{"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't have a car, a license or the code.","never_plane_text":"I like to travel and I would like to see my mother from time to time who lives 3000km from me.","loan_text":"I find that borrowing will be more advantageous for me economically speaking and then it doesn't bother me at all not to be the owner of an object that has no sentimental value, which I will only use once anyway.","second_hand_text":"I love buying second-hand clothes, it's a bit like a treasure hunt. Plus, it costs less. However, certain situations, especially when buying gifts, lead me to buy clothes in stores. In addition, I sometimes have a weakness for a certain item of clothing that is only available in stores.","unpackaged_text":"Some products have no equivalent without packaging or for those that do or passable products whose purchase simply depends on my individual pleasure, it is an easy choice to make. Example: I no longer buy Waouh crepe even if it hurts my little heart.","local_products_text":"I am able to do it but it would change my lifestyle. In particular, I would have to adapt to cooking only with seasonal fruits and vegetables and this can be restrictive when you have a specific dish in mind.","turn off_text":"This will decrease my energy impact so that's good. The only constraint is my laptop where I sometimes have pages open that I want/need to keep open.","drop_temperature_text":"Just think about it. I don't mind putting on a sweater when I'm in my room and when my extremities are cold, I just have to stick to the radiator.","vegan_text":"I am already almost vegetarian, I eat fish but rarely. The only constraint is that I can no longer eat cheese and eggs or cereals because these are foods that I like to eat. I can't do without a bowl of cereal if the opportunity arises. The economic constraint does not bother me as much as the fact of having to do without non-vegan foods in what I eat.","linen_text":"It costs me less money and despite the fact that my room smells musty throughout the day, I tell myself that all I have to do is open a window to air it out.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't have a car and have always used public transport without it bothering me. It's not necessarily a waste of time, I can keep myself busy during the journeys.","never_plane_text":"Traveling is one of the things I love to do the most, and it would sadden me not to be able to discover new things around the world, to be stuck in one territory.","loan_text":"This allows you to save money, to gain space at home. In addition, you can share a lot of things mutually, this can create social bonds.","second_hand_text":"I'm not interested in fashion, going to stores bores me deeply and I don't like buying for the sake of buying and having material goods.","unpackaged_text":"For some products I can do it like for flour, eggs, pasta. But sometimes the packaging is practical for storing the products.","local_products_text":"I am willing to do it, it can help diversify your knowledge of little-known seasonal fruits and vegetables. Some exotic products may be missing, such as mango, but it is possible to find other alternatives and still eat well.","turn off_text":"It can take a while to get some devices up and running again, but it still saves energy and it's not too much of a hassle, we're just a bit impatient sometimes because everything has to go quickly, but I think I can get used to it very quickly","drop_temperature_text":"I already do it, it saves energy, and it's nice to wear clothes that sometimes keep you much warmer than heating. Plus it can reduce thermal shock when you go out in the cold.","vegan_text":"My food tastes are complicated, some vegetables disgust me. However, seasoned properly it can be done. The most restrictive would be to do without foods that I really like taste-wise and that I might miss.","linen_text":"I already do it, I don't mind, I enjoy taking the time to hang my laundry while listening to podcasts or music.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I am able to do it because it is not complicated to find someone to share a ride whether it is to cross the country or go shopping And it is also more economical On the other hand it requires always taking the initiative to look for carpoolers which can become a certain waste of time and energy in the long run","never_plane_text":"I can't apply this habit first for economic reasons, because for every trip I had to make a little far the plane is the cheapest option while being the fastest, otherwise I would take the train every time without problem. From a more personal point of view I would have a hard time depriving myself forever of the opportunity to be able to visit other countries and other cultures punctually, which only the plane allows for a limited period. That said, with more organization and more budget I think it would be possible for me to implement it in the future.","loan_text":"It seems much simpler to me than buying equipment every time, having to find out about the best choice, wasting money on it and then storing it at home. The only constraint is having to travel, but that seems normal to me and I live quite close to DIY stores that can offer this service.","second_hand_text":"This is something I already do and find quite simple. One of the main constraints is the presence of second-hand shops where I am but I have always managed to do it and there is now a lot of choice online too. Otherwise it generally comes down to buying clothes normally with a little less choice but generally either cheaper or more durable so it is also a saving in the long term.","unpackaged_text":"I already do it, I think it's difficult to set up at the beginning while you get used to the choice available (which is necessarily limited) and to adapt in terms of cooking.","local_products_text":"I already do it, it just required me to look for recipes to change my daily diet.","turn off_text":"I'm already used to doing it so I don't see any benefit or constraint, it's just become a reflex.","drop_temperature_text":"I already do it, the only constraint was to change the temperature in the morning and evening before I had a thermostat","vegan_text":"I almost do it already, the main constraint is when I'm not at home and I hadn't planned to eat outside, the options available are generally not completely plant-based. I should organize myself more.","linen_text":"I already do this because I find it faster than going to a laundromat to get access to a dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Even if it may seem restrictive, especially in terms of extending travel times, making detours and therefore consuming petrol, I find it interesting to share your journey with other people to meet and share. In addition to this, if everyone did it there would be fewer cars on the road and therefore fewer traffic jams.","never_plane_text":"Despite the impact on the climate, I have always loved traveling and given the prices of other means of transport (train, bus), it is not possible for me to change my means of transport all the time. Even if I try to limit the number of plane trips, it should also be noted that the plane is a fast means of transport compared to the train or the bus and as trips are often limited by time, it does not seem possible for me today to take other means of transport all the time.","loan_text":"This would mean that I would pay less for the tools rather than buying new ones (which I would not use often), which is why it seems quite easy to put this habit into place.","second_hand_text":"Second-hand clothing websites are already very widespread, as well as many thrift stores in cities. So it has never been difficult for me to find clothes, and that is also why I have already established this habit. In addition, I think that second-hand clothing resale websites will become more popular in the coming years, making the choices even greater.","unpackaged_text":"Bulk shelves are growing more and more, even if the choices are still not as large as for packaged products, it seems to be possible to find a lot of products in bulk, which makes it easier to establish this habit.","local_products_text":"In order for me to change this habit, I would need to have more knowledge about local and seasonal products, in particular to have more recipe books on how to cook them. Indeed, exotic products are sometimes products that are easy to cook, that we have in our daily lives and therefore to do without these products would mean that we would have to relearn how to cook knowing that sometimes we do not have time to cook, or to learn new recipes all the time. On the other hand, doing without these products at several times a year or limiting my consumption seems to me to be a habit that I could put in place.","turn off_text":"If at first I might have difficulty establishing this habit because I will forget, once it is anchored in my daily actions, this habit does not seem restrictive and easy to establish, especially if I know that it has an impact on global warming.","drop_temperature_text":"It all depends on the temperature at home, but a degree less doesn't necessarily have much impact and putting on a sweater or two doesn't seem restrictive to me if I'm at home.","vegan_text":"Even if a strictly plant-based diet can be beneficial for health, it seems difficult to implement until this diet is developed in collective restaurants, in restaurants. Indeed, especially for canteens etc., this would involve bringing your own meal knowing that you don't necessarily have time to prepare several meals in the evening when you get home. But I like the idea of learning new recipes, as for my part, I mainly cook plant-based. The other problem with this diet is that some products are expensive and are not necessarily affordable for everyone.","linen_text":"I can always find solutions to make it take up less space, to reorganize my space. In addition, the clothes are no longer necessarily damaged by the dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"It is quite difficult to have to get used to other people's schedules, except for people in my family there can be unforeseen events and given the current health context it is more difficult to take strangers in our car.","never_plane_text":"I have never flown and it doesn't bother me, I mainly travel in France by car or train.","loan_text":"It would be possible to set it up for objects that I use occasionally, for example I already borrow from friends or acquaintances. If it is occasional I do not mind not being the owner of the object, it even allows me to save money. It also allows me to use tools that are rarely used more often, we increase their usefulness.","second_hand_text":"I already try to do this habit as much as possible but for some clothes I prefer to buy new for example shoes since they have to adapt to the shape of our feet and everything depends on the quality of the second hand and for some items second hand can be more expensive than buying new.","unpackaged_text":"It's a restrictive habit because you always have to have containers on you and this is not often the case but if it's necessary you can prepare lists in advance and have your containers before going shopping head to the bulk sections (just know how to redirect your choice of stores)","local_products_text":"It is very restrictive because given my vegetarian diet it would mean that I would reduce my choice of fruits and vegetables, plus I would no longer have access to chocolate or other pleasure products (I have already reduced other animal products that I liked).","turn off_text":"It's a bit of a hassle since you have to think about it all the time, but in itself it's very quick to do, it won't take much longer.","drop_temperature_text":"It's very annoying when it's very cold in winter but I don't mind if we can reduce our impact and save money at the same time, I'm on collective heating and I can't really control the temperature so I adapt.","vegan_text":"I already have a vegetarian diet and even if it is quite complicated at the beginning, it is still doable if our timeless values take precedence over our taste pleasure which is, itself, momentary but for certain foods like dairy products it can be more difficult to replace.","linen_text":"I do this often, I don't use a dryer with my family, we all put the laundry out to dry together.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"When I am at school I do not use a car When I am at home it could be restrictive to make unexpected and sudden journeys It requires organization But it allows you to be in contact with other people it is positive","never_plane_text":"I find it very restrictive because tourism and discovering other cultures is important to me. It requires organization. The benefits are that I would be proud to reduce my carbon footprint by finding other (perhaps innovative) solutions for traveling.","loan_text":"I find it restrictive because it requires organization and time. You have to think in advance about the equipment you need and travel to get it. I find it beneficial because it saves space and money.","second_hand_text":"I find this difficult to do because second hand clothes can be very expensive and I have difficulty finding clothes that I like. I find it beneficial because I would be more attentive to my purchases and therefore I would be happier to buy an item.","unpackaged_text":"I could do it but I find it very restrictive because you have to have a large quantity of containers, go to specialist stores that aren't everywhere and not have much choice. I find it beneficial because it would allow me to limit my waste and therefore take out my trash less often. It's also more aesthetic. It requires taking note of the cooking instructions beforehand which is restrictive.","local_products_text":"I find it difficult today to stop drinking tea, chocolate for example. But I hope to be able to do it in the future.","turn off_text":"I find it restrictive because it requires thinking about it every day. But I find that the benefits outweigh the constraints. It saves money, which is beneficial.","drop_temperature_text":"I find it restrictive because the cold is not pleasant sometimes but I find it beneficial from an economic point of view and it is comfortable to have thick clothes.","vegan_text":"I am vegetarian but since I eat in the canteen and I don't have time to work on my recipes so that my needs are met, I find it difficult. This is beneficial because the contributions of certain plant foods are beneficial for health.","linen_text":"I have very little space in my room so I find this difficult. But it saves money and does not deteriorate the quality of the clothes.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"I do not have a car","never_plane_text":"If there is a roughly equivalent way I avoid the plane, otherwise it will not make me give up on vacations. I also limit my vacations: I will not take more than 2 plane trips per year!","loan_text":"also an economic advantage","second_hand_text":"very restrictive but it's a habit that I'm trying to get into more and more","unpackaged_text":"I still pay a minimum of attention to ensure that the products I buy are not too over-packaged.","local_products_text":"I do it as much as possible","turn off_text":"It makes a tiny difference but it's better than nothing.","drop_temperature_text":"We've always heated very little at home so it seems natural to me: in winter we wear our sweaters inside too!","vegan_text":"Eating meat in moderation is not dangerous for the climate","linen_text":"When we are not pressed for time or space I do it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the 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one-off and sudden events I do not have time to plan a carpool.","never_plane_text":"I will potentially need it for my studies or my professional career","loan_text":"It's often more cost-effective and the equipment doesn't clutter me up afterwards like that.","second_hand_text":"For technical clothing or underwear I prefer to buy new","unpackaged_text":"It allows me to have to be more creative in the kitchen.","local_products_text":"I can do without flying a lawyer across the planet for my own pleasure.","turn off_text":"The devices wear out less quickly, there is less visual pollution at night in my home","drop_temperature_text":"I reduce my energy consumption and I reduce my energy bill","vegan_text":"Pleasure is important in my diet","linen_text":"I plan my laundry better so I don't run out of clothes.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I 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restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"Environment / possibility of using other means of transport","loan_text":"Avoid keeping everything","second_hand_text":"Easier to find clothes that aren't second-hand","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"For some seasons, we may lack certain products","turn off_text":"Avoid overconsumption","drop_temperature_text":"Avoid overconsumption","vegan_text":"I want to continue eating meat even if I reduce my consumption","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Tolls are expensive, gasoline is expensive, helping others is cool, fewer cars equals fewer traffic jams equals less pollution","never_plane_text":"The plane is bad and I'm afraid it will explode","loan_text":"It costs less to ask your neighbor for a drill than to buy one.","second_hand_text":"Fast fashion is no longer possible","unpackaged_text":"Plastic is bad","local_products_text":"Local is better and it pollutes less","turn off_text":"Energy saving","drop_temperature_text":"I don't put the heating on","vegan_text":"For my personal health above all","linen_text":"In a 9 square meter it is just impossible","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't have a licenseIt's sad all this fuel for 1","never_plane_text":"No domestic flights, maximize train and boat, but I want to see the world. 8 hours of train alone is fine for me, if I'm not alone it's a choice we make together","loan_text":"I don't have a license and live outside Rennes, the journeys are generally much too long. In general I play the macgiver","second_hand_text":"I am very picky about clothes and I don't like to throw things away. I would rather wear a pair of very worn jeans than buy a new one.","unpackaged_text":"I don't do it yet because I'm still collecting containers, and the problem is that supermarkets aren't always adapted to bring jars or anything.","local_products_text":"I am very picky about food, depriving myself sometimes can put me in danger. I limit exotic products as much as possible but I take them from time to time","turn off_text":"Fear of electrical fire and energy saving","drop_temperature_text":"I prefer to live in the cool than the warm, sweaters are not made to decorate the wardrobes. The problem is to make others accept it","vegan_text":"I am very picky about food, depriving myself of meat would be risky, even if I try to limit it. At the restaurant, I often have the choice between 1 dish, which I often have modified, so no meat is no","linen_text":"Before living in Rennes, the dryer was only for towels. Now I don't have the space and I have too much humidity to be able to do it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"independence but above all speed and comfort of life","never_plane_text":"Traveling is nice but we pollute a lot like that for a trip that is ultimately optional (unlike, often, the car)","loan_text":"not too restrictive","second_hand_text":"Personally, style is very secondary, so ecological and cheaper clothes are what people want. The only constraint is finding the right size.","unpackaged_text":"many products do not exist in bulk or are not centralized (lots of different shops to visit and unfortunately, we tend to run out of time)","local_products_text":"full turnip in winter, well, there you go, but we'll survive it","turn off_text":"little impact it seems to me? the standby is efficient I think","drop_temperature_text":"we all have an extra sweatshirt","vegan_text":"good for the planet, complicated for health (not everyone agrees on that, of course) and especially for the comfort of life but we can already limit","linen_text":"out of habit I let it air dry","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"My job doesn't allow me to do it. On the other hand, for the personal, if it's from time to time it would be possible. Given that the key word here is \"never\" I indicated that I am not able to do it","never_plane_text":"For short trips I take my time but our planet has so many beautiful things to show us that it would be a shame not to see them under the pretext that we take the plane at most once a year and even then. In addition, this means of travel remains expensive and not everyone can afford it.","loan_text":"This would be one of the simplest things to implement. If we look at the economic side, it is a bonus since the loan system often comes out cheaper than buying a new object that we might use and which will have had the consequence of drawing on the planet's resources.","second_hand_text":"The key word here is only. The fact is that some people like me do not have a conforming size and can therefore only buy certain models. If in addition the choice had to be limited it would complicate dressing enormously. The solution would rather be to encourage people to keep their things as long as possible and not throw them away or whatever after a few months","unpackaged_text":"You can also take the quantities you want, which avoids waste. Transporting your containers is not very restrictive.","local_products_text":"I would be able to do it if it wasn't only local. Having to reduce your consumption of exotic fruits completely, give them up completely, no. Especially since I take my own case but I am quite picky about fruits, especially in winter, hence the fact that I eat a lot of exotic fruits","turn off_text":"I already do it every vacation. A reminder on the phone to avoid forgetting and it ends up becoming a habit.","drop_temperature_text":"I already do it at home. We can add to that a programming of the radiators so lower by 2 or 3 degrees when we are not at home and heat 1 hour before arriving.","vegan_text":"I personally prefer the flexitarian diet of quality but less often. Pastures for domestic animals are of quite high interest for biodiversity, stopping them or reducing them significantly could have an impact on certain wild species. Also think that if the whole world became vegetarian, the consumption of cereals and plants would be the same, therefore deforestation and disappearance of environments in favor of crops, etc.","linen_text":"No dryer at home so already in place. More economical less energy-consuming. In any case not all clothes necessarily go in the dryer so its usefulness is less","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"The journey goes by faster with several people but is accompanied by a feeling of constraint and loss of freedom when you have to constantly adapt to someone else's schedule.","never_plane_text":"Monetary advantages and time savings compared to the train, car or bus. Especially when you often travel abroad to see family.","loan_text":"Benefit of not having to buy something that you hardly use, thus saving money and space when you have a small apartment.","second_hand_text":"Economic and environmental advantages, anyway I can't find clothes that I like in stores or on the internet in general either.","unpackaged_text":"I always forget to bring my containers... Not yet super common in supermarkets or generally expensive enough","local_products_text":"Quite restrictive to have to deprive yourself but you can always replace it with something local","turn off_text":"It also helps prevent long-term damage to devices and reduces the risk of fire when you go on vacation.","drop_temperature_text":"Blankets are soft and comfortable.","vegan_text":"Doable in periods, but sticking to it strictly involves having to supplement and deprive yourself for too long periods for me.","linen_text":"I have always been used to hearing the laundry in my home or apartment, it also helps to humidify the ambient air when you have minor respiratory problems.