Package: samplingVarEst 1.5

Emilio Lopez Escobar

samplingVarEst: Sampling Variance Estimation

Functions to calculate some point estimators and estimate their variance under unequal probability sampling without replacement. Single and two-stage sampling designs are considered. Some approximations for the second-order inclusion probabilities (joint inclusion probabilities) are available (sample and population based). A variety of Jackknife variance estimators are implemented. Almost every function is written in C (compiled) code for faster results. The functions incorporate some performance improvements for faster results with large datasets.

Authors:Emilio Lopez Escobar [aut, cre, cph] <[email protected]>, Ernesto Barrios Zamudio [ctb] <[email protected]>, Juan Francisco Munoz Rosas [ctb] <[email protected]>

samplingVarEst.pdf |samplingVarEst.html
samplingVarEst/json (API)

# Install 'samplingVarEst' in R:
install.packages('samplingVarEst', repos = c('', ''))
  • oaxaca - Municipalities of the state of Oaxaca in Mexico



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.48 score 1 stars 1 packages 365 downloads 59 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:eae5f76301. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 24 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 24 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 24 2025



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Sampling Variance Estimation packagesamplingVarEst-package samplingVarEst
Estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorEst.Corr.Hajek
Estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimatorEst.Corr.NHT
The Hajek estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution functionEst.EmpDistFunc.Hajek
The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution functionEst.EmpDistFunc.NHT
The Hajek estimator for a meanEst.Mean.Hajek
The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for a meanEst.Mean.NHT
Estimator of a ratioEst.Ratio
Estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorEst.RegCo.Hajek
Estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorEst.RegCoI.Hajek
The Hajek estimator for a totalEst.Total.Hajek
The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for a totalEst.Total.NHT
Municipalities of the state of Oaxaca in Mexicooaxaca
Inclusion probabilities proportional to a specified variable.Pk.PropNorm.U
The Hajek approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities (sample based)Pkl.Hajek.s
The Hajek approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities (population based)Pkl.Hajek.U
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.EB.HT.Mean.Hajek
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.EB.HT.Ratio
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.EB.HT.Total.Hajek
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.EB.SYG.Mean.Hajek
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.EB.SYG.Ratio
The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.EB.SYG.Total.Hajek
The Hajek variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a meanVE.Hajek.Mean.NHT
The Hajek variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a totalVE.Hajek.Total.NHT
The Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a meanVE.HT.Mean.NHT
The Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a totalVE.HT.Total.NHT
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.B.Corr.Hajek
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a meanVE.Jk.B.Mean.Hajek
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratioVE.Jk.B.Ratio
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.B.RegCo.Hajek
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.B.RegCoI.Hajek
The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a totalVE.Jk.B.Total.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Corr.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Mean.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Ratio
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCo.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCoI.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Total.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Corr.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Mean.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Ratio
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCo.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCoI.Hajek
The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Total.Hajek
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.EB.SW2.Corr.Hajek
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a meanVE.Jk.EB.SW2.Mean.Hajek
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratioVE.Jk.EB.SW2.Ratio
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCo.Hajek
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCoI.Hajek
The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a totalVE.Jk.EB.SW2.Total.Hajek
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.Hajek
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimatorVE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.NHT
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a meanVE.Jk.Tukey.Mean.Hajek
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratioVE.Jk.Tukey.Ratio
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.Tukey.RegCo.Hajek
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimatorVE.Jk.Tukey.RegCoI.Hajek
The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a totalVE.Jk.Tukey.Total.Hajek
The unequal probability linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)VE.Lin.HT.Ratio
The unequal probability linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)VE.Lin.SYG.Ratio
The Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a meanVE.SYG.Mean.NHT
The Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a totalVE.SYG.Total.NHT