperatures in Stratford
- assist::TXtempTexas Historical Climate Data
- assist::USAtempAverage Winter temperature in the United States
- assist::acidLake Acidity Study
- assist::bondTreasury and GE bonds
- assist::canadaTempMonthly Mean Temperatures
- assist::chickenpoxChickenpox in New York City
- assist::climateWinter Average Temperatures
- assist::dogCoronary Ainus Potassium Concentrations
- assist::horm.cortHormone Measurements of Cortisol
- assist::parameciumGrowth of paramecium caudatum population
- assist::seizureIEEG segments from a seizure patient
- assist::starMagnitude of the Mira Variable R Hydrae
- assist::ultrasoundUltrasound imaging of the tongue shape
- assist::wesdrWisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy
- AssocBin::heartHeart Disease Diagnosis Data
- AssocBin::sp500pseudoDe-Garched S&P 500 returns
- aster::aphidLife History Data on Uroleucon rudbeckiae
- aster::beta.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::chamaeLife History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::chamae2Life History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::chamae3Life History Data on Chamaecrista fasciculata
- aster::echin2Life History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster::echinaceaLife History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster::famSimulated Life History Data
- aster::famSimulated Life History Data
- aster::ladataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::mu.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::oatsLife History Data on Avena barbata
- aster::phi.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::predSimulated Life History Data
- aster::predSimulated Life History Data
- aster::radishLife History Data on Raphanus sativus
- aster::redataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::redataSimulated Life History Data
- aster::theta.trueSimulated Life History Data
- aster::varsSimulated Life History Data
- aster::varsSimulated Life History Data
- aster2::echinaceaLife History Data on Echinacea angustifolia
- aster2::hornwormLife History Data on Manduca sexta
- aster2::test1Test Data
- astrochron::modelAExample stratigraphic model series
- astrodatR::COMBO17_lowzGalaxy color-magnitude diagram
- astrodatR::COUP_varCOUP: X-ray source variability
- astrodatR::GlobClus_magGlobular cluster magnitudes
- astrodatR::GlobClus_propGalactic globular cluster properties
- astrodatR::HIPHipparchos stars
- astrodatR::LMC_distDistance to the Large Magellanic Cloud
- astrodatR::SDSS_QSOSloan Digital Sky Survey quasars
- astrodatR::SDSS_ptsrc_testSloan Digital Sky Survey point source photometry: Test sample
- astrodatR::SDSS_ptsrc_trainSloan Digital Sky Survey point source photometry: Training sample
- astrodatR::Shapley_galaxyShapley Concentration of galaxies redshift survey
- astrodatR::Sun_spot_numSunspot numbers
- astrodatR::asteroid_densDensities of asteroids
- astrodatR::censor_BeStellar abundances and planets
- astrodatR::ell_gal_profileElliptical galaxy radial profiles
- astrodatR::exoplanet_RVExoplanet radial velocities
- astrodatR::plan_neb_LFPlanetary nebula luminosity function
- astrodatR::protostellar_disksProtostellar disks
- astrodatR::protostellar_jetsProtostellar jets
- asymmetry.measures::GDP.Per.head.dist.1995annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head across 15 European Union (EU) countries
- asymmetry.measures::GDP.Per.head.dist.2005annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head across 15 European Union (EU) countries
- ATNr::schneiderDefault parameters as in Schneider et al. (2016)
- atRisk::data_USHistorical data for the US (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 1973:Q1 to 2020:Q1
- atRisk::data_euroHistorical data for the eurozone (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 2008:Q4 to 2022:Q3
- atRisk::data_param_histo_USHistorical parameters (skew-t) for the US from 1973:Q1 to 2020:Q1
- augSIMEX::GeneRepeatExample data for univariate error-prone covariates in repeated measurements case
- augSIMEX::GeneUniExample of genetic data for univariate error-prone covariates
- augSIMEX::ToyMultToy example data for multivariate error-prone covariates
- augSIMEX::ToyRepeatToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates in repeated measurements case
- augSIMEX::ToyUniToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates
- autoRasch::correl02_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.2 correlation
- autoRasch::correl03_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.3 correlation
- autoRasch::correl04_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.4 Correlation
- autoRasch::correl05_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.5 Correlation
- autoRasch::correl06_multidimMultidimensional polytomous data set with 0.6 Correlation
- autoRasch::dicho_inh_dsetInhomogenous Dichotomous Data Set
- autoRasch::dicho_md_dsetUncorrelated Multidimensional Dichotomous Data Set
- autoRasch::poly_inh_dsetThe Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset
- autoRasch::poly_md_dsetUncorrelated Multidimensional Polytomous Data Set
- autoRasch::polydif_inh_dsetThe Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset containing DIF items
- autoRasch::shortDIFA Shorter Polytomous Dataset with DIF
- autoRasch::short_poly_dataA Shorter Inhomogenous Polytomous Dataset
- autoRasch::testlets_datasetMulti-testlets Polytomous Data Set
- autoRasch::withinItem_multidimWithin-item Multidimensional Polytomous Data Set
- AutoTransQF::MelanomaMelanomaFeatures from Miedema et al. (2012)
- BalanceCheck::smokingDistThe distance matrix of the smoking data
- BAMMtools::events.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mass.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::traits.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BANAM::W_votesWeight matrix for counties in Alabama, US
- BANAM::X_votesCovariate data frame for the Alabama voter turnout data
- BANAM::y_votesLogarithmized voter turnout in Alabama, US
- bangladesh::area_namesBanlgadesh administrative levels names in English
- bangladesh::map_countryBanlgadesh administrative level 0 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_districtBanlgadesh administrative level 2 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_divisionBanlgadesh administrative level 1 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_unionBanlgadesh administrative level 4 shapefile
- bangladesh::map_upazilaBanlgadesh administrative level 3 shapefile
- bangladesh::pop_district_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for district level
- bangladesh::pop_division_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for division level
- bangladesh::pop_upazila_2011Banlgadesh population census-2011 data for upazila level
- bartMan::input_datainput_data
- bartMan::tree_data_exampletree_data_example
- BAT::arrabidaSample data of spiders in Arrabida (Portugal)
- BAT::functreeFunctional tree for 338 species of spiders
- BAT::geresSample data of spiders in Geres (Portugal)
- BAT::guadianaSample data of spiders in Guadiana (Portugal)
- BAT::phylotreeTaxonomic tree for 338 species of spiders (surrogate for phylogeny)
- BAwiR::acb_games_1718ACB games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::acb_games_2223_coachACB coaches in the 2022-2023 season.
- BAwiR::acb_games_2223_infoACB games 2022-2023, days and codes.
- BAwiR::acb_players_1718ACB players 2017-2018
- BAwiR::acb_shieldsShields of the ACB teams
- BAwiR::acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223ACB play-by-play data, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont Zaragoza
- BAwiR::acb_vbc_cz_sl_2223ACB starting lineups, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont Zaragoza
- BAwiR::eurocup_games_1718Eurocup games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::eurocup_players_1718Eurocup players 2017-2018
- BAwiR::euroleague_games_1718Euroleague games 2017-2018
- BAwiR::euroleague_players_1718Euroleague players 2017-2018
- BayesBP::simulated_data_1Generate simulated data 1
- BayesBP::simulated_data_2Generate simulated data 2
- BayesCPclust::dataError free data for all examples.
- BayesCPclust::data_aError free data for all examples.
- BayesCR::motorettesAccelerated Life Tests On Electrical Insulation
- BayesFBHborrow::piecewise_exp_ccExample data, simulated from a piecewise exponential model.
- BayesFBHborrow::piecewise_exp_histExample data, simulated from a piecewise exponential model.
- BayesFBHborrow::weibull_ccExample data, simulated from a Weibull distribution.
- BayesFBHborrow::weibull_histExample data, simulated from a Weibull distribution
- BayesGOF::AutoInsNumber of claims on an insurance policy
- BayesGOF::ChildIllFrequency of child illness
- BayesGOF::CorbBflyCorbet's Butterfly data
- BayesGOF::NorbergInsNorberg life insurance data
- BayesGOF::arsenicArsenic levels in oyster tissue
- BayesGOF::galaxyGalaxy Data
- BayesGOF::ratRat Tumor Data
- BayesGOF::shipPortsmouth Navy Shipyard Data
- BayesGOF::steroidNasal Steroid Data
- BayesGOF::surgIntestinal surgery data
- BayesGOF::tacksRolling Tacks Data
- BayesGOF::terbTerbinafine trial data
- BayesGOF::ulcerRecurrent Bleeding of Ulcers
- BayesGP::PEN_deathThe monthly all-cause mortality for male with age less than 40 in Pennsylvania.
- BayesGP::ccDataA simulated dataset from the case-crossover model.
- BayesGP::covid_canadaThe COVID-19 daily death data in Canada.
- BayesianFactorZoo::BFactor_zoo_exampleSimulated Example Dataset *'BFactor_zoo_example'*
- bayeslist::londonThe 2017 London List Experiment
- bayeslist::srilankaThe Sri Lanka List Experiment on Wartime Sexual Violence
- bayesm::ScotchSurvey Data on Brands of Scotch Consumed
- bayesm::bankBank Card Conjoint Data
- bayesm::cameraConjoint Survey Data for Digital Cameras
- bayesm::cheeseSliced Cheese Data
- bayesm::customerSatCustomer Satisfaction Data
- bayesm::detailingPhysician Detailing Data
- bayesm::margarineHousehold Panel Data on Margarine Purchases
- bayesm::orangeJuiceStore-level Panel Data on Orange Juice Sales
- bayesm::tunaCanned Tuna Sales Data
- bayesmix::darwinDifferences in heights between plants
- bayesmix::fishFish length data
- BayesMortalityPlus::PTMortality Data from Portugal to be used as example
- BayesMortalityPlus::USAMortality Database from United States to be used as example
- BayesPPDSurv::melanomaMelanoma Clinical Trials E1684 and E1690
- bayesreg::spambaseSpambase
- BayesRGMM::GSPSThe German socioeconomic panel study data
- bayesSurv::cgdChronic Granulomatous Disease data
- bayesSurv::tandmob2Signal Tandmobiel data, version 2
- bayesSurv::tandmobRoosSignal Tandmobiel data, version Roos
- bbdetection::djiadDaily data the Dow Jones Industrial Average index
- bbdetection::djiamMonthly data on the Dow Jones Industrial Average index
- bbdetection::sp500dDaily data the S&P 500 index
- bbdetection::sp500mMonthly data on the S&P 500 index
- bbreg::BFBody Fat data set
- bbreg::SAStress/Axiety data set
- bbreg::WTWeather Task data set
- BCA1SG::adapt_duserA data set adapted from the data set "duser" in the package "FHtest"
- BCA1SG::adapt_skiTumA data set adapted from the data set "skiTum" in the package "spef"
- BCA1SG::linerThe marine engine cylinder liner data from Giorgio et al. (2012)
- BCBCSF::lymph.XLymphoma Microarray Data
- BCBCSF::lymph.yLymphoma Microarray Data
- bcgam::duncanDuncan's occupational prestige data
- BCRA::BrCa_1_ARBreast cancer 1-Attributable Risk
- BCRA::BrCa_betaBreast cancer beta
- BCRA::BrCa_lambda1Breast cancer composite incidences
- BCRA::BrCa_lambda2Breast cancer competing mortality
- BCRA::exampledataExample data set
- bda::EUFirmSizeFirm size data of 10 EU countries
- bda::Employment2Firm size data
- bda::Firm2Firm size data
- bda::FirmAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmDeathAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmDeathSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmEmploymentAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmEmploymentSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmJobAgeFirm size data
- bda::FirmJobSizeFirm size data
- bda::FirmSizeFirm size data
- bda::Job2Firm size data
- bda::LCLBreast Cancer Data
- bda::metaBreast Cancer Data
- bda::normalBreast Cancer Data
- bda::ofcoccipitofrontal head circumference data
- bda::painPain data
- bda::primaryBreast Cancer Data
- beanz::solvd.subSubject level data from SOLVD trial
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp15.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp16.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp17.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::BBC_pp18.1Subsets of Party Panel datasets
- behaviorchange::abcd_specification_emptySimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specification_example_xtcSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_completeSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_dutch_xtcSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_single_po_without_conditionsSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- behaviorchange::abcd_specs_without_conditionsSimple example datasets for ABCDs
- BElikelihood::datData example for bioequivalence (BE) study
- benford::switz.dataNumber of daily new cases of COVID-19 in Switzerland
- bentcableAR::sockeyeRivers Inlet Sockeye Abundance
- bentcableAR::stagnantStagnant Band Height Data
- benthos::northseaMWTL North Sea Bentos Data
- benthos::oosterscheldeOosterschelde Marine Benthos Data
- BeQut::dataLongdataLong
- BeQut::waveData of wave
- BeSS::SAheartRisk factors associated with heart disease
- BeSS::gravierbreast cancer data set
- BeSS::prostateFactors associated with prostate specific antigen
- BESTree::DataData generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
- BESTree::FitData generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
- betapart::bbs1980BBS data by state for two timeslices
- betapart::bbs2000BBS data by state for two timeslices
- betapart::betatestA data set of 4 communities, 107 species and a 4D functional space
- betapart::ceram.nCerambycidae from Northern European Countries
- betapart::ceram.sCerambycidae from Southern European Countries
- betapart::coords.nSpatial coordinates for Southern European Countries
- betapart::coords.sSpatial coordinates for Southern European Countries
- betategarch::nasdaqDaily Apple stock returns
- BeyondBenford::address_AixesurVienneStreet addresses of Aixe-sur-Vienne
- BeyondBenford::address_LimogesStreet addresses of Limoges
- BeyondBenford::address_PierreBuffiereStreet addresses of Pierre-Buffiere
- BeyondBenford::censusAlabama census
- BGLR::mice.APedigree info for the mice dataset
- BGLR::mice.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::mice.mapGenetic map info for the mice dataset
- BGLR::mice.phenoPhenotypical data for the mice dataset
- BGLR::simulated3t.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::simulated3t.phenoPhenotypical data for simulated dataset with 3 traits
- BGLR::wheat.APedigree info for the wheat dataset
- BGLR::wheat.XMolecular markers
- BGLR::wheat.YGrain yield
- BGLR::wheat.setsSets for cross validation (CV)
- BHAI::eu_ppsAggregated data of the ECDC PPS 2010-2011.
- BHAI::german_pps_convAggregated data of the german PPS 2010-2011 (convenience sample).
- BHAI::hospital_dischargesHospital discharges in Germany (2011)
- BHAI::length_of_stayAverage length of stay of survey patients in german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::loi_ppsA list containing length of infections from all patients in the german PPS 2011 representative sample.
- BHAI::mccabe_life_expNamed list containing remaining life expectancies for each McCabe score (NONFATAL, ULTFATAL, RAPFATAL).
- BHAI::mccabe_scores_distrThe observed McCabe scores (counts) for each infection, age and gender stratum from the ECDC PPS 2011-2012.
- BHAI::num_hai_patientsNumber of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::num_hai_patients_by_stratumStratified number of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample)
- BHAI::num_hai_patients_by_stratum_priorStratified number of cases for each infection in the german PPS 2011 (convenience sample). This distribution is used as a Prior for the representative sample.
- BHAI::num_survey_patientsNumber of survey patients in the german PPS 2011 (representative sample).
- BHAI::populationPopulation size of Germany in 2011.
- BHAI::sim_ppsSimulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_bhaiBHAI with default options was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_bhai_priorBHAI with prior was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHAI::sim_pps_stratifiedBHAI with stratified sampling was applied to simulated/subsampled data sets from european PPS
- BHSBVAR::USLMDataU.S. Labor Market Data
- bibliometrixData::biblioDataset of "Bibliometrics" scientific documents.
- bibliometrixData::biblio_dfDataset of "Bibliometrics" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::garfieldEugene Garfield's manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::isiCollectionBibliometrics manuscripts from Clarivate Analytics WoS.
- bibliometrixData::managementThe use of bibliometric approaches in business and management disciplines.
- bibliometrixData::scientometrics"Co-citation analysis" and "Coupling analysis" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::scientometrics_text"Co-citation analysis" and "Coupling analysis" manuscripts.
- bibliometrixData::scopusCollection"Bibliometrics" manuscripts from SCOPUS.
- biclust::BicatYeastBicAT Yeast
- biclust::EisenYeastEisen Yeast
- biclust::SyntrenEcoliSynTReN E. coli
- BICORN::Binding_TFsTFs in the prior binding network
- BICORN::Binding_genesGenes in the prior binding network
- BICORN::Binding_matrixPrior TF-gene binding network
- BICORN::Exp_dataGene expression data
- BICORN::Exp_genesGenes in the expression data
- bifurcatingr::ecoliLifetimes (in minutes) of lineage E. coli cells.
- bifurcatingr::emt6Mean Lifetimes (in tenths of hours) of EMT6 (BALB/c mouse mammary tumor) cells.
- bigdatadist::AusmaleAustralian Male Mortality Rates
- bigdatadist::mervalMerval Index
- bigtcr::pancancerExample Pancreatic Cancer Dataset
- bild::airpollutionAir Pollution
- bild::locustLocust
- bild::muscatineMuscatine
- BinaryEPPM::Berkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Berkshire breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::KupperHaseman.caseKupper and Haseman example data
- BinaryEPPM::Parkes.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Parkes breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::Yorkshires.littersThe data are of the number of male piglets born in litters of varying sizes for the Yorkshire breed of pigs.
- BinaryEPPM::ropespores.caseDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
- BinaryEPPM::ropespores.groupedDilution series for the presence of rope spores.
- BinaryEPPM::wordcount.caseNumber of occurences of an article in five-word and ten-word samples from two authors.
- BinaryEPPM::wordcount.groupedNumber of occurences of an article in five-word and ten-word samples from two authors.
- binequality::county_binsA data set containing binned income for US counties
- binequality::school_district_binsA data set containing the school district data.
- binequality::state_binsA data set containing the binned state data.
- bingat::braingraphsBrain Graph Data Set
- binGroup::hivsurvData from an HIV surveillance project
- binhf::chr20DNA datasets
- binhf::mhcDNA datasets
- binhf::pintenspintens
- binomialRF::pmf_listA prebuilt distribution for correlated binary data
- binomialtrend::gsta_dataCRUTEM World Mean Temperature Data Set from 1851 to 2022
- bio.infer::bcnt.ORBenthic count data for western Oregon
- bio.infer::bcnt.emapwBenthic count data for the western United States
- bio.infer::bcnt.otu.ORBenthic count data with OTU
- bio.infer::bcnt.tax.ORBenthic count with taxonomic hierarchy
- bio.infer::coef.east.sedRegression coefficients for eastern U.S. sediment
- bio.infer::coef.west.wtWeighted regression coefficients for western U.S.
- bio.infer::envdata.OREnvironmental data from western OR
- bio.infer::envdata.emapwEnvironmental data from the western United States
- bio.infer::itis.ttableITIS taxonomic hierarchy table
- bio.infer::itis.ttableITIS taxonomic hierarchy table
- bio.infer::ss.ORsite-OTU matrix for western Oregon
- bio.infer::trait.feedingFeeding traits for benthic invertebrates
- bio.infer::trait.habitHabit traits for benthic invertebrates
- bioclim::bbRastBioclimatic Balance
- bioclim::preRastMonthly precipitation
- bioclim::tmpRastMonthly temperature
- bioclim::wbRastWater Balance
- biogeom::LeafSizeDistLeaf size distribution of _Shibataea chinensis_
- biogeom::NeocinnamomumLeaf Boundary Data of Seven Species of _Neocinnamomum_
- biogeom::bambooleavesLeaf Boundary Data of _Phyllostachys incarnata_ T. H. Wen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
- biogeom::eggsEgg Boundary Data of Nine Species of Birds
- biogeom::ginkgoseedBoundary Data of the Side Projections of _Ginkgo biloba_ Seeds
- biogeom::kpBoundary Data of the Vertical Projections of _Koelreuteria paniculata_ Fruit
- biogeom::shootsHeight Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots
- biogeom::starfishBoundary Data of Eight Sea Stars
- biogeom::veinsLeaf Vein Data of _Michelia compressa_
- biogeom::whitesprucePlanar Coordinates of _Picea glauca_ Tree Rings
- BioM2::GO2ALLEGS_BPAn example about pathlistDB
- BioM2::GO_AncestorPathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
- BioM2::GO_Ancestor_exactPathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
- BioM2::MethylAnnoAn example about FeatureAnno for methylation data
- BioM2::MethylData_TestAn example about TrainData/TestData for methylation data
- BioM2::TransAnnoAn example about FeatureAnno for gene expression
- BioM2::TransData_TestAn example about TrainData/TestData for gene expression
- BioPET::dcaDataSimulated dataset for package 'DecisionCurve'
- BioPred::tutorial_dataTutorial Data
- bios2mds::gpcrPre-analyzed G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) data set
- bios2mds::sub.matAmino acid substitution matrices
- biosignalEMG::emg95306000Sample EMG data from a decorticate cat
- biosignalEMG::emg96627009Sample EMG data from a decorticate cat (4 channels)
- birdring::circumstancesEURING-code for finding circumstances
- birdring::coastEUcoordinates of the coastline of Europe
- birdring::coastpaleocoordinates of the palearctic coastline
- birdring::conditionsEURING-code for finding conditions
- birdring::lancolExample data set of EURING2000 format
- birdring::placesEURING-code for finding locations
- birdring::schemesEURING-code for ringing scheme
- birdring::speciesEURING-code for species
- BiSEp::BISEP_datA list object containing 3 data frames.
- BiSEp::BISEP_dataA list object containing 3 data frames.
- BiSEp::FURE_dataOutput matrix from the BIGEE tool
- BiSEp::INPUT_dataA Log2 Gene Expression matrix
- BiSEp::MUT_dataA matrix containing discreet mutation calls
- BivRegBLS::AromaticsAromatics petroleum data
- BivRegBLS::SBPSystolic blood pressure data
- Blendstat::DataCDDataset, peeled cherry coffee.
- Blendstat::DataNATDataset, natural cherry coffee.
- blockmodeling::bakerCitation data between social work journals for the 1985-86 period
- blockmodeling::notesBorrowingThe notes borrowing network between social-informatics students
- BLR::APedigree info for the wheat dataset
- BLR::XMolecular markers
- BLR::YGrain yield
- BLR::setsSets for cross validation (CV)
- BMS::dataflsFLS (2001) growth data
- bnlearn::alarmALARM monitoring system (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::asiaAsia (synthetic) data set by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter
- bnlearn::clgaussian.testSynthetic (mixed) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::coronaryCoronary heart disease data set
- bnlearn::gaussian.testSynthetic (continuous) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::hailfinderThe HailFinder weather forecast system (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::insuranceInsurance evaluation network (synthetic) data set
- bnlearn::learning.testSynthetic (discrete) data set to test learning algorithms
- bnlearn::lizardsLizards' perching behaviour data set
- bnlearn::marksExamination marks data set
- BNPdensity::Enzyme2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the enzyme dataset
- BNPdensity::Galaxy1.outFit of MixNRMI1 function to the galaxy dataset
- BNPdensity::Galaxy2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the galaxy dataset
- BNPdensity::acidityAcidity Index Dataset
- BNPdensity::enzymeEnzyme Dataset
- BNPdensity::galaxyGalaxy Data Set
- BNPdensity::salinitySalinity tolerance
- BNPTSclust::gdpGDP per person employed from 1990 to 2012
- BNPTSclust::housesHouse price statistics in Scotland from 2004 to 2014.
- BNPTSclust::stocksMexican stock exchange market prices
- BNPTSclust::tseriesca.outOutput of tseriesca function for the GDP per person employed dataset
- BNPTSclust::tseriescm.outOutput of tseriescm function for the Mexican stock exchange market prices dataset
- BNPTSclust::tseriescq.outOutput of tseriescq function for the House price statistics in Scotland dataset
- BondValuation::List.DCCList of the day count conventions implemented.
- BondValuation::NonBusDays.BrazilNon-business days in Brazil from 1946-01-01 to 2299-12-31.
- BondValuation::PanelSomeBonds2016A panel of of 100 plain vanilla fixed coupon corporate bonds.
- BondValuation::SomeBonds2016Properties of 100 plain vanilla fixed coupon corporate bonds.
- boot::acmeMonthly Excess Returns
- boot::aidsDelay in AIDS Reporting in England and Wales
- boot::airconditFailures of Air-conditioning Equipment
- boot::aircondit7Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment
- boot::amisCar Speeding and Warning Signs
- boot::amlRemission Times for Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia
- boot::beaverBeaver Body Temperature Data
- boot::bigcityPopulation of U.S. Cities
- boot::bramblesSpatial Location of Bramble Canes
- boot::breslowSmoking Deaths Among Doctors
- boot::calciumCalcium Uptake Data
- boot::caneSugar-cane Disease Data
- boot::capabilitySimulated Manufacturing Process Data
- boot::catsMWeight Data for Domestic Cats
- boot::cavPosition of Muscle Caveolae
- boot::cd4CD4 Counts for HIV-Positive Patients
- boot::cd4.nestedNested Bootstrap of cd4 data
- boot::channingChanning House Data
- boot::cityPopulation of U.S. Cities
- boot::claridgeGenetic Links to Left-handedness
- boot::clothNumber of Flaws in Cloth
- boot::co.transferCarbon Monoxide Transfer
- boot::coalDates of Coal Mining Disasters
- boot::darwinDarwin's Plant Height Differences
- boot::dogsCardiac Data for Domestic Dogs
- boot::downs.bcIncidence of Down's Syndrome in British Columbia
- boot::ducksBehavioral and Plumage Characteristics of Hybrid Ducks
- boot::firCounts of Balsam-fir Seedlings
- boot::fretsHead Dimensions in Brothers
- boot::gravAcceleration Due to Gravity
- boot::gravityAcceleration Due to Gravity
- boot::hiroseFailure Time of PET Film
- boot::islayJura Quartzite Azimuths on Islay
- boot::manausAverage Heights of the Rio Negro river at Manaus
- boot::melanomaSurvival from Malignant Melanoma
- boot::motorData from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
- boot::neuroNeurophysiological Point Process Data
- boot::nitrofenToxicity of Nitrofen in Aquatic Systems
- boot::nodalNodal Involvement in Prostate Cancer
- boot::nuclearNuclear Power Station Construction Data
- boot::paulsenNeurotransmission in Guinea Pig Brains
- boot::poisonsAnimal Survival Times
- boot::polarPole Positions of New Caledonian Laterites
- boot::remissionCancer Remission and Cell Activity
- boot::salinityWater Salinity and River Discharge
- boot::survivalSurvival of Rats after Radiation Doses
- boot::tauTau Particle Decay Modes
- boot::tunaTuna Sighting Data
- boot::urineUrine Analysis Data
- boot::woolAustralian Relative Wool Prices
- borrowr::adaptData set used in the package vignette
- Boruta::srxSmall redundant XOR data
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_crsAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_extAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::A.delicatus_matrixAfrixalus delicatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_crsAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_extAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::A.sylvaticus_matrixAfrixalus sylvaticus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_crsLeptopelis concolor genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_extLeptopelis concolor genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::L.concolor_matrixLeptopelis concolor genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_crsLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_extLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::L.flavomaculatus_matrixLeptopelis flavomaculatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_crsTriturus cristatus genetic groups projection
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_extTriturus cristatus genetic groups extent
- BoundaryStats::T.cristatus_matrixTriturus cristatus genetic groups
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_crsEcoregion data for East Africa projection
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_extEcoregion data for East Africa extent
- BoundaryStats::ecoregions_matrixEcoregion data for East Africa
- BoundaryStats::grassland_crsGrassland land cover projection
- BoundaryStats::grassland_extGrassland land cover extent
- BoundaryStats::grassland_matrixGrassland land cover
- bpcp::leukAcute Leukemia data (treatment only) from Freireich et al (1963).
- bpcp::leuk2Acute Leukemia data from Freireich et al (1963).
- bpcp::sclerosisPilot study of treatment of severe systemic sclerosis (Nash, et al, 2007).
- bplsr::milk_MIRMilk traits and corresponding mid-infrared spectra
- BPM::annotGeneNamesgene names of probes in 450K array dat
- BPM::goodProbesgood probes in packages
- BPM::simUCECSimulated data to illustrate datasets in packages
- bqtl::little.ana.bcA simulated dataset
- bqtl::little.ana.f2A simulated dataset
- bqtl::little.bc.markersSimulated Marker Data
- bqtl::little.bc.phenoSimulated Phenotype Data
- bqtl::little.f2.markersSimulated Marker Data
- bqtl::little.f2.phenoSimulated Phenotype Data
- bqtl::little.map.dxMarker Map Description for Simulated Data
- bqtl::little.map.framePackage of Simulated Marker Map Information
- bqtl::little.mf.5Package of Simulated Marker Map Information
- BRACoD.R::df_counts_obesityExample microbiome data
- BRACoD.R::df_scfaExample microbiome data
- braQCA::ralliesMcVeigh et al. (2014) Tea Party Data
- breakpoint::ch1.GM03563Fibroblast cell line (GM03563) data
- brnn::DGenomic dominant relationship matrix for the Jersey dataset.
- brnn::GGenomic additive relationship matrix for the Jersey dataset.
- brnn::GOrdGenomic additive relationship matrix for the GLS dataset.
- brnn::partitionsPartitions for cross validation (CV)
- brnn::phenoPhenotypic information for Jersey
- brnn::phenoOrdPhenotypic information for GLS (ordinal trait)
- brnn::twoinput2 Inputs and 1 output.
- BSagri::BrachyceraEklektor counts of Brachycera
- BSagri::Cica1Catches of Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
- BSagri::Cica2Catches of Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
- BSagri::CountRepSimulated count data incl. repeated measurements
- BSagri::DecompA simulated data set
- BSagri::DipteraSoil eklektor data for some families of Diptera
- BSagri::ExNBCovSimulated example data, drawn from a Negative Binomial Distribution
- BSagri::ExPCovSimulated example data following a Poisson distribution
- BSagri::FeedingPupation and Hatching rate in a feeding experiment with four varieties
- BSagri::LepiInsect counts of 12 Species
- BSagri::MM1Simulated data set for a simple mixed model
- BSagri::MMPoisSimulated data for a simple mixed model with Poisson response
- BSagri::MMPoisRepSimulated data for a simple mixed model with Poisson response
- BSagri::NematoceraTrap counts of Nematocera
- BSagri::fakelnA simulated data set of lognormal data
- BSL::cellCell biology example
- BSL::ma2An MA(2) model
- BSL::mgnkThe multivariate G&K example
- BSL::toadToad example
- bspmma::breast.17Aspirin and Breast Cancer: 17 studies
- bspmma::caprie.3grpsCAPRIE Study: Three Risk Groups
- bspmma::ddtm.sDecontamination of the Digestive Tract Mortality, Short Dataset
- bssn::enzymeEnzymatic activity in the blood
- bssn::ozoneDaily ozone level measurements
- BTTL::ebaPairwise comparison data
- bujar::chopSurvival of CHOP for diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- bujar::rchopSurvival of R-CHOP for diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- c3net::expdataExample data set
- c3net::truenetReference, e.g. true, network of the example data set
- ca::authorAuthor dataset
- ca::smokeSmoke dataset
- ca::wg93International Social Survey Program on Environment 1993 - western German sample
- cabootcrs::AsbestosDataAsbestos data
- cabootcrs::AttachmentDatavan Ijzendoorn's attachment data
- cabootcrs::DreamDataMaxwell's dream data set, with simplified labels
- cabootcrs::DreamData223by3Maxwell's dream data set with added totally random column
- cabootcrs::DreamDataNamesMaxwell's dream data set, using full original labels
- cabootcrs::NishDataNishisato's Singapore data
- cabootcrs::OsteoDataOsteoarchaeological data with categories given as numbers
- cabootcrs::OsteoDataNamesOsteoarchaeological data with named categories
- cabootcrs::SuicideDataSuicide data
- CADF::bass.answeringmachinesAnswering machine data
- CADF::billionaireBillionaires
- CADF::cadf.data.sampleCADF-formatted sample data
- CADF::discretechoiceDiscrete choice
- CADF::exceldataExcel data
- CADF::fpHealth Data
- CADF::gammagammaGamma gamma spend model data
- CADF::ltv.transactionsLTV transactions data
- CADF::segltvSegmentation and LTV data
- CADF::srm_data#' Simple retention model data
- CADF::srm_summariesSRM model data
- CADF::stocksStockmarket put/call data
- CADF::transactionsTransactions data
- CADF::transactions.merged#' Transaction data
- CADFtest::coeffs_cTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CADFtest::coeffs_ctTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CADFtest::coeffs_ncTables of coefficients to compute p-values
- CalibratR::exampleexample
- callback::address1Origin/Gender discrimination and strongly negative mediatic exposure (information technologist)
- callback::gender1Gender/Maternity discrimination (commercial and administrative jobs in the financial sector)
- callback::gender2Gender/Maternity discrimination (electricians)
- callback::gender3Gender/Maternity discrimination (masons)
- callback::gender4Gender/Maternity discrimination (plumbers)
- callback::inter1Gender/Origin discrimination (software developer)
- callback::labour1Labour market history discrimination (accountants)
- callback::labour2Labour market history discrimination (sales assistant)
- callback::mobility1Gender discrimination and mobility (management controller)
- callback::origin1Origin discrimination (accountants)
- callback::origin2Origin discrimination (waiters)
- callback::train1Training profile impact (plumbers)
- callback::train2Training profile impact (waiters)
- capn::catchcatch function of GOM dataset
- capn::dsdotdsfirst derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
- capn::dsdotdsssecond derivative function of sdot in GOM dataset
- capn::dwdsfirst derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
- capn::dwdsssecond derivative function of profit in GOM dataset
- capn::efforteffort function of GOM dataset
- capn::lvaproxdataPrey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
- capn::lvsimdata.timePrey-Predator (Lotka-Volterra) example in LV dataset
- capn::paramthe parameter vector adopted in GOM dataset
- capn::profitprofit function in GOM dataset
- capn::sdotgrowth function of GOM dataset
- capushe::datacapushedatacapushe
- capushe::datapartialcapushedatacapushe
- capushe::datavalidcapushedatacapushe
- capybara::trade_panelTrade Panel 1986-2006
- care::efron2004Diabetes Data from Efron et al. (2004)
- care::lu2004Brain Aging Study of Lu et al. (2004)
- care4cmodel::pine_no_thinning_and_clearcut_1pine_no_thinning_and_clearcut_1
- care4cmodel::pine_thinning_from_above_1pine_thinning_from_above_1
- caribou::BEH00Bluenose-East Caribou Herd 2000 Data
- caribou::GRH01George River Herd 2001 Data
- caribou::GRH10George River Herd 2010 Data
- caribou::GRH93George River Herd 1993 Data
- caribou::LRH01Leaf River Herd 2001 Data
- caribou::WAH11Western Arctic Herd 2011 Data
- catalytic::swimSimulated SWIM Dataset with Binary Response
- catdap::HealthDataHealth Data
- catdap::HelloGoodbyeAnonymous Binary Data
- catdap::JNcharacterThe Japanese National Character
- catdap::MissingHealthDataHealth Data with Missing Values
- causaldrf::hi_sim_dataSimulated data from Hirano and Imbens (2004)
- causaldrf::nmes_dataData set containing data from the National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES)
- causaldrf::sim_dataSimulated data from Schafer and Galagate (2015)
- CB2::Evers_CRISPRn_RT112A benchmark CRISPRn pooled screen data from Evers et al.
- CB2::Sanson_CRISPRn_A375A benchmark CRISPRn pooled screen data from Sanson et al.
- cba::MushroomMushroom Data Set
- cba::VotesCongressional Votes 1984 Data Set
- cba::townshipsBertin's Characteristics and Townships Data Set
- CBCgrps::dfsimulated dataset as a working example
- CBCgrps::dtsimulated dataset as a working example
- CBnetworkMA::smokingSmoking Cessation Data
- cccm::debtDebt Data
- cchs::cchsDataData from a case-cohort study with stratified subcohort-selection
- ccmm::ccmm_test_dataTest Data
- ccoptimalmatch::being_processedData for matching cases with controls
- ccoptimalmatch::not_processedNot-processed data for matching cases with controls
- CCSRfind::DXCCSRData to showcase CCSR-ICD-10 crosswalk
- CCSRfind::LegendThis dataset contains CCSR codes that are associated with over all ICD-10 codes
- CCSRfind::LegendExtendThis dataset contains CCSR codes for which there are over 1,000 individual ICD-10 codes
- CCTpack::continuousdatacontinuousdata
- CCTpack::hotcoldhotcold
- CCTpack::raterdataraterdata
- CCTpack::testdattestdat
- cdfquantreg::AmbdataAmbiguity-Conflict data
- cdfquantreg::AnxStrDataStress-Anxiety data
- cdfquantreg::ExtEventExtinction Study data-set
- cdfquantreg::IPCCIPCC data-set
- cdfquantreg::IPCCAUSIPCC data-set - Australian data
- cdfquantreg::IPCC_WideIPCC data-set - Wide format
- cdfquantreg::JurorDataJuror data
- cdfquantreg::yoonPatient Time Data
- cdlei::lifeDataHIV-related deaths from Colorado, USA, between 2000-2012.
- cdparcoord::TitanicTitanic passengers
- cdparcoord::categoricalexampleA small dataset for showing how tupleFreqs works in cdparcoord
- cdparcoord::demogDemographic statistics by ZIP Code.
- cdparcoord::hrdataA human resources simulated dataset.
- cdparcoord::smallexampleA small dataset for showing how tupleFreqs works in cdparcoord
- CDsampling::trauma_dataTrauma data with multinomial response
- CDsampling::trial_dataGenerated clinical trial data with binary response
- CDVineCopulaConditional::datasetRandom dataset from a given vine copula model
- CEDA::mda231CRISPR screen data of cell line MDA-MB-231.
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph0_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph100_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::Aph50_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_aVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_bVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_cVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::NIH3T3_dVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph0_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph100_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_aVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_bVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_cVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tAph50_dVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_aVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_bVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_cVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::tNIH3T3_dVolume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::volumes_A10_vSMCVolume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures
- cellVolumeDist::volumes_nih3t3Volume distribution data for NIH3T3 cell cultures
- cencrne::example.dataSome example data
- cenGAM::nutrientNutrient dataset
- cenROC::hdsNASA Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Marker Data
- cenROC::mayoMayo Marker Data
- CEoptim::FitzHughSimulated data from FitzHugh-Nagumo differential equations
- CEoptim::lesmisNetwork data from Les Miserables
- CEoptim::ytSimulated cumulative data from an AR(1) model with regime switching
- CeRNASeek::datasetData for Examples
- cg::anorexiaFTAnorexiaFT Data Set in the cg package
- cg::canineCanine Data Set in the cg package
- cg::canine.listfmtCanine Data Set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcensGM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt1GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt2GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cg::gmcsfcens.listfmt3GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
- cgwtools::ascarrBanner Versions of Characters
- changepoint.np::HeartRateRecorded heart rate during a run
- changepointTests::pseudosPseudo-observations
- ChannelAttribution::DataCustomer journeys data.
- ChestVolume::Segment_exampleExample Chest Segment Definition
- ChestVolume::sample_dataSample 3D Motion Capture Data for Chest Expansion Analysis
- CICI::EFVPharmacoepidemiological HIV treatment data
- CICI::EFVfullPharmacoepidemiological HIV treatment data
- cif::iculombData from Italian Civil Protection
- CIMPLE::long_datalong_data
- CIMPLE::surv_datalong_data
- CIMPLE::train_datalong_data
- CircNNTSR::AntsMovements of ants
- CircNNTSR::Ants_radiansMovements of ants
- CircNNTSR::DataB5FisherSphericalSpherical Data on Magnetic Remanence
- CircNNTSR::DataUniformBivariate200obsUniform Bivariate Circular Data
- CircNNTSR::Datab3fisherDatabase B3 from Fisher
- CircNNTSR::Datab3fisher_readyData transformed from Datab3fisher
- CircNNTSR::Datab6fisherDatabase B6 from Fisher et al. (1987)
- CircNNTSR::Datab6fisher_readyData transformed from datab6fisher
- CircNNTSR::EarthquakesPacificMexicogt6Date of Occurrence of Earthquakes
- CircNNTSR::EarthquakesPacificMexicogt7Date of Occurrence of Earthquakes 2
- CircNNTSR::HomicidesMexico2005Homicides in Mexico during 2005
- CircNNTSR::HurricanesGulfofMexico1951to1970Hurricanes in Mexico from 1951 to 1970
- CircNNTSR::HurricanesGulfofMexico1971to2008Hurricanes in Mexico from 1971 to 2008
- CircNNTSR::NestNest orientations and creek directions
- CircNNTSR::ProteinsAAADihedral angles in protein
- CircNNTSR::SuicidesMexico2005Suicides in Mexico during 2005
- CircNNTSR::TurtlesMovements of turtles
- CircNNTSR::Turtles_radiansMovements of turtles
- CircNNTSR::WindDirectionsTrivariateWind directions
- CircNNTSRmult::EURUSDGBPBTCtimesminmaxMinimun and Maximun daily exchange rates
- CircNNTSRmult::NestNest orientations and creek directions
- CircNNTSRmult::WindDirectionsTrivariateWind directions
- CircOutlier::DMCEThe simulated 10% and 5% points of the distribution of DMCE.
- CircOutlier::windWind Direction
- CircOutlier::wind2Wind Direction
- circular::fisherB1B.1 Arrival times at an intensive care unit
- circular::fisherB10B.10 Directions of desert ants
- circular::fisherB10cB.10 Directions of desert ants
- circular::fisherB11B.11 Movements of sea stars
- circular::fisherB11cB.11 Movements of sea stars
- circular::fisherB12B.12: Vanishing directions of homing pigeons
- circular::fisherB12cB.12: Vanishing directions of homing pigeons
- circular::fisherB13B.13: Orientations of termite mounds
- circular::fisherB13cB.13: Orientations of termite mounds
- circular::fisherB18B.18 Wind direction and ozone concentration.
- circular::fisherB18cB.18 Wind direction and ozone concentration.
- circular::fisherB1cB.1 Arrival times at an intensive care unit
- circular::fisherB2B.2 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 133 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB20B.20 Movements of blue periwinkles.
- circular::fisherB20cB.20 Movements of blue periwinkles.
- circular::fisherB2cB.2 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 133 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB3B.3 Movements of turtles
- circular::fisherB3cB.3 Movements of turtles
- circular::fisherB4B.4 Directional preferences of starhead topminnows
- circular::fisherB4cB.4 Directional preferences of starhead topminnows
- circular::fisherB5B.5 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 164 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB5cB.5 Measurements of long-axis orientation of 164 feldspar laths in basalt
- circular::fisherB6B.6 Cross-bed azimuths of palaeocurrents
- circular::fisherB6cB.6 Cross-bed azimuths of palaeocurrents
- circular::fisherB7B.7 Movements of ants
- circular::fisherB7cB.7 Movements of ants
- circular::fisherB8B.8 Orientations of pebbles
- circular::fisherB8cB.8 Orientations of pebbles
- circular::fisherB9B.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9cB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9directionB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::fisherB9frequencyB.9 Dance directions of bees
- circular::ncfrogNorthern Cricket Frog
- circular::ncfrog.radNorthern Cricket Frog
- circular::pigeonsInitial orientation of displaced homing pigeons
- circular::rao.tableTable for Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity
- circular::swallowsOrientation of juvenile barn swallows
- circular::turtlesArrival directions of displaced sea turtles
- circular::windCol De La Roa wind direction
- circular::x.coopeCoope dataset
- circular::y.coopeCoope dataset
- circularEV::HsSPHindcast storm peak significant wave height data
- circularEV::drcDirectional covariate for HsSP data
- circularEV::thresholdExampleMLThreshold for spline ML and local ML examples
- circularEV::thresholdExampleMomThreshold for local Moment examples
- clarkeTest::conflictDataConflict Data
- classicaltest::dichodataSimulated multiple choice data with 1000 cases, and 20 items
- classicaltest::dichokeyKeys for dichodata
- classicaltest::polydataSimulated polytomous items data with 1000 cases, and 20 items
- ClickClust::B3Dataset: result of backward state selection
- ClickClust::CDataset: simulated dataset
- ClickClust::msnbc323Dataset: msnbc323
- ClickClust::synthIllustrative dataset: sequences of five states
- ClickClustCont::SimDataSimulated Data
- ClickClustCont::mMSNBCRevised MSNBC Data
- clikcorr::NDan NEHANSE data example
- CLSIEP15::dfc_referencesReference of degrees of freedon based on tau given in the CLSI Manual
- CLSIEP15::ferritin_longFerrtin data used in CLSI document examples in wide format
- CLSIEP15::ferritin_widerFerrtin data used in CLSI document examples in wide format
- ClusPred::simdataSimulated data
- ClustBlock::RATAchocRATA data on chocolates
- ClustBlock::cheesecheese Just About Right data
- ClustBlock::chocchocolates data
- ClustBlock::fishfish data
- ClustBlock::smoosmoothies data
- ClustBlock::strawstrawberries data
- cluster.datasets::acidosis.patientsHartigan (1975) Acidosis Patients
- cluster.datasets::airline.distances.1966Hartigan (1975) Airline Distance Between Principal Cities of the World
- cluster.datasets::all.mammals.milk.1956Hartigan (1975) Mammal's Milk
- cluster.datasets::all.us.city.crime.1970Hartigan (1975) City Crime
- cluster.datasets::amino.acid.sequence.1972Hartigan (1975) Amino Acid Sequence for Vertibrates
- cluster.datasets::animal.cluster.treesHartigan (1975) Cluster of Animals Forming a Tree
- cluster.datasets::birth.death.rates.1966Hartigan (1975) Birth and Death Rates Per 1000
- cluster.datasets::british.butterfly.appearanceHartigan (1975) Times of Appearance of British Butterflies
- cluster.datasets::cake.ingredients.1961Hartigan (1975) Ingredients in Cakes
- cluster.datasets::candida.oxidation.fermentationHartigan (1975) Oxidation-Fermentation Patterns
- cluster.datasets::cerci.tail.presenceHartigan (1975) Presence of Cerci in Insects
- cluster.datasets::ct.president.vote.1920.1964Hartigan (1975) Connecticut Votes for President
- cluster.datasets::european.foodsHartigan( 1975) European Food
- cluster.datasets::hardware.triadsHartigan (1975) Triads Based on Hardware
- cluster.datasets::hartigan.datasetsHartigan (1975) Data Sets
- cluster.datasets::indian.caste.measuresHartigan (1975) Indian Caste Measurements
- cluster.datasets::indo.european.languagesHartigan (1975) Indo-European Languages
- cluster.datasets::indochina.combat.deathsHartigan (1975) Combat Deaths in Indochina
- cluster.datasets::ivy.league.football.1965Hartigan (1975) Ivy League Football 1965
- cluster.datasets::jigsaw.puzzle.measuresHartigan (1975) Jigsaw Puzzle Measurements
- cluster.datasets::languages.spoken.europeHartigan (1975) Languages Spoken in Europe
- cluster.datasets::leukemia.youth.mortality.1956.1967Hartigan (1975) Mortality Rates from Leukemia AMong Children
- cluster.datasets::life.expectancy.1971Hartigan (1975) Expectations of Life by Country, Age and Sex
- cluster.datasets::life.expectancy.age.sex.1971Hartigan (1975) Expectation of Life in Various Cities by Age and Sex
- cluster.datasets::linguistic.relatednessHartigan (1975) Relatedness Values of Selected Words
- cluster.datasets::mammal.dentitionHartigan (1975) Dentition of Animals
- cluster.datasets::minor.planets.1961Hartigan (1975) Minor Planets
- cluster.datasets::mutation.distances.1967Hartigan (1975) Mutation Distances
- cluster.datasets::nails.screwsHartigan (1975) Nails and Screws
- cluster.datasets::new.haven.school.scoresHartigan (1975) Achievement Test Schores, New Haven Schools
- cluster.datasets::nutrients.meat.fish.fowl.1959Hartigan (1975) Nutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl
- cluster.datasets::ohio.croplands.1949Hartigan (1975) Ohio Croplands
- cluster.datasets::olympic.track.1896.1964Hartigan (1975) Olympic Track 1896 to 1964
- cluster.datasets::physical.measure.correlationsHartigan (1975) Correlation Between Physical Measuresments
- cluster.datasets::planet.earth.distances.1970Hartigan (1975) Planets and Moons
- cluster.datasets::planets.moons.1970Hartigan (1975) Planets and Moons
- cluster.datasets::portable.typewritersHartigan (1975) Portable Typewriters
- cluster.datasets::rda.meat.fish.fowl.1959Hartigan (1975) Nutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl Percent RDA
- cluster.datasets::sample.mammals.milk.1956Hartigan (1975) Mammals Milk
- cluster.datasets::sample.stock.yields.1959.1969Hartigan (1975) Yield of Stocks
- cluster.datasets::sample.us.city.crime.1970Hartigan (1975) City Crime
- cluster.datasets::student.questionnaireHartigan (1975) Student Questionnaire
- cluster.datasets::un.votes.1969.1970Hartigan (1975) Selected Votes in the United Nations
- cluster.datasets::us.car.repair.1969Hartigan (1975) Frequency of Car Repairs
- cluster.datasets::us.civil.war.battlesHartigan (1975) Civil War Battles in Chronological Order
- cluster.datasets::us.congressional.billsHartigan (1975) Congressman b y Bills
- cluster.datasets::us.food.cost.nutrients.1959Hartigan (1975) Cost and Nutrient Contribution for Selected Foods
- cluster.datasets::us.links.between.statesHartigan (1975) Links Between States
- cluster.datasets::us.per.capita.income.1964Hartigan (1975) U.S. Per Capita Income in Dollars 1964
- cluster.datasets::us.president.vote.1900.1968Hartigan (1975) Republican Vote for President
- cluster.datasets::us.sector.profitability.1959.1968Hartigan (1975) Profitability of U.S. Economic Sectors
- cluster.datasets::us.south.demographics.1965Hartigan (1975) Demographic Data for the South
- cluster.datasets::vervet.sleeping.groupsHartigan (1975) Vervet Sleeping Groups
- cluster.datasets::wine.evaluation.1961.1970Hartigan (1975) Evaluation of Wines
- clusterability::normals1Data generated from a single multivariate Normal distribution, 2 dimensions.