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Benefit: reimburses part of the journey with bla bla car, not being aloneConstraint: stress with time, potential detours","never_plane_text":"Benefit: good for the planetConstraint: very limited travel!","loan_text":"Benefit: cheaper, no hassle of buyingConstraints: having to return it by a specific date","second_hand_text":"Second-hand clothes are too hard to find and you have to buy new underwear.","unpackaged_text":"Some products are required to have packaging, this allows them to be preserved longer and protected. I agree, however, for certain products","local_products_text":"Local products in the majority but some exotic fruits for the diversity of the meal","turn off_text":"It's great, it saves electricity too","drop_temperature_text":"It's already cold in my houseI'd rather say turn down the heat and make a fireplace instead","vegan_text":"Need meat, fish or eggs milk to have good nutrition.Benefit less greenhouse gas emissionsSolution reduce meat consumption but not stop","linen_text":"Very good except for the towels which no longer have the same texture","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"No car","never_plane_text":"I like to travel but rarely","loan_text":"I buy little equipment that I rarely use.","second_hand_text":"I buy few clothes when I do I like to buy certain specific t-shirts","unpackaged_text":"I buy what I need, no matter the packaging, I take the first one I see.","local_products_text":"I buy out of habit in certain departments so I'm just lazy.","turn off_text":"I never turn off my wifi box out of laziness, same for my phone, I always use it","drop_temperature_text":"It's already like that at home, it's horrible, but that's life.","vegan_text":"I love meat too much","linen_text":"The dryer is much too practical","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Professional constraints","never_plane_text":"Constraints of long distance travel","loan_text":"Economic and practical benefits","second_hand_text":"Do not know","unpackaged_text":"Not practical","local_products_text":"Local Business BenefitsConstraints of Certain Fruity Pleasures","turn off_text":"Ecology","drop_temperature_text":"Ecology","vegan_text":"Societal constraint and constraint of certain mealtime pleasures","linen_text":"No constraints","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I only drive very rarely, when I go home to my parents, so I can transport my parents or friends when I need to drive","never_plane_text":"I limit plane travel as much as possible, but for a break abroad (Canada) there is no choiceIn almost all cases, I replace it with the boat or the train which is enough to travel occasionally","loan_text":"It's cheaper and there are ways to do it without going too far for a city like Rennes","second_hand_text":"It's easier to find stores with new clothes or order online, but I'll try to do a bit of both.","unpackaged_text":"It's cheaper, and the stores are better equipped.","local_products_text":"It's cheaper, and we support local producers, you just have to adapt your diet","turn off_text":"With a power strip with switch, it's very simple and quick","drop_temperature_text":"We cover ourselves anyway in winter, but it can be a problem if the apartment is humid.","vegan_text":"I am vegetarian, there are more and more solutions for eating outside even for vegans and it is easy when you cook yourself","linen_text":"There's no room for a tumble dryer in a student apartment, but in a damp apartment it's annoying.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Possible because you can easily find people who take the same route as you on a daily basis and it's not a huge change to make. The constraints would be the difficulty of finding an agreement on the route (making detours for example) or even being ready to sometimes spend more time going to work or going home. You also have to trust (carpooling is sometimes scary)","never_plane_text":"Trying to fly at least is feasible but it quickly limits the possibilities. It would involve staying on the same continent (some journeys are impossible by boat or much too long) and today it seems unrealistic to me (at least personally)","loan_text":"Sometimes it seems easier to me to borrow things than to buy them. But you still have to think that you have to be ready to use something that belongs to others, to trust and not have the object in question directly at hand.","second_hand_text":"Buying second-hand is now easier and easier and often cheaper. Of course, you can't always find exactly what you want, but there is much more choice today applications, thrift store. This is only sometimes disturbing for certain types of clothing underwear, shoes, sportswear","unpackaged_text":"It requires a lot of organization, time especially at the beginning I think and it involves changing your eating habits no processed food. This is achievable but requires more thought and also cooking more even if it is ultimately beneficial for health and the environment","local_products_text":"Difficult for certain occasions when we are tempted to buy exotic fruits for example. But given the price we rarely buy them anyway","turn off_text":"It's quite easy and doesn't take very long to do, but you just have to think about it (set an alarm or something)","drop_temperature_text":"Not complicated at all personally. I don't see any real constraint there.","vegan_text":"It is difficult to stop eating cheese and requires supplements to avoid deficiencies.","linen_text":"I have never used a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Less carbon dioxide emissions","never_plane_text":"Family abroad and desire to live abroad","loan_text":"Costs less","second_hand_text":"Buy some things second hand but not everything","unpackaged_text":"You have to find stores that sell a lot of bulk items.","local_products_text":"Comes back cheaper","turn off_text":"Easy to do","drop_temperature_text":"It's already cold at my place","vegan_text":"Hard to change","linen_text":"Habit since always","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I live in a small village so there are a lot of trips where no one goes but if the opportunity arises it is always better to take someone especially for long tripsBut I don't think it is possible all the time","never_plane_text":"Possible but restrictive for certain journeys such as going abroad to do an internship, you have to plan and have alternatives","loan_text":"The journey should not be too long Saving money No need to store","second_hand_text":"Economic benefitClimate","unpackaged_text":"Not binding on a producer's marketSome products can be difficult to find without packaging, especially hygienic and medicalRequires time to cook","local_products_text":"It's hard to do without products that we're used to eating: chocolate","turn off_text":"You just have to think about it","drop_temperature_text":"EconomyHard to adjust if you have heating with a fireplace","vegan_text":"Skipping meat is possible but not all animal products","linen_text":"Economy (1 euro per drying) Just need spreading Less wrinkled laundry Takes a little more time","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"constraint of GHG emissions by individual transport and lack of flexibility benefit of user-friendliness","never_plane_text":"travel locally, discover nearby countries, slow tourism that is more responsible and less \"consumerist\", travel by train","loan_text":"sharing, solidarity, conviviality, meetings vs. compulsive purchases, clutter","second_hand_text":"choose clothes that I really like and that I will wear for a long time, clothes already used = no carbon footprint for production, reuse what already exists","unpackaged_text":"purchases based on available products, fewer processed food products, more local and short circuit, pretty shelves full of jars rather than plastic packaging with simpler, more sober packaging","local_products_text":"satisfaction of knowing where the product comes from, how it was produced, cultivated, transformed, therefore transparency! connection to the territory and the terroir, appreciating the products that grow at home, supporting small producers, limiting transport","turn off_text":"benefit: what consumes less energy also costs less","drop_temperature_text":"It's the opportunity to take out your beautiful woolen socks and walk around in a pled, we appreciate a hot shower all the more","vegan_text":"reduce GHG emissions from livestock farming, put an end to animal suffering and livestock farming aimed at the exploitation and death of animals and often carried out in not very good conditionssubstitute with less local plant-based foods, undermine a sector that can be local, responsible and respectful of animals and allow the management of landscapes and biodiversity, possibility of deficiency","linen_text":"practical, aesthetic and economical! but you need to have a room separate from your kitchen to hang out the washing or not to make onions while it dries","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I need freedom of movement and to be able to go where I want when I want.","never_plane_text":"I already rarely fly so it wouldn't change much. But the word never used in the question is not what I would have used.","loan_text":"This could avoid overproduction by sharing hardware","second_hand_text":"I like to dress according to my tastes","unpackaged_text":"I try to do it for some products why not extend it to a large majority","local_products_text":"I try to buy local but the prices are often prohibitive for tight budgets.","turn off_text":"It is a matter of common sense","drop_temperature_text":"Cost reduction","vegan_text":"I have already reduced my consumption of animal products but I do not want to switch to completely plant-based because I like certain animal products.","linen_text":"I already apply it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Making short trips together with several people (going shopping, going to work, etc.) is something easy to set up (and interests me more) and brings many benefits (environmental, economic, etc.), however, in the case of a very specific trip where finding someone to carpool is too difficult (a fairly rare but existing situation), then making the trip alone is possible.","never_plane_text":"Since flying is very polluting, limiting it as much as possible is quite easy to decide (making as many journeys as possible by train or carpooling). But taking the plane exceptionally (max 1 time every 3 years) can nevertheless be considered.","loan_text":"If people in the neighborhood (student residence context) have the object, I have no interest in buying. And if no one has it, I only buy as a last resort, and I also agree to lend the equipment to others","second_hand_text":"Accessing second-hand clothes is quite difficult, however I buy clothes that can last several years.","unpackaged_text":"Many products are simply not available in bulk at the moment.","local_products_text":"Buying locally has a strong impact on reducing GHG emissions","turn off_text":"If everything is centralized (multi-socket type), the operation is very easy, and when going on vacation it is also safer (no more risk of power surges or other)","drop_temperature_text":"When the thermostat is easy to adjust, keeping the home at 18.5C is easy, hassle-free and saves a lot of money.","vegan_text":"I prefer to limit meat-type products (without banning them completely), while selecting as much as possible for quality, local produce and environmental impact (so reducing beef more than poultry).","linen_text":"Easy to do when you have enough space at home (and it is allowed), with very big energy savings","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I go to work by public transport or by bike. But I take my car to go shopping.","never_plane_text":"I still allow myself to go on a long holiday, which is impossible without taking a plane or a 2-month holiday to include the journey and the option of a short trip to France by plane if the train is too long.","loan_text":"No example for now Loan of a particular tool","second_hand_text":"Not possible for underwear, and indeed limited choice, my budget does not impose it on me so it is not a purchasing habit, but I am not against it from time to time","unpackaged_text":"Bulk cereal purchases often contaminated by butterfly worms so I limit to a few products in small quantities Little choice. On the other hand I try to select products without \"too much\" packaging, not plastic in cardboard...","local_products_text":"I rarely buy fresh exotic fruits, but there are some in processed products. If they are produced in France, I wait for the right season to buy them.","turn off_text":"I do it for the holidays for television and box, and every day for the other power strips","drop_temperature_text":"I live in a residence with collective heating, no way to adjust the temperature, but my previous home had a setting, in winter I heated to 20 during the day and at night the boiler was off, minimum set temperature 17","vegan_text":"I eat very little meat, and no animal protein every day, let's say five days a week on one of the main meals Not an option for the moment to eliminate dairy products and eggs. I choose organic","linen_text":"No dryer, but I can understand the usefulness for a large family","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"I live in a rural area part of the time, I can't get around otherwise and I have great anxiety about public transport.","never_plane_text":"I don't feel the need to take a plane to travel.","loan_text":"It also saves me from spending on tools I don't use often.","second_hand_text":"I sometimes have trouble finding what I need in second-hand clothes, due to the presentation of the sites I use I try to limit my purchases","unpackaged_text":"I am a student so I buy where I can, I try to reduce packaging when I make my product selection","local_products_text":"I try to consume local products as much as possible and to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I can indulge in exotic products.","turn off_text":"I don't usually like to leave my stuff plugged in, but I can forget it sometimes.","drop_temperature_text":"I reduce my bill","vegan_text":"I generally consume very local products, I know the breeders and I avoid buying in supermarkets.","linen_text":"I don't have a tumble dryer so my laundry usually air dries, unless there are time constraints.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"sharing the cost of travel reduction in the number of cars and therefore potential traffic jams","never_plane_text":"I have never taken a plane and will try not to lots of things to visit and discover near us the train is cool (but much too expensive)","loan_text":"If I don't use it often, I might as well borrow or rent it, plus it saves money and space at home.","second_hand_text":"discounted price unique style/clothing best quality impossible to buy no second hand now shein etc fast fashion is really horrible","unpackaged_text":"I already do bulk shoppingI made fabric bagsI try to buy less hyper-packaged stuff like individually wrapped cakesoften cheaper in bulkless waste","local_products_text":"super hard to resist (avocado is really good) so little indulgences 2 or 3 times a yearhuge impact of transport","turn off_text":"not hard","drop_temperature_text":"already done, lots of big sweaters and big socks saving money and electricity","vegan_text":"dur","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"My travel schedules are quite precise and it is often impossible for me to adapt to the schedules of the people with whom I could carpool. Being in prep school, I have a fairly restricted schedule and being independent allows me to manage my journeys as best I can for myself. Now I am not at all closed to that on the contrary, and when I have more flexibility on that it will be with pleasure and more regularity that I will do it","never_plane_text":"Without traveling 4 times a year 8,000 km from home, which has a big ecological impact, traveling remains important for our culture, for our leisure activities, so not leaving at all seems difficult to achieve. Now, it is possible to go abroad and discover without taking a plane, but in my opinion (I don't have enough information to be sure of what I'm saying) taking a 3-hour plane ride with 250 other passengers is not so huge compared to an 8-hour journey by individual car","loan_text":"Living in the countryside, it is easy for me to find people in my neighborhood who have the tools I need occasionally. The loan system is very advantageous, it allows you to reduce consumption, reduce costs and travel. It's all good","second_hand_text":"It's not my habit, it's a shame I admit. I need to feel good and confident in my skin, and for that I need to wear clothes that I find beautiful and that enhance me. Wearing second-hand doesn't bother me, if I find something I like. My mother had it done for me when I was younger, but now I find it more difficult.","unpackaged_text":"The bulk system is very interesting, bringing my own packaging is not so restrictive, and for me the reduction of plastic and disposable packaging really needs to be done, because it is in my opinion one of the biggest pains. Now if the choices are lacking, it can happen that bulk reaches its limits","local_products_text":"Eating habits are very hard to change, especially when you're a student I find. Lack of time, money and energy to deeply change this type of habit. For products that can come from France, from nearby areas (so excluding bananas, avocados etc...) I strongly favor local and seasonal products, because they are of better quality and their production has less impact on the environment","turn off_text":"Some devices are sometimes difficult to turn off completely, and if they can be turned off, sometimes difficult to restart. I try to leave as few things as possible on standby, even if it means unplugging them completely. It also helps reduce the electricity bill a little.","drop_temperature_text":"I'm always warm anyway, and I'd rather wear a sweater in a colder room than live in a very heated room. Apparently it's also better for your health so that's great: In the same way as before, it can also reduce costs","vegan_text":"It seems to me that strictly plant-based is not necessarily less impactful than meat from sustainable and well-managed breeding. In both productions, the environmental impacts can be enormous, it is simply a question of selecting quality products that are the least harmful to the environment, whether meat or plant-based. In addition, strictly plant-based imposes many constraints because certain animal products such as eggs or milk are present in a lot of recipes. Finally, I have the idea (I could be wrong) that a strictly plant-based diet is made up of foods that are less easily grown in France, more restrictive to grow, and which may come from imports and therefore also have impacts.","linen_text":"With a minimum of organization, air drying is the best solution and is not that hard to set up. No energy is used, no cost, only time. This does not prevent me from using the dryer if it is really necessary, in really humid weather or if I am short of time.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Reduced pollution, shared costs, with minimal hassle","never_plane_text":"Reduce yes, abandon completely that seems complicated to me.","loan_text":"You have to travel to buy it anyway.","second_hand_text":"Clothes reflect our personality, not finding clothes that suit us prevents us from expressing ourselves and that seems difficult to imagine.","unpackaged_text":"We already do it with large shopping bags, so why not with smaller ones that are also reusable?","local_products_text":"Doing without certain products more or less permanently does not seem impossible to me.","turn off_text":"We think about turning off the light, so why not the power strip?","drop_temperature_text":"We do it when we go out, so we can do it inside","vegan_text":"I am reducing my meat consumption but giving it up doesn't seem like an option for me at the moment.","linen_text":"I already do it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"I only use my car to go to my internship and even then depending on the internship location I can go there on foot, most of the time when I go by car I don't leave alone but when I am alone from my school to my internship I go there alone, my schedule does not correspond to buses or other public transport. And I go shopping alone in my car for convenience...","never_plane_text":"Living in Belgium, it is complicated to get to the south of France by public transport other than the plane and even more so by car. For a question of travel time 1h30 for the plane, 8h for the car, I am not convinced that my carbon footprint would be lower if I decided to take the car rather than the plane. And as for other trips, I take the plane to go on vacation abroad out of habit of modern comfort, I do not want to miss this chance to be able to discover the world","loan_text":"Until this year I lived in a community (boarding school, shared accommodation) so borrowing is something I have always been used to, so now that I live alone, well I move around","second_hand_text":"Knowing for a few years now that ready-to-wear, fast fashion is the world's leading polluter, I have gradually stopped buying poor quality products that are thrown away and changed at a scandalous speed and little by little I have come to only buy second-hand. It is entirely possible to dress as you like by only buying second-hand, it just takes more time and thought. We are used to constantly changing clothes when in fact our tastes do not change that much, so it is about finding clothes that we will still like in 10 years and that will still be in good condition in 10 years.","unpackaged_text":"I would like to and I try as much as I can, but it seems too restrictive and too expensive, especially since I have never found a place to buy in bulk around my home. However, avoiding over-packaging and taking your own containers for fruit and vegetables is not very restrictive except for forgetting due to lack of habit, and it does not limit the choices too much","local_products_text":"I live in Belgium, really no one wants to eat local products, moreover I find very little in terms of fruits and vegetables. It is not very restrictive for me to do without avocado, and other exotic fruits, which I do with the exception of bananas, by choice","turn off_text":"I try to unplug chargers and such because it is not very restrictive, polluting and there is a risk that it will catch fire. But the \"thinking about it\" factor blocks when it comes to the internet box","drop_temperature_text":"I have always been used to having a poorly heated house (for ecological reasons) and therefore covering myself more depending on the season, it was not very restrictive. But at home the heating is on full blast and I still have 3 sweaters on me because the insulation is very poor, I can't do much about it except try the days with the sunshine time to let the heat in during the day and close the shutters at night. So I only significantly lower the heating when I leave my house","vegan_text":"Not quite, almost all the time I don't eat meat but I do eat it outside... For practical reasons and unfortunately I love meat too much to be able to do without it. This observation has been annoying me for a long time because I find it less compared to the harm done to the planet to be able to eat meat, but human weakness being what it is I still can't be totally vegetarian.","linen_text":"With 23 square meters of living space it is impossible, last year I did it because I had more space but smoking in your apartment is somewhat incompatible with drying your laundry in the living room.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Schedule and route incompatible with sharing","never_plane_text":"I have family and friends abroad and while it is possible to change modes of travel to go to neighboring countries, it is more difficult due to time constraints, for distant countries. I am not sure that flying once or twice a year has a significant impact on the climate.","loan_text":"Rather than buying low-cost equipment that will be of little use and/or will quickly become obsolete or broken, it is better to have borrowed equipment that is good quality, maintained, durable, and that you will not have to store.","second_hand_text":"Given the size of my wardrobe, I am able to dress myself without having to buy anything other than underwearAnd second-hand clothes are increasingly numerous and varied, especially since they can be adapted since I know how to sew a minimum.And if I buy new, I try to favor short supply chains and made in France","unpackaged_text":"Easy since we have several local stores that offer this bulk formula","local_products_text":"I am not sure that the bananas that arrive by boat have a negative impact on the climate, and there is no problem in doing without avocados or limiting their consumption to those from neighboring countries Spain","turn off_text":"Easy to do and better for the health of the inhabitants because of the possible waves","drop_temperature_text":"Easy to do","vegan_text":"A strictly plant-based diet does not seem to me to be adapted to the needs of the body according to age (small muscle from a certain age which does not require to be maintained by animal proteins at least like eggs). In my opinion, there is no strictly vegan people","linen_text":"As I live in a house with a garden, it is not a constraint at all.