Package 'samplingVarEst'

Title: Sampling Variance Estimation
Description: Functions to calculate some point estimators and estimate their variance under unequal probability sampling without replacement. Single and two-stage sampling designs are considered. Some approximations for the second-order inclusion probabilities (joint inclusion probabilities) are available (sample and population based). A variety of Jackknife variance estimators are implemented. Almost every function is written in C (compiled) code for faster results. The functions incorporate some performance improvements for faster results with large datasets.
Authors: Emilio Lopez Escobar [aut, cre, cph] <[email protected]>, Ernesto Barrios Zamudio [ctb] <[email protected]>, Juan Francisco Munoz Rosas [ctb] <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Emilio Lopez Escobar <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.5
Built: 2025-02-22 06:41:38 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Sampling Variance Estimation package


The package contains functions to calculate some point estimators and estimate their variance under unequal probability sampling without replacement. Uni-stage and two-stage sampling designs are considered. The package further contains some approximations for the joint-inclusion probabilities (population and sample based formulae).

Emphasis has been put on the speed of routines as the package mostly uses C compiled code. Below there is a list of available functions. These are grouped in purpose lists, aiming to clarify their usage.

The user should pick a suitable combination of a population parameter of interest, a choice of point estimator, and a choice of variance estimator.

For these population parameters: The available point estimators are:
total: Est.Total.NHT
mean: Est.Mean.NHT
empirical cumulative distribution function: Est.EmpDistFunc.NHT
ratio: Est.Ratio
correlation coefficient: Est.Corr.NHT
regression coefficients: Est.RegCoI.Hajek
For these point estimators: The available variance estimators for uni-stage samples are:
Est.Total.NHT: VE.HT.Total.NHT
Est.Total.Hajek: VE.Jk.Tukey.Total.Hajek
Est.Mean.NHT: VE.HT.Mean.NHT
Est.Mean.Hajek: VE.Jk.Tukey.Mean.Hajek
Est.Ratio: VE.Lin.HT.Ratio
Est.Corr.NHT: VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.NHT
Est.Corr.Hajek: VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.Hajek
Est.RegCoI.Hajek: VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCoI.Hajek
Est.RegCo.Hajek: VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCo.Hajek
For these point estimators: The available variance estimators for self-weighted two-stage samples are:
Est.Total.Hajek: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Total.Hajek
Est.Mean.Hajek: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Mean.Hajek
Est.Ratio: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Ratio
Est.Corr.Hajek: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Corr.Hajek
Est.RegCoI.Hajek: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCoI.Hajek
Est.RegCo.Hajek: VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCo.Hajek
For the inclusion probabilities: The available functions are:
1st order inclusion probabilities: Pk.PropNorm.U
2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities: Pkl.Hajek.s


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Estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Estimates a population correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


Est.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9) (implemented by the current function), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the correlation coefficient point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the correlation coefficient estimator for y1 and x
Est.Corr.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the correlation coefficient estimator for y2 and x
Est.Corr.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

Estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator


Estimates a population correlation coefficient of two variables using the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator.


Est.Corr.NHT(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC (implemented by the current function) is given by:

C^=kswk(ykyˉ^NHT)(xkxˉ^NHT)kswk(ykyˉ^NHT)2kswk(xkxˉ^NHT)2\hat{C} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{NHT})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{NHT})^2}}

where yˉ^NHT\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} is the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator for the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^NHT=1Nkswkyk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the correlation coefficient point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the correlation coefficient estimator for y1 and x
Est.Corr.NHT(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the correlation coefficient estimator for y2 and x
Est.Corr.NHT(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)

The Hajek estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution function


Computes the Hajek (1971) estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF).


Est.EmpDistFunc.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, t)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


value to be evaluated for the empirical cumulative distribution function. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar.


For the population empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of the variable yy at the value tt:

Fn(t)=#(kU:ykt)N=1NkUI(ykt)Fn(t) = \frac{\#(k\in U:y_k \leq t)}{N} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} I(y_k \leq t)

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of Fn(t)Fn(t) (implemented by the current function) is given by:

F^nHajek(t)=kswkI(ykt)kswk\hat{F}n_{Hajek}(t) = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k I(y_k \leq t)}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where I(ykt)I(y_k \leq t) denotes the indicator function that takes the value 11 if ykty_k \leq t and the value 00 otherwise, and where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the empirical cumulative distribution function evaluated at tt.


Emilio Lopez Escobar [aut, cre], Juan Francisco Munoz Rosas [ctb].


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                      #Loads Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00)       #Reconstructs the inclusion probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                          #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                             #Defines the variable of interest y1
Est.EmpDistFunc.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], 950) #Hajek est. of ECDF for y1 at t=950

The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution function


Computes the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator for the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF).


Est.EmpDistFunc.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N, t)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


value to be evaluated for the empirical cumulative distribution function. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar.


For the population empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of the variable yy at the value tt:

Fn(t)=#(kU:ykt)N=1NkUI(ykt)Fn(t) = \frac{\#(k\in U:y_k \leq t)}{N} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} I(y_k \leq t)

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of Fn(t)Fn(t) (implemented by the current function) is given by:

F^nNHT(t)=1NksI(ykt)πk\hat{F}n_{NHT}(t) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in s} \frac{I(y_k \leq t)}{\pi_k}

where I(ykt)I(y_k \leq t) denotes the indicator function that takes the value 11 if ykty_k \leq t and the value 00 otherwise, and where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the empirical cumulative distribution function evaluated at tt.


Emilio Lopez Escobar [aut, cre], Juan Francisco Munoz Rosas [ctb].


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                       #Loads Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00)        #Reconstructs the inclusion probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                           #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                            #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                              #Defines the variable of interest y1
Est.EmpDistFunc.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, 950) #NHT est. of ECDF for y1 at t=950

The Hajek estimator for a mean


Computes the Hajek (1971) estimator for a population mean.


Est.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} (implemented by the current function) is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the mean point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
Est.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1])       #Computes the Hajek est. for y1
Est.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1])       #Computes the Hajek est. for y2

The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for a mean


Computes the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator for a population mean.


