Package: interp 1.1-6

Albrecht Gebhardt

interp: Interpolation Methods

Bivariate data interpolation on regular and irregular grids, either linear or using splines are the main part of this package. It is intended to provide FOSS replacement functions for the ACM licensed akima::interp and tripack::tri.mesh functions. Linear interpolation is implemented in interp::interp(..., method="linear"), this corresponds to the call akima::interp(..., linear=TRUE) which is the default setting and covers most of akima::interp use cases in depending packages. A re-implementation of Akimas irregular grid spline interpolation (akima::interp(..., linear=FALSE)) is now also available via interp::interp(..., method="akima"). Estimators for partial derivatives are now also available in interp::locpoly(), these are a prerequisite for the spline interpolation. The basic part is a GPLed triangulation algorithm (sweep hull algorithm by David Sinclair) providing the starting point for the irregular grid interpolator. As side effect this algorithm is also used to provide replacements for almost all functions of the tripack package which also suffers from the same ACM license restrictions. All functions are designed to be backward compatible with their akima / tripack counterparts.

Authors:Albrecht Gebhardt [aut, cre, cph], Roger Bivand [aut], David Sinclair [aut, cph]

interp.pdf |interp.html
interp/json (API)

# Install 'interp' in R:
install.packages('interp', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • akima - Waveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolation
  • akima474 - Sample data from Akima's Bicubic Spline Interpolation code
  • circtest - Circtest / sample data
  • circtest2 - Circtest / sample data
  • franke - Test datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered data
  • tritest - Tritest / sample data

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


8.90 score 1 stars 288 packages 228 scripts 34k downloads 4 mentions 47 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 12 months agofrom:37daa5f869. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 21 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 21 2025




Rendered frominterp.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jan 21 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-31
Started: 2023-03-31

Local polynomial regression in two variables applied to estimating partial derivatives

Rendered frompartDeriv.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jan 21 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-31
Started: 2022-07-13

Triangulation of irregular spaced data

Rendered fromtri.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jan 21 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-31
Started: 2023-03-31

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Interpolation of datainterp-package
Waveform Distortion Data for Bivariate Interpolationakima
Sample data from Akima's Bicubic Spline Interpolation code (TOMS 474)akima474
Extract a list of arcs from a triangulation object.arcs
Extract a list of triangle areas from a triangulation object.area
Univariate Akima interpolationaSpline aspline
Bivariate Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular gridbicubic
Bicubic Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular gridbicubic.grid
Bilinear Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular gridBiLinear bilinear
Bilinear Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular gridBiLinear.grid bilinear.grid
extract info about voronoi cellscells
plot circlescircles
circtest / sample datacirctest circtest2
Determine the circumcircle (and some other characteristics) of a trianglecircum
Determine the circumcircle of a set of pointscircumcircle
Return the convex hull of a triangulation objectconvex.hull ConvexHull
Test datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered datafranke franke.fn
Identify points in a triangulation plotidentify.triSht
Interpolation functioninterp
From interp() Result, Produce 3-column Matrixinterp2xyz
Pointwise interpolate irregular gridded datainterpp
Local polynomial fit.locpoly
Nearest neighbour structure for a data setnearest.neighbours
List of neighbours from a triangulation or voronoi objectneighbours
Determines if a point is on or left of the vector described by two other points.left on
Determines if points are on or in the convex hull of a triangulation objectin.convex.hull on.convex.hull
Version of outer which operates only in a convex hullouter.convhull
Plot a triangulation objectplot.triSht
Plot a voronoi objectplot.voronoi
plots an voronoi.polygons objectplot.voronoi.polygons
Print a summary of a triangulation objectprint.summary.triSht
Print a summary of a voronoi objectprint.summary.voronoi
Print a triangulation objectprint.triSht
Print a voronoi objectprint.voronoi
Return a summary of a triangulation objectsummary.triSht
Return a summary of a voronoi objectsummary.voronoi
Locate a point in a triangulationtri.find
Delaunay triangulationtri.mesh
Extract a list of triangles from a triangulation objecttriangles
A triangulation objecttriSht
Converter to tripack objectstriSht2tri
tritest / sample datatritest tritest2
Voronoi objectvoronoi
Calculate area of Voronoi polygonsvoronoi.area
Find the Voronoi sites at the border of the region (to be rejected).voronoi.findrejectsites
Voronoi mosaicvoronoi.mosaic
extract polygons from a voronoi mosaicvoronoi.polygons