- clusterability::normals2Data generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions, 2 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (-3, -2) with each variable having unit variance and uncorrelated with each other. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 1) with each variable having unit variance and uncorrelated with each other. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals3Data generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions, 2 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions. 50 observations are from a distribution with mean vector (3, 0), 50 observations from a distribution with mean vector (0, 3), and 50 observations from a distribution with mean vector (3, 6). For each of these three distributions, the x and y variables have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals4Data generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions, 3 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions. 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 3, 2) and 75 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (4, 6, 0). For each distribution, the variables each have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- clusterability::normals5Data generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions, 3 dimensions. A dataset containing 150 observations generated from a mixture of three multivariate Normal distributions. 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (1, 3, 3), 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (4, 6, 0), and 50 observations come from a distribution with mean vector (2, 8, -3). For each distribution, the variables each have unit variance and are uncorrelated. The dataset is clusterable.
- ClusteredMutations::PD4107aSomatic mutations data set from a primary breast cancer genome.
- ClusterRankTest::datasetdataset
- clustMD::ByarByar prostate cancer data set.
- clusTransition::Data2DSynthetic Datasets (Two Dimensional)
- clusTransition::Data3DSynthetic Datasets (Three Dimensional)
- ClusVis::congressReal categorical data set: Congressional Voting Records Data Set
- CMatching::schoolsSchools data set (NELS-88)
- cmbClust::aisAustralian Institute of Sport data
- cmbClust::smltn1Simulated datasets
- cmbClust::smltn2Simulated datasets
- cmenet::maizeMaize dataset
- CMHNPA::asbestosAsbestos data
- CMHNPA::cerealCereal data
- CMHNPA::cornCorn data
- CMHNPA::crossoverCross-over data
- CMHNPA::dynamiteDynamite data
- CMHNPA::foodFood data
- CMHNPA::hrHR data
- CMHNPA::icecreamIce Cream data
- CMHNPA::intelligenceIntelligence data
- CMHNPA::jamJam data
- CMHNPA::job_satisfactionJob Satisfaction data
- CMHNPA::lemonadeLemonade data
- CMHNPA::lemonade_sugarLemonade Sugar data
- CMHNPA::lizardLizard data
- CMHNPA::marriageMarriage data
- CMHNPA::milkMilk data
- CMHNPA::peanutsPeanuts data
- CMHNPA::saltinessSaltiness data
- CMHNPA::strawberryStrawberry data
- CMHNPA::trafficTraffic data
- CMHNPA::whiskeyWhiskey data
- CMHSU::SampleRWDSample RWD Data
- cmprskcoxmsm::follicFollicular cell lymphoma study
- CNLTtsa::BaiduEnd of second returns for Google from 1st March 2011
- CNLTtsa::GoogleEnd of second returns for Google from 1st March 2011
- COCONUT::GSEs.testCOCONUT test data
- CoDaLoMic::SimulatedGut microbiome simulated dataset
- CoDaLoMic::cockroachcockroach dataset
- codelist::objectcodesExample code list for object types
- codelist::objectsalesExample data set to demonstrate working with code lists
- cold::bolusBolus data
- cold::datacoldData
- cold::datacoldMData with missing values
- cold::seizureEpileptic Seizure
- colourvision::D65CIE Standard Illuminant D65 in quantum flux (umol/m2/s)
- colourvision::RbBrazilian savannah background reflectance spectrum.
- colourvision::beeHoneybee photoreceptors
- CoMiRe::CPPCollaborative Perinatal Project data
- compositions::AarComposition of glaciar sediments from the Aar massif (Switzerland)
- compositions::Activity10Activity patterns of a statistician for 20 days
- compositions::Activity31Activity patterns of a statistician for 20 days
- compositions::AnimalVegetationAnimal and vegetation measurement
- compositions::ArcticLakeArtic lake sediment samples of different water depth
- compositions::BayesitePermeabilities of bayesite
- compositions::Blood23Blood samples
- compositions::BoxiteCompositions and depth of 25 specimens of boxite
- compositions::ClamEastColor-size compositions of 20 clam colonies from East Bay
- compositions::ClamWestColor-size compositions of 20 clam colonies from West Bay
- compositions::CoxiteCompositions, depths and porosities of 25 specimens of coxite
- compositions::DiagnosticProbDiagnostic probabilities
- compositions::FireworkFirework mixtures
- compositions::GlacialCompositions and total pebble counts of 92 glacial tills
- compositions::HongiteCompositions of 25 specimens of hongite
- compositions::HouseholdExpHousehold Expenditures
- compositions::HydrochemHydrochemical composition data set of Llobregat river basin water (NE Spain)
- compositions::KongiteCompositions of 25 specimens of kongite
- compositions::MetabolitesSteroid metabolite patterns in adults and children
- compositions::PogoJumpHonk Kong Pogo-Jumps Championship
- compositions::SedimentsProportions of sand, silt and clay in sediments specimens
- compositions::SerumProteinSerum Protein compositions of blood samples
- compositions::ShiftOperatorsShifts of machine operators
- compositions::SkullsMeasurement of skulls
- compositions::SkyeAFMAFM compositions of 23 aphyric Skye lavas
- compositions::SupervisorProportions of supervisor's statements assigned to different categories
- compositions::WhiteCellsWhite-cell composition of 30 blood samples by two different methods
- compositions::YatquatYatquat fruit evaluation
- compositions::jura259The jura dataset
- compositions::jurasetThe jura dataset
- compositions::sa.dirichletSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.dirichlet.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.dirichlet.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.dirichlet5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.dirichlet5.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.dirichlet5.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groupsSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups.areaSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups5.areaSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups5.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.groups5.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormalsSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormals.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormals.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormals5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormals5.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.lognormals5.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.missingsSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.missings5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers1Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers2Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers3Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers4Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.outliers6Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormalsSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormals.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormals.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormals5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormals5.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.tnormals5.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniformSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniform.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniform.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniform5Simulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniform5.dilSimulated amount datasets
- compositions::sa.uniform5.mixSimulated amount datasets
- compound.Cox::LungSurvival data for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer.
- compound.Cox::PBCPrimary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver data
- CompR::CocktailBeverages paired comparison
- CompR::Cocktail_CumBeverages paired comparison
- CompR::ResCocktail1Result of 'EstimBradley' function for 1 class and data 'Cocktail'
- condGEE::asthmaAsthma recurrence in children
- confidence::DCAAnnual Average 1,2-dichloroethane Concentration
- confidence::EQRAnnual Average Environmental Quality Ratio for Macrofauna.
- confidence::metalSimulated Metal Contents
- ConfZIC::ConcreteConcrete Compressive Strength Data Set
- ConfZIC::SunspotsNumber of sunspots, 1770 to 1869
- conjoint::clevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::cprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::cprefmSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::cprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::csimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::czlevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::czprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::czprefmSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::czprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::czsimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::hlevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::hprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::hprefmSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::hprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::hsimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::ilevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::iprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::iprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::jlevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::jprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::jprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::jsimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::llevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::lprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::lprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::plevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::pprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::pprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::tlevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::tprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::tprefmSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::tprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::tsimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::wlevnSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::wprefSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::wprofSample data for conjoint analysis
- conjoint::wsimpSample data for conjoint analysis
- ConnectednessApproach::aaacgo2022Dataset of Adekoya, Akinseye, Antonakakis, Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Oliyide (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::acg2020Dataset of Antonakakis, Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2020)
- ConnectednessApproach::bcg2022Dataset of Broadstock, Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::bgu2021Dataset of Balcilar, Gabauer and Umar (2021)
- ConnectednessApproach::cegg2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Elsayed, Gabauer and Gozgor (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::cg2021Dataset of Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2021)
- ConnectednessApproach::cgg2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Gupta (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::cgp2024Dataset of Cocca, Gabauer, and Pomberger (2024)
- ConnectednessApproach::cgs2021Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Stenfors (2021)
- ConnectednessApproach::cgs2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Stenfors (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::dy2009Dataset of Diebold and Yilmaz (2009)
- ConnectednessApproach::dy2012Dataset of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012)
- ConnectednessApproach::g2020Dataset of Gabauer (2020)
- ConnectednessApproach::gcat2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Abakah, Gabauer & Tiwari (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::gg2018Dataset of Gabauer and Gupta (2018)
- ConnectednessApproach::gghm2022Dataset of Gabauer, Gupta, Haradik and Miller (2020)
- ConnectednessApproach::jcggh2022Dataset of Juncal, Chatziantoniou, Gabauer, Garcia & Hardik (2022)
- ConnectednessApproach::lw2021Dataset of Lastrapes and Wiesen (2021)
- ConSpline::GAVotingVoting Data for Counties in Georgia, for the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election
- ConSpline::WhiteSpruceHeight and Diameter of 36 White Spruce trees.
- constrainedKriging::meuse.blocksMeuse block
- ContaminatedMixt::wineWine Data Set
- convevol::phySample phylogeny for use in convevol examples and tutorial
- convevol::traitSample data for use in convevol examples and tutorial
- Copula.Markov::DowJonesDow Jones Industrial Average
- CopulaGAMM::multinomialSimulated data
- CopulaGAMM::normalSimulated data
- CopulaGAMM::out.normalEstContinuous object
- CopulaGAMM::out.poissonEstDiscrete object
- CopulaGAMM::sim.poissonSimulated data
- CopulaREMADA::CTThe computing tomography data
- CopulaREMADA::DownThe down syndrome data
- CopulaREMADA::LAGThe lymphangiography data
- CopulaREMADA::MK2016The coronary CT angiography data in Menke and Kowalski (2016).
- CopulaREMADA::MRIThe magnetic resonance imaging data
- CopulaREMADA::OGTThe orale glucose tolerance data
- CopulaREMADA::PapThe Pap test data
- CopulaREMADA::arthritisThe rheumatoid arthritis data
- CopulaREMADA::betaDGThe beta-D-Glucan-data
- CopulaREMADA::coronaryThe coronary CT angiography data
- CopulaREMADA::mgridA list containing four-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::mgrid15A list containing four-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::mgrid30A list containing four-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::mgrid50A list containing four-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::mgrid5d15A list containing five-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::mgrid5d30A list containing five-dimensional arrays
- CopulaREMADA::telomeraseThe telomerase data
- corella::country_codesDataset of supported Country Codes
- corella::darwin_core_termsDataset of supported Darwin Core terms
- CoreMicrobiomeR::demo_mdArabidopsis thaliana - Metadata dataset
- CoreMicrobiomeR::demo_otuArabidopsis thaliana - OTU dataset
- CoreMicrobiomeR::demo_taxArabidopsis thaliana - Taxonomy dataset
- CornerstoneR::carstatsData from carstats
- CornerstoneR::rundataVoltage of 26 Different Runs
- CornerstoneR::titanicSurvival of Passengers on the Titanic
- corTest::esA BioConductor ExpressionSet Object Storing Gene Expression Data
- cosso::BUPABUPA Liver Disorder Data
- cosso::ozoneOzone pollution data in Los Angels, 1976
- cosso::veteranVeterans' Administration Lung Cancer study
- COST::Wind6monthWind speed data from 10 sites
- COST::locationLocations of 10 sites
- costat::SP500FTSElrLog-returns time series of the SP500 and FTSE100 indices
- costat::fretParticular section of FTSE log-return series.
- costat::sretParticular section of SP500 log-returns series.
- COUNT::affairsaffairs
- COUNT::azcabgptcaazcabgptca
- COUNT::azdrg112azdrg112
- COUNT::azproazpro
- COUNT::azprocedureazprocedure
- COUNT::badhealthbadhealth
- COUNT::fasttrakgfasttrakg
- COUNT::fishingfishing
- COUNT::lbwlbw
- COUNT::lbwgrplbwgrp
- COUNT::loomisloomis
- COUNT::mdvismdvis
- COUNT::medparmedpar
- COUNT::nutsnuts
- COUNT::rwmrwm
- COUNT::rwm1984rwm1984
- COUNT::rwm5yrrwm5yr
- COUNT::shipsships
- COUNT::smokingsmoking
- COUNT::titanictitanic
- COUNT::titanicgrptitanicgrp
- CountsEPPM::Luningetal.littersNumber of trials (implantations) in data of Luning, et al. (1966)
- CountsEPPM::Titanic.survivors.caseTitanic survivors data
- CountsEPPM::Williams.littersNumber of trials (implantations) of data of Williams (1996).
- CountsEPPM::ceriodaphnia.groupCeriodaphnia data
- CountsEPPM::herons.caseGreen-backed herons as two groups
- CountsEPPM::herons.groupGreen-backed herons as two groups
- CountsEPPM::takeover.bids.caseTakeover bids data.
- CovSel::datcSimulated Data, Continuous
- CovSel::datfSimulated Data, Factors
- CovSel::datfcSimulated Data, Mixed
- CovSel::lalondeReal data, Lalonde
- cowbell::allFunallFun: Data set for Fluency, Absorption, Fit and Fun.
- cowbell::testAtestA: Artificial data set for testing.
- coxme::eortcSimulated data set based on an EORTC trial
- CpmERCCutoff::exp_inputA data frame of expected ERCC1 and ERCC2 ratios
- CpmERCCutoff::mta_dtaA data frame containing sample-level ERCC meta data
- CpmERCCutoff::obs_inputA data frame of observed spike in ERCC normalized LCPM data
- cpop::wavenumber_spectraWavenumber power spectra data
- CPsurv::survdataSimulated Survival Data
- CreditRisk::cdsdataCDS quotes from market
- credsubs::alzheimersClinical trial data from 369 Alzheimer's disease patients.
- crimCV::TO1Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 1)
- crimCV::TO1RiskTime-at-risk for the Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 1)
- crimCV::TO1adjAdjusted Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 1)
- crimCV::TO2Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 2)
- crimCV::TO2RiskTime-at-risk for the Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 2)
- crimCV::TO2adjAdjusted Adjudicated Toronto Youth Data (Sample 2)
- critpath::cpmexample1Dataset for the CPM method
- critpath::cpmexample2Dataset for the CPM method
- critpath::lessexample1Dataset for the LESS method
- critpath::lessexample2Dataset for the LESS method
- critpath::pertexample1Dataset for the PERT method
- critpath::pertexample2Dataset for the PERT method
- crone::anomalous_dataTheoretical scattering factors for all atomic species
- crone::atomsAtom names and atomic number
- crov::crovDataReal data example
- crrcbcv::clsClustered competing risks simulated data
- crrSC::bceBreast Cancer Data
- crrSC::cdataClustered competing risks simulated data
- crrSC::centerMulticenter Bone Marrow transplantation data
- csci::hepABulgHepatitis A Data from Bulgaria
- CSTools::lonlat_precSample Of Experimental Precipitation Data In Function Of Longitudes And Latitudes
- CSTools::lonlat_prec_stSample Of Experimental Precipitation Data In Function Of Longitudes And Latitudes with Start
- CSTools::lonlat_tempSample Of Experimental And Observational Climate Data In Function Of Longitudes And Latitudes
- CSTools::lonlat_temp_stSample Of Experimental And Observational Climate Data In Function Of Longitudes And Latitudes with Start
- ctmcd::tm_absSingle Year Corporate Credit Rating Transititions
- ctrlGene::FIBReload Saved Datasets
- ctrlGene::FIBctReload Saved Datasets
- CTT::CTTdataExample Multiple-Choice Data
- CTT::CTTkeyExample Multiple-Choice Key
- CUB::relgoodsRelational goods and Leisure time dataset
- CUB::univerEvaluation of the Orientation Services 2002
- curephEM::sim.cureph.dataSimulated Data for 'cureph'
- currentSurvival::cmlData of Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
- cusum::cusum_example_dataNon-Risk-adjusted Performance Data
- cusum::gscusum_example_dataGroup-sequential Non-Risk-adjusted Performance Data with Block Identifier
- cusum::racusum_example_dataRisk-adjusted Performance Data
- cusum::ragscusum_example_dataGroup-sequential Risk-adjusted Performance Data with Block Identifier
- CVD::B20Farnsworth B-20 cap colors
- CVD::BowmanTCDSTable of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Farnsworth panel D-15 test
- CVD::FarnsworthD15Farnsworth D-15 cap colors
- CVD::FarnsworthMunsell100HueFarnsworth D-15 cap colors
- CVD::GellerTCDSTable of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Lanthony desaturate D-15s test
- CVD::H16Farnsworth H-16 cap colors
- CVD::LanthonyD15Farnsworth H-16 cap colors
- CVD::Roth28Roth-28 cap colors
- CVD::VKStable2Table with results of D-15 tests scored with the Vingrys and King-Smith method
- CVD::dichromaticCopunctalPointCopunctal points derived by Smith and Pokorny (1975)
- CVD::example1Lanthony1978Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Simple/Extreme Anomalous Trichromacy
- CVD::example2Lanthony1978Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test, Central Serous Choroidopathy/Optic Neuritis/Autosomal Dominant OpticAtrophy
- CVD::exampleBowman1982Example of cap arrangements for the D-15d test
- CVD::exampleFM100Example of cap arrangements for the FM-100 test
- CVD::exampleFarnsworth1974Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, deuteranope/protanope/tritanope
- CVD::exampleNRC1981Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, protanope/deuteranope/monochromat
- CVD::exampleSimunovic2004Example of cap arrangements for the D-15 test, rodMonochromat/blueConeMonochromat
- CVD::neutralPointNeutral points for CIE 1976 uv, CIE 1931 xy and CIE 1960 uv
- CVD::typicalD15Typical cap arrangements for the D-15 tests
- CVR::alcoholData sets for the alcohol dependence example
- CVR::mouseData sets for the mouse body weight example
- DAKS::pisaProgramme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Data
- datasetsICR::EconomicsEconomics dataset
- datasetsICR::EurostatEurostat dataset
- datasetsICR::FIFAFIFA dataset
- datasetsICR::NBA.48NBA.48 dataset
- datasetsICR::NBA.efficiencyNBA.efficiency dataset
- datasetsICR::NBA.externalNBA.external dataset
- datasetsICR::NBA.gameNBA.game dataset
- datasetsICR::USstateUS state dataset
- datasetsICR::butterflybutterfly dataset
- datasetsICR::customerscustomers dataset
- datasetsICR::flagsflags dataset
- datasetsICR::germangerman dataset
- datasetsICR::lasvegas.triplasvegas.trip dataset
- datasetsICR::seedsseeds dataset
- datasetsICR::wiki4HEwiki4HE dataset
- datasetsICR::winewine dataset
- dawai::Vehicle2Vehicle Silhouettes 2
- dbcsp::AR.dataSkeleton data for 6 different actions.
- DBfit::testdatatestdata
- dbglm::fleet1Data of vehicles registered in New Zealand as of November 2017
- DCchoice::APAlbemarle-Pamlico sounds CVM data
- DCchoice::CarsonDBExxon Valdez Oil Spill CVM data
- DCchoice::CarsonSBExxon Valdez Oil Spill CVM data
- DCchoice::KRKristr\"om's single-bounded dichotomous choice CVM data
- DCchoice::oohbsynSynthetic data set for oohbchoice()
- dccmidas::ftse100FTSE 100 data
- dccmidas::indproMonthly U.S. Industrial Production
- dccmidas::nasdaqNASDAQ data
- dccmidas::sp500S&P 500 data
- DCEmgmt::dataSurvey data from the DCE in Consumers' preferences and WTP for personalised nutrition (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40258-021-00647-3)
- DCEmgmt::data.cCoded dataset
- DCEmgmt::designDesign matrix from the DCE in Consumers' preferences and WTP for personalised nutrition (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40258-021-00647-3)
- DCL::ItriangleBDCLIncurred data (BDCL example)
- DCL::NpaidPriorNumber of non-zero payments (adding prior knowledge example)
- DCL::NtriangleBDCLNumber of reported claims (BDCL example)
- DCL::NtriangleDCLNumber of reported claims (DCL example)
- DCL::NtrianglePriorNumber of reported claims (adding prior knowledge example)
- DCL::XtriangleBDCLPaid data (BDCL example)
- DCL::XtriangleDCLPaid data (DCL example)
- DCL::XtrianglePriorPaid data (adding prior knowledge example)
- dCovTS::MortTempPartCardiovascular mortality, temperature and pollution data in Los Angeles County
- dCovTS::ibmSp500Monthly returns of IBM and S&P 500 composite index
- dCUR::AASPAcademic Achievement Score Projection -AASP-
- ddecompose::men8305Sample of male wage data from the CPS 1983-1985 and 2003-2005
- ddecompose::nlys00Sample of NLSY79 wage data from 2000
- DDHFm::ShipCreditFlowExample Shipping credit flow data
- DDHFm::cdnaExample cDNA data
- DDM::BrasilFemalesExample data for Brasil females by federal states, years 1991 to 2000
- DDM::BrasilMalesExample data for Brasil males by federal states, years 1980 to 1991
- DDM::MozExample data for Mozambique females 1997-2007
- deal::kslHealth and social characteristics
- deal::ratsWeightloss of rats
- deal::reinisdeal internal functions
- deaR::AirlinesData: Coelli, Grifell-Tatje, and Perelman (2002).
- deaR::Coelli_1998Data: Coelli, Rao and Battese (1998).
- deaR::Coll_Blasco_2006Data: Coll and Blasco (2006).
- deaR::DepartmentsData: Tomkins and Green (1988).
- deaR::Doyle_Green_1994Data: Doyle and Green (1994).
- deaR::EconomyData: Wang and Lan (2011).
- deaR::EconomyLongData: Wang and Lan (2011).
- deaR::Electric_plantsData: Färe, Grosskopf and Kokkelenberg (1989).
- deaR::Fortune500Data: Zhu (2014).
- deaR::Fried1993Data: Fried, Knox Lovell and Schmidt (1993).
- deaR::FuzzyExampleData: Fuzzy data reading example.
- deaR::Golany_Roll_1989Data: Golany and Roll (1989).
- deaR::Grifell_Lovell_1999Data: Grifell-Tatjé and Lovell (1999).
- deaR::Guo_Tanaka_2001Data: Guo and Tanaka (2001).
- deaR::HotelsData: Wu, Tsai and Zhou (2011).
- deaR::Hua_Bian_2007Data: Hua and Bian (2007).
- deaR::Kao_Liu_2003Data: Kao and Liu (2003).
- deaR::Leon2003Data: Leon, Liern, Ruiz and Sirvent (2003).
- deaR::LibrariesData: Cooper, Seiford and Tone (2007).
- deaR::Lim_Zhu_2015Data: Lim and Zhu (2015).
- deaR::PFT1981Data: Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (1981).
- deaR::Power_plantsData: Tone (2002).
- deaR::Ruggiero2007Data: Ruggiero (2007).
- deaR::Supply_ChainData: Sanei and Mamizadeh Chatghayeb (2013).
- deaR::Tone2001Data: Tone (2001).
- deaR::Tone2003Data: Tone (2003).
- DeBoinR::pdf_dataSimulated PDF data.
- DeBoinR::x_gridSimulated PDF data.
- deFit::example1Univariate second-order differential equation
- deFit::example2Bivariate first-order differential equation
- deFit::example3University of Michigan consumer sentiment index
- deFit::example4Bivariate first-order differential equation
- deident::ShiftsWorkedSynthetic data set listing daily shift pattern for fictitious employees
- deident::starwarsStarwars characters
- deltaPlotR::verbalVerbal Aggression Data Set
- DEM::SkinSkin segmentation
- DEM::magicMagic
- deming::arsenateComparison of two assays for arsenate.
- deming::ferritinValidation of a ferritin assay
- deming::ferritin2Validation of a ferritin assay
- dendRoAnalyst::gf_nepa17Dendrometer data of Kathmandu for 2017 with gap filled
- dendRoAnalyst::ktm_rain17Daily rainfall data of Kathmandu for 2017.
- dendRoAnalyst::nepaDendrometer data from Kathmandu
- dendRoAnalyst::nepa17Dendrometer data of Kathmandu for 2017
- dendRoAnalyst::nepa2Dendrometer data from Kathmandu version 2
- depend.truncation::centenarianJapanese Centenarians Data
- designmatch::germancitiesData from German cities before and after the Second World War
- designmatch::lalondeLalonde data set
- DevTreatRules::obsStudyGeneExpressionsSimulated dataset for package 'DevTreatRule'
- dfphase1::StudentA simulated dataset
- dfphase1::colonscopyColonscopy Times
- dfphase1::feFerric Oxide data
- dfphase1::gravelGravel data
- dfphase1::ryanRyan data
- dichromat::daltonEffects of Daltonism (Red-Green Color Blindness)
- dichromat::dalton.colorsEffects of Daltonism (Red-Green Color Blindness)
- didimputation::df_hetSimulated data with two treatment groups and heterogenous effects
- didimputation::df_homSimulated data with two treatment groups and homogenous effects
- DIDmultiplegt::wagepan_mgtwagepan_mgt
- diffIRT::brightnessA Simulated Response Time Dataset according to an Experimental Design
- diffIRT::extraversionResponses and Response Times to 10 Extraversion Items
- diffIRT::rotationResponses and Response Times to 10 Mental Rotation Items
- diffval::taxus_bin_Taxus baccata_ forests
- difR::verbalVerbal Aggression Data Set
- DImodels::BellThe "Bell" Dataset
- DImodels::SwitzerlandThe "Switzerland" Dataset
- DImodels::design_aThe "design_a" Dataset
- DImodels::design_bThe "design_b" Dataset
- DImodels::sim0The Simulated "sim0" Dataset
- DImodels::sim0_designThe "sim0_design" Dataset
- DImodels::sim1The Simulated "sim1" Dataset
- DImodels::sim2The Simulated "sim2" Dataset
- DImodels::sim3The Simulated "sim3" Dataset
- DImodels::sim4The Simulated "sim4" Dataset
- DImodels::sim5The Simulated "sim5" Dataset
- dirttee::colcancerColon Cancer Dataset
- DisaggregateTS::DataGHG Emissions and Financial Data for IBM
- discoverableresearch::possible_langsLanguages codes synthesisr can recognize
- discSurv::crash2Crash 2 competing risk data
- discSurv::unempMultiSpellMultiple Spell employment data
- disprose::ann.dataChlamydia pneumoniae genome annotation.
- disprose::blast.fillLocal BLAST results with added content.
- disprose::blast.rawLocal BLAST results.
- disprose::meta.allMetadata of all available Chlamydia pneumoniae's sequences.
- disprose::meta.targetMetadata of target Chlamydia pneumoniae's sequences.
- distdichoR::bmiBMI of 1,781 mothers
- distdichoR::bmi2BMI of 1,560 mothers
- distdichoR::bwsmokeBirth weight of 1,458 babies
- distdichoR::bwsmokecomplApgar score of 1755 babies
- diverge::all_birdsExample Tree
- dixon::swampTree Species in a Swamp Forest
- DMQ::vYdata: Microsoft Corporation logarithmic percentage returns from December 8, 2010 to November 15, 2018 for a total of T = 2000 observation downloaded from Yahoo finance.
- DMtest::betaExample DNA methylation data for dmvc function
- DMtest::covariateExample covariate data for dmvc function
- DOEM::PeMSD7_weekendPeMSD7 on weekend
- DOEM::PeMSD7_workdayPeMSD7 on workday
- DOS::angristlavyClass Size and Academic Performance - Maimonidies Rule
- DOS::costaWelding and DNA-Protein Crosslinks
- DOS::dynarskiA Natural Experiment Concerning Subsidized College Education
- DOS::leadLead in Children
- DOS::pintoWelding and DNA-Protein Crosslinks
- DOS::schoketDNA Damage in Aluminum Production Workers
- DOS::werfelWelding Fumes and DNA Damage
- DOS2::NSWNational Supported Work Randomized Experiment
- DOS2::angristlavyClass Size and Academic Performance - Maimonidies Rule
- DOS2::antineoplasticBiomonitoring of Workers Exposed to Antineoplastic Drugs
- DOS2::costaWelding and DNA-Protein Crosslinks
- DOS2::dynarskiA Natural Experiment Concerning Subsidized College Education
- DOS2::frontseatSafety Belts in Vehicle Crashes
- DOS2::hcystHomocysteine and Smoking
- DOS2::leadLead in Children
- DOS2::periodontalSmoking and Periodontal Disease
- DOS2::pintoWelding and DNA-Protein Crosslinks
- DOS2::schoketDNA Damage in Aluminum Production Workers
- DOS2::tanneryDNA Damage Among Tannery Workers
- DOS2::teethSmoking and Periodontal Disease.
- DOS2::werfelWelding Fumes and DNA Damage
- dotsViolin::fabaceae_clade_1Cx_dfGenome sizes for fabaceae
- dotsViolin::fabaceae_clade_n_dfchromosomal counts for fabaceae
- DoubleCone::adhdSub-clinical ADHD behaviors and classroom functioning in school-age children
- DoubleCone::derbyKentucky Derby Winner Speed
- DOvalidation::DKDenmark Female Mortality Data
- DOvalidation::IcelandIceland Female Mortality Data
- DOvalidation::UKUK Female Mortality Data
- DOvalidation::USUS Female Mortality Data
- Dpit::FourSamplesA part of the data set used in Joo, Aguinis, & Bradley (2017).
- drc::G.aparineHerbicide applied to Galium aparine
- drc::H.virescensMortality of tobacco budworms
- drc::M.bahiaEffect of an effluent on the growth of mysid shrimp
- drc::O.mykissTest data from a 21 day fish test
- drc::P.promelasEffect of sodium pentachlorophenate on growth of fathead minnow
- drc::RScompetitionCompetition between two biotypes
- drc::S.albaPotency of two herbicides
- drc::S.capricornutumEffect of cadmium on growth of green alga
- drc::acidiqAcifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor.
- drc::algaeVolume of algae as function of increasing concentrations of a herbicide
- drc::auxinsEffect of technical grade and commercially formulated auxin herbicides
- drc::chickweedGermination of common chickweed (_Stellaria media_)
- drc::chickweed0Germination of common chickweed (_Stellaria media_)
- drc::daphnidsDaphnia test
- drc::decontaminantsPerformance of decontaminants used in the culturing of a micro-organism
- drc::deguelinDeguelin applied to chrysanthemum aphis
- drc::earthwormsEarthworm toxicity test
- drc::etmotcEffect of erythromycin on mixed sewage microorganisms
- drc::finney71Example from Finney (1971)
- drc::germinationGermination of three crops
- drc::glymetGlyphosate and metsulfuron-methyl tested on algae.
- drc::heartrateHeart rate baroreflexes for rabbits
- drc::leaflengthLeaf length of barley
- drc::lepidiumDose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using lepidium
- drc::lettuceHormesis in lettuce plants
- drc::mecterMechlorprop and terbythylazine tested on Lemna minor
- drc::metalsData from heavy metal mixture experiments
- drc::methionineWeight gain for different methionine sources
- drc::nasturtiumDose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using nasturtium
- drc::ryegrassEffect of ferulic acid on growth of ryegrass
- drc::secalonicRoot length measurements
- drc::seleniumData from toxicology experiments with selenium
- drc::spinachInhibition of photosynthesis
- drc::terbuthylazinThe effect of terbuthylazin on growth rate
- drc::vinclozolinVinclozolin from AR in vitro assay
- drcarlate::data_tableData used to reproduce Table 5 results in Jiang et. al. (2022)
- dslabs::admissionsGender bias among graduate school admissions to UC Berkeley.
- dslabs::brcaBreast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnostic Dataset from UCI Machine Learning Repository
- dslabs::brexit_pollsBrexit Poll Data
- dslabs::death_prob2015 US Period Life Table
- dslabs::divorce_margarineDivorce rate and margarine consumption data
- dslabs::gapminderGapminder Data
- dslabs::greenhouse_gasesGreenhouse gas concentrations over 2000 years
- dslabs::heightsSelf-reported Heights in Inches
- dslabs::historic_co2Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over 800,000 years
- dslabs::mice_weightsMice weights
- dslabs::mnist_127Useful example for illustrating generative models based on MNIST data
- dslabs::mnist_27Useful example for illustrating machine learning algorithms based on MNIST data
- dslabs::movielensMovie ratings
- dslabs::murdersUS gun murders by state for 2010
- dslabs::na_exampleCount data with some missing values
- dslabs::nyc_regents_scoresNYC Regents exams scores 2010
- dslabs::oecdGapminder Data
- dslabs::oliveItalian olive
- dslabs::opecGapminder Data
- dslabs::outlier_exampleAdult male heights in feet with outliers
- dslabs::polls_2008Poll data for popular vote in 2008 presidential election
- dslabs::polls_us_election_2016Fivethirtyeight 2016 Poll Data
- dslabs::pr_death_countsPuerto Rico daily mortality
- dslabs::raw_data_research_funding_ratesGender bias in research funding in the Netherlands
- dslabs::reported_heightsSelf-reported Heights
- dslabs::research_funding_ratesGender bias in research funding in the Netherlands
- dslabs::results_us_election_2016Fivethirtyeight 2016 Poll Data
- dslabs::sentiment_countsTrump Tweets from2009 to 2017
- dslabs::starsPhysical Properties of Stars
- dslabs::temp_carbonGlobal temperature anomaly and carbon emissions, 1751-2018
- dslabs::tissue_gene_expressionGene expression profiles for 189 biological samples taken from seven different tissue types.
- dslabs::trump_tweetsTrump Tweets from2009 to 2017
- dslabs::us_contagious_diseasesContagious disease data for US states
- dstat::dentalDental Problems Caused by Smoking
- dstat::laliveUnemployment Duration Following an Increase in Unemployment Benefits
- dSTEM::HST_stockStock price of Host & Hotel Resorts (HST)
- Dtableone::data1data1
- Dtableone::data2data2
- Dtableone::data3data3
- Dtableone::data4data4
- DTWBI::dataDTWBISix univariate signals as example for DTWBI package
- DTWUMI::dataDTWUMIA multivariate times series consisting of three signals as example for DTWUMI package
- dualScale::bad_codedNishisato and Clavel, artificial set of data
- dualScale::christmasChristmas party plans
- dualScale::curriculaCurricula and Social classes
- dualScale::govermentGoverment services and facilities
- dualScale::preferencesPreferences, artificial set of data
- dualScale::singaporeanSingaporean children as viewed by adults
- dundermifflin::ep_n_sceneDataset of all quotes from The Office
- dundermifflin::office_quotesDataset of all quotes from The Office
- dynRB::finchData set finch
- dynRB::finch2Subset of data set finch
- easyanova::data1data1: Kaps and Lamberson(2009): page 252
- easyanova::data10data10: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 395
- easyanova::data11data11: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 199
- easyanova::data12data12: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 202
- easyanova::data13data13: Cruz and Carneiro (2006): page 575
- easyanova::data14data14: Sampaio (2009): page173
- easyanova::data15data15: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 211
- easyanova::data16data16: Sampaio (2010): page164
- easyanova::data17data17: Sanders and Gaynor (1987)
- easyanova::data18data18: Ramalho et al. (2005): page 115
- easyanova::data19data19: Sampaio (2010): page 155
- easyanova::data2data2: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 313: randomizad block design
- easyanova::data3data3: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 347
- easyanova::data4data4: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 349
- easyanova::data5data5: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 361
- easyanova::data6data6: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 127
- easyanova::data7data7: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 409
- easyanova::data8data8: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 386
- easyanova::data9data9: Sampaio (2010): page 67
- easyreg::data1data1: Sampaio (2010): page 134
- easyreg::data2data2: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 434
- easyreg::data3data3: fictional example
- easyreg::data4data4: fictional example
- easyreg::data5data5: fictional example
- eatDB::sqlite_keywordsVector of SQLite Keywords.
- eba::SQattributesQuality of Multichannel Reproduced Sound
- eba::SQpreferenceQuality of Multichannel Reproduced Sound
- eba::SQsubjectsQuality of Multichannel Reproduced Sound
- eba::ambilightWine Tasting Data
- eba::celebritiesChoice among Celebrities
- eba::drugriskPerceived Health Risk of Drugs
- eba::envirosoundAuditory Unpleasantness of Environmental Sound
- eba::heavinessWeights Judging Data
- eba::porkPork Tasting Data
- eba::redwinesWine Tasting Data
- eba::schoolsubjectsPreference for School Subjects
- eba::tartnessTartness Rankings of Salad Dressings
- EBEN::BASISAn Example Data File for the Gauss Model
- EBEN::BASISbinomialAn Example Data File for the Binomial Model
- EBEN::ySample Response Data for Gaussian Model
- EBEN::yBinomialSample Variable Data for Binomial Model
- ecespa::HelianthemumSpatial point pattern of Helianthemum squamatum adult plants and seedlings
- ecespa::fig1Artificial point data.
- ecespa::fig2Artificial point data.
- ecespa::fig3Artificial point data.
- ecespa::gypsophylousSpatial point pattern of a plant community
- ecespa::quercusvmAlive and dead oak trees
- ecespa::seedlings1Cohorts of Helianthemum squamatum seedlings
- ecespa::seedlings2Cohorts of Helianthemum squamatum seedlings
- ecespa::swampTree Species in a Swamp Forest
- ecespa::syr1Syrjala test data
- ecespa::syr2Syrjala test data
- ecespa::syr3Syrjala test data
- ecipex::nistisoMasses, isotope patterns and nucleon numbers of the elements
- ecoCopula::spiderSpider data
- econet::G_alumni_111Column-normalized adjacency matrix representing the alumni network of the 111th U.S. Congress.
- econet::G_cosponsor_111Column-normalized adjacency matrix representing the cosponsorship network of the 111th U.S. Congress.
- econet::G_model_A_testColumn-normalized adjacency matrix representing a subsample of the alumni network of the 111th U.S. Congress.
- econet::a_G_alumni_111Column-normalized adjacency matrix representing the alumni network of the 111th U.S. Congress.
- econet::a_db_alumniDataset from Battaglini, Patacchini (2018)
- econet::db_alumni_testDataset from Battaglini, Patacchini (2018)
- econet::db_cosponsorDataset from Battaglini, Leone Sciabolazza, Patacchini (2018)
- ecopower::crayweedCrayweed dataset
- ecopower::fishFish dataset
- ecotoxicology::AphisRumicisDerrisMalaccensisdata on the toxicity to Aphis rumicis of an ether extract of Derris malaccensis
- ecotoxicology::Dunnett.t.StatisticCritical Values of Dunnett's t Statistic
- ecotoxicology::SheepsheadMinnow40SKMortality data from a fathead minnow larval survival and growth test (40 organisms per concentration)
- ecotoxicology::Table1Finney1964Transformation of Percentages to Probits, table I of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table2Finney1964The Weighting Coefficient and Q/Z, table II of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table3Finney1964Maximum and Minimum working probits and Range, table III of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table4Finney1964Working probits, table IV of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table5Finney1964The Probability, P, the Ordinate, Z, and Z^2, table V of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table8Finney1964The Weighting Coefficient in Wadley's Problem, table VIII of Finney, 1964
- ecotoxicology::Table9Finney1964Minimum Working Probit, Range, and Weighting Coefficient for Inverse Sampling, table IX of Finney, 1964
- edcpR::vegdata1First dataset to be used in assignment 1
- edcpR::vegdata2Second dataset to be used in assignment 1
- eDMA::SimDatadata: Simulated data from DLM of West and Harrison (1999).
- eDMA::USDatadata: Quarterly US inflation and associated predictors
- eDMA::USRecessionsdata: Dates of U.S. recessions as inferred by GDP-based recession indicator (JHDUSRGDPBR).
- EDNE.EQ::ex_data_JoBSExample dataset from Hoffelder et al. (2015)
- EDOtrans::FACSdataExample data of hematologic marker expression.
- EDOtrans::GMMartificialDataExample data an artificial Gaussioan mixture.
- eegkit::eegcoordEEG Cap Coordinates
- eegkit::eegdenseDense EEG Cap Coordinates
- eegkit::eegheadDummy Head for 3d EEG Plots
- eegkit::eegmeshEEG Cap for Dense Coordinates
- eegkitdata::eegdataEEG Data from Alcoholic and Control Subjects
- EEMDelm::Data_SoybeanMonthly International Soybean Oil Price
- eemdTDNN::Data_MaizeMonthly International Maize Price Data
- EFS::efsdataMeteorological data for feature selection analysis
- ega::glucose_data5072 paired reference and test glucose values.
- eggCounts::epgsFaecal egg count samples (before and after treatment)
- EHR::dddd
- EHR::dd.baselinedd.baseline
- EHR::dd.baseline.smalldd.baseline.small
- EHR::dd.smalldd.small
- EHR::lam_metadataExample of Metadata for Lamotrigine Data
- EHR::lam_mxr_parsedExample of Lamotrigine Output from 'parseMedExtractR'
- EHR::tac_labExample of Lab Time Data for Tacrolimus
- EHR::tac_metadataExample of Metadata for Tacrolimus Data
- EHR::tac_mxr_parsedExample of Tacrolimus Output from 'parseMedExtractR'
- ei::RxCdataSample Dataset
- ei::census1910Black Literacy in 1910
- ei::eiRxCsampleA Sample Dataset
- ei::fultongenVoter Transitions
- ei::lavoteallTurnout by Race in Louisiana
- ei::matproiiVoter Registration by Race in Southern States
- ei::njNonminority Turnout in New Jersey
- ei::sampleSample Data for Black Votes
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2002Ecological inference data sets of the 2002 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2005Ecological inference data sets of the 2005 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2008Ecological inference data sets of the 2008 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2011Ecological inference data sets of the 2011 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2014Ecological inference data sets of the 2014 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2017Ecological inference data sets of the 2017 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_NZ_2020Ecological inference data sets of the 2020 New Zealand General Election.
- ei.Datasets::ei_SCO_2007Ecological inference data sets of the 2007 Scottish National Assembly.
- elasticnet::diabetesBlood and other measurements in diabetics
- elasticnet::pitpropsPitprops correlation data
- elections::eldatOutcomes of the USA presidential elections since 1920, and various predictors
- elrm::crashDatCrash Dataset: Calibration of Crash Dummies in Automobile Safety Tests
- elrm::diabDatSimulated Diabetes Dataset
- elrm::drugDatDrug Dataset
- elrm::titanDatTitanic Dataset
- elrm::utiDatUrinary Tract Infection and Contraceptive Use
- ELYP::GastricCancerGastric Cancer Data
- ELYP::smallcellSmallcell Lung Cancer Data
- emcAdr::ATC_Tree_UpperBound_2024ATC Tree Upper Bound 2024
- emcAdr::FAERS_myopathyFAERS Myopathy Dataset
- EngrExpt::absorbOil absorption of silica
- EngrExpt::adhesionAdhesive qualities of a lens coating
- EngrExpt::adhesion2Adhesive qualities of a lens coating
- EngrExpt::alumAluminum impurity amounts
- EngrExpt::applicatApplication of powder coating
- EngrExpt::assayYield from two processes
- EngrExpt::bacteriaBacteria count in water samples
- EngrExpt::bathElectrical resistance after water bath
- EngrExpt::batteryBattery lifetime in laptop computers
- EngrExpt::brightBrightness of de-inked newspaper
- EngrExpt::calciumCalcium levels before and after taking vitamin
- EngrExpt::caliperDiameters of rods measured by two calipers
- EngrExpt::ccthicknClear coat thickness
- EngrExpt::cementDrying times of concrete
- EngrExpt::cheesePercentage fat in cheese
- EngrExpt::chemreacYield of a chemical reaction
- EngrExpt::computerRepair time of computers
- EngrExpt::cureYield from a chemical curing process
- EngrExpt::curlCurl of transparencies
- EngrExpt::defoamHeight of solution with defoamer
- EngrExpt::deinkDe-inking of newsprint
- EngrExpt::deink2De-inking of newsprint
- EngrExpt::dhazeHaze of lenses after abrasion
- EngrExpt::diagnosticConsistency of diagnostic kits
- EngrExpt::diameterDiameter of product
- EngrExpt::droughtWater usage in 2001 and 2002
- EngrExpt::drumsWeights of drums before and after filling
- EngrExpt::dryMoisture content after drying
- EngrExpt::epoxyEffect of epoxy level on appearance
- EngrExpt::exposureAppearance of panels after exposure to weather
- EngrExpt::fbuildAppearance for film builds
- EngrExpt::fillFill amount in tamped cylinders
- EngrExpt::fillweightFill weight by batch
- EngrExpt::fishToxin concentrations in fish by site
- EngrExpt::fish2Toxin concentrations in fish by site
- EngrExpt::fluorideFluoride levels from water sources
- EngrExpt::glossGloss of paint on cars
- EngrExpt::labcompInter-lab study
- EngrExpt::lwAutomotive paint formulation
- EngrExpt::lwswAppearance measures of automotive paints
- EngrExpt::moistureMoisture content of a silica product
- EngrExpt::mwAppearance measure of paint
- EngrExpt::odorOdor, yellowing and hardness of optical coating
- EngrExpt::ovenDrying of silica
- EngrExpt::phpH measurements in a chemical process
- EngrExpt::phmeasComparison of instruments to measure pH
- EngrExpt::pigmentYellowing of paint for different pigments
- EngrExpt::proteinAssay of protein in blood
- EngrExpt::purityPurity of product from a filtration process
- EngrExpt::railcarRail car hold times
- EngrExpt::railcar2Rail car hold times
- EngrExpt::railcar3Moisture level versus type of rail car
- EngrExpt::ratingsRatings of raw materials
- EngrExpt::ratings2Product ratings and moisture content
- EngrExpt::reflectAnti-reflective coating measurements
- EngrExpt::safetySafety violations over time
- EngrExpt::salesSales versus capital expenditure
- EngrExpt::sareaSurface area of silica
- EngrExpt::separateElectrical resistance of battery separators
- EngrExpt::soapSoap sales by packaging type
- EngrExpt::stabStability of a chemical product
- EngrExpt::stretchStretch of hot pizza cheese
- EngrExpt::surfareaSurface area of silica
- EngrExpt::tabletsLifetime of chlorine tablets
- EngrExpt::temprateEffect of water bath on moisture content
- EngrExpt::tennisDurability of tennis ball covers
- EngrExpt::tensileTensile breaking strength of steel samples
- EngrExpt::thinfilmStrength of thin film coatings
- EngrExpt::timetempTime to nominal temperature
- EngrExpt::tpasteTurbidity of a toothpaste formulation
- EngrExpt::urineMercury level in employee urine samples
- EngrExpt::uvcoatinComparison of eyeglass ultra-violet coatings
- EngrExpt::uvovenUV absorbance for lens cured in different ovens
- EngrExpt::viscosityTime to gelling of paint samples
- EngrExpt::vitaminCalcium levels before and after vitamin supplement
- EngrExpt::washAppearance of washed and unwashed panels
- EngrExpt::waterBacteria concentrations in water samples
- EngrExpt::webtraffWeb site traffic during a marketing campaign
- EngrExpt::webvisitWeb site visits over a 3-week period
- EngrExpt::weightWeight plastic bags held before breaking
- EngrExpt::whiteareaComparison of mixing processes
- EngrExpt::yellowInitial and 1 month color measure of coated lens
- EngrExpt::yieldYield of a chemical process
- ensembleBMA::ensBMAtestEnsemble BMA Test Data Set
- ensembleBMA::prcpDJdataPrecipitation Data
- ensembleBMA::prcpFitBMA Model Fit to Precipitation Data
- ensembleBMA::prcpGridGridded Ensemble Forecasts of Precipitation
- ensembleBMA::prcpTestFitEnsemble BMA Test Data Set
- ensembleBMA::srftSurface Temperature Ensemble Forecasts and Observations
- ensembleBMA::srftGridGridded Surface Temperature Ensemble Forecasts
- ensembleBMA::tempTestFitEnsemble BMA Test Data Set
- ensembleBMA::winsTestFitEnsemble BMA Test Data Set
- ensembleTax::bayes.sampleExample output of dada2 assignTaxonomy function
- ensembleTax::gg_13_8_train_set_97All unique taxonomic assignments from the GreenGenes v13.8 clusted at 97%
- ensembleTax::idtax.pr2.sampleExample output of DECIPHER idtaxa function with pr2 taxonomy
- ensembleTax::idtax.silva.sampleExample output of DECIPHER idtaxa function with silva taxonomy
- ensembleTax::pr2v4.12.0All unique taxonomic assignments from the pr2 reference database v4.12.0
- ensembleTax::rdp_train_set_16All unique taxonomic assignments from the RDP Train Set 16
- ensembleTax::rubric.sampleExample rubric with ASV-identifying data
- ensembleTax::silva.nr.v138All unique taxonomic assignments from the Silva SSU nr database v138
- ensembleTax::synonyms_v2Taxonomic synonyms searched by the taxmapper algorithm
- EnvNicheR::CarnivoresPresence of terrestrial carnivores of the family Felidae and environmental variables.