Est.Mean.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} (implemented by the current function) is given by:

yˉ^NHT=1Nksykπk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the mean point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
Est.Mean.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)      #The NHT estimator for y1
Est.Mean.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)      #The NHT estimator for y2

Estimator of a ratio


Estimates a population ratio of two totals/means.


Est.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR (implemented by the current function) is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the ratio point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
Est.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])   #Ratio estimator for y1 and x
Est.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])   #Ratio estimator for y2 and x

Estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Estimates the population regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


Est.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the regression coefficient point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the regression coefficient estimator for y1 and x
Est.RegCo.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the regression coefficient estimator for y2 and x
Est.RegCo.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

Estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Estimates the population intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


Est.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the intercept regression coefficient point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the intercept regression coefficient estimator for y1 and x
Est.RegCoI.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the intercept regression coefficient estimator for y2 and x
Est.RegCoI.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Hajek estimator for a total


Computes the Hajek (1971) estimator for a population total.


Est.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt (implemented by the current function) is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the total point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable y2
Est.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)   #The Hajek estimator for y1
Est.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)   #The Hajek estimator for y2

The Narain-Horvitz-Thompson estimator for a total


Computes the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator for a population total.


Est.Total.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of tt (implemented by the current function) is given by:

t^NHT=ksykπk\hat{t}_{NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the total point estimator.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
Est.Total.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1])        #Computes the NHT estimator for y1
Est.Total.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1])        #Computes the NHT estimator for y2

Municipalities of the state of Oaxaca in Mexico


Dataset with information about the free and sovereign state of Oaxaca, which is located in the southern part of Mexico. The dataset contains information on population, surface, indigenous language, agriculture, and income from years ranging from 2000 to 2010. The information was originally collected and processed by Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI by its name in Spanish, ‘Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia’,




A data frame with 570 observations on the following 41 variables:


region INEGI code.


region name (without accents and Spanish language characters).


district INEGI code.


district name (without accents and Spanish language characters).


municipality INEGI code.


municipality name (without accents and Spanish language characters).


surface in squared kilometres 2005.


population 2000.


population 2010.


number of homes 2000.


number of homes 2010.


male population 2000.


male population 2010.


female population 2000.


female population 2010.


5 or more years old population which speaks indigenous language 2000.


5 or more years old population which speaks indigenous language 2010.


gross income in thousands of Mexican pesos 2000.


gross income in thousands of Mexican pesos 2001.


gross income in thousands of Mexican pesos 2002.


gross income in thousands of Mexican pesos 2003.


planted trees 2000.


planted trees 2001.


planted trees 2002.


planted trees 2003.


marriages 2007.


marriages 2008.


marriages 2009.


harvested bean surface in hectares 2007.


harvested bean surface in hectares 2008.


harvested bean surface in hectares 2009.


value of bean production in thousands of Mexican pesos 2007.


value of bean production in thousands of Mexican pesos 2008.


value of bean production in thousands of Mexican pesos 2009.


volume of bean production in tons 2007.


volume of bean production in tons 2008.


volume of bean production in tons 2009.


a sample (column vector of ones and zeros; 1 = selected, 0 = otherwise) of 373 municipalities drawn using the Hajek (1964) maximum-entropy sampling design with inclusion probabilities proportional to the variable HOMES00.


a sample (column vector of ones and zeros; 1 = selected, 0 = otherwise) of 373 municipalities drawn using the Hajek (1964) maximum-entropy sampling design with inclusion probabilities proportional to the variable SURFAC05.


the size of the district, i.e., the number of municipalities in each district.


a sample (column vector of ones and zeros; 1 = selected, 0 = otherwise) of 30 municipalities drawn using a self-weighted two-stage sampling design. The first stage draws 10 districts using the Hajek (1964) maximum-entropy sampling design with clusters' inclusion probabilities proportional to the size of the clusters (variable SIZEDIST). The second stage draws 3 municipalities within the selected districts at the first stage, using equal-probability without-replacement sampling.


Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), ‘Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia’


data(oaxaca)                         #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
mean(oaxaca$INCOME00, na.rm= TRUE)   #Computes INCOME00 mean (note it has NA's)
median(oaxaca$INCOME00, na.rm= TRUE) #Computes INCOME00 median (note it has NA's)

Inclusion probabilities proportional to a specified variable.


Creates and normalises the 1st order inclusion probabilities proportional to a specified variable. In the current context, normalisation means that the inclusion probabilities are less than or equal to 1. Ideally, they should sum up to nn, the sample size.


Pk.PropNorm.U(n, VecMOS.U)



the sample size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


vector of the variable called measure of size (MOS) to which the first-order inclusion probabilities are to be proportional; its length is equal to the population size. Values in VecMOS.U should be greater than zero (a warning message appears if this does not hold). There must not be missing values.


Although the normalisation procedure is well-known in the survey sampling literature, we follow the procedure described in Chao (1982, p. 654). Hence, we obtain a unique set of inclusion probabilities that are proportional to the MOS variable.


The function returns a vector of length nn with the inclusion probabilities.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Chao, M. T. (1982) A general purpose unequal probability sampling plan. Biometrika 69, 653–656.

See Also



data(oaxaca) #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
             #Creates the normalised 1st order incl. probs. proportional
             #to the variable oaxaca$HOMES00 and with sample size 373
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00)
sum(pik.U)   #Shows the sum is equal to the sample size 373
any(pik.U>1) #Shows there isn't any probability greater than 1
any(pik.U<0) #Shows there isn't any probability less than 0

The Hajek approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities (sample based)


Computes the Hajek (1964) approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities utilising only sample-based quantities.





vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


Let πk\pi_k denote the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss, and let πkl\pi_{kl} denote the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. If the joint-inclusion probabilities πkl\pi_{kl} are not available, the Hajek (1964) approximation can be used. Note that this approximation is designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e. care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).

The sample-based version of the Hajek (1964) approximation for the joint-inclusion probabilities πkl\pi_{kl} (implemented by the current function) is:

πklπkπl{1d^1(1πk)(1πl)}\pi_{kl} \doteq \pi_k \pi_l \{1 - \hat{d}^{-1}(1-\pi_k)(1-\pi_l)\}

where d^=ks(1πk)\hat{d} =\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k).

