Package: rolap 2.5.1

Jose Samos

rolap: Obtaining Star Databases from Flat Tables

Data in multidimensional systems is obtained from operational systems and is transformed to adapt it to the new structure. Frequently, the operations to be performed aim to transform a flat table into a ROLAP (Relational On-Line Analytical Processing) star database. The main objective of the package is to allow the definition of these transformations easily. The implementation of the multidimensional database obtained can be exported to work with multidimensional analysis tools on spreadsheets or relational databases.

Authors:Jose Samos [aut, cre], Universidad de Granada [cph]

rolap.pdf |rolap.html
rolap/json (API)

# Install 'rolap' in R:
install.packages('rolap', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
  • ft - Mortality Reporting System
  • ft_age - Mortality Reporting System by Age Group
  • ft_age_rpd - Mortality Reporting System by Age
  • ft_cause_rpd - Mortality Reporting System by Cause
  • ft_num - Mortality Reporting System with numerical measures
  • mrs_age_schema - Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age
  • mrs_age_schema_rpd - Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age with additional dates
  • mrs_cause_schema - Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause
  • mrs_cause_schema_rpd - Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause with additional dates
  • mrs_db - Constellation generated from MRS file
  • mrs_db_geo - Constellation generated from MRS file through a query and with geographic information
  • mrs_ft - Flat table generated from MRS file
  • mrs_ft_new - Flat table generated from MRS file
  • us_census_state - Census of US States, by sex and age
  • us_layer_state - Geographic layer of US States

5.02 score 1 packages 25 scripts 248 downloads 91 exports 59 dependencies

Last updated 10 months agofrom:5e0a268e0c. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 07 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 07 2024



Basics and getting started with the rolap package

Rendered fromrolap.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-12
Started: 2023-08-08

Definition of role-playing and role dimensions

Rendered fromv10-rpd.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2023-10-16
Started: 2023-09-15

Deployment of star databases with incremental refresh

Rendered fromv50-deploy.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2023-11-15
Started: 2023-11-15

Incremental refresh of star databases

Rendered fromv40-refresh.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-11
Started: 2023-10-16

Obtaining and transforming flat tables

Rendered fromv05-flat-table-op.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-11
Started: 2023-09-15

Performing Multidimensional Queries (also Including Geographic Attributes)

Rendered fromv70-star_query.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-11
Started: 2023-11-15

Star Database Export Features

Rendered fromv60-export.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 07 2024.