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Sharing costs, avoiding empty seats","never_plane_text":"It still limits my desire to explore the world.","loan_text":"It also allows you to have less things to store.","second_hand_text":"There is everything at Emmaus or in second-hand stores.","unpackaged_text":"I always forget my bags","local_products_text":"it's OK","turn off_text":"I forget","drop_temperature_text":"There are several of us living in the same place and it doesn't suit everyone.","vegan_text":"What right do we have to breed animals to kill them?","linen_text":"winter takes time","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"When I travel by car, it is either very short distances or long distances but with a car full of stuff. So it is not possible for me to establish this habit.","never_plane_text":"I have only flown once in my life.","loan_text":"This habit also helps to maintain a social bond.","second_hand_text":"It's much cheaper than new clothes and we're just as satisfied.","unpackaged_text":"I don't have accommodation that allows me to store packaging.","local_products_text":"Generally better product quality when local.","turn off_text":"This also helps to limit the use of devices.","drop_temperature_text":"I like to get under the covers at home so it's not at all restrictive.","vegan_text":"I limit my meat consumption but I don't think you should completely stop eating meat. Maybe change your daily consumption pattern to an occasional one.","linen_text":"It's relaxing to hang out your laundry and it damages it less.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Not being able to leave whenever you want, not being free to do what you want while driving, having to respect timings","never_plane_text":"It all depends on the length of the holiday: if it's a long holiday, why not try not to fly, but on a short holiday, spending more time in transport than at the holiday destination can be disturbing.","loan_text":"The state of cleanliness/hygiene and general condition can be a hindrance to their use despite the fact that it reduces pollution. However, it can be good if the state of cleanliness and general condition are correct and the use will be only one time","second_hand_text":"I don't care much about clothing style so not finding what I like wouldn't bother me. However, since I like to see clothes, the places where I buy second-hand clothes should be close to my home.","unpackaged_text":"The price reduction due to the disappearance of packaging is a great advantage. But it would only be useful if the sales locations do not use small packages with packaging to fill the sales columns of bulk products.","local_products_text":"This would prevent this recipe from being made so it could be disturbing but it would allow them to be appreciated all the more when you are in the countries of production.","turn off_text":"With an increasing number of household appliances and electronics in our homes, this would involve spending time unplugging and plugging them back in, not to mention the fact that you have to remember to plug everything back in when you want to use it. In addition, for box-type devices that need to reset each time they start up, this takes time and I don't always have the time and/or the desire to wait.","drop_temperature_text":"I can tolerate all temperatures so I don't mind lowering the temperature in my house.","vegan_text":"This means not eating meat and fish anymore, even though I like it. I would rather agree to reduce consumption. The reduction of choices in outdoor places would not bother me since more and more establishments offer vegan dishes (unless we always eat in the school canteen and the latter does not always offer vegan dishes).","linen_text":"I usually leave my dryer out in the open air so for me this is normal. The dryer just saves space (but you can recover it by being spatially organized). (As for saving time, I don't find this significant in using the dryer: if the laundry is not dry, either put it somewhere so that it dries faster or change clothes)","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Adapting to other people's schedules is not always easy, especially when you have appointments and such... It would still reduce climate emissions. I could do it but not 'never'","never_plane_text":"This can make it possible to go abroad and make certain trips that would be impossible without","loan_text":"This allows to reduce consumption, not very restrictive","second_hand_text":"It can be restrictive but a good thing to do.","unpackaged_text":"I will do it in the next few days if possible (except for exceptions: a specific product, etc.)","local_products_text":"Reduces carbon emissions","turn off_text":"Reduces excessive use of electrical appliances, not very difficult to implement","drop_temperature_text":"Without being too cold, this is possible to implement","vegan_text":"It's impossible for me to switch to a strictly plant-based diet, which doesn't have much effect on the climate either.","linen_text":"I already do it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Benefit: less pollution, help others get aroundConstraint: loss of privacy","never_plane_text":"It's not a question, it's a necessity. We need a more modest life, of course, but life can be just as beautiful around our home, a question of lifestyle.","loan_text":"Development of the principle of mutual aid and community life which we lack a little and regression of this cult of accumulation","second_hand_text":"I don't like buying clothes, I already have what I need, if I'm going to buy clothes I might as well use them to their fullest.","unpackaged_text":"Having less waste at home with all the packaging is cool.","local_products_text":"Loss of diversity but rediscovery of forgotten culinary flavors. WE NEED A MORE MODEST LIFESTYLE, tired of repeating myself...","turn off_text":"In principle it's not restrictive but I have a terrible memory and it's going to take me years for this habit to stick.","drop_temperature_text":"The question is asked strangely, you can always lower it by one degree whether you are at 15 or 22! But in my case yes, I am rather warm even when the others are cold.","vegan_text":"I hope to be able to do it one day, I do everything to reduce my consumption of animal products but I really like cooking and eating meat from time to time... I plan to continue to reduce and we will see but it is more for animal welfare than for the planet for my part.","linen_text":"I have never used a dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"less pollution, less GHG, less expenses","never_plane_text":"less good holidays, much less GHG","loan_text":"brother degrowth","second_hand_text":"less spending, less pollution, less GHG, I like leboncoin","unpackaged_text":"Less plastic pollution, lugging around glass jars is heavy","local_products_text":"really easy in France","turn off_text":"Thinking about it every night is really annoying though.","drop_temperature_text":"It's okay, you put on a sweater, it's done","vegan_text":"Huge reduction in pollution and GHGsBut: annoying meat eaters in society","linen_text":"I would already prefer to collectivize washing machines... a dryer is an unnecessary luxury and it damages the fabric.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"benefits: spend the journey with someone, meet people, potentially share the cost of petrolconstraints: not always easy to take people with you because of travel and time constraints, difficult to find someone at the last minute","never_plane_text":"constraint: not being able to discover the world with my own eyesbenefit: boycott of this means of transport with a very bad carbon footprint","loan_text":"benefit: not generating overconsumption, satisfaction of using second-hand equipmentconstraint: not always easy to find, especially if you are in a hurry","second_hand_text":"benefit not participating in consumer society","unpackaged_text":"benefit: no need to throw away packaging immediately after shopping","local_products_text":"benefit: boycott of exotic products which have a heavy carbon footprint when imported","turn off_text":"benefit: on health, on electricity consumption","drop_temperature_text":"benefit: reduction of electricity consumption","vegan_text":"constraint: deprive myself of foods that I enjoy and consume in moderationbenefit: boycott of a system that is questionable on many aspects (ethics, environment","linen_text":"This reduces electricity consumption","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I often choose my journeys at the last minute, which is not compatible with carpooling (as a driver) and I need my own vehicle.","never_plane_text":"I have not yet had the opportunity or the need in the near future to take a plane.","loan_text":"I don't borrow anymore but before I borrowed books from a library and it's restrictive when it's far from home as well as the loan time which can be too short.","second_hand_text":"It's a good idea but for standard sizes. It's more complicated for large sizes even in specialized stores.","unpackaged_text":"I shop in a supermarket, this type of distribution is less conducive to this type of purchase. In addition, I find bulk products less hygienic but that's personal.","local_products_text":"For example, I buy avocados instead of local vegetables because they are easier to consume than winter vegetables that take a long time to cook.","turn off_text":"Out of habit, to save energy","drop_temperature_text":"by habit","vegan_text":"I am happy with my omnivorous diet and do not wish to change.","linen_text":"This is a habit","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Lots of things to carry in the car, can leave at any time","never_plane_text":"My family lives abroad (impossible not to take the plane), the cost is much lower to take the plane if you want to travel abroad","loan_text":"uncommon so perhaps not worth the price","second_hand_text":"significant environmental and societal impactspossibility of finding very good quality clothes and a particular style second-hand","unpackaged_text":"throwing away less non-recyclable waste in particular) but complicated because you can't do impromptu shopping","local_products_text":"The habit of eating these products, the taste of food that reminds me of the cuisine of my country","turn off_text":"You have to think about it all the time... mental load","drop_temperature_text":"not too many constraints","vegan_text":"Sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for, it also means not being able to fully immerse yourself in the culture when you're on holiday abroadFood is what brings us back to our origins, our memoriesComplicated in terms of deficiencies too (I've experienced it)But otherwise it allows you to discover new vegetables and new ways of cooking","linen_text":"I don't mind air drying due to time constraints","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't need a car","never_plane_text":"The desire to travel","loan_text":"Takes up less space and is cheaper","second_hand_text":"I buy few clothes and prefer to buy new ones.","unpackaged_text":"Better suited to my needs","local_products_text":"I prefer to respect the seasons and short circuits","turn off_text":"Consumes less energy, therefore less expense","drop_temperature_text":"I don't control the heating in my home","vegan_text":"Unable to change my eating habits","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Knowing that car travel is a source of greenhouse gases and that it is possible to reduce the number of cars on the road by this habit, I apply it as soon as possible. In addition, on long journeys with tolls in particular, it also has an economic interest since the costs are shared and the driver is not alone (which can be important for night journeys). However, this requires planning all of your trips in advance, not changing the scheduled time and this lengthens the journey time because you have to drop off and pick up people. In addition, it is sometimes complicated to organize luggage. Finally, for short journeys, this habit is harder to implement because it is not always the trips that are planned in advance. For work-home journeys, this habit also has the disadvantage of being inflexible for schedules (if you finish early, you don't want to wait to go home).","never_plane_text":"This choice is not very difficult because I never go on holiday abroad. However, I apply this habit in a non-strict way, if I need to take the plane (which the other alternatives are too restrictive) I will not do but it will not be for a strictly leisure purpose.","loan_text":"In addition to the benefits for the climate, this habit is primarily applied for economic reasons. However, looking for the equipment to rent and going to pick it up can take time.","second_hand_text":"You have to spend a lot of time looking for clothes that you like second-hand and it represents a big waste of time. Places where you can find these clothes are not everywhere and you don't always find what you want and searching on the internet forces you to buy without trying them on. In addition, I rarely buy new clothes and only throw away the ones I have when they are in bad condition.","unpackaged_text":"Bulk is not available everywhere and some products are very hard to find in bulk. In addition, I never think to take my containers with me when I go shopping. Finally, bulk can be more expensive since it is often only available for organic products. However, I am appalled by the amount of waste from packaging that a household can produce, but I am not ready to make the efforts that are necessary today to buy everything in bulk.","local_products_text":"I try to buy local products but I make exceptions out of habit, without really realizing it at the time. This has an obvious benefit for the climate and only requires changing your eating habits on a few products. The origin of processed products is not always easy to find or very clear on the packaging, which is a hindrance.","turn off_text":"I don't know if this has a big impact on the climate but I think about turning off my devices. However, some devices take a long time to restart which is annoying.","drop_temperature_text":"I am very sensitive to the cold, even with a sweater and wrapped under a blanket I shiver, I tried but if I do a static activity it is not possible for me.","vegan_text":"I was vegetarian for a few years but I now prefer to eat meat less often but from small local farms. Meat production pollutes but reducing its consumption and eating quality and local meat (with well-treated animals) is enough for me. In addition, a plant-based diet requires you to be vigilant about certain deficiencies and represents a constraint in society (although it is increasingly easy to be vegetarian)","linen_text":"As I am not going to put a dryer on the landing of my apartment, I do not have one so I do not use it. In addition, drying your laundry is not very restrictive, we generally have enough laundry to last one more day while the laundry dries. The dryer has many disadvantages in its use in addition to the ecological aspect. In addition, if you have a larger home, the space to dry the laundry is not a problem.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't have a license","never_plane_text":"I keep taking the plane, because financially, the price of the plane is sometimes less important than that of the train for a faster journey, and for reasons of practicality to go abroad.","loan_text":"This allows me to avoid a purchase that is not very useful and that would have cost me more than having it lent to me.","second_hand_text":"For environmental reasons I prefer second-hand clothes, but I find this restrictive and difficult to put into practice because it is mostly done on the internet and there are very few shops (so it is difficult to try on clothes or see if they are in good condition)","unpackaged_text":"buying only in bulk takes time and a lot of effort that I don't want to put into practice, but I don't take unnecessary packaging for example for fruits and vegetables and I don't buy products that contain too much in order to limit my plastic consumption for environmental reasons","local_products_text":"The origin of the product can determine whether I buy a product or not, but I do not force myself to only buy local because it can be expensive, or limit my choices too much.","turn off_text":"I just don't think about it for some devices like the box, but I usually do for devices like the TV","drop_temperature_text":"I don't heat the rooms too much, both for the environment and out of habit.","vegan_text":"I don't think I'll reach the strictly plant-based diet because it's quite complicated today. For example, it's harder to find something to eat or drink in a restaurant or caf, plant-based alternatives are often more expensive and I also find it difficult to find a nutritional balance in this diet. However, I regularly remove foods from my diet to avoid animal-based foods and I only eat very little of them today.","linen_text":"I am careful to wash my clothes, allowing enough time to dry (if I don't have time I put them on the radiator in winter), but I do it out of habit so I don't find it particularly restrictive. Plus it doesn't damage the clothes to do it.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"travel time, \"ease\" / practicality of the journey: parking the car, going to the bus stop / train station etc, cost of the journey for those who are long (less than an hour) (environment: it's better when you can, but this argument alone will not encourage me to take another means of transport)","never_plane_text":"I take the plane for very long journeys: for example, a Biarritz - Paris remains much shorter and cheaper than the same journey by train, unless the timetables are more convenient by train but that is mainly linked to COVID. Another example: to go abroad (except northern Spain) it is more practical to fly (and even more so if there is an ocean / sea to cross). In some cases (e.g. to go to the USA) I think it is more \"eco-friendly\" (and saves a lot of time) to take the plane than a boat and other land means. And I am not ready to stop traveling (in France and elsewhere) for the environment.","loan_text":"It depends on the use of the material, if I need something once, I will not buy it on purpose.","second_hand_text":"I rarely buy clothes online without trying them on, and there are few second-hand clothing stores. This is mainly because I know the first-hand stores and the brands.","unpackaged_text":"I buy bulk products but not only...","local_products_text":"I try my best, but it's not always easy in my supermarkets... and it's sometimes expensive.","turn off_text":"I turn off all devices except the wifi box. And I unplug everything when I go on vacation (except the fridge if I haven't been able to finish everything)","drop_temperature_text":"I like to be warm at home, but when I'm not there (classes or vacation) I turn down the heating.","vegan_text":"I love meat and we are omnivores! Otherwise, not eating meat or fish at one meal (occasionally, out of 3-4 meals per week) does not bother me.","linen_text":"I simply don't have a tumble dryer (mainly for space reasons) and I don't miss it (at least not yet).","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Too far from work, schools, etc. the car is the only means of transport. Carpooling is not possible for regular and daily journeys.","never_plane_text":"Travel differently at human height","loan_text":"This solution allows you to use quality equipment, you don't have to store the equipment either.","second_hand_text":"The outsourcing of work to small hands is something that disgusts me, as is overconsumption for the benefit of fashion. Children and adults, our clothes circulate from hand to hand in a circle of acquaintances.","unpackaged_text":"We mainly buy from local producers. Less travel and better quality products at a lower cost.","local_products_text":"Consumption of this type of product remains occasional","turn off_text":"In addition, this implies a reduction in the bill.","drop_temperature_text":"It's better for your health, apparently.","vegan_text":"For fifteen years that's what I did but with family life it can be very restrictive on a daily basis.","linen_text":"Consuming energy for this seems unbelievable to me. Indeed, it is necessary to plan a drying time depending on the seasons, more or less long. We wear what is dry and too bad if we don't have our favorite jeans that day.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Moderately true. I try my best, but I allow myself some deviations.","never_plane_text":"Being, above all, European, and my family being similarly European, it is unthinkable to do a Toulouse Berlin by car quietly moreover, trips abroad, the discovery of new cultures and different ways of life, avoid the withdrawal into oneself of our societies and allow a better understanding of the other. Any withdrawal into oneself inevitably leads to a collapse of society.","loan_text":"This seems more like common sense to me.","second_hand_text":"Yes, but I prefer to buy a quality garment that I can keep for longer to avoid buying new clothes every year. For example, shoes from a brand that provides shoe maintenance every two years.","unpackaged_text":"If you consider canned goods or market produce in this category, yes","local_products_text":"A fair price for a good product depending on its origin.","turn off_text":"Every evening no, but when I am away for more than four days yes.","drop_temperature_text":"I come from the Northeast, here its summer all year round","vegan_text":"Human beings are omnivores by nature. Buying supplements or taking foods that come too often from the antipodes is hypocrisy to me.","linen_text":"I have no logical reason not to do this or use a dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Money","never_plane_text":"Airplanes are one of the biggest polluters in the world","loan_text":"I am not a sharer","second_hand_text":"Thrift stores are generally cheaper","unpackaged_text":"I don't go shopping","local_products_text":"I still don't go shopping","turn off_text":"Save money and be healthier","drop_temperature_text":"Long live plaids!","vegan_text":"Bacon","linen_text":"Electricity savings","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Economy","never_plane_text":"discover the world to become aware","loan_text":"Economy, recycling","second_hand_text":"Economy, recycling, boycott of certain brands","unpackaged_text":"Economy, waste reduction","local_products_text":"Cheaper tomatoes from Spain","turn off_text":"Energy saving","drop_temperature_text":"Experienced at ACO, all good","vegan_text":"family traditions, lack of energy, but I am able to reduce polluting consumption","linen_text":"cheaper, natural, softer and less damaged linen","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Reduce CO2 and pollution levels in cities, improve air quality, save money, but lose time in my daily life, have to be more organized. Limit car journeys as much as possible and favor other forms of transport such as the bus or bicycle","never_plane_text":"I have only flown once in my life, and I plan to do so more times to visit other continents, for my culture and for my own pleasure. I am aware of the selfishness of this decision and the pollution it causes, but I think that if we generally regulated our air travel that is sometimes not necessary (Bordeaux-Paris) to limit it to flights that cannot be done otherwise, it would be better.","loan_text":"It's more economical, more responsible, it doesn't require much effort","second_hand_text":"benefits it would reduce the impact of our consumer society. It could also put an end to the problems of fast fashion, as well as illegal work in the third world. constraints it requires more time, research, and organization.","unpackaged_text":"I could do it for a large part of my consumption which I am already starting to do, on the other hand, there are still some products that I cannot currently do without, and which concern the cakes, yogurts etc. section. In addition, the bulk prices seem a little more expensive at the moment. I tend to think that they will still decrease in the near future if everyone gets on board.","local_products_text":"I like to eat a variety of foods, and although our local seasonal fruits and vegetables are already varied, I couldn't do without bananas, avocados, etc. I am aware of the transportation and pollution problems that these products cause. However, it's all about nuance in my opinion, we could reduce our consumption of these exotic products and favor local products, while still taking advantage of these exotic products for exceptional use.","turn off_text":"It's all about power strips. With smart homes, all it would take is a button or an app. It's not a big deal, but you have to invest a minimum (power strip) or have the means (home automation and smart plugs), but it's possible for everyone. We could reduce our electricity consumption. The same goes for city lights at night. On the other hand, nuclear power plants produce electricity continuously, and cannot vary their production too much between day and night. If everyone turned off as many household appliances as possible and cities turned off their lights (goodbye light pollution), there would no longer be such a high demand for electricity at night. This would have a \"disastrous\" impact on companies like EDF, since they would produce electricity for nothing in the evening, and this would cause a \"collapse\" in the price of electricity with \"waste\" of unsold goods (we cannot store all the electricity produced for nothing).","drop_temperature_text":"It's already something I do, generally I turn on the heating when I start to lose the feeling in my feet. Jokes aside, homes consume far too much energy for heating, when sometimes all you have to do is put on socks and agree to cover up. As a student, my reasons are mainly financial, I can't afford to have too big an electricity budget.","vegan_text":"I can't do without meat. Again, whether it's in terms of animal suffering, ecological problems related to feeding these animals, spaces to make them live, consumer society, waste, etc., I think it's a question of nuance. If we returned to a healthier and simpler lifestyle, where everyone could have their own vegetable garden and chicken coop, it would be more beneficial for the planet and for our health. Similarly, we can reduce our consumption of meat and fish, learn to get our nutrients from the plant world (which also requires many hectares of crops and billions of liters of water).","linen_text":"Always used to the clothesline by my parents, we did not have a dryer. Savings on electricity but greater loss of time, which can be compensated by good times with the family in the end.