The approximation was originally developed for dd\rightarrow\infty, under the maximum-entropy sampling design (see Hajek 1981, Theorem 3.3, Ch. 3 and 6), the Rejective Sampling design. It requires that the utilised sampling design is of large entropy. An overview can be found in Berger and Tille (2009). An account of different sampling designs, πkl\pi_{kl} approximations, and approximate variances under large-entropy designs can be found in Tille (2006), Brewer and Donadio (2003), and Haziza, Mecatti, and Rao (2008). Recently, Berger (2011) gave sufficient conditions under which Hajek's results still hold for large-entropy sampling designs that are not the maximum-entropy one.


The function returns a (nn by nn) square matrix with the estimated joint inclusion probabilities, where nn is the sample size.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2011) Asymptotic consistency under large entropy sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Pakistan Journal of Statististics, 27, 407–426.

Berger, Y. G. and Tille, Y. (2009) Sampling with unequal probabilities. In Sample Surveys: Design, Methods and Applications (eds. D. Pfeffermann and C. R. Rao), 39–54. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Brewer, K. R. W. and Donadio, M. E. (2003) The large entropy variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. Survey Methodology 29, 189–196.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1981) Sampling From a Finite Population. Dekker, New York.

Haziza, D., Mecatti, F. and Rao, J. N. K. (2008) Evaluation of some approximate variance estimators under the Rao-Sampford unequal probability sampling design. Metron, LXVI, 91–108.

Tille, Y. (2006) Sampling Algorithms. Springer, New York.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#First 5 rows/cols of (sample-based) 2nd order incl. probs. matrix

The Hajek approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities (population based)


Computes the Hajek (1964) approximation for the 2nd order (joint) inclusion probabilities utilising population-based quantities.





vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to the population size. Values in VecPk.U must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


Let πk\pi_k denote the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss, and let πkl\pi_{kl} denote the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. If the joint-inclusion probabilities πkl\pi_{kl} are not available, the Hajek (1964) approximation can be used. Note that this approximation is designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).

The population-based version of the Hajek (1964) approximation for the joint-inclusion probabilities πkl\pi_{kl} (implemented by the current function) is:

πklπkπl{1d1(1πk)(1πl)}\pi_{kl} \doteq \pi_k \pi_l \{1 - d^{-1}(1-\pi_k)(1-\pi_l)\}

where d=kUπk(1πk)d =\sum_{k\in U}\pi_k(1-\pi_k).

The approximation was originally developed for dd\rightarrow\infty, under the maximum-entropy sampling design (see Hajek 1981, Theorem 3.3, Ch. 3 and 6), the Rejective Sampling design. It requires that the utilised sampling design is of large entropy. An overview can be found in Berger and Tille (2009). An account of different sampling designs, πkl\pi_{kl} approximations, and approximate variances under large-entropy designs can be found in Tille (2006), Brewer and Donadio (2003), and Haziza, Mecatti, and Rao (2008). Recently, Berger (2011) gave sufficient conditions under which Hajek's results still hold for large-entropy sampling designs that are not the maximum-entropy one.


The function returns a (NN by NN) square matrix with the estimated joint inclusion probabilities, where NN is the population size.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2011) Asymptotic consistency under large entropy sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Pakistan Journal of Statististics, 27, 407–426.

Berger, Y. G. and Tille, Y. (2009) Sampling with unequal probabilities. In Sample Surveys: Design, Methods and Applications (eds. D. Pfeffermann and C. R. Rao), 39–54. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Brewer, K. R. W. and Donadio, M. E. (2003) The large entropy variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. Survey Methodology 29, 189–196.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1981) Sampling From a Finite Population. Dekker, New York.

Haziza, D., Mecatti, F. and Rao, J. N. K. (2008) Evaluation of some approximate variance estimators under the Rao-Sampford unequal probability sampling design. Metron, LXVI, 91–108.

Tille, Y. (2006) Sampling Algorithms. Springer, New York.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
#(This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs)
pikl.U <- Pkl.Hajek.U(pik.U)                 #Approximates 2nd order incl. probs. from U
#First 5 rows/cols of (population-based) 2nd order incl. probs. matrix

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.EB.HT.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s,
                    VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklν˘kν˘l\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \breve{\nu}_k \breve{\nu}_l


ν˘k=wkαk(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek,k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek,k}^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

yˉ^Hajek,k=lswlylwk1αkyklswlwk1αk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek,k}^{*} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k}}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(yˉ^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(yˉ^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable y2
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.EB.HT.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.EB.HT.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, Alpha.s)

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.EB.HT.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s,
               VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=kslsπklπkπlπklν˘kν˘l\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \breve{\nu}_k \breve{\nu}_l


ν˘k=wkαk(R^R^k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{R}-\hat{R}_k^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

R^k=(lswlylwk1αkyk)/(lswlwk1αk)(lswlxlwk1αkxk)/(lswlwk1αk)=lswlylwk1αkyklswlxlwk1αkxk\hat{R}_k^{*} = \frac{\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k\right)/\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} \right)}{\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l x_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} x_k\right)/\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} \right)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l x_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} x_k}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(R^)\hat{V}(\hat{R}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(R^)\hat{V}(\hat{R}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x       <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.EB.HT.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s) #Using default VecAlpha.s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.EB.HT.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, Alpha.s)

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.EB.HT.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N,
                     VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklν˘kν˘l\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \breve{\nu}_k \breve{\nu}_l


ν˘k=wkαk(t^Hajekt^Hajek,k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek,k}^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

t^Hajek,k=Nlswlylwk1αkyklswlwk1αk\hat{t}_{Hajek,k}^{*} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k}}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(t^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(t^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N       <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.EB.HT.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.EB.HT.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N, Alpha.s)

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.EB.SYG.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s,
                     VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(ν˘kν˘l)2\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\breve{\nu}_k - \breve{\nu}_l)^{2}


ν˘k=wkαk(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek,k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek,k}^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

yˉ^Hajek,k=lswlylwk1αkyklswlwk1αk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek,k}^{*} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k}}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(yˉ^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(yˉ^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.EB.SYG.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.EB.SYG.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, Alpha.s)