- EnvNicheR::Polar.coordinatesPolar cooordinates obtained from the function Niche
- epiDisplay::ANCdataDataset on effect of new antenatal care method on mortality
- epiDisplay::ANCtableDataset on effect of new ANC method on mortality (as a table)
- epiDisplay::AttitudesDataset from an attitude survey among hospital staff
- epiDisplay::BPDataset on blood pressure and determinants
- epiDisplay::BangDataset from 1988 Bangladesh Fertility Survey
- epiDisplay::CompaqDataset on cancer survival
- epiDisplay::DHF99Dataset for exercise on predictors for mosquito larva infestation
- epiDisplay::DecayDataset on tooth decay and mutan streptococci
- epiDisplay::EctopicDataset of a case-control study looking at history of abortion as a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy
- epiDisplay::FamilydataDataset of a hypothetical family
- epiDisplay::HW93Dataset from a study on hookworm prevalence and intensity in 1993
- epiDisplay::HakimiDataset on effect of training personnel on neonatal mortality
- epiDisplay::IudAdmitDataset admission of cases for IUD trials
- epiDisplay::IudDiscontinueDataset on discontinuation of the IUD trial cases
- epiDisplay::IudFollowupDataset followup cases of IUD trials
- epiDisplay::MarryageDataset on age at marriage
- epiDisplay::MontanaDataset on arsenic exposure and respiratory deaths
- epiDisplay::OswegoDataset from an outbreak of food poisoning in US
- epiDisplay::OutbreakDataset from an outbreak of food poisoning on a sportsday, Thailand 1990.
- epiDisplay::PlanningDataset for practicing cleaning, labelling and recoding
- epiDisplay::SO2Dataset on air pollution and deaths in UK
- epiDisplay::Sleep3Dataset on sleepiness in a workshop
- epiDisplay::SuwitHookworm infection and blood loss: SEAJTM 1970
- epiDisplay::TimingDataset on time going to bed, waking up and arrival at a workshop
- epiDisplay::VC1to1Datasets on a matched case-control study of esophageal cancer
- epiDisplay::VC1to6Datasets on a matched case-control study of esophageal cancer
- epiDisplay::VCTDataset on attitudes toward VCT
- epiDisplay::XeropDataset from an Indonesian study on vitamin A deficiency and risk of respiratory infection
- epiR::epi.SClipLip cancer in Scotland 1975 - 1980
- epiR::epi.epiduralRates of use of epidural anaesthesia in trials of caregiver support
- epiR::epi.incinLaryngeal and lung cancer cases in Lancashire 1974 - 1983
- epitools::oswegoOutbreak of Gastrointestinal Illness in Oswego County, 1940
- epitools::wcgsWestern Collaborative Group Study data
- epitools::wnvWest Nile Virus human cases reported in California, USA, as of December 14, 2004
- epr::data1data1: Sampaio (2010): page 134
- epr::data2data2: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 434
- epr::data3data3: fictional example
- epr::data4data4: fictional example
- epr::data5data5: fictional example
- Equalden.HD::HedenfalkHedenfalk data
- Equalden.HD::RatRat data
- equivalence::pref.4PGMeasured and simulated data from PREF, northern Idaho, USA, and 4-PG
- equivalence::pref.LAIMeasured Leaf Area Index data from PREF, northern Idaho, USA
- equivalence::ufcUpper Flat Creek cruise data
- erer::daBedTransformed Wooden Beds Import Data for Static AIDS Models
- erer::daBedRawWooden Beds Import Data
- erer::daEsaDaily returns of 14 public firms from 1990 to 2004
- erer::daExpExpenditure Data for a Hausman Test in AIDS Model
- erer::daInsLiability Insurance Coverage for Hunters and Anglers in Mississippi
- erer::daInsNamLiability Insurance Coverage for Hunters and Anglers in Mississippi: Variable Definitions
- erer::daLawData for statutory reforms and retention of prescribed fire liability laws on forest land by state
- erer::daPeProgram Effectiveness of a New Method of Teaching Economics
- erer::daRollVoting records for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003 and the associated characteristics of congressmen
- ErlangC::translationsTranslations
- eSIR::USA_state_NPopulation of US states
- eSIR::confirmedConfirmed COVID-19 cases
- eSIR::deathConfirmed COVID-19 deaths
- eSIR::recoveredConfirmed COVID-19 recovered
- estadistica::diseno1Datos simulados de dos muestras tomadas en periodos de tiempo distintos. La muestra 1 es tomada en enero y la muestra 2 en junio.
- estadistica::diseno2Datos simulados de dos muestras tomadas en periodos de tiempo distintos. La muestra 1 es tomada en enero y la muestra 2 en junio.
- estadistica::ejem_bidiData: Ejemplo de dos variables (ejem_bidi)
- estadistica::hogaresData: Hogares
- estadistica::salarios2018Data: Encuesta cuatrienal de estructura salarial (2018)
- estadistica::startupData: Datos de empresas emergentes (startups)
- estadistica::turistasData: Turistas por paises (WTO)
- estadistica::turistas2Data: Turistas internacionales Comunidad Valenciana
- estadistica::viajes_vendidosData: Viajes vendidos
- EstMix::example_dataExampleData
- EstMix::seg_egSegmentation
- EstMix::wgs_egwgsData
- ETC::BWBody weights measured in a toxicological study
- eudract::safetyExample of safety data
- eudract::soc_codeSystem Organ Class coding
- EUfootball::MatchesDataset Matches
- Evapotranspiration::E_OBSObserved Class-A Pan Evaporation
- Evapotranspiration::climatedataRaw Climate Data Required for Calculating Evapotranspiration
- Evapotranspiration::constantsConstants Required for Calculating Evapotranspriation
- Evapotranspiration::defaultconstantsUniversal constants Required for Calculating Evapotranspriation
- Evapotranspiration::processeddataProcessed Climate Data Required for Calculating Evapotranspiration
- evclass::glassGlass dataset
- evclass::ionosphereIonosphere dataset
- evclass::vehiclesVehicles dataset
- evclust::butterflyButterfly dataset
- evclust::fourclassSynthetic four-class dataset
- evclust::proteinProtein dataset
- evclust::s2S2 dataset
- evd::failureFailure Times
- evd::foxMaximum Annual Flood Discharges of the Fox River
- evd::lisbonAnnual Maximum Wind Speeds at Lisbon
- evd::lossalaeGeneral Liability Claims
- evd::ocmulgeeMaximum Annual Flood Discharges of the Ocmulgee River
- evd::oldageOldest Ages for Swedish Males and Females
- evd::oxfordAnnual Maximum Temperatures at Oxford
- evd::portpirieAnnual Maximum Sea Levels at Port Pirie
- evd::saskMaximum Annual Flood Discharges of the North Saskachevan River
- evd::sealevelAnnual Sea Level Maxima at Dover and Harwich
- evd::sealevel2Annual Sea Level Maxima at Dover and Harwich with Indicator
- evd::uccleRainfall Maxima at Uccle, Belgium
- evd::veniceLargest Sea Levels in Venice
- evd::venice2Largest Sea Levels in Venice
- evdbayes::rainfallDaily Aggregate Rainfall
- evidenceFactors::GamlistGamma list for illustration of the use of the package.
- evidenceFactors::Plistp-value list for illustration of the use of the package.
- evidenceFactors::mtmDNA damage from exposure to chromium
- evident::antineoplasticBiomonitoring of Workers Exposed to Antineoplastic Drugs
- evident::benzeneChromosome Damage from Exposure to Benzene
- evident::ckMinimum Wages and Employment
- evident::ckAMatching the Minimum Wage Data
- evident::hsmokeSmoking and Homocysteine
- evident::leadLead in Children
- evident::leadworkerDNA Damage in Lead Workers
- evident::periodontalSmoking and Periodontal Disease
- evident::tanneryDNA Damage Among Tannery Workers
- evtree::BBBClubBookbinder's Book Club
- evtree::ContraceptiveChoiceContraceptive Method Choice
- evtree::GermanCreditStatlog German Credit
- evtree::MAGICGammaTelescopeMAGIC Gamma Telescope
- evtree::StatlogHeartStatlog Heart
- EwR::REcoDataREcoData
- EwR::REcoData_DCMREcoData_DCM
- EwR::REcoData_PanelREcoData_Panel
- EwR::REcoData_Panel_URREcoData_Panel_UR
- EwR::REcoData_SEMREcoData_SEM
- EwR::REcoData_TourismREcoData_Tourism
- EWS::data_USAHistorical data for the United States
- EWS::data_panelHistorical data for 13 OECD countries
- excessmort::cdc_state_countsWeekly death counts for each USA state
- excessmort::cook_demographicsCook County Medical Examiner Records
- excessmort::cook_recordsCook County Medical Examiner Records
- excessmort::icdPuerto Rico daily mortality by cause of death
- excessmort::louisiana_countsLouisiana daily mortality
- excessmort::new_jersey_countsNew Jersey daily mortality
- excessmort::puerto_rico_countsPuerto Rico daily mortality
- excessmort::puerto_rico_icdPuerto Rico daily mortality by cause of death
- excessmort::world_countsWeekly death counts for several countries
- ExNRuleEnsemble::ILPDIndian Liver Patient Dataset
- ExpAnalysis3d::Dados1Dados de exemplo de um experimento sem repeticoes.
- ExpAnalysis3d::Dados2Dados de exemplo de um experimento sem repeticoes.
- ExpAnalysis3d::Dados3Dados de exemplo de um experimento com repeticoes.
- expectreg::GasolineGasoline Consumption
- expectreg::dutchboysData set about the growth of dutch children
- expectreg::indiaMalnutrition of Childen in India
- expectreg::india.bndRegions of India - boundary format
- expectreg::northger.bndRegions of northern Germany - boundary format
- expertsurv::bcBreast cancer survival data
- expertsurv::bosms3Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
- expertsurv::bosms4Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
- expertsurv::dataA fictional survival trial taken directly from survHE.
- ExtMallows::NBArankingsA real example of rankings of NBA teams
- ExtMallows::simu1Simulation data 1
- ExtMallows::simu2Simulation data 2
- ExtMallows::simu3Simulation data 3
- extRemes::CarcasonneHeatEuropean Climate Assessment and Dataset
- extRemes::DenmintDenver Minimum Temperature
- extRemes::DenverspDenver July hourly precipitation amount.
- extRemes::FCwxFort Collins, Colorado Weather Data
- extRemes::FloodUnited States Total Economic Damage Resulting from Floods
- extRemes::FortDaily precipitation amounts in Fort Collins, Colorado.
- extRemes::HEATSummer Maximum and Minimum Temperature: Phoenix, Arizona
- extRemes::Ozone4HGround-Level Ozone Order Statistics.
- extRemes::PORTwAnnual Maximum and Minimum Temperature
- extRemes::PeakSalt River Peak Stream Flow
- extRemes::PotomacPotomac River Peak Stream Flow Data.
- extRemes::RsumHurricane Frequency Dataset.
- extRemes::SEPTspAnnual Maximum and Minimum Temperature
- extRemes::SantaAnaSanta Ana Winds Data
- extRemes::TphapDaily Maximum and Minimum Temperature in Phoenix, Arizona.
- extRemes::damageHurricane Damage Data
- extRemes::ftcanmaxAnnual Maximum Precipitation: Fort Collins, Colorado
- eyeTrackR::fixationreportExample fixation report dataset
- eyeTrackR::messagereportExample message report dataset
- EzGP::EzGP_dataDataset for the example in function 'EzGP_fit'
- EzGP::LEzGP_dataDataset for the example in function 'LEzGP_fit'
- FactorCopula::GSSThe 1994 General Social Survey
- FactorCopula::PEPolitical-economic risk of 62 countries for the year 1987
- FactorCopula::PTSDThe Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- FactorCopula::TASToronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS)
- factorplot::franceExample data for factorplot function
- FADPclust::simData1Simulated univariate functional data for method FADPclust
- FADPclust::simData2Simulated multivariate functional data for method FADPclust
- fairml::adultCensus Income
- fairml::bankBank Marketing
- fairml::communities.and.crimeCommunities and Crime Data Set
- fairml::compasCriminal Offenders Screened in Florida
- fairml::drug.consumptionDrug Consumption
- fairml::german.creditGerman Credit Data
- fairml::health.retirementHealth and Retirement Survey
- fairml::law.school.admissionsLaw School Admission Council data
- fairml::national.longitudinal.surveyIncome and Labour Market Activities
- fairml::obesity.levelsObesity Levels
- fairml::vu.testSynthetic data set to test fair models
- falcon::posPosition (bp)
- falcon::readMatrixAn example reads count data
- falcon::tauhatEstimated Break Points
- falconx::biasMatrixBias Matrix
- falconx::posPosition (bp)
- falconx::readMatrixReads Matrix
- falconx::tauhatEstimated Break Points
- FamEvent::LSfamOntario Lynch Syndrom families
- fANCOVA::USpopuUS national population
- FastCUB::relgoodsRelational goods and Leisure time dataset
- FastCUB::univerEvaluation of the Orientation Services 2002
- fastliu::HittersHitters
- fat2Lpoly::fat2Lpoly.allSNPsExample results output by the function 'fat2Lpoly.withinR'
- fat2Lpoly::ped.x.allExample dataset returned by the function 'read.merlin.files'
- FatTailsR::dfDataDatasets dfData, mData, tData, xData, zData, extractData : dfData
- FatTailsR::mDataDatasets dfData, mData, tData, xData, zData, extractData : mData
- FatTailsR::tDataDatasets dfData, mData, tData, xData, zData, extractData : tData
- FatTailsR::xDataDatasets dfData, mData, tData, xData, zData, extractData : xData
- FatTailsR::zDataDatasets dfData, mData, tData, xData, zData, extractData : zData
- favnums::favourite_numbersFavourite Numbers based on an online poll
- FAwR::guttenvon Guttenberg's Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) tree measurement data.
- FAwR::herbdataHerbicide trial seedling data
- FAwR::leuschnerLeuschner harvest schedule yield data
- FAwR::stageStage's Grand fir (Abies grandis (Dougl) Lindl.) tree measurement data
- FAwR::sweetgumLenhart's sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) tree measurement data.
- FAwR::ufcUpper Flat Creek forest cruise tree data
- fBasics::CapitalizationfBasics data sets
- fBasics::DowJones30fBasics data sets
- fBasics::HedgeFundfBasics data sets
- fBasics::PensionFundfBasics data sets
- fBasics::SWXLPfBasics data sets
- fBasics::cars2fBasics data sets
- fBasics::msft.datfBasics data sets
- fBasics::nysefBasics data sets
- fBasics::swissEconomyfBasics data sets
- fBasics::usdthbfBasics data sets
- fclust::McMcDonald's data
- fclust::NBANBA teams data
- fclust::butterflyButterfly data
- fclust::houseVotesCongressional Voting Records Data
- fclust::synt.dataSynthetic data
- fclust::synt.data2Synthetic data
- fclust::unemploymentUnemployment data
- fdaMocca::simdataSimulated data
- fdaMocca::simdata0Simulated data
- fdaMocca::varveVarved sediment data from lake Kassjön
- fdaMocca::varve_fullVarved sediment data from lake Kassjön
- fdrtool::pvaluesExample p-Values
- fds::CancerrateBreast Cancer Data
- fds::ECBYieldcurveYield curve data spot rate
- fds::ElectricityconsumptionElectricity consumption time series
- fds::FatspectrumFat content spectrometric data
- fds::FatvaluesFat content spectrometric data
- fds::FedYieldcurveFederal Reserve interest rate
- fds::MoisturespectrumMoisture content spectrometric data
- fds::MoisturevaluesMoisture content spectrometric data
- fds::OctanespectrumOctane content spectrometric data
- fds::OctanevaluesOctane content spectrometric data
- fds::PigweightPig weight data
- fds::SAelectdemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::SOIAnnual Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) for the period 1900-2004.
- fds::SatelliteSatellite topex/poseidon
- fds::YieldcurveUS: Treasury bond
- fds::aaPhoneme data
- fds::actfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::actmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::actotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::aoPhoneme data
- fds::ausfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::ausmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::austotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::dclPhoneme data
- fds::femalemigrationSpanish migration from 1999 to 2003
- fds::fridaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::fridaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::fridaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::iyPhoneme data
- fds::labcBiscuit dough piece data
- fds::labpBiscuit dough piece data
- fds::malemigrationSpanish migration from 1999 to 2003
- fds::mondaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::mondaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::mondaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::nircBiscuit dough piece data
- fds::nirpBiscuit dough piece data
- fds::nswfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::nswmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::nswtotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::ntfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::ntmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::ntotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::qldfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::qldmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::qldtotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::safemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::samaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::satotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::saturdaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::saturdaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::saturdaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::shPhoneme data
- fds::sundaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::sundaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::sundaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::tasfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::tasmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::tastotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::tempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::tempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::thursdaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::thursdaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::thursdaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::tuesdaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::tuesdaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::tuesdaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::vicfemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::vicmaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::victotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::wafemaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::wamaleAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::watotalAustralia and Australian state mortality rates
- fds::wednesdaydemandElectricity demand in Adelaide
- fds::wednesdaytempairportTemperatures in South Australia
- fds::wednesdaytempkentTemperatures in South Australia
- fdWasserstein::PhonemePhoneme data
- fdWasserstein::logPeriodogramPhoneme data
- FeaLect::mcl_sllMCL and SLL lymphoma subtypes
- fechner::morseRothkopf's Morse Code Data
- fechner::noRegMinArtificial Data: Regular Minimality Violated
- fechner::regMinArtificial Data: Regular Minimality In Non-canonical Form
- fechner::wishWish's Morse-code-like Data
- fence::X.lmerX.lmer
- fence::kidneykidney
- fGarch::dem2gbpTime series datasets
- fGarch::sp500dgeTime series datasets
- FGLMtrunc::LinearExampleSimulated data for functional linear regression.
- FGLMtrunc::LogisticExampleSimulated data for functional logistic regression.
- FGRepo::GWASCat_graphGWAScatalog graph
- FGRepo::cytoband_grch37Cytoband information (GRCh37)
- FGRepo::cytoband_grch38Cytoband information (GRCh38)
- FGRepo::gene_names_grch37Gene Names (GRCh37)
- FGRepo::gene_names_grch38Gene Names (GRCh38)
- fiberLD::microscopyData of uncut fiber lengths in the increment core
- fiberLD::ofaExample of increment core data
- FinePop2::herringAn example dataset of Atlantic herring.
- FinePop2::jsmackerelAn example dataset of Japanese Spanich mackerel in GENEPOP and frequency format.
- FinTS::TsayFilesList of the names of files downloaded from the "Analysis of Financial Data" web site.
- FinTS::aa.3rvFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 11)
- FinTS::d.3m6203Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.c8603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.cscoy99Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 6)
- FinTS::d.fxjp00Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.hkjaFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10)
- FinTS::d.ibm6298wmxFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 7)
- FinTS::d.ibmvwewsp6203Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.ibmy98Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 6)
- FinTS::d.intc7297Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 7)
- FinTS::d.intc7303Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.msft8603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::d.sp8099Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3)
- FinTS::d.sp9003levFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::d.spcscointcFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10)
- FinTS::day15Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::day15.oriFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::exch.percFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3)
- FinTS::ibmFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::ibm1to5.durFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::ibm91.adsFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::ibm91.adsxFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::ibm9912.tpFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::ibmduradFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5)
- FinTS::m.3m4603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.3m4697Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::m.5clnFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9)
- FinTS::m.apca0103Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9)
- FinTS::m.barra.9003Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9)
- FinTS::m.bndFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8)
- FinTS::m.c8603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.cpice16.dp7503Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9)
- FinTS::m.decile1510Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::m.fac9003Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9)
- FinTS::m.fama.bond5203Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.gelnFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::m.gs1Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.gs10Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.gs1n3.5301Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8)
- FinTS::m.gs3Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.gs5Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.ibm2697Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::m.ibm3dx2603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::m.ibmln2699Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 4)
- FinTS::m.ibmsp2699lnFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8)
- FinTS::m.ibmsplnFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3)
- FinTS::m.ibmspln6299Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::m.ibmsplnsuFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3)
- FinTS::m.ibmvwewsp2603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.intc7303Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.mrk6503Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10)
- FinTS::m.msft8603Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::m.pfe6503Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10)
- FinTS::m.sp5.6204Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::m.sp6299Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::m.unrateFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 4)
- FinTS::m.vw2697Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::q.gdp4703Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::q.gnp4791Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::q.jnjFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::q.unemrateFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 4)
- FinTS::sp500Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3)
- FinTS::sp5mayFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8)
- FinTS::w.3mtbs7097Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 4)
- FinTS::w.gs1n36299Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2)
- FinTS::w.gs3cFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::w.gs3n1cFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12)
- FinTS::w.tb3msFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- FinTS::w.tb3n6msFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8)
- FinTS::w.tb6msFinancial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1)
- fishkirkko2015::fishkirkkojarvi2015302 measurements of fish species at Kirkkojarvi lake
- fishkirkko2015::fishnamesNames of fish species from Kirkkojarvi lake in four languages
- FishResp::AMRActive Metabolic Rate: Final Data
- FishResp::AMR.cleanActive Metabolic Rate: Corrected Raw Data
- FishResp::AMR.rawActive Metabolic Rate: Raw Data
- FishResp::AMR.slopeActive Metabolic Rate: Extracted Slope(s)
- FishResp::SMRStandard Metabolic Rate: Final Data
- FishResp::SMR.cleanStandard Metabolic Rate: Corrected Raw Data
- FishResp::SMR.rawStandard Metabolic Rate: Raw Data
- FishResp::SMR.slopeStandard Metabolic Rate: Extracted Slope(s)
- FishResp::infoInfo about Individuals and Chambers
- FishResp::postPost Raw Data
- FishResp::prePre Raw Data
- FishResp::resultsResults of Analysis: SMR, AMR and MS
- fkbma::simulated_dataA synthetic dataset with continuous and binary covariates and a binary treatment variable ('trt').
- flexclust::NclusArtificial Example with 4 Gaussians
- flexclust::achieveAchievement Test Scores for New Haven Schools
- flexclust::autoAutomobile Customer Survey Data
- flexclust::birthBirth and Death Rates
- flexclust::btw2002German Parliament Election Data
- flexclust::btw2005German Parliament Election Data
- flexclust::btw2009German Parliament Election Data
- flexclust::dentitioDentition of Mammals
- flexclust::milkMilk of Mammals
- flexclust::nutrientNutrients in Meat, Fish and Fowl
- flexclust::vacmotVacation Motives of Australians
- flexclust::vacmot6Vacation Motives of Australians
- flexclust::vacmotdescVacation Motives of Australians
- flexclust::volunteersMotivation of Australian Volunteers
- flexCWM::ExCWMdataset ExCWM
- flexCWM::studentsdataset students
- flexmix::BregFixArtificial Example for Binomial Regression
- flexmix::MehtaMehta Trial
- flexmix::NPregArtificial Example for Normal, Poisson and Binomial Regression
- flexmix::NclusArtificial Example with 4 Gaussians
- flexmix::NregFixArtificial Example for Normal Regression
- flexmix::betablockerClinical Trial of Beta-Blockers
- flexmix::bioChemistsArticles by Graduate Students in Biochemistry Ph.D. Programs
- flexmix::candyCandy Packs Purchased
- flexmix::dmftDental Data
- flexmix::fabricfaultFabric Faults
- flexmix::patentPatents and R&D Spending
- flexmix::salmonellaTA98Salmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay
- flexmix::seizureEpileptic Seizure Data
- flexmix::triboliumTribolium Beetles
- flexmix::trypanosomeTrypanosome
- flexmix::whiskeySurvey Data on Brands of Scotch Whiskey Consumed
- flexmix::whiskey_brandsSurvey Data on Brands of Scotch Whiskey Consumed
- flexmixNL::GRegArtificial Example for Gamma Regression
- flexmixNL::NRegArtificial Example for Normal Regression
- flexmsm::IDM_cavCardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) data
- FlexParamCurve::logist.dataSimulated growth of whiskered terns
- FlexParamCurve::penguin.dataField data on growth of little penguins Eudyptula minor
- FlexParamCurve::posneg.dataSimulated growth of black-browed albatrosses
- FlexParamCurve::posnegRichards.callsList of calls for fitting 33 SSposnegRichards models in 'nlsList'
- FlexParamCurve::tern.dataField data on growth of common terns Sterna hirundo
- FlexReg::AtomicAtomic bombs data
- FlexReg::BacteriaBacteria data
- FlexReg::ConsumptionItalian Households Consumption data
- FlexReg::ElectionItalian Election Results
- FlexReg::ReadingReading Skills data
- FlexReg::StressStress and anxiety data
- flip::seedsSeeds data
- FlowerMate::distylous1D Distylous population example dataset
- FlowerMate::distylous1D1D Distylous populations example dataset
- FlowerMate::distylous2anthers1D and 2 anthers Distylous population example dataset
- FlowerMate::distylous3D3D Distylous populations example dataset
- FlowerMate::enantiostylous3D enantiostylous population example dataset
- FlowerMate::tristylous1D tristylous population example dataset
- FlowerMate::tristylous1D1D Tristylous populations example dataset
- FlowerMate::tristylous3D1D Tristylous populations example dataset
- flux::amcClimate station data from 2009 to 2011 in the Ahlenmoor peat bog, Northeast Germany
- flux::amdClosed chamber fluxes from 2009 to 2011 in the Ahlenmoor peat bog, Northeast Germany
- flux::tt.fluxMedium frequency concentration data and fluxes from non-steady state closed chamber measurements
- flux::tt.neeMedium frequency concentration data and fluxes from non-steady state closed chamber measurements
- flux::tt.preOne day data from closed chamber measurements in the Trebeltal
- fluxweb::groups.levelAggregated version of the Food web of a soil network ecosystem and species general information ('species.level').
- fluxweb::simple.caseFood web of a soil network ecosystem and species general information.
- fluxweb::species.levelFood web of a soil network ecosystem and species general information.
- FMCCSD::PDA clustered current status dataset.
- fmri::hvredTranslation between smoothness and bandwidth for Gaussian kernel
- foodquotient::age_freqFrequency Factors for American Children with Age of Participant
- foodquotient::freqFrequency Factors for American Children
- foodquotient::hsffqHarvard Foood Frequency Questionnaire Nutrition Information
- ForestElementsR::european_beech_1_fe_standExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::european_beech_1_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_ash_wimmenauer_1919_29Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_beech_gehrhardt_moderate_1908Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_beech_wiedemann_moderate_1931Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_birch_schwappach_1903_29Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_blackalder_mitscherlich_heavy_1945Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_douglas_schober_moderate_1956Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_japanlarch_schober_moderate_1953Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_larch_schober_moderate_1946Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_oak_juettner_moderate_1955Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_pine_gehrhardt_moderate_1921Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_pine_wiedemann_moderate_1943Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_poplar_blume_1949Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_redoak_bauer_1955Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_silver_fir_hausser_moderate_1956Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_spruce_assmann_franz_mean_yield_level_1963Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_spruce_gehrhardt_moderate_1921Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_spruce_guttenberg_1915Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_spruce_vanselow_1951Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::fe_ytable_spruce_wiedemann_moderate_1936_42Yield Tables
- ForestElementsR::mm_forest_1_fe_stand_spatialExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::mm_forest_1_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::norway_spruce_1_fe_standExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::norway_spruce_1_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::selection_forest_1_fe_standExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::selection_forest_1_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::species_codingsSupported Species Codings in the Package *ForestElementsR*
- ForestElementsR::species_master_tableList of Supported Species in the Package *ForestElementsR*
- ForestElementsR::spruce_beech_1_fe_standExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::spruce_beech_1_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::spruce_pine_ccircle_rawExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::spruce_pine_ccircle_spatialExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::spruce_pine_ccircle_spatial_notreesExample Stands
- ForestElementsR::ytable_pine_wiedemann_moderate_1943_rawYield Tables
- ForestElementsR::ytables_bavrn_state_short_var_1Yield Tables To Species Assignments
- ForestElementsR::ytables_bavrn_state_var_1Yield Tables To Species Assignments
- ForestElementsR::ytables_tum_wwk_short_var_1Yield Tables To Species Assignments
- forestinventory::grisonsData from a multiphase forest inventory in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland
- forestinventory::zbergData from a multiphase forest inventory at the zurichberg (zurich), switzerland
- forward::arar data
- forward::blissBliss data
- forward::calciumCalcium data
- forward::carinsukCar insurance data
- forward::carrn-Pentane data
- forward::cellularCellular differentiation data
- forward::chapmanChapman data
- forward::derailmeBritish Train Accidents.
- forward::dialectricDialectric data
- forward::hawkinsHawkins' data
- forward::kineticsKinetics data
- forward::lakesLakes data
- forward::leafpinePine data
- forward::miceMice data
- forward::molarMolar data
- forward::musselsMussels data
- forward::ozoneOzone data
- forward::poisonPoison data
- forward::rainfallRainfall data
- forward::salinitySalinity data
- forward::stacklossStackloss data
- forward::vasoVaso data
- forward::woolWool data
- fossil::fdata.latsA Sample Species Abundance Dataset
- fossil::fdata.listA Sample Species Abundance Dataset
- fossil::fdata.matA Sample Species Abundance Dataset
- FourWayHMM::simXSimulated Data
- FPDclustering::Country_dataUnsupervised Learning on Country Data
- FPDclustering::StarStar dataset to predict star types
- FPDclustering::StudentsStatistics 1 students
- FPDclustering::aisAustralian institute of sport data
- FPDclustering::asymmetric20Asymmetric data set shape 20
- FPDclustering::asymmetric3Asymmetric data set shape 3
- FPDclustering::outliersData set with outliers
- fqacalc::crooked_islandA List of Plants from Crooked Island, MI
- fqadata::fqa_citationsCitations for Floristic Quality Assessment Databases
- fqadata::fqa_dbRegional Floristic Quality Assessment Databases
- FractalParameterEstimation::Data0201Data of simulation of random Sierpinski-Carpet with [p,p,p,q]-model and p = 0.2 and q = 0.1
- FractalParameterEstimation::Data03025Data of simulation of random Sierpinski-Carpet with [p,p,p,q]-model and p = 0.3 and q = 0.25
- FractalParameterEstimation::Data0501Data of simulation of random Sierpinski-Carpet with [p,p,p,q]-model and p = 0.5 and q = 0.1
- FractalParameterEstimation::Data0603Data of simulation of random Sierpinski-Carpet with [p,p,p,q]-model and p = 0.6 and q = 0.3
- Fragman::my.plantsCranberry biparental population
- frailtypack::bcosBreast Cosmesis Data
- frailtypack::colorectalFollow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients: times of new lesions appearance and death
- frailtypack::colorectalLongiFollow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients : longitudinal measurements of tumor size
- frailtypack::dataAdditiveSimulated data as a gathering of clinical trials databases
- frailtypack::dataMultivSimulated data for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event
- frailtypack::dataNCCSimulated data for recurrent events and a terminal event with weigths using nested case-control design
- frailtypack::dataNestedSimulated data with two levels of grouping
- frailtypack::dataOvarianAdvanced Ovarian Cancer dataset
- frailtypack::gastadjAdvanced Gastric Cancer dataset
- frailtypack::longDatLongitudinal semicontinuous biomarker dataset (TPJM)
- frailtypack::readmissionRehospitalization colorectal cancer
- frailtypack::reduceDelirium in critically ill ICU patients dataset: the REDUCE clinical trial
- frailtypack::survDatSurvival dataset (TPJM)
- frbs::frbsDataData set of the package
- FRCC::Topoisomerase_II_InhibitorsExample data sets
- FRCC::microRNAExample data sets
- FRCC::soilspecExample data sets
- FreeSortR::AromaSortAroma sorting data
- FreeSortR::AromaTermsAroma data (verbalisation by 31 subjects)
- freqdom.fda::pm10PM10 dataset
- freqparcoord::mlbMajor Leage Baseball player data set.
- freqparcoord::newadultUCI adult income data set, adapted
- freqparcoord::oliveoilsItalian olive oils data set.
- freqparcoord::prgengSilicon Valley programmers and engineers
- frontiles::burposteBurposte data
- frontiles::spainSpain data
- fsemipar::SugarSugar data
- fsemipar::TecatorTecator data
- FSTpackage::FST.exampleData example for FSTest (tests for genetic association allowing for multiple functional annotation scores)
- ftsa::DJI_returnDow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
- ftsa::all_hmd_female_dataThe US female log-mortality rate from 1959-2020 and 3 states (New York, California, Illinois).
- ftsa::all_hmd_male_dataThe US male log-mortality rate from 1959-2020 and 3 states (New York, California, Illinois).
- ftsa::hd_dataSimulated high-dimensional functional time series
- ftsa::pm_10_GRParticulate Matter Concentrations (pm10)
- ftsa::pm_10_GR_sqrtParticulate Matter Concentrations (pm10)
- ftsa::sim_ex_clusterSimulated multiple sets of functional time series
- ftsa::sim_ex_cluster.smoothSimulated multiple sets of functional time series
- fugue::nh1and3Smoking Matched Sets with 1 or 3 Controls
- fullfact::chinook_bootLChinook salmon length, bootstrap calculations
- fullfact::chinook_bootSChinook salmon survival, bootstrap data
- fullfact::chinook_jackLChinook salmon length, jackknife data
- fullfact::chinook_jackSChinook salmon survival, jackknife data
- fullfact::chinook_lengthChinook salmon length, raw data
- fullfact::chinook_resampLChinook salmon length, bootstrap resampled
- fullfact::chinook_resampSChinook salmon survival, bootstrap resampled
- fullfact::chinook_survivalChinook salmon survival, raw data
- funFEM::velibThe Vélib data set
- funFEM::velovThe Vélov data set
- funLBM::VelibThe Velib data set.
- FunWithNumbers::charEHigh-precision values for some common constants, in character strings.
- FunWithNumbers::charPhiHigh-precision values for some common constants, in character strings.
- FunWithNumbers::charPiHigh-precision values for some common constants, in character strings.
- FunWithNumbers::charRoot2High-precision values for some common constants, in character strings.
- GAD::crabsDistribution patterns of the crab _Ucides cordatus_ at different spatial scales
- GAD::ratsGlycogen content of rat livers
- GAD::rohlf95Mosquitos' wing data colleted by Rohlf and cited in Sokal & Rohlf (1995)
- GAD::snailsGrowth rates of snails on large boulders on different rock shores
- GAGBLUP::binsbinned genotypes
- GAGBLUP::genotypeGenotype in Numeric Format
- GAGBLUP::phenotypePhenotypic data of 410 hybrids
- gains::MineThatDataMineThatData E-Mail Analytics Challenge Data With Predictions
- gains::ciaScoresCell Phones per Country with Predictions
- gamair::CanWeatherCanadian Weather data
- gamair::LarynxCancer of the larynx in Germany
- gamair::aralAral sea remote sensed chlorophyll data
- gamair::aral.bndAral sea remote sensed chlorophyll data
- gamair::birdBird distribution data from Portugal
- gamair::blowflyNicholson's Blowfly data
- gamair::boneBone marrow treatemtn survival data
- gamair::brainBrain scan data
- gamair::cairoDaily temperature data for Cairo
- gamair::chicagoChicago air pollution and death rate data
- gamair::chlChlorophyll data
- gamair::co2sAtmospheric CO2 at South Pole
- gamair::coastEuropean coastline from -11 to 0 East and from 43 to 59 North
- gamair::engineEngine wear versus size data
- gamair::gasOctane rating data
- gamair::german.polysCancer of the larynx in Germany
- gamair::harrierHen Harriers Eating Grouse
- gamair::hubbleHubble Space Telescope Data
- gamair::ipoInitial Public Offering Data
- gamair::mackEgg data from 1992 mackerel survey
- gamair::mackpPrediction grid data for 1992 mackerel egg model
- gamair::medData from 2010 horse mackerel and mackerel egg survey
- gamair::mehData from 2010 horse mackerel and mackerel egg survey
- gamair::mpgData on automobile efficiency on town streets and highway.
- gamair::prostateProstate cancer screening data
- gamair::sitkaSitka spruce growth data.
- gamair::soleSole Eggs in the Bristol Channel
- gamair::sperm.comp1Sperm competition data I
- gamair::sperm.comp2Sperm competition data II
- gamair::stomataStomatal area and CO2
- gamair::swerSwiss 12 hour extreme rainfall
- gamair::wesdrDiabetic retinopathy in Wisconsin
- gamair::wineBordeaux Wines
- gamlss.inf::sdaData for using for simulation
- gammi::examCross-Classified Examination Data
- GARCHIto::sample_dataCSI 300 Index Realized Measures
- gaston::AGT.bimAGT data set
- gaston::AGT.famAGT data set
- gaston::AGT.genAGT data set
- gaston::AGT.popAGT data set
- gaston::LCT.bimLCT data set
- gaston::LCT.famLCT data set
- gaston::LCT.genLCT data set
- gaston::LCT.popLCT data set
- gaston::TTN.bimTTN data set
- gaston::TTN.famTTN data set
- gaston::TTN.genTTN data set
- gaston::TTN.popTTN data set
- gaston::dupli.bimSmall data set to illustrate 'SNP.rm.duplicates'
- gaston::dupli.genSmall data set to illustrate 'SNP.rm.duplicates'
- gaston::dupli.pedSmall data set to illustrate 'SNP.rm.duplicates'
- gausscov::abcqAmerican Business Cycle
- gausscov::bostonBoston data
- gausscov::leukemiaLeukemia data set
- gausscov::mel_tempMelbourne minimum temperature
- gausscov::redwineRedwine data
- gausscov::snsptSunspot data
- gausscov::vardataUSA economics data
- gb::ofcOFC data
- GCalcium::GCaMPPre-filtered GCaMP calcium activity waveforms
- gCat::mycountsExample raw counts
- gCat::mydistExample distance matrix
- gCat::myedgeExample similarity graph
- gcerisk::SampleSample dataset
- GCPM::portfolio.poisExample Portfolio Data with Poisson Default Mode
- GCPM::portfolio.poisExample Portfolio Data with Poisson Default Mode
- GCPM::portfolio.poolPooled Portfolio
- GCPM::portfolio.poolPooled Portfolio
- geesmv::dentalA Data Set of Orthodontic Measurements on Children
- geesmv::seizureEpiliptic seizure counts from the Randomized Progabide Trial
- geesmv::toenailToenail infection data from a multicenter study
- GEInter::HNSCCA data frame containing the TCGA head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) data.
- GEInter::Rob_dataA matrix containing the simulated data for 'RobSBoosting' and 'Miss.boosting' methods
- GenAlgo::diversityResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::fitterResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::meanfitResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::recurseResults of a Genetic Algorithm
- GenAlgo::tourData09Tour de France 2009
- GenderInfer::authorsnames dataset
- GeneNet::arth800.descrTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::arth800.exprTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::arth800.mexprTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::arth800.nameTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::arth800.probeTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::arth800.symbolTime Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
- GeneNet::ecoliMicroarray Time Series Data for 102 E. Coli Genes Genes
- GENLIB::genea140Genealogical information for 140 individuals from the Quebec Reference Sample
- GENLIB::geneaJiHighly inbred pedigree
- GENLIB::pop140Population of origin of the 140 Quebec samples
- GenMarkov::stockreturnsStock returns data
- genomicper::RHSA109582Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::RHSA1474244Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::RHSA164843Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::RHSA446343Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::RHSA8876384Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::RHSA8964572Reactome Pathway examples
- genomicper::SNPsAnnotationSNPs-Genes annotation to Distance 0 (SNPs within a gene)
- genomicper::demoGWAS p_values demo data
- GenomicSig::GenomicdataNucleotide sequence Data
- GenoScan::GenoScan.exampleData example for GenoScan (A Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework For Whole-Genome Sequence Data Analysis)
- GenoScan::GenoScan.infohg19 chromosome sizes
- geoBayes::rhizoctoniaRhizoctonia root rot infections
- geodetector::CollectDataCollectData
- georob::elevationElevation Data
- georob::wolfcampWolfcamp Aquifer Data
- geotoolsR::NVDINormalized Difference Vegetation Index experiment
- geotoolsR::soilmoistureSoil moisture experiment
- geoTS::shp_mohinoraSpatialPolygonsDataFrame for Cerro Mohinora
- GeRnika::B_matsA set of 10 trios of B matrices for experimenting with the methods of 'GeRnika'
- GeRnika::hyperparametersHyperparameters for the methods of 'GeRnika'
- GeRnika::palettesPalettes for the methods of 'GeRnika'
- GESE::dataRawdataRaw - a data frame containing the pedigree, phenotype and genotype information
- GESE::databasedatabase file in example
- GESE::mapInfomafInfo - example data
- GESE::pednewpednew - an example pedigree structure
- GEVACO::cov_exampleCovariate Information
- GEVACO::geno_exampleGenotypic Information
- GFD::curdiesCurdies river data set
- GFD::pizzaPizza delivery times
- GFD::startupStartup Costs of five different companies
- gfoRmulaICE::compDataExample Dataset for a Survival Outcome with Both Censoring and Competing Event
- ggBubbles::MusicianInterestsSurvey about genre interests of some hobby musicians
- ggBubbles::MusicianInterestsSmallSmall test data of musician, interest and experience study
- ggenealogy::sbGenealSoybean data
- ggenealogy::statGenealAcademic statistics data
- ggrcs::smokeA data on age and smoking rates.
- GGRidge::SampleEyeDataSampleEyeData
- ggrisk::LIRIICGC Liver Data from Japan
- ggscidca::BreastcancerA survival data on breast cancer.
- ggscidca::LIRIA data for random forest analysis.
- ggscidca::demoA medical examination related data.
- ggscidca::df_survA data for competitive risk modelling.
- ggtern::FeldsparElkin and Groves Feldspar Data
- ggtern::FeldsparRasterElkin and Groves Feldspar Data
- ggtern::FragmentsGrantham and Valbel Rock Fragment Data
- ggtern::SkyeLavaAichisons Skye Lavas
- ggtern::USDAUSDA Textural Classification Data
- ggtern::WhiteCellsAichisons White Cells
- ggversa::ASBESTOS_QUEBECAsbestos_Quebec
- ggversa::AnolisAnolis
- ggversa::Camas_HospitalCamas_Hospital
- ggversa::Crecimiento_domestico_brutoCrecimiento_domestico_bruto
- ggversa::CypripediumACypripediumA
- ggversa::Edu_Salud_Gastos_GDPEdu_Salud_Gastos_GDP
- ggversa::Educacion_NinasEducacion_Ninas
- ggversa::ElphickBirdDataElphickBirdData
- ggversa::GodwitsGodwits
- ggversa::Internet2Internet2
- ggversa::LeltoLelto
- ggversa::PBIProducto Bruto Interno
- ggversa::PIB_vs_AlfabetismoPIB_vs_Alfabetismo
- ggversa::PIB_vs_SaludPIB_vs_Salud
- ggversa::PartosInfantesPartosInfantes
- ggversa::Pop_PRPop_PR
- ggversa::Razon_mortandadRazon_mortandad
- ggversa::SparrowsElphickSparrowsElphick
- ggversa::TiroideTiroide
- ggversa::VegSamplesV1VegSamplesV1
- ggversa::caladeniavalidaData de Caladenia valida
- ggversa::dipodiumDipodium de la Reserva de Wombat, Victoria, Australia
- gie::countryinfoMapping of country name and two-character country code used by GIE
- gif::ar1Synthetic multivariate Gaussian data
- givitiR::icuDataInformation of SAPS II score and outcome of 1,000 ICU patients.
- glarma::AsthmaDaily Presentations of Asthma at Campbelltown Hospital
- glarma::DriverDeathsSingle Vehicle Nighttime Driver Deaths in Utah
- glarma::OxBoatRaceOxford-Cambridge Boat Race
- glarma::PolioCases of Poliomyelitis in the U.S.
- glarma::RobberyConvictCourt Convictions for Armed Robbery in New South Wales
- GlarmaVarSel::YObservation matrix Y
- gllm::hildesheimInvasive Cervical Cancer v exposure to Herpes Simplex Virus
- gllm::lsatFive dichotomous items from the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
- glmc::floInternal glmc Objects
- glmertree::DepressionDemoArtificial depression treatment dataset
- glmertree::GrowthCurveDemoArtificial dataset for partitioning of linear growth curve models
- glmertree::MHserviceDemoArtificial mental-health service outcomes dataset
- GLMMRR::ETHBEOnline Survey on "Exams and Written Papers"
- GLMMRR::MTURKMTurk Survey on "Mood and Personality"
- GLMMRR::PlagiarismAn Experimental Survey Measuring Plagiarism Using the Crosswise Model
- glmpath::heart.dataDataset for glmpath
- glmpath::lung.dataDataset for coxpath
- glober::f_1DOutput values of the evaluation of a function with one input variable and defined as a linear combination of B-splines
- glober::f_2DOutput values of the evaluation of a function with two input variables and defined as a linear combination of a tensor product of univariate B-splines
- glober::x_1DObservation vector x of one variable
- glober::x_2DObservation matrix x of two variables
- glober::xpred_1DValues of the single input variable for which a function has to be estimated
- glober::xpred_2DValues of the two input variables for which a function has to be estimated
- glober::y_1DValues of the response variable of the noisy observation set of one input variable
- glober::y_2DValues of the response variable of the noisy observation set of two input variables
- glvmfit::nlsySubset of 221 children from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
- GMDH::cancerCancer Data
- gmGeostats::NGSAustraliaNational Geochemical Survey of Australia: soil data
- gmGeostats::WindarlingOre composition of a bench at a mine in Windarling, West Australia.
- gmGeostats::gsi.validModelsGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.ExpGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.ExponentialGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.GauGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.GaussGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.SphGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.SphericalGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.expGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.gaussGenerate D-variate variogram models
- gmGeostats::vg.sphGenerate D-variate variogram models
- GMMBoost::kneeClinical pain study on knee data
- GMMBoost::soccerGerman Bundesliga data for the seasons 2008-2010
- GNAR::NHSTrustMVCAug120.netConstructed network linking 140 NHS Trusts in England and Wales
- GNAR::fiveNetExample Network Time Series
- GNAR::fiveVTSExample Network Time Series
- GNAR::gdpVTSDifferenced GDP values for 35 countries
- GNAR::logMVbedMVC.vtsNumber of COVID19 admission to mechanical ventilation beds
- GNAR::seed.nosVector of seed numbers
- GNAR::vswindcoordsWind Speed example network time series
- GNAR::vswindnamesWind Speed example network time series
- GNAR::vswindnetWind Speed example network time series
- GNAR::vswindnetDWind Speed example network time series
- GNAR::vswindtsWind Speed example network time series
- gnrprod::colombianColombian plant-level production data
- GoFKernel::risk76.1929Inmigrants Exposed to Risk of Death
- gomms::gomms_test_dataTest Data
- GPoM::NDVIA time series of vegetation index measured from satellite
- GPoM::P1FxChA data set for testing periodicity
- GPoM::P1FxChP2A data set for testing periodicity
- GPoM::RosYcoTwelve Rossler-1976 time series (exclusively variable y)
- GPoM::Ross76Time series of the Rossler-1976 system
- GPoM::TSTime series resulting from the integration of a non stationary system
- GPoM::TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2Time series of three-dimensional chaotic sytems (for vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling')
- GPoM::allMod_nVar3_dMax2Numerical description of a list of eighteen three-dimensional chaotic sytems (see vignette '7_Retro-Modelling')
- GPoM::allToTestA list providing the description of six models tested by the function 'autoGPoMoTest'.
- GPoM::data_vignetteIIIOutput of the vignette 'III_Modelling'
- GPoM::data_vignetteVIOutput of the vignette 'VI_Sensitivity'
- GPoM::data_vignetteVIIOutput of the vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling'
- GPoM::svrlTSA data set for the global modeling of time series in association
- GPSeqClus::ML_ex_datSample Data for Sequential Clustering Routine
- GrimR::Bloss73Bloss73
- GrimR::CarmanData for Topaz by Carman
- GrimR::GunterData from Gunter et al.
- GrimR::excalibrIIexcalibrII
- GroupTest::AYPAYP of California, 2013
- GroupTest::GroupTest_simulateSimulated data set to demonstrate the package
- growthrate::height_dataheight data
- grpnet::autoAuto MPG Data Set
- gsbm::PrimarySchoolNetwork of interactions within a primary school in the course of a day
- gsbm::blogospherePolitical blogs network
- gsbm::les_miserablesCharacter network from "Les miserables" novel
- gSeg::E1An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gSeg::E2An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gSeg::E3An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gSeg::E4An edge matrix representing a similiarity graph
- gSeg::E5An edge matrix representing a similiarity graph
- gSeg::nThe Number of Observations in the Sequence
- GSelection::GSGenotypic and phenotypic simulated dataset
- GSMX::pseudo.dataPseudo dataset
- GSMX::pseudo.kinPseudo kinship matrix
- gss::ColoCanColorectal Cancer Mortality Rate in Indiana Counties
- gss::DiaRetDiabetic Retinopathy
- gss::LakeAcidityWater Acidity in Lakes
- gss::NO2Air Pollution and Road Traffic
- gss::SachsProtein Expression in Human Immune System Cells
- gss::aidsAIDS Incubation
- gss::bacteriuriaTreatment of Bacteriuria
- gss::buffaloBuffalo Annual Snowfall
- gss::climAverage Temperatures During December 1980 Through February 1981
- gss::escEmbryonic Stem Cell from Mouse
- gss::eyetrackEyesight Fixation in Eyetracking Experiments
- gss::gastricGastric Cancer Data
- gss::noxNOx in Engine Exhaust
- gss::ozoneOzone Concentration in Los Angeles Basin
- gss::pennyThickness of US Lincoln Pennies
- gss::stanStanford Heart Transplant Data
- gss::wesdrProgression of Diabetic Retinopathy
- gss::wesdr1Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy
- GSSE::Simulated_dataSimulated Parkinson's disease data
- GSSE::p0G_dataData Set for Illustration of the 'p0G' Calculation
- gStream::distM1An distance matrix constructed from L2 distance
- GsymPoint::elastaseLeukocyte Elastase dataset
- GsymPoint::melanomaMelanoma dataset
- GsymPoint::prostateProstate cancer dataset
- gsynth::simdatasimdata
- gsynth::turnoutturnout
- gte::simulSimulated Data
- gTests::E1An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gTests::E2An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gTests::E3An edge matrix representing a similarity graph
- gTests::counts1A matrix representing counts in the distinct values for the two samples
- gTests::counts2A matrix representing counts in the distinct values for the two samples
- gTests::counts3A matrix representing counts in the distinct values for the two samples
- gTests::ds1A distance matrix on the distinct values
- gTests::ds2A distance matrix on the distinct values
- gTests::ds3A distance matrix on the distinct values
- GUEST::MedulloblastomaDataThe medulloblastoma dataset
- GUniFrac::stool.otu.tabStool Microbiome OTU Count Table
- GUniFrac::throat.metaThroat Microbiome Meta Data
- GUniFrac::throat.otu.tabThroat Microbiome OTU Count Table
- GUniFrac::throat.treeUPGMA Tree of Throat Microbiome OTUs
- GUniFrac::vaginal.otu.tabVaginal Microbiome OTU Count Table
- GVARX::PriceVolDataset price-volumn of 17 mareket indices
- GVARX::tradeweight1A single year cross-section bilateral trade weight matrix, 2014.
