Package: sonar 1.0.2

Jose Gama

sonar: Fundamental Formulas for Sonar

Formulas for calculating sound velocity, water pressure, depth, density, absorption and sonar equations.

Authors:Jose Gama [aut, cre]

sonar.pdf |sonar.html
sonar/json (API)

# Install 'sonar' in R:
install.packages('sonar', repos = c('', ''))



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R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 12 2025



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Help pageTopics
Calculation of absorption in sea water from Ainslie and McColm 1998AbsorptionAlphaAinslieMcColm
Calculation of absorption in sea water from Fisher and Simmons 1977AbsorptionAlphaFisherSimmons
Calculation of absorption of sound in fresh water From Francois & Garrison 1982AbsorptionSoundFreshWaterFrancoisGarrison
Calculation of absorption of sound in sea water From Francois & Garrison 1982AbsorptionSoundSeaWaterFrancoisGarrison
band level (BL) for flat spectrumBandLevelFlatSpectrum
band level (BL) from complete bandBandLevelFromCompleteBand
basic active sonar equationBasicActiveSonarEquation
basic passive sonar equationBasicPassiveSonarEquation
basic sonar equationBasicSonarEquation
Cavitation threshold estimate as a function of depthCavitationThresholdEstimateFunctionOfDepth
Cavitation threshold estimate as a function of radiated acoustic power intensityCavitationThresholdEstimateFunctionOfRadiatedAcousticPowerIntensity
Corrective terms to be added for obtaining depth from pressureCorrectiveTermsDepthFromPressure
Corrective terms to be subtracted for obtaining pressure from depthCorrectiveTermsPressureFromDepth
Calculation of cutoff frequency in shallow water from Jensen et Al 2011CutoffFrequencyShallowWater
Calculation of cutoff frequency in water from Jensen et Al 2011CutoffFrequencyWater
Depth To Pressure from Leroy Parthiot 1998DepthToPressureLeroyParthiot
Detection indexDetectionIndex
Number of milliliters or drops of stabilizer are needed to stabilize a certain amount of fuelfuelStabilizer
Hydrophone SensitivityHydrophoneSensitivity
International Formula For GravityInternationalFormulaForGravity
Maximum radiated power to avoid cavitationMaximumRadiatedPowerToAvoidCavitation
Molecular relaxation attenuation coeficient (alpha)MolecularRelaxationAttenuationCoeficient
Molecular relaxation attenuation coeficient approximationMolecularRelaxationAttenuationCoeficientApproximation
peak pressure of the incident and reflected pulsesPeakTS
Plane wave intensityPlaneWaveIntensity
Plane wave pressurePlaneWavePressure
PL to range r cylindrical spreading law in logarithmic formPLcylindricalSpreadingLaw
PL Spherical Spreading and AbsorptionPLSphericalSpreadingAndAbsorption
PL to range r spherical spreading law in logarithmic formPLsphericalSpreadingLaw
Power cylindrical spreading lawPowerCylindricalSpreadingLaw
Power spherical spreading lawPowerSphericalSpreadingLaw
Calculation of pressure in the Baltic from Leroy 1969PressureBalticSimplifiedLeroy
Calculation of pressure in the Black Sea from Leroy 1969PressureBlackSeaSimplifiedLeroy
Calculation of pressure in water (Leroy modified) from Lovett 1978PressureModifiedSimplifiedLeroy
Calculation of pressure in water simplified from Leroy 1969PressureSimplifiedLeroy
Pressure To Depth from Leroy Parthiot 1998PressureToDepthLeroyParthiot
Pressure To Depth from Saunders and Fofonoff 1976PressureToDepthSaundersFofonoff
Projector Sensitivity PowerProjectorSensitivityPower
Projector Sensitivity VoltageProjectorSensitivityVoltage
Propagation loss (PL)PropagationLoss
Sonar Range Resolution CHIRPRangeResolutionCHIRP
Sonar Range Resolution for monotonic acoustic systemsRangeResolutionMonotonic
SL of a directional projectorSLdirectionalProjector
SL of an omnidirectional projectorSLomnidirectionalProjector
sonar equationSonarEquation
source level (SL)SourceLevel
source level to avoid cavitationSourceLevelToAvoidCavitation
Data on Speed of Sound Algorithm Parameter RangesSpeedAlgorithmParameterRanges
Speed of soundSpeedOfSound
speed of sound in humid air at sea level air density and known atmospheric pressureSpeedOfSoundAir
Speed of sound in dry air at sea level air density and one atmosphere pressureSpeedOfSoundDryAir
speed of sound (m/s) in fresh water from Grosso and MaderSpeedOfSoundFreshWaterGrossoMader
Speed of sound in Humid air at sea level air density and one atmosphere pressureSpeedOfSoundHumidAir
Speed of sound (m/s) from Kinsler et alSpeedOfSoundKinslerEtal
speed of sound (m/s) from Belogolskii, Sekoyan et alSpeedOfSoundPureWaterBelogolskiiSekoyanEtal
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 112 point equationSpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong112
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 148 point equationSpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong148
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 36 point equationSpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong36
speed of sound (m/s) from Lubbers and Graaff's simplified equations a and bSpeedOfSoundPureWaterLubbersandGraaffSEa
speed of sound (m/s) from Lubbers and Graaff's simplified equations a and bSpeedOfSoundPureWaterLubbersandGraaffSEb
speed of sound (m/s) from MarczakSpeedOfSoundPureWaterMarczak
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Chen and Millero 1977SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterChenAndMillero
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Coppens 1981SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterCoppens
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Del Grosso 1974SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterDelGrosso
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Frye and Pugh 1971SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterFryeAndPugh
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Leroy 1968SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroy68
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Leroy 1969SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroy69
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Leroy et Al 2008SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroyEtAl2008
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett1
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978bSpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett2
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978cSpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett3
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Mackenzie 1981SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterMackenzie
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Medwin 1975SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterMedwin
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Skone et al 2002SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterSkone
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Wilson 1960SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterWilson
Target Strength (TS)TargetStrength
target strength Circular Plate normalTargetStrengthCircularPlateNormal
target strength Convex surfaceTargetStrengthConvexSurface
target strength Cylinder normalTargetStrengthCylinderNormal
target strength Cylinder, theta to normalTargetStrengthCylinderThetaToNormal
target strength Plate of any shapeTargetStrengthPlateAnyShape
target strength Rectangular Plate normalTargetStrengthRectangularPlateNormal
target strength Rectangular Plate, theta to normalTargetStrengthRectangularPlateThetaToNormal
target strength sphereTargetStrengthSphere
transmit directivity indexTransmitDirectivityIndex