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.EB.SYG.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s,
                VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(ν˘kν˘l)2\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\breve{\nu}_k - \breve{\nu}_l)^{2}


ν˘k=wkαk(R^R^k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{R}-\hat{R}_k^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

R^k=(lswlylwk1αkyk)/(lswlwk1αk)(lswlxlwk1αkxk)/(lswlwk1αk)=lswlylwk1αkyklswlxlwk1αkxk\hat{R}_k^{*} = \frac{\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k\right)/\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} \right)}{\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l x_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} x_k\right)/\left(\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} \right)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l x_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} x_k}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(R^)\hat{V}(\hat{R}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(R^)\hat{V}(\hat{R}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x       <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.EB.SYG.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s) #Using default VecAlpha.s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.EB.SYG.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, Alpha.s)

The Escobar-Berger unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.EB.SYG.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N,
                      VecAlpha.s =, length(VecPk.s)))



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


vector of the αk\alpha_k values; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecAlpha.s can be different for each unit, and must be greater or equal to zero. Escobar-Berger (2013) showed that this replicate variance estimator is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq 0. In particular, they suggest using αk=1\alpha_k=1 for all units in the sample (the default for VecAlpha.s if omitted in the function call). Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) unequal probability replicate variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(ν˘kν˘l)2\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\breve{\nu}_k - \breve{\nu}_l)^{2}


ν˘k=wkαk(t^Hajekt^Hajek,k)\breve{\nu}_k = w_k^{\alpha_k} \left(\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek,k}^{*}\right)

for some αk0\alpha_k\geq0 (suggested to be 1, see below comments) and with

t^Hajek,k=Nlswlylwk1αkyklswlwk1αk\hat{t}_{Hajek,k}^{*} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s} w_l y_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k} y_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l - w_k^{1-\alpha_k}}

Regarding the value of αk\alpha_k, Escobar-Berger (2013) show that V^(t^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) is valid for αk0\alpha_k\geq0 but conclude that αk>0\alpha_k>0 should be used as αk=0\alpha_k=0 corresponds to a naive biased and unstable jackknife. They recommend αk=1\alpha_k=1 or αk>1\alpha_k>1. If αk=1\alpha_k=1, V^(t^Hajek)\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) reduces to the Escobar-Berger (2011) jackknife. Using αk>1\alpha_k>1 approximates the empirical influence function, i.e. the Gateaux (1919) derivative, or Demnati-Rao (2004) linearisation variance estimators. The larger the αk\alpha_k, the closer the approximation. Further, Escobar-Berger (2013) give an intuitive explanation of the replication method from a jackknife and bootstrap perspective.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2011) Jackknife variance estimation for functions of Horvitz-Thompson estimators under unequal probability sampling without replacement. In Proceeding of the 58th World Statistics Congress. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A new replicate variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, 3, 508–524.

Gateaux, R. (1919) Fonctions d'une infinite de variables indeependantes. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, 47, 70–96.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U   <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s       <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N       <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1      <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2      <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
Alpha.s <- rep(2, times=373)                  #Defines the vector with Alpha values
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s  <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.EB.SYG.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.EB.SYG.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N, Alpha.s)

The Hajek variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a mean


Computes the Hajek (1964) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population mean.


VE.Hajek.Mean.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^NHT=1Nksykπk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. For large-entropy sampling designs, the variance of yˉ^NHT\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} is approximated by the Hajek (1964) variance:

V(yˉ^NHT)=1N(N1)[kUyk2πk(1πk)dG2]V(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{1}{N(N-1)}\left[\sum_{k\in U}\frac{y_k^2}{\pi_k}(1-\pi_k)-dG^2\right]

with d=kUπk(1πk)d=\sum_{k\in U}\pi_k(1-\pi_k) and G=d1kU(1πk)ykG=d^{-1}\sum_{k\in U}(1-\pi_k)y_k.

The variance V(t^NHT)V(\hat{t}_{NHT}) can be estimated by the variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^NHT)=nN2(n1)[ks(ykπk)2(1πk)d^G^2]\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{n}{N^2(n-1)}\left[\sum_{k\in s}\left(\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\right)^2(1-\pi_k)-\hat{d}\hat{G}^2\right]

where d^=ks(1πk)\hat{d}=\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) and G^=d^1ks(1π)yk/πk\hat{G}=\hat{d}^{-1}\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi)y_k/\pi_k.

Note that the Hajek (1964) variance approximation is designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the (approximate) var. est. of the NHT point est. for y1
VE.Hajek.Mean.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the (approximate) var. est. of the NHT point est. for y2
VE.Hajek.Mean.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)

The Hajek variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a total


Computes the Hajek (1964) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population total.


VE.Hajek.Total.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of tt is given by:

t^NHT=ksykπk\hat{t}_{NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. For large-entropy sampling designs, the variance of t^NHT\hat{t}_{NHT} is approximated by the Hajek (1964) variance:

V(t^NHT)=NN1[kUyk2πk(1πk)dG2]V(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \frac{N}{N-1}\left[\sum_{k\in U}\frac{y_k^2}{\pi_k}(1-\pi_k)-dG^2\right]

with d=kUπk(1πk)d=\sum_{k\in U}\pi_k(1-\pi_k) and G=d1kU(1πk)ykG=d^{-1}\sum_{k\in U}(1-\pi_k)y_k.

The variance V(t^NHT)V(\hat{t}_{NHT}) can be estimated by the variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^NHT)=nn1[ks(ykπk)2(1πk)d^G^2]\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \frac{n}{n-1}\left[\sum_{k\in s}\left(\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\right)^2(1-\pi_k)-\hat{d}\hat{G}^2\right]

where d^=ks(1πk)\hat{d}=\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) and G^=d^1ks(1π)yk/πk\hat{G}=\hat{d}^{-1}\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi)y_k/\pi_k.

Note that the Hajek (1964) variance approximation is designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$SURFAC05) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sSURFAC                      #Defines the sample to be used
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                        #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$HOMES10                      #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the (approximate) var. est. of the NHT point est. from y1
VE.Hajek.Total.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the (approximate) var. est. of the NHT point est. from y2
VE.Hajek.Total.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a mean


Computes the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population mean.