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Very flexible working hours","never_plane_text":"Limited budget and not interested in low-cost, it's at all costs","loan_text":"Benefits outweigh the constraint","second_hand_text":"Time to spend rummaging","unpackaged_text":"Reducing packaging, I am sensitive to this because I am a member of World Clean Up Day. Not everything exists in bulk","local_products_text":"I try to buy local, but I'm not ready to ban certain foods yet.","turn off_text":"Not always sure to recover the flow on the line","drop_temperature_text":"I already do it at work. And it doesn't heat much at home, especially in the bedrooms.","vegan_text":"Not ready to become vegetarian. But I have reduced my meat consumption a lot.","linen_text":"Difficult in a small house","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"The weather","never_plane_text":"Want to travel far and don't want to take a 72 hour train ride","loan_text":"Second hand","second_hand_text":"Cheaper and less polluting benefits","unpackaged_text":"Doable but not the motivation and in large stores like Lidl there is no reason to bulk","local_products_text":"Quite restrictive because often more expensive and involves going to several different places to pick up","turn off_text":"I do it all the time","drop_temperature_text":"No problem, man created clothes and from there to being too lazy to wear a sweater, I'm not at that level yet.","vegan_text":"I love meat too much","linen_text":"If I go to the laundromat I take advantage of it because I have very little space at home to dry my laundry, plus I save time.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I'm afraid of meeting strange people and anyway I take the bus, train, metro","never_plane_text":"I get sick on planes, I never take it","loan_text":"I do it when I need it and I buy new if I have no alternative.","second_hand_text":"I never find anything in my size or that I like, I buy very few clothes","unpackaged_text":"I have to do 30 minutes by metro or 20 minutes by car so I prefer to go to classic stores which are closer and cheaper.","local_products_text":"Most of the time I do it.","turn off_text":"I always make you","drop_temperature_text":"I only turn on the heating when I'm cold and I turn it up very low, I prefer to dress warmer","vegan_text":"I prefer to pay attention to what I eat, quality and products and eat everythingI don't eat meat but I eat dairy products and fish regularly","linen_text":"Air is free","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't use the car on a daily basis. When I do, the main constraint to carpooling in my eyes is that it involves planning my trips and being punctual. However, I too rarely plan trips in advance.","never_plane_text":"I rarely fly (less than once a year) but I don't want to deprive myself of traveling to countries that are too far away for other modes of transportation. When the alternative is possible (train, car) I am ready to give up flying (which I already do in most cases)","loan_text":"This saves on the cost of purchasing equipment.","second_hand_text":"I don't like wearing clothes that have already been used by someone I don't know.","unpackaged_text":"This involves having many containers available and space to store them. Doing my shopping by bike also takes up too much space in the backpack and weight.","local_products_text":"I favor local if possible. But some products that I consume do not exist locally, and I am not ready to do without them. Also local products are often more expensive, although not necessarily of better quality, sometimes poorer breeding conditions for meats, additives","turn off_text":"It's not a hassle, and I do it when I'm away for several days. However, I don't think about it every night. I also use the internet in bed, and I would have to get up every time to unplug the box. And I live with someone, so I would have to make sure each time that she's not using the internet before unplugging it. Since the TV is plugged into the same socket as the box, it also stays on standby all night since there's no way to turn it off without unplugging it.","drop_temperature_text":"I'm almost never cold and I have a well-insulated home, so the heaters are very rarely on.","vegan_text":"I am not ready to give up meat and cheese. Also a strictly plant-based diet implies a certain rigor in order not to miss anything. It is more difficult to vary the dishes. With a few exceptions I feel less pleasure in eating an entirely plant-based dish.","linen_text":"It takes longer to dry, especially in winter, but in case of emergency you can use the towel dryer. It reduces the electricity bill and preserves the clothes.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Practicality, economic cost, existence of other means of transport","never_plane_text":"Flying less yes, stopping traveling no, no other alternative exists","loan_text":"Collecting books gives me pleasure, even if I only do it once.","second_hand_text":"Ecological impact, economic cost, time","unpackaged_text":"It is up to producers to adapt, not consumers; limiting packaging is nevertheless ecologically important.","local_products_text":"Development of local trade, ecology","turn off_text":"Waste, price, ecology","drop_temperature_text":"Comfort","vegan_text":"This makes no sense. Consuming less meat but of better quality is a better solution. Meat is good for health, is part of the French cultural and gastronomic heritage","linen_text":"I already do it, plus there is an advantage in terms of ecology, price, quality of clothes after drying","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Too difficult to organize with teleworking","never_plane_text":"I no longer take the plane for my trips in France. But I will not deprive myself of it for the holidays, once a year, if my destination abroad is too far away.","loan_text":"To rent DIY equipment only near my home","second_hand_text":"Vinted, vide-Grenier, friperie","unpackaged_text":"By staying close to home. I won't take my car to buy bulk!","local_products_text":"Near my home, buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, and local produce","turn off_text":"I've always done it, to reduce my energy bills","drop_temperature_text":"I have always done it to reduce my energy bills","vegan_text":"I eat meat but I have reduced the quantity in favor of quality.","linen_text":"My dryer is broken. I won't buy another one. Plus, I have a balcony to dry my clothes on.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Cheaper","never_plane_text":"Cheaper","loan_text":"Cheaper","second_hand_text":"Constraints: little choice, you can't try it on, you can't return the item, you have to do it online","unpackaged_text":"Constraint: few bulk products therefore little choice","local_products_text":"Local organic is sometimes not better for the planet","turn off_text":"zero constraints and benefits because habit already acquired","drop_temperature_text":"Habit already taken","vegan_text":"Not convinced","linen_text":"I already do it","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Benefit: I don't really like driving, I prefer to share the driving time with someone Constraint: you have to find someone with compatible hours","never_plane_text":"The plane is much cheaper than the train when you travel long distances. Making trains more financially accessible for trips abroad, especially within Europe, would be a good measure.","loan_text":"This helps reduce the use of natural resources and can be more economical too.","second_hand_text":"It's more economical","unpackaged_text":"Sometimes it's hard to find bulk in some supermarkets but otherwise I like the idea, we have the quantity we want, it also avoids waste","local_products_text":"I don't completely do without exotic products but I have significantly reduced my consumption, so I get more pleasure from eating them on certain special and rare occasions.","turn off_text":"During the holidays yes, in the evening I forget","drop_temperature_text":"More economical","vegan_text":"Risk of food deficiencies, death of French livestock farming and agricultural heritage. Reduction of animal products yes on the other hand","linen_text":"You need space to dry your laundry","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't have a car, Benefits: more ecological, possible sharing of the cost of gasoline Constraints: dependence on others","never_plane_text":"I usually don't take the plane or avoid it, but sometimes it's not possible (for example to go to another continent for work or family reasons, outside of vacations). Also honestly taking the plane is a significant comfort when you've tested 24 hours of bis for the same journey","loan_text":"Save space by not keeping the equipment at home. You do have to go and get it, but also when you buy it.","second_hand_text":"I find that there is more choice second-hand (if you look carefully) than in stores where everything looks the same.","unpackaged_text":"Already find the store that sells a lot of things in bulk (more in student budget), and not everything is available in bulk. On the other hand, possibility to pay attention to the quantity and the packaging materials","local_products_text":"I plead guilty","turn off_text":"Honestly it doesn't take much time (well you just have to remember)","drop_temperature_text":"Sweaters are cool","vegan_text":"Vegan life eh (well on the other hand France is a bit bad in terms of choice, take Germany as an example guys)","linen_text":"It's cheaper and it avoids having to go back and forth to the shared dryer, as for the time it's just a question of organization","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Recycling, getting around town on foot","never_plane_text":"Traveling is very important to me. Getting to the United States by any other means of transport seems impossible.","loan_text":"It allows me to save money, however I am dependent on their availability.","second_hand_text":"The sizes are often random and the organization of thrift stores is bad for finding your way around.","unpackaged_text":"This avoids over-packaging and is more practical for bringing back and cooking at home.","local_products_text":"Food is important to me, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables can be interesting in summer but not really in winter because I like them less","turn off_text":"I leave them on out of habit.","drop_temperature_text":"I am very sensitive to the cold by nature and often get sick.","vegan_text":"Since I do a lot of sports, protein is an essential part of my diet.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer but it takes a lot of time","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Take public transport more","never_plane_text":"The desire to discover other cultures","loan_text":"You have to remember the loan every time and go back and forth.","second_hand_text":"This allows you to broaden your spectrum in terms of styles and open up to other styles while avoiding fast fashion which creates victims in certain countries and requires a lot of water consumption.","unpackaged_text":"No more need to have three thousand plastic or cardboard bags that then have to be sorted.","local_products_text":"Solutions can always be found through innovation","turn off_text":"If it's to help reduce the impact of the climate, it bothers me. Besides, it's just a question of habit.","drop_temperature_text":"Allows you to reduce your own consumption and reduce your bill","vegan_text":"That's what I'm already doing.","linen_text":"Allows you to not consume a lot of energy and avoids any noise pollution","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"economic and environmental benefits: reduction of emissions but constraints on schedules","never_plane_text":"I like to travel and discover new countries, but I don't fly very regularly so I consider it fine if it remains occasional.","loan_text":"benefits: no contribution to the consumer society, reduction of the environmental impact of the production and marketing of the product constraints: travel by car to go and get it","second_hand_text":"environmental impact of manufacturing and marketing of products, poor working conditions in certain countries","unpackaged_text":"benefits: reduction of packaging, plastic constraints: having containers, finding bulk stores sometimes further away","local_products_text":"constraints: finding a point of sale for local products, need more time than in a supermarket, restriction in the products to buy benefits: saving time, money, more diversity in meals","turn off_text":"constraints: no wifi when waking up, box startup time, remember to turn off and turn back on benefits: reduced electricity consumption","drop_temperature_text":"benefits: reduced electricity consumption, better quality sleep constraints: less comfort, more coverage","vegan_text":"Benefits: no deficiency, diversity of dishes, support for the French agriculture and livestock sector","linen_text":"it is more economical, the clothes are less damaged constraints: time to hang out and for the laundry to dry, less space in the room","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"More affordable public transport in towns far from Angers","never_plane_text":"Opening on the world","loan_text":"If it is affordable and possible","second_hand_text":"According to the choices that exist in terms of quality and price","unpackaged_text":"No problem","local_products_text":"I would pay more but I want to have access to choices","turn off_text":"I already do it","drop_temperature_text":"Having a well insulated house - it's not a problem","vegan_text":"This doesn't suit me at all","linen_text":"I already do","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"fuel-efficient car, \"economical\" driving, only take the car when there is no other way","never_plane_text":"I very rarely take the plane (only once in the last 5 years)","loan_text":"loan/borrowing between neighbors","second_hand_text":"I very rarely buy clothes, I opt for classic, timeless, sturdy pieces that I repair if necessary,","unpackaged_text":"I limit packaged products as much as possible by favoring fresh products from the market, refillable containers, but I do not have confidence in the sanitary and organoleptic quality of bulk food products.","local_products_text":"I limit exotic products","turn off_text":"the devices are plugged into a power strip with a switch that we turn off as soon as we no longer need it. The problem is that the box regularly bugs when restarting...","drop_temperature_text":"the feeling of being cold often","vegan_text":"I like to have a varied diet and not always eat the same thing","linen_text":"I don't use a tumble dryer. The laundry dries badly in winter and when it's humid and it creates unpleasant odors that require rewashing the clothes.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"constraint: a variable schedule with flexible hours that does not allow carpooling","never_plane_text":"limit carbon emissions and excessive consumption","loan_text":"no longer store rarely used equipment","second_hand_text":"I prefer to buy fewer unworn clothes. But I can do it for accessories","unpackaged_text":"less packaging to sort but more complex storage and don't forget your own packaging when shopping.","local_products_text":"eat seasonal and locally sourced products. few constraints","turn off_text":"habits and reflexes to have, install suitable sockets or programmers","drop_temperature_text":"lower bill","vegan_text":"We need to stop saying that all-vegetable will solve the problem of climate change. Animal proteins are essential for the functioning of our bodies. In addition, in the case of people with fragile digestive systems, it is not possible to switch to all-vegetable because many fruits, vegetables and legumes cannot be consumed. So as usual, we must not be radical and qualify the remarks.","linen_text":"Yes, but during the period when you can dry your laundry outside. More complicated in winter.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Personal organization","never_plane_text":"Traveling abroad","loan_text":"Easier to do","second_hand_text":"Avoid waste","unpackaged_text":"Not possible for all products","local_products_text":"Product diversity at certain times","turn off_text":"Just remember to turn them off","drop_temperature_text":"I like to be warm","vegan_text":"I limit my purchases of animal products","linen_text":"I'm running out of space","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Take the bike for the journey and go to work","never_plane_text":"No obligation to fly for the comfort of traveling","loan_text":"Local loan to start with, loan between neighbors","second_hand_text":"Even clothes that I give and that are given to me","unpackaged_text":"Bulk shopping is becoming less complicated, its really part of the new habits","local_products_text":"I still sometimes make mistakes between the desires of the moment and the seasonal fruits!!!","turn off_text":"I don't think about it at all","drop_temperature_text":"Wearing a good sweater at home instead of wearing a t-shirt in winter is such a way of living and fully enjoying the winter season.","vegan_text":"I am increasingly able to do this. It is good for the environment and for my body.","linen_text":"I can't","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I take public transport all week. The car is reserved for weekends and holidays.","never_plane_text":"It's not easy to go abroad without taking a plane.","loan_text":"Questioning other people's habits for sharing equipment, not always easy","second_hand_text":"I don't buy much clothing, I prefer to buy quality that lasts.","unpackaged_text":"Don't forget your containers, my biggest problem, but a question of habit. Also difficult to find everything without packaging","local_products_text":"Able to do it, but lawyers can be found in Europe and there I am not against crossing borders","turn off_text":"Energy saving, but restarting is very complicated","drop_temperature_text":"No problem and getting used to being a little less heated is no problem","vegan_text":"I agree with reducing meat, but absolutely not eliminating it.","linen_text":"No dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"benefit: financial and environmental","never_plane_text":"Benefit: environment Constraint: no longer traveling outside of Europe when my wish is to visit Costa Rica for the biodiversity!","loan_text":"benefit: financial and environmental. Does not pose any constraint","second_hand_text":"Note I am able to do it and I do it but not for everything","unpackaged_text":"Don't do it in relation to DLC and storage except for dry products","local_products_text":"Local economy, more than environmental","turn off_text":"Benefit: financial and environmental, zero constraints, it's a habit","drop_temperature_text":"Benefit: financial and environmental/ No constraints","vegan_text":"A balanced diet includes animal products. I am a flexitarian","linen_text":"no dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"time, carbon impact, renewal of values","never_plane_text":"Carbon Impact, Ideology of Speed","loan_text":"friendliness","second_hand_text":"THAT","unpackaged_text":"resources","local_products_text":"caf !","turn off_text":"THAT","drop_temperature_text":"economy, carbon impact, gas","vegan_text":"THAT","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"My schedule depends on many students","never_plane_text":"environment","loan_text":"Economic AND ecological cost","second_hand_text":"Always ecological and economical","unpackaged_text":"I do it as much as possible but not everything is accessible.","local_products_text":"There remains chocolate, pepper, tea... too bad for bananas, pineapples and others... except once a year for pleasure","turn off_text":"I forget too often. Too many devices","drop_temperature_text":"We are very chilly, long live blankets","vegan_text":"I'm not in tune with going totally plant-based, especially if it's to eat soy instead! But we've cut down on our meat consumption a lot.","linen_text":"It's not too much of a hassle except for the sheets and towels.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions","never_plane_text":"I travel very little (less than once a year) so I want to be able to go far away","loan_text":"Takes up less space, not profitable given the little use and quickly obsolete material","second_hand_text":"I pay attention to what I buy and I buy little but well, however I love fashion too much to only buy second-hand.","unpackaged_text":"I do my best but buying everything in bulk means always having containers on you and planning your shopping carefully, which isn't always easy. I still prefer products with little packaging and with easily recyclable packaging (glass, cardboard, aluminum).","local_products_text":"You can get avocados from Spain and I can do without the rest (although I do eat them when other people buy them)","turn off_text":"You just have to think about it and it allows you to save energy quite simply.","drop_temperature_text":"You can easily put on a sweater or a blanket to be warmer and thus save energy.","vegan_text":"Some plants will come from the other side of the world and have a much more negative environmental impact than sustainable local farming (organic, red label, etc.)","linen_text":"Very simple to make and the dryer is unnecessary (even in Brittany, you just need to be patient and have a little heating at home)","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"benefit: less pollution, sharing with others. Constraint: schedule, doing in relation to others","never_plane_text":"I want to travel","loan_text":"benefit: no purchase to make. constraint: travel","second_hand_text":"less expensive, less waste, less choice, already worn thing","unpackaged_text":"quantity wanted, less expensive, less waste. Take the packaging","local_products_text":"better food and product quality, less travel pollution.less choice","turn off_text":"energy saving. don't forget","drop_temperature_text":"less expensive, less polluting, less sick. no constraints","vegan_text":"constraint: dietary imbalance (more protein). I like meat and fish","linen_text":"That's what I already do. For me, the dryer is a real waste of energy. Air drying damages the laundry less and is good for the planet.