{"Mounting":"Sealed and Isolated from Sheath","TypicalTimeConstantSec":75,"Pros":"excellent for applications where stray EMFs would affect the reading and for frequent or rapid temperature cycling","Cons":"","Comments":"Good relatively trouble-free arrangement, slow response time."} {"Mounting":"Sealed and Grounded to Sheath","TypicalTimeConstantSec":40,"Pros":"recommended in the presence of liquids, moisture, gas or high pressure. The wire is protected from corrosive or erosive conditions.","Cons":"","Comments":"Can cause ground loops and other noise injection, but provides a reasonable time constant and a sealed enclosure."} {"Mounting":"Exposed Bead","TypicalTimeConstantSec":15,"Pros":"","Cons":"","Comments":"Faster response time constant, but lacks mechanical and chemical protection, and electrical isolation from material being measured. The porous insulating mineral oxides must be sealed."} {"Mounting":"Exposed Fast Response","TypicalTimeConstantSec":2,"Pros":"","Cons":"thermocouple wires unprotected against corrosive or mechanical damage.","Comments":"Fastest response time constant, in addition to problems of the exposed bead type, the protruding and light construction makes the thermocouple more prone to physical damage."} {"Mounting":"Exposed Fast Response with fine gauge of junction wire","TypicalTimeConstantSec":0.01,"Pros":"","Cons":"","Comments":""}