VE.HT.Mean.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^NHT=1Nksykπk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. Let πkl\pi_{kl} denotes the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^NHT\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} is given by:

V(yˉ^NHT)=1N2kUlU(πklπkπl)ykπkylπlV(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{k\in U}\sum_{l\in U} (\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l)\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}

which can therefore be estimated by the Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^NHT)=1N2kslsπklπkπlπklykπkylπl\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}}\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                  #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$SURFAC05) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sSURFAC                      #Defines the sample to be used
N      <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                      #Defines the population size
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                        #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                      #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])            #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the variance estimation of the NHT point estimator for y1
VE.HT.Mean.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the variance estimation of the NHT point estimator for y2
VE.HT.Mean.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)

The Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a total


Computes the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population total.


VE.HT.Total.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of tt is given by:

t^NHT=ksykπk\hat{t}_{NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. Let πkl\pi_{kl} denotes the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. The variance of t^NHT\hat{t}_{NHT} is given by:

V(t^NHT)=kUlU(πklπkπl)ykπkylπlV(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \sum_{k\in U}\sum_{l\in U} (\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l)\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}

which can therefore be estimated by the Horvitz-Thompson variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^NHT)=kslsπklπkπlπklykπkylπl\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}}\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y1
VE.HT.Total.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y2
VE.HT.Total.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.B.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^Hajek)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{C}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(C^HajekC^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{C}_{Hajek}-\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where C^Hajek(k)\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.Corr.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.Corr.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean.


VE.Jk.B.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


yˉ^Hajek(k)=ls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means.


VE.Jk.B.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(R^R^(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{R}-\hat{R}_{(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


R^(k)=ls,lkwlyl/ls,lkwlls,lkwlxl/ls,lkwl=ls,lkwlylls,lkwlxl\hat{R}_{(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l}

Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.B.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(β^Hajek)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(β^Hajekβ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where β^Hajek(k)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.RegCo.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.RegCo.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.B.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(α^Hajek)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(α^Hajekα^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where α^Hajek(k)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.RegCoI.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.RegCoI.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1])

The Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total


Computes the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total.


VE.Jk.B.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Berger (2007) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=ksnn1(1πk)(εkB^)2\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{n}{n-1}(1-\pi_k) \left(\varepsilon_k - \hat{B}\right)^{2}


B^=ks(1πk)εkks(1πk)\hat{B} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k) \varepsilon_k}{\sum_{k\in s}(1-\pi_k)}


εk=(1w~k)(t^Hajekt^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


t^Hajek(k)=Nls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Berger, Y. G. (2007) A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities. Biometrika 94, 953–964.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N      <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.B.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.B.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{C}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(C^HajekC^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{C}_{Hajek}-\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where C^Hajek(k)\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Corr.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Corr.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


yˉ^Hajek(k)=ls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(R^R^(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{R}-\hat{R}_{(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


R^(k)=ls,lkwlyl/ls,lkwlls,lkwlxl/ls,lkwl=ls,lkwlylls,lkwlxl\hat{R}_{(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l}


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(β^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(β^Hajekβ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where β^Hajek(k)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCo.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCo.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(α^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(α^Hajekα^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where α^Hajek(k)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg.  coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCoI.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.RegCoI.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=kslsπklπkπlπklεkεl\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} \varepsilon_k \varepsilon_l


εk=(1w~k)(t^Hajekt^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


t^Hajek(k)=Nls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N      <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.HT.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{C}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(C^HajekC^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{C}_{Hajek}-\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where C^Hajek(k)\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Corr.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Corr.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


yˉ^Hajek(k)=ls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(R^R^(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{R}-\hat{R}_{(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


R^(k)=ls,lkwlyl/ls,lkwlls,lkwlxl/ls,lkwl=ls,lkwlylls,lkwlxl\hat{R}_{(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l/\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l}

The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used for
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(β^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(β^Hajekβ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where β^Hajek(k)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCo.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCo.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(α^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(α^Hajekα^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}

and where α^Hajek(k)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCoI.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.RegCoI.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Campbell-Berger-Skinner unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(εkεl)2\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (\varepsilon_k - \varepsilon_l)^{2}


εk=(1w~k)(t^Hajekt^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_k = \left(1-\tilde{w}_k\right) \left(\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)}\right)


w~k=wklswl\tilde{w}_k = \frac{w_k}{\sum_{l\in s} w_l}


t^Hajek(k)=Nls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

The Sen-Yates-Grundy form for the Campbell(1980); Berger-Skinner(2005) unequal probability jackknife variance estimator is proposed in Escobar-Berger (2013) under less-restrictive regularity conditions.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Campbell, C. (1980) A different view of finite population estimation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association, 319–324.

Berger, Y. G. and Skinner, C. J. (2005) A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 67, 79–89.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N      <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.CBS.SYG.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                         VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e., the fixed number of ultimate sampling units selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^Hajek)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{C}_{Hajek}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(C^HajekC^Hajek(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{C}_{Hajek}-\hat{C}_{Hajek(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(C^HajekC^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{C}_{Hajek}-\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)})

where C^Hajek(Ii)\hat{C}_{Hajek(Ii)} and C^Hajek(k)\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)} have the same functional form as C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the variable y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the variable y2
x.s       <- SampData$HOMES10         #Defines the variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Corr.Hajek(y1.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Corr.Hajek(y2.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                         VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e., the fixed number of ultimate sampling units selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(yˉ^Hajekyˉ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)})

where yˉ^Hajek(Ii)\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(Ii)} and yˉ^Hajek(k)\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)} have the same functional form as yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Mean.Hajek(y1.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Mean.Hajek(y2.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                   VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e., the fixed number of ultimate sampling units selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(R^R^(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{R}-\hat{R}_{(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(R^R^(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{R}-\hat{R}_{(k)})

where R^(Ii)\hat{R}_{(Ii)} and R^(k)\hat{R}_{(k)} have the same functional form as R^\hat{R} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the numerator variable y2
x.s       <- SampData$HOMES10         #Defines the denominator variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Ratio(y1.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Ratio(y2.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                         VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e. the fixed number of ultimate sampling units that were selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(β^Hajek)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(β^Hajekβ^Hajek(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(β^Hajekβ^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)})

where β^Hajek(Ii)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(Ii)} and β^Hajek(k)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)} have the same functional form as β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the variable y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the variable y2
x.s       <- SampData$HOMES10         #Defines the variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCo.Hajek(y1.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCo.Hajek(y2.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                         VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e. the fixed number of ultimate sampling units that were selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(α^Hajek)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(α^Hajekα^Hajek(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(α^Hajekα^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)})

where α^Hajek(Ii)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(Ii)} and α^Hajek(k)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)} have the same functional form as α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the variable y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the variable y2
x.s       <- SampData$HOMES10         #Defines the variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCoI.Hajek(y1.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.RegCoI.Hajek(y2.s, x.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s)

The self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total


Computes the self-weighted two-stage sampling Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total.


VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, nII, VecPi.s,
                         VecCluLab.s, VecCluSize.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the elements' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the second stage sample size, i.e. the fixed number of ultimate sampling units that were selected within each cluster. Its size must be less than or equal to the minimum cluster size in the sample.


vector of the clusters' first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. Values in VecPi.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


vector of the clusters' labels for the elements; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. The labels must be integer numbers.


vector of the clusters' sizes; its length is equal to nn, the total sample size. Hence values are expected to be repeated in the utilised sample dataset. None of the sizes must be smaller than nII.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. If ss is a self-weighted two-stage sample, the variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Escobar-Berger (2013) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=vclu+vobs\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = v_{clu} + v_{obs}

vclu=is(1πIi)ς(Ii)21d^(is(1πIi)ς(Ii))2v_{clu} = \sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}^{*}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}^{2} - \frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(\sum_{i\in s} (1-\pi_{Ii}) \varsigma_{(Ii)}\right)^{2}

vobs=ksϕkε(k)2v_{obs} = \sum_{k\in s} \phi_k \varepsilon_{(k)}^{2}

where d^=is(1πIi)\hat{d}={\sum}_{i\in s}{(1-\pi_{Ii})}, ϕk=I{ksi}πIi(MinII)/(Mi1)\phi_k = I\{k\in s_{i}\}\pi_{Ii}^{*}(M_{i}-n_{II})/(M_{i}-1), πIi=πIinII(Mi1)/(nII1)Mi\pi_{Ii}^{*} = \pi_{Ii}n_{II}(M_{i}-1)/(n_{II}-1)M_{i}, with sis_{i} denoting the sample elements from the ii-th cluster, I{ksi}I\{k\in s_{i}\} is an indicator that takes the value 11 if the kk-th observation is within the ii-th cluster and 00 otherwise, πIi\pi_{Ii} is the inclusion probability of the ii-th cluster in the sample ss, MiM_{i} is the size of the ii-th cluster, nIIn_{II} is the sample size within each cluster, nIn_{I} is the number of sampled clusters, and where

ς(Ii)=nI1nI(t^Hajekt^Hajek(Ii))\varsigma_{(Ii)}=\frac{n_{I}-1}{n_{I}} (\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek(Ii)})

ε(k)=n1n(t^Hajekt^Hajek(k))\varepsilon_{(k)}=\frac{n-1}{n} (\hat{t}_{Hajek}-\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)})

where t^Hajek(Ii)\hat{t}_{Hajek(Ii)} and t^Hajek(k)\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)} have the same functional form as t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} but omitting the ii-th cluster and the kk-th element, respectively, from the sample ss. Note that this variance estimator implicitly utilises the Hajek (1964) approximations that are designed for large-entropy sampling designs, large samples, and large populations, i.e., care should be taken with highly-stratified samples, e.g. Berger (2005).


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Berger, Y. G. (2005) Variance estimation with highly stratified sampling designs with unequal probabilities. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 47, 365–373.

Escobar, E. L. and Berger, Y. G. (2013) A jackknife variance estimator for self-weighted two-stage samples. Statistica Sinica, 23, 595–613.

Hajek, J. (1964) Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 4, 1491–1523.

Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                          #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
s         <- oaxaca$sSW_10_3          #Defines the sample to be used
N         <- dim(oaxaca)[1]           #Defines the population size
SampData  <- oaxaca[s==1, ]           #Defines the sample dataset
nII       <- 3                        #Defines the 2nd stage fixed sample size
CluLab.s  <- SampData$IDDISTRI        #Defines the clusters' labels
CluSize.s <- SampData$SIZEDIST        #Defines the clusters' sizes
piIi.s    <- (10 * CluSize.s / 570)   #Reconstructs clusters' 1st order incl. probs.
pik.s     <- piIi.s * (nII/CluSize.s) #Reconstructs elements' 1st order incl. probs.
y1.s      <- SampData$POP10           #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2.s      <- SampData$POPMAL10        #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Total.Hajek(y1.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.EB.SW2.Total.Hajek(y2.s, pik.s, nII, piIi.s, CluLab.s, CluSize.s, N)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is utilised for the finite population correction only, see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC, assuming that NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.9), is:

C^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)2kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{C}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} is the Hajek (1971) point estimator of the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^Hajek)=(1nN)n1nks(C^Hajek(k)C^Hajek)2\hat{V}(\hat{C}_{Hajek}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{C}_{Hajek(k)}-\hat{C}_{Hajek} \right)^2

where C^Hajek(k)\hat{C}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as C^Hajek\hat{C}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. Note that we are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE then the term 1n/N1-n/N is ommited from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient using the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a correlation coefficient of two variables using the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator.


VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.NHT(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is also utilised for the finite population correction; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


For the population correlation coefficient of two variables yy and xx:

C=kU(ykyˉ)(xkxˉ)kU(ykyˉ)2kU(xkxˉ)2C = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})(x_k - \bar{x})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (y_k - \bar{y})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in U} (x_k - \bar{x})^2}}

the point estimator of CC is given by:

C^=kswk(ykyˉ^NHT)(xkxˉ^NHT)kswk(ykyˉ^NHT)2kswk(xkxˉ^NHT)2\hat{C} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{NHT})}{\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT})^2}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{NHT})^2}}

where yˉ^NHT\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} is the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator for the population mean yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k,

yˉ^NHT=1Nkswkyk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of C^\hat{C} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(C^)=(1nN)n1nks(C^(k)C^)2\hat{V}(\hat{C}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{C}_{(k)}-\hat{C} \right)^2

where C^(k)\hat{C}_{(k)} has the same functional form as C^\hat{C} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.NHT(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the corr. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.Corr.NHT(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a mean


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a mean.