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"carbon emission reduction","never_plane_text":"CO2 emission reduction","loan_text":"reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and use of resources for manufacturing new equipment","second_hand_text":"too restrictive to do it systematically, but I agree to do it occasionally in order to reduce carbon emissions and resource use during manufacturing and distribution.","unpackaged_text":"reduction of consumption of resources for packaging that becomes waste","local_products_text":"too restrictive if systematic but OK to favor local when possible (GHG reduction for transport)","turn off_text":"It should indeed be done.","drop_temperature_text":"reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption","vegan_text":"Strictly plant-based too restrictive. OK to reduce animal products","linen_text":"Easy if you have space and little laundry, difficult otherwise. This reduces energy consumption and GHGs","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"We take the car for leisure with the children because it is easier and cheaper (there are 5 of us) compared to the train. We use the car to go to work but we carpool with my wife because we work on the same site. No desire to carpool with other people, it is a good time for exchanges between us. However, the use of the car to go to work tends to decrease because we use the bike more and more.","never_plane_text":"We have become aware of the impact of the plane and we can easily imagine holidays in France and in the border countries. However, the train remains very expensive so we will continue to use the car.","loan_text":"Very interesting especially for DIY equipment, we operate on loan (neighborhood, colleagues). I continue to buy equipment when I will have a big need for it in the long run (I will now turn to buying second-hand). I lend my equipment and I plan to rent it on sites like LeBonCoin. The loan is good when the need is assessed in advance and limited in time. However, it is possible that the work is spread out over time and the loan or rental becomes difficult.","second_hand_text":"We practice for children (garage sales) but never for us. I think it can become a habit for clothes other than underwear. The limit is the choice of sizes online and the choice of clothes on garage sales can be a hindrance.","unpackaged_text":"We are starting a zero waste approach with the Angers Loire Mtropole challenge. This supported approach is very motivating and will lead to a real change in our eating habits. This can cause problems when pleasant habits have been adopted: wine and beer for parents, lemonade and grenadine for children, puff pastry for tarts","local_products_text":"A plus for the planet but it will be difficult to do without Ti'Punch lime, maracuja. I think we can do without mangoes, lychees... but we will continue to buy other fruits like avocados, bananas...","turn off_text":"We are aware of the impact of electronic devices on standby. The two televisions and the computer are plugged into sockets with a switch that we turn off when we are not using these devices. We need to see how to manage the box because it is not in a place where people pass through and thinking about turning it on and off can become cumbersome.","drop_temperature_text":"We have in mind that 1C can reduce consumption by 7%. We reduced it by 1C (20C>19C) last year and again by 1C (19C>18C) this year. The guests staying there are a little cold (we raise the setpoint during their stay) but we are used to it and we cover ourselves accordingly.","vegan_text":"We could and will drastically reduce our meat intake (1 to 2 times a week) but we do not want to become vegan. We assume that you cannot be vegan and zero waste. Maybe some countries are ahead in this area in bulk but vegans in our latitudes use an astronomical amount of packaging (bulk plant milks? bulk plant cheeses? bulk soy?...).","linen_text":"We have a washing machine and dryer but we use the dryer function rarely (once a month). We are lucky to have a laundry room for air drying.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I plan to choose to take the bus as soon as the bus network develops in the Rennes metropolitan area (greater number of buses and direct access via dedicated lane)","never_plane_text":"I almost never take the plane because I'm on holiday in France or Europe. I will continue to take the plane exceptionally for long-distance destinations because I have no choice (when will we have energy-efficient and low-polluting planes, research in progress?)","loan_text":"I am not yet used to doing it this way but why not in a nearby environment (with neighbors). Only positive: savings because no need to buy the equipment, discussion with neighbors who can even explain how it works, less waste generated because fewer devices in circulation","second_hand_text":"I already do it and I'm rather for it. I hate waste and giving a second, or even 3rd and 4th life to objects particularly appeals to me.","unpackaged_text":"I would campaign more for a change in packaging, reduction to the bare minimum and use of recyclable and environmentally friendly materials.","local_products_text":"It is possible but difficult to go back when you have already tasted these good exotic products. In any case, we can buy them less often and they could be taxed more because long transport is bad for the planet","turn off_text":"Switches should be installed coupled with a programmer (deserves to be further developed at the technological level because currently not optimal). Why not couple with a mobile phone and turn off all the sockets concerned at the same time","drop_temperature_text":"Absolutely possible. Long live the return of wool sweaters and moving a little more.","vegan_text":"However, I am committed to reducing the amount of red meat in my diet for my health and because of the significant impact that cattle farming has on the planet.","linen_text":"In fact, I do a mix and only put certain items in the dryer (terry towels and sweatshirts). Otherwise, I always air dry the rest and it seems that it is even good for health because it humidifies the indoor air which is often too dry.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"THAT","loan_text":"THAT","second_hand_text":"THAT","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"THAT","turn off_text":"THAT","drop_temperature_text":"THAT","vegan_text":"THAT","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Choice to maximize carpooling, otherwise bicycle, public transport as much as possible, otherwise telework, and as a last resort, use the car alone. Choice made to limit pollution","never_plane_text":"I have family on another continent, so it's not possible for me to not go there at all. Otherwise, I also have to fly for work (congresses) or tourist trips (only if in a foreign country that isn't on the border). In the end, I fly about once a year. Personal or professional benefits, but while trying not to fly all the time. No internal travel by plane, even if sometimes the train ends up costing more.","loan_text":"Limit the purchase of expensive tools that I will use little for financial and environmental reasons, and avoid unnecessary storage of equipment. Avoiding buying equipment for occasional use also helps to avoid being tempted to buy cheap brands, manufactured and sent in conditions that are not ethically acceptable, and also not solid.","second_hand_text":"Benefit of having cheap clothes, and consuming less polluting. The constraint is that it takes more time to find the rare pearl. At the same time, I don't need that many clothes and I don't want to change my wardrobe all the time, so I don't see it as a constraint. I just wait to come across good deals.","unpackaged_text":"It does happen to me to buy in bulk. Benefit for the environment against pollution. There are no constraints in the fruit and vegetable sections, you can absolutely take your own containers. On the other hand, there are constraints for buying dry products, particularly in terms of choice, little choice and price because it often ends up being more expensive, or of lower quality. There is also a constraint for cleaning and beauty products because you have to find the right addresses, make multiple trips just to buy this or that product that you can only find in this place. In the end, I rarely do it because, living in the countryside, it becomes complicated and time-consuming and polluting besides. I have also already brought my containers to the butcher's, cheese, fish section, to the cut, but constrained on a social level I am often embarrassed to ask to do things differently. I would like it to be more \"commonplace\".","local_products_text":"Restrictive in winter, but I try as much as possible to buy seasonal products. However, I still sometimes make exceptions in winter. Benefit of eating more locally, benefit for the environment.","turn off_text":"It's not restrictive but sometimes I forget.","drop_temperature_text":"We keep the heating at 18C, we are used to it so it is not so restrictive, but indeed we have to cover ourselves. So constraint of the cold, but benefit for the environment, the bills, and healthier air.","vegan_text":"Benefit for the environment, the animal cause and for financial aspects. However, I made the choice of a non-vegan diet for cultural or social reasons (not necessarily accepted in the family, it is also complicated when you are invited, etc.) and taste (taste for animal products).","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer and I air dry everything. I have to take the time to hang everything out, and I have to worry about the aesthetics and organization of the apartment. A tancarville isn't very aesthetic, but the environmental and financial benefits outweigh the constraints.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Schedule, room for improvisation, underserved areas","never_plane_text":"I don't have enough money right now anyway.","loan_text":"It often works out cheaper and avoids overconsumption.","second_hand_text":"Price, overconsumption, style","unpackaged_text":"Proximity to a producers' market or conversely absence of solutions other than large-scale distribution","local_products_text":"I love avocados","turn off_text":"It costs nothing to do it","drop_temperature_text":"I like it when it's cool","vegan_text":"I only eat meat outside, because there are few or no vegetarian kebabs.","linen_text":"No dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"We are a family of 5 in a 5 seater car with 3 child seats","never_plane_text":"I have flown very little so far. I do not prefer this mode of transport but I do not rule out doing it for long distance travel in the future.","loan_text":"Limits the production of excess objects for sometimes very limited use. The question arises of the impact of these trips to get them, which are probably not so carbon neutral.","second_hand_text":"Size, models and styles sometimes offset with its own choices.","unpackaged_text":"No more unnecessary packaging. It's not that difficult but requires a minimum of equipment: jars, bags","local_products_text":"Most of my vegetables and fruits come from France, or even Spain for avocados. But I can't do without bananas, coffee and chocolate.","turn off_text":"Easier for some devices that have on and off buttons but not all have them and sometimes the electrical outlets where the devices are plugged in are behind a piece of furniture and there we leave them plugged in.","drop_temperature_text":"It saves money and you get used to it very quickly. We live at 18-19C without any problems.","vegan_text":"I limit my meat consumption overall. Now I can't see myself going without eggs and dairy products. The answer to limiting GHGs in the food sector is, in my opinion, far from being a simple switch to all-vegetable. Before completely switching in one direction or another, we would need to have complete visibility of the impacts of such a choice (transport, nutrition, water consumption (e.g.: case of almonds, etc.). Apart from ethical criteria, I'm not sure that a kg of chicken raised with local feed and consumed in a household in the South is more \"carbon-intensive\" than a kg of protein produced in an energy-intensive Western country? In any case, it deserves to be explored further","linen_text":"Not all clothes can be tumble dried anyway. Yes we do for most clothes and are not bothered as we have the space to do so. Time is not a constraint in itself but it does bring the problem of bad smells appearing on textiles that take a long time to dry","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"the weather","never_plane_text":"of the main benefit: CO2 emissions","loan_text":"financial and environmental savings","second_hand_text":"no real thought on this point. It is too ingrained a habit","unpackaged_text":"no real constraint","local_products_text":"obvious environmental benefit","turn off_text":"a bit restrictive when the box takes ten minutes to send wifi","drop_temperature_text":"obvious environmental benefit","vegan_text":"overly ingrained eating habits but fewer meat-free meals","linen_text":"no constraints when we have the space","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Carbon Emanation","never_plane_text":"Bilan carbone","loan_text":"Carbon footprint","second_hand_text":"Less production means less pollution","unpackaged_text":"Less waste","local_products_text":"Bilan carbone","turn off_text":"Less energy consumption","drop_temperature_text":"lower energy consumption","vegan_text":"I have reduced my consumption of animal products but still eat some.","linen_text":"lower energy consumption","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I live in the countryside, no one takes exactly the same routes as me and no one lives near my home in ACO so to come and go to school, I have to take my car alone (50min drive, no train or bus)","never_plane_text":"I try to limit my air travel as much as possible but I don't want to stop flying completely, flying once a year is still reasonable","loan_text":"I find this system much more ecological and also more profitable and it takes up less space too.","second_hand_text":"It also depends on the clothes (not underwear for example) but I find it not complicated to put in place, less expensive and much more ecological","unpackaged_text":"You just have to remember to bring your containers","local_products_text":"You have to succeed in changing your lifestyle habits, but it is possible.","turn off_text":"You just have to think about it, but it's not a hassle.","drop_temperature_text":"It costs nothing to put on a sweater","vegan_text":"Strictly plant-based, it's complicated and very restrictive. Limiting animal production (to be consumed through meat) would already be good. My entourage already has trouble understanding that I reduce my meat consumption (1 to 2 times per week)","linen_text":"It's cheaper and doesn't take that long.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Reduced GHG share, saving money","never_plane_text":"Freedom of mobility","loan_text":"Access to resources easily","second_hand_text":"We don't necessarily find what we are looking for","unpackaged_text":"Forgetting the containers","local_products_text":"I like bananas","turn off_text":"Reduction of energy costs","drop_temperature_text":"Reduced energy consumption","vegan_text":"Too strict","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer and evaporation does the trick.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I only use it alone on a short trip to work...","never_plane_text":"A trip from time to time","loan_text":"It is easy to do","second_hand_text":"I buy few clothes but good quality ones and I keep them for a long time.","unpackaged_text":"It also takes more time...","local_products_text":"I prefer local products but from time to time I may not do so.","turn off_text":"I do not think about it...","drop_temperature_text":"Yes, and even less at night.","vegan_text":"But I eat less meat than before and local products","linen_text":"It's also better for laundry","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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restrictive","car_alone_text":".","never_plane_text":"I think that we should above all create more ecological alternatives and modes of transport rather than forcing consumers to stop everything.","loan_text":"Benefits: space saving, less consumption, therefore savings.","second_hand_text":"I am not comfortable with clothes that are used and worn by other people","unpackaged_text":"This is indeed possible.","local_products_text":"It is still worth noting that this practice involves an additional cost for the consumer.","turn off_text":"Less unnecessary energy consumed, therefore positive for the planet","drop_temperature_text":"Less energy consumed","vegan_text":"Vegetarianism and veganism are simply the future of our diet.","linen_text":"This is clearly wasted energy.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car 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of more than one hour. Organizational constraints and timeSocial and economic benefits","never_plane_text":"As far as possible, limit the plane but it is impossible to prohibit myself from the right to travel, discover etc. Strong social constraint","loan_text":"Economic benefit and space saving","second_hand_text":"Time constraintEconomic benefit","unpackaged_text":"Tested but very complicatedBig logistics: have the containers, don't forget them, go to several stores, social constraint: change your habits, reduce your choice, don't consume certain productsEconomic constraint: more expensive products","local_products_text":"Few constraints but I allow myself to consume non-local products 1 to 2 times a year","turn off_text":"Change of habits","drop_temperature_text":"Economic benefits and better quality of life and sleep","vegan_text":"Social and health constraints","linen_text":"Time constraints (extend, relax, iron...)","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I rarely transport people, except close ones.","never_plane_text":"Take the train","loan_text":"Not having to systematically need the material in question","second_hand_text":"Fast fashion is tiring","unpackaged_text":"limit plastic and cardboard","local_products_text":"consume local and seasonal fruits and vegetables","turn off_text":"reduce a bill","drop_temperature_text":"reduce your bill","vegan_text":"I am not vegan","linen_text":"slower to dry, but more economical","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"time saving, practical, independence, social discomfort","never_plane_text":"cost","loan_text":"cost reduction, tool optimization","second_hand_text":"purchase in convenience stores only","unpackaged_text":"less waste to sort","local_products_text":"more diversity in food","turn off_text":"reduction of consumption during holidays","drop_temperature_text":"reduction of energy consumed, especially at night","vegan_text":"Difficulty adapting, few choices outside","linen_text":"a loss of space in a small home, requires organization but reduces material and energy costs","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"adaptation of schedule, change of location during the day, destination poorly served by carpooling","never_plane_text":"family living abroad","loan_text":"more economical, less clutter from unnecessary objects","second_hand_text":"last minute purchase","unpackaged_text":"organization to bring the containers, and the right number","local_products_text":"I limit my consumption of non-local products, but I like spices, coffee and tea!","turn off_text":"facile","drop_temperature_text":"facile","vegan_text":"I limit my meat consumption and I check the origin","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Time saving","never_plane_text":"I want to travel to other continents and do not have enough vacation time to use another mode of transport (except for trips within France and to border countries)","loan_text":"Save money and avoid storing a lot of stuff that I hardly use","second_hand_text":"Very few second-hand stores near me, so the choice is too limited.","unpackaged_text":"Produce less waste and do not use too much single-use plastic","local_products_text":"Making the local economy work","turn off_text":"Allows you to disconnect, reduces your electricity bill","drop_temperature_text":"I already heat my house very little","vegan_text":"Improve your health and defend the animal cause","linen_text":"Allows you to significantly reduce your electricity consumption and therefore save money","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I take my car to be on time.","never_plane_text":"For some destinations, it seems very complicated to me not to take the plane. It's safer than covid.","loan_text":"This saves me from storing things unnecessarily that I don't use much.","second_hand_text":"I find the clothing too personal, I prefer to buy less in this case.","unpackaged_text":"This saves me from filling my overflowing trash can.","local_products_text":"As I have a specific diet, I find it difficult to do without certain products that diversify my diet.","turn off_text":"Yes, I turn it off, it saves energy.","drop_temperature_text":"It's systematic and it's economical.","vegan_text":"My diet is not strictly plant-based because I already have deficiencies and it is not so easy to substitute everything due to a lack of knowledge.","linen_text":"because the dryer uses a lot of energy.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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time","never_plane_text":"The plane is an easy way for long journeys","loan_text":"This avoids overconsumption of equipment for infrequent uses.","second_hand_text":"Finding a style that I like","unpackaged_text":"This reduces unnecessary packaging","local_products_text":"I prefer to consume these products","turn off_text":"This reduces electricity consumption (may not be valid for all devices)","drop_temperature_text":"I prefer to have a good temperature","vegan_text":"I can reduce the quantities of certain foods but not eliminate them completely.","linen_text":"That does not bother me","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Ecology, Economy","never_plane_text":"Ecology","loan_text":"waste","second_hand_text":"pleasure","unpackaged_text":"Ecological","local_products_text":"promote the local economy, reduce pollution","turn off_text":"time consuming, problem when restarting some devices","drop_temperature_text":"too chilly, wish to relax at home","vegan_text":"pleasure of eating fruits and vegetables, respect for animal welfare","linen_text":"No time, no space","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"If local travel: need for flexibility (shopping, etc.), if work/home travel: often adjacent constraints (going to school, etc.), if professional travel: systematic car sharing (reduces costs), if vacation: full car","never_plane_text":"Need to escape from time to time (few trips ultimately, max 1 / year)","loan_text":"This avoids having to carry around equipment that is only used once.","second_hand_text":"I buy few clothes, I keep them for a long time until I wear them out often.","unpackaged_text":"At least I have the right quantities!","local_products_text":"It's a bit of variety, consuming over 90% local and seasonal fresh produce.","turn off_text":"No need to waste equipment and energy for nothing.","drop_temperature_text":"An extra sweater doesn't bother you (and dust mites don't like the cold).","vegan_text":"Occasionally vegetarian yes, systematically it means giving up deep habits.","linen_text":"Without a dryer since forever.