Package: restriktor 0.5-90

Leonard Vanbrabant

restriktor: Restricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for Linear Models

Allow for easy-to-use testing or evaluating of linear equality and inequality restrictions about parameters and effects in (generalized) linear statistical models.

Authors:Leonard Vanbrabant [aut, cre], Rebecca Kuiper [aut], Yves Rosseel [ctb], Aleksandra Dacko [ctb]

restriktor.pdf |restriktor.html
restriktor/json (API)

# Install 'restriktor' in R:
install.packages('restriktor', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • AngerManagement - Reduction of aggression levels Dataset
  • Burns - Relation between the response variable PTSS and gender, age, TBSA, guilt and anger.
  • Exam - Relation between exam scores and study hours, anxiety scores and average point scores.
  • FacialBurns - Dataset for illustrating the conTest_conLavaan function.
  • Hurricanes - The Hurricanes Dataset
  • ZelazoKolb1972 - "Walking" in the newborn
  • myGORICs - An example of IC values
  • myLLs - An example of log likelihood (LL) values
  • myPTs - An example of penalty (PT) values

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

5.53 score 4 packages 95 scripts 653 downloads 1 mentions 42 exports 49 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:b5ad825f81. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 11 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKNov 11 2024



Guidelines interpretation GORIC(A) benchmark output

Rendered fromGuidelines_GORIC-benchmarks.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-09-12
Started: 2024-09-12

Guidelines interpretation GORIC(A) output

Rendered fromGuidelines_GORIC_output.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Nov 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-09-12
Started: 2023-07-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Package for equality and inequality restricted estimation, model selection and hypothesis testingrestriktor-package
Reduction of aggression levels Dataset (4 treatment groups)AngerManagement
Benchmark Functions for GORIC(A) Analysisbenchmark benchmark_asymp benchmark_means plot.benchmark print.benchmark
Bootstrapping a Lavaan ModelbootstrapD print.conTestLavaan
Relation between the response variable PTSS and gender, age, TBSA, guilt and anger.Burns
Calculating IC weights based on IC values (AIC, ORIC, GORIC(A), BIC, SIC, ...)calculate_IC_weights calc_ICweights IC_weights print.goric_ICw
function for computing the chi-bar-square weights based on Monte Carlo simulation.con_weights_boot
Tests for iht with equality constraints onlyconTest_ceq conTest_ceq.conGLM conTest_ceq.conLM conTest_ceq.conRLM
function for computing all available hypothesis testsconTest_summary conTest_summary.restriktor iht_summary
one-sided t-test for ihtconTestC conTestC.restriktor
F-bar test for ihtconTestF conTestF.conGLM conTestF.conLM conTestF.conRLM
Likelihood-ratio-bar test for ihtconTestLRT conTestLRT.conGLM conTestLRT.conLM conTestLRT.conMLM
Score-bar test for ihtconTestScore conTestScore.conGLM conTestScore.conLM conTestScore.conRLM
Wald-bar test for robust ihtconTestWald conTestWald.conRLM
GORIC(A) Evidence synthesisevSyn evsyn evSyn_est.list evSyn_ICvalues.list evSyn_ICweights.list evSyn_LL.list plot.evSyn print.evSyn print.summary.evSyn summary.evSyn
Relation between exam scores and study hours, anxiety scores and average point scores.Exam
Dataset for illustrating the conTest_conLavaan function.FacialBurns
Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion (Approximation) Weightscoef.con_goric goric goric.CTmeta goric.default goric.lavaan goric.lm goric.numeric goric.rma print.con_goric summary.con_goric
The Hurricanes DatasetHurricanes
function for informative hypothesis testing (iht)conTest contest conTestD contestD iht
Methods for ihtconTest-methods iht-methods print.conTest
An example of IC valuesmyGORICs
An example of log likelihood (LL) valuesmyLLs
An example of penalty (PT) valuesmyPTs
Estimating linear regression models with (in)equality restrictionsconGLM.glm conLM.lm conMLM.mlm conRLM.rlm restriktor
Methods for restriktorcoef.restriktor logLik.restriktor model.matrix.restriktor print.restriktor print.summary.restriktor restriktor-methods summary.restriktor
"Walking" in the newborn (4 treatment groups)ZelazoKolb1972