VE.Jk.Tukey.Mean.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is also utilised for the finite population correction; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^Hajek)=(1nN)n1nks(yˉ^Hajek(k)yˉ^Hajek)2\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)}-\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} \right)^2


yˉ^Hajek(k)=ls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.Mean.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek mean point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.Mean.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means.


VE.Jk.Tukey.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is also utilised for the finite population correction; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(R^)=(1nN)n1nks(R^(k)R^)2\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{R}_{(k)}-\hat{R} \right)^2


R^(k)=ls,lkwlylls,lkwlxl\hat{R}_{(k)} = \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l x_l}

We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCo.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is utilised for the finite population correction only; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population regression coefficient β\beta, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

β^Hajek=kswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(β^Hajek)=(1nN)n1nks(β^Hajek(k)β^Hajek)2\hat{V}(\hat{\beta}_{Hajek}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)}-\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} \right)^2

where β^Hajek(k)\hat{\beta}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as β^Hajek\hat{\beta}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCo.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the regression coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCo.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek point estimator


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the estimator of the intercept regression coefficient using the Hajek (1971) point estimator.


VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCoI.Hajek(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest Y; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the variable of interest X; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is utilised for the finite population correction only; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


From Linear Regression Analysis, for an imposed population model

y=α+βxy=\alpha + \beta x

the population intercept regression coefficient α\alpha, assuming that the population size NN is unknown (see Sarndal et al., 1992, Sec. 5.10), can be estimated by:

α^Hajek=yˉ^Hajekkswk(ykyˉ^Hajek)(xkxˉ^Hajek)kswk(xkxˉ^Hajek)2xˉ^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} = \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} - \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (y_k - \hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek})(x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k (x_k - \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek})^2} \hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek}

where yˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} and xˉ^Hajek\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} are the Hajek (1971) point estimators of the population means yˉ=N1kUyk\bar{y} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} y_k and xˉ=N1kUxk\bar{x} = N^{-1} \sum_{k\in U} x_k, respectively,

yˉ^Hajek=kswkykkswk\hat{\bar{y}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

xˉ^Hajek=kswkxkkswk\hat{\bar{x}}_{Hajek} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

and wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k with πk\pi_k denoting the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(α^Hajek)=(1nN)n1nks(α^Hajek(k)α^Hajek)2\hat{V}(\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)}-\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} \right)^2

where α^Hajek(k)\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek(k)} has the same functional form as α^Hajek\hat{\alpha}_{Hajek} but omitting the kk-th element from the sample ss. We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
x     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest x
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCoI.Hajek(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the intercept reg. coeff. point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.RegCoI.Hajek(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek estimator of a total


Computes the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator for the Hajek (1971) estimator of a total.


VE.Jk.Tukey.Total.Hajek(VecY.s, VecPk.s, N, FPC= TRUE)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part. This information is also utilised for the finite population correction; see FPC below.


logical value. If an ad hoc finite population correction FPC=1n/NFPC=1-n/N is to be used. The default is TRUE.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the approximately unbiased Hajek (1971) estimator of tt is given by:

t^Hajek=Nkswkykkswk\hat{t}_{Hajek} = N \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of t^Hajek\hat{t}_{Hajek} can be estimated by the Quenouille(1956); Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^Hajek)=(1nN)n1nks(t^Hajek(k)t^Hajek)2\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{Hajek}) = \left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{k\in s} \left( \hat{t}_{Hajek(k)}-\hat{t}_{Hajek} \right)^2


t^Hajek(k)=Nls,lkwlylls,lkwl\hat{t}_{Hajek(k)} = N \frac{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l y_l}{\sum_{l\in s, l\neq k} w_l}

We are implementing the Tukey (1958) jackknife variance estimator using the ‘ad hoc’ finite population correction 1n/N1-n/N (see Shao and Tu, 1995; Wolter, 2007). If FPC=FALSE, then the term 1n/N1-n/N is omitted from the above formula.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Hajek, J. (1971) Comment on An essay on the logical foundations of survey sampling by Basu, D. in Foundations of Statistical Inference (Godambe, V.P. and Sprott, D.A. eds.), p. 236. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Quenouille, M. H. (1956) Notes on bias in estimation. Biometrika, 43, 353–360.

Shao, J. and Tu, D. (1995) The Jackknife and Bootstrap. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Tukey, J. W. (1958) Bias and confidence in not-quite large samples (abstract). The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29, 2, p. 614.

Wolter, K. M. (2007) Introduction to Variance Estimation. 2nd Ed. Springer, Inc.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s     <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N     <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1    <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2    <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the variable of interest y2
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y1
VE.Jk.Tukey.Total.Hajek(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N)
#Computes the var. est. of the Hajek total point estimator using y2
VE.Jk.Tukey.Total.Hajek(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], N, FPC= FALSE)

The unequal probability linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Horvitz-Thompson form)


Computes the unequal probability Taylor linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) variance form.


VE.Lin.HT.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the unequal probability linearisation variance estimator (implemented by the current function). For details see Woodruff (1971); Deville (1999); Demnati-Rao (2004); Sarndal et al., (1992, Secs. 5.5 and 5.6):

V^(R^)=kslsπklπkπlπklwkukwlul\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} w_k u_k w_l u_l


uk=ykR^xkt^x,NHTu_k = \frac{y_k - \hat{R} x_k}{\hat{t}_{x,NHT}}


t^x,NHT=kswkxk\hat{t}_{x,NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of the population total for the (denominator) variable VecX.s.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Deville, J.-C. (1999) Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators: linearization and residual techniques. Survey Methodology, 25, 193–203.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Woodruff, R. S. (1971) A Simple Method for Approximating the Variance of a Complicated Estimate. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66, 334, 411–414.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Lin.HT.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Lin.HT.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The unequal probability linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio (Sen-Yates-Grundy form)


Computes the unequal probability Taylor linearisation variance estimator for the estimator of a ratio of two totals/means. It uses the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance form.