- GVARX::tradeweightxA nine-year bilateral trade weight matrix, 2006-2014
- gvlma::CarMileageDataCar Mileage Data Recorded at Each Gasoline Fill-Up
- haarfisz::xquakexquake
- halk::laa_dataExample length-at-age data
- halk::laa_data_few_agesExample length-at-age data
- halk::laa_data_low_age_nExample length-at-age data
- halk::laa_data_low_nExample length-at-age data
- halk::length_dataExample length data
- halk::spp_dataExample length-at-age data
- halk::spp_data_few_agesExample length-at-age data
- halk::spp_data_low_age_nExample length-at-age data
- halk::spp_data_low_nExample length-at-age data
- halk::spp_length_dataExample length data
- halk::wb_spp_dataSeparate species, county, waterbody example length-at-age and length data
- halk::wb_spp_laa_dataSeparate species, county, waterbody example length-at-age and length data
- halk::wb_spp_length_dataSeparate species, county, waterbody example length-at-age and length data
- hapsim::ACEdataACE data set
- Harvest.Tree::trainingtraining
- hbal::contenderJudgesData from Black and Owens (2016)
- hbal::lalondeData from Hazlett (2020)
- hbim::deff.muHBIM data
- hbim::deff.rhoHBIM data
- hbim::deff.sigmaHBIM data
- hbim::dpp.muHBIM data
- hbim::dpp.rhoHBIM data
- hbim::dpp.sigmaHBIM data
- hbim::irdataImmune Response data
- hbim::refsReference list
- HBSTM::coordinatesCoordinates of the dataset "hirlam"
- HBSTM::hirlamhirlam
- hce::ADETEvent-Time dataset for kidney outcomes.
- hce::ADLBLaboratory dataset for Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) measurements.
- hce::ADSLBaseline characteristics dataset of patients with kidney function assessments.
- hce::COVID19COVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (full report).
- hce::COVID19bCOVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (preliminary report).
- hce::COVID19plusCOVID-19 ordinal scale dataset for a combination therapy.
- hce::HCE1'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects.
- hce::HCE2'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects.
- hce::HCE3'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects.
- hce::HCE4'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects.
- hce::KHCEKidney Hierarchical Composite Endpoint dataset.
- HCT::hct220ALSFRSObjects Created by hct for the ALS of Clinical Trial Results
- HCT::hct220DeltaObjects Created by hct for the ALS of Clinical Trial Results
- hdbm::hdbm.dataSynthetic example data for hdbm
- HDclust::sim2Synthetic dataset used in section 5.1.2 of the reference paper.
- HDclust::sim3Synthetic dataset used in section 5.1.3 of the reference paper
- HDCurves::growthBerkeley Growth Study data.
- HDiR::earthquakesEarthquakes on Earth between October 2004 and April 2020
- HDiR::sandhoppersBehavioral plasticity of Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia brito
- hdmed::med_datMediation Example Dataset
- HDMT::exercise_inputAn example dataset to demonstrate the usage of 'HDMT'
- HDMT::snp_inputAn example dataset to demonstrate the usage of 'HDMT'
- HDoutliers::dotsOne dimensional dots dataset - outlier detection example
- HDoutliers::ex2DTwo dimensional dataset - outlier detection example
- hdpca::hapmapExample dataset - Hapmap Phase III
- HDtweedie::autoA motor insurance dataset
- heterocop::icgc_dataICGC dataset
- HeteroGGM::example.dataSome example data
- heteromixgm::maizeMaize data
- hglm.data::EScottish lip cancer dataset from Clayton and Kaldor (1987)
- hglm.data::OScottish lip cancer dataset from Clayton and Kaldor (1987)
- hglm.data::PaffScottish lip cancer dataset from Clayton and Kaldor (1987)
- hglm.data::QTLMASSimulated Data Set for the QTLMAS 2009 Workshop
- hglm.data::nbrScottish lip cancer dataset from Clayton and Kaldor (1987)
- hglm.data::ohioDistrictDistMatOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::ohioGradesOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::ohioMedianOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::ohioSchoolsOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::ohioShapeOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::ohioZipDistMatOhio elementary school dataset
- hglm.data::pumpPump reliability data set from Gaver and O'Muircheartaigh (1987)
- hglm.data::salamanderSalamander mating data set from McCullagh and Nelder (1989)
- hglm.data::seedsSeeds genrmination data set from Crowder (1978)
- hglm.data::semiconductorSemiconductor data set from GenStat.
- HhP::example.data.GGMSome example data
- HhP::example.data.regSome example data
- highriskzone::craterABomb crater Point Pattern
- highriskzone::craterBBomb crater Point Pattern
- higlasso::higlasso.dfSynthetic Example Data For Higlasso
- hiphop::combinationsList of triads to be ranked for parentage assignment.
- hiphop::genotypesGenotypes of individuals scored at different loci
- hiphop::individualsList of individuals to be compared for parentage assignment.
- HMB::HMB_dataSample Data for HMB package
- HMMextra0s::KiiTremor data in the Kii region in 2002 and 2003 for use in function hmm0norm2d
- hmmm::accidentfactory accident data
- hmmm::depressionlongitudinal study of mental depression
- hmmm::drinkssoft-drinks data
- hmmm::kentuckyKentucky traffic accident data
- hmmm::madsenMadsen data
- hmmm::polbirthpolitical orientation and teenage birth control data
- hmmm::relpolreligion and political orientation data
- hmmm::relpolbirthreligion, political orientation and teenage birth control data
- HMMRel::Virkler25Fatigue crack growth in materials: Virkler dataset (tests 1 to 25)
- HMP::dmrp_covarsPaper Covariate Set
- HMP::dmrp_dataPaper Taxa Data Set
- HMP::hmp.pkg.envInternal Functions
- HMP::salivaSaliva Data Set
- HMP::throatThroat Data Set
- HMP::tongueTongue Data Set
- HMP::tonsilsPalatine Tonsil Data Set
- HMPTrees::salivaSaliva Data Set
- HMPTrees::stoolStool Data Set
- HMPTrees::throatThroat Data Set
- hnp::cbbCoffee berry borer trapping data
- hnp::chryso_Chrysoperla externa_ mortality data
- hnp::cornCorn damage data
- hnp::fungi_Diaphorina citri_ mortality data
- hnp::oil_Diaphorina citri_ oviposition data
- hnp::orangeOrange tissue-culture experiment data
- hnp::progeny_Sitophilus zeamais_ progeny
- hnp::wolbachia_Trichogramma galloi_ parasitism data
- hotspot::hotspot.dataHotspot Data
- hpcwld::HPC_KRCWorkload data for High Performance Cluster of High Performance Data Center of Karelian Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- hpcwld::HPC_KRC2Workload data for High Performance Cluster of High Performance Data Center of Karelian Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- hpcwld::XDataset with raw workload data from HPDC KRC RAS
- hpfilter::GDPEUReal Gross Domestic Product for European Union (28 countries)
- HQM::pbc2Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
- hsphase::genotypesExample of Genotype Data Set
- hsphase::mapExample Map File for Genetic Data
- hsphase::pedigreeExample Pedigree Data Set
- htestClust::screen8Example data for informative cluster size
- HTRX::example_data_nosnpExample covariate data
- HTRX::example_hap1Example genotype data for the first genome
- HTRX::example_hap2Example genotype data for the second genome
- HUM::datasetsimulated data
- HUM::simdesease data
- HWEintrinsic::GuoThompson8Guo and Thompson (1992) Eight Alleles Simulated Data
- HWEintrinsic::GuoThompson9Guo and Thompson (1992) Nine Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::LouisDempsterLouis and Dempster (1987) Four Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::WordsworthWordsworth et al. (1992) Four Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataL1Lindley (1988) Two Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataL2Lindley (1988) Two Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataL3Lindley (1988) Two Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataL4Lindley (1988) Two Alleles Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataset1Two Alleles Simulated Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataset2Two Alleles Simulated Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataset3Two Alleles Simulated Data
- HWEintrinsic::dataset4Two Alleles Simulated Data
- HydroCode::rhineCCM2CCM2 River and Catchment of the Rhine Catchment, Rivers only
- HydroCode::rhineHYBASlev08HydroBASINS Level 08 Data of the Rhine Catchment
- hydrogeo::zaporozecMajor ions for groundwaters reported by Zaporozec
- HydroMe::infiltWater infiltration characteristics data
- HydroMe::isricWater Retention World Dataset from ISRIC
- hydropeak::EventsEvents
- hydropeak::QFlow Fluctuations Q
- hypergate::Samusik_01_subset2000 events randomly sampled from the 'Samusik_01' dataset
- iAdapt::TOXSample array of toxicity probabilities for 6 doses. Taken from Du et al.
- iCAMP::example.dataA simple example dataset for test
- iCAMP::icamp.outExample output of function icamp.big
- icardaFIGSr::FIGSFIGS subset for wheat sodicity resistance
- icardaFIGSr::durumDailydurumDaily
- icardaFIGSr::durumWCdurumWC
- icardaFIGSr::septoriaDurumWCseptoriaDurumWC
- icd.data::icd10_chaptersICD-10 chapters
- icd.data::icd10_pcsICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_pcs_2014ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_pcs_2015ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_pcs_2016ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_pcs_2017ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_pcs_2018ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
- icd.data::icd10_sub_chaptersICD-10 sub-chapters
- icd.data::icd10cm2016ICD-10-CM
- icd.data::icd9_chaptersICD-9 chapters
- icd.data::icd9_majorsICD-9 chapters
- icd.data::icd9_sub_chaptersICD-9 chapters
- icd.data::icd9cm_billablelist of annual versions of billable leaf nodes of ICD-9-CM
- icd.data::icd9cm_hierarchyLatest ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes, in flat 'data.frame' format
- icd.data::uranium_pathologyUnited States Transuranium & Uranium Registries
- icd.data::vermont_dxHospital discharge data from Vermont
- icensBKL::aidsCTAIDS Clinical Trial ACTG 181
- icensBKL::aidsCohortAIDS Cohort Study on Patients with Hemophilia
- icensBKL::breastCancerCosmetic Data on Breast Cancer Patients
- icensBKL::graftHomograft's Survival Times
- icensBKL::hivHIV Data on Hemophilia Patients
- icensBKL::mastitisData on Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
- icensBKL::mobileSurvey on Mobile Phone Purchases
- icensBKL::tandmobSignal Tandmobiel Data, Subsample
- icensBKL::tandmobAllSignal Tandmobiel Data
- icensBKL::yoghurtSensory Shelf Life of Yoghurt
- iClick::FFplusMOMData of Fama-French beta of 811 listed companies of SSEC
- iClick::IBMDaily Price Data of IBM
- iClick::returnsDaily24Daily Returns Data of 24 Markets
- iClick::world20Close Price Data of twenty national market indices
- iclogcondist::lgnmLGNM Data: Case II Interval Censoring Example
- icRSF::XmatA covariate matrix
- icRSF::phenoA longitudinal data with diagnostic results for pre-determined time
- ICSNP::LASERICardiovascular Responses to Head-up Tilt
- ICSNP::pulmonaryChange in Pulmonary Response after Exposure to Cotton Dust
- ICSOutlier::HTPProduction Measurements of High-Tech Parts - Full Rank Case
- ICSOutlier::HTP2Production Measurements of High-Tech Parts - Singular Case
- ICSOutlier::HTP3Production Measurements of High-Tech Parts - Nearly Singular Case
- ICsurv::HemophiliaHemophilia data
- idar::SFSan Francisco forest plot.
- idar::SFphylotreeSan Francisco forest plot.
- idar::SFtraitsSan Francisco forest plot.
- IDF::exampleSampled data for duration-dependent GEV
- iDINGO::brcaModified TCGA Breast Cancer data
- iDINGO::gbmModified TCGA Glioblastoma data
- IDmeasurer::ANmodulationLittle owl, _Athene noctua_ - frequency modulation
- IDmeasurer::ANspecLittle owl, _Athene noctua_ - spectrum properties
- IDmeasurer::CCformantsCorncrake, _Crex crex_ - formants
- IDmeasurer::CCspecCorncrake, _Crex crex_ - spectrum properties
- IDmeasurer::LAhighweewooYellow-breasted boubou, _Laniarius atroflavus_ - spectrum properties
- IDmeasurer::SSgruntsDomestic pig, _Sus scrofa domestica_ - piglet grunts
- IDPmisc::MSSpectrum Measured by a SELDI TOF Mass Spectrometer
- iForecast::ES_15mEconomic and Financial Data Sets
- iForecast::ES_DailyEconomic and Financial Data Sets
- iForecast::bcEconomic and Financial Data Sets
- iForecast::macrodataEconomic and Financial Data Sets
- IIProductionUnknown::DataDamageData damage
- IIProductionUnknown::DataDefoliationData defoliation
- IIProductionUnknown::DataLossSourceLoss sources data
- IIProductionUnknown::DataSolutionSourceSolution sources data
- ILSAstats::repdataSimulated data with 5000 cases
- ILSM::PPH_ColtparkmeadowA pollinator-plant-herbivore network from Villa-Galaviz et. al. 2020. Journal of Animal Ecology
- imanr::data24Data to show the functioning of imanr functions
- imanr::data31Data to show the functioning of imanr functions
- immunogenetr::HLA_dictionaryData on HLA alleles in the 2008 HLA dictionary
- immunogenetr::HLA_typing_1Synthetic HLA typing data for 10 individuals for the HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DRB3/4/5, DQB1, DQA1, DPB1 and DPA1 loci.
- immunogenetr::HLA_typing_LISSynthetic HLA typing data for 10 individuals for the HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5, DQB1, DQA1, DPB1 and DPA1 loci. Data formatted to resemble a HistoTrac table.
- immunogenetr::Haplotype_frequenciesTen HLA-A~C~B~DRB3/4/5~DRB1~DQA1~DQB1~DPA1~DPB1 haplotypes and their frequencies in the global population.
- immunogenetr::mismatch_table_2010Consensus mismatch numbers for every possible allele combination at a single locus, from the 2010 publication.
- immunogenetr::mismatch_table_2016Consensus mismatch numbers for every possible allele combination at a single locus, from the 2016 publication.
- ImportanceIndice::DataLossSourceLoss sources data
- ImportanceIndice::DataNumberSamplesNumber samples data
- ImportanceIndice::DataProductionProduction data
- ImportanceIndice::DataSolutionSourceSolution sources data
- IMTest::datasetSynthetic dataset of 1000 responses to 10 items, each with four categories, generated from a Partial Credit Model.
- IMTest::ghTable with GH points
- INCATome::INCATomeDataTranslatome microarray dataset simulated from experimentally acquired translatome of Hela cells.
- incidental::covid_delay_distDelay distribution from COVID-19 pandemic.
- incidental::covid_new_york_cityNew York City data from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- incidental::spanish_fluDaily flu mortality from 1918 flu pandemic.
- incidental::spanish_flu_delay_distDelay distribution from 1918 flu pandemic.
- IncomPair::DNADNA Extraction Concentration Data on Coyotes
- IncomPair::race5K Race Data
- indelmiss::gardnerelladataGardnerella vaginalis phyletic data (gene family memberships) and phylogenetic tree
- indelmiss::mycobacteriumdata1Mycobacterium data phyletic data (gene family memberships) and tree
- indelmiss::mycobacteriumdata2Alternate Mycobacterium tree.
- IndexNumber::ActivePeopleEconomically active people in Spain from 2002 to 2019.
- IndexNumber::ECResourcesCombustibles and energy resources for the main home in Spain from 2006 to 2015.
- IndexNumber::FoodFood in Spain from 2006 to 2015.
- IndexNumber::MortgagesMortgages constituted on urban properties in Spain from 2003 to 2018.
- IndGenErrors::gasStandardized residuals of weekly log-returns of gas and oil prices in Canada from 2008 to end of February 2011
- IndGenErrors::romano_exSimulated values of a Romano & Siegel example
- InDisc::CTAC35CTAC 35 database.
- IndTestPP::TxBHZDaily maximum temperature at Barcelona, Huesca and Zaragoza
- influence.SEM::PDIIIndustrialization and Democracy indicators.
- influence.SEM::QSimulated data set.
- informedSen::HDLLight Daily Alcohol and HDL Cholesterol Levels
- INFOSET::asset.labelData for clustering and labeling ETFs
- INFOSET::sample.dataData for infoset function
- INFOSET::sample.data.tsData with time points for portfolio construction using the LR_cp measure
- INSPIRE::exmp_dataset1Example Gene Expression Dataset-1
- INSPIRE::exmp_dataset2Example Gene Expression Dataset-2
- insuranceData::AutoBiAutomobile Bodily Injury Claims
- insuranceData::AutoClaimsAutomobile Insurance Claims
- insuranceData::AutoCollisionAutomobile UK Collision Claims
- insuranceData::ClaimsLongClaims Longitudinal
- insuranceData::IndustryAutoAuto Industry
- insuranceData::SingaporeAutoSingapore Automobile Claims
- insuranceData::ThirdpartyThird party insurance
- insuranceData::WorkersCompWorkers Compensation
- insuranceData::dataCardata Car
- insuranceData::dataOhlssonMotorcycle Insurance
- intccr::fitOutput of 'ciregic'
- intccr::fit_aipwOutput of 'ciregic_aipw'
- intccr::fit_ltOutput of 'ciregic_lt'
- intccr::longdataSimulated interval-censored competing risks data - long format
- intccr::longdata_ltSimulated left-truncated and interval-censored competing risks data - long format
- intccr::pseudo.HIV.longArtificial HIV dataset
- intccr::simdataSimulated interval-censored competing risks data with 2 covariates - wide format
- intccr::simdata_aipwSimulated interval censored data with 2 covariates in the presence of 50\% of missing cause of failure - wide format
- intccr::simdata_ltSimulated left-truncated and interval-censored competing risks data with 2 covariates - wide format
- integIRTy::CN_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::CN_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Expr_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Expr_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Methy_NOvarian Cancer Datasets
- integIRTy::Methy_TOvarian Cancer Datasets
- IntegratedJM::sample_dataSample Data Example
- interactionTest::legfigReplication data for Clark and Golder (2006)
- interfr::IC1sample interference dataset
- interp::akimaWaveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
- interp::akima474Sample data from Akima's Bicubic Spline Interpolation code (TOMS 474)
- interp::circtestcirctest / sample data
- interp::circtest2circtest / sample data
- interp::frankeTest datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered data
- interp::tritesttritest / sample data
- InterSIM::CpG.gene.map.for.DEGInterSIM
- InterSIM::cov.MInterSIM
- InterSIM::cov.exprInterSIM
- InterSIM::cov.proteinInterSIM
- InterSIM::mean.MInterSIM
- InterSIM::mean.exprInterSIM
- InterSIM::mean.expr.with.mapped.proteinInterSIM
- InterSIM::mean.proteinInterSIM
- InterSIM::methyl.gene.level.meanInterSIM
- InterSIM::protein.gene.map.for.DEPInterSIM
- InterSIM::rho.expr.proteinInterSIM
- InterSIM::rho.methyl.exprInterSIM
- interval::bcosBreast Cosmesis Data
- intervcomp::groupingGrouping of Subjects for the Implicit Association Test
- intervcomp::reactiontimesReaction Time (RT) Data for the Implicit Association Test
- intRvals::goosedropDataset with dropping intervals observed for foraging Brent Geese (Branta bernicla bernicla)
- invgamstochvol::US_Inf_DataData to use in the invgamstochvol package
- IPCAPS::PCSynthetic dataset containing the top 10 principal components (PC) from the dataset 'raw.data'
- IPCAPS::labelSynthetic dataset containing population labels for the dataset 'raw.data'
- IPCAPS::raw.dataSynthetic dataset containing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)
- IPEC::cropsWhole-plant biomass Data of 12 Species of Crops
- IPEC::isomData on Biochemical Oxygen Demand
- IPEC::leavesLeaf Data of _Parrotia subaequalis_ (Hamamelidaceae)
- IPEC::shootsHeight Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots
- iperform::operateur_mobileoperateur_mobile
- iperform::service_mobileservice_mobile
- iperform::voix_mobilevoix_mobile
- ips::ips.16SBark Beetle 16S Sequences
- ips::ips.28SBark Beetle 28S Sequences
- ips::ips.cox1Bark Beetle COX1 Sequences
- ips::ips.treeIps Phylogeny
- ips::log_listInternal IPS Functions
- ips::operator_listInternal IPS Functions
- ipw::basdatHIV: TB and Survival (Baseline Data)
- ipw::haartdatHAART and Survival in HIV Patients
- ipw::healthdatIQ, Income and Health
- ipw::timedatHIV: TB and Survival (Longitudinal Measurements)
- iRegression::Cardiological.CRCardiological Interval Data Set (Centre and Range)
- iRegression::Cardiological.MinMaxCardiological Interval Data Set
- iRegression::soccer.bivarSoccer Interval Data Set
- irr::anxietyAnxiety ratings by different raters
- irr::diagnosesPsychiatric diagnoses provided by different raters
- irr::videoDifferent raters judging the credibility of videotaped testimonies
- irr::visionEye-testing case records
- irrCAC::altmanDataset describing the Altman's Benchmarking Scale
- irrCAC::cac.ben.gerryRatings of 12 units from 2 raters named Ben and Gerry
- irrCAC::cac.dist.g1g2Distribution of 4 raters by subject and by category, for 14 Subjects that belong to 2 groups "G1" and "G2"
- irrCAC::cac.dist4catDistribution of 4 raters by Category and Subject - Subjects allocated in 2 groups A and B.
- irrCAC::cac.raw.g1g2Dataset of raw ratings from 4 Raters on 14 Subjects that belong to 2 groups named "G1" and "G2"
- irrCAC::cac.raw.genderRating Data from 4 Raters and 15 human Subjects, 9 of whom are female and 6 males.
- irrCAC::cac.raw4ratersRating Data from 4 Raters and 12 Subjects.
- irrCAC::cac.raw5obserScores assigned by 5 observers to 20 experimental units.
- irrCAC::cont3x3abstractorsDistribution of 100 pregnant women by pregnancy type and by abstractor.
- irrCAC::cont4x4diagnosisDistribution of 223 Psychiatric Patients by Type of of Psychiatric Disorder and Diagnosis Method.
- irrCAC::distrib.6ratersDistribution of 6 psychiatrists by Subject/patient and diagnosis Category.
- irrCAC::fleissDataset describing Fleiss' Benchmarking Scale
- irrCAC::landis.kochDataset describing the Landis & Koch Benchmarking Scale
- irrICC::iccdata1Scores assigned by 4 judges to 5 targets/subjects.
- irrICC::iccdata2Scores assigned by 4 judges to 5 targets/subjects distributed in 2 groups A and B.
- irrICC::iccdata3Scores assigned by 3 raters to 4 subjects.
- irrNA::ConsistirrNA example data, showing perfect consistency between raters
- irrNA::ConsistNAirrNA example data, showing perfect consistency between raters and NAs
- irrNA::Ebel51Example data, given by Ebel (1951, Table 2)
- irrNA::EbelFILLExample data, based on Ebel (1951, Table 2)
- irrNA::IndepirrNA example data, showing perfect independence among raters and objects
- irrNA::IndepNAirrNA example data, showing NAs and perfect independence among raters and objects
- irrNA::IndepWirrNA example data, showing perfect independence among raters and NAs
- ISEtools::LeadStdAddISE measurements of lead in soil
- ISEtools::carbonateISE measurements of carbonate in seawater
- iSFun::simData.ccaExample data for method iscca
- iSFun::simData.pcaExample data for method ispca
- iSFun::simData.plsExample data for method ispls
- isni::cocA data set for Psychiatric Drug Treatment
- isni::qolefA data set for Quality of Life Emontional Functioning outcome.
- isni::skquitA randomzied trial data set for Smoking cessation
- isni::sosDataset for a survey of sexual behavior
- isoboost::motorsDiagnostic of electrical induction motors
- IsoCheck::spreadn4t2aData: A cyclic 1-spread of PG(3,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn4t2bData: A cyclic 1-spread of PG(3,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn6t2aData: A cyclic 1-spread of PG(5,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn6t2bData: A cyclic 1-spread of PG(5,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn6t2cData: A cyclic 1-spread of PG(5,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn6t3aData: A cyclic 2-spread of PG(5,2)
- IsoCheck::spreadn6t3bData: A cyclic 2-spread of PG(5,2)
- IsoCheck::starn5t3aData: A 2-star of PG(4,2)
- IsoCheck::starn5t3bData: A 2-star of PG(4,2)
- IsoCheck::starn8t5aData: A 4-star of PG(7,2)
- IsoCheck::starn8t5bData: A 4-star of PG(7,2)
- ISRaD::Gaudinski_2001Gaudinski 2001 example dataset
- ISRaD::Graven_2017Graven dataset for delta-delta calculation
- ISRaD::Hua_2021Hua 2021 dataset for delta-delta calculation
- ISRaD::future14CFuture atmospheric 14C dataset for delta-delta calculation
- iTOS::aHDLAlcohol and HDL Cholesterol
- iTOS::bingeBinge Drinking and High Blood Pressure
- iTOS::bingeMBinge Drinking and High Blood Pressure - Matched With Two Control Groups
- ivdesign::control_clusters100 matched control clusters
- ivdesign::encouraged_clusters100 matched encouraged clusters
- ivDiag::gszData from GSZ (2016)
- ivDiag::gsz_southData from GSZ (2016): Subsample
- ivDiag::ruedaData from Rueda (2017)
- ivitr::dt_RouseRouse (1995) dataset
- iWeigReg::KS.dataA simulated dataset
- JADE::CPPdataCocktail Party Problem Data
- jage::nmdid.testtest data from NMDID
- jetset::scores.hgu133aData: Probe set quality scores
- jetset::scores.hgu133plus2Data: Probe set quality scores
- jetset::scores.hgu95av2Data: Probe set quality scores
- jetset::scores.u133x3pData: Probe set quality scores
- JFE::assetReturnsData Sets
- JFE::macrodataData Sets
- JGL::example.dataToy two-class gene expression dataset.
- jgsbook::FaktorenbogenDatatable of the Faktorenbogen Example for factor analysis
- jgsbook::MarioANOVADatatable of the SuperMario Example for Friedman-ANOVA
- jgsbook::MesswiederholungDatatable of the Messwiederholung Example for ANOVA
- jgsbook::PflegeberufeMatrix of Pflegeberufe by Isfort et al. 2018
- jgsbook::epaDatatable of the epa Example
- jgsbook::mmaDataset of a work sampling study
- jgsbook::nwDataset of the German Nachtwachen study with labelled variables
- jgsbook::nw_labelledDataset of the German Nachtwachen study with labelled variables
- jgsbook::ordinalSampleDatatable of an Ordinal Sample
- jgsbook::pf8Dataset of the PF8 example.
- jlctree::data_timeinvA simulated dataset with time-invariant longitudinal outcome and covariates.
- jlctree::data_timevarA simulated dataset with time-varying longitudinal outcome and covariates.
- joint.Cox::dataOvarianSurvival data of 1003 ovarian cancer patients from 4 independent studies.
- joint.Cox::dataOvarian1Data on time-to-recurrence and 158 gene expressions for 912 ovarian cancer patients from 4 independent studies.
- joint.Cox::dataOvarian2Data on time-to-death and 128 gene expressions for 912 ovarian cancer patients from 4 independent studies.
- jointest::oasisLongitudinal MRI data in nondemented and demented older adults
- jumps::employed_ITDataset: employed_IT
- jvnVaR::dataSelectedPrice table.
- jvnVaR::dateListDate list.
- jvnVaR::stockListStock List.
- kanova::stomataStomata patterns
- KbMvtSkew::ChatterjeeChatterjee, Hadi and Price Data
- KbMvtSkew::OlymWomen1984 Los Angeles Olympic records data of track events for women
- KbMvtSkew::SwissHeadMeasurements of Heads of Swiss Soldiers
- kcpRS::CO2InhalationCO2 Inhalation Data
- kcpRS::MentalLoadMental Load Data
- kequate::simeqSimulated Test Data
- KFPCA::CD4CD4 cell counts
- KingCountyHouses::home_pricesHouse prices in King County WA
- KnockoffHybrid::KnockoffHybrid.exampleExample data for KnockoffHybrid
- KnockoffTrio::KnockoffTrio.exampleExample data for KnockoffTrio
- KnowBR::BeetlesIndividual counts of species of beetles
- KnowBR::EstimatorsEstimators obtained with the function KnowBPolygon
- KnowBR::FishIrelandUKEstimators obtained with the function KnowB
- KnowBR::RFishesSpecies richness of freshwater fishes
- KnowBR::StatesStates of USA
- KnowBR::adworldGeographical coordinates
- kpeaks::x5p4cSynthetic Data Set contains 5 Variables and 4 Clusters
- KRIS::sample_labelsSynthetic dataset containing population labels for the dataset simsnp.
- KRIS::simsnpSynthetic dataset containing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)
- kSamples::ShorelineFireEMSShoreline Fire and EMS Turnout Times
- ksrlive::data_kinTime course data for phosphorylation sites
- ksrlive::phosphonetwork_dfsite specific kinase substrate relationship dataset
- kzs::kzs.3d_data4-dimensional KZS Output
- l1spectral::ToyDataToy data for running the l1-spectral clustering algorithm
- lab2clean::Function_1_dummyDummy Data for demonstrating function 1
- lab2clean::Function_2_dummyDummy Data for demonstrating function 2
- lab2clean::common_wordsData for the common words
- lab2clean::logic_rulesData for the logic rules
- lab2clean::reportable_intervalData for the reportable interval
- LabourMarketAreas::BrindisiBrindisi
- LabourMarketAreas::SardiniaSardinia
- LabourMarketAreas::SardiniaGridSardiniaGrid
- LabourMarketAreas::names.Brindisinames.Brindisi
- LabourMarketAreas::names.Sardinianames.Sardinia
- LabourMarketAreas::shpBrindisishpBrindisi
- LabourMarketAreas::shpSardiniashpSardinia
- landmulti::simulationSimulated data for landmulti package
- languageR::affixProductivityAffix productivity
- languageR::aliceAlice's Adventures in Wonderland
- languageR::auxiliariesAuxiliaries for regular and irregular verbs in Dutch
- languageR::beginningReadersVisual lexical decision with beginning readers
- languageR::danishDanish auditory lexical decision
- languageR::dativeDative Alternation
- languageR::dativeSimplifiedDative Alternation - simplified data set
- languageR::durationsGeDurational measurements on the Dutch prefix ge-
- languageR::durationsOntDurational measurements on the Dutch prefix ont-
- languageR::dutchSpeakersDistCross-entropy based distances between speakers
- languageR::dutchSpeakersDistMetaMetadata for dutchSpeakersDist
- languageR::englishEnglish visual lexical decision and naming latencies
- languageR::etymologyEtymological age and regularity in Dutch
- languageR::fazFrankfurter frequencies
- languageR::finalDevoicingFinal Devoicing in Dutch
- languageR::havelaarThe determiner 'het' in the Dutch novel Max Havelaar
- languageR::heidLexical decision latencies for words ending in -heid
- languageR::imagingfMRI Filtered Signal and Priming Scores for Brain-Damaged Patients
- languageR::latinsquareSimulated Latin Square data set with subjects and items
- languageR::lexdecLexical decision latencies for 79 English nouns
- languageR::lexicalMeasuresLexical measures for 2233 English monomorphemic words
- languageR::lexicalMeasuresClassesClassification of lexical measures
- languageR::mobyMoby Dick
- languageR::nesscgFrequency spectrum for -ness in the demographic BNC
- languageR::nessdemogFrequency spectrum for -ness in the context-governed BNC
- languageR::nesswFrequency spectrum for -ness in the written BNC
- languageR::oldFrenchFrequencies of tag trigrams in Old French texts
- languageR::oldFrenchMetaMeta data for the oldFrench data
- languageR::ozThe Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- languageR::periphrasticDoThe development of periphrastic do in English
- languageR::phylogenyPhylogenetic relations between Papuan and Oceanic languages
- languageR::primingHeidPrimed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
- languageR::primingHeidPrevRTPrimed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
- languageR::quasifSimulated data set with subjects and items requiring quasi-F ratios
- languageR::ratingsRatings for 81 English nouns
- languageR::regularityRegular and irregular Dutch verbs
- languageR::selfPacedReadingHeidSelf-paced reading latencies for Dutch neologisms
- languageR::shrinkageData set illustrating shrinkage
- languageR::sizeRatingsSize ratings for 81 English concrete nouns
- languageR::spanishRelative frequencies of tag trigrams is selected Spanish texts
- languageR::spanishFunctionWordsRelative frequencies of function words in selected Spanish texts
- languageR::spanishMetaMetadata for the spanish and spanishFunctionWords data sets
- languageR::splitplotSimulated data set with split plot design
- languageR::throughThrough the Looking Glass
- languageR::twenteFrequency spectrum for the Twente News Corpus
- languageR::variationLijkVariation in spoken Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk
- languageR::verThe Dutch prefix ver-: semantic transparency and frequency
- languageR::verbsDative Alternation - simplified data set
- languageR::warlpiriErgative case marking in Warlpiri
- languageR::weightRatingsSubjective estimates of the weight of the referents of 81 English nouns
- languageR::writtenVariationLijkVariation in written Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk
- LARF::c401kc401k
- LARisk::incid2010Cancer incidence table of Korea 2010
- LARisk::incid2018Cancer incidence table of Korea 2018
- LARisk::life2010Lifetime table of Korea 2010
- LARisk::life2018Lifetime table of Korea 2018
- LARisk::nuclearSimulated data of organ radiation exposure dose
- LARisk::organSimulated data of organ radiation exposure dose
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as the same lattice
- LatticeDesign::GeneratorMatrices2Generator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as different lattices
- LatticeDesign::GeneratorMatrices3Generator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as different lattices
- LatticeDesign::GeneratorMatrices4Generator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as different lattices
- LatticeDesign::GeneratorMatrices5Generator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating dimension permuted lattices as different lattices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- LatticeDesign::contchoicesContinuous choices
- lbreg::BirthBirth Weight Data
- lbreg::CaesarianCaesarian Infection Dataset
- lbreg::DeathDeath Penalty Data
- lbreg::EvansEvans County dataset
- lbreg::HeartHeart Dataset
- lbreg::PCSPCS Dataset
- LCAextend::param.contparameters to be used for examples in the case of continuous measurements
- LCAextend::param.ordiparameters to be used for examples in the case of discrete or ordinal measurements
- LCAextend::ped.contpedigrees with continuous data to be used for examples
- LCAextend::ped.ordipedigrees with discrete or ordinal data to be used for examples
- LCAextend::peelpeeling order of pedigrees and couples in pedigrees
- LCAextend::probsprobabilities parameters to be used for examples
- LCF::specdatPhosphorus K-edge XANES spectral data for LCF
- LCFdata::eegERP amplitudes at electrodes Fz, Cz, Pz, and Oz from 0 to 300 milliseconds.
- LCFdata::erpFzERP amplitudes at electrode Fz restricted to the 100 to 175 millisecond time window.
- LCFdata::zPlotting data generated from a linear mixed-effects model from Tremblay & Newman (In Preparation).
- lctools::GR.MunicipalitiesMunicipalities in Greece in 2011
- lctools::VotesGRNew Democracy and Total Votes in Greece in 2012
- LDAandLDAS::example_mapExample genetic maps
- LDAandLDAS::example_painting_p1Example painting data for population 1.
- LDAandLDAS::example_painting_p2Example painting data for population 2.
- lddmm::dataExample dataset
- leapp::simdatSimulated gene expression data affected by a group variable and an unobserved factor
- LGEWIS::LGEWIS.exampleData example for LGEWIS (tests for genetic association or gene-environment interaction)
- LGRF::LGRF.exampleData example for LGRF
- Libra::diabetesBlood and other measurements in diabetics
- Libra::isingdataSimulation data for Ising model
- Libra::west10Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature by WU, Cheng'en.
- Lifertable::InsectsInsects data
- LifeTables::Mx.svd.scoresInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::Patterns.final.coeffsInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::averages.smoothInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::class5Internal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::f.csd.weightInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::flt.mxInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::flt.mx.infoInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hi.devsInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1m0.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1m0.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1m0a.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1m0a.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1q0.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1q0.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1q0a.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.1q0a.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5m0.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5m0.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5m0a.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5m0a.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5q0.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5q0.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5q0a.train.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::hmd.5q0a.train.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::lo.devsInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::mlt.mxInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::mlt.mx.infoInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::opt.alpha.fInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- LifeTables::opt.alpha.mInternal Functions and data sets of LifeTables
- lillies::aggreg_dataSimulated aggregated data for Life Years Lost estimation.
- lillies::pop_refAggregated data for Life Years Lost estimation.
- lillies::simu_dataSimulated population for Life Years Lost estimation.
- LinCal::wheatPercentage Water, Percentage Protein, and Infrared Reflectance Measurements of Hard Wheat
- linearModel::depressionSelf Reported Depression
- linearModel::genericDataGeneric Data Set
- Linkage::EnronThe Enron email network
- lipidomeR::cancerlipidomeLevels of lipids in benign and malignant breast tumors in humans.
- lipidomeR::humanlipidomeConcentrations of lipids in a human plasma reference sample
- lipidomeR::liverlipidomeLevels of lipids in the human liver with or without non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD).
- ljr::kcmKentucky yearly cancer mortality from 1999-2005.
- lmf::sparrowdataHouse Sparrow data set
- lmomRFA::AppalachData for streamflow gaging stations in Appalachia
- lmomRFA::CascadesL-moments of annual precipitation totals
- lmomRFA::MaxwindMaximum wind speeds
- LNIRT::AmsterdamChessAmsterdam Chess Test (ACT) data
- LNIRT::CredentialForm1Credential Form data
- localScore::AesoCongenital oesophageal atresia data
- localScore::HydroScoreDictionary
- localScore::LongSeqDeprecated
- localScore::MidSeqDeprecated
- localScore::MySeqListDeprecated
- localScore::SJSyndromeStevens-Johnson syndrome data
- localScore::SJSyndrome.dataDeprecated
- localScore::Seq1093Long protein sequence
- localScore::Seq219Protein sequence
- localScore::Seq31Short protein sequence
- localScore::SeqListSCOPeSeveral sequences
- localScore::ShortSeqDeprecated
- localScore::aeso.dataDeprecated
- localScore::dicoDeprecated
- localsolver::google_example_1_dataData set for google_machine_reassignment demo.
- loedata::BoyleBoyle data set
- loedata::DeathDeath rate and related variables for Korean districts
- loedata::EkcCO2 emissions
- loedata::FastfoodCard and Krueger (1994) fastfood data set
- loedata::FirmdataOpen DART firm data
- loedata::GaltonparGalton family data
- loedata::HconsHousehold consumption shares
- loedata::HiesHousehold Income and Expenditure Survey 2016
- loedata::HmdaThe Boston HMDA data set
- loedata::IvdataArtificial data for studying IV estimation
- loedata::KlipsSubset of 2011 KLIPS
- loedata::KlosaKLoSA wave 4
- loedata::KsalaryAverage salary
- loedata::PubservPublic servants and financial independence
- loedata::RegkoKorean regional data (2014-2016 averages)
- loedata::RegkoPanelKorean regional panel data (2014-2016)
- LogicForest::LF.dataLF.data
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit1Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit2Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit3Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit4Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit5Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit6Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.savefit7Sample results for Logic Regression
- LogicReg::logreg.testdatTest data for Logic Regression
- LogisticCopula::IonosphereExample data set
- LogisticRCI::RCI_sample_dataSample Data for RCI Calculation
- LogRegEquiv::ptg_stud_dataStudent Performance Data Set
- LogRegEquiv::ptg_stud_f_testStudent Performance Data Set - female testing data
- LogRegEquiv::ptg_stud_f_trainStudent Performance Data Set - female training data
- LogRegEquiv::ptg_stud_m_testStudent Performance Data Set - male testing data
- LogRegEquiv::ptg_stud_m_trainStudent Performance Data Set - male training data
- longitudinal::tcell.10Microarray Time Series Data for T-Cell Activation
- longitudinal::tcell.34Microarray Time Series Data for T-Cell Activation
- longitudinal::tcell.gene.descriptionMicroarray Time Series Data for T-Cell Activation
- LPGraph::senateSenate Vote Data
- lphom::France2017D2017 French Presidential Election. Department official results.
- lphom::France2017P2017 French Presidential Election. Regional provisional results.
- lrmest::pcdPortland Cement Dataset
- lsm::chdageCoronary Heart Disease Study
- lsm::icuicu
- lsm::lowbwtlowbwt
- lsm::prospros
- lsm::surveysurvey
- lsm::uisuis
- LSWPlib::sp500Daily log-returns for the S&P 500 stock index.
- ltable::BCdataBreast cancer data to model risk
- ltable::SMdataHeart surgery data to model standardized (mortality) ratio.
- ltable::SimDataSimulated interval censored survival data to model hazard.
- ltable::sdataSimple Data.
- ltable::tdataTromboembolism Data.
- LTASR::history_exampleExample History File for Testing
- LTASR::person_exampleExample Person File for Testing
- LTASR::us_119ucod_19602021119 UCOD U.S. Death Rate, 1960-2021
- LTASR::us_119ucod_recent119 UCOD U.S. Death Rate, 1960-2022
- LTCDM::QData Set Q
- LTCDM::cepData Set cep
- LTCDM::dat0Data Set dat0
- LTCDM::dat1Data Set dat1
- LTCDM::step3.outputData Set step3.output
- lwqs::lwqs_dataSimulated dataset for accompanying vignette
- mable::Vaal.FlowVaal River Annual Flow Data
- mable::chicken.embryoChicken Embryo Data
- mable::cosmesisBreast cosmesis data
- mable::pancreasPancreatic Cancer Biomarker Data
- macc::env.singleSimulated single-level dataset
- macc::env.threeSimulated three-level dataset
- macc::env.twoSimulated two-level dataset
- MAICtools::AgD_blDescription of AgD_bl dataset
- MAICtools::AgD_effDescription of AgD_eff dataset
- MAICtools::IPDDescription of IPD dataset
- MAICtools::pseudoDescription of pseudo dataset
- MAICtools::ptsDescription of pts dataset
- MAICtools::unptsDescription of unpts dataset
- makeFlow::sheltersshelters
- mand::atlasAtlas set
- mand::atlasdatasetsAtlas data set
- mand::baseimgBase Brain Data
- mand::diffimgDifference Brain Data
- mand::exbrainExample Brain Data
- mand::maskBrain Mask
- mand::sdevimgStandard Deviation Brain Data
- mand::templateBrain Template
- manet::concertsConcerts synthetic network
- manet::deepsouthDeep South Network
- manet::noordinNoordin Top terrorist network
- mAr::pinkhamLydia Pinkham Annual Advertising and Sales data
- mAr::sparrowsBody measurements of sparrows
- mAr::wavesTime series of ocean wave height measurements
- march::Employment.2Employment status in two categories (march dataset format)
- march::peweeSong of the Wood Pewee (march dataset format)
- march::pewee_dfSong of the Wood Pewee (data frame format)
- march::pewee_tSong of the Wood Pewee (text format)
- march::sleepSleep disorders (march dataset format)
- march::sleep_dfSleep disorders (data frame format)
- marima::C20Data set for testing marima package (Copenhagen Stocks)
- marima::austrData set for testing marima package (australian killings)
- MariNET::example_dataExample Dataset: Psychological and Behavioral Responses
- markophylo::simdata1Simulated data.
- markophylo::simdata2Simulated data.
- markophylo::simdata3Simulated data.
- markophylo::simdata4Simulated data.
- markophylo::simdata5Simulated data.
- Markovchart::LDLAggregated low-density-lipoprotein patient data for control chart applications
- Markovchart::diabetesPseudonymised and randomised time series dataset of diabetes patients for control chart applications
- MASS::Aids2Australian AIDS Survival Data
- MASS::AnimalsBrain and Body Weights for 28 Species
- MASS::BostonHousing Values in Suburbs of Boston
- MASS::Cars93Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993
- MASS::CushingsDiagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's Syndrome
- MASS::DDTDDT in Kale
- MASS::GAGurineLevel of GAG in Urine of Children
- MASS::InsuranceNumbers of Car Insurance claims
- MASS::MelanomaSurvival from Malignant Melanoma
- MASS::OMETests of Auditory Perception in Children with OME
- MASS::Pima.teDiabetes in Pima Indian Women
- MASS::Pima.trDiabetes in Pima Indian Women
- MASS::Pima.tr2Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
- MASS::RabbitBlood Pressure in Rabbits
- MASS::RubberAccelerated Testing of Tyre Rubber
- MASS::SP500Returns of the Standard and Poors 500
- MASS::SitkaGrowth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988
- MASS::Sitka89Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989
- MASS::SkyeAFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas
- MASS::TrafficEffect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents
- MASS::UScerealNutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals
- MASS::UScrimeThe Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime Rates
- MASS::VAVeteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial
- MASS::abbeyDeterminations of Nickel Content
- MASS::accdeathsAccidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
- MASS::anorexiaAnorexia Data on Weight Change
- MASS::bacteriaPresence of Bacteria after Drug Treatments
- MASS::beav1Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1
- MASS::beav2Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2
- MASS::biopsyBiopsy Data on Breast Cancer Patients
- MASS::birthwtRisk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
- MASS::cabbagesData from a cabbage field trial
- MASS::caithColours of Eyes and Hair of People in Caithness
- MASS::catsAnatomical Data from Domestic Cats
- MASS::cementHeat Evolved by Setting Cements
- MASS::chemCopper in Wholemeal Flour
- MASS::coopCo-operative Trial in Analytical Chemistry
- MASS::cpusPerformance of Computer CPUs
- MASS::crabsMorphological Measurements on Leptograpsus Crabs
- MASS::deathsMonthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
- MASS::driversDeaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84
- MASS::eaglesForaging Ecology of Bald Eagles
- MASS::epilSeizure Counts for Epileptics
- MASS::farmsEcological Factors in Farm Management
- MASS::fglMeasurements of Forensic Glass Fragments
- MASS::forbesForbes' Data on Boiling Points in the Alps
- MASS::galaxiesVelocities for 82 Galaxies
- MASS::gehanRemission Times of Leukaemia Patients
- MASS::genotypeRat Genotype Data
- MASS::geyserOld Faithful Geyser Data
- MASS::gilgaisLine Transect of Soil in Gilgai Territory
- MASS::hillsRecord Times in Scottish Hill Races
- MASS::housingFrequency Table from a Copenhagen Housing Conditions Survey
- MASS::immerYields from a Barley Field Trial
- MASS::leukSurvival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients
- MASS::mammalsBrain and Body Weights for 62 Species of Land Mammals
- MASS::mcycleData from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
- MASS::menarcheAge of Menarche in Warsaw
- MASS::michelsonMichelson's Speed of Light Data
- MASS::minn38Minnesota High School Graduates of 1938
- MASS::motorsAccelerated Life Testing of Motorettes
- MASS::muscleEffect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat Hearts
- MASS::newcombNewcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of Light
- MASS::nlschoolsEighth-Grade Pupils in the Netherlands
- MASS::npkClassical N, P, K Factorial Experiment
- MASS::npr1US Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 data
- MASS::oatsData from an Oats Field Trial
- MASS::paintersThe Painter's Data of de Piles
- MASS::petrolN. L. Prater's Petrol Refinery Data
- MASS::phonesBelgium Phone Calls 1950-1973
- MASS::quineAbsenteeism from School in Rural New South Wales
- MASS::roadRoad Accident Deaths in US States
- MASS::rotiferNumbers of Rotifers by Fluid Density
- MASS::shipsShips Damage Data
- MASS::shoesShoe wear data of Box, Hunter and Hunter
- MASS::shrimpPercentage of Shrimp in Shrimp Cocktail
- MASS::shuttleSpace Shuttle Autolander Problem
- MASS::snailsSnail Mortality Data
- MASS::steamThe Saturated Steam Pressure Data
- MASS::stormerThe Stormer Viscometer Data
- MASS::surveyStudent Survey Data
- MASS::synth.teSynthetic Classification Problem
- MASS::synth.trSynthetic Classification Problem
- MASS::topoSpatial Topographic Data
- MASS::wadersCounts of Waders at 15 Sites in South Africa
- MASS::whitesideHouse Insulation: Whiteside's Data
- MASS::wtlossWeight Loss Data from an Obese Patient
- MASSTIMATE::dino_comparisonsReconstruction body masses and associated limb circumference data from Campione & Evans (2020)
- MASSTIMATE::dinosDinosaur data from Campione and Evans 2012
- MASSTIMATE::dinosbipDinosaur data from Campione et al. (2014)
- MASSTIMATE::extantsExtant limb data from Campione and Evans 2012
- matchMulti::catholic_schools1980 and 1982 High School and Beyond Data
- matchMulti::minischoolMini-data set for illustration
- matman::AmountAmount data
- matman::StocksStock data
- matrisk::data_USHistorical data for the US (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 1973:Q1 to 2022:Q3
- matrisk::data_euroHistorical data for the eurozone (GDP and Financial Conditions) from 2008:Q4 to 2022:Q3
- matrixcut::lilialesChloroplast genome sequence similarity matrix for 163 Liliales species
- matrixcut::primatesMitochondrial genome sequence similarity matrix for 31 primate species
- matrixcut::xenarthraMitochondrial genome sequence similarity matrix for 37 Xenarthra species
- MatrixHMM::simDataA Simulated Dataset from a Matrix-Variate t Hidden Markov Model
- MatrixHMM::simData2A Simulated Dataset with Atypical Matrices
- MatSkew::SimXSimulated Data
- MAVE::ConcreteConcrete Compressive Strength Data Set
- MAVE::kc_house_dataHouse price in King County, USA
- MAVE::spam4601 email record
- mbrdr::mpsMinneapolis School dataset
- mc2d::ecAn example on Escherichia coli in ground beef
- mc2d::totalAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::x0An Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::x0MAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xUAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xUMAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVMAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVUAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVUMAn Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVUM2An Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mc2d::xVUM3An Example of all Kind of mcnode
- mcclust::Ysim1.5Simulated 3-dimensional Normal Data Containing 8 Clusters
- mcclust::Ysim2Simulated 3-dimensional Normal Data Containing 8 Clusters
- mcclust::cls.draw1.5Sample of Clusterings from Posterior Distribution of Bayesian Cluster Model
- mcclust::cls.draw2Sample of Clusterings from Posterior Distribution of Bayesian Cluster Model
- MCI::DIY1Distance matrix for DIY stores
- MCI::DIY2DIY store information
- MCI::DIY3Data for origins (DIY store customers' places of residence)
- MCI::Freiburg1Distance matrix for grocery stores in Freiburg
- MCI::Freiburg2Statistical districts of Freiburg
- MCI::Freiburg3Grocery stores in Freiburg
- MCI::grocery1Grocery store choices in Goettingen
- MCI::grocery2Grocery store market areas in Goettingen
- MCI::shopping1Point-of-sale survey in Karlsruhe
- MCI::shopping2Distance matrix for the point-of-sale survey in Karlsruhe
- MCI::shopping3Market area data for the point-of-sale survey in Karlsruhe
- MCI::shopping4Grocery store data for the point-of-sale survey in Karlsruhe
- mclustAddons::goldGold price log-returns
- mclustAddons::racialRacial data
- mclustAddons::suicideSuicide data
- mcmc::fooSimulated logistic regression data.