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Constraints: school and nursery schedule and work","never_plane_text":"France is a beautiful country, no need to go far to get away from it all","loan_text":"Gain of pleasure","second_hand_text":"Financial advantage","unpackaged_text":"Currently thinking about this habit...","local_products_text":"Want to be in harmony with the seasons","turn off_text":"Currently being tested","drop_temperature_text":"Personal choice","vegan_text":"I keep this freedom","linen_text":"Two children, one of whom is a toddler, and no space other than my living room, we invested in a tumble dryer since the arrival of the 2nd... Which will surely be resold when we move...","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Not having a vehicle, no real constraints. Use of public transport","never_plane_text":"Avoid flying when an alternative is possible, but do not stop completely","loan_text":"THAT","second_hand_text":"THAT","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"Buy as locally as possible without completely avoiding certain products that can be consumed occasionally","turn off_text":"Already applied","drop_temperature_text":"Measure already applied","vegan_text":"Reduce consumption of animal products as much as possible without excluding them completely","linen_text":"Measure already applied","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"For long journeys it is clear that it is preferable to carpool, since these journeys are most often planned well in advance, it seems not very restrictive to share the journey using carpooling applications. However, on a daily basis, the journeys are short and if they are not regular (in the sense that we always make the same journey) it seems very restrictive to me to have to share the journey by car. In my case I make few short and regular journeys. For short distances I prefer walking or public transport if possible. However, I do not think I am able to sacrifice time and adapt to other people's schedules considering my current journeys.","never_plane_text":"There is a great diversity of landscapes etc in France and Europe accessible by public transport. It seems to me quite possible to do without the plane in a tourist setting. Concerning non-tourist trips my schedule does not involve major time constraints and I can afford to spend time in transport as well. Less pollution but loss of time and limitation in the distance to be covered.","loan_text":"Save money (no need to buy), less consumption but waste of time and requires contact with lenders","second_hand_text":"Circular economy, less polluting but less choice, not available everywhere, can be polluting, sending Vinted parcels","unpackaged_text":"Ecological, practical, less polluting in the long term but bulk is sometimes more expensive because the most extensive offer is in organic stores, plan your shopping in advance and therefore the containers, wash the containers","local_products_text":"Obvious environmental and social benefits but it seems difficult to source locally, especially as part of a flexitarian diet I consume a variety of products that are not available in my region and which I would have a hard time doing without. I favor local products (if their prices are not too high) whenever I can but I am not ready to do without products that are not available locally.","turn off_text":"Reduction in energy consumption, financial savings and benefits for the environment but requires planning and above all thinking about it given the multitude of electronic devices in a home, this can also take a long time to do.","drop_temperature_text":"Already done, this does not pose any major constraints, benefiting the environment and the energy bill.","vegan_text":"Difficult transition to achieve, not encouraged in certain contexts where consumption habits are very marked (family meals, etc.), diets difficult to balance at the beginning, requires relearning how to cook, eat but environmental benefits and animal welfare.","linen_text":"Already done, no constraints, only benefits, reduction of energy bills, less polluting","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"When I was working I didn't have a schedule that could accommodate this system.","never_plane_text":"With the pandemic, travel is difficult to do. Purchasing power is down.","loan_text":"In our life we have learned to fend for ourselves","second_hand_text":"When you retire, your needs are less, so it is possible if the opportunity arises.","unpackaged_text":"To this day I do my shopping at the fruit and vegetable market without packaging.","local_products_text":"I live in an area where there is","turn off_text":"I already do it","drop_temperature_text":"I have an economical heater and in the region it is on between 3 and 4 months/year and I heat to 21","vegan_text":"I love to eat","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer and the laundry is aired outdoors","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I live in the countryside, so I need my car to get around and to have a social life, I'm not prepared to sacrifice that, especially given that the figures show that the big polluters are not isolated people or those who live in the countryside or who are middle or lower class, the big polluters are big companies and rich people.","never_plane_text":"I am able to do it and I don't take the plane very often, but when I have to take it I take it, for example to go to work abroad, globalization and the increase in trade as well as the growing flexibility of the world of work push employees to travel more, these people should not be the ones we point the finger at when it comes to the issue of transport pollution, the problem is elsewhere, we have also proven that the richer you are, the more you take the plane, those who hoard the wealth pollute much more","loan_text":"Of course you have to be in a place where these loan systems are easy to access, which is not the case for everyone. I do it as much as possible when I can and it avoids waste.","second_hand_text":"Second-hand is not accessible to everyone, you need to have time to go to second-hand platforms or go to places and search, you also need money, for example in big cities second-hand shops are often expensive and have been taken over by a fringe whose social status is higher, fast fashion is very polluting but it is also cheap and easy to access","unpackaged_text":"Likewise, you need to spend money and time to find places where you can buy everything in bulk, it is far from being accessible to everyone, you also have to live in the city","local_products_text":"I try to do it as much as possible but sometimes there are no local products that I would like where I live, it takes time and money because these products are sometimes more expensive.","turn off_text":"It reduces consumption and is easy to do.","drop_temperature_text":"I am capable of doing it, but I also consider that it is not up to the working classes and the middle classes to sacrifice their comfort of life when they are not the biggest polluters, far from it.","vegan_text":"I eat almost exclusively vegetarian for these reasons.","linen_text":"It reduces electricity consumption","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Shifts in three shifts, so no colleagues working the same hours","never_plane_text":"I take the plane at most once a year.","loan_text":"Equipment used only occasionally so no purchase necessary","second_hand_text":"Giving a second life to fast fashion","unpackaged_text":"Ecological and economic gain but questions about the packaging of products before they are put in bulk","local_products_text":"Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, making a few exceptions for products that are not of French origin.","turn off_text":"Easy to do","drop_temperature_text":"I don't heat my home because it is well insulated.","vegan_text":"I prefer to eat less but of better quality.","linen_text":"Fear of damaging clothes in the dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"for group outings, it's not at all disturbing, the same for work if you have a colleague who doesn't live far away and you alternate... in short, in reality it's often feasible","never_plane_text":"lack of money","loan_text":"THAT","second_hand_text":"I still buy clothes in stores but not every day. But I don't buy second-hand clothes yet because they are often old. But I should be interested in that.","unpackaged_text":"Buying in bulk is sometimes more expensive... but in itself it's not very complicated","local_products_text":"Bringing \"exotic\" products to where we can't produce them is not necessarily a problem for me, it's mainly about producing elsewhere what we can do at homeI don't want to deprive myself of bananas, avocados, etc.","turn off_text":"It's completely doable, you just have to think about it","drop_temperature_text":"I am chilly, I like to be warm, without being too covered","vegan_text":"I have reduced my meat consumption but I have not stopped completely, at least not yet. I must admit that I like the taste. I do not have a lot of knowledge about animal protein substitutes.","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I don't take my car to work.","never_plane_text":"not too hard in covid period...","loan_text":"I will eventually do this once my own tools break down, so as not to at least replace them with new ones.","second_hand_text":"I don't buy many clothes and I'm not interested in fashion, so not at all. It even simplifies.","unpackaged_text":"It reduces the volume of trash so much that it is very positive. Downside: sometimes more expensive without than with packaging (even for basic products like white vinegar... not just for high-end products like organic)","local_products_text":"I like coffee and pineapples, the share of transport in GHG emissions from food is very low (5 to 7%), and I attach more importance to the production method of products (fair trade, use of pesticides, etc.) than to their origin. I also do not see the point in restricting the export capacities of countries whose economic development is based on exports of tropical products, while national and European exports are also very important for agricultural products. To reduce GHG emissions through my diet, I think that reducing the meat portion of my diet is much more effective than stopping imported products (except by plane).","turn off_text":"I'm afraid of missing an emergency call so my box always stays on.","drop_temperature_text":"essential, in addition to effective insulation","vegan_text":"It seems to me that a completely vegetarian diet is not suitable for me (frequent iron deficiencies etc.); but reducing the frequency and quantity of meat in all meals is possible.","linen_text":"the laundry is rougher. Reduced constraint when you have space to hang it out (it would be more difficult in a cramped home)","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"There are already so many places to visit in France or in neighboring countries (without a plane).","loan_text":"THAT","second_hand_text":"THAT","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"THAT","turn off_text":"It is not up to the user to do this but to the device manufacturers (switching from standby to shutdown after a set number of hours or days for example; or the possibility of defining a time for the device to shut down?).","drop_temperature_text":"THAT","vegan_text":"we are omnivores, a strictly plant-based diet is not an option for me. On the other hand, reducing my meat consumption by choosing better quality (and more expensive) meat is entirely possible.","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I limit my car use as much as possible and I carpool for planned long journeys.","never_plane_text":"Take another mode of transport / local vacation","loan_text":"change of habit/I limit my material needs","second_hand_text":"change of habit limit production, I simply limit my purchases","unpackaged_text":"not enough supply in the supermarkets so limit my purchases in the supermarket","local_products_text":"constraining/limiting the carbon impact and promoting local","turn off_text":"constraint to think about it, benefit of limitation, energy consumption","drop_temperature_text":"easy/energy consumption","vegan_text":"I chose flexitarian to limit the constraint while limiting my impact plus zero red meat","linen_text":"easy for those who live in the countryside and energy saving","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I will be perfectly capable of doing it on a daily basis but maybe not all the time.","never_plane_text":"It seems normal to me today. On the other hand, I will have to put dreams aside, but I am ready to do it.","loan_text":"Very good thing, which I encourage to develop. Creation of social bond in addition","second_hand_text":"Some clothes like underwear, swimsuits and shoes I can't bring myself to buy second-hand yet. On the other hand I do my best for the rest of my clothes.","unpackaged_text":"Unfortunately it's too expensive today. But if the prices were the same, I would only do bulk","local_products_text":"I have already chosen to eat a plant-based diet to limit my impact on the environment, I am not yet ready to give up all exotic products even if I already limit them!","turn off_text":"habit already established","drop_temperature_text":"A habit already established, I never heat above 18C","vegan_text":"Habit already established","linen_text":"Habit already established","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"less gasoline and therefore carbon in the atmosphere, less time lost in travel, but less interaction with work","never_plane_text":"no benefit other than environmental, no travel and therefore no opening to other cultures","loan_text":"you have to have a network. I buy second-hand","second_hand_text":"I wear out my clothes, I buy very little, I don't care about appearances","unpackaged_text":"less waste but you must not forget your containers","local_products_text":"To tell the truth, I allow myself a few organic exotic products.","turn off_text":"reduction of electricity consumption, pollution and bills","drop_temperature_text":"control your consumption for pollution and bills","vegan_text":"I can but I don't do it systematically, especially since I have other constraints (gluten, milk, etc.). And then with the pass it's sorted, no more restaurants","linen_text":"the dryer slammed, we went to hang it out, electricity consumption dropped but it was in the middle","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Picking up people is incompatible most of the time with my journeys (journey too short within a 5km radius around home)","never_plane_text":"My average is one flight every 5 years, which is satisfactory in my opinion given the level of pollution I generate. Let's say that it's the best compromise I can make.","loan_text":"I borrow everything from my father-in-law, it's super practical and it doesn't cost muchAnd then there's no constraint because I don't give him back the tools, I store them at home so when I need them I have them on hand","second_hand_text":"Except for underwear, socks and shoes.","unpackaged_text":"It definitely produces less waste and the only major downside is the reduction in choice.","local_products_text":"I totally agree and if you want to eat a pineapple it is better to take a plane to Madagascar to eat it, it is much more ecological!!I eat some imported foods but in small quantities and only a few times a year.","turn off_text":"I've been doing it for thirty years and I see no downsides to it, only benefits for the environment and for the wallet.","drop_temperature_text":"Same, I've been doing it for a long time, I don't see any drawbacks. Same benefit as the previous question.","vegan_text":"On the other hand, I limit meat/fish to only 3 or 4 meals per week. Benefit for the body and for the environment. The only drawback is finding alternative recipe ideas because we have always been used to eating meat-based meals","linen_text":"I don't use a tumble dryer. Financial and environmental benefit. Weather constraint","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Combining work time constraints and children","never_plane_text":"I like to travel without spending too many hours in transport","loan_text":"Relevant if equipment is rarely used","second_hand_text":"I don't buy but resell clothes","unpackaged_text":"Have what it takes for transportation","local_products_text":"I am very sensitive to buying local products as much as possible.","turn off_text":"I only do it during long absences.","drop_temperature_text":"Environmental impact and cost","vegan_text":"I eat everything but pay attention to overconsumption of meat/environment","linen_text":"Tumble dryers consume too much energy, a resource that must be preserved for the good of all","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Difficulty carpooling, inability to have fixed schedules.","never_plane_text":"It varies from person to person, but part of my family lives on the other side of the Atlantic.","loan_text":"I am capable of it when it is punctual","second_hand_text":"I have nothing against it, but used clothes don't last as long. However, I use second-hand clothes to dress my daughter who is growing up and therefore can't wear the same clothes for a long time.","unpackaged_text":"It's easy for me because I buy most of my food at the market anyway.","local_products_text":"I am careful, but I do buy such products.","turn off_text":"simple","drop_temperature_text":"I heat myself with wood","vegan_text":"It's bad for your health and a very bad idea from an ecological point of view.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I live in a place where I don't know any colleagues and there is little public transport. But with teleworking, I hope to reduce my journeys to 3 days a week.","never_plane_text":"I am someone who already travels little. It is not a major constraint for me. I may take the plane once or twice to visit friends who are very dear to me. And for business trips, I will prefer the train (when there is less risk from a health point of view).","loan_text":"Generally speaking, I am not someone who buys for the sake of buying, and I wear things out until the end. So whether it is for equipment or anything else, I do not buy just to own, but because I need things. This also applies to clothing. And climate change is drawing me even more into this approach. Everything we acquire has a carbon cost of manufacturing/transportation, and is waste in the making.","second_hand_text":"As answered in the previous question, I buy very few clothes, and I wear them out to the bone. Besides, I wear large sizes, and dressing in new clothes is already complicated, so second-hand clothes, I can't even imagine.","unpackaged_text":"I haven't completely switched to this choice for all my purchases yet, but I buy from local producers quite often, and I've switched to refillable capsules for my coffee. I need to organize myself to get the containers for some products.","local_products_text":"I don't see myself committing to doing without all exotic products for the moment. But for a few years now, and increasingly, I have been consuming food products of local origin and directly from the producer.","turn off_text":"This is a consumption that may seem minimal to each individual, but significant if practiced by all.","drop_temperature_text":"Indeed, I have gotten used to living with an extra layer, or even living with a slightly cooler temperature. The benefit is both for the environment and for my wallet.","vegan_text":"I can see myself as a flexitarian. I already eat less meat and fish, and more eggs. I am more critical about the origin of meat (and eggs), especially the way animals are raised. When I can, and it is not outrageously expensive (complicated with beef, which I eat very little), I buy organic and \"well-raised\" meat or fish (animal welfare).","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer and have never considered buying one. I don't see any constraint.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Your questionnaire assumes that everyone uses a car, but that is not the case for me since I mainly travel by bike.","never_plane_text":"strong impact on CO2 emissions","loan_text":"impact on waste management and also on savings but implies not being able to use equipment when you want but rather when it is available","second_hand_text":"important to limit waste but means not being able to treat yourself when you want to","unpackaged_text":"limits plastic and waste but not yet well distributed or present","local_products_text":"Be careful not to enter into an extremist mode of operation: I am in an AMAP and therefore buy almost everything locally (including meat and fish supplied by fishermen from the island of Yeu) but I drink coffee, tea and bananas and I don't want to feel guilty about it.","turn off_text":"I don't but I should and could","drop_temperature_text":"my husband takes care of it...","vegan_text":"Here too, let's not go to extremes. It is not by stopping eating meat that we will promote the development of market gardeners, nor that we will resolve the problems of carbon dioxide emissions. We must reduce our consumption but certainly not stop it.","linen_text":"reduction in electricity consumption","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"greenhouse gas emissions","never_plane_text":"rather for economy - can't afford to go on holiday abroad","loan_text":"economical and space-saving","second_hand_text":"economical and I am already used to receiving clothes from family and/or friends","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"THAT","turn off_text":"economical too","drop_temperature_text":"economical too","vegan_text":"THAT","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Allows you to chat with other people, develops mutual assistance. Restrictive for schedules.","never_plane_text":"I use other means of transport that are less polluting but restrictive because I deprive myself of discovering different countries and cultures.","loan_text":"without answer","second_hand_text":"Cheaper","unpackaged_text":"Difficulty finding non-organic and therefore cheaper stores offering bulk products but satisfactory when I see that I have reduced my waste","local_products_text":"THAT","turn off_text":"without answer","drop_temperature_text":"Lower electricity bill","vegan_text":"Totally plant-based, I can't get there yet, but it's good for animal suffering and for health and well-being.","linen_text":"Energy saving","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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my car very little except for long journeys.","never_plane_text":"I have rarely used the plane in my life","loan_text":"It is also an economic question","second_hand_text":"for now it's not in my habits but I can change","unpackaged_text":"Little by little, I am taking this type of approach, which is quite new for me.","local_products_text":"more and more I buy local","turn off_text":"for the laptop, I forget to turn it back on and then for some devices it is not at all practical","drop_temperature_text":"The heating in our building is collective, its not always easy to adjust the heating!","vegan_text":"for now, I'm not there yet, I'm not vegetarian.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer, it dries on the balcony or in a room","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the 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mountains.","never_plane_text":"To travel 7000 km, the plane is very practical.","loan_text":"I live far from everything.","second_hand_text":"I buy little but new things.","unpackaged_text":"I do my shopping by drive-through once a month, so I use containers.","local_products_text":"Local, that's all there is to it.","turn off_text":"Out of laziness, I don't do it.","drop_temperature_text":"saving money","vegan_text":"You have to eat everything, choosing the origins","linen_text":"The electricity bill is reduced.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Cost, sharing time with people, reduced environmental impact","never_plane_text":"Pollution","loan_text":"Costs are reduced, the material does not belong to me and is therefore not always available. Better to have second hands","second_hand_text":"Reusing expensive and unethical clothing","unpackaged_text":"Plan your shopping in advance and have to take public transport with you. I don't have a vehicle, I'd rather go to the market: fresh produce, good producer remuneration","local_products_text":"Have fresh produce","turn off_text":"I am a bit of a dreamer","drop_temperature_text":"Less pollution and gas usage, cheaper bills","vegan_text":"Less meat means better health, a vegetarian diet is not very restrictive provided you choose your products carefully","linen_text":"Depending on where you live","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not 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to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is 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Less pollution.","never_plane_text":"Zero constraints, I never take the plane","loan_text":"Too complicated for me unless a relative can lend me this equipment. Otherwise I prefer to do without it.","second_hand_text":"I can do this often for my children, for me it is more difficult","unpackaged_text":"Very easy to do","local_products_text":"I buy local and seasonal as much as possible, but for my children I also buy exotic fruits or vegetables that are not in season.","turn off_text":"Easy to do","drop_temperature_text":"I can't stand being cold and I hate being too covered up at home.","vegan_text":"I love meat too much","linen_text":"The dryer is very practical when you often have a lot of laundry to wash.