Package: scbursts 1.6

Blair Drummond

scbursts: Single Channel Bursts Analysis

Provides tools to import and export from several existing pieces of ion-channel analysis software such as 'TAC', 'QUB', 'SCAN', and 'Clampfit', implements procedures such as dwell-time correction and defining bursts with a critical time, and provides tools for analysis of bursts, such as tools for sorting and plotting.

Authors:Blair Drummomd [aut], Mathieu Dextraze [ctb]

scbursts.pdf |scbursts.html
scbursts/json (API)

# Install 'scbursts' in R:
install.packages('scbursts', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 161 downloads 57 exports 20 dependencies

Last updated 6 years agofrom:317ecb8574. Checks:1 OK, 1 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 02 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGMar 02 2025



Single Channel Burst Analysis with scbursts

Rendered fromscbursts.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 02 2025.

Last update: 2019-07-06
Started: 2019-02-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check if segment contains subconductive statesbursts.check_subconductance
Return a list of all the (sub)conductance states.bursts.conductance_states
Copy a list of bursts (by value)bursts.copy
Divide a recording into bursts defined by a critical time.bursts.defined_by_tcrit
Get the gaps between bursts.bursts.get_gaps
Imposes a deadtime to each segment in a burst.bursts.impose_deadtime
Transform the conductance states according to a user-defined function of conductance level.bursts.modify_conductance
Return pcloseds of every burst.bursts.pcloseds
Return popens of every burst.bursts.popens
Combine bursts into one recording (with obvious spaces between them).bursts.recombine
Remove the first and last burst from the list.bursts.remove_first_and_last
From a list of bursts, extract those that interest you by passing a selecting
Order a list of bursts by some function. For instance, popen.bursts.sort
Artificially add amount of time between bursts (in absence of recording information).bursts.space_out
(DON'T USE THIS) Fix meta-data of bursts.bursts.start_times_update
Imposes a fixed conductance level (0 or 1) to all dwells with subconductance levels to each segment in a burstbursts.subconductance_as
Read a .xlsx file output from
Histogram of Conductance Statescplot.conductance_hist
Add log-root axes to histogram plotcplot.log_root_axes
Plot Time Series (ts) of P(Closed).cplot.pclosed_ts
Plot Time Series (ts) of P(Open).cplot.popen_ts
Read a .dwt
Write a dwt file to disk. Writes DOS line endings. Dwells are in millisecondsdwt.write
Extract header from evt file.evt.extract_header
Converts dwell durations to absolute transition times.evt.from_dwells
Read a .evt file to a table. Times are in
Calculate pulse lengths. Converts transition times to dwell durations.evt.to_dwells
Write bursts to a .evt file.evt.write
Extract header from hst file.hst.extract_header
Read a MIL ".hst" file to a
Write bursts to a log10(ms)-sqrt(Frequency) .hst file from open and closed tables.hst.write
Undo the effect of the gaussian filter.risetime.correct_gaussian
Read a scan results text file. returns a 1 segment list Reads in scan results and puts them in the same format as the output of See 'dwt', and 'segment' for more
Check if segment contains subconductive statessegment.check_subconductance
Extract closed dwells.segment.closed_dwells
Return a list of all the (sub)conductance states.segment.conductance_states
Collapses a segment into dwells with alternating conductance levels.segment.consecutives_to_dwells
Copy a segmentsegment.copy
Extract number of closed dwells. In the case of subconductive states, a dwell is only closed if the conductance is exactly zero.segment.count_closed
Extract number of dwells in segment.segment.count_dwells
Extract number of open dwells. In the case of subconductive states, count the number of non-zero states.segment.count_open
Create a "segment" objectsegment.create
Get duration of a segment.segment.duration
Extract dwells in conductance range. lower <= x <= uppersegment.dwells_by_conductance
Extract dwells in conductance range. lower <= x <= uppersegment.dwells_by_conductance_range
Imposes a deadtime to a segment by removing any dwell that is shorter than the deadtime.segment.impose_deadtime
Transform the conductance states according to a user-defined function of conductance level.segment.modify_conductance
Extract name from
Extract open dwells. (Any conductance greater than zero)segment.open_dwells
Calculate empirical P(Closed) of a segment.segment.pclosed
Calculate empirical P(Lower <= Conductance <= Upper) of a segment.segment.pconductance
Calculate empirical P(Lower <= Conductance <= Upper) of a segment.segment.pconductance_range
Calculate empirical P(Open) of a segment. (A state is considered open if the conductance is non-zero)segment.popen
Extract segment number from segment.segment.seg
Extract start_time from segment.segment.start_time
Imposes a fixed conductance level (0 or 1) to all dwells with subconductance levels.segment.subconductance_as
Detect misrecorded data.segment.verify
Remove suffix and path from filename.util.basename