- mcmc::logitSimulated logistic regression data.
- MCMC4Extremes::barcelos30-day maxima rainfall at Barcelos Station
- MCMC4Extremes::fajardo15-day maxima river food at Fajardo River
- MCMC4Extremes::gurgueiaDaily river quota of Gurgueia River.
- MCMC4Extremes::ibovespaDaily returns of ibovespa
- mcount::dat.pfiExample Data
- MCPAN::HCDHell Creek Dinosaur Data
- MCPAN::bronchRodent bronchial carcinoma data
- MCPAN::liarozoleMarked improvement of psoriasis after application of liarozole
- MCPAN::methylNTP bioassay data: effect of methyleugenol on skin fibroma
- MCPMod::IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome Dose Response data
- MCPMod::biomBiometrics Dose Response data
- MCPtests::ex1ScottKnottBarley grain yields in bushels per acre
- mcr::creatinineComparison of blood and serum creatinine measurement
- MCS::LossMatrix of Value at Risk losses coming from 10 ARCH-type models
- MCS::STOXXIndexesRetSTOXX indexes logarithmic returns from 1992-01-02 to 2014-07-24
- MDimNormn::sbaArtificially generated data alike that of Suspension bead arrays
- mdscore::strengthImpact Strength an Insulating Material
- meboot::USconsumConsumption and Disposable Income Data (Annual 1948-1998)
- meboot::USfygtLong-term Treasury Bond Rates and Deficit Data Set (Annual 1948-200)
- meboot::ullwanData about Some of the S&P 500 Stock Prices
- mederrRank::MEDMARXSubset of the MEDMARX Data
- mederrRank::simdataSimulated Data
- medExtractR::addl_exprAdditional expressions for 'drug_list'
- medExtractR::dosechange_valsKeywords Specifying Dose Change
- medExtractR::doseschedule_valsKeywords Specifying Dose Schedule
- medExtractR::duration_valsKeywords Specifying Duration
- medExtractR::frequency_valsKeywords Specifying Frequency
- medExtractR::intaketime_valsKeywords Specifying Intake Time
- medExtractR::preposition_valsKeywords Specifying Preposition
- medExtractR::route_valsKeywords Specifying Route
- medExtractR::rxnorm_druglistList of Medications
- medExtractR::time_regexKeywords Specifying Time Expressions
- medExtractR::timekeyword_valsKeywords Specifying Time Keyword
- medExtractR::transition_valsKeywords/Symbols Specifying Transition
- Mercator::CML1000CML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::CML500CML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::fakeclinCML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::fakedataCML Cytogenetic Data
- Mercator::lgfFeaturesCML Cytogenetic Data
- mergingTools::T2080_code2nameT2080 HEM codes to HEM names
- mergingTools::data_hrm_raw_vignetteData generated for HRM merging
- mergingTools::data_much_raw_vignetteData generated for MUCH merging
- mermboost::OrthodontGrowth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
- mermboost::climbers_subHimalayan Climber Data
- mermboost::estuariesEffect of pollution on marine microinvertebrates in estuaries
- metaGE::envDescDescription of the environments.
- metaGE::metaDataResults of different GWAS.
- metainc::anticoagulationSampled odds ratios from meta-analysis on the association between parenteral anticoagulation and mortality in patients with cancer
- metainc::anticoagulation_dfMeta-analysis on the association between parenteral anticoagulation and mortality in patients with cancer
- metainc::montelukastSampled effect sizes (mean differences) from Krishnamoorthy et al. (2020)
- metaLik::albuminAlbumin data.
- metaLik::cholesterolSerum cholesterol data.
- metaLik::diureticsDiuretics data.
- metaLik::educationOpen education data.
- metaLik::vaccineData for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine studies.
- metaplus::cdpCDP meta-analysis data
- metaplus::exerciseExercise meta-analysis data
- metaplus::magMagnesium meta-analysis data
- metaplus::marinhoMarinho meta-analysis data
- metaSDTreg::simMetaDataSimulated metacognition experiment
- metaumbrella::df.HRMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of several interventions on a binary outcome.
- metaumbrella::df.IRRMeta-analysis exploring adverse events of smoking.
- metaumbrella::df.MCMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of an intervention on a continuous outcome measured before and after the intervention.
- metaumbrella::df.MDMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of surgical and pharmacological interventions.
- metaumbrella::df.ORMeta-analyses exploring a risk factor for neurodevelopmental disorders.
- metaumbrella::df.OR.multiMeta-analysis of RCTs assessing different dietary interventions on a binary outcome.
- metaumbrella::df.RMeta-analyses of correlational data
- metaumbrella::df.RRMeta-analysis of the adverse events of antidepressants.
- metaumbrella::df.SMCMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of an intervention on a continuous outcome measured before and after the intervention.
- metaumbrella::df.SMDMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of surgical and pharmacological interventions.
- metaumbrella::df.radua2019Meta-analyses exploring the risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder.
- metaumbrella::df.trainTraining dataset
- metevalue::demo_DMRfinder_DMRsDMRfinder Output Demo Dataset
- metevalue::demo_DMRfinder_rate_combineDMRfinder Methyrate Demo Dataset
- metevalue::demo_biseq_DMRBiSeq Output Demo Dataset
- metevalue::demo_biseq_methyrateBiSeq Methyrate Demo Dataset
- metevalue::demo_desq_outDESeq Output Dataset
- metevalue::demo_methylkit_met_allMethyrate output dataset from methylKit
- metevalue::demo_methylkit_methyrateMethyrate Dataset
- metevalue::demo_metilene_inputMetilene Methyrate Demo Dataset
- metevalue::demo_metilene_outMetilene Demo Output Dataset
- MetGen::myclimatic_dataclimatic data
- MetGen::mycovariatesCovariates data
- metRology::GUM.H.1Example H.1 from the _Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement_
- metRology::PbLead in wine
- metRology::RMstudyCollaborative study results for metals in a reference material certification study
- metRology::apricotCollaborative study results for fibre content in an apricot test material
- metRology::chromiumChromium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
- metRology::potassiumPotassium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study
- mexhaz::simdatn1Simulated dataset
- mexhaz::simdatn2Simulated dataset
- MFAg::DataMixMixed data set.
- MFAg::DataQualiQualitative data set
- MFAg::DataQuanQuantitative data set
- mgcv::columbReduced version of Columbus OH crime data
- mgcv::columb.polysReduced version of Columbus OH crime data
- mgwrsar::mydatamydata is a simulated data set of a mgwrsar model
- mgwrsar::mydatasfmydataf is a Simple Feature object with real estate data in south of France.
- mhsmm::reproaiArtificial insemination times for seven cows
- mhsmm::reprocowsReproductive data from seven dairy cows
- mhsmm::reproppaObserved lengths of post-partum anoestrus for 73 dairy cows
- microbiomeMQC::MQC_testdataMQC_testdata
- MicrobiomeStat::smokersMicrobiome data from the human upper respiratory tract (left and right throat)
- MiDA::IMexpressionInfectious mononucleosis transcriptome
- MiDA::IMspecimenSpecimen features
- MigrationDetectR::example_traceExample trace
- miLineage::data.realReal data that include an OTU table, a taxonomy table, and a covariate table
- miLineage::data.toySimulated data that include an OTU table, a taxonomy table, and a covariate table
- mimi::acs2016Excerpt of the 2016 Public Use American Census Survey (Alabama only)
- mineCitrus::citrus.combinedFCSSetCytometry data set for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
- mineCitrus::citrus.foldClusteringClustering data for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
- mineCitrus::citrus.foldFeatureSetCorrelation data for example of Citrus data set from nolanlab/citrus
- mipplot::ar5_db_sample_dataSample Dataset
- mipplot::ar5_db_sample_rule_tableSample Rule Table
- mipplot::mipplot_default_color_paletteDefault color palette.
- mipplot::sr15_sample_conversion_rule_tableSample Conversion Rule Table
- mipplot::sr15_sample_dataSample Dataset
- miRetrieve::df_crcDataset of PubMed data of miRNAs in Colorectal Cancer
- miRetrieve::df_mirtarbasemiRTarBase version 8.0
- miRetrieve::df_pancDataset of PubMed data of miRNAs in Pancreatic Cancer
- miRetrieve::df_testTest dataset of PubMed abstracts
- miRetrieve::ngram_stopwordsStop words for n-grams
- miRetrieve::stopwords_2gramStop words for text mining with common PubMed 2-grams
- miRetrieve::stopwords_miretrieveStop words for text mining with miRetrieve
- miRetrieve::stopwords_pubmedStop words for text mining from PubMed abstracts
- miRNAss::celegansFeatures extracted from hairpins of Caenorhabditis elegans.
- miselect::miselect.dfSynthetic Example Data For "miselect"
- mispr::data1Simulated data with 50 covariates
- mispr::data2Simulated data with 200 covariates
- missDeaths::observedA simulated dataset with non-recorded deaths
- mistr::stocksLog-returns of Five Stocks
- mix::stlouisSt. Louis Risk Research Project
- mixAK::AcidityAcidity index of lakes in North-Central Wisconsin
- mixAK::EnzymeEnzymatic activity in the blood
- mixAK::FaithfulOld Faithful Geyser Data
- mixAK::GalaxyVelocities of distant galaxies
- mixAK::PBC910Subset of Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cholangitis (Cirrhosis) data
- mixAK::PBCseqMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cholangitis (Cirrhosis), sequential data
- mixAK::SimDataSimulated dataset
- mixAK::TandmobSignal Tandmobiel data
- mixAK::TandmobEmerSignal Tandmobiel data - emergence times
- mixcure::leukaemiaData from leukaemia patients with bone marrow transplants
- mixdist::bindatGrouped Binomial Data
- mixdist::binparStarting Values of Parameters for the Binomial Data Set
- mixdist::cassieCassie's Length-Frequency Example
- mixdist::expdatA Mixture Data of Three Exponential Distributions
- mixdist::fiftn80A Mixed Data with Fifteen Normal Components
- mixdist::normalsScale Mixture Data with Three Normal Components
- mixdist::pearsonKarl Pearson's Crab Data
- mixdist::pearsonparStarting Values of Parameters for the Pearson's Data
- mixdist::pikdat5Heming Lake Pike Data
- mixdist::pike65Length-Frequency Data for Heming Lake Pike
- mixdist::pike65sgLength-Frequency Data with Subsamples for Heming Lake Pike
- mixdist::pikeparStarting Values of Parameters for the Pike Data
- mixdist::pikerawA Sample of Pike Lengths
- mixdist::poisdatGrouped Poisson Data
- mixdist::poisparStarting Values of Parameters for the Poisson Data Set
- mixedsde::neuronal.dataTrajectories Interspike Of A Single Neuron Of A Ginea Pig
- MixGHD::banknoteSwiss Banknote data
- MixGHD::bankruptcyBankruptcy data
- MixGHD::sonarSonar data
- mixKernel::TARAoceansTARA ocean microbiome data
- MixLFA::simulated_MLFAsimulated_MLFA: Simulated data from the MLFA model
- mixsmsn::bmiBody Mass Index
- mixsmsn::faithfulOld Faithful Geyser Data
- mixture::sx2Skewed Simulated Data 1
- mixture::sx3Skewed Simulated Data 2
- mixture::x2Simulated Data
- MKLE::stateViolent death in the USA
- MLCIRTwithin::RLMSRLMS dataset
- MLCIRTwithin::SF12SF12 dataset
- MLCIRTwithin::SF12_nomissSF12 dataset without missing responses
- MLCM::BumpyGlossyConjoint Measurement Data for Bumpiness and Glossiness
- MLCM::GlossyBumpyConjoint Measurement Data for Bumpiness and Glossiness
- MLCM::TextureThree-way Conjoint Measurement Data for Texture Regularity.
- MLDS::AutumnLabDifference Scale Judgement Data Set
- MLDS::TransparencyDifference Scaling of Transparency
- MLDS::kk1Difference Scale Judgment Data Sets
- MLDS::kk2Difference Scale Judgment Data Sets
- MLDS::kk3Difference Scale Judgment Data Sets
- MLDS::kktriadDifference Scale Judgment Data Sets
- MLEcens::actg181Data from the Aids Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181
- MLEcens::actg181ModModified data from the Aids Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181
- MLEcens::cosmesisBreast cosmesis data
- MLEcens::exExample data set (artificial)
- MLEcens::menopauseMenopause data
- MLEcens::menopauseModModified menopause data
- mlergm::classesPolish school classes data set.
- MLGdata::AbrasionAbrasion loss
- MLGdata::AidsAids mortality
- MLGdata::AlligatorsAlligator food choice data
- MLGdata::AntsAnts and sandwiches
- MLGdata::AziendeNumber of closed businesses
- MLGdata::BartlettBartlett data on plum root cuttings
- MLGdata::Bartlett2Bartlett data on plum root cuttings
- MLGdata::BeetlesDeaths of flour beetles
- MLGdata::Beetles10Deaths of flour beetles
- MLGdata::BioassayBiological experiment
- MLGdata::Biochemistsarticle production by graduate students in biochemistry Ph.D. programs
- MLGdata::BritishdocBritish doctors study
- MLGdata::CalciumCalcium Uptake Data
- MLGdata::CementTensile strength of cement
- MLGdata::ChimpsChimpanzee Learning Data
- MLGdata::ChlorsulfuronChlorsulfuron Data
- MLGdata::ClottingBlood clotting times
- MLGdata::CreditCredit Score Data From a South German Bank
- MLGdata::CustomerBus customer satisfaction
- MLGdata::Customer3Bus customer satisfaction
- MLGdata::DogsDogs data
- MLGdata::DrugsStudent Substance Use
- MLGdata::Drugs2Student Substance Use
- MLGdata::Drugs3Student Substance Use
- MLGdata::EsitoRecreational activities and university performance
- MLGdata::GerminationSeed Germination
- MLGdata::HeartCreatinine kinase and heart attacks
- MLGdata::HomicideHomicide data
- MLGdata::InfantInfant survival
- MLGdata::KyphosisData on Children who have had Corrective Spinal Surgery
- MLGdata::MalariaMalaria Transmission in the Western Kenyan Highlands
- MLGdata::MentalMental impairment
- MLGdata::NeonatiWeight at birth
- MLGdata::OhioOhio Children Wheeze Status
- MLGdata::OrthodontGrowth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
- MLGdata::Orthodont1Growth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
- MLGdata::PneuPneumoconiosis amongst Coalminers
- MLGdata::RatsTeratology study
- MLGdata::SeedSeed germination
- MLGdata::SnoreSnoring and heart disease
- MLGdata::SpendingOpinions about government spending
- MLGdata::StrokeStroke data
- MLGdata::Stroke1Stroke data
- MLGdata::TestingressoUniversity admission test
- MLGdata::VehiclePreferred vehicle
- MLGdata::WoolWool data
- mlmm.gwas::K.addDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and additive+dominance models
- mlmm.gwas::K.domDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and additive+dominance models
- mlmm.gwas::K.femaleDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::K.hybridDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::K.maleDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::XaDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and additive+dominance models
- mlmm.gwas::XdDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and additive+dominance models
- mlmm.gwas::XfDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::XfmDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::XmDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::femaleDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::floweringDateADDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, additive and additive+dominance models
- mlmm.gwas::floweringDateFMIDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::hybridDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlmm.gwas::maleDataset for examples with the mlmm.gwas package, male+female and male+female+interaction models
- mlr3summary::creditGerman Credit Dataset (Preprocessed)
- mlrv::hk_dataThis is data to be included in my package
- MMAD::bcosBreast Cosmesis Data
- MMAD::cadiThe children’s absenteeism data in Indonesia
- MMAD::kidneyKidney Infection Data
- MMAD::lungNCCTG Lung Cancer Data
- MMAD::vijcVoluntary and involuntary job changes data
- mmeta::colorectalStudies on the Association of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) Acetylation Status and Colorectal Cancer
- mmeta::diabetesStudies on the Association of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
- mmeta::withdrawalStudies on the association of withdrawal from study due to adverse events and tricyclic treatment
- mmpp::Miyagi20030626The aftershock data of 26th July 2003 earthquake of M6.2 at the northern Miyagi-Ken Japan
- MNARclust::echoEchocardiogram data set
- MNM::beansRandomized Block Experiment of Plots of Beans
- modelSSE::COVID19_JanApr2020_HongKongA dataset of COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong
- modelSSE::MERS_2013_MEregionA dataset of MERS outbreaks in the Middle East region
- modelSSE::mpox_19801984_DRCA dataset of mpox outbreaks in DRC
- modelSSE::smallpox_19581973_EuropeA dataset of smallpox outbreaks in Europe
- moderate.mediation::newwsNEWWS Riverside data
- mogavs::crimeDataCrime Data Set with Imputed Values
- mogavs::sampleDataSimulated Data Set for MOGA-VS
- molaR::HillsHills surface mesh
- molaR::OPCr_Example1OPCr_Example1 - object created by OPCr function used as an example.
- molaR::OPCr_Example2OPCr_Example2 - object created by OPCr function used as an example.
- molaR::ToothTooth a surface mesh of a tooth.
- MoNAn::indSexExample Data for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::mobilityEdgelistExample Data for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::myAlgExemplary Outcome Objects for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::myEffectsExemplary Outcome Objects for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::myResDNExemplary Outcome Objects for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::mySimDNExemplary Outcome Objects for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::myStateExemplary Outcome Objects for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::orgRegionExample Data for the MoNAn Package
- MoNAn::orgSizeExample Data for the MoNAn Package
- monitoR::btnwBlack-Throated Green Warbler (_Setophaga virens_) Song
- monitoR::ovenOvenbird (_Seiurus aurocapilla_) Song
- monitoR::surveySample Acoustic Survey (Short)
- monitoR::survey_annoAnnotations for 'survey'
- MonoInc::data.rData range
- MonoInc::decData.rData range(decreasing)
- MonoInc::simDEC_dataSimulated Decreasing Data
- MonoInc::simulated_dataSimulated Data
- monoreg::risksAbsolute risks from 7 survival models
- morph::LEdemoLandscape Ecology Demo Data (3D Voxels)
- MPDiR::ChromaticChromatic Thresholds across the Life Span
- MPDiR::ConfRatesConfidence Ratings for Detection of Luminance Patch
- MPDiR::ContextPsychometric Functions for the Effects of Context on Contrast Detection
- MPDiR::CorticalCellsContrast Response Functions from Visual Cortical Cells
- MPDiR::FacesPerceived kinship in image pairs of children
- MPDiR::Faces2Perceived kinship in image pairs of children
- MPDiR::GaborDetection of a 2 cycle/window Gabor temporal modulation
- MPDiR::GlassPatternsDetection of concentric patterns of dipoles in Glass Patterns
- MPDiR::GrueDistribution of Grue Languages with UV-B Exposure
- MPDiR::HSPHecht, Schlaer and Pirenne (1942) psychometric functions
- MPDiR::ModelFest.dfContrast Sensitivity of the Observers from the ModelFest Consortium
- MPDiR::MotionThreshold for First- and Second-order Movement with Age
- MPDiR::StairCase3-1 Randomly Interleaved Staircase Detection Experiment
- MPDiR::VernierPsychometric Functions for Vernier Judgement of Phase Difference between Drifting Gratings
- mpmcorrelogram::DAssemblage similarity and geographic distance matrices
- mpmcorrelogram::SAssemblage similarity and geographic distance matrices
- mpmcorrelogram::ZdAssemblage similarity and geographic distance matrices
- mpower::nhanes1518NHANES data from 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 cycles
- mpt::ItalianCitiesCity-Size Paired-Comparison Task
- mpt::MDHennig2020Moral Dilemma Judgment
- mpt::MDreplicationMoral Dilemma Judgment
- mpt::PMSmithBayenProspective Memory and Task Importance
- mpt::PMreplicationProspective Memory and Task Importance
- mpt::ROCBroeder2009Recognition Receiver Operating Characteristics
- mpt::ROCreplicationRecognition Receiver Operating Characteristics
- mpt::WSTKlauer2007Wason Selection Task (WST) and Helpful Hints
- mpt::WSTreplicationWason Selection Task (WST) and Helpful Hints
- mpt::WorldCitiesCity-Size Paired-Comparison Task
- mpt::agememoryAge Differences in Episodic Memory
- mpt::proactRecall Frequencies for DaPolito's Experiment on Proactive Inhibition
- mpt::pwrsim1Simulation-Based Power Analysis for MPT Models
- mpt::pwrsim2Simulation-Based Power Analysis for MPT Models
- mpt::retroactRecall Frequencies in Retroactive Inhibition
- mpt::valenceWorld Valence and Source Memory for Vertical Position
- mratios::APAngina pectoris data
- mratios::ASATASAT data
- mratios::BWBody weights measured in a toxicological study
- mratios::DiabeticMiceSerum albumin of diabetic mice
- mratios::MutagenicityMutagenicity assay
- mratios::PenicillinComparing 6 strains with respect to production of antibiotics
- mratios::SRAssaySlope ratio assay of panthotenic acid contents in plant tissues
- mratios::anginaThe angina data set
- mratios::bnctBoron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
- mratios::rat.weightBody weight of rats in a toxicity study
- MRCV::farmer1Data for One SRCV and One MRCV from the Kansas Farmer Survey
- MRCV::farmer2Data for Two MRCVs from the Kansas Farmer Survey
- MRCV::farmer3Data for Three MRCVs from the Kansas Farmer Survey
- MRCV::sealionSteller Sea Lion Scat Data of Riemer, Wright, and Brown (2011)
- MRmediation::dataThis is the data for examples
- MRmediation::posThis is the data for examples
- MRQoL::dataghsData of Global Health Status (GHS) dimension.
- MRTAnalysis::data_binaryA synthetic data set of an MRT with binary outcome
- MRTAnalysis::data_mimicHeartStepsA synthetic data set that mimics the HeartSteps V1 data structure to illustrate the use of [wcls()] function for continuous outcomes
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::alpha_1Vector that defines the success probability null curve.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::beta_1Vector that defines the MEE under the alternative hypothesis.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::f_t_1A matrix defining the MEE under the alternative hypothesis.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::g_t_1A matrix defining the success probability null curve.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::m_matrix_1An example matrix for "bread" of sandwich estimator of variance.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::p_t_1A vector of randomization probabilities for each time point.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::sigma_matrix_1An example matrix for "meat" of sandwich estimator of variance.
- MRTSampleSizeBinary::tau_t_1Vector that holds the average availability at each time point.
- msae::datasae1Data generated based on Multivariate Fay Herriot Model (Model 1)
- msae::datasae2Data generated based on Autoregressive Multivariate Fay Herriot Model (Model 2)
- msae::datasae3Data generated based on Heteroscedastic Autoregressive Multivariate Fay Herriot Model (Model 3)
- msaeHB::datasaeNormSample Data for Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method under Multivariate Normal distribution
- msaeHB::datasaeTSample Data for Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Method under Multivariate T distribution
- MSclassifR::CitrobacterRKImetadataMetadata of mass spectra corresponding to the bacterial species _Citrobacter_ sp. from The Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) database of microbial MALDI-TOF mass spectra
- MSclassifR::CitrobacterRKIspectraMass spectra corresponding to the bacterial species _Citrobacter_ sp. from The Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) database of microbial MALDI-TOF mass spectra
- MSclust::simA Mixture of Two Normal Distributions with outliers
- MSigSeg::NCHSDatainfluenza data set from CDC used as an example.
- MSigSeg::T16MA chromosome sequencing data set used as an example.
- MSigSeg::T16PA chromosome sequencing data set used as an example.
- MSigSeg::data_testA simulated data set used for testing.
- MSigSeg::stockA stock data set used as an example.
- MSinference::covidNumber of daily new cases of infections of COVID-19 per country.
- MSinference::temperatureHadley Centre Central England Temperature (HadCET) dataset, Monthly Mean Central England Temperature (Degrees C)
- msltrend::BaltOcean water level data for Baltimore, USA
- msltrend::ssample 'msl.trend' object
- msltrend::tsample 'msl.forecast' object
- msme::dollPhysician smoking and mortality count data
- msme::heartHeart surgery outcomes for Canadian patients
- msme::medparUS national Medicare inpatient hospital database for Arizona patients.
- msme::rwm5yrGerman health registry for the years 1984-1988
- msme::titanicTitanic passenger survival data
- msme::ufcUpper Flat Creek forest cruise tree data
- MSoutcomes::SampleDataExpanded disability status scale (EDSS) score and functional system score (FSS) recorded at each visit
- mstDIF::toydataA Toy Example of 1000 Respondents Working on a Multistage Test
- MTDrh::EPIWind power scenarios generated by epi-spline approximation
- MTDrh::QRWind power scenarios generated by Quantile Regression with Gaussian copula approach
- MultEq::clinicBody measurements in a clinical study
- multichull::chulldataReduced k-means on iris data
- multichull::chulldatabootReduced k-means on bootstrapped iris data
- MultiGlarmaVarSel::YObservation matrix Y
- MultiLCIRT::hadsDataset about measurement of anxiety and depression in oncological patients
- MultiLCIRT::naepNAEP dataset
- multilevel::bh1996Data from Bliese and Halverson (1996)
- multilevel::bhr2000Data from Bliese, Halverson and Rothberg (2000)
- multilevel::chen2005Data from Chen (2005)
- multilevel::cohesionSmall nested cohesion data frame
- multilevel::klein2000Data from Klein, Bliese, Kozlowski et al., (2000)
- multilevel::lq2002Data used in special issue of Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 13, 2002
- multilevel::paneldatFirm-Level Panel Data from Donald J. (DJ) Schepker
- multilevel::sherifdatSherif (1935) group data from 3 person teams
- multilevel::tankdatTank data from Bliese and Lang (2016)
- multilevel::univbctData from Bliese and Ployhart (2002)
- multilevLCA::dataIEAData for understanding of good citizenship behaviour
- multilevLCA::dataTOYArtificial data set
- multipanelfigure::billing2016_suppfig4eMass spectrometry intensities by stem cell type and organelle
- multipanelfigure::billing2016_suppfig4gMass spectrometry intensities by stem cell type
- MultiPhen::phenoA dummy phenotype dataset that provides an example of the input phenotype data used by the package
- MultiPhen::snpsA dummy snp dataset that provides an example of the input snp data used by the package
- MultiPhen::snps.imputedImputed SNP dataset
- multipleNCC::CVD_AccidentsCauses of death in three counties in Norway in 1974-2000
- MultipleRegression::DadosFatDados de exemplo de um experimento sem repeticoes.
- MultipleRegression::DadosPalmaDados de exemplo de um experimento sem repeticoes.
- MultiplierDEA::Bank_Branch_Operating_EfficiencyData: Bank Branch Operating Efficiency data
- MultiplierDEA::BenchMark_Tests_And_MicrocomputerData: Relationship between benchmark tests and Microcomputer price data
- MultiplierDEA::Data_CityData: City data
- MultiplierDEA::Departments_Of_AccountingData: UK University Departments Of Accounting Efficiency data.
- MultiplierDEA::Evaluation_Educational_ProgramData: Educational program data
- MultiplierDEA::Evaluations_Of_NonProfitOrganizationsData: Evaluation of Non-Profit organizations data
- MultiplierDEA::Japanese_CompaniesData: Japanese Companies data.
- MultiplierDEA::Metropolitan_And_London_Rates_DepartmentsData: Metropolitan and London rates departments data
- multiridge::dataXXmirmethContains R-object 'dataXXmirmeth'
- multiROC::test_dataExample dataset
- multisensi::ClimatClimate data
- multisensi::biomasseXA factorial input design for the main example
- multisensi::biomasseYOutput of the biomasse model for the plan provided in the package
- MultiSkew::PM10_2006PM10_2006: dataset
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.BINDados de exemplo (Dados binarios).
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.CATExemplo de dados qualitativos multicategoricos.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.DBCDados de exemplo de um experimento em DBC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.DBC.MistoDados de exemplo de um experimento em DBC com dados quantitativos e mistos.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.DICDados de exemplo de um experimento em DIC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.DQLDados de exemplo de um experimento em DQL.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.FMI.QualiExemplo de dados qualitativos multicategoricos em um experimento com progenies de meios irmaos.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.FMI.QuantiExemplo de dados quantitativos em um experimento com progenies de meios irmaos.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.Fat2.DBCDados de um experimento em esquema fatorial duplo conduzido em DBC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.Fat2.DICDados de um experimento em esquema fatorial duplo conduzido em DIC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.Fat3.DBCDados de um experimento em esquema fatorial triplo conduzido em DBC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.Fat3.DICDados de um experimento em esquema fatorial triplo conduzido em DIC.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.MEDDados de um exemplo com variaveis quantitativas.
- MultivariateAnalysis::Dados.MistoDados de exemplo de um experimento com dados mistos.
- multiway::USalcoholUnited States Alcohol Consumption Data (1970-2013)
- MultiwayRegression::XSimulated multi-way data for prediction
- MultiwayRegression::YSimulated multi-way data for prediction
- MuMIn::BeetleFlour beetle mortality data
- MuMIn::CementCement hardening data
- MuMIn::GPAGrade Point Average data
- MVar::DataCoffeeFrequency data set.
- MVar::DataFreqFrequency data set.
- MVar::DataIndFrequency data set.
- MVar::DataMixMixed data set.
- MVar::DataQualiQualitative data set
- MVar::DataQuanQuantitative data set
- MVar.pt::DataFreqConjunto de dados de frequencia.
- MVar.pt::DataMixConjunto de dados mistos.
- MVar.pt::DataQualiConjunto de dados qualitativos.
- MVar.pt::DataQuanConjunto de dados quantitativos.
- MVar.pt::Data_CafesConjunto de dados de frequencia.
- MVar.pt::Data_IndividuosConjunto de dados de frequencia.
- mvdalab::CollegeData for College Level Examination Program and the College Qualification Test
- mvdalab::PentaPenta data set
- mvdalab::Wang_ChenBivariate process data.
- mvdalab::Wang_Chen_SimSimulated process data from a plastics manufacturer.
- mvdalab::plusMinusDatplusMinusDat data set
- mwlaxeref::lake_id_xrefLake identification cross-reference table
- mwlaxeref::wis_lakesExample of lake ID data from Wisconsin
- NADA::ArsenicDissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
- NADA::AsDissolved arsenic concentrations in ground water of U.S.
- NADA::AsExampleExample arsenic concentrations in drinking water
- NADA::AtraAtrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water
- NADA::AtraAltAtrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Alternative
- NADA::AtrazineAtrazine concentrations in Nebraska ground water - Another Format
- NADA::BloodleadLead concentrations in the blood of herons in Virginia.
- NADA::CadmiumCadmium concentrations in fish
- NADA::ChlfmCAChloroform concentrations in California groundwater.
- NADA::CuZnCopper and zinc concentrations in ground water
- NADA::CuZnAltZinc concentrations of the CuZn data set
- NADA::DFeDissolved iron concentrations from the Brazos River, USA
- NADA::DOCDOC in ground water
- NADA::GoldenBlood lead in organs of herons from Virginia
- NADA::HatcheryAntibiotic concentrations in fish-hatchery drainage
- NADA::HgFishMercury concentrations in fish across the United States.
- NADA::MDCuCopper in ground water from of San Joaquin Valley, USA
- NADA::OahuArsenic concentrations in Manoa Stream, Oahu Hawaii
- NADA::ReconAtrazine in streams of the Midwestern U.S.
- NADA::RoachLindane in fish from tributaries of the Thames River, UK
- NADA::SedPbLead in stream sediments before and after wildfires
- NADA::ShePyrenePyrene concentrations in water from Puget Sound, WA USA
- NADA::SilverDissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
- NADA::SilverDissolved silver concentrations from water analyses
- NADA::TCETCE in ground waters of Long Island, New York
- NADA::TCERegTCE ground waters of Long Island - with explanatory variables
- NADA::Tbl1oneContaminant concentrations in test and a control group
- NADA::ThamesDieldrin, lindane and PCB in fish of the Thames River, UK
- NaileR::agri_studiesAgribusiness studies survey
- NaileR::atomic_habitAtomic habits survey
- NaileR::atomic_habit_clustAtomic habits survey
- NaileR::beardBeard descriptions
- NaileR::beard_contBeard descriptions
- NaileR::beard_wideBeard descriptions
- NaileR::bossIdeal boss survey
- NaileR::car_aloneAtomic habits survey
- NaileR::fabricCar seat fabrics
- NaileR::glossophobiaGlossophobia survey
- NaileR::local_foodLocal food systems survey
- NaileR::nutriscoreNutri-score survey
- NaileR::qualityPerception of food quality
- NaileR::rorschachRorschach inkblots
- NaileR::wasteFood waste survey
- naivereg::DSIVdataThe data generating for the DSIV
- naivereg::DSLIVEdataThe data generating for the DSLIVE
- naivereg::LIVEdataThe data generating for the LIVE
- naivereg::TradeAndGrowthDataTrade and growth data
- naivereg::naivedataThe data generating for the naivereg
- NameNeedle::illuNamesCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::illuTypeCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::rppaNamesCell Line Names
- NameNeedle::sf2NamesCell Line Names
- NBR::frontal2DFrontal lobe functional connectivity in ADHD
- NBR::volesPrairie voles functional connectivity
- NCSampling::nundle.sfNundle State Forest LiDAR data
- NCSampling::trainingNundle State Forest LiDAR data
- needmining::NMTrainingDataTraining dataset regarding the user needs for smart speakers
- needmining::NMdataToClassifyTest dataset regarding the user needs for smart speakers
- Neighboot::pop.networkPopulation network
- netClust::netDataDataset: netData
- netClust::netDataIDDataset: netDataID
- network::emonInterorganizational Search and Rescue Networks (Drabek et al.)
- network::floFlorentine Wedding Data (Padgett)
- neuroimaGene::annoNIDP annotation data
- neuroimaGene::fs_annoNIDP freesurfer annotation data
- neuroimaGene::ng_vignetteNeuroimaGene object for vignette illustration
- NewmanOmics::GSE6631Datasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
- NewmanOmics::LungPairDatasets to Illustrate the Newman Tests
- newTestSurvRec::DataColonDukesABvsCRe-hospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
- newTestSurvRec::DataColonDukesABvsDRe-hospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
- newTestSurvRec::DataColonDukesCvsDRehospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
- newTestSurvRec::MMC.TestSurvRecMigratory Motor Complex
- newTestSurvRec::TBCplapyrData in patients with bladder cancer treated with placebo or pyridoxine
- newTestSurvRec::TBCplathiData in patients with bladder cancer treated as placebo or thiotepa
- newTestSurvRec::TBCpyrthiData in patients with bladder cancers and treated with pyridoxine or thiotepa
- NHLData::Sch00012000-2001 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch01022001-2002 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch02032002-2003 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch03042003-2004 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch05062005-2006 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch06072006-2007 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch07082007-2008 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch08092008-2009 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch09102009-2010 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch10112010-2011 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch11122011-2012 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch12132012-2013 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch13142013-2014 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch14152014-2015 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch15162015-2016 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch17181917-1918 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch18191918-1919 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch19201919-1920 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch20211920-1921 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch21221921-1922 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch22231922-1923 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch23241923-1924 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch24251924-1925 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch25261925-1926 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch26271926-1927 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch27281927-1928 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch28291928-1929 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch29301929-1930 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch30311930-1931 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch31321931-1932 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch32331932-1933 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch33341933-1934 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch34351934-1935 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch35361935-1936 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch36371936-1937 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch37381937-1938 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch38391938-1939 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch39401939-1940 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch40411940-1941 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch41421941-1942 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch42431942-1943 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch43441943-1944 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch44451944-1945 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch45461945-1946 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch46471946-1947 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch47481947-1948 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch48491948-1949 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch49501949-1950 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch50511950-1951 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch51521951-1952 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch52531952-1953 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch53541953-1954 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch54551954-1955 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch55561955-1956 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch56571956-1957 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch57581957-1958 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch58591958-1959 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch59601959-1960 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch60611960-1961 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch61621961-1962 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch62631962-1963 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch63641963-1964 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch64651964-1965 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch65661965-1966 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch66671966-1967 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch67681967-1968 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch68691968-1969 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch69701969-1970 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch70711970-1971 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch71721971-1972 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch72731972-1973 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch73741973-1974 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch74751974-1975 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch75761975-1976 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch76771976-1977 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch77781977-1978 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch78791978-1979 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch79801979-1980 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch80811980-1981 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch81821981-1982 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch82831982-1983 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch83841983-1984 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch84851984-1985 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch85861985-1986 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch86871986-1987 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch87881987-1988 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch88891988-1989 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch89901989-1990 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch90911990-1991 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch91921991-1992 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch92931992-1993 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch93941993-1994 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch94951994-1995 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch95961995-1996 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch96971996-1997 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch97981997-1998 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch98991998-1999 Season Results
- NHLData::Sch99001999-2000 Season Results
- NHPoisson::BarTxTnBarcelona temperature data
- NiLeDAM::srilankaAn example data set: electron microprobe data.
- NISTnls::Bennett5Magentization modelling
- NISTnls::Chwirut1Ultrasonic calibration study 1
- NISTnls::Chwirut2Ultrasonic calibration data 2
- NISTnls::DanielWoodRadiated energy
- NISTnls::ENSOAtmospheric pressure differences
- NISTnls::Eckerle4Circular interference data
- NISTnls::Gauss1Generated data
- NISTnls::Gauss2Generated data
- NISTnls::Gauss3Generated data
- NISTnls::Hahn1Thermal expansion data
- NISTnls::Kirby2Microscope line width standards
- NISTnls::Lanczos1Generated data
- NISTnls::Lanczos2Generated data
- NISTnls::Lanczos3Generated data
- NISTnls::MGH09More, Gabrow and Hillstrom example 9
- NISTnls::MGH10More, Gabrow and Hillstrom example 10
- NISTnls::MGH17More, Gabrow and Hillstrom example 17
- NISTnls::Misra1aMonomolecular Absorption Data
- NISTnls::Misra1bMonomolecular Absorption Data
- NISTnls::Misra1cMonomolecular Absorption data
- NISTnls::Misra1dMonomolecular Absorption data
- NISTnls::NelsonDialectric breakdown data
- NISTnls::Ratkowsky2Pasture yield data
- NISTnls::Ratkowsky3Onion growth data
- NISTnls::Roszman1Quantum defects in iodine
- NISTnls::ThurberElectron mobility data
- NISTunits::tableNIST2010Fundamental Physical Constants
- NISTunits::tableNISTfactorsFactors for Unit Conversion
- NISTunits::tableNISTnonSIFundamental Physical Constants non-SI
- nixmass::hsdataDaily snow depth data for a northern alpine station
- nlme::AlfalfaSplit-Plot Experiment on Varieties of Alfalfa
- nlme::AssayBioassay on Cell Culture Plate
- nlme::BodyWeightRat weight over time for different diets
- nlme::CefamandolePharmacokinetics of Cefamandole
- nlme::DialyzerHigh-Flux Hemodialyzer
- nlme::EarthquakeEarthquake Intensity
- nlme::FatigueCracks caused by metal fatigue
- nlme::GasolineRefinery yield of gasoline
- nlme::GlucoseGlucose levels over time
- nlme::Glucose2Glucose Levels Following Alcohol Ingestion
- nlme::GunMethods for firing naval guns
- nlme::IGFRadioimmunoassay of IGF-I Protein
- nlme::MachinesProductivity Scores for Machines and Workers
- nlme::MathAchSchoolSchool demographic data for MathAchieve
- nlme::MathAchieveMathematics achievement scores
- nlme::MeatTenderness of meat
- nlme::MilkProtein content of cows' milk
- nlme::MuscleContraction of heart muscle sections
- nlme::NitrendipeneAssay of nitrendipene
- nlme::OatsSplit-plot Experiment on Varieties of Oats
- nlme::OrthodontGrowth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
- nlme::OvaryCounts of Ovarian Follicles
- nlme::OxboysHeights of Boys in Oxford
- nlme::OxideVariability in Semiconductor Manufacturing
- nlme::PBGEffect of Phenylbiguanide on Blood Pressure
- nlme::PhenobarbPhenobarbitol Kinetics
- nlme::PixelX-ray pixel intensities over time
- nlme::QuinidineQuinidine Kinetics
- nlme::RailEvaluation of Stress in Railway Rails
- nlme::RatPupWeightThe weight of rat pups
- nlme::RelaxinAssay for Relaxin
- nlme::RemifentanilPharmacokinetics of Remifentanil
- nlme::SoybeanGrowth of soybean plants
- nlme::SpruceGrowth of Spruce Trees
- nlme::Tetracycline1Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
- nlme::Tetracycline2Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
- nlme::WaferModeling of Analog MOS Circuits
- nlme::WheatYields by growing conditions
- nlme::Wheat2Wheat Yield Trials
- nlme::bdfLanguage scores
- nlme::ergoStoolErgometrics experiment with stool types
- nlsmsn::OilOil palm yield
- nlsmsn::UltrasonicUltrasonic Calibration
- nmaplateplot::ad12.eff.accNetwork Meta-Analysis Results (Efficacy and Acceptability) on 12 Antidepressants
- nmaplateplot::ad12.pma.nmaNetwork Meta-Analysis Results (PMA and NMA) on 12 Antidepressants
- nmaplateplot::ad12.rr.rdNetwork Meta-Analysis Results (RR and RD) on 12 Antidepressants
- nmaplateplot::ad22Network Meta-Analysis Results on 21 Antidepressants and Placebo
- noisemodel::diris2Ddiris2D dataset
- noisemodel::iris2Diris2D dataset
- NonlinearTSA::IBMIBM
- NonlinearTSA::MarketPricesMarketPrices
- nopaco::scoresHypothetical data of outcomes for two risk models
- nordklimdata1::NordklimDataThe Nordklim Dataset
- nordklimdata1::NordklimStationCatalogueThe Nordklim Station Catalogue
- noweb::noweb.styStyle file for noweb documents
- nparLD::amylaseAlpha-amylase study
- nparLD::dentalDental study
- nparLD::edemaPostoperative edema
- nparLD::panicPanic disorder study I
- nparLD::panic2Panic disorder study II
- nparLD::plasmaPlasma-renin study
- nparLD::ratRat growth study
- nparLD::respirationRespiratory disorder study
- nparLD::shoulderShoulder tip pain study
- nparLD::treeVitality of treetops
- nparMD::pseudostudy1pseudostudy dataset 1
- nparMD::pseudostudy2pseudostudy dataset 2
- NPBayesImputeCat::MCZExample dataframe for structrual zeros based on the NYMockexample dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::MCZExample dataframe for structrual zeros based on the NYMockexample dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::XExample dataframe for input categorical data with missing values based on the NYMockexample dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::XExample dataframe for input categorical data with missing values based on the NYMockexample dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_ds_MCZExample dataframe for structrual zeros based on the ss16pusa_sample_zeros dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_mi_MCZExample dataframe for structrual zeros based on the ss16pusa_sample_zeros dataset.
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_sample_nozerosExample dataframe for input categorical data without structural zeros (without missing values).
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_sample_nozeros_missExample dataframe for input categorical data without structural zeros (with missing values).
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_sample_zerosExample dataframe for input categorical data with structural zeros (without missing values).
- NPBayesImputeCat::ss16pusa_sample_zeros_missExample dataframe for input categorical data with structural zeros (with missing values).
- npbr::airEuropean air controllers
- npbr::greenAmerican electric utility companies
- npbr::nuclearReliability programs of nuclear reactors
- npbr::postEuropean postal services
- npbr::recordsAnnual sport records
- NPCD::Data.DINAExample dataset generated using DINA model
- NPCD::Data.DINOExample dataset generated using DINO model
- NPCD::Data.QrefineExample dataset used for the 'Qrefine' function
- NPCirc::HumanMotorResonanceHuman motor resonance data
- NPCirc::cross.beds1Cross-beds azimuths (I)
- NPCirc::cross.beds2Cross-beds (II)
- NPCirc::cycle.changesCycle changes
- NPCirc::dragonflyOrientations of dragonflies
- NPCirc::flywheelsFlywheel measurements
- NPCirc::periwinklesOrientations of dragonflies
- NPCirc::pm10Pm10 particles in Pontevedra, Spain
- NPCirc::sandhoppersBehavioral plasticity of Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia brito
- NPCirc::speed.windWind speed and wind direction data
- NPCirc::speed.wind2Wind speed and wind direction data
- NPCirc::spikesNeuronal spikes in a macaque monkey
- NPCirc::temp.windTemperature and wind direction data
- NPCirc::windWind direction data
- NPCirc::zebrafishZebrafish
- npclust::ARTISAsthma Randomized Trial of Indoor-Wood Smoke Data
- npclust::skinSkin Irritation Data
- npcp::quantilesEstimated Quantiles for the Open-end Nonparametric Sequential Change-Point Detection Tests
- npcurePK::sarcomaSarcoma Dataset
- NPHMC::e1684szdataEastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Data
- npiv::Engel951995 British Family Expenditure Survey
- npordtests::chicksChicks' weight data
- npordtests::hvwiHepatic vein waveform index data
- npordtests::hypertensionHypertension data
- npordtests::jdataJonckheere's data
- npordtests::lehmannLehmann's data
- npordtests::neuhauserNeuhauser's data
- npsf::banks00_07U.S. Commercial Banks Data
- npsf::banks05U.S. Commercial Banks Data
- npsf::ccr81Program Follow Through at Primary Schools
- npsf::mrozFemale labor force participation
- npsf::pwt56Penn World Tables 5.6 (compiled in 1995)
- npsf::usmanufUS Manufacturing Industry Data
- NSAE::WmatrixProximity matrix
- NSAE::headcountHead count data
- NSAE::paddyYield data of paddy
- NSAE::paddysampleYield data of paddy for sample area
- nsRFA::Ardeche_areasData-sample
- nsRFA::Ardeche_ungauged_extremesData-sample
- nsRFA::Beauvene_contData-sample
- nsRFA::Chambonas_contData-sample
- nsRFA::SaintLaurent_contData-sample
- nsRFA::SaintMartin_contData-sample
- nsRFA::SaintMartin_histData-sample
- nsRFA::Vogue_contData-sample
- nsRFA::amData-sample
- nsRFA::annualflowsData-sample
- nsRFA::cdData-sample
- nsRFA::df.kgevData-sample
- nsRFA::df.poligData-sample
- nsRFA::meanmonthlyflowsData-sample
- nsRFA::monthlyflowsData-sample
- nsRFA::parametersData-sample
- nsROC::interleukin6Interleukin 6 (IL6) data
- NST::beta.limitUpper limit of different beta diversity (dissimilarity) indexes
- NST::beta.obs.randTest data B observed and null beta diversity
- NST::null.modelsOptions of null model algorithms
- NST::tdaTest dataset A
- NVCSSL::SimulatedDataSimulated data for illustration
- OasisR::GreHSizeHouseholds distribution by size in Grenoble urban area in 2011
- OasisR::segdataTheoretical two groups distribution on a 10x10 grid map.