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I do not have a car","never_plane_text":"if we go far it's faster and sometimes no train","loan_text":"it is cheaper for example for DIY tools","second_hand_text":"I don't buy clothes, my wardrobe is full","unpackaged_text":"sometimes bulk is more expensive and restrictive to bring your own containers and less hygienic","local_products_text":"eat exotic fruits and vegetables","turn off_text":"You have to turn everything back on the next day and that takes time","drop_temperature_text":"I can't adjust the heating","vegan_text":"iron and B12 deficiencies","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Benefits: not taking the risk of being late, being free to leave at the time I want, I can't see myself carpooling to do errands.... The constraint being the more polluting side","never_plane_text":"Benefit: better carbon footprint / Constraint: not being able to visit faraway foreign countries when I would like to","loan_text":"Benefit: limit consumption. Constraint: have to anticipate use","second_hand_text":"Benefit: less pollution. Constraint of having to search more for clothes, less direct choice than in a ready-to-wear store","unpackaged_text":"Benefits: less packaging. Constraint: recovering jars or boxes of sufficient size","local_products_text":"I do it on principle and to limit air transport, but I have seen several studies that show that in fact it is not the most polluting. The problem with these products is rather linked to the production conditions: deforestation, theft of land from local populations, poor working conditions, etc. The constraint is not very important for me because I am not a fan of exotic fruits and today kiwis are produced locally.","turn off_text":"Benefits: less energy used and Constraint: I don't know if these devices can stand being turned off and then turned back on so frequently.","drop_temperature_text":"Living in a G-rated apartment, I heat my room to 18C and the rest to 16-17C. The benefit is seen in energy consumption, but the constraint is not feeling comfortable, because even with several layers, the hands are exposed to the cold. On the other hand, it would be unimaginable to heat to 21C as recommended when the insulation is good, I would be much too hot","vegan_text":"I don't think a vegan diet is the solution, and there is no way I should take vitamin B12 and other food supplements from the pharmaceutical industry. Instead, you should eat little beef and favor local breeders whose practices you know, the ideal being grass-fed cows and no imports (soy/corn).","linen_text":"energy saving (I don't have a dryer anyway) but sheets are difficult to dry in an apartment","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"But I ride an electrically assisted bicycle almost every day to get to work (5 times a week).","never_plane_text":"No need to travel abroad outside of France's bordering countries.","loan_text":"pooling tools: problem of maintenance or repair if tool is misused, but more economical and ecological","second_hand_text":"Obvious, cheaper, varied choice","unpackaged_text":"Unfortunately not yet shared by my partner: carrying empty jars or bags to reuse is not a reflex: ok for specialist stores for dry products but more difficult in supermarkets for fresh products generally packaged: butter, yogurt, meat ... In bulk, the indication of the composition of cereal-type products is not always easily accessible. And the constraints of hygiene and safety criteria cleanliness of containers with risks of food contamination slow down the expansion of this practice for fresh products.","local_products_text":"Yes for local seasonal fruits but no for exotic seasonal fruits","turn off_text":"yes for television, but problem of longer reconnection for wifi and also practice not shared by those who go to bed later","drop_temperature_text":"Already in practice, in a house with \"nuclear\" heating which would require exterior wall insulation, photovoltaic panels and a change from \"toaster\" radiators to more efficient radiators: a financial investment which is not feasible to date.","vegan_text":"variety of vegetables: ok but cost in preparation time. Greed and Politeness sometimes make you crack.","linen_text":"Tumble dryer used very rarely but it is practical in winter with gray weather, or to save space if there are large loads of laundry to follow in order to finish drying started in the open air.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Moment of sharing with colleague and carpooler, low constraint because we are going to the same place, we adapt to each other's schedules","never_plane_text":"Besides the holidays, refusing to take the plane also means no longer visiting my parents who live in the French overseas departments...","loan_text":"economical, responsible for the planet, and less consumption for society","second_hand_text":"I sew my clothes without factory manufacturing or child labor. It is economical and for better quality.","unpackaged_text":"Less waste after purchase, and I buy just the amount I need","local_products_text":"Eating local also means you can be sure of having good quality products.","turn off_text":"I save energy, and there are no constraints","drop_temperature_text":"Reduce my energy bill, but working from home is more complicated...","vegan_text":"I don't have a strictly plant-based diet, but a flexitarian one.. no meat or fish at every meal. Good for your health too","linen_text":"I have time and space, I don't see the point of the dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Too restrictive and little room for spontaneity in daily journeys. But feasible on long journeys planned in advance","never_plane_text":"very few trips so we still use the plane (but limited to 1 return trip/year), possibility of offsetting carbon through other actions","loan_text":"avoids the purchase of new equipment, reduced cost, no storage. Only advantages","second_hand_text":"90% of my child's clothes are loaned or donated, second-hand. For me, new clothes but used as much as possible and very infrequent purchases","unpackaged_text":"I don't think about it when I go shopping. Also, questions about bulk in some stores that might not be so advantageous. On the other hand, I avoid over-packaging if the choice is easier between two equivalent products","local_products_text":"I'm cutting back more and more, but I can't do without it completely.","turn off_text":"on extended departures yes, but not on a daily basis","drop_temperature_text":"heating savings and common sense above all","vegan_text":"reducing the amount of meat and fish consumed, and paying attention to quality, but not strictly vegetarian","linen_text":"except for sheets and towels","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"The benefits: more fun to share a journey, more ecological, more economical, less carbon emissions. The constraints: organize in advance, lengthen the journey","never_plane_text":"Very long journeys with children I prefer to travel by plane for long journeys; but by train or bus or carpooling when I travel alone.","loan_text":"I am a fan of the circular economy and peer-to-peer lending. It requires organization and trust but it is definitely achievable. I save money and everyone wins.","second_hand_text":"Giving a second life to clothes, objects, this is part of the circular economy. I prefer to buy reasonably, I learned to no longer buy on impulse. Given the choice offered I always find what I want. As a result I find new clothes too expensive.","unpackaged_text":"Less packaging, less waste, less pollution...but also a bigger budget and less choice in the products offered. This also requires having space to store all the jars but it is possible!","local_products_text":"We try to diversify our food as much as possible and let our children taste all types of cuisine. Our cuisine is international, it would be difficult to limit ourselves to local products even if we know that it would be more ecological!","turn off_text":"I don't do it every night, I could, you just have to think about it because it's an energy saving gain.","drop_temperature_text":"energy saving","vegan_text":"Less pollution, better for health. This requires replacing animal protein with vegetable protein but it is possible","linen_text":"Energy saving. This requires organization and anticipation. Raising awareness among adults and children to manage their affairs well to reduce the number of laundry loads to do!","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"change the system through thought methods (individualism)","never_plane_text":"relocate my vacation to find more meaning and fight against the need that the capitalist model wants to create for us by linking \"vacation\" with \"going far away\"","loan_text":"we meet cool people and we share objects that we rarely use individually (a drill) so cool","second_hand_text":"the fashion industry, the most polluting in the world, and one of the most relocated","unpackaged_text":"it means less waste in the trash, even if we're not going to reduce pollution on an individual scale (and stores aren't always ready for that)","local_products_text":"Do not encourage a system in which, in addition to being completely disconnected from what we consume, we need heavy transport that is based on the use of fuel, a limited and polluting resource. Especially since it is not necessary or vital (but hey, coffee and chocolate anyway","turn off_text":"in itself if it's just a power strip to turn off every night it's possible. You just have to realize that energy is consumed when you're not using it and then it comes naturally I guess","drop_temperature_text":"In winter we wear sweaters to go with the cold and in summer we wear t-shirts to go with the heat, we must not see ourselves as magicians who make the average temperature 22C throughout the year. Reconnect with the seasons in addition to saving energy.","vegan_text":"Humanity (Westerners, let's say) needs to reconnect with the living world around it, and no longer think of our non-human neighbors as resources but as living beings equal to us. If we were in this cosmology, we would not even imagine that we could lock up our fellow human beings to make them fat and kill them in an industrialized way. The problem is not that we eat meat, but it is the way we produce it and therefore the way we look at it.","linen_text":"The dryer makes a lot of noise, yes of course it uses energy, and then it makes us dependent on a somewhat useless technological thing, once again.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"In reality I rarely take the car, I prefer walking or public transport. When I take the car alone, it is very exceptional and sometimes in an emergency.","never_plane_text":"I haven't flown in almost 5 years. But I will probably do so again, but sparingly. I know that I will drastically reduce my plane trips compared to 10-15 years ago, for example, when I would fly at least 1 or 2 times a year.","loan_text":"Already done with equipment loan from a CE. Avoid getting cluttered.","second_hand_text":"I'm trying to get there little by little but I don't find the offer very developed. On the other hand, I find it much easier for children's clothes. I buy very little new for children.","unpackaged_text":"Offer not developed enough at the moment. I'm trying for some products.","local_products_text":"I prefer to favor seasonal products. We know that the environmental impact of a product is much more linked to its production method (outdoors or greenhouse) rather than to its transport.","turn off_text":"climate impact and financial economy. Very easy with programmable connected sockets.","drop_temperature_text":"Already done. Climate benefit bill. Few constraints except in teleworking where, not moving, we are colder.","vegan_text":"I tend to adopt the flexitarian diet. I eat little meat. Not at all if I'm alone. But I don't forbid myself from eating it with family or outside.","linen_text":"I have drastically reduced my use of the dryer. When I still use it, it is at reduced power, and more for pre-drying in humid weather or softening towels to avoid ironing.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Health benefits: less pollution, more conviviality","never_plane_text":"The budget constraint","loan_text":"Financial Benefit Availability constraint at the desired time","second_hand_text":"less fast fashion, more style (be careful, the first question is oriented towards the fact of not always finding the desired style of clothing: when we go to thrift stores, we like it precisely because the nugget makes us even happier)","unpackaged_text":"Simplicity means we take out the trash less often and it's just a habit to get into in the end","local_products_text":"The plane to transport a fruit that I will eat in 5 minutes: the cost is not worth it at the moment, however I prefer them in ready-made jars: less dietetic but it can provide work for local businesses and these fruits take the boat: less polluting","turn off_text":"see the ignition and standby balance for certain products","drop_temperature_text":"It prevents colds and saves energy","vegan_text":"I am a flexitarian: I start from the principle that without cows: no dung: no amendment: no vegetables, so you have to eat meat to have vegetables but in a very reasonable way.","linen_text":"no energy expenditure and no money expenditure (air is free unlike electricity)","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"Important to travel and desire to discover the world","loan_text":"For products I don't use every day","second_hand_text":"Cheaper and better for the planet","unpackaged_text":"THAT","local_products_text":"We don't need shaky products from the other side of the world, we can make do with local products.","turn off_text":"Normal","drop_temperature_text":"THAT","vegan_text":"No need for animal protein to live","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"We can limit ourselves to places that are closer and just as pretty.","loan_text":"We gain financial benefit.","second_hand_text":"Financial benefit.","unpackaged_text":"Very easy to set up when possible.","local_products_text":"You have to know how to please yourself.","turn off_text":"I do not think about it","drop_temperature_text":"I don't think about it but I think about it.","vegan_text":"I love meat and have no plans to give it up.","linen_text":"I already do it.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I am very often accompanied by my children in the car.","never_plane_text":"I don't have the budget to travel as a family of 5 by plane","loan_text":"It is often cheaper to rent","second_hand_text":"you can keep your clothes for several years","unpackaged_text":"I have bags and glass jars for my purchases and there is no longer any brand value given to breakfast cereals. Weaning off TV and therefore advertising is very effective in no longer wanting brands. and therefore can allow you to consume what is available near me","local_products_text":"If there are so many bananas sold it is because it is the least expensive fruit despite the kilometers traveled. A person in France with a methanizer buys bananas to put them in the methanizer. Once again because it is what is the least expensive once he has put everything he can produce on his farm.","turn off_text":"just install the power strips with a button. we can think of the electrical panels intelligently also a part to turn off at night, turn off on vacation. devices such as oven or microwave do not need to indicate the time. there are mechanical programmers at IKEA the wifi is available just at the programmed time. So no wifi for teenagers who do not sleep.","drop_temperature_text":"an extra blanket on the sofa. a big duvet for the winter we don't keep it at 19 at night just frost-free.","vegan_text":"when you know that it's the choice with the greatest carbon impact, it's worth it!","linen_text":"It takes up space in the house to dry your laundry. especially with the family. I would like to have wires installed on pulleys so that the laundry can dry up high.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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to move as I want and when I want","never_plane_text":"I wouldn't stop myself from traveling because it means missing out on too many essential things.","loan_text":"It requires organization and anticipation","second_hand_text":"It's sometimes hard to find pants in my size, but it allows you to find original and inexpensive clothes.","unpackaged_text":"no constraint in my eyes, you just have to have a new reflex","local_products_text":"for vegetarians, exotic fruits or others have sought-after virtues that are not found in non-exotic foods","turn off_text":"you just have to think about it and have the reflex","drop_temperature_text":"cheaper electricity","vegan_text":"complicated when you are invited, complicated when you are in the sticks and you don't have a choice sometimes","linen_text":"I don't mind having less space while my clothes dry.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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purchase","never_plane_text":"Travel less","loan_text":"Networking","second_hand_text":"Networking","unpackaged_text":"Organize your purchases","local_products_text":"Change your eating habits","turn off_text":"Take the necessary time","drop_temperature_text":"Comfort","vegan_text":"gastronomy","linen_text":"Take more time","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is 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question of stopping eating it.","linen_text":"We never use the dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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times","never_plane_text":"No more traveling abroad","loan_text":"Difficulty finding loans or second-hand purchases that can be found in a short time","second_hand_text":"RAS","unpackaged_text":"Impossible to find many products without packaging","local_products_text":"We don't always find easily accessible local products","turn off_text":"THAT","drop_temperature_text":"THAT","vegan_text":"Reduce meat consumption yes, stop it no","linen_text":"Time constraints with children","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is 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is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I always travel with my dog","never_plane_text":"I am happy with visits to my region, especially nature.","loan_text":"Using equipment other than my own is a risk for accidents.","second_hand_text":"I rarely buy new clothes and use the ones I have as much as possible.","unpackaged_text":"impact on the climate, certainly, but also beware of the fairly frequent additional costs","local_products_text":"the only non-local fruit that I can eat is banana but it is not obligatory to eat it","turn off_text":"It's a reflex for me","drop_temperature_text":"no need to overheat an unused room","vegan_text":"I don't compromise on my diet","linen_text":"my laundry has always air dried","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Take the children to two different places","never_plane_text":"Discovering other cultures, other people and actually realizing the impacts on the climate in other countries...","loan_text":"It all depends on the material","second_hand_text":"Reuse what has not been used or has been used little","unpackaged_text":"This means having more time to shop in different places.","local_products_text":"Difficult depending on the season","turn off_text":"There are a lot of devices plugged in, it would take extra time to manage this each time","drop_temperature_text":"It is better to sleep in a room that is not too hot.","vegan_text":"I think it is necessary to eat everything","linen_text":"We need to manage time more","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"A twenty-minute car journey to the outskirts of the city would take much longer by bus. It also requires you to adapt your schedule to bus departures, which sometimes only leave every thirty minutes. That is to say, I would have had time to make the outward journey, the reason for my trip, and the return journey, but I still would not have arrived by public transport. In addition, not all destinations are served by public transport, unless you take one early in the morning and get picked up at the train station or bus station. In any case, it is an extraordinary loss of autonomy. Having to move around very regularly, it is unthinkable for me to have to adapt to other people's schedules or journeys. On the other hand, I do not use the car to go to the city centre because of the existence of the metro (unless it is in the middle of the night to compensate for the closure).","never_plane_text":"I have only taken it very rarely. But I understand that it can be an easy solution for those who need it.","loan_text":"I often get things lent to me by my family, but it is more complicated when I need specific equipment. Buying is therefore often the only solution.","second_hand_text":"Sometimes you can find nice clothes second hand but very rarely for men. I'm quite complicated but if I find something why not.","unpackaged_text":"In addition to specialist stores, this often greatly reduces the choice availableBut should be generalised in traditional shops","local_products_text":"Not very restrictive to make, but I admit that even if avocado is an ecological disaster, it's still good.","turn off_text":"I obviously have bad habits.","drop_temperature_text":"So sometimes I have to resort to blankets and sweaters, but more out of necessity than comfort.","vegan_text":"I eat less and less meat, but I won't adopt a strictly plant-based diet. Not for the moment, always.","linen_text":"This isn't going to improve my carbon footprint, but I do let my clothes air dry.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Family constraints","never_plane_text":"There are already beautiful things to see in France","loan_text":"I apply minimalism and zero waste","second_hand_text":"We must anticipate and adapt","unpackaged_text":"I already buy in bulk, at the market as much as possible, but I can't find everything. I still have to go to the supermarket and get some packaging.","local_products_text":"Children like certain products that we sometimes buy to please them.","turn off_text":"We already do it","drop_temperature_text":"We heat to 20. 19 seems too harsh to me","vegan_text":"We only buy meat locally and limit its consumption.","linen_text":"We don't do it but not in winter. Too wet in our area. We limit it as soon as possible","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"This helps reduce the carbon impact per person and it doesn't seem like much of a hassle if you do it with people you know.","never_plane_text":"As a young person, we all have more or less dreams of traveling abroad, so it would certainly be difficult to give up on these dreams, but it could already have a positive impact.","loan_text":"For me, this is a great habit because it seems quite useless to buy equipment that will only be used a few times and will then gather dust in a corner.","second_hand_text":"It is true that there may be less choice and a lack of accessibility for physical second-hand stores, but with second-hand sites like Vinted for example, it is very easy to set up as a habit.","unpackaged_text":"I would love to be able to do this more often but it is true that these types of devices are not always accessible to everyone and the choice can be quite limited but it would really change the situation regarding waste and excessive packaging.","local_products_text":"In France we are still lucky to have a large selection of local fruits and vegetables and we can really do without exotic fruits and vegetables.","turn off_text":"It's a habit to get into, but it takes very little time and effort and is very easy to implement.","drop_temperature_text":"We are used to our comfort but putting on a sweater is not such a big effort to reduce our carbon footprint.","vegan_text":"There are plenty of plant-based alternatives to meat that can not only be better for the environment but also for your health, but it's true that cutting meat out of your diet completely can be complicated, especially when going to restaurants.","linen_text":"Very easy habit to implement and much more economical","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":1,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"I made this choice for long trips which allows sharing the cost of gasoline but limits privacy.","never_plane_text":"Currently it doesn't bother me however later it could change and interest me more","loan_text":"I prefer to have things easily available to me.","second_hand_text":"I find it easy to find what I like in stores","unpackaged_text":"Currently a student I find it complicated but later why not","local_products_text":"Currently a student, this lifestyle does not suit me.","turn off_text":"I don't find it restrictive in everyday life","drop_temperature_text":"I don't find it restrictive for everyday life.","vegan_text":"I would miss some animal foods in my diet","linen_text":"This drying system is easy to set up and efficient","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":3,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Comfort","never_plane_text":"Travel is important to me, but air travel can be significantly reduced without being completely eradicated.","loan_text":"Easy habit to adopt","second_hand_text":"I am attached to new products (coats, etc.) but it is possible to increase my consumption of second-hand clothing.","unpackaged_text":"As a student the budget can be quite tight so I go for the easy option","local_products_text":"These foods are foods that I enjoy and do not wish to eliminate from my diet.","turn off_text":"It is something to think about, but it is a quick gesture.","drop_temperature_text":"I need to be comfortable at home and not feel cold there.","vegan_text":"I don't want to change my diet to a vegan diet, just reduce the proportion of meat.","linen_text":"It depends on the context and the time you have available, I try to do it when possible but as a student who washes her clothes at the laundromat it is difficult to hang all her clothes out in her apartment afterwards.