Last update: 2023-11-15
Started: 2023-11-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add custom columnadd_custom_column add_custom_column.flat_table
Generate csv files with fact and dimension tablesas_csv_files as_csv_files.star_database
Generate a 'dm' class with fact and dimension tablesas_dm_class as_dm_class.star_database
Get a 'geolayer' objectas_geolayer as_geolayer.star_database
Save as 'GeoPackage'as_GeoPackage as_GeoPackage.geolayer
Generate a 'geomultistar::multistar' objectas_multistar as_multistar.star_database
Generate tables in a relational databaseas_rdb as_rdb.star_database
Generate a list of tibbles of flat tablesas_single_tibble_list as_single_tibble_list.star_database
Get a star database from a flat tableas_star_database as_star_database.flat_table
Generate a list of tibbles with fact and dimension tablesas_tibble_list as_tibble_list.star_database
Generate a xlsx file with fact and dimension tablesas_xlsx_file as_xlsx_file.star_database
Cancel deploymentcancel_deployment cancel_deployment.star_database
Check a 'geoattribute' geometry instances.check_geoattribute_geometry check_geoattribute_geometry.star_database
Check the result of joining a flat table with a lookup tablecheck_lookup_table check_lookup_table.flat_table
Create constellationconstellation
Transform coordinates to point geometrycoordinates_to_point
Define dimension in a 'star_schema' object.define_dimension define_dimension.star_schema
Define facts in a 'star_schema' object.define_facts define_facts.star_schema
Define 'geoattribute' of a dimensiondefine_geoattribute define_geoattribute.star_database
Deploy a star database in a relational databasedeploy deploy.star_database
'dimension_schema' S3 classdimension_schema
Draw tablesdraw_tables draw_tables.star_database
'fact_schema' S3 classfact_schema
Filter dimensionfilter_dimension filter_dimension.star_query
'flat_table' S3 classflat_table
Mortality Reporting Systemft
Mortality Reporting System by Age Groupft_age
Mortality Reporting System by Ageft_age_rpd
Mortality Reporting System by Causeft_cause_rpd
Mortality Reporting System with numerical measuresft_num
Get the names of the attributesget_attribute_names get_attribute_names.flat_table get_attribute_names.star_database
Get the names of the facts of a star databaseget_deployment_names get_deployment_names.star_database
Get the names of the dimensions of a star databaseget_dimension_names get_dimension_names.star_database
Get dimension tableget_dimension_table get_dimension_table.star_database
Get existing fact instancesget_existing_fact_instances get_existing_fact_instances.star_database_update
Get the names of the facts of a star databaseget_fact_names get_fact_names.star_database
Get geoattribute geometriesget_geoattribute_geometries get_geoattribute_geometries.star_database
Get geoattributesget_geoattributes get_geoattributes.star_database
Get geographic information layerget_layer get_layer.geolayer
Get layer geometryget_layer_geometry
Get lookup tablesget_lookup_tables get_lookup_tables.star_database_update
Get the names of the measuresget_measure_names get_measure_names.flat_table get_measure_names.star_database
Get new dimension instancesget_new_dimension_instances get_new_dimension_instances.star_database_update
Get the names of the primary key attributes of a flat tableget_pk_attribute_names get_pk_attribute_names.flat_table
Get point geometryget_point_geometry
Get the names of the role playing dimensionsget_role_playing_dimension_names get_role_playing_dimension_names.star_database
Get similar values for individual attributesget_similar_attribute_values_individually get_similar_attribute_values_individually.flat_table get_similar_attribute_values_individually.star_database
Get similar attribute values combinationget_similar_attribute_values get_similar_attribute_values.flat_table get_similar_attribute_values.star_database
Get star databaseget_star_database get_star_database.star_database get_star_database.star_database_update
Get star schemaget_star_schema get_star_schema.star_database_update
Get the table of the flat tableget_table get_table.flat_table
Get the names of the tables of a star databaseget_table_names get_table_names.star_database
Get transformation function codeget_transformation_code get_transformation_code.star_database_update
Get transformation function fileget_transformation_file get_transformation_file.star_database_update
Get unique attribute valuesget_unique_attribute_values get_unique_attribute_values.flat_table get_unique_attribute_values.star_database
Get the unknown value definedget_unknown_value_defined get_unknown_value_defined.flat_table
Get unknown attribute valuesget_unknown_values get_unknown_values.flat_table
Get variable descriptionget_variable_description get_variable_description.geolayer
Get the variables layerget_variables get_variables.geolayer
Group instances of a dimensiongroup_dimension_instances group_dimension_instances.star_database
Refresh a star database in a constellationincremental_refresh incremental_refresh.star_database
Join a flat table with a lookup tablejoin_lookup_table join_lookup_table.flat_table
Load star_database (from a RDS file)load_star_database
Transform a flat table into a look up tablelookup_table lookup_table.flat_table
Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Agemrs_age_schema
Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Age with additional datesmrs_age_schema_rpd
Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Causemrs_cause_schema
Star schema for Mortality Reporting System by Cause with additional datesmrs_cause_schema_rpd
Constellation generated from MRS filemrs_db
Constellation generated from MRS file through a query and with geographic informationmrs_db_geo
Flat table generated from MRS filemrs_ft
Flat table generated from MRS filemrs_ft_new
Multiple value keymultiple_value_key
Import flat table fileread_flat_table_file
Import all flat table files in a folderread_flat_table_folder
Remove instances without measuresremove_instances_without_measures remove_instances_without_measures.flat_table
Replace instance valuesreplace_attribute_values replace_attribute_values.flat_table replace_attribute_values.star_database
Replace empty values with the unknown valuereplace_empty_values replace_empty_values.flat_table
Replace stringsreplace_string replace_string.flat_table
Replace unknown values with the given valuereplace_unknown_values replace_unknown_values.flat_table
Define a role playing dimension and its associated dimensionsrole_playing_dimension role_playing_dimension.star_database
Run queryrun_query run_query.star_database
Select attributes of a flat tableselect_attributes select_attributes.flat_table
Select dimensionselect_dimension select_dimension.star_query
Select factselect_fact select_fact.star_query
Select instances of a flat table by valueselect_instances select_instances.flat_table
Select instances of a flat table by comparisonselect_instances_by_comparison select_instances_by_comparison.flat_table
Select measures of a flat tableselect_measures select_measures.flat_table
Separate measures in flat tablesseparate_measures separate_measures.flat_table
Rename attributesset_attribute_names set_attribute_names.flat_table set_attribute_names.star_database
Set geographic layerset_layer set_layer.geolayer
Rename measuresset_measure_names set_measure_names.flat_table set_measure_names.star_database
Set variables layerset_variables set_variables.geolayer
Transform names according to the snake case stylesnake_case snake_case.flat_table snake_case.star_database
'star_database' S3 classstar_database
'star_query' S3 classstar_query star_query.star_database
'star_schema' S3 classstar_schema
Summarize geometry of a layersummarize_layer
Transform attribute formattransform_attribute_format transform_attribute_format.flat_table
Transform attribute values into measure namestransform_from_values transform_from_values.flat_table
Transform to attributetransform_to_attribute transform_to_attribute.flat_table
Transform to measuretransform_to_measure transform_to_measure.flat_table
Transform measure names into attribute valuestransform_to_values transform_to_values.flat_table
Update a flat table according to another structureupdate_according_to update_according_to.flat_table
Census of US States, by sex and ageus_census_state
Geographic layer of US Statesus_layer_state