- oaxaca::chicagoLabor market and demographic data for employed Hispanic workers in metropolitan Chicago
- OBsMD::BM86.dataData sets in Box and Meyer (1986)
- OBsMD::BM93.e1.dataExample 1 data in Box and Meyer (1993)
- OBsMD::BM93.e2.dataExample 2 data in Box and Meyer (1993)
- OBsMD::BM93.e3.dataExample 3 data in Box and Meyer (1993)
- OBsMD::MetalCuttingData sets in Edwards, Weese and Palmer (2014)
- OBsMD::OBsMD.es5OBsMD.es5
- OBsMD::PB12Des12-run Plackett-Burman Design Matrix
- OBsMD::Reactor.dataReactor Experiment Data
- OCA::dat1Public data risk no. 1
- OCA::dat2Public data risk no. 2
- ocd::ParkfieldSensorsParkfield seismic sensor data
- oceanic::eez_rgEez Coefficients
- oceanic::port_sfport position
- oceCens::simScenario5Simulated data from simulation scenario 5
- OEFPIL::silica2098Nanoindentation measurements data
- OEFPIL::silicaBerkNanoindentation measurements data
- oesr::df_oesSample Data for OES
- OmnibusFisher::All_headerThis is the data for examples
- OmnibusFisher::GThis is the data for examples
- OmnibusFisher::MThis is the data for examples
- OmnibusFisher::RThis is the data for examples
- OmnibusFisher::phenoThis is the data for examples
- OneArmTTE::example_dataAn Example Trial Dataset
- onlineBcp::aCGHTransformed aCGH data
- onlineBcp::cnv_H2347GC-corrected data for copy number variation
- onlineBcp::covidUS COVID-19 data
- OPC::CloudCloud
- OPC::WineWine
- opdisDownsampling::FlowcytometricDataExample data of hematologic marker expression.
- opdisDownsampling::GMMartificialDataExample data an artificial Gaussian mixture.
- OPDOE::cattleCattle data
- OPDOE::had100Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had116Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had156Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had172Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had188Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had236Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had244Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had52Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::had92Stored Hadmard matrices
- OPDOE::heightsmale / female heights data
- OPDOE::hempHemp data
- opGMMassessment::ChromatogramExample data of lysophosphatidic acids, LPA.
- opGMMassessment::Mixture3Example Gaussian mixture data.
- OPI::RtDbUnitsResponse times to white-on-white Goldmann Size III targets for 12 subjects in dB units
- OPI::RtSigmaUnitsResponse times to white-on-white Goldmann Size III targets for 12 subjects in sigma units
- OptimalCutpoints::elasLeukocyte Elastase Data
- OptimalTiming::SimCmlSimulated data for CML patients
- optiscale::elec92Public Opinion During the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election
- optiSel::CattlePhenotypes of Genotyped Cattle
- optiSel::ExamplePedPedigree of Hinterwald Cattle
- optiSel::PedigWithErrorsPedigree of Hinterwald cattle
- optiSel::PhenSimulated Phenotypes of Hinterwald Cattle
- optiSel::mapMarker Map for Cattle
- optiSolve::myQKinship Matrix
- optiSolve::myQ1Kinship Matrix
- optiSolve::myQ2Kinship Matrix
- optiSolve::phenotypePhenotypes of Genotyped Cattle
- optistock::cost_parametersCost parameters for species used in examples
- optistock::growth_parametersGrowth parameters for species used in examples
- ORCME::doseDataDose Data Example
- ORCME::geneDataGene Expression Data Example
- oreo::mydataData from the Giesikus model
- OrgMassSpecR::example.chromatogram.multipleExample Chromatograms
- OrgMassSpecR::example.chromatogram.singleExample Chromatograms
- OrgMassSpecR::example.sequenceHuman Serum Albumin Amino Acid Sequence
- OrgMassSpecR::example.spectrum.authenticExample EI Fragmentation Spectra
- OrgMassSpecR::example.spectrum.labeledExample MALDI-TOF Spectrum of Nitrogen-15 Labeled Peptide
- OrgMassSpecR::example.spectrum.peptideExample Peptide Fragmentation Spectrum
- OrgMassSpecR::example.spectrum.unknownExample EI Fragmentation Spectra
- ORIClust::BreastBreast cancer cell line data
- ORIONZ.G::ReeSINRELEF-internal
- ORIONZ.G::datacontiSINRELEF-internal
- OSDR::exdataExecutive dataset (subset of)
- OSTE::VETERANData on randomized trial of two treatment procedures for lung cancer.
- OTE::BodyExploring Relationships in Body Dimensions
- OTE::GalaxyRadial Velocity of Galaxy NGC7531
- OTrecod::api29Student performance in California schools: the results of the county 29
- OTrecod::api35Student performance in California schools: the results of the county 35
- OTrecod::ncds_14National Child Development Study: a sample of the first four waves of data collection
- OTrecod::ncds_5National Child Development Study: a sample of the fifth wave of data collection
- OTrecod::simu_dataA simulated dataset to test the functions of the OTrecod package
- OTrecod::tab_testA simulated dataset to test the library
- otrimle::banknoteSwiss Banknotes Data
- overlapptest::AstragalusAstragalus and Sesleria Plants
- overlapptest::SesleriaAstragalus and Sesleria Plants
- p3state.msm::heart2More Stanford heart transplant data
- packMBPLSDA::medicalmedical dataset
- packMBPLSDA::nutritionnutritional dataset
- packMBPLSDA::omicsmetabolomic dataset
- packMBPLSDA::statusphysiopathological status data
- PairedData::AnorexiaAnorexia data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
- PairedData::BarleyBarley data from Preece (1982, Table 1)
- PairedData::BlinkBlink data from Preece (1982, Table 2)
- PairedData::Blink2Blink data (2nd example) from Preece (1982, Table 3)
- PairedData::BloodLeadBlood lead levels data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
- PairedData::ChickWeightChick weight data from Preece (1982, Table 11)
- PairedData::CornCorn data (Darwin)
- PairedData::DatalcoholicDatalcoholic: a dataset of paired datasets
- PairedData::GDOAgreement study
- PairedData::GrainGrain data from Preece (1982, Table 5)
- PairedData::Grain2Wheat grain data from Preece (1982, Table 12)
- PairedData::GrapeFruitGrape Fruit data from Preece (1982, Table 6)
- PairedData::HorseBeginnersActual and imaginary performances in equitation
- PairedData::IceSkatingIce skating speed study
- PairedData::IronIron data from Preece (1982, Table 10)
- PairedData::MeatMeat data from Preece (1982, Table 4)
- PairedData::PrisonStressStress in prison
- PairedData::RugbyAgreement study in rugby expert ratings
- PairedData::SewageChlorinating sewage data from Preece (1982, Table 9)
- PairedData::ShoulderShoulder flexibility in swimmers
- PairedData::SkiExpertsActual and imaginary performances in ski
- PairedData::SleepSleep hours data from Preece (1982, Table 16)
- PairedData::TobaccoTobacco data from Snedecor and Cochran (1967)
- PairedData::anscombe2Teaching the paired t test
- PairedData::lambda.tableParameters for Generalised Lambda Distributions
- pairwiseCI::OatsThe Oats data set
- pairwiseCI::behenicMeasurements of behenic acid in two samples
- pairwiseCI::cabbageYield of cabbage in one-factorial field trial
- pairwiseCI::repellentRepellent effect of sulphur in eight concentrations
- pairwiseCI::rootingRooting (success/failure) of plants in a 3-factorial field trial
- pairwiseCI::sodiumSodium contents in transgenic and isogenic corn
- paleoTS::cantius_LTime-series of the length of lower first molar for the Cantius lineage
- paleoTS::dorsal.spinesTime-series of dorsal spine data from a fossil stickleback lineage
- PAmeasures::mooreMoore's Law data
- pandemics::covidCOVID-19 Outbreak Data in France
- PanelTM::bananaBiompedance measurements on bananas.
- panelView::capacityState capacity dataset
- panelView::simdataA simulated dataset
- panelView::turnoutVoter turnout data.
- PanJen::hvidovreHouseprice data
- parade::chicagoLabor market and demographic data for employed Hispanic workers in metropolitan Chicago
- partitionMetric::AhRsSample data for partitionMetric
- PASenseWear::demographySimulated Sample Demographic Data
- PASenseWear::sampledataSimulated Sample SenseWear Data
- PASenseWear::sampledata_multipleSimulated Sample SenseWear data with 4 participants combined
- pathling::conditionsSynthetic conditions data
- pbr::milwaukeeRetailers in and around Milwaukee, WI
- PCDimension::spcaSample PCA Dataset
- pcensmix::bloodBlood pressure of mine workers.
- pcensmix::insulateFailure times of insulating fluid.
- pco::gdiInvestment in advanced countries.
- pco::gdsSavings in advanced countries.
- PCObw::gauss_1D_sampleUnivariate sample
- PCObw::gauss_mD_sampleMultivariate sample
- PCovR::alexithymiaEffect of alexithymia on depression and self-esteem
- PCovR::psychiatristsEffect of psychiatric symptoms on toxicomania, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorder
- pdfCluster::oliveoilOlive oil data
- pdfCluster::wineWine data
- pdR::bank_incomePanel data of bank,2001Q1~2010Q1
- pdR::cigarettsCigaretts consumption of US states
- pdR::crimeAnnual crime dataset of US counties
- pdR::dur_johnThe cross-country growth data in Durlauf and Johnson(1995)
- pdR::inf19Monthly inflation time series of 19 countries
- pdR::inf_MMonthly inflation time series of 20 countries
- pdR::inf_QQuarterly inflation time series of 20 countries
- pdR::investinvestment data of 565 listed companies, 1973-1987
- pdR::productivityProductivity data of 48 US state,1970-1986
- pdR::shipPanel data on the number of ship accidents
- PEACH::KEGGKEGG pathways
- PEACH::TCGA.inputA sample of 16 cancers gene differential expression analysis t statistic score data
- PEIMAN2::exmplData1Example dataset1
- PEIMAN2::exmplData2Example dataset 2
- PEIMAN2::mod_ontDatabase of protein modifications
- PEIMAN2::ptmlistControlled vocabulary for post-translational modifications (PTM) terms
- PerMallows::data.apaSample of permutations APA
- PerMallows::data.orderSample of permutations
- PerMallows::perm.sample.medSample of permutations
- PerMallows::perm.sample.smallSample of permutations
- PersianStemmer::UniversityofTehranPersian texts
- perspectev::occurrence_dataSupplied data sets
- perspectev::testDataSupplied data sets
- PGEE::yeastG1Yeast cell-cycle gene expression data
- pgmm::coffeeCoffee
- pgmm::oliveItalian Olive Oil
- pgmm::wineItalian Wine
- pgnorm::datasetpgnmp1Dataset 1 of the Monty Python method
- pgnorm::datasetpgnmp2Dataset 2 of the Monty Python method
- pgnorm::datasetpgnzigDataset of the Ziggurat method
- phase::dfExample DAM data
- PHclust::sample_dataSample of sparse microbiome count data
- PHENIX::paeoniaphenotypic integration example dataset #1
- PHENIX::tussilagophenotypic integration example dataset #2
- phenmod::bbObsPhenological observation: budburst
- phenmod::dataFinalPreprocessed data
- phenmod::extractedObsPhenological observation: leafcolouring and budburst
- phenmod::lcObsPhenological observation of leafcolouring
- phenmod::relatedGridGrid containing spatial information related to temperature data
- phenmod::temperaturesTemperature data
- phenModel::casement9596Casement 1995-1996 Data
- phenModel::pvulg_budburst_parametersEstimated Parameters for the Exponential Decay Model for Budburst
- phenModel::pvulg_lactin_parametersEstimated Parameters for the Lactin Model for P. Vulgatissima
- phenModel::pvulg_weibull_parametersEstimated Parameters for the Weibull Model for P. Vulgatissima
- phenModel::valentiaValentia Data
- pheno::DWDPhenological observations
- pheno::SearleExample of a two-way classification table
- pheno::SimpleSimple example of a two-way classification table
- phiDelta::climate_dataMeteorological data for feature selection analysis
- phoenics::designDataset "MTBLS422"
- phoenics::pathwaysDataset "MTBLS422"
- phoenics::quantifDataset "MTBLS422"
- PHSMM::muskoxMuskox movement data
- phuassess::haresRadio-tracking data of European Brown Hares
- phylopairs::data1Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data2Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data3Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data4Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data5Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data6Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data7Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::data8Simulated Datasets
- phylopairs::sim.cov.pairsSimulated Datasets
- phylopairs::sim.tree1Simulated Datasets
- phyreg::extaxExample data
- phyreg::myd0Example data
- phyreg::myd1Example data
- phyreg::myd2Example data
- phyreg::myd3Example data
- phyreg::newickstrExample data
- PhysActBedRest::wr_ad_lb1499Wrist Accelerometer data from an adult subject lb1499
- PhysActBedRest::wr_ad_lb1499Wrist Accelerometer data from an adult subject lb1499
- PhysicalActivity::dataSecAccelerometer Data Example
- PhysicalActivity::deliveryDataData Example for Mail Delivery Day Classification
- PICBayes::CAdjacency matrix of 46 South Carolina counties
- PICBayes::da1Partly interva-censored data
- PICBayes::da2Clustered partly interva-censored data
- PICBayes::da3Clustered partly interva-censored data
- PICBayes::da4Clustered partly interva-censored data
- PICBayes::mCRCColorectal cancer data
- pisaRT::pisaLPISA Example Responses and Response Times Data (long format)
- pisaRT::pisaWPISA Example Responses and Response Times Data (wide format)
- pks::DoignonFalmagne7Artificial Responses from Doignon and Falmagne (1999)
- pks::chessResponses to Chess Problems and Knowledge Structures
- pks::density97Responses and Knowledge Structures from Taagepera et al. (1997)
- pks::endmResponses and Knowledge Structures from Heller and Wickelmaier (2013)
- pks::fraction17Arithmetic Problems for Elementary and Middle School Students
- pks::matter97Responses and Knowledge Structures from Taagepera et al. (1997)
- pks::probabilityProblems in Elementary Probability Theory
- pks::subtraction13Arithmetic Problems for Elementary and Middle School Students
- placer::cternCaspian terns plastic debris in Senegal.
- plaqr::simDataSimulated Data
- PlasmaMutationDetector::background_error_rateThe package provide the SNV and INDEL PERs computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 from 29 controls in a table available in the data file 'background_error_rate.txt'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector::hotspotThe package provide a list of known hotspot positions located on the amplicons of the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a txt file 'hotspot.txt' which contains a vector/variable -named chrpos (first row)- of chars, of the form chrN:XXXXXXXXX defining genomic positions.
- PlasmaMutationDetector::pos_indThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector::pos_rangesThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector::pos_snpThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::background_error_rateThe package provide the SNV and INDEL PERs computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 from 29 controls in a table available in the data file 'background_error_rate.txt'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::hotspotThe package provide a list of known hotspot positions located on the amplicons of the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a txt file 'hotspot.txt' which contains a vector/variable -named chrpos (first row)- of chars, of the form chrN:XXXXXXXXX defining genomic positions.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_indThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_rangesThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- PlasmaMutationDetector2::pos_snpThe package provide the positions and ranges computed for the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon and Lung Cancer Panel v2 as a Rdata file 'positions_ranges.rda'.
- Platypus::small_vdjSmall VDJ dataframe for function testing purposes
- Platypus::small_vgmSmall VDJ GEX matrix (VGM) for function testing purposes
- PlayerRatings::afloddsAustralian Football Game Results and Odds
- PlayerRatings::riichiRiichi Mahjong Game Results
- PLORN::PinusTranscriptomes of Pinus roots under a Temperature Gradient
- PLRModels::barnacles1Sales of barnacles in Cedeira
- PLRModels::barnacles2Sales of barnacles in Cangas
- pm3::prematurityA data on indicators for premature newborns.
- PMCMRplus::PentosanPentosan Dataset
- PMCMRplus::algaeAlgae Growth Inhibition Data Set
- PMCMRplus::qPCRqPCR Curve Analysis Methods
- PMCMRplus::reviewersReviewers
- PMCMRplus::troutData from a Dose-Response Experiment with Trouts
- pMEM::geoMiteBorcard's Oribatid Mite Data Set - Geographic Information System Version -
- pMEM::salmonThe St. Marguerite River Altantic Salmon Parr Transect
- pmr::big4big4
- pmr::breasttissuebreasttissue
- pmr::ideaidea
- pmr::leisure.blackleisure.black
- pmr::leisure.whiteleisure.white
- pmr::songsong
- PNAR::crimeChicago crime dataset
- PNAR::crime_WNetwork matrix for Chicago crime dataset
- POCRE::sim5ydataA Set of Simulated Data with Multiple Response Variables
- POCRE::simbinA Set of Simulated Binomial Data.
- POCRE::simdataA Set of Simulated Data with Single Gaussian Response Variable
- POCRE::simpoiA Set of Simulated Poisson Data.
- pogit::cervicalCervical cancer data
- pogit::cervical_validationCervical cancer valiation data
- pogit::simul1Simulated data set
- pogit::simul2Simulated data set
- pogit::simul_binomialSimulated data set
- pogit::simul_pois1Simulated data set
- pogit::simul_pois2Simulated data set
- pointdensityP::ArigonArigon dataset
- pointdensityP::clean_crimeHouston crime dataset
- pointRes::s033Tree-ring series Schneetal
- poisFErobust::ex.dt.badPoisson data violating conditional mean assumption
- poisFErobust::ex.dt.goodPoisson data satisfying conditional mean assumption
- polimetrics::IdeologyFording's State Ideology Data
- polimetrics::Ideology_ERAFording's State Ideology Data (adapted, with E.R.A. status)
- polimetrics::State_NeighborsUS State Neighbor List
- polimetrics::US_CountiesUS Counties Information for Merging
- polimetrics::US_StatesUS States Information for Merging
- poliscidata::gssGSS dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::gssDGSS design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::nesNES dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::nesDNES design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::statesStates dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::statesDStates design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::worldWorld dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- poliscidata::worldDWorld design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition
- PoolDilutionR::Morris2023Example time series data from a methane dilution pool experiment.
- PoolDilutionR::pdr_fractionationP and k fractionation values
- PooledMeanGroup::DataExpDataExp
- popbio::aq.censusAnnual census data for Aquilegia chrysantha
- popbio::aq.transAnnual transition data for Aquilegia chrysantha
- popbio::calatheaProjection matrices for a tropical understory herb
- popbio::grizzlyPopulation sizes of grizzly bears in Yellowstone from 1959-1997
- popbio::hudcorrsCorrelation matrices for Hudsonia vital rates
- popbio::hudsoniaProjection matrices for mountain golden heather
- popbio::hudvrsBest Kendall estimates of Hudsonia vital rate means and variances
- popbio::monkeyflowerProjection matrices for monkeyflower
- popbio::nematodePopulation densities for the sugarbeet cyst nematode
- popbio::teaselProjection matrix for teasel
- popbio::test.censusCensus data for hypothetical plant
- popbio::tortoiseProjection matrices for desert tortoise
- popbio::whaleProjection matrix for killer whale
- popbio::woodpeckerSurvirvorship data for adult and juvenile Acorn Woodpeckers
- popReconstruct::burkina.faso.femalesData for the Vignette burkina-faso-females
- popReconstruct::burkina.faso.prop.varsData for the Vignette burkina-faso-females
- popstudy::CEBChildren Ever Born Data
- popstudy::CR_birthsCR_births
- popstudy::CR_deathsCR_deaths
- popstudy::CR_fertility_rates_1950_2011Costa Rica fertility rates
- popstudy::CR_mortality_rates_1950_2011Costa Rica mortality rates
- popstudy::CR_mortality_rates_2010_2015Costa Rica Mortality Rates
- popstudy::CR_populations_1950_2011Costa Rica population
- popstudy::CR_populations_1950_2015Costa Rica population
- popstudy::CR_women_childbearing_age_1950_2011Costa Rica population
- popstudy::Ecuador1990Ecuador1990
- popstudy::Panama1990Panama1990
- popstudy::births_deathsBirths and deaths data
- popstudy::grouped_age_CR_popgrouped_age_CR_pop
- popstudy::karup_king_factorskarup_king_factors
- portes::CRSPMonthly simple returns of the CRSP value-weighted index, 1926 to 1997
- portes::DEXCAUSCanada/US Foreign Exchanges Rates, Daily, Jan. 4, 1971 to Sept. 5, 1996.
- portes::EconomicUKQuarterly U.K. economic time series from 1957 Q3 to 1967 Q4
- portes::GNPDEFGNP Deflator for U.S. Inflation Data from January 01, 1947 to April 01, 2010.
- portes::IbmSp500Monthly Returns of IBM and S&P 500 Index
- portes::WestGermanQuarterly, West German Investment, Income, and Consumption: 1960Q1-1982Q4
- portes::monthintelThe Monthly Log Stock Returns of Intel Corporation from January 1973 to December 2003
- PoweREST::power_exampleAn example of power results with multiple replicates number
- PoweREST::result_exampleAn example of power results from PoweREST
- ppclust::x12Synthetic data set of two variables
- ppclust::x16Synthetic data set of two variables forming two clusters
- ppgm::occurrencesSceloporus occurrence data
- ppgm::paleoclimatePaleoclimate Data for ppgm examples
- ppgm::sampletreesSample of Sceloporus phylogenies
- ppgm::scel_fossilsSceloporus fossil data
- ppmSuite::SIMCEStandardized testing data in Chile
- ppmSuite::bearBear dataset
- ppmSuite::ozoneOzone data
- ppmSuite::scallopsScallops data
- PQLseq::ExampleBSseqBSseq example dataset
- PQLseq::ExampleRNAseqRNAseq example dataset
- PracTools::Domainy1y2Domain data
- PracTools::MDarea.popAMaryland area population
- PracTools::TPVTPV Data
- PracTools::Test_Data_USAccounting data for some US cities with latitude and longitude of the city centroids
- PracTools::ThirdGradeThird grade population
- PracTools::hospitalHospital Data
- PracTools::laborLabor force population
- PracTools::mibrfssMichigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
- PracTools::nhisNational Health Interview Survey: Demographic variables
- PracTools::nhis.largeNational Health Interview Survey: Demographic and health variables
- PracTools::nhispartNational Health Interview Survey data from 2003: socioeconomic variables
- PracTools::smho.N874Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
- PracTools::smho98Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
- PRANA::combinedCOPDdat_RGOChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) data
- predfairness::adult.dataAdult Dataset
- predhy.GUI::hybrid_phePhenotypic data of hybrids
- predhy.GUI::input_genoGenotype in Hapmap Format
- predhy.GUI::input_geno1Genotype in Numeric Format
- preregr::examplePrereg_1An example (pre)registration specification using the Inclusive General-Purpose Registration Form
- preregr::form_OSFprereg_v1OSF Prereg form
- preregr::form_OSFqual1_v1Qualitative Preregistration Template
- preregr::form_almostEmptyFormA mostly empty example form specification
- preregr::form_genSysRev_v1Generalized Systematic Review Registration Form
- preregr::form_generalPurpose_v1Inclusive General-Purpose Registration Form
- preregr::form_generalPurpose_v1_1Inclusive General-Purpose Registration Form
- preregr::form_inclDivAddon_v0_1Inclusivity & Diversity Add-on for preregistration forms
- preregr::form_inclSysRev_v0_92Inclusive Systematic Review Registration Form
- preregr::form_prereg2D_v1Preregistration Template for Secondary Data Analysis
- preregr::form_preregQE_v0_93Preregistration Template for Qualitative and Quantitative Ethnographic Studies
- preregr::form_preregQE_v0_94Preregistration Template for Qualitative and Quantitative Ethnographic Studies
- preregr::form_preregQE_v0_95Preregistration Template for Qualitative and Quantitative Ethnographic Studies
- preregr::form_prpQuant_v1Psychological Research Preregistration-Quantitative (aka PRP-QUANT) Template
- PresenceAbsence::SIM3DATASimulated Presence-Absence Data
- PresenceAbsence::SPDATASpecies Presence/Absence Data
- PresenceAbsence::SPPREVOverall Preavalences for Species Presence/Absence Data
- preseqR::DickensDickens' vocabulary
- preseqR::FisherButterflyFisher's butterfly data
- preseqR::SRR061157_k31k-mer counts of a metagenomic data
- preseqR::SRR1301329_1M_baseCoverage histogram of a WES data
- preseqR::SRR1301329_1M_readRead counts of a WES data
- preseqR::SRR1301329_baseCoverage histogram of a WES data
- preseqR::SRR1301329_readRead counts of a WES data
- preseqR::SRR611492Coverage histogram of a scWGS data
- preseqR::SRR611492_5MCoverage histogram of a scWGS data
- preseqR::ShakespeareShakespeare's word type frequencies
- preseqR::TwitterSocial network
- preseqR::WillButterflyFisher's butterfly data
- PrInDT::data_landLandscape analysis
- PrInDT::data_speakerSubject pronouns and a predictor with one very frequent level
- PrInDT::data_vowelVowel length
- PrInDT::data_zeroSubject pronouns
- PRISMA::asapThe ASAP Data Set
- PRISMA::thesisThe Thesis Data Set
- ProbitSpatial::KatrinaNew Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
- prome::ex100x3Sample PRO Data With Repeated Measures
- propagate::H.2Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008)
- propagate::H.3Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008)
- propagate::H.4Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties in measurement" (2008)
- propOverlap::leukaemiaLeukaemia data set.
- propOverlap::lungLung cancer data set.
- PROSPER::param.ECHCGPopulation dynamic models - Examples
- PROSPER::param.GALAPPopulation dynamic models - Examples
- PROSPER::param.LOLRIPopulation dynamic models - Examples
- pRSR::TPoutUtility function
- prWarp::HomoMidSagHomoMidSag dataset
- prWarp::papioninpapionin dataset
- psbcGroup::survDataA simulated survival dataset.
- PSGoft::data1A real data set on Dozer Cycle Times
- PSGoft::data2A real data set on the height of five-year-old British boys
- PSIndependenceTest::table1First data set as two-way contingency table 2 x 2
- PSIndependenceTest::table2Second data set as two-way contingency table 2 x 3
- PSIndependenceTest::table3Third data set: three-way contingency table 3 x 3 x 2
- PSIndependenceTest::table4Fourth data set: three-way contingency table 2 x 2 x 2
- PSIndependenceTest::table5Fifth data set: four-way contingency table 4 x 2 x 2 x 2
- PSIndependenceTest::table6Sixth data set: four-way contingency table 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
- PSSIM::miniimagematrixMini-image data matrice for example
- Pstat::testExample of a data frame
- psy::ehdDepressive Mood Scale
- psy::expsyData set related to psychometry
- psy::sleepEcological and Constitutional Data in Mammals
- psyphy::RGBLuminance Calibration Data from Video Projector
- psyphy::ecc24-afc Detection and Identification of Letters
- PTAk::Zone_climTUNdata used for demo in SVDgen, PTA3
- PTAk::crimeratedata used for demo in SVDgen, PTA3
- PTAk::timage12data used for demo in SVDgen, PTA3
- PtProcess::NthChinaHistorical Earthquakes of North China
- PtProcess::OgataOgata's ETAS Test Data
- PtProcess::PhuketPhuket Earthquake and Aftershock Sequence
- PtProcess::TangshanTangshan Earthquake and Aftershock Sequence
- ptycho::ptychoInSample Data
- ptycho::ptychoOutSample Data
- ptycho::tinysimSample Data
- pubmed.mineR::GeneToEntrezData containing Entrez Ids
- pubmed.mineR::HGNC2UniprotIDR Data containing HGNC2UniprotID data mapping.
- pubmed.mineR::HGNCdataR Data containing HGNC data.
- pubmed.mineR::common_words_newR Data containing words which frequently in text
- purgeR::arruiArrui pedigree
- purgeR::atlasCuvier's gazelle pedigree
- purgeR::damaDama gazelle pedigree
- purgeR::darwinDarwin/Wedgwood pedigree
- purgeR::dorcasDorcas gazelle pedigree
- pvclass::buerkMedical Dataset
- pwlmm::datamultvdatamultv data
- pwlmm::dataw1dataw1 data
- pwrRasch::aid_st2Sample of test data from subtest 2 of the Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum (AID3; Kubinger & Holocher-Ertl, 2014)
- qape::invDataPopulation data - investments in Poland at NUTS 4 level
- qape::realestDataPopulation data - real estate in Poland at NUTS 4 level
- QCApro::d.biodiversityLinkages and Collective Action in Biodiversity Conservation
- QCApro::d.educationImpact of New Public Management Instruments on PhD Education
- QCApro::d.graduateGraduate Student Union Recognition at Research Universities
- QCApro::d.healthTrends in Narrowing Health Inequalities in England
- QCApro::d.homelessOutcomes of Homeless Social Movement Organizations
- QCApro::d.jobsecurityJob Security Regulations in Western Democracies
- QCApro::d.napoleonReception of the Code Napoleon in Germany
- QCApro::d.partybansParty Bans Sub-Saharan Africa
- QCApro::d.representWomen's Representation in Western Democratic Parliaments
- QCApro::d.socialsecurityThe Emergence of the Social Security State
- QCApro::d.stakeholderDecoupling in Response to Stakeholder Pressures
- QCApro::d.transportDeterminants of High Transport Project Acceptance
- QCApro::d.tumorscreenComparing Universal Lynch Syndrome Tumor-Screening Programs
- QCApro::d.urbanExplaining Urban Regimes
- qcluster::banknoteSwiss Banknotes Data
- QDComparison::DepressionJackson's CESD Depression Scores
- QDComparison::Earnings1978LaLonde's 1978 Earnings Data
- QDComparison::FundraisingGneezy's Fundraising Data with a Gift Wage
- QDComparison::MicrofinanceInformal Borrowing in Neighborhoods of Hyderabad, India
- QDComparison::NMESNational Medicare Expenditure Survey (NMES) Data on Cost of Hospitalizations
- qdm::FMrateDiscrimination Judgments of Frequency-Modulated Tones
- qdm::lightnessDiscrimination Judgments of Gray Patches
- qlifetable::birth_2006Half of male births recorded in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during 2006.
- qlifetable::death_2006Half of male deaths recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006.
- qlifetable::emi_2006Male emigrants recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006.
- qlifetable::immi_2006Half of the male immigrants recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006.
- qlifetable::pop_2006Half of the male population living in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) on January, 1 2006.
- qountstat::CPFISH.contingency.tableCPFISH.contingency.table is a dataset to showcase analyses with CPFISH
- qountstat::Daphnia.countsDaphnia.counts is a dataset to showcase analyses with CPCAT and Dunnett.GLM
- qpcR::b4The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::b5The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::b6The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::b7The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::batsch1The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::batsch2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::batsch3The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::batsch4The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::batsch5The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::boggyThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::cm3The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::competimerThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::dil4reps94The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::dyemeltThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::expGrowthThe nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::expSDMThe nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::guescini1The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::guescini2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::htPCRThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::karlen1The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::karlen2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::karlen3The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::l4The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::l5The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::l6The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::l7The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::lievens1The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::lievens2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::lievens3The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::lin2The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::linexpThe nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::mak2The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::mak2iThe nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::mak3The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::mak3iThe nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::repsThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::reps2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::reps3The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::reps384The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::rutledgeThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::spl3The nonlinear/mechanistic models implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::testdatThe (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::vermeulen1The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qpcR::vermeulen2The (published) datasets implemented in qpcR
- qPRAentry::datatrade_EUExample Trade Data for the European Union
- qPRAentry::datatrade_NorthAmExample Trade Data for Northern America
- QRegVCM::CD4The CD4 dataset
- QRegVCM::wagesThe wages dataset
- qrjoint::plasmaPlasma Concentration of Beta-Carotene and Retinol
- qrjoint::redmapleBasal Areas of Red Maple Trees
- qrmix::blood.pressureBlood Pressure Data for qrmix
- qrnn::YVRprecipDaily precipitation data at Vancouver Int'l Airport (YVR)
- qtlhot::CMSTCrossSimulate Cross for Causal Tests
- qtlhot::hotperm1Conduct NL and N permutation tests
- qtlnet::PscdbpCross and qtlnet objects with Ghazalpour et al. (2006) data. Only 13 phenotypes are included.
- qtlnet::Pscdbp.bicPre-compute BIC values for qtlnet sampling.
- qtlnet::Pscdbp.qtlnetCross and qtlnet objects with Ghazalpour et al. (2006) data. Only 13 phenotypes are included.
- qtlnet::acyclic.DGAcyclic graph example
- qtlnet::acyclic.dataAcyclic graph example
- qtlnet::acyclic.qdgAcyclic graph example
- qtlnet::acyclic.qtlAcyclic graph example
- qtlnet::cyclica.dataCyclic graph (a) example
- qtlnet::cyclica.qtlCyclic graph (a) example
- qtlnet::cyclicb.dataCyclic graph (b) example
- qtlnet::cyclicb.qtlCyclic graph (b) example
- qtlnet::cyclicc.dataCyclic graph (c) example
- qtlnet::cyclicc.qtlCyclic graph (c) example
- qtlnet::glxnet.crossGenerate and graph Glx network
- qtlnet::glxnet.qdgGenerate and graph Glx network
- qtlnet::glxnet.qtlGenerate and graph Glx network
- QTLRel::gdatF8Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::gmF8Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::gmapF8Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::pdatF8Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::pedF8Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::pedF8.1Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- QTLRel::pedF8.2Genotype data, phenotype data, genetic map and pedigree.
- quantilogram::stockThe Data Set of Monthly Stock Return and Sotck Variance
- quantilogram::sys.riskThe Data Set for Systemic Risk Analysis
- quarks::DAXGerman Stock Market Index (DAX) Financial Time Series Data
- quarks::DJIDow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) Financial Time Series Data
- quarks::FTSE100Financial Times Stock Exchange Index (FTSE) Financial Time Series Data
- quarks::HSIHang Seng Index (HSI) Financial Time Series Data
- quarks::NIK225Nikkei Heikin Kabuka Index (NIK) Financial Time Series Data
- quarks::SP500Standard and Poor's (SP500) Financial Time Series Data
- QuESTr::PinusTranscriptomes of Pinus roots under a Temperature Gradient
- QWDAP::traffic.model.n1The estabulished model by Stepwise Regression of the 'N1' station
- QWDAP::traffic.n1Data of the 'N1' station
- QWDAP::traffic.qwA set of modes generated by quantum walk
- QWDAP::trafficflowHighway traffic flow data
- R4HCR::AcupunctureAcupuncture for Chronic Headache.
- R4HCR::BCGTrials of BCG Vaccine against Tuberculosis.
- R4HCR::BMTBone Marrow Transplantation.
- R4HCR::CA19Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer with CA19-9 Biomarker.
- R4HCR::CBFCiliary Beat Frequency Measurement Using Two Methods.
- R4HCR::CotinineSalivary Cotinine Measurements on Scottish Schoolchildren.
- R4HCR::DopplerCardiac Output Measured by Doppler Echocardiography.
- R4HCR::DuplexDuplex Ultrasonography for Detecting Peripheral Aterial Disease.
- R4HCR::EarningsGelman and Hill's Earnings and Height Data.
- R4HCR::EndometrialExogenous Oestrogens and Endometrial Cancer.
- R4HCR::FEVForced Expiratory Volume Data.
- R4HCR::FacemasksFace Masks while Exercising Trial (MERIT).
- R4HCR::FraminghamFramingham Heart Study Dataset
- R4HCR::GaltonGalton's Height Data.
- R4HCR::GlucoseComparison of impedance to insulin-mediated glucose uptake
- R4HCR::IPNsArtificial intelligence for Assessment of Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules.
- R4HCR::InnovaRapid Antigen Detection for SARS-CoV-2 by Lateral Flow Assay.
- R4HCR::LVDLeft Ventricular Diastolic Diameter (LVD).
- R4HCR::LungCaYears of Smoking and Lung Cancer Deaths in Men.
- R4HCR::MalformationInfant Malformation and Mother's Alcohol Consumption Data.
- R4HCR::MedSchoolsMedical Humanities Teaching and World Ranking.
- R4HCR::MilkFat Content of Human Milk by Two Methods.
- R4HCR::NPguidedNP Guided Monitoring of Heart Failure.
- R4HCR::NodulesIncidental or Screen-Detected Lung Nodules.
- R4HCR::OXFITOXFIT data set
- R4HCR::PEFRPeak Expiratory Flow Rate Measurement.
- R4HCR::PTXDetecting Pneumothoraces.
- R4HCR::PTXIIConfidence in Detecting Pneumothoraces.
- R4HCR::PeptidesMeasurements of a Neurotoxic Bioactive Peptide in Brain Samples.
- R4HCR::PlasmaVolumeMeasurements of Plasma Volume Using Two Sets of Normal Values.
- R4HCR::PotencyPotency of four cardiac substances.
- R4HCR::RemissionEffect of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) on the Duration of Remission in Acute Leukemia.
- R4HCR::SCANSuspected CANcer (SCAN) Pathway
- R4HCR::ScotlandScottish Death Registration data for 2021.
- R4HCR::SmartphoneCervical cancer Screening with Smartphones.
- R4HCR::SystolicSystolic Blood Pressure Measured by Two Observers and a Machine.
- R4HCR::ThrombosisMortality from Coronary Thrombosis.
- R4HCR::USCancerStatsChange in Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Survival Statistics.
- R4HCR::VSAVolatile Substance Abuse Mortality in Great Britain, 1971-83.
- R4HCR::VaccinatedVaccination Uptake Among European Countries.
- rADA::lognormAssaySimulated Lognormal Dataset
- radar::ApertureWeightingFunctionsAntennaAntenna Characteristics for Aperture Weighting Functions
- radar::ElectronicWarfareFrequencyBandsElectronic Warfare Frequency Bands
- radlibs::humor_datasetA list of English words with the "humor ratings" attached.
- radlibs::proper_nounsA list of English proper nouns with the classifications.
- ragtop::TSLAMarketMarket information snapshot for TSLA options
- rainbow::AustraliafertilityAustralian age-specific fertility data
- rainbow::AustraliasmoothfertilityAustralian age-specific fertility data
- rainbow::ElNino_ERSST_region_1and2Sea surface temperature data set from January 1950 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_ERSST_region_3Sea surface temperature data set from January 1950 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_ERSST_region_3and4Sea surface temperature data set from January 1950 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_ERSST_region_4Sea surface temperature data set from January 1950 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_OISST_region_1and2Sea surface temperature data set from January 1982 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_OISST_region_3Sea surface temperature data set from January 1982 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_OISST_region_3and4Sea surface temperature data set from January 1982 to December 2018
- rainbow::ElNino_OISST_region_4Sea surface temperature data set from January 1982 to December 2018
- rainbow::SimulationdataSimulated data
- randChecks::lalondeLalonde (1986) Data
- randChecks::lalonde.matched.cardA Cardinality Matched Dataset for the Lalonde (1986) Data
- randChecks::lalonde.matched.psA 1:1 Propensity Score Matched Dataset for the Lalonde (1986) Data
- randomizationInference::readingReading Data
- randomLCA::dentistryDental X-ray data
- randomLCA::genderroleGender Role Opinion Items
- randomLCA::hivtestsHIV testing data
- randomLCA::myocardialMyocardial Infarction (MI)
- randomLCA::papPositive Action program implementation
- randomLCA::symptomsSymptoms data
- randomLCA::uterinecarcinomaUterine Carcinoma Data
- randomUniformForest::ConcreteCompressiveStrengthConcrete Compressive Strength Data Set
- randomUniformForest::autoMPGAuto MPG Data Set
- randomUniformForest::breastCancerBreast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Data Set
- randomUniformForest::carEvaluationCar Evaluation Data Set
- randomUniformForest::wineQualityRedWine Quality Data Set
- rankdist::apa_objAmerican Psychological Association (APA) election data
- rankdist::apa_partial_objAmerican Psychological Association (APA) election data (partial rankings included)
- rankFD::CoalCoal Acidity
- rankFD::MucoHalf-Time of Mucociliary Clearance
- rankFD::nmsIrritation of Nasal Mucosa
- RAT::bibliobiblio file for testing.
- RAT::mapMatrix matching country names, coordinates and GDP.
- rbc::starrGrowth from birth to 3 years in healthy babies in the US
- rBMF::ChessChess dataset
- rBMF::DBLPDBLP dataset
- rbmn::bocoBody Composition Variables and Covariables
- RCAL::simu.dataSimulated data
- RCAL::simu.iv.dataSimulated instrumental variable data
- Rcapture::BBS2001Species Richness Data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) in 2001
- Rcapture::HIVEpidemiological capture-recapture Data on HIV
- Rcapture::buntingLazuli Bunting Data
- Rcapture::cbirdCatbird Site Occupancy Data
- Rcapture::duckEider Duck Data
- Rcapture::hareSnowshoe Hare Data
- Rcapture::illIllegal immigrants in the Netherlands
- Rcapture::lesbianEpidemiological capture-recapture Data on the lesbian population
- Rcapture::mvoleRobust Design Data for Adult Male Meadow Voles
- Rcapture::rbvoleRobust Design Data for Red-Back Voles
- rcausim::edgesEdges
- rcausim::functionsFunctions
- rciplot::sample_dataSample Data from Jacobson & Truax (1991)
- RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat::AgrupadasGrouped or tabulated data set
- RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat::DepositosDeposits with credit institutions in Ourense
- RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat::PricesData for computing price indices.
- RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat::cars93Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993
- RCNA::example_objExample RCNA_object
- RCPA3::ch6exDataset for Chapter 6 Exercises, An R Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edition
- RCPA3::debateDebate Experiment dataset for R Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edition
- RCPA3::nesNES dataset for R Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edition
- RCPA3::statesStates dataset for R Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edition
- RCPA3::worldWorld dataset for R Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edition
- RCRnorm::FFPE_datFFPE data on 83 regular genes and 28 patients.
- rcssci::sbpdataA data on sbp and status.
- RCurl::mimeTypeExtensionsMapping from extension to MIME type
- RCytoGPS::cytoDataExample Cytoband Data
- RCytoGPS::cytobandLocationsCytoband Locations
- RCytoGPS::idiocolorsCytoband Locations
- Rdiagnosislist::CONCEPTSample concept table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::DESCRIPTIONSample description table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::EXTENDEDMAPSample extended map table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::HISTORYSample history substitution table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::MANUAL_SYNONYMSSample manual synonym table to assist in creation of concept database
- Rdiagnosislist::QUERYSample query table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::READMAPSSample mappings from Read to SNOMED CT
- Rdiagnosislist::REFSETSample refset table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::RELATIONSHIPSample relationship tables from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::SIMPLEMAPSample SIMPLE map table from SNOMED CT dictionary
- Rdiagnosislist::STATEDRELATIONSHIPSample relationship tables from SNOMED CT dictionary
- rdrobust::rdrobust_RDsenateRD Senate Data
- RDStreeboot::faux.networkFaux Social Network Dataset
- reappraised::SI_catExample of 20 observations for categorical analysis
- reappraised::SI_cat_allExample of 50 variables from different studies for categorical (cat_all_fn) analysis
- reappraised::SI_cohortExample of 100 observations for cohort analysis
- reappraised::SI_pvals_contExample of 50 observations for p-value analysis
- REAT::AutomotiveAutomotive industry data
- REAT::EU28.empEurostat national employment data 2004-2016
- REAT::FK2014_EGCFictional sample data of 42 firms
- REAT::FreiburgEmployment data in Freiburg and Germany
- REAT::G.counties.gdpGross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for German counties 1992-2014
- REAT::G.regions.empEmployment data for German regions 2008-2014
- REAT::G.regions.industriesFirms and employment data for German regions 2015
- REAT::GoettingenEmployment data for Goettingen and Germany 2008-2017
- REAT::GoettingenHealth1Healthcare providers in South Lower Saxony
- REAT::GoettingenHealth2Healthcare provision in South Lower Saxony
- recforest::bladder1_recforestbladder1_recforest : Bladder Cancer Recurrences
- REEMtree::simpleREEMdataSample Data for RE-EM trees
- refineR::testcase1Simulated Testcase 1.
- refineR::testcase2Simulated Testcase 2.
- refineR::testcase3Simulated Testcase 3.
- refineR::testcase4Simulated Testcase 4.
- refineR::testcase5Simulated Testcase 5.
- refitME::CorymbiaeximiadataThe Corymbia eximia presence-only data set
- refitME::FraminghamdataThe Framingham heart study data set
- refitME::PriniadataThe yellow-bellied Prinia _Prinia flaviventris_ capture-recapture data
- refreg::aegisA Estrada Glycation and Inflammation Study (AEGIS) Data
- refreg::pollutionSO2 and Nox concentrations
- refreg::pollution_episodeSO2 and Nox concentrations during a pollution episode
- rehh::haplohh_cgu_bta12Example of an 'haplohh' object
- rehh.data::wgscan.cguWhole genome scan results for the CGU (Creole from Guadeloupe island)
- rehh.data::wgscan.eutWhole genome scan results for a pool of European taurine cattle
- relsurv::colrecRelative Survival Data
- relsurv::ebmt1wideEBMT Data Taken From Package mstate
- relsurv::rdataSurvival Data
- relsurv::slopopCensus Data Set for the Slovene Population
- Renvlp::BerkeleyBerkeley Guidance Study Data
- Renvlp::NJdataNew Jersey Open Covid-19 Dataset
- Renvlp::amitriptylineAmitriptyline Data
- Renvlp::concreteConcrete Slump Test Dataset
- Renvlp::fiberpaperPulp and Paper Data
- Renvlp::horseshoecrabHorseshoe Crab Data
- Renvlp::salesSales staff Data
- Renvlp::vehiclesAutomobile Dataset
- Renvlp::waterstriderWater strider data
- Renvlp::wheatproteinWheat Protein Data
- replicatedpp2w::crotonReplicated Point Pattern of Croton
- reportRmd::ctDNATumour size change over time Longitudinal changes in tumour size since baseline for patients by changes in ctDNA status (clearance, decrease or increase) since baseline.
- reportRmd::pembrolizumabSurvival data Survival status and ctDNA levels for patients receiving pembrolizumab
- reportRmd::uvmodelsAligning models and parameters
- responsePatterns::rp.simdataA simulated data set of survey responses.
- restriktor::AngerManagementReduction of aggression levels Dataset (4 treatment groups)
- restriktor::BurnsRelation between the response variable PTSS and gender, age, TBSA, guilt and anger.
- restriktor::ExamRelation between exam scores and study hours, anxiety scores and average point scores.
- restriktor::FacialBurnsDataset for illustrating the conTest_conLavaan function.
- restriktor::HurricanesThe Hurricanes Dataset
- restriktor::ZelazoKolb1972"Walking" in the newborn (4 treatment groups)
- restriktor::myGORICsAn example of IC values
- restriktor::myLLsAn example of log-likelihood (LL) values
- restriktor::myPTsAn example of penalty (PT) values
- Rfit::BoxCoxBox and Cox (1964) data.
- Rfit::CardioRiskFactorsCardiovascular risk factors
- Rfit::baseballBaseball Card Data
- Rfit::bbsalariesBaseball Salaries
- Rfit::bentscores1All Scores
- Rfit::bentscores2All Scores
- Rfit::bentscores3All Scores
- Rfit::bentscores4All Scores
- Rfit::ffaFree Fatty Acid Data
- Rfit::logGFscoresAll Scores
- Rfit::logrank.scoresAll Scores
- Rfit::nscoresAll Scores
- Rfit::quailQuail Data
- Rfit::serumLHSerum Level of luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Rfit::telephoneTelephone Data
- Rfit::wscoresAll Scores
- RFPM::c.northportNorthport Data, _Chironomus dilutus_ Toxicity
- RFPM::h.northportNorthport Data, _Hyalella azteca_ Toxicity
- RFPM::h.tristateTristate Data, _Hyalella azteca_ Toxicity
- RFPM::highNoiseSimulated Floating Percentile Model Data, High Random Noise in Toxicity Prediction
- RFPM::lowNoiseSimulated Floating Percentile Model Data, Low Random Noise in Toxicity Prediction
- RFPM::perfectSimulated Data for Floating Percentile Model, Perfect Toxicity Prediction
- RGE::datosPotato regional trial in Colombia
- RGE::m1Samples of the posterior distribution by GIBBS sampler
- RHybridFinder::db_Human_Liver_AUTD17db_Human_Liver_AUTD17
- RHybridFinder::db_rerun_Human_Liver_AUTD17db_rerun_Human_Liver_AUTD17
- RHybridFinder::denovo_Human_Liver_AUTD17denovo_Human_Liver_AUTD17
- RIA::DICOM_codesrda containing DICOM header codes to include in _RIA_image_ object
- RIA::NRS_RIA_image_ object of a plaque with the napkin-ring sign
- RIA::Non_NRS_RIA_image_ object of a plaque without the napkin-ring sign
- rifreg::men8385Sample of male wage data from the CPS 1983-1985
- Rivivc::impulsePK profile after drug intravenous administration
- Rivivc::inputIn vivo absorption of the drug
- Rivivc::respPK profile after drug oral administration
- rjaf::Example_dataSimulated randomized experiment data
- RkMetrics::MortalitySwitzerland Mortality Data
- rkt::pie1Example data for rkt function
- rkt::pie1wExample data for rkt function
- Rlab::Rlab.versionRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::SpGravitySpecific gravity measurements
- Rlab::actuatorActuator force experiment
- Rlab::airplaneDistances flown by paper airplanes in an experiment with four treatments.
- Rlab::airplane.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::alkaAlka-Seltzer dissoloving times
- Rlab::bplot.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::breadBread rising experiment
- Rlab::bread2Bread rising experiment
- Rlab::cancerCigarette smoking and mortality
- Rlab::capacCapacitance of different shaped capacitors.
- Rlab::capac.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::cavendishCavendish's 1798 determinations of the density of the earth
- Rlab::cavendish.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::climateClimate and geographical data for 50 of the largest US cities.
- Rlab::climate.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::collegeStatistics on colleges in 15 states.
- Rlab::college.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::count.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::data.frame.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::draft1970 Vietnam draft lottery summary
- Rlab::drillDrill testing results
- Rlab::earthqEarthquake data
- Rlab::etruscanSkull widths for ancient Etruscans and modern Italians
- Rlab::framerateVideo card frame rates
- Rlab::ftpFile transfer times
- Rlab::ftptimeForty FTP times
- Rlab::gam.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::global.temp.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::golfGolf performance data
- Rlab::insulateEffects of house insulation
- Rlab::jetJet (actuator) force experiment
- Rlab::lines.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::lm.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::lplot.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::magnetMagnetic force of an electomagnet as a function of voltage and number of wire turns.