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"THAT","never_plane_text":"I take a plane once every 5 years for long trips (the Antilles in 2017)","loan_text":"THAT","second_hand_text":"I already do it and I mend my old clothes","unpackaged_text":"I already do it","local_products_text":"I already do it but from time to time I indulge in organic bananas or organic avocados","turn off_text":"I don't think about it enough and do it from time to time","drop_temperature_text":"wool sweater and plaid on resting legs","vegan_text":"I eat meat (chicken or beef, locally produced) four meals a week, seafood too and sardines, mackerel and legumes","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer and I don't want one!","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Save money on gasoline","never_plane_text":"For some trips, the plane remains the only option","loan_text":"To make this choice the price should be more attractive","second_hand_text":"Love to rummage around and find that rare gem and save money","unpackaged_text":"Less packaging would be welcome","local_products_text":"To eat locally you need to have a substantial budgetIn addition, you need to make the overseas territories work well","turn off_text":"A habit to take and then save electricity","drop_temperature_text":"Overheated house bad for health","vegan_text":"I like meat","linen_text":"Done except in winter but at the same time the dryer heats the room where it is installed","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Too restrictive, the car is my work tool","never_plane_text":"The choice to be able to see the world","loan_text":"Avoid overconsumption, do not have equipment that you rarely use in drawers and that takes up space.","second_hand_text":"Save money, find different styles that are no longer commercially available.","unpackaged_text":"Less packaging to throw away, but higher prices on certain products.","local_products_text":"Exorbitant cost of local products, diversify food.","turn off_text":"Reduces electricity bills, prevents the device from getting damaged too quickly.","drop_temperature_text":"Constraint: being cold in the morning when waking up.Better health benefit","vegan_text":"Do not exploit animals in horrible conditions. Constraint: Having to take vitamins to compensate for the lack.","linen_text":"Saving electricity.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"The imposed choice prevents nuances. because my answer is neither yes nor no. moreover, as a disabled person, I do not spend my time doing blablacar to get passengers.","never_plane_text":"There are other areas of improvement for the environment!","loan_text":"Is the energy balance of ownership in favor of renting? This must depend on the property concerned.","second_hand_text":"When possible yes","unpackaged_text":"not all products allow this","local_products_text":"I do it when I can","turn off_text":"my job prevents me from doing it","drop_temperature_text":"facile","vegan_text":"I am an omnivore and in fifteen years we will eat animal meat that does not come from animals. Moreover, animal proteins come from insect larvae! So once again the choice is too clear-cut to be realistic on a population scale.","linen_text":"we don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Economy, meeting, constraints, being hyper organized, on time, knowing your schedule in advance...","never_plane_text":"I like to travel, see the world, however there is already a lot to do in France and our neighboring countries.","loan_text":"I already do it","second_hand_text":"Recycling economy, constraint clothes wear out faster","unpackaged_text":"Economy, avoid packaging, plastic, recycling... no specific constraints other than remembering to take your cotton bags...","local_products_text":"I buy a lot of local products and favor them whenever I can... however, doing without bananas and avocados, which are very interesting fruits from a nutritional point of view, seems difficult to me, and even more so for chocolate. I like the biocoop network which does not receive any goods by plane...","turn off_text":"I do it for health reasons, especially...","drop_temperature_text":"We heat with wood, which unfortunately pollutes a lot. Our chalet is small and warms up quickly","vegan_text":"I was vegetarian for over fifteen years. I had to start again during my pregnancies. Now that I am ready to finish breastfeeding, I am thinking about becoming vegetarian again. However, my meat consumption is very low, once or twice a week and my fish consumption is almost non-existent. A few oily fish for omega 3 intake, such as mackerel and local trout.","linen_text":"We don't have a dryer. Apparently it wears out clothes a lot too...","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":5,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is restrictive","car_alone_text":"Benefits: Savings, meetingsConstraints: loss of time, uncertainty about the schedule, last-minute problems, risk of delay in case of imperative","never_plane_text":"Benefit: less pollution, energy savingsConstraints: longer journey, inability to see loved ones again, loss for tourist areas","loan_text":"Benefit: economy, space saving, avoids obsolescence, technical improvementConstraints: difficulty in finding the object, transporting it, knowing how to use it, delay before having it","second_hand_text":"Benefit, economy, allows you to see the quality of the garment and its resistance, allows you to find cuts that are suitable but which are no longer fashionableConstraint: for people with an atypical morphology it is difficult to find a garment that is becoming.Unavailability of a type of garment when you need it","unpackaged_text":"Advantage: less waste and pollutionDisadvantages: not always suitable for the intended use, transport, quality conservation, weight of the containers to be transported","local_products_text":"Benefit: seasonal food, in line with our digestive capacities, food resilienceDisadvantages: less variety in dishes","turn off_text":"Advantages: economy, less wearDisadvantages: obligation to redo certain settings","drop_temperature_text":"Advantage: lower billDisadvantage: depending on the activity and thermogenesis of the person, it is not always manageable","vegan_text":"Benefit: better nutritional balanceDisadvantages: our physiology is not adapted to completely plant-based foods, risk of nutritional deficiency, temptation for manufacturers to imitate animal products by using ingredients of poor nutritional quality and many harmful additives in the long term","linen_text":"less deterioration of the laundry. drying too slow for thick clothes and risk of musty smell, space problem for sheets and large rooms, need for large drying racks","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"2"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Autonomy too far from the city","never_plane_text":"THAT","loan_text":"Quite","second_hand_text":"Yes it is my choice","unpackaged_text":"Oui","local_products_text":"Not binding","turn off_text":"THAT","drop_temperature_text":"THAT","vegan_text":"THAT","linen_text":"THAT","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"more sharing, more mutual aid","never_plane_text":"a lot to discover in nearby countries","loan_text":"Difficult when you are careful","second_hand_text":"Quite hard to find","unpackaged_text":"Very nice this distribution system","local_products_text":"Only those who come from our islands would be a bit lacking anyway","turn off_text":"I already do this for every absence of more than one day.","drop_temperature_text":"It's better than being hot","vegan_text":"Eat more fruits and vegetables which are significantly better for your health","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer, so I will never have one.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"My working hours and location are irregular. I use blablacar for longer trips","never_plane_text":"I have traveled a lot by plane. Since the pandemic, I think differently. I want to travel more often by train. But the SNCF lines to travel across France are pitiful, not to mention the exorbitant prices.","loan_text":"Borrowed equipment is of better quality than equipment purchased at the lowest price and used only occasionally. Less impact on the climate","second_hand_text":"I hate fast fashion and its impact on the climate, as well as the working conditions in production. That said, I am able to buy a new piece of clothing ethically produced on the other side of the world.","unpackaged_text":"packaging impact on climate","local_products_text":"I try to buy local and organic as much as possible. I love avocados, knowing full well the water requirements in production. Ouch!!! Bad point","turn off_text":"Done systematically every evening","drop_temperature_text":"Honestly, it's the cost of heating that influences my decision.","vegan_text":"I eat little animal protein, knowing the impact of livestock farming on the climate and the environment. But knowing the impact of agriculture on the environment of cereal production, not to mention the square kilometers of plastic in Spain which provides us with a plethora of vegetables... I remain skeptical.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer. I only use it for duvets, in a laundromat.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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freedom","never_plane_text":"I have already traveled a lot","loan_text":"I did not think about it","second_hand_text":"Hygiene","unpackaged_text":"I have doubts about hygiene and expiration dates","local_products_text":"I already practice","turn off_text":"The restart should be faster","drop_temperature_text":"I already do it","vegan_text":"I already practice","linen_text":"I already practice","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally 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possible even if it is restrictive.","never_plane_text":"If the trip is to go live somewhere or enjoy an important moment (wedding) that I cannot get to otherwise than by plane","loan_text":"economic gain and more thought in new purchases that are made very occasionally","second_hand_text":"economic gain and more thought in new purchases which are made very very occasional","unpackaged_text":"It's nice to reduce your waste and it means consuming more local products for fresh products, so double the benefits.","local_products_text":"I do it for certain foods, I only eat seasonal foods but it's too difficult to do without chocolate, pepper, spices, etc.","turn off_text":"I could do it, I don't think about it and I live in a big family so it's not always easy to organize.","drop_temperature_text":"Heating is expensive so it is doubly interesting especially since it is not very restrictive to put on an extra layer.","vegan_text":"I don't eat meat but I'm trying to reduce my consumption of dairy products but for now it's very difficult to stop completely","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer, the question doesn't arise.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop 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car","never_plane_text":"too much CO2 emitted for profit.","loan_text":"Reusing existing materials means not wasting raw materials","second_hand_text":"I tend to buy new, durable clothes.","unpackaged_text":"plastic waste reduction vs. appropriate container prediction","local_products_text":"reducing transport emissions, learning new flavours","turn off_text":"click on outlet against consumption","drop_temperature_text":"decrease in consumption","vegan_text":"greenhouse gas emissions and loss of forests to feed livestock.","linen_text":"no dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Working hours, distance between my home and work","never_plane_text":"Not having the health pass, I no longer wish to go abroad","loan_text":"Some materials that I use sometimes, so no point in buying and not using them later.","second_hand_text":"So far I have never bought second-hand clothes, but I will definitely do so in the future.","unpackaged_text":"I buy my groceries in stores or they sell them in bulk. However, some foods should not have so much packaging. Companies also need to take action on this issue.","local_products_text":"I often buy locally or locally. Living in the countryside, we have traders who sell local products.","turn off_text":"I do it every day: turn off the television, lamps...","drop_temperature_text":"I do it easily. However, having young children, you need a certain temperature limit. We live in the middle of the mountains, so you need heating. We use a wood stove.","vegan_text":"I am not a vegetarian but I am careful about what I eat.","linen_text":"We don't have a tumble dryer. In summer outside and in winter on a clothes horse next to the wood stove.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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visits and assistance to elderly people, non-programmable","never_plane_text":"close family residing abroad","loan_text":"economical solution of course","second_hand_text":"The fewer new clothes we make, especially jeans, the less water we waste.","unpackaged_text":"Less waste in unnecessary packaging and plastics","local_products_text":"Reduction of polluting transport, and plenty of choice of local and seasonal products to eat","turn off_text":"no constraint to do this process which takes a few seconds","drop_temperature_text":"very good energy saving habit, and healthier life in non-overheated places","vegan_text":"I prefer a flexitarian, sensible diet","linen_text":"I have always done it, without it causing me the slightest problem.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able 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restrictive","car_alone_text":"Cost","never_plane_text":"The plane is necessary for certain destinations","loan_text":"Economy and time saving","second_hand_text":"Condition of second-hand clothes","unpackaged_text":"Practical, economical","local_products_text":"Some foods are difficult to eliminate from our daily lives, such as coffee.","turn off_text":"Easy habit to adopt, more economical and also provides greater security","drop_temperature_text":"Easy and low-constraint","vegan_text":"THAT","linen_text":"Easy habit to adopt, respects the tissues more","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not 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In any case, it is difficult (too expensive) to take the plane at 5","loan_text":"availability of equipment","second_hand_text":"not used to it, average impact, I consume very few clothes","unpackaged_text":"not always available, remember to take the containers","local_products_text":"some products are important to me","turn off_text":"multiply the ordered sockets and convince in the family","drop_temperature_text":"savings","vegan_text":"completely vegetarian is too restrictive, but I prefer to reduce meat consumption","linen_text":"able to do it but given the practical aspect of the dryer, I give up","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Some of my journeys can only be done with my own car. However, I have greatly reduced my car travel and have been doing a lot of journeys on foot.","never_plane_text":"I'm not a fan of traveling abroad, especially since the Covid 19 pandemic.","loan_text":"I limit non-essential purchases, firstly, for the savings made.","second_hand_text":"I wouldn't feel comfortable in second-hand clothes. I'm not a fashion victim anyway.","unpackaged_text":"I started taking my containers with me for some purchases but I still have some work to do. Some supermarkets don't play the game either (example: individually wrapped cakes instead of opting for a cake to share)","local_products_text":"I have a weakness for certain fruits like oranges or kiwis which give me vitamin C.","turn off_text":"This habit should be fairly easy to get into.","drop_temperature_text":"Currently, my home is not very well insulated and the temperature is already not always very high. I can't imagine lowering it further.... I still have to do some insulation work","vegan_text":"I enjoy eating poultry or fish from time to time for the health benefits they provide. But I can go without them for a few days.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"personal time saving and comfort","never_plane_text":"to be able to travel wherever I want","loan_text":"avoid piling up materials that are not used much","second_hand_text":"I like to buy both and I like to buy what I like too","unpackaged_text":"very good idea","local_products_text":"benefit local traders","turn off_text":"it is preferable","drop_temperature_text":"not very restrictive","vegan_text":"I can change my eating habits","linen_text":"it's more economical","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is not restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is not restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Inability to leave when you want or if there is an emergency you have to organize yourself","never_plane_text":"I travel very little, and I use planes even less. It would be a constraint for me if it was a long trip to do without a plane.","loan_text":"I don't necessarily think about it. My reflex is to go to shopping centers, not to thrift stores or other places.","second_hand_text":"I don't necessarily think about it. My reflex is to go to shopping centers, not to thrift stores or other places.","unpackaged_text":"I won't think about taking my containers","local_products_text":"I shop as cheaply as possible, which sometimes means buying imported products.","turn off_text":"I will think about doing it at first and then do it less and less.","drop_temperature_text":"This allows you not to be too hot and to be able to remove a layer if necessary.","vegan_text":"I can't live without meat","linen_text":"Longer but my laundry dries better and is less damaged","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is not restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I feel able of never taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":2,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is not restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"allows you to provide a service, reduce pollution, it's friendly On the other hand, it wastes time, and it requires adapting to other people's schedules.","never_plane_text":"I agree that flying pollutes a lot, but that would mean that we can no longer travel and discover the world.","loan_text":"I didn't know this existed but I don't think I would do it because it's a waste of time regardless. That said, if I have to use a device that I only use once a year, yes I rent it.","second_hand_text":"I mix the two. Sometimes I don't always find my way around thrift stores and I don't find everything I want.","unpackaged_text":"I would love to do it but I don't know where to get it","local_products_text":"I currently do this but sometimes certain products are not always available locally, like the big Wahou brands","turn off_text":"I do it mainly when I go on vacation.","drop_temperature_text":"I don't have the courage to do it, I need to be warm at home","vegan_text":"It's restrictive because it requires you to think about food and dishes in advance. But I don't eat meat or fish anymore and it doesn't bother me that much.","linen_text":"In summer I dry the laundry outside without any problem. But in winter or when I don't have time to wait for the laundry to dry, I use the dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of never taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is not restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is not restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble 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constraints","never_plane_text":"More reasonable remote vacation options","loan_text":"Less storage at home and a wise choice","second_hand_text":"It is very possible to dress correctly this way, a growing trend, a reasoned choice","unpackaged_text":"too restrictive in practicality","local_products_text":"Even though I try to buy local and seasonal, but not 100%","turn off_text":"Simple and reasonable","drop_temperature_text":"Eco-responsible house, I don't have this problem","vegan_text":"Eating everything in reasonable quantities seems preferable to me","linen_text":"I never had a dryer","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":4,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is 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diet","linen_text":"rather a mix to reduce the use of the dryer to a minimum and accumulation of laundry to avoid running it empty.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Problem of variable working hours and location","never_plane_text":"Frequent business trips with no real alternative by train","loan_text":"Why not, but you still need to be able to have these objects available not too far away","second_hand_text":"I do it for my children because there are many products available. From a certain age and for adults, it is more complicated","unpackaged_text":"It's not offered in the store where I shop but if it was I could adapt.","local_products_text":"Having children, it is difficult to completely deprive them of this diversity in food. Especially since the products are available! If they were not or if the prices were really higher, it would encourage people to stop consuming them. But what would become of local economies?","turn off_text":"Quite restrictive for devices that do not have a switch. Plugging and unplugging constantly is taking the risk of dropping or damaging the device. If there is a switch, yes it can be organized.","drop_temperature_text":"Do","vegan_text":"I have reduced my meat consumption (I only eat it once a day and not every day) but there again, I will not deprive my children of it.","linen_text":"I don't have a dryer.","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"3"} {"car_alone_capable":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone","never_plane_capable":"I don't feel able not to take the plane","loan_capable":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment","second_hand_capable":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes","unpackaged_capable":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging","local_products_capable":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products","turn_off_capable":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances","drop_temperature_capable":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home","vegan_capable":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet","linen_capable":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer","From_0_to_5_car_alone_is_restrictive":3,"From_0_to_5_never_plane_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_loan_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_second_hand_is_restrictive":0,"From_0_to_5_unpackaged_is_restrictive":4,"From_0_to_5_local_products_is_restrictive":2,"From_0_to_5_turn_off_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_drop_temperature_is_restrictive":1,"From_0_to_5_vegan_is_restrictive":5,"From_0_to_5_linen_is_restrictive":0,"car_alone_restrictive":"car alone is restrictive","never_plane_restrictive":"never plane is restrictive","loan_restrictive":"loan is not restrictive","second_hand_restrictive":"second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_restrictive":"unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_restrictive":"local products is not restrictive","turn_off_restrictive":"turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_restrictive":"drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_restrictive":"vegan is restrictive","linen_restrictive":"linen is not restrictive","car_alone_text":"Independence; pollution, selfishness","never_plane_text":"Faster than the boat, cheaper, allows me to travel everywhere; huge greenhouse effect","loan_text":"Prioritize second hand, less water waste, reduce mass production, cheaper; I can't get my hands on it all the time","second_hand_text":"Collecting, looking for the rare pearl pleases me, good quality of clothes, I keep them for a long time, less waste of water, to insinuate mass production, not to encourage injustices for those who work in the enormous factories of other countries often very poorly paid; no constraints","unpackaged_text":"I would like to do it but I don't have the money.","local_products_text":"Less food choice","turn off_text":"I'm a bit of an airhead sometimes but I'm capable of lower energy consumption.","drop_temperature_text":"I like it when it's warm but I can handle it, one layer is nothing","vegan_text":"I am not a vegetarian and I never will be, but I can buy local and certified meat without mass production.","linen_text":"Less energy consumption; slower, less space","car_alone_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of ever taking my car alone.car alone is restrictive","never_plane_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able not to take the plane.never plane is restrictive","loan_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to use loan systems for equipment.loan is not restrictive","second_hand_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only second-hand clothes.second hand is not restrictive","unpackaged_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able to buy only products without packaging.unpackaged is restrictive","local_products_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to buy only locally sourced food products.local products is not restrictive","turn_off_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to switch off plugged-in appliances.turn off is not restrictive","drop_temperature_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to lower the temperature in my home.drop temperature is not restrictive","vegan_capable_restrictive":"I don't feel able of adopting a strictly plant-based diet.vegan is restrictive","linen_capable_restrictive":"I feel able to let my washing air dry rather than use a tumble dryer.linen is not restrictive","clust":"1"}