VE.Lin.SYG.Ratio(VecY.s, VecX.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the numerator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecX.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the denominator variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s and VecY.s. There must not be missing values. All values of VecX.s should be greater than zero. A warning is displayed if this does not hold, and computations continue if mathematical expressions allow this kind of values for the denominator variable.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population ratio of two totals/means of the variables yy and xx:

R=kUyk/NkUxk/N=kUykkUxkR = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k/N}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k/N} = \frac{\sum_{k\in U} y_k}{\sum_{k\in U} x_k}

the ratio estimator of RR is given by:

R^=kswkykkswkxk\hat{R} = \frac{\sum_{k\in s} w_k y_k}{\sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k}

where wk=1/πkw_k=1/\pi_k and πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. The variance of R^\hat{R} can be estimated by the unequal probability linearisation variance estimator (implemented by the current function). For details see Woodruff (1971); Deville (1999); Demnati-Rao (2004); Sarndal et al., (1992, Secs. 5.5 and 5.6):

V^(R^)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(wkukwlul)2\hat{V}(\hat{R}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}} (w_k u_k - w_l u_l)^{2}


uk=ykR^xkt^x,NHTu_k = \frac{y_k - \hat{R} x_k}{\hat{t}_{x,NHT}}


t^x,NHT=kswkxk\hat{t}_{x,NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} w_k x_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of the population total for the (denominator) variable VecX.s.


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Demnati, A. and Rao, J. N. K. (2004) Linearization variance estimators for survey data. Survey Methodology, 30, 17–26.

Deville, J.-C. (1999) Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators: linearization and residual techniques. Survey Methodology, 25, 193–203.

Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

Sarndal, C.-E. and Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, Inc.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Woodruff, R. S. (1971) A Simple Method for Approximating the Variance of a Complicated Estimate. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66, 334, 411–414.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used for
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the numerator variable y1
y2     <- oaxaca$POPMAL10                    #Defines the numerator variable y2
x      <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the denominator variable x
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y1
VE.Lin.SYG.Ratio(y1[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the ratio point estimator using y2
VE.Lin.SYG.Ratio(y2[s==1], x[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)

The Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a mean


Computes the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population mean.


VE.SYG.Mean.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s, N)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


the population size. It must be an integer or a double-precision scalar with zero-valued fractional part.


For the population mean of the variable yy:

yˉ=1NkUyk\bar{y} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of yˉ\bar{y} is given by:

yˉ^NHT=1Nksykπk\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. Let πkl\pi_{kl} denotes the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. The variance of yˉ^NHT\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT} is given by:

V(yˉ^NHT)=1N2kUlU(πklπkπl)ykπkylπlV(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{k\in U}\sum_{l\in U} (\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l)\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}

which, if the utilised sampling design is of fixed sample size, can therefore be estimated by the Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(yˉ^NHT)=1N212kslsπklπkπlπkl(ykπkylπl)2\hat{V}(\hat{\bar{y}}_{NHT}) = \frac{1}{N^2}\frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}}\left(\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}-\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}\right)^2


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
N      <- dim(oaxaca)[1]                     #Defines the population size
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approx. is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y1
VE.SYG.Mean.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y2
VE.SYG.Mean.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s, N)

The Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator for the Narain-Horvitz-Thompson point estimator for a total


Computes the Sen (1953); Yates-Grundy(1953) variance estimator for the Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) point estimator for a population total.


VE.SYG.Total.NHT(VecY.s, VecPk.s, MatPkl.s)



vector of the variable of interest; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Its length has to be the same as that of VecPk.s. There must not be missing values.


vector of the first-order inclusion probabilities; its length is equal to nn, the sample size. Values in VecPk.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


matrix of the second-order inclusion probabilities; its number of rows and columns equals nn, the sample size. Values in MatPkl.s must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one. There must not be missing values.


For the population total of the variable yy:

t=kUykt = \sum_{k\in U} y_k

the unbiased Narain (1951); Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator of tt is given by:

t^NHT=ksykπk\hat{t}_{NHT} = \sum_{k\in s} \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}

where πk\pi_k denotes the inclusion probability of the kk-th element in the sample ss. Let πkl\pi_{kl} denotes the joint-inclusion probabilities of the kk-th and ll-th elements in the sample ss. The variance of t^NHT\hat{t}_{NHT} is given by:

V(t^NHT)=kUlU(πklπkπl)ykπkylπlV(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \sum_{k\in U}\sum_{l\in U} (\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l)\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}

which, if the utilised sampling design is of fixed sample size, can therefore be estimated by the Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator (implemented by the current function):

V^(t^NHT)=12kslsπklπkπlπkl(ykπkylπl)2\hat{V}(\hat{t}_{NHT}) = \frac{-1}{2}\sum_{k\in s}\sum_{l\in s} \frac{\pi_{kl}-\pi_k\pi_l}{\pi_{kl}}\left(\frac{y_k}{\pi_k}-\frac{y_l}{\pi_l}\right)^2


The function returns a value for the estimated variance.


Emilio Lopez Escobar.


Horvitz, D. G. and Thompson, D. J. (1952) A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47, 663–685.

Narain, R. D. (1951) On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 3, 169–175.

Sen, A. R. (1953) On the estimate of the variance in sampling with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 5, 119–127.

Yates, F. and Grundy, P. M. (1953) Selection without replacement from within strata with probability proportional to size. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 15, 253–261.

See Also



data(oaxaca)                                 #Loads the Oaxaca municipalities dataset
pik.U  <- Pk.PropNorm.U(373, oaxaca$HOMES00) #Reconstructs the 1st order incl. probs.
s      <- oaxaca$sHOMES00                    #Defines the sample to be used
y1     <- oaxaca$POP10                       #Defines the variable of interest y1
y2     <- oaxaca$HOMES10                     #Defines the variable of interest y2
#This approximation is only suitable for large-entropy sampling designs
pikl.s <- Pkl.Hajek.s(pik.U[s==1])           #Approx. 2nd order incl. probs. from s
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y1
VE.SYG.Total.NHT(y1[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)
#Computes the var. est. of the NHT point estimator for y2
VE.SYG.Total.NHT(y2[s==1], pik.U[s==1], pikl.s)