- Rlab::magnet.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::marathonWinning times from New York City marathon
- Rlab::means.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::metalcutMetal cutting performance
- Rlab::michelsonResults from Michelson's determination of the velocity of light in air.
- Rlab::michelson.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::monarchPost coronation lifespan
- Rlab::mplot.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::ncsuNumber of degrees granted at ncsu by year.
- Rlab::ncsu.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::oilSynthetic versus Conventional Oil
- Rlab::ozoneMonthly mean concentrations of ozone.
- Rlab::ozone.sw.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::pingInternet ping times
- Rlab::plot.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::points.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::popcornA 2x4 experiment to evaluate popcorn preparation.
- Rlab::popcorn.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::precipAverage monthly rainfall
- Rlab::predict.new.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::quakeEarthquake strengths and locations
- Rlab::qunif.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::raleigh.snowAnnual snowfall in Raleigh, NC
- Rlab::raleigh.tempAverage monthly temperatures, 1949-1988.
- Rlab::raleigh.temp.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::randomdataRandom data used in Lab 6
- Rlab::read.table.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::saltThe effect of salt on ice melting
- Rlab::scan.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::slab.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::solarSolar cell's output voltage
- Rlab::stats.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::title.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::unif.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::us.ageAmerican age data
- Rlab::us.popAmerican population data
- Rlab::viscosityResults from students experiments using water, oil and shampoo.
- Rlab::viscosity.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::vocabChildren's vocabulary by age
- Rlab::webhostComparison of four different web hosts
- Rlab::weib.exRlab internal and secondary functions and datasets
- Rlab::wireWire resistance experiment
- Rlab::yarnYarn tensile strength experiment
- Rlab::yarnredYarn tensile strength experiment - averaged measurements
- rlmDataDriven::plasmaplasma
- rlme::instructionInstruction
- rlme::schoolsPISA Literacy Data
- RMaCzek::internet_availabilityData of internet_availability
- RMaCzek::seals_similaritiesData of seals_similarities
- RMaCzek::skulls_distancesData of skulls_distances
- RMaCzek::urnsData of urns
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_featuresNomogram features using categorical predictors
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_features2Nomogram features using categorical and 1 numerical predictors
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_features3Nomogram features using categorical predictors
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_features4Nomogram features using categorical and 1 numerical predictors
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_outputsNomogram outputs using the predicted probability of binary outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_outputs2Nomogram outputs using the predicted probability of binary outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_outputs3Nomogram outputs using the estimated value of numerical outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_outputs4Nomogram outputs using the estimated value of numerical outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_shapsNomogram SHAP values using categorical predictors and binary outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_shaps2Nomogram SHAP values using categorical and 1 numerical predictors and binary outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_shaps3Nomogram SHAP values using categorical predictors and numerical outcome
- rmlnomogram::nomogram_shaps4Nomogram SHAP values using categorical and 1 numerical predictors and numerical outcome
- rmp::ethyleneDevelopmental toxicity study of ethylene glycol in mice
- rmpw::RiversideNEWWS Riverside data
- RMX::big5BIG 5 Example Data Set
- RNAseqNet::lungRNA-seq expression from lung tissue (GTEx).
- RNAseqNet::thyroidRNA-seq expression from thyroid tissue (GTEx).
- RNCEP::gullGPS data points from a lesser black-backed gull
- RNentropy::RN_BarresLab_FPKMRN_BarresLab_FPKM
- RNentropy::RN_BarresLab_designRN_BarresLab_design
- RNentropy::RN_Brain_Example_designRN_Brain_Example_design
- RNentropy::RN_Brain_Example_tpmRN_Brain_Example_tpm
- robfilter::constCorrection factors to achieve unbiasedness of the Qn scale estimator
- robfilter::const.QCorrection factors to achieve unbiasedness of the regression-free Q scale estimator
- robfilter::critvalsCritical Values for the RM Goodness of Fit Test
- robfilter::dfsDegrees of freedom for the SCARM test statistic.
- robfilter::multi.tsGenerated Multivariate Time Series
- robfilter::sizecorrectionBias correction factors for the robust scale estimators MAD, Sn, Qn, and LSH
- robfilter::timecorrectionCorrection factors for the scale estimation of the filtering procedure proposed by Fried (2004).
- robfilter::var.nVariance of the Repeated Median slope estimator.
- robmixglm::diabdataDiabetes data
- robmixglm::hospcostsHospital Costs data
- RobPer::Mrk421Data: Light curve from Mrk 421
- RobPer::Mrk501Data: Light curve from Mrk 501
- RobPer::star_groj0422.32Data: Light curve from GROJ0422+32
- RobustAFT::D243Sample of 100 hospital stays for medical back problems
- RobustAFT::MCISample of 75 Hospital Stays
- RobustAFT::Z243Sample of 100 hospital stays for medical back problems
- RobustBayesianCopas::Barlow2014A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Parent Training Programs vs. Control for Improving Parental Psychosocial Health Within 4 Weeks After Intervention
- RobustBayesianCopas::Hackshaw1997A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Second-hand Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer
- RobustBayesianCopas::antidepressantsA Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Antidepressants
- robustmatrix::darwinDARWIN (Diagnosis AlzheimeR WIth haNdwriting)
- robustmatrix::weatherGlacier weather data – Sonnblick observatory
- robustsae::BZdataBrazilian data
- robustsae::corndataCorn data in 8 counties in Iowa.
- rope::scalefreeA simulated data set for a scale-free network of 200 nodes
- rosetta::cpbExampleA test dataset
- rosetta::pp15Subsets of the Party Panel 2015 dataset
- rPAex::cassavaCassava crop
- rPAex::cropTimeSpectral evolution of cassava cultivation
- rplec::agingResidual DNA-methylation-based (DNAm) gestational age
- rplec::beta_v_indicesIndices for random beta values
- rplec::gaGestational age for both case and control groups
- rplec::phenotypePhenotype for both case and control groups
- rplec::plec_int_coefIntercept and coefficients of placental epigenetic clock
- rplec::plec_scaler_meanMean values of the scalers of placental epigenetic clock
- rplec::plec_scaler_scaleScale values of the scalers of placental epigenetic clock
- rplec::probe_info_450kProbe info for 450K
- RplotterPkg::air_passengersair_passengers data
- RplotterPkg::boston_marathonboston_marathon data
- RplotterPkg::car_statscar_stats data
- RplotterPkg::chick_weightschick_weights data
- RplotterPkg::farmsfarms data
- RplotterPkg::gapminder_datagapminder_data
- RplotterPkg::homeruns_2000homeruns_2000 data
- RplotterPkg::kentucky_countieskentucky_counties data
- RplotterPkg::kentucky_elevationkentucky_elevation data
- RplotterPkg::midwestmidwest data
- RplotterPkg::organdataorgandata data
- RplotterPkg::penguins_statspenguins_stats data
- RplotterPkg::peoplepeople data
- RplotterPkg::religionreligion data
- RplotterPkg::sleepsleep data
- RplotterPkg::spinratesspinrates data
- RplotterPkg::statesstates data
- RplotterPkg::world_coffeeworld_coffee data
- rpms::CECE Consumer expenditure data 2015
- rpnf::DOWThis is some free available quote data for the DOW Chemical Company.
- RPointCloud::AML10.node287CyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::AML10.node287.ripsCyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::AripCyTOF Data
- RPointCloud::clinicalChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::daisydistChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::ripSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- RPointCloud::ripdiagChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Clinical Data
- RPointCloud::tmatSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- RPointCloud::tregSingle Cell Data on T Regulatory (Treg) Cells
- rpsftm::immdefimmdef
- Rramas::coryphanthaATransition Matrices of Three Coryphantha robbinsorum Populations
- Rramas::coryphanthaBTransition Matrices of Three Coryphantha robbinsorum Populations
- Rramas::coryphanthaCTransition Matrices of Three Coryphantha robbinsorum Populations
- RRate::paramExample summary statistics
- RRate::smryStats1Example summary statistics
- RRate::smryStats2Example summary statistics
- Rrepest::df_pisa18Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 noisy data subset
- Rrepest::df_talis18Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 noisy data subset
- Rrepest::rrepest_pisa_age_genderRrepest table of results for PISA 2018 showing age and gender
- Rrepest::rrepest_pisa_age_iscedRrepest table of results for PISA 2018 showing the age and completed schooling level of students' mothers
- Rrepest::talis18_tt3g23o_freqRrepest table of results for TALIS 2018 showing a frequency for other areas of professional development
- RRTCS::BarLevDataRandomized Response Survey on industrial company income
- RRTCS::ChaudhuriChristofidesDataRandomized Response Survey on agricultural subsidies
- RRTCS::ChaudhuriChristofidesDatapijMatrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities
- RRTCS::ChristofidesDataRandomized Response Survey on eating disorders
- RRTCS::DevoreDataRandomized Response Survey on instant messaging
- RRTCS::DianaPerri1DataRandomized Response Survey on defrauded taxes
- RRTCS::DianaPerri2DataRandomized Response Survey of a simulated population
- RRTCS::EichhornHayreDataRandomized Response Survey on family income
- RRTCS::ErikssonDataRandomized Response Survey on student cheating
- RRTCS::ForcedResponseDataRandomized Response Survey of a simulated population
- RRTCS::ForcedResponseDataStRandomized Response Survey on infertility
- RRTCS::HorvitzDataRandomized Response Survey on student bullying
- RRTCS::HorvitzDataRealSurveyRandomized Response Survey on a sensitive questions
- RRTCS::HorvitzDataStClRandomized Response Survey on infidelity
- RRTCS::HorvitzUBDataRandomized Response Survey on drugs use
- RRTCS::KukDataRandomized Response Survey on excessive sexual activity
- RRTCS::MangatSinghDataRandomized Response Survey on cannabis use
- RRTCS::MangatSinghSinghDataRandomized Response Survey on internet betting
- RRTCS::MangatSinghSinghUBDataRandomized Response Survey on overuse of the internet
- RRTCS::SahaDataRandomized Response Survey on spending on alcohol
- RRTCS::SinghJoarderDataRandomized Response Survey on compulsive spending
- RRTCS::SoberanisCruzDataRandomized Response Survey on speeding
- RRTCS::WarnerDataRandomized Response Survey on alcohol abuse
- rsatscan::NHumbersidecasNorth Humberside leukemian and lymphoma example- cases
- rsatscan::NHumbersidectlNorth Humberside leukemian and lymphoma example- controls
- rsatscan::NHumbersidegeoNorth Humberside leukemian and lymphoma example- geography
- rsatscan::NMcasNew Mexico Brain Cancer example- cases
- rsatscan::NMgeoNew Mexico Brain Cancer example- geography
- rsatscan::NMpopNew Mexico Brain Cancer example- population
- rsatscan::NYCfevercasNew York City Fever example- cases
- rsatscan::NYCfevergeoNew York City Fever example- geography
- RSDA::CardiologicalCardiological data example
- RSDA::USCrimeUs crime classic data table
- RSDA::VeterinaryDataSymbolic interval data example
- RSDA::abaloneSODAS XML data file.
- RSDA::cardiologicalv2Cardiological data example
- RSDA::ex1_db2soData example to generate symbolic objets
- RSDA::ex_cfa1Correspondence Analysis Example
- RSDA::ex_cfa2Correspondence Analysis Example
- RSDA::ex_mcfa1Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example
- RSDA::ex_mcfa2Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example
- RSDA::example1Data Example 1
- RSDA::example2Data Example 2
- RSDA::example3Data Example 3
- RSDA::example4Data Example 4
- RSDA::example5Data Example 5
- RSDA::example6Data Example 6
- RSDA::example7Data Example 7
- RSDA::facedataFace Data Example
- RSDA::hardwoodBritoHard Wood Data Example
- RSDA::int_prost_testLinear regression model data example.
- RSDA::int_prost_trainLinear regression model data example.
- RSDA::lynne1Symbolic interval data example.
- RSDA::oilsIchino Oils example data.
- RSDA::uscrime_intUs crime interval data table.
- RSDA::uscrime_intv2Us crime interval data table.
- rsides::binaryExample data set (binary endpoint)
- rsides::continuousExample data set (continuous endpoint)
- rsides::survivalExample data set (time-to-event endpoint)
- RSizeBiased::ufcUpper Flat Creek forest cruise tree data
- RSKC::DBWorldE-mails from DBWorld mailing list
- RSKC::DutchUtilityMultiple Features Data Set of Robert P.W. Duin.
- RSKC::bitmapLabOptical Recognition of Handwritten Digits of Frank A, Asuncion A (2010).
- RSKC::bitmapMatOptical Recognition of Handwritten Digits of Frank A, Asuncion A (2010).
- RSKC::optdOptical Recognition of Handwritten Digits of Frank A, Asuncion A (2010).
- RSKC::rawDBWorldE-mails from DBWorld mailing list
- RsSimulx::rssimulxDemo.modelSimulx project
- RsSimulx::rssimulxDemo.projectSimulx project
- rsurface::ExampleDataExample data for the 'rsurface' package
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_IGH_chain_all_metrics_wide_format_dataframea dataframe of wide format
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_IGH_chain_all_metrics_wide_format_dataframe_lista dataframe list to combine rowwise.
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_IGH_chain_individual_metrics_dataframe_lista list of dataframes
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_all_chain_all_metrics_wide_format_dataframea dataframe of wide format
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_all_chain_all_metrics_wide_format_dataframe_lista dataframe list to combine rowwise.
- rTCRBCRr::all_sample_all_chain_individual_metrics_dataframe_lista list of dataframes
- rTCRBCRr::chain_separated_dataframea dataframe separated by chain name
- rTCRBCRr::convergent_clonotype_merged_dataframea dataframe where convergent clonotypes are merged
- rTCRBCRr::immunarch_style_dataframeAn converted dataframe to immunarch format
- rTCRBCRr::nonproductive_CDR3aa_removed_dataframea dataframe with nonproductive CDR3aa removed
- rTCRBCRr::raw_input_clonotype_dataframeRaw clonotype output from trust4
- rTCRBCRr::the_divergent_clonotype_dataframe_lista list of dataframe where convergent clonotypes are merged
- rumidas::indproMonthly U.S. Industrial Production
- rumidas::rv5S&P 500 realized variance at 5-minutes
- rumidas::sp500S&P 500 daily log-returns
- rumidas::vixVIX daily data
- RWsearch::binarydbCRAN Matrix Of Available Binary Packages (archivedb.rda)
- RWsearch::crandbCRAN Packages (crandb.rda)
- RWsearch::tvdbTask Views (tvdb.rda)
- rxSeq::data.ASample data example for autosomal genes
- rxSeq::data.XSample data example for X chromosome genes
- rxSeq::rcAReformatted data for autosomal set to be used as input to process function
- rxSeq::rcXReformatted data for chromosome X set to be used as input to process function
- rxSeq::trecase.A.outExample of results produced by optimizing step using process function on autosomal genes. Structured as a list.
- rxSeq::trecase.X.outExample of results produced by optimizing step using process function on X chromosome genes. Structured as a list.
- s2dv::sampleDepthDataSample of Experimental Data for Forecast Verification In Function Of Latitudes And Depths
- s2dv::sampleMapSample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast Verification In Function Of Longitudes And Latitudes
- s2dv::sampleTimeSeriesSample Of Observational And Experimental Data For Forecast Verification As Area Averages
- sae::XoutsampOut-of-sample values of auxiliary variables for 5 domains.
- sae::cornsoybeanCorn and soy beans survey and satellite data in 12 counties in Iowa.
- sae::cornsoybeanmeansCorn and soy beans mean number of pixels per segment for 12 counties in Iowa.
- sae::grapesSynthetic data on grape production for the region of Tuscany.
- sae::grapesproxProximity matrix for the spatial Fay-Herriot model.
- sae::incomedataSynthetic income data.
- sae::milkData on fresh milk expenditure.
- sae::sizeprovDomain population sizes.
- sae::sizeprovageDomain population sizes by age.
- sae::sizeproveduDomain population sizes by level of education.
- sae::sizeprovlabDomain population sizes by labor force status.
- sae::sizeprovnatDomain population sizes for Spanish or non Spanish nationality.
- sae::spacetimeSynthetic area level data with spatial and temporal correlation.
- sae::spacetimeproxProximity matrix for the spatio-temporal Fay-Herriot model.
- saeHB.ME::dataHBMESample Data for Small Area Estimation with Measurement Error using Hierarchical Bayesian Method under Normal Distribution
- saeHB.ME::dataTMEHBSample Data for Small Area Estimation with Measurement Error using Hierarchical Bayesian Method under Student-t Distribution
- saeME::dataMEdataME
- saeME::datamixdatamix
- SAGM::intercropIntercropping data
- SailoR::CurrentOcean Current Data
- SailoR::DragoneraWind data
- SailoR::EnsemblesMultimodel Ensembles
- SailoR::EstacaDeBaresWave Energy Flux data
- SailoR::ReanalysisSurface Wind from different Reanalyses
- SailoR::SyntheticOcean Current Data
- SailoR::WRFVertically Integrated Water Vapor Transport Data
- SAMBA::samba.dfSynthetic example data for SAMBA adapted from the vignette
- samplingVarEst::oaxacaMunicipalities of the state of Oaxaca in Mexico
- sanon::cpainChronic Pain Data
- sanon::heartburnRelief of heartburn Data
- sanon::respRespiratory Disorder Data
- sanon::seborSeborrheic Dermatitis Data
- sanon::skinSkin Condition Data
- SAPP::BrastingsThe Occurrence Times Data
- SAPP::PProcessThe Point Process Data
- SAPP::PoissonDataPoisson Data
- SAPP::SelfExcitSelf-Exciting Point Process Data
- SAPP::main2003JUL26The Aftershock Data
- SAPP::res2003JUL26The Residual Point Process Data
- sas7bdat::sas7bdat.sourcesInternet SAS Database Resources
- sate::observed.deliberationsDataset of Observed Deliberations
- sate::state.demographic.infoState Demographic Information
- saws::SDcornMammary tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats fed Corn Oil
- saws::dietfatMammary Tumors and Different Types of Dietary Fat in Rodents
- saws::micefatDietary fat and Mammary tumors in Mice
- sbw::lalondeThe Lalonde data set
- scalreg::sp500sp500
- scaRabee::example1.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example1.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example2.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example2.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example3.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example3.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example4.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example4.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example6.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example6.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example8.dataDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- scaRabee::example8.initialsDatasets for scaRabee demo.
- SCBmeanfd::phonemePhoneme data
- SCBmeanfd::plasmaPlasma citrate data
- sccr::censoredMatrixThe double-censored data
- SCCS::addatData on NSAID and antidepressant exposure and first GI bleed
- SCCS::adidatData on antidiabetics and fractures
- SCCS::amdatData on MMR and aseptic meningitis
- SCCS::apdatData on antipsychotics and stroke
- SCCS::autdatData on MMR vaccine and autism
- SCCS::bpdatData on blood pressure and headaches
- SCCS::bupdatData on bupropion and sudden death
- SCCS::condatData on DTP and convulsions
- SCCS::dtpdatData on DTP and convulsions
- SCCS::febdatData on multitype convulsions and MMR
- SCCS::gbsdatData on influenza vaccine and GBS
- SCCS::gidatData on NSAID and first GI bleed
- SCCS::hibdatData on DTP, Hib and convulsions
- SCCS::hipdatData on antidepressants and hip fracture
- SCCS::intdatData on intussusception and OPV
- SCCS::itpdatData on MMR and ITP
- SCCS::midatData on respiratory tract infections and myocardial infarction
- SCCS::nrtdatData on NRT and MI
- SCCS::opvdatData on OPV and intussusception
- SCCS::pmdatData on asthma admissions and air pollution
- SCCS::rotdatData on Rotavirus vaccine and intussusception
- SCCS::rsvdatData on RSV and ambient temperature
- SCCS::siddatData on hexavalent vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- schoolmath::primlistA vector containing primes from 0 to 9999999
- scitb::prematurityA data on indicators for premature newborns.
- SCMA::ABHypothetical AB data
- SCMA::PP-values
- SCOUTer::XDemo dataset
- scR::brReplication data for 'Predicting Recidivism'
- scRNAtools::DEGsUsers interested genes or differentially expressed genes
- scRNAtools::corr_recorrelation index
- scRNAtools::examexam
- scRNAtools::exam1exam1
- scRNAtools::exampleexample
- scRNAtools::example1example1
- scRNAtools::typestypes
- scRNAtools::types_alltypes_all
- SCRT::ABABHypothetical ABAB data
- SCVA::ABHypothetical AB data
- sda::khan2001Childhood Cancer Study of Khan et al. (2001)
- sda::singh2002Prostate Cancer Study of Singh et al. (2002)
- SDAR::saltarin_bedsLithological description of borehole SaltarinST-1A dataset (beds/layers)
- SDAR::saltarin_logSaltarinST-1A dataset (well-log)
- SDAResources::agpopagpop data
- SDAResources::agppsagpps data
- SDAResources::agsrsagsrs data
- SDAResources::agstratagstrat data
- SDAResources::algebraalgebra data
- SDAResources::anthropanthrop data
- SDAResources::anthsrsanthsrs data
- SDAResources::anthuneqanthuneq data
- SDAResources::artifratioartifratio data
- SDAResources::asafellowasafellow data
- SDAResources::auditresultauditresult data
- SDAResources::auditselectauditselect data
- SDAResources::azcountiesazcounties data
- SDAResources::baseballbaseball data
- SDAResources::booksbooks data
- SDAResources::census1920census1920 data
- SDAResources::census2010census2010 data
- SDAResources::cherrycherry data
- SDAResources::classesclasses data
- SDAResources::classppsclasspps data
- SDAResources::classppsjpclassppsjp data
- SDAResources::collegecollege data
- SDAResources::collegergcollegerg data
- SDAResources::collshrcollshr data
- SDAResources::cootscoots data
- SDAResources::countiescounties data
- SDAResources::crimescrimes data
- SDAResources::deadtreesdeadtrees data
- SDAResources::divorcedivorce data
- SDAResources::ginigini data
- SDAResources::golfsrsgolfsrs data
- SDAResources::gpagpa data
- SDAResources::healthjournalshealthjournals data
- SDAResources::htcdfhtcdf data
- SDAResources::htpophtpop data
- SDAResources::htsrshtsrs data
- SDAResources::htstrathtstrat data
- SDAResources::huntinghunting data
- SDAResources::imputeimpute data
- SDAResources::integerwtintegerwt data
- SDAResources::intellonlineintellonline data
- SDAResources::intelltelintelltel data
- SDAResources::intellwtsintellwts data
- SDAResources::ipumsipums data
- SDAResources::journaljournal data
- SDAResources::measlesmeasles data
- SDAResources::mysteriesmysteries data
- SDAResources::nhanesnhanes data
- SDAResources::nybightnybight data
- SDAResources::ottersotters data
- SDAResources::ozoneozone data
- SDAResources::pitcountpitcount data
- SDAResources::profrespprofresp data
- SDAResources::profrespacsprofrespacs data
- SDAResources::radonradon data
- SDAResources::rectlengthrectlength data
- SDAResources::rntrnt data
- SDAResources::sample70sample70 data
- SDAResources::santacruzsantacruz data
- SDAResources::schoolsschools data
- SDAResources::sealsseals data
- SDAResources::shapespopshapespop data
- SDAResources::shorebirdsshorebirds data
- SDAResources::sp500sp500 data
- SDAResources::spanishspanish data
- SDAResources::srs30srs30 data
- SDAResources::sscssc data
- SDAResources::statepopstatepop data
- SDAResources::stateppsstatepps data
- SDAResources::swedishlcsswedishlcs data
- SDAResources::sycsyc data
- SDAResources::teachersteachers data
- SDAResources::teachmiteachmi data
- SDAResources::teachnrteachnr data
- SDAResources::uneqvaruneqvar data
- SDAResources::vietnamvietnam data
- SDAResources::viusvius data
- SDAResources::viuscaviusca data
- SDAResources::winterwinter data
- SDAResources::wtsharewtshare data
- sdpdth::data_nA simulated data set for testing
- sdpdth::data_nwA simulated data set for testing
- sdpdth::data_thA simulated data set for testing
- sdpdth::data_wA simulated data set for testing
- SDT::learning_motivationLearning Motivation Data
- SE.EQ::ex_data_JoBSExample dataset from Hoffelder et al. (2015)
- SeaVal::chirps_monthlyMonthly mean precipitation
- SeaVal::ecmwf_monthlyMonthly mean precipitation forecast example dataset
- seedCCA::cookiecookie dataset
- seedCCA::nutrimouseNutrimouse dataset
- SegCorr::EXP_rawSimulated Gene Expression
- SegCorr::SNPSimulated SNP signal
- Select::pineforestFunctional trait data for understory species in ponderosa pine forest
- Select::serpentineFunctional trait data for species in serpentine grassland
- Select::tropicalforestFunctional trait data for tree species in tropical forest
- selectspm::teucriumTeucrium capitatum point pattern
- SeleMix::ex1.dataExample data frame
- SeleMix::ex2.dataExample Data for package SeleMix
- selfingTree::F4Genotypes of one million simulated F4 lines.
- selfingTree::mapGenetic map of the three markers in the F4 data set.
- SemiMarkov::asthmaAsthma control data
- SemiPar::age.incomeAge/income data
- SemiPar::bpdBronchopulmonary dysplasia data
- SemiPar::calif.air.pollCalifornia air polution data
- SemiPar::copperCopper data
- SemiPar::elec.tempElectricity usage and temperature data
- SemiPar::ethanolEthanol data
- SemiPar::fossilFossil data
- SemiPar::fuel.frameAutomobile data from consumer reports
- SemiPar::jankaJanka hardness data
- SemiPar::lidarLIDAR data
- SemiPar::milan.mortMilan mortality data
- SemiPar::monitor.mercuryMercury biomonintoring data
- SemiPar::onionsOnions data
- SemiPar::pig.weightsPig weight data
- SemiPar::ragweedRagweed data
- SemiPar::retire.planRetirement plan data
- SemiPar::salinitySalinity data
- SemiPar::sausageSausage data
- SemiPar::scallopScallop abundance data
- SemiPar::sitkaSitka spruce data
- SemiPar::term.structureTerm structure data
- SemiPar::trade.unionTrade union data
- SemiPar::ustempU.S. temperature data
- sensitivityCalibration::NHANES_blood_leadSecond hand smoking and blood lead levels dataset from NHANES III.
- sensitivityCalibration::NHANES_blood_lead_smallA random subset of NHANES_blood_lead data.
- sensitivityCalibration::NHANES_blood_lead_small_matchedNHANES_blood_lead_small data after matching.
- sensitivitymult::artcogArthritis and cognition in the elderly.
- sensitivitymult::tbmetaphaseGenetic damage from drugs used to treat TB
- sensitivitymult::teethSmoking and Periodontal Disease.
- sensitivitymv::erpcpDNA Damage Among Welders
- sensitivitymv::lead150Smoking and lead in 150 matched 1-5 sets.
- sensitivitymv::lead250Smoking and lead in 250 matched pairs.
- sensitivitymv::mercuryNHANES Mercury/Fish Data
- sensitivitymv::mtmDNA damage from exposure to chromium
- sensitivitymv::tbmetaphaseGenetic damage from drugs used to treat TB
- sensitivitymw::erpcpDNA Damage Among Welders
- sensitivitymw::mercuryNHANES Mercury/Fish Data
- sensory::bbreadThe Brown Bread Data Set
- sensory::iirisThe Iris Data with Missing Values
- sensory::wbreadThe White Bread Data
- senstrat::homocystHomocysteine levels in daily smokers and never smokers.
- SenTinMixt::AISAustralian institute of sport data
- SenTinMixt::HawksMeasurements on Two Hawk Species
- sEparaTe::data2dTwo dimensional data set
- sEparaTe::data3dThree dimensional data set
- sephora::deciduous_polygon128 NDVI pixels from a MOD13Q1 time series
- SeqMADE::exprsGene Expression Dataset
- SeqMADE::networkModuleNetworkModule
- SetMethods::BCMVBerg-Schlosser and Cronqvist (2005)
- SetMethods::EMMFEMMFnegger (2011)
- SetMethods::FSRFreitag and Schlicht (2009)
- SetMethods::FakeCSFake crisp-set data
- SetMethods::FakeMVFake data for mvQCA
- SetMethods::JOBFFake fuzzy-set job motivation data.
- SetMethods::KAFKoenig-Archibugi (2004)
- SetMethods::LIPCLipset (1959), crisp-set
- SetMethods::LIPFLipset (1959), fuzzy-set
- SetMethods::LIPRLipset (1959), raw data
- SetMethods::PAYFPaykani et al. (2018)
- SetMethods::PAYRPaykani et al. (2018)
- SetMethods::PENFPennings (2003)
- SetMethods::SAMFSamford (2010)
- SetMethods::SCSelbst, practicing the truth table algorithm data
- SetMethods::SCHFSchneider et. al. (2010)
- SetMethods::SCHLFSchneider et. al. (2010)
- SetMethods::SDCSelbst, disappearing necessary condition data
- SetMethods::STUFFake fuzzy-set student data.
- SetMethods::STURFake raw, student data.
- SetMethods::THOFThomann (2015)
- SetMethods::VISCVis (2009), crisp set data
- SetMethods::VISFVis (2009), fuzzy set data
- sets::fuzzy_docsDocuments on Fuzzy Theory
- sfinx::BaitIdentityExampleFileA vector with proteins of interest (baits) for the TIP49 dataset.
- sfinx::DataInputExampleFileThe TIP49 dataset of protein interactions (AP-MS).
- SFPL::ghanaRanking data
- sft::dotsRT and and Accuracy from a Simple Detection Task
- sgeostat::maasmaas- zinc measurements
- sgeostat::maas.bankmaas.bank - coordinates
- sgPLS::simuDataSimulated Data for group PLS-DA model
- sgr::psydataData set
- sgr::smokersData set
- ShapePattern::dataThis is a generic data environment that provides some demo data and control functionality.
- ShapleyOutlier::WeatherViennaWeather data from Vienna
- sharpr2::hidra_exAn example dataset including a region of one chromosome from an ATAC-STARR library
- shinymgr::appReportsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appReports"
- shinymgr::appStitchingSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appStitching"
- shinymgr::appTabsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "appTabs"
- shinymgr::appsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "apps"
- shinymgr::modFunctionArgumentsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modFunctionArguments"
- shinymgr::modFunctionReturnsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modFunctionReturns"
- shinymgr::modPackagesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modPackages"
- shinymgr::modulesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "modules"
- shinymgr::reportsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "reports"
- shinymgr::tabModulesSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "tabModules"
- shinymgr::tabsSample data for the shinymgr.sqlite table, "tabs"
- shotGroups::DF300BLKCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DF300BLKhlCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFcciHVCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFcmCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFdistrLookup table for distribution of range statistics and Rayleigh sigma
- shotGroups::DFinchCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFlandy01Combined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFlandy02Combined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFlandy03Combined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFlandy04Combined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFlistCmList containing several data frames with bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFsavageCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFscar17Combined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::DFtalonCombined bullet hole data
- shotGroups::targetsList containing definitions of several circular target types from the shooting federations ISSF, NRA, DSB, BDS, BDMP, DSU
- shrinkDSM::gastricSurvival times of gastric cancer patients
- SIBERG::dataListSimulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
- SIBERG::parListSimulated Data From 2-component Mixture Models
- sidier::Example_Spatial.plot_Alignmentexample alignment #1 (fasta format)
- sidier::alignExampleexample alignment #1 ('DNAbin' class)
- sidier::ex_BLASTexample BLAST output
- sidier::ex_Coordsexample coordinates
- sievetest::ligniteSieve Test Data Object Example
- siland::dataSilandSimulated data
- siland::landSilandSimulated landscape.
- SillyPutty::eucdistAn example Euclidean distance matrix
- SillyPutty::trueGroupsAn example Euclidean distance matrix
- SimComp::coagulationData from a clinical study of three sets of extracorporeal circulation in heart-lung machines
- simdistr::example_trialsData of baseline variables of seven randomised trials.
- simexaft::BHSBusselton Health Study
- simexaft::rhDNaserhDNase Data Set
- simqi::kgss_sampleA Sample of Korean General Social Survey Data, 2023
- simqi::som_sampleA Sample of SOM Institute Data, 2019-2020
- simsl::chicagoAir pollution dataset
- simsl::warfarinWarfarin dataset
- SINRELEF.LD::FIQ400FIQ database.
- siren::psymaspsymas database
- SIRmcmc::hh.transmissionSimulated data under the SIR.
- SIRmcmc::hh.transmission.epsilonSimulated data under SIR, with covariates.
- SISIR::betaDataset "Truffles"
- SISIR::rainfallDataset "Truffles"
- SISIR::trufflesDataset "Truffles"
- SLBDD::CPIEurope200015Price Indexes EUUS
- SLBDD::FREDMDApril19Federal Reserve Bank at St Louis.
- SLBDD::PElectricity1344Electricity Prices in New England and USA
- SLBDD::Stockindexes99worldWorld Stock Indexes
- SLBDD::TaiwanAirBox032017Hourly PM25 Measurements from Air-Box Devices in Taiwan
- SLBDD::TaiwanPM25Hourly PM25 Measurements in Taiwan
- SLBDD::UMEdata20002018Quarterly Economic Series of the European Monetary Union
- SLBDD::clothingCloth sales in China
- SLBDD::gdpsimple6c8018Growth of GDP in 6 Countries
- SLBDD::locations032017Locations of Air-Box Devices in Taiwan
- SLBDD::mdec1to5Monthly Simple Returns of United States Market Portfolios.
- SLBDD::mexpimpcnusMonthly Exports and Imports of China and United States.
- SLBDD::temperaturesWorld Temperatures
- sleev::mock.vcccMock VCCC dataset.
- SLIDE::I_sigProtein Expression Levels in an Infected Cell Sample
- SLIDE::UN_sigProtein Expression Levels in an Uninfected Cell Population
- slim::dialysisRenal Function in Three Groups of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
- SMAHP::example_datExample Dataset
- SMASH::eSA collection of pre-defined subclone configurations.
- smcure::bmtBone marrow transplant study
- smcure::e1684Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) data
- smdi::smdi_datasmdi exemplary lung cancer dataset
- smdi::smdi_data_completesmdi exemplary lung cancer dataset (with complete data)
- smfishHmrf::seqfishplusSeqFISHplus dataset
- SMNCensReg::wage.ratesWage Rates of 753 Women
- SmoothTensor::ltnsChicago crime tensor dataset
- SmoothTensor::mode_infoA list of mode information of the Chicago crime tensor dataset
- smoothy::drugstreatmentDrug Administration Data
- SMPracticals::alofiDaily Rainfall at Alofi
- SMPracticals::amlRemission Times for Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia
- SMPracticals::arithmeticTeaching Arithmetic Data
- SMPracticals::bardShakespeare's Word Type Frequencies
- SMPracticals::barleySpring Barley Data
- SMPracticals::beaverBody Temperatures for a Female Beaver
- SMPracticals::beetleJapanese beetle data
- SMPracticals::bikeBicycling Times
- SMPracticals::birthsBirth Times
- SMPracticals::blalockBlalock-Taussig Shunt Data
- SMPracticals::blissBliss data on deaths of flour beetles
- SMPracticals::bloodBlood Group Data
- SMPracticals::breastBreast Cancer Data
- SMPracticals::burtIQs of identical twins
- SMPracticals::cakeBreaking of Chocolate Cakes
- SMPracticals::calciumCalcium Uptake Data
- SMPracticals::cardiacMortality Rates for Cardiac Surgery on Babies at 12 Hospitals
- SMPracticals::cat.heartCat Heart Data
- SMPracticals::cementHald Cement Data
- SMPracticals::chicksChick Bone Data
- SMPracticals::chimpsChimpanzee Learning Data
- SMPracticals::clothNumbers of Flaws in Lengths of Cloth
- SMPracticals::coalData on UK coal mining disasters
- SMPracticals::danishDanish Fire Insurance Claims
- SMPracticals::darwinDarwin's Maize Data
- SMPracticals::eyesVisual Impairment Data
- SMPracticals::field.concreteField Concrete Mixture Data
- SMPracticals::firCounts of Balsam-fir Seedlings
- SMPracticals::forbesAtmospheric Pressure and Boiling Point in the Alps
- SMPracticals::fretsHead Dimensions in Brothers
- SMPracticals::ftseFTSE Daily Returns
- SMPracticals::galaxyGalaxy Velocity Data
- SMPracticals::husHaemolytic Uraemic Syndrome
- SMPracticals::intronIntron Gene Sequence
- SMPracticals::jacamarJacamar Learning Ability Data
- SMPracticals::jelinskiJelinski and Moranda Data on Software Failures
- SMPracticals::leukSurvival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients
- SMPracticals::limitsSwedish Speed Limit Data
- SMPracticals::lizardsLizard Count Data
- SMPracticals::lung.cancerLung Cancer Deaths among UK Physicians
- SMPracticals::magnesiumMagnesium Treatment for Heart Attack Patients
- SMPracticals::manausAverage Heights of the Rio Negro river at Manaus
- SMPracticals::markingExamination Marking Data
- SMPracticals::mathmarksMath Marks Data
- SMPracticals::miceMice Deaths from Radiation
- SMPracticals::milletMillet Data
- SMPracticals::motoretteMotorette Failure Data
- SMPracticals::nematodeNematode Data
- SMPracticals::nodalNodal Involvement in Prostate Cancer
- SMPracticals::nuclearNuclear Power Station Construction Data
- SMPracticals::old.ageEstimates of Hazard Function for Old Age
- SMPracticals::paulsenNeurotransmission in Guinea Pig Brains
- SMPracticals::pbcMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
- SMPracticals::pigeonHoming Pigeon Data
- SMPracticals::pigsPig Diet Data
- SMPracticals::pipetteRed Blood Cell Data
- SMPracticals::pneuPneumoconiosis amongst Coalminers
- SMPracticals::poisonsSurvival Times for Poisoned Animals
- SMPracticals::pollutionAir Pollution and Mortality
- SMPracticals::pumpsPump Failure Data
- SMPracticals::quakeJapanese Earthquake Data
- SMPracticals::rat.growthRat Growth Data
- SMPracticals::salinityWater Salinity and River Discharge
- SMPracticals::seedsGermination of seeds
- SMPracticals::shoeShoe Wear Data
- SMPracticals::shuttleO-ring Thermal Distress Data for Space Shuttle
- SMPracticals::smokingSurvival and Smoking
- SMPracticals::soccerSoccer Scores from English Premier League, 2000-2001 Season
- SMPracticals::springsSpring Failure Data
- SMPracticals::stickyStickiness of blood data
- SMPracticals::survivalSurvival of Rats After Radiation Doses
- SMPracticals::teakTeak Plant Data
- SMPracticals::tideAnnual Maximum Sea Levels
- SMPracticals::toxoToxoplasmosis Data
- SMPracticals::ulcerRecurrent Bleeding from Ulcers
- SMPracticals::urineUrine Analysis Data
- SMPracticals::veniceExtreme Sea Levels at Venice
- SMPracticals::yahooYahoo Closing Prices
- sMSROC::diabetDiabetes dataset
- sMSROC::fibrosisFibrosis dataset
- sMSROC::ktfsKTFS dataset
- sn::aisAustralian Institute of Sport data
- sn::baroloPrice of Barolo wine
- sn::frontierSimulated sample from a skew-normal distribution
- sn::winesPiedmont wines data
- sna::colemanColeman's High School Friendship Data
- Snake::SnakeBGSnake background image (snake).
- Snake::SunsetBGSnake background image (sunset).
- snazzieR::BlueBlue color
- snazzieR::Dark.BlueDark Blue color
- snazzieR::Dark.GreenDark Green color
- snazzieR::Dark.GreyDark Grey color
- snazzieR::Dark.OrangeDark Orange color
- snazzieR::Dark.PurpleDark Purple color
- snazzieR::Dark.RedDark Red color
- snazzieR::Dark.YellowDark Yellow color
- snazzieR::Deep.BlueDeep Blue color
- snazzieR::Deep.GreenDeep Green color
- snazzieR::Deep.GreyDeep Grey color
- snazzieR::Deep.OrangeDeep Orange color
- snazzieR::Deep.PurpleDeep Purple color
- snazzieR::Deep.RedDeep Red color
- snazzieR::Deep.YellowDeep Yellow color
- snazzieR::GreenGreen color
- snazzieR::GreyGrey color
- snazzieR::Light.BlueLight Blue color
- snazzieR::Light.GreenLight Green color
- snazzieR::Light.GreyLight Grey color
- snazzieR::Light.OrangeLight Orange color
- snazzieR::Light.PurpleLight Purple color
- snazzieR::Light.RedLight Red color
- snazzieR::Light.YellowLight Yellow color
- snazzieR::OrangeOrange color
- snazzieR::Pale.BluePale Blue color
- snazzieR::Pale.GreenPale Green color
- snazzieR::Pale.GreyPale Grey color
- snazzieR::Pale.OrangePale Orange color
- snazzieR::Pale.PurplePale Purple color
- snazzieR::Pale.RedPale Red color
- snazzieR::Pale.YellowPale Yellow color
- snazzieR::PurplePurple color
- snazzieR::RedRed color
- snazzieR::YellowYellow color
- SNFtool::Data1Data1
- SNFtool::Data2Data2
- SNFtool::dataLdataL
- SNFtool::labelLabels for dataL dataset
- snowfall::configInternal configuration and test data
- snowfall::f1Internal configuration and test data
- snowfall::f2Internal configuration and test data
- SNSeg::critical_values_HDCritical Values of Self-Normalization (SN) based test statistic for changes in high-dimensional means (SNHD)
- SNSeg::critical_values_multiCritical Values of Self-Normalization (SN) based test statistic for changes in multiple parameters (SNCP)
- SNSeg::critical_values_singleCritical Values of Self-Normalization (SN) based test statistic for the change in a single parameter (SNCP)
- socialh::feeding_event_dataFeeding event data from Nellore cattle
- SOFIA::mark0Genetic maps to be used as examples for generating Circos figures
- SoftClustering::DemoDataC2D2aA small two-dimensional dataset with two clusters for demonstration purposes. See examples in the Help/Description of a function, e.g. for HardKMeansDemo().
- SoftClustering::initMeansC2D2aTwo-dimensional dataset with two initial cluster means for the dataset DemoDataC2D2a. See examples in the Help/Description of a function, e.g. for HardKMeansDemo().
- SoftClustering::initMeansC3D2aTwo-dimensional dataset with three initial cluster means for the dataset DemoDataC2D2a. See examples in the Help/Description of a function, e.g. for HardKMeansDemo().
- SoftClustering::initMeansC4D2aTwo-dimensional dataset with four initial cluster means for the dataset DemoDataC2D2a. See examples in the Help/Description of a function, e.g. for HardKMeansDemo().
- SoftClustering::initMeansC5D2aTwo-dimensional dataset with five initial cluster means for the dataset DemoDataC2D2a. See examples in the Help/Description of a function, e.g. for HardKMeansDemo().
- SOHPIE::combinedamgutA Subdata from the American Gut Project study data
- SOHPIE::combineddietswapA Subdata from the Diet Swap study data
- soilassessment::ME_ECharmserveHarmonization models for soil electrical conductivity
- soilassessment::ME_PHharmserveHarmonization models for soil pH
- soilassessment::nutrientSample data of decision ranking table for mapping soil nutrient condition
- soilassessment::nutrindicatorA grid stack map of indicators for crop fertility requirements
- soilassessment::soilSample soil dataset for salinity mapping
- soilassessment::suitabinputSample grid stack map of nutrient indicators for crop fertility requirements
- soilassessment::textureinputSample texture dataset for mapping soil texture
- soilhypfit::sim_wrc_hccSimulated Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Data
- soilhypfit::swissforestsoilsPhysical properties of Swiss forest soils
- som::yeastyeast cell cycle
- SOMbrero::dissim.lesmisDataset "Les Misérables"
- SOMbrero::lesmisDataset "Les Misérables"
- SOMbrero::presidentielles20022002 French presidential election data set
- sonar::CorrectiveTermsDepthFromPressureCorrective terms to be added for obtaining depth from pressure
- sonar::CorrectiveTermsPressureFromDepthCorrective terms to be subtracted for obtaining pressure from depth
- sonar::MolecularRelaxationAttenuationCoeficientMolecular relaxation attenuation coeficient (alpha)
- sonar::SpeedAlgorithmParameterRangesData on Speed of Sound Algorithm Parameter Ranges
- SOPIE::J1709PSR J1709-44290 Time of Arrivals
- SOPIE::crabPSR J0534+2200 (Crab-Pulsar) Time of Arrivals
- SOPIE::simdataSimulated Data from a Scaled Von Mises Distribution with Noise
- sorcering::RothC_C0_exInitial Soil Organic Carbon Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_Cin_exCarbon Input Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_Cin_ex_slCarbon Input Data for RothC using multiple sites
- sorcering::RothC_Cin_ex_sl_spinCarbon Input Data for RothC using multiple sites with spinup run
- sorcering::RothC_N0_exInitial Soil Organic Nitrogen Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_Nin_exNitrogen Input Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_Nin_ex_slNitrogen Input Data for RothC using multiple sites
- sorcering::RothC_Nin_ex_sl_spinNitrogen Input Data for RothC using multiple sites with spinup run
- sorcering::RothC_env_in_exEnvironmental Input Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_site_exEnvironmental Input Data for RothC
- sorcering::RothC_xi_exEnvironmental Factors Data for RothC
- sorcering::Yasso_C0_ex_slInitial Soil Organic Carbon Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
- sorcering::Yasso_Cin_ex_wood_u_slCarbon Input Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
- sorcering::Yasso_N0_ex_slInitial Soil Organic Nitrogen Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
- sorcering::Yasso_Nin_ex_wood_u_slNitrogen Input Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
- sorcering::meas_data_exMeasured Data Input
- soundgen::def_formDefaults and ranges for formant_app()
- soundgen::defaultsShiny app defaults
- soundgen::defaults_analyzeDefaults and ranges for analyze()
- soundgen::defaults_analyze_pitchCandDefaults for plotting with analyze()
- soundgen::detectNLP_training_nonvNonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on human nonverbal vocalizations
- soundgen::detectNLP_training_synthNonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on synthetic sounds
- soundgen::hillenbrandFormants in American vowels
- soundgen::notesDictConversion table from Hz to musical notation
- soundgen::permittedValuesDefaults and ranges for soundgen()
- soundgen::pitchContourManually corrected pitch contours in 260 sounds
- soundgen::pitchManualManual pitch estimation in 260 sounds
- soundgen::presetsPresets
- soundgen::segmentManualManual counts of syllables in 260 sounds
- SpaCCI::result_globalresult_global data for SpaCCI
- SpaCCI::result_localresult_local data and spatial coordinates for SpaCCI Local Regional Data
- SpaCCI::result_local_spatial_coords_dfLocal Spatial Coordinates Data Frame
- SpaCCI::result_regionalresult_regional data for SpaCCI
- SpaCCI::test_dataTest data for SpaCCI
- SpaceTimeBSS::meteo_venetoClimate and Meteorological Deseasonalized Data in Veneto
- SpadeR::ChaoSharedDataData for Function ChaoShared
- SpadeR::ChaoSpeciesDataData for Function ChaoSpecies
- SpadeR::DiversityDataData for Function Diversity
- SpadeR::GeneticsDataAbuHuman allele frequency data for Function Genetics
- SpadeR::SimilarityMultDataData for Function SimilarityMult
- SpadeR::SimilarityPairDataData for Function SimilarityPair
- sparseBC::lungLung cancer gene expression data
- sparseDFM::exportsUK Trade in Goods (Exports) Dataset
- sparseDFM::inflationUK Inflation Dataset
- sparseFLMM::acousticPhonetics acoustic data (complete)
- sparseFLMM::acoustic_subsetPhonetics acoustic data (subset)
- sparseSEM::BTrue network edges
- sparseSEM::MissingMissing Network Node dependent variable data
- sparseSEM::XGenotype matrix
- sparseSEM::XGenotype matrix
- sparseSEM::YGene expression matrix
- sparseSEM::YGene expression matrix
- SparseTSCGM::mammaryMicroarray gene expression time course data for mammary gland development in mice
- SpatEntropy::bolognaBologna urban data.
- SpatEntropy::bolognaTessMunicipalities' administrative borders for Bologna urban data.
- SpatEntropy::bolognaWObservation window for Bologna urban data.
- SpatEntropy::raintreesRainforest tree data 1.
- SpatEntropy::raintrees2Rainforest tree data 2.
- SpatEntropy::raintreesCOVCovariates for the rainforest tree data.
- SpatEntropy::turinTurin urban data.
- SpatEntropy::turinTessMunicipalities' administrative borders for Turin urban data.
- SpatEntropy::turinWObservation window for Turin urban data.
- SpatialAcc::GR.HospitalsGreek Hospitals
- SpatialAcc::PWC.MunicipalitiesPopulation weighted centroids of the Municipalities in Greece.
- SpatialGEV::CAsnowGridded monthly total snowfall in Canada from 1987 to 2021.
- SpatialGEV::ONsnowMonthly total snowfall in Ontario, Canada from 1987 to 2021.
- SpatialGEV::simulatedDataSimulated dataset 1
- SpatialGEV::simulatedData2Simulated dataset 2
- SpatialML::IncomeMean household income at lcoal authorities in Greece in 2011
- SpatialVx::ExampleSpatialVxSetSimulated Spatial Verification Set
- SpatialVx::GFSNAMfcstExExample Verification Set
- SpatialVx::GFSNAMlocExExample Verification Set
- SpatialVx::GFSNAMobsExExample Verification Set
- SpatialVx::ICPg240LocsSpatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::UKfcst6Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set (NIMROD)
- SpatialVx::UKlocExample Precipitation Rate Verification Set (NIMROD)
- SpatialVx::UKobs6Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set (NIMROD)
- SpatialVx::geom000Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::geom001Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::geom002Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::geom003Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::geom004Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::geom005Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::humpSimulated Forecast and Verification Fields
- SpatialVx::obs0601Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- SpatialVx::wrf4ncar0531Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- spdownscale::data_modelData-sample
- spdownscale::data_model_futureData-sample
- spdownscale::data_observationData-sample
- SPECK::pbmc.rna.matSingle cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) peripheral blood (PBMC) data sample.
