Package: Bios2cor 2.2.2

Marie Chabbert

Bios2cor: From Biological Sequences and Simulations to Correlation Analysis

Utilities for computation and analysis of correlation/covariation in multiple sequence alignments and in side chain motions during molecular dynamics simulations. Features include the computation of correlation/covariation scores using a variety of scoring functions between either sequence positions in alignments or side chain dihedral angles in molecular dynamics simulations and utilities to analyze the correlation/covariation matrix through a variety of tools including network representation and principal components analysis. In addition, several utility functions are based on the R graphical environment to provide friendly tools for help in data interpretation. Examples of sequence covariation analysis are provided in: (1) Pele J, Moreau M, Abdi H, Rodien P, Castel H, Chabbert M (2014) <doi:10.1002/prot.24570> and (2) Taddese B, Deniaud M, Garnier A, Tiss A, Guissouma H, Abdi H, Henrion D, Chabbert M (2018) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006209>. An example of side chain correlated motion analysis is provided in: Taddese B, Garnier A, Abdi H, Henrion D, Chabbert M (2020) <doi:10.1038/s41598-020-72766-1>. This work was supported by the French National Research Agency (Grant number: ANR-11-BSV2-026) and by GENCI (Grant number: 100567).

Authors:Bruck Taddese [aut], Antoine Garnier [aut], Madeline Deniaud [aut], Julien Pele [ctb], Lea Bellenger [ctb], Jean-Michel Becu [ctb], Marie Chabbert [aut, cre]

Bios2cor.pdf |Bios2cor.html
Bios2cor/json (API)

# Install 'Bios2cor' in R:
install.packages('Bios2cor', repos = c('', ''))



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Last updated 4 months agofrom:9b8bb86fda. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 13 2025



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Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Correlation/covariation Analysis in Biological Sequences and SimulationsBios2cor-package Bios2cor
Converts dihedral angles to rotamersangle2rotamer
plots the time evolution of the dihedral angles in top pairsangles.plot
Performs principal component analysis of a correlation/covariation matrixcentered_pca
Creation of an entropy/dynamic score delta filter for each elementdelta_filter
Circular correlationdynamic_circular
Variability scoredynamic_entropy
Mutual Information (MI) function applied to rotamers in molecular dynamics simulationsdynamic_mi
Mutual Information Product (MIP) function applied to rotamers in molecular dynamics simulationsdynamic_mip
OMES (Observed minus Expected Squared) function applied to rotamers in molecular dynamics simulationsdynamic_omes
Creates the data structure for the analysis of side chain dihedral anglesdynamic_structure
Explicit Likelihood of Subset Covariation (ELSC) functionelsc
Entropy scoreentropy
Reads a file in FASTA formatimport.fasta
Reads a multiple sequence alignment file in MSF formatimport.msf
McBASC (McLachlan Based Substitution Correlation) functionmcbasc
Mutual Information (MI) functionmi
Mutual Information product (MIP) functionmip
Creates network structure of top elementsnetwork.plot
OMES (Observed minus Expected Squared) functionomes
PCA projection on two dimensionspca_2d
Creates PCA screeplotpca_screeplot
Random Alignmentrandom.msa
Scores versus entropy graphscores_entropy.plot
Creates boxplots of correlation/covariation scoresscores.boxplot
Calculates the number of contacts for each element of the top pairstop_pairs_analysis
Writes and displays entropy valueswrite.entropy
Creates a file of coordinates in PCA spacewrite.pca
PDB and PML file creation for 3D representation of PCA analysiswrite.pca.pdb
Creates a correlation/covariation ouput filewrite.scores
Convert Cartesian Coordinates to Torsion Anglesxyz2torsion