- speedglm::data1A toy dataset
- spGARCH::prostate_cancerLogarithmic incidence rates of prostate cancer and covariates
- spgs::nanoarchaeumDNA sequence for the Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M Chromosome
- spgs::pierisDNA sequence for the Pieris Rapae Granulovirus Genome
- spidR::wscmapMatrix matching WSC and ISO3 country codes.
- SPIGA::Pm_PiscoThe data set for illustratrating the functions of the SPIGA package
- SPIGA::alphaGA_SPI3The data set for illustratrating the functions of the SPIGA package
- SPIGA::betaGA_SPI3The data set for illustratrating the functions of the SPIGA package
- spikes::dataExample data
- spikes::outputOuput object
- Spillover::dy2009Diebold and Yilmaz (2009) dataset
- Spillover::dy2012Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) dataset
- Spillover::rol.returnsTwo-days Rolling Average Returns
- Spillover::rol.volTwo-days Rolling Average Intra-day Volatilities
- Spillover::stock.pricesDaily Stock Prices
- SplitSplitPlot::ex1Dados de exemplo de um experimento em DQL.
- splm::InsuranceInsurance consumption across Italian provinces, 1998-2002
- splm::RiceFarmsProduction of Rice in India
- splm::itawwSpatial weights matrix - Italian provinces
- splm::ricewwSpatial weights matrix of Indonesian rice farms
- splm::usawwSpatial weights matrix - US states
- splmm::cognitiveKenya School Lunch Intervention Cognitive Dataset
- splmm::simulated_dataDataset simulated for toy example
- spnaf::CASample migration data by counties in California.
- spnaf::CA_polygonSample polygon data of California counties.
- SpNMF::spdataspdata
- SPORTSCausal::ad_costAdvertising cost: a real experimental data under spillover effect
- SPPcomb::realdata_alphaA list of matrices containing value of alpha at each location.
- SPPcomb::realdata_covariatesA data list of matrices containing covariates of cases and controls.
- spphpr::BJDATDaily Air Temperature Data of Beijing from 1952 to 2012.
- spphpr::apricotFFDFirst flowering date records of _Prunus armeniaca_
- spselect::XInput data X
- spselect::X.3DInput data X.3D
- spselect::yResponse data y
- SpTe2M::ili_datFlorida influenza-like illness data
- SpTe2M::pm25_datPM2.5 concentration data
- SpTe2M::sim_datA simulated spatio-temporal dataset
- spuRs::kew303 years of monthly rainfall data from Kew Gardens, London, U.K.
- spuRs::treegGrand fir tree growth data from northern and central Idaho, USA.
- spuRs::treesvon Guttenberg Norway spruce tree measurement data
- spuRs::ufcUpper Flat Creek forest cruise tree data
- spuRs::ufc.plotsUpper Flat Creek forest cruise plot data
- SQMtools::HadzaHadza hunter-gatherer gut metagenomes
- SQMtools::MGKOsSingle Copy Phylogenetic Marker Genes from Sunagawa's group (KOs)
- SQMtools::MGOGsSingle Copy Phylogenetic Marker Genes from Sunagawa's group (OGs)
- SQMtools::RecARecA/RadA recombinase
- SQMtools::USiCGsUniversal Single-Copy Genes
- SRCS::ML1Performance of 6 different supervised classification algorithms on eight noisy datasets (see references)
- SRCS::MPBPerformance of 8 different dynamic optimization algorithms on the Moving Peaks Benchmark (see references)
- SRCS::MPBallPerformance of 3 different dynamic optimization algorithms on the Moving Peaks Benchmark captured at five time moments of the execution (see references)
- srp::truebetaA dataset containing true regression coefficients for simulation
- SRTsim::exampleLIBDData used for creating vignettes
- SRTsim::toyDataA toyExample to showcase reference-based simulations
- SRTsim::toyShinyA toyExample to showcase reference-free simulations
- ssanv::example.of.Fisher.exactObject of class 'power.htest'
- ssfa::Italian_WItalian provinces spatial weights matrix example
- ssfa::SSFA_example_dataExample dataset
- SSHAARP::mock_haplotype_datasetMock Haplotype Dataset
- SSHAARP::solberg_datasetSolberg Dataset
- SSLR::abaloneAbalone
- SSLR::breastBreast
- SSLR::coffeeTime series data set
- SSLR::wineWine recognition data
- ssMRCD::weatherAUT2021Austrian Weather Data 2021
- ssMRCD::weatherHoheWarteVienna Weather Time Series (1960-2023)
- ssmrob::MEPS2001Ambulatory Expenditures Data
- ssmrob::MROZ.RAWWage Offer Data
- SSRA::exdatExample data based on Takeya (1991)
- ssym::BaboonsWhat time do the baboons come down from the trees?
- ssym::BiaxialBrown and Miller's Biaxial Fatigue
- ssym::ClaimsPersonal Injure Insurance
- ssym::ErabbitsAge and Eye Lens Weight of Rabbits in Australia
- ssym::OvocytesFraction of cell volume
- ssym::SnacksTextures of five different types of snacks
- ssym::SteelHardened Steel
- ssym::gdpGross Domestic Product (per capita)
- ssym::myelomaSurvival times for multiple myeloma patients
- st::choe2.LA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- st::choe2.degenesA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- st::choe2.mappingA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- st::choe2.matA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- st::choe2.probe.nameA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- st::choe2.symbol.nameA Subset of the Choe et al. (2005) "Golden Spike" Experiment
- sta::marismas10-day Composite NDMI Time Series
- StakeholderAnalysis::DataExpDataExp
- STAND::SESdataSamples from Elevated Surfaces of a Smelter
- STAND::aihandIndustrial Hygiene Air Monitoring Data
- STAND::beTWATWA Beryllium Exposure Data
- STAND::cansdataContainer Data Used To Evaluate Beryllium Surface Contamination
- STAND::filmbadgeQuarterly Film Badge Data
- starm::covplantCovariate data
- starm::plantillnessIllness data
- statcomp::maxd3Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=3
- statcomp::maxd4Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=4
- statcomp::maxd5Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=5
- statcomp::maxd6Maximum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=6
- statcomp::mind3Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=3
- statcomp::mind4Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=4
- statcomp::mind5Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=5
- statcomp::mind6Minimum curve of time-causal entropy-complexity plane at ndemb=6
- StatMatch::samp.AArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey
- StatMatch::samp.BArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey
- StatMatch::samp.CArtificial data set resembling EU-SILC survey
- stilt::Data.1D.modelSynthetic model output for a simple 1-parameter ensemble example
- stilt::Data.1D.parParameter settings for 1-parameter ensemble model output in Data.1D.model
- stilt::Data.AR1Korea.modelKorean modelled temperature variability and future change
- stilt::Data.AR1Korea.parKorean temperature variability parameters
- stilt::Data.Sicopolis.modelSICOPOLIS model ensemble output
- stilt::Data.Sicopolis.parSICOPOLIS model ensemble parameter settings
- stilt::Data.UVic.modelUVic ESCM climate model ensemble output
- stilt::Data.UVic.parUVic ESCM climate model ensemble parameter settings
- stilt::emul.1DEmulator of model for the 1-parameter example
- stilt::emul.SicopolisSICOPOLIS ice sheet model emulator
- stlELM::Data_potatoMonthly Average Potato Price of Delhi Market (India)
- stlTDNN::Data_potatoNormalized Monthly Average Potato Price of India
- stmCorrViz::immigration_perceptionsSample STM Model
- stpm::ex_dataThis is the longitudinal genetic dataset.
- stpp::fmd2001 food-and-mouth epidemic, north Cumbria (UK)
- stpp::northcumbriaPolygon boundary of north Cumbria
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionMoryzaeChinaCompositions of Magnaporthe oryzae collected in China
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionMoryzaeMadagascarCompositions of Magnaporthe oryzae collected in Madagascar
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionPsyringaeCladesCompositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the clade resolution
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionPsyringaeHaplotypesCompositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the haplotype resolution
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionPsyringaePhylogroupsCompositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the phylogroup resolution
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionPtriticinaGalibierCompositions of Puccinia triticina in Galibier crops
- StrainRanking::PathogenCompositionPtriticinaKalangoCompositions of Puccinia triticina in Kalango crops
- StrainRanking::powderymildewDemographic and genetic real data
- stratification::DebtorsPopulations Analyzed in Gunning and Horgan (2004) and Cochran (1961)
- stratification::MRTSSimulated Data from the Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) of Statistics Canada
- stratification::SHSData from the 2001 Survey of Household Spending (SHS), Statistics Canada
- stratification::SwedenThe MU284 Population of Sweden Municipalities from Sarndal et al. (1992)
- stratification::USbanksPopulations Analyzed in Gunning and Horgan (2004) and Cochran (1961)
- stratification::UScitiesPopulations Analyzed in Gunning and Horgan (2004) and Cochran (1961)
- stratification::UScollegesPopulations Analyzed in Gunning and Horgan (2004) and Cochran (1961)
- stratifyR::anaemiaMicronutrient data on Anaemia in Fiji
- stratifyR::hiesHousehold Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) in Fiji
- stratifyR::mathMathematics Marks for First-year University Students
- stratifyR::sugarcaneSugarcane Farming Data in Fiji
- STREAK::target.malt.rna.matSingle cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) target subset of the 10X Genomics MALT counts.
- STREAK::train.malt.adt.matCellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by Sequencing (CITE-seq) training subset of the 10X Genomics MALT counts.
- STREAK::train.malt.rna.matSingle cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) training subset of the 10X Genomics MALT counts.
- sTSD::USDICEQuarterly disposable income and personal consumption expenditures in the United States
- sTSD::USDSEKThe USD/SEK Exchange Rate
- sTSD::exCopdabDynamic Foreign Policy Behavior (COPDAB)
- sTSD::lag_suggestsSuggested Lags for Your Time Series
- sTSD::money_demandQuarterly Money Demand in the United States
- sTSD::tbillsDaily maturity rates for U.S. Treasury Bills
- submax::ActivePhysical Activity and Survival in NHANES
- submax::mercuryNHANES Mercury/Fish Data
- submax::tbmetaphaseGenetic damage from drugs used to treat TB
- subspace::subspace_datasetSynthetic Subspace Clustering Dataset
- SuessR::SuessR.reference.dataReference dataset for the SuessR Package
- Sunclarco::insemInsemination Data
- SunsVoc::df_wbw1 Year of raw outdoor IV curve data.
- support.BWS::fruitSynthetic respondent data set: consumers' preferences for fruits
- support.BWS::mfaSynthetic respondent data set: citizens' preferences for the multifunctionality of agriculture
- support.BWS::ricebws1Consumers' preferences for rice characteristics
- support.BWS2::agritourismPotential tourists' valuation of agritourism
- support.BWS3::milkConsumer valuation of milk
- support.CEs::porkSynthetic respondent data set: consumers' valuation of pork
- support.CEs::riceSynthetic respondent data set: consumers' valuation of rice
- support.CEs::ruralSynthetic respondent data set: residents' valuation of rural environment conservation plan
- support.CEs::syn.res1Synthetic respondent data sets
- support.CEs::syn.res2Synthetic respondent data sets
- support.CEs::syn.res3Synthetic respondent data sets
- survexp.fr::data.exampleExample data to illustrate the functions
- survexp.fr::survexp.frFrench data for the expected survival and person years functions
- survPresmooth::pscheckExample Dataset
- SurvTrunc::AIDSAIDS blood transfusion data
- svydiags::nhanes2007National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, 2007-2008
- swash::COVID19Cases_geoRegionSwitzerland Daily COVID-19 cases by region
- swash::Oesterreich_FaelleAustria Daily COVID-19 cases by region 2020-02-26 to 2020-05-31
- SwissAir::AirQualAir Quality Data of Switzerland
- syllogi::alligatorDietStudy of Diets in Alligators
- syllogi::alligatorLengthStudy of Diets in Alligators at Lake George, Florida
- syllogi::annualSalesFictitious Data Set of Annual Sales
- syllogi::beerBeer
- syllogi::bighornSheepBighorn Sheep
- syllogi::bladderCancerStudy of Recurrence of Bladder Cancer
- syllogi::butterflyPlotFictitious Data Set of Butterfly Counts
- syllogi::depressionSelf Reported Depression
- syllogi::dogFoodFictitious Data Set Comparing Dog Food Brands
- syllogi::federalistPapersFederalist Papers
- syllogi::genericDataGeneric Data Set
- syllogi::golfGolfing
- syllogi::nutritionCancerNutrition Cancer Study
- syllogi::osteosarcomaStudy of Nonmetastatic Osteosarcoma
- syllogi::patientSatisfactionPatient Satisfaction
- syllogi::politicalIdeologyPolitical Ideology
- syllogi::schoolProgramHigh School and Beyond Survey
- syllogi::shipDamageWave Damage of Ships
- syllogi::shipGoldShips and Gold
- syllogi::skiSki Resort
- syllogi::weightLossWeight Loss Study
- syllogi::wheatWheat Kernels
- sym.arma::assetsReturns of the daily closing prices of assets, Standard and Poors 500 Index and T-bill rates
- SyncMove::gazelleRelocationsRelocations of Mongolian Gazelles
- T2EQ::ex_data_JoBSExample dataset from Hoffelder et al. (2015)
- T2EQ::ex_data_pharmindExample dataset from Hoffelder (2016)
- tableMatrix::images10By10Images of distributions
- tableMatrix::images8By8Images of distributions
- tailTransform::aHDLAlcohol and HDL Cholesterol: An Observational Study with 3 Control Groups
- tdROC::MelanoExample data: Malignant Melanoma Data
- tdROC::mayoExample data: Mayo Data
- tdsc::chesmore2001Coding Matrix from Chesmore (2001)
- tdsc::farr2007Coding Matrix from Farr (2007)
- tea::danishDanish Fire Insurance Claims
- TELP::statisticsDataset Containing Answers for the Inducer Term Statistics for the Analysis of The Free Evocation of Words Technique
- terminaldigits::decoy3,320 observations from a decoy experiment
- ternvis::footFootball betting dataset
- ternvis::rainTernary precipitation forecast data set
- TestDimorph::AustraliaAustralia
- TestDimorph::Cremains_measurementsMeasurements from calcined postcranial materials.
- TestDimorph::FTHeuristic data
- TestDimorph::HowellsThe Howells' craniometric data
- TestDimorph::Howells_RPooled within group correlation matrix for Howells' data
- TestDimorph::Howells_VPooled within-group variance-covariance matrix for Howells' data
- TestDimorph::Howells_summarySummary of the Howells' craniometric data
- TestDimorph::Howells_summary_listList format of Howells_summary for multivariate analysis
- TestDimorph::NHANES_1999NHANES 1999
- TestDimorph::SMOHypothetical set of unbalanced data
- TestDimorph::baboon.parms_RPooled within group correlation matrix for baboon data
- TestDimorph::baboon.parms_dfdata frame format for the baboon.parms_df for multivariate analysis
- TestDimorph::baboon.parms_listList format for the baboon.parms_df for multivariate analysis
- testtwice::smokerleadPair Differences in Blood Lead Levels in 679 Matched Pairs of One Smoker and One Control.
- texteffect::BioSampleSample from the Fong and Grimmer Wikipedia Biography Data
- textile::icImgsTextile Images
- textile::ocImgsTextile Images
- textile::trainImgTextile Images
- textreg::bathtubSample of cleaned OSHA accident summaries.
- textreg::dirtyBathtubSample of raw-text OSHA accident summaries.
- textreg::testCorporaSome small, fake test corpora.
- tgram::juniperusTraqueid Measurements in Juniperus thurifera
- tgram::traq.profileLight Throughout a Microscopic Section of Juniperus Wood
- thermocouple::adoptedLatentHeatOfVaporizationOfLiquidHe4Adopted database for latent heat of vaporization of liquid 4He
- thermocouple::dielectricC.Density.ThermExpLiquid4HeSatVapPressRecommended values of the dielectric constant, density and thermal expansion coefficient of liquid 4He at saturated vapor pressure
- thermocouple::ds18B20TemperatureDataTemperature/Data Relationship DS18B20
- thermocouple::recommendedLatentHeatOfVaporizationOfLiquidHe4Recommended values of the latent heat of vaporization of liquid 4He as a function of temperature at the saturated vapor pressure
- thermocouple::rtdAndThermistorStandardAccuracyStandard Accuracy for Thermocouples
- thermocouple::rtdAndThermistorStandardValuesStandard Values for Thermocouples
- thermocouple::rtdPT100rtdPT100 Resistance vs Temperature
- thermocouple::rtdPT1000rtdPT100 Resistance vs Temperature
- thermocouple::rtdPlatinumToleranceValuesPlatinum RTD Tolerance Values
- thermocouple::rtdResistanceWireComparisonRTD Resistance Wire Comparison
- thermocouple::rtdResistivityAlphaResistivity and Alpha Coefficients for RTDs
- thermocouple::rtdTypesTypes of RTDs
- thermocouple::tableAWGCuWireAWG Wire Sizes with Resistance and More
- thermocouple::temperatureMeasurementDifficultytemperature Measurement Difficulty
- thermocouple::temperatureSensorTypesTemperature Sensor Types
- thermocouple::thermistorMaximumMeasuringVoltageNTC thermistor Nominal Resistance and Maximum measuring voltage
- thermocouple::thermocoupleAndExtensionWiresInternationalColorCodesWire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCablesThermocouple Cables
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeBPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeBrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeEPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeErationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeJPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeJrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeNPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeNrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeRPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeRrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeSPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeSrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeTPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeTrationalPolynomialPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeffThermocouple Cold Junction Voltage Coefficients
- thermocouple::thermocoupleCompensatingExtensionWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexicoWire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires
- thermocouple::thermocoupleDefinitionTypesThermocouple Types Definitions
- thermocouple::thermocoupleErrorLimitsLimits of Error for Thermocouples
- thermocouple::thermocoupleExtensionCablesThermocouple Extension Cables
- thermocouple::thermocoupleExtensionWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexicoWire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires
- thermocouple::thermocoupleFixedPointsITS90fixed Points ITS90
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInsulatingMaterialsCeramicPackedStockInsulating Materials for Ceramic Packed Thermocouple Stock
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeBPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeEPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeJPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeKPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeNPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeRPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeSPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeTPolynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseFunctionsRangeError range for Polynomial inverse functions for Thermocouples
- thermocouple::thermocoupleMineralInsulatedMineral Insulated Thermocouples
- thermocouple::thermocoupleMountingThermocouple Mounting
- thermocouple::thermocoupleNominalSeebeckCoefficientsNominal Seebeck Coefficients
- thermocouple::thermocoupleRecommendedUpperTempLimitsProtectedRecommended Upper Temperature Limits for Protected Thermocouples
- thermocouple::thermocoupleResponseTimeThermocouple Response Times
- thermocouple::thermocoupleSingleLegThermoelementsLetter designations, compositions, and trade names of single-leg thermoelements
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeBthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeEthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeJthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeKthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeNthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeRthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeSthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypeTthermoelectricVoltageThermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B
- thermocouple::thermocoupleTypesASTMThermocouple Wire Constituents
- thermocouple::thermocoupleWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexicoWire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires
- thermocouple::thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperialthermocouple wire size and resistance table
- THREC::TreehtTree data from the long-term forest experiments in Sweden
- THREC::broadTree data from the long-term forest experiments in Sweden
- ThreeWay::BusBus data
- ThreeWay::KinshipKinship terms data
- ThreeWay::TVTV data
- ThreeWay::meaudretMeaudret data
- threg::bmtBone Marrow Transplantation Data
- threg::lkrLeukemia Remission Data
- thregI::bcosBreast Cosmesis Data
- thregI::hdsdNASAs Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Data
- Thresher::savedReapThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- Thresher::savedSimsThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- Thresher::sigmaThresher and Reaper Simulated Data
- TideHarmonics::BroomeSea-Level Data At Broome
- TideHarmonics::CapeFergusonSea-Level Data At Cape Ferguson
- TideHarmonics::DarwinSea-Level Data At Darwin
- TideHarmonics::EsperanceSea-Level Data At Esperance
- TideHarmonics::HillarysSea-Level Data At Hillarys
- TideHarmonics::PortKemblaSea-Level Data At Port Kembla
- TideHarmonics::PortlandSea-Level Data At Portland
- TideHarmonics::ThevenardSea-Level Data At Thevenard
- TideHarmonics::harmonicsTable Of All 409 Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::hc114Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::hc37Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::hc4Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::hc60Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::hc7Names Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::noaaNames Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- TideHarmonics::spdlunarSpeeds For Basic Astronomical Periods
- TideHarmonics::spdsolarSpeeds For Basic Astronomical Periods
- TideHarmonics::taskNames Of Commonly Used Harmonic Constituents
- tidysynth::smokingsmoking dataset
- tightClust::tclust.test.datatest data for tight clustering package
- tightenBlock::aHDLtAlcohol and HDL Cholesterol
- timeSeries::LPP2005RECTime series data sets
- timeSeries::MSFTTime series data sets
- timeSeries::USDCHFTime series data sets
- timsac::AirpollutionAirpollution Data
- timsac::AmerikamaruAmerikamaru Data
- timsac::BlsallfoodBlsallfood Data
- timsac::CanadianlynxTime series of Canadian lynx data
- timsac::LaborDataLabor force Data
- timsac::PowerplantPower Plant Data
- timsac::bispecDataUnivariate Test Data
- timsac::locarDataNon-stationary Test Data
- timsac::nonstDataNon-stationary Test Data
- tipsae::emiliaPoverty in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) Health Districts
- tipsae::emilia_csPoverty in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) Health Districts in 2016
- tipsae::emilia_shpShapefile of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) Health Districts
- tmcn::GBKGBK character set
- tmcn::NTUSDNational Taiwan University Semantic Dictionary
- tmcn::SIMTRADictionary of simplified and traditional Chinese
- tmcn::SPORTSport news.
- tmcn::STOPWORDSDictionary of Chinese stop words
- tmle::fevForced Expiratory Volume (FEV) Data (fev)
- topicmodels::AssociatedPressAssociated Press data
- topicmodels::JSS_papersJSS Papers Dublin Core Metadata
- topologyGSA::dag_bcellDAG representation of the B cell receptor signaling pathway
- topologyGSA::y1Gene expression signatures in acute lymphocytic leukemia for BCR signaling pathway
- topologyGSA::y2Gene expression signatures in acute lymphocytic leukemia for BCR signaling pathway
- TP.idm::colonTPChemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer
- TPACData::hpa.dataGene expression data for normal human tissues from the Human Protein Atlas (HPA). This data was specially processed by the HPA group as FPKM values (file "HPA.normal.FPKM.GDCpipeline.csv") using a pipeline similar to that employed by GDC for the TCGA RNA-seq data.
- TPEA::all_genesAll human protein coding genes
- TPEA::gene2ecThe relationship of genes and EC
- TPEA::gene2koThe relationship of genes and KO
- TPEA::keggGene2geneKeggGene to genes
- TPEA::node_geneThe relationship between nodes and genes
- TPEA::num_node_gene_scoreThe score of each node in a certain pathway
- TPEA::pathway_namesPathway names in KEGG Database
- TransTGGM::example.dataSome example data
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados1Dados de exemplo (1 fator e 1 testemunha).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados2Dados de exemplo (1 fator e 3 testemunhas).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados3Dados de exemplo (2 fatores e 2 testemunhas).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados4Dados de exemplo (2 fatores e 1 testemunha).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados5Dados de exemplo (2 fatores e 3 testemunha).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados6Dados de exemplo (3 fatores e 3 testemunha).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados7Dados de exemplo de DQL (4 tratamentos comuns e 2 testemunhas).
- Tratamentos.ad::Dados8Dados de exemplo de DQL (5 tratamentos comuns e 1 testemunha).
- treebalance::wedEthWedderburn Etherington numbers (from OEIS)
- trend::PagesDataSimulated data of Page (1955) as test-example for change-point detection
- trend::hcbMonthly concentration of particle bound HCB, River Rhine
- trend::maxauAnnual suspended sediment concentration and flow data, River Rhine
- TrendSLR::BaltOcean water level data for Baltimore, USA
- TrendSLR::ssample 'msl.trend' object
- TrendSLR::tsample 'custom.trend' object
- TriadSim::rcmb.rateAn example recombination rate dataset
- TriadSim::snp.all2SNPs in the PLINK files
- trinROC::cancerSynthetic data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
- trinROC::krebsSynthetic small data set to investigate three-class ROC data.
- tripack::circtestcirctest / sample data
- tripack::circtest2circtest / sample data
- tripack::tritesttritest / sample data
- tripack::tritest2tritest / sample data
- trps::baseline_1_isoStable isotope data for amphipods (baseline 1)
- trps::baseline_2_isoStable isotope data for dreissenids (baseline 2)
- trps::combined_isoStable isotope data for lake trout, amphipods (benthic baseline; baseline 1) and dreissenids (pelagic baseline; baseline 2),
- trps::consumer_isoStable isotope data for lake trout (consumer)
- TrumpetPlots::toy_dataToy dataset
- truncSP::PM10Air pollution data
- truncSP::PM10truncAir pollution data (Truncated)
- TSA::CREFDaily CREF Values
- TSA::JJQuarterly earnings per share for the Johnson & Johnson Company
- TSA::SPQuarterly Standard & Poor's Composite Index of stock price values / time series
- TSA::airmilesMonthly Airline Passenger-Miles in the US
- TSA::airpassMonthly total international airline passengers
- TSA::ar1.2.sA simulated AR(1) series
- TSA::ar1.sA simulated AR(1) series
- TSA::ar2.sAsimulated AR(2) series / time series
- TSA::arma11.sA Simulated ARMA(1,1) Series/ time series
- TSA::beersalesMonthly beer sales / time series
- TSA::bluebirdBlue Bird Potato Chip Data
- TSA::bluebirdliteBluebird Lite potato chip data
- TSA::boardingsMonthly public transit boardings and gasoline price in Denver
- TSA::co2Levels of Carbon Dioxide at Alert, Canada / Time series
- TSA::colorColor property/time series
- TSA::cref.bondDaily CREF Bond Values
- TSA::daysNumber of days between payment to Winegard Corp. / time series
- TSA::deere1Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 1
- TSA::deere2Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 2
- TSA::deere3Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 3
- TSA::eegEEG Data
- TSA::electricityMonthly US electricity production / time series
- TSA::euphA digitized sound file of a B flat played on a euphonium
- TSA::explode.sA simulated explosive AR(1) series
- TSA::flowMonthly River Flow for the Iowa River
- TSA::goldGold Price / time series
- TSA::googleDaily returns of the google stock
- TSA::hareCanadian hare data/ time series
- TSA::hoursAverage hours worked in US manufacturing sector / time series
- TSA::ima22.sSimulated IMA(2,2) series / time series
- TSA::larainAnnual rainfall in Los Angeles / time series
- TSA::ma1.1.sA simulated MA(1) series / time series
- TSA::ma1.2.sA simulated MA(1) series / time series
- TSA::ma2.sA simulated MA(2) series
- TSA::milkMonthly Milk Production
- TSA::oil.priceMonthly Oil Price / time series
- TSA::oilfiltersMonthly sales to dealers of a specialty oil filter/time series
- TSA::prescripCost per prescription / time series
- TSA::prey.eqPrey series / time series
- TSA::retailU.K. retail sales / time series
- TSA::robotThe distance of a robot from a desired position / time series
- TSA::rwalkA simulated random walk / Time series
- TSA::spotsRelative annual sunspot number / time series
- TSA::spots1Annual international sunspot numbers
- TSA::starStar Brightness
- TSA::tboneA digitized sound file of a B flat played on a tenor trombone
- TSA::tempdubMonthly average temperature in Dubuque/time series
- TSA::tubaA digitized sound file of a B flat played on a BB flat tuba
- TSA::unitsAnnual sales of certain large equipment
- TSA::usd.hkdDaily US Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar Exchange Rates
- TSA::veilleuxAn experimental prey-predator time series
- TSA::wagesAverage hourly wages in the apparel industry / time series
- TSA::winnebagoMonthly unit sales of recreational vehicles / time series
- tsBSS::WeeklyReturnsDataLogarithmic Returns of Exchange Rates of 7 Currencies Against US Dollar
- TSdist::example.databaseExample databases.
- TSdist::example.database2Example synthetic database with series belonging to different classes.
- TSdist::example.database3Example synthetic database with series belonging to different classes.
- TSdist::example.series1Example series.
- TSdist::example.series2Example series.
- TSdist::example.series3Example series.
- TSdist::example.series4Example series.
- TSdist::zoo.databaseExample databases.
- TSdist::zoo.series1Example series.
- TSdist::zoo.series2Example series.
- tseriesTARMA::ACValuesAndrews Tabulated Critical Values
- tseriesTARMA::supLMQurTabulated Critical Values for the Unit Root IMA vs TARMA test
- tsModel::baltBaltimore City data
- tsrobprep::GBloadThe electricity actual total load in Great Britain in year 2018
- TSSS::HAKUSANShip's Navigation Data
- TSSS::HaibaraHaibara Data
- TSSS::MYE1FSeismic Data
- TSSS::NLmodelThe Nonlinear State-Space Model Data
- TSSS::Nikkei225Nikkei225
- TSSS::PfilterSampleSample Data for Particle Filter and Smoother
- TSSS::RainfallRainfall Data
- TSSS::SunspotSunspot Number Data
- TSSS::TemperatureTemperatures Data
- TSSS::WHARDWholesale Hardware Data
- TSTutorial::AirBcnMonthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1990-2009 of Barcelona
- TSTutorial::TurismesMonthly Made Vehicles in Spain 1990-2008.
- TSTutorial::VictimesMonthly Traffic Deads Number 1993-2008 of Spain.
- ttbary::pplist_diffcardSimulated Point Pattern Lists
- ttbary::pplist_samecardSimulated Point Pattern Lists
- TTCA::ControlControl time course
- TTCA::EGFEGF time course data
- TTCA::annotData file annot
- TTCA::annotationData file annotation
- TUWmodel::PET_VilsData-sample
- TUWmodel::P_VilsData-sample
- TUWmodel::Q_VilsData-sample
- TUWmodel::SWE_VilsData-sample
- TUWmodel::T_VilsData-sample
- TUWmodel::areas_VilsData-sample
- twl::clus_saveOutput samples
- twl::misalignedProgressively misaligned cluster annotation
- twl::misaligned_matProgressively misaligned cluster data matrices
- twl::outpu_newOutput PSMs
- twopartm::bioChemistsArticles by Graduate Students in Biochemistry Ph.D. Programs
- twopartm::mepsA Sample of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2004 data
- TwoStepCLogit::bisonBison Dataset
- ubair::mock_env_dataMock Environmental Data
- ubair::sample_data_DESN025Environmental Data for Modelling from station DESN025 in Leipzig-Mitte.
- ufRisk::ESTXEURO STOXX 50 (ESTX) Financial Time Series Data
- ufRisk::WMTWalmart Inc. (WMT) Financial Time Series Data
- ufs::bfi25 Personality items representing 5 factors
- ufs::testRetestSimDatatestRetestSimData is a simulated dataframe used to demonstrate the testRetestAlpha coefficient function.
- uHMM::MarelCarnotMarelCarnot dataset
- Umatrix::BMUHeptaBest matching units (BMU) of Hepta from FCPS (Fundamental Clustering Problem Suite)
- Umatrix::HeptaHepta from FCPS (Fundamental Clustering Problem Suite)
- unifed::car.insuranceCar insurance claims
- unival::SAS3fSAS3f database
- UPG::lfpFemale labor force participation data.
- UPG::programStudents program choices.
- UPG::titanicGrouped Titanic survival data.
- uskewFactors::banknoteThe Swiss Banknote Data
- UWHAM::cyclooctanolA simulated tempering dataset of interaction parameters and binding energies
- UWHAM::ligand2.hardA dataset of binding energies obtained with a conventional interaction potential
- UWHAM::ligand2.softA dataset of binding energies with a soft-core interaction potential
- vagam::wage_dataUnion membership data set
- validateIt::R4WSItasktestExample R4WSI0 Tasks
- validateIt::allR4WSItasktestExample R4WSI Tasks with Regular and Gold-Standard Tasks
- validateIt::goldR4WSItestExample Gold-Standard R4WSI0 Tasks
- validateIt::heldouttestAn Example Heldout Test Set
- validateIt::keypostedtestExample Answer Keys
- validateIt::masstestAn Example of the Combined Mass for Words with the Same Roots
- validateIt::modtestAn Example Topic Model
- validateIt::recordReform tasks to facilitate sending to Mturk
- validateIt::resultstestExample Results Retrieved from Mturk
- validateIt::stmPreptestAn Example Object of Prepared Documents
- vampyr::vampyr_examplevampyr_example database
- vannstats::GSS2014General Social Survey, 2014
- vannstats::UCR2015Uniform Crime Reports, 2015 (County-Level)
- vannstats::WBBN2019Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, 2019 (Individual-Level)
- vannstats::howell_aids_longHowell Student AIDS Knowledge Data (Long Form)
- vannstats::howell_aids_wideHowell Student AIDS Knowledge Data (Wide Form)
- VAR.spec::VAR.inv.roots.from.det.crossAn example 'data.frame' defining a VAR (Vector autoregression) model.
- VAR.spec::VAR.inv.roots.from.eta.ksi.zetaAn example 'data.frame' defining a VAR model.
- varrank::nassCDSAirbag and other influences on accident fatalities
- VBLPCM::Ysimulated.network
- VBLPCM::aids.netaids blogs data as a "network" object
- VBLPCM::samplikeCumulative network of positive affection within a monastery as a "network" object
- VCA::CA19_9Reproducibility Example Dataset from CLSI EP05-A3
- VCA::GlucoseInermediate Precision Data from CLSI EP05-A3
- VCA::HugeDataHuge Dataset with Three Variables
- VCA::LSMeans_DataDataset for Unit-Testing of LS Means
- VCA::MLreproMulti-Lot Reproducibility Data.
- VCA::OrthodontOrthodont dataset from R-package 'nlme'
- VCA::ReproData1Multi-Site Data for Estimating Reproducibility Precision
- VCA::VCAdata1Simulated Data for Variance Component Analysis.
- VCA::chol2invDataDataset Generating Error in Function 'chol2inv'
- VCA::dataEP05A2_1Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A2 20/2/2 Experiment
- VCA::dataEP05A2_2Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A2 20/2/2 Experiment
- VCA::dataEP05A2_3Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A2 20/2/2 Experiment
- VCA::dataEP05A3_MS_1Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A3 3/5/5 Multi-Site Experiment
- VCA::dataEP05A3_MS_2Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A3 3/5/5 Multi-Site Experiment
- VCA::dataEP05A3_MS_3Simulated Data of a CLSI EP05-A3 3/5/5 Multi-Site Experiment
- VCA::dataRS0003_1Simulated Repeated Measurements Data.
- VCA::dataRS0003_2Simulated Repeated Measurements Data.
- VCA::dataRS0003_3Simulated Repeated Measurements Data.
- VCA::dataRS0005_1Simulated Data of 5/3 Experiment.
- VCA::dataRS0005_2Simulated Data of 5/3 Experiment.
- VCA::dataRS0005_3Simulated Data of 5/3 Experiment.
- VCA::realDataReal-World Data
- VCA::sleepstudysleepstudy dataset from R-package 'lme4'
- vcd::ArthritisArthritis Treatment Data
- vcd::BaseballBaseball Data
- vcd::BrokenMarriageBroken Marriage Data
- vcd::BundesligaErgebnisse der Fussball-Bundesliga
- vcd::Bundestag2005Votes in German Bundestag Election 2005
- vcd::ButterflyButterfly Species in Malaya
- vcd::CoalMinersBreathlessness and Wheeze in Coal Miners
- vcd::DanishWelfareDanish Welfare Study Data
- vcd::EmploymentEmployment Status
- vcd::Federalist'May' in Federalist Papers
- vcd::HittersHitters Data
- vcd::HorseKicksDeath by Horse Kicks
- vcd::HospitalHospital data
- vcd::JobSatisfactionJob Satisfaction Data
- vcd::JointSportsOpinions About Joint Sports
- vcd::LifeboatsLifeboats on the Titanic
- vcd::MSPatientsDiagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
- vcd::NonResponseNon-Response Survey Data
- vcd::OvaryCancerOvary Cancer Data
- vcd::PreSexPre-marital Sex and Divorce
- vcd::PunishmentCorporal Punishment Data
- vcd::RepVictRepeat Victimization Data
- vcd::RochdaleRochdale Data
- vcd::SaxonyFamilies in Saxony
- vcd::SexualFunSex is Fun
- vcd::SpaceShuttleSpace Shuttle O-ring Failures
- vcd::SuicideSuicide Rates in Germany
- vcd::TrucksTruck Accidents Data
- vcd::UKSoccerUK Soccer Scores
- vcd::VisualAcuityVisual Acuity in Left and Right Eyes
- vcd::VonBortVon Bortkiewicz Horse Kicks Data
- vcd::WeldonDiceWeldon's Dice Data
- vcd::WomenQueueWomen in Queues
- vcvComp::TropheusTropheus dataset
- vcvComp::Tropheus.IK.coordTropheus IK coord dataset
- vdar::dataobsSimulated observation data
- vdar::dataobs_codaSimulated observation of compositional data
- vdar::datatrueSimulated true data
- vdar::datatrue_codaSimulated true compositional data
- vdar::uncertaintiesSimulated observation uncertainties
- vdar::uncertainties_codaSimulated observation uncertainties of compositional data
- VDSM::exampleXexampleX
- VDSM::examplefexamplef
- VectorCodeR::samplesample dataset
- vectorsurvR::sample_collectionsSample Mosquito Collections Data
- vectorsurvR::sample_poolsSample Pools Data
- verification::disc.datDiscrimination plot dataset.
- verification::popProbability of precipitation (pop) data.
- verification::precip.ensembleAn ensemble of precipitation forecasts
- verification::prob.frcs.datProbablisitic Forecast Dataset.
- VFP::B2mIntra_98Example Data B2mIntra_98.VFP (Beta-2-microglobulin RIA) from the Variance Function Program 12.0 from Sadler
- VFP::GlucoseExample Data Glucose.VFP from the Variance Function Program 12.0 from Sadler
- VFP::MultiLotReproResultsResult of a Real-World Precsion Experiment on 10 Samples
- VFP::RealData1Result of a Real-World Precsion Experiment on 10 Samples
- VFP::ReproDataSerum Work Area Example Data of a Reproducibility Experiment
- VFP::T4S9_99Example Data T4S9_99.VFP (T4 RIA) from the Variance Function Program 12.0 from Sadler
- vfprogression::vf.cigtsCombined Visual Field Series for General Progression Method
- vfprogression::vf.plr.nouri.2012Combined Visual Field Series for General Progression Method
- vfprogression::vf.schell2014Combined Visual Field Series for General Progression Method
- vfprogression::vf.vfiCombined Visual Field Series for General Progression Method
- vfprogression::vfseriesCombined Visual Field Series for General Progression Method
- VGAMextra::HKdataAir pollution and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular causes, Hong Kong.
- VGAMextra::ap.mxAir pollution Data, Mexico City.
- vietnamcode::vietnamcode_dataVietnam provinces ID
- vimpclust::DataMiceMice Protein Expression Data Set
- vimpclust::HDdataStatlog (Heart) Data Set
- vipor::countiesCensus ata on US counties
- vipor::integrationsData on HIV integration sites from several studies
- VisitorCounts::flickr_userdaysPopularity of Flickr, in User-Days
- VisitorCounts::forest_visitationNational Forest Visitation Photo-User-Days Data.
- VisitorCounts::park_visitationNational Park Visitation Counts and Associated Photo-User-Days Data.
- visualpred::HmdaHome Mortgage Disclosure Act dataset
- visualpred::breastwisconsin1Breast Cancer Winsconsin dataset
- visualpred::nbanba dataset
- visualpred::pimaPima indian diabetes dataset
- visualpred::spiralspiral sample data
- vitality::daphniaSample Daphnia Data
- vitality::rainbow_trout_for_kSample Rainbow Trout Data
- vitality::swedish_femalesSwedish Female Mortality Data
- vocaldia::atddiaA sample Medical Team Meeting dialogue encoded as a vocaldia
- vocaldia::vocmatrixA sample vocalisation matrix
- vottrans::X1Example data X1
- vottrans::Y1Example Data Y1
- vstdct::aquaporinAquaporin Dataset
- vtype::sim_nqc_dataArtificial data, that imitates non-quality controlled data
- vudc::projectdataCommit and Maintainability Data
- washeR::datiData frame of meteorological data
- washeR::tsTime series
- waterYearType::water_year_indicesWater Year Index and Type 1901-2017
- waveband::nmrSample nmr data set
- wavemulcor::xrand1Correlation structural breaks variable 1
- wavemulcor::xrand2Correlation structural breaks variable 2
- wavethresh::BabyECGPhysiological data time series.
- wavethresh::BabySSPhysiological data time series.
- wavethresh::ipdInductance plethysmography data.
- wavethresh::lennonJohn Lennon image.
- wavethresh::teddyPicture of a teddy bear's picnic.
- WayFindR::edgeColorsGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::edgeTypesGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::nodeColorsGPML GraphingR Data
- WayFindR::nodeShapesGPML GraphingR Data
- WCE::drugdataSimulated dataset to illustrate the use of WCE models
- wdnr.gis::service_urlsVarious example data and lookup tables
- wdnr.gis::watershed_lookupVarious example sf polygons
- wdnr.gis::wi_countiesVarious example sf polygons
- wdnr.gis::wi_polyVarious example sf polygons
- weakARMA::CAC40Paris stock exchange
- weakARMA::CAC40returnParis stock exchange return
- weakARMA::CAC40return.sqParis stock exchange square return
- wearables::binary_classifier_configConfiguration of the SVM algorithm for binary classification
- wearables::multiclass_classifier_configConfiguration of the SVM algorithm for ternary classification
- weightedCL::polioPolio cases in USA from Jan 1970 till Dec 1983
- weightedCL::sleepInfant sleep status data
- weightedRank::aBPBinge Drinking and Blood Pressure
- weightedRank::aHDLAlcohol and HDL Cholesterol
- weightedRank::aHDLeHDL Cholesterol and Light Daily Alcohol 2013-2020
- weightedScores::arthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial
- weightedScores::childvisitHospital Visit Data
- weightedScores::toenailThe toenail infection data
- weightr::dat.bangertdrowns2004Studies on the Effectiveness of Writing-to-Learn Interventions
- weightr::dat.gatbStudies of the Predictive Validity of the General Ability Subscale of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
- weightr::dat.smithStudies From Smith, Glass, and Miller's (1980) Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Outcomes
- welchADF::adhdDataChildren's reaction times (milliseconds) to stimuli of different nature, arranged with four response columns.
- welchADF::adhdData2Children's reaction times (milliseconds) to stimuli of different nature, arranged with one single response column and taking the multi-variate response as an explicit within-subjects factor.
- welchADF::miceDataNumber of visits and time spent in different tunnels of laboratory mice
- welchADF::perceptionDataNumber of puzzles 42 students were able to solve
- welchADF::womenStereotypeDataStudents' scores (men and women) on an arithmetic test
- welo::atp_2019ATP matches in 2019
- welo::wta_2019WTA matches in 2019
- wflo::FarmDataData set for wind farm layout optimization.
- WGScan::WGScan.exampleData example for WGScan (A Genome-Wide Scan Statistic Framework For Whole-Genome Sequence Data Analysis)
- WGScan::WGScan.infohg19 chromosome sizes
- whitening::forina1986Forina 1986 Wine Data - Extended UCI Wine Data
- whitening::luscTCGA LUSC Data
- whitening::nutrimouseNutrimouse Data
- whitening::pitprops14Pitprops Correlation Data for 14 Variables
- wikibooks::BundesligaResults and fixtures of the german football-league "Bundesliga"
- wikibooks::Essen.ZeitHow long does it take to give food in nursing home
- wikibooks::Mikrolagerungpressure at sacral-bone: 30 degree vs. micro-positioning
- wikibooks::bsp1Datatable of Example 1
- wikibooks::bsp2Datatable of Example 2
- wikibooks::bsp3Datatable of Example 3
- wikibooks::bsp4Datatable of Example 4
- wikibooks::cmsDataset of an assessment instrument
- wildpoker::wpnotsupportedPoker Games not supported by the wildpoker package
- wildpoker::wpsupportedgamesPoker Games Supported by the wildpoker package
- windAC::carcassDistanceCarcass distance example data set
- windAC::hallingstadData sets from Hallingstad et al. 2018
- windAC::proportionAreaSearchedProportion of area searched example data set
- windAC::turbineSpatialData sets of spatial area searched at a wind farm
- WMAP::SDemo Dataset
- WMAP::XDemo Dataset
- WMAP::YDemo Dataset
- WMAP::ZDemo Dataset
- WMAP::groupNamesDemo Dataset
- WMAP::naturalGroupPropDemo Dataset
- WOAkMedoids::Lightning7Lightning7 Data for Testing
- woeBinning::germancreditGerman Credit Data
- WoodSimulatR::gdp_dataMeans and standard deviations of grade determining properties (GDPs) from literature
- WoodSimulatR::ws_bePredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_be_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_be_tePredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_be_te_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_be_trPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_be_tr_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_tPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_t_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_t_tePredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_t_te_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_t_trPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- WoodSimulatR::ws_t_tr_logfPredefined simbases in WoodSimulatR
- wPerm::bmiDenosumab and Osteoporosis
- wPerm::controlExam Scores for Algebra Control Group
- wPerm::elmendorfElmendorf Tear-Strength Data
- wPerm::energyEnergy Consumption
- wPerm::experimentalExam Scores for Algebra Experimental Group
- wPerm::learningSocial Class and Nursery-Rhyme Knowledge
- wPerm::relig.and.edReligiosity and Education
- wPerm::salaryFaculty Salaries
- wPerm::selfSelf-Concept and Sightedness
- wPerm::spouse.agesAges of Married People
- wPerm::waterWater Price vs Distance from Museum
- WQM::NWP.rainAustralia NWP rainfall forecasts at lead 1h over Sydney region
- WQM::sampleSample data: Rainfall forecasts data
- wqs::WQSdataSimulated data to test WQS
- WRI::strokeCTdensityStroke data: clinical, radiological scalar variables and density curves of the hematoma of 393 stroke patients
- wsbackfit::infectPostoperative Infection Data.
- wskm::fgkm.sampleSample dataset to illustrate the fgkm algorithm.
- wskm::twkm.sampleSample dataset to test the twkm algorithm.
- WWGbook::autismautism data in Chapter 6
- WWGbook::classroomclassroom data in Chapter 4
- WWGbook::rat.brainrat.brain data in Chapter 5
- WWGbook::ratpupratpup data in Chapter 3
- WWGbook::veneerveneer data in Chapter 7
- XDNUTS::viscosityBlood viscosity data
- Xplortext::open.questionOpen.question (data)
- YEAB::DD_dataDelay Discounting Data
- YEAB::dd_exampleAn example dataset of delays and normalized subjective values
- YEAB::fi60_raw_from_medRaw Fixed Interval Data
- YEAB::gauss_exampleGaussian Example Data
- YEAB::gauss_example_1Gaussian Example 1 Data
- YEAB::gauss_example_2Gaussian Example 2 Data
- YEAB::hyp_dataSimulated Data for Hyperbolic Discounting
- YEAB::hyp_data_listHypothetical dataset list for testing purposes
- YEAB::r_timesReaction Times from Peak Procedure
- YieldCurve::ECBYieldCurveYield curve data spot rate, AAA-rated bonds, maturities from 3 months to 30 years
- YieldCurve::FedYieldCurveFederal Reserve interest rates
- zetadiv::Marion.envMarion Island Environmental Dataset
- zetadiv::Marion.speciesMarion Island Species Presence-Absence Dataset
- zetadiv::bird.env.coarseSouth-East Australia Environmental Dataset at Coarse Scale
- zetadiv::bird.env.fineSouth-East Australia Environmental Dataset at Fine Scale
- zetadiv::bird.spec.coarseAustralia Bird Atlas Species Occurrence Dataset at Coarse Scale over South-East Australia
- zetadiv::bird.spec.fineAustralia Bird Atlas Species Occurrence Dataset at Fine Scale over South-East Australia
- zfa::zfa.exampleExample data for zfa
- zic::docvisitsDemand for Health Care Data
- ZINAR1::PghTractsDrug Offenses
- ZINARp::slesionsSkin lesions dataset
- ZIPBayes::datasimToy example data - main study only
- ZIPBayes::datasimExtToy example data - main study and external validation study
- ZIPBayes::datasimIntToy example data - main study and internal validation study
- zoib::AlcoholUseCalifornia County-level Teenager Monthly Alcohol Use data
- zoib::BiRepeatedData from a correlated bivariate beta distribution with repeated measures
- zoib::GasolineYieldGasoline Yields Data
- zoomGroupStats::sample_batch_infoParsed batch info file in a recorded 'Zoom' meeting
- zoomGroupStats::sample_chat_processedParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting
- zoomGroupStats::sample_chat_sentiment_awsParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using AWS
- zoomGroupStats::sample_chat_sentiment_syuParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using syuzhet
- zoomGroupStats::sample_transcript_processedParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting.
- zoomGroupStats::sample_transcript_sentiment_awsParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with AWS-based sentiment analysis.
- zoomGroupStats::sample_transcript_sentiment_syuParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with syuzhet-based sentiment analysis.