Package 'restriktor'

Title: Restricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for Linear Models
Description: Allow for easy-to-use testing or evaluating of linear equality and inequality restrictions about parameters and effects in (generalized) linear statistical models.
Authors: Leonard Vanbrabant [aut, cre], Rebecca Kuiper [aut], Yves Rosseel [ctb], Aleksandra Dacko [ctb]
Maintainer: Leonard Vanbrabant <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.6-10
Built: 2025-02-17 07:03:08 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Package for equality and inequality restricted estimation, model selection and hypothesis testing


Package restriktor implements estimation, testing and evaluating of linear equality and inequality restriktions about parameters and effects for univariate and multivariate normal models and generalized linear models.


Package: restriktor
Type: Package
Version: 0.6-10
Date: 2024-12-19
License: GPL (>=2)
LazyLoad: yes

Function restriktor estimates the parameters of an univariate and multivariate linear model (lm), robust estimation of the linear model (rlm) or a generalized linear model (glm) subject to linear equality and/or inequality restriktions. The real work horses are the conLM, conMLM, the conRLM, and the conGLM functions. A major advantage of restriktor is that the constraints can be specified by a text-based description. This means that users do not have to specify the complex constraint matrix (comparable with a contrast matrix) themselves.

The function restriktor offers the possibility to compute (model robust) standard errors under the restriktions. The parameter estimates can also be bootstrapped, where bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals are available via the summary function. Moreover, the function computes the Generalized Order-restricted Information Criterion (GORIC), which is a modification of the AIC and a generalization of the ORIC.

The function iht (alias conTest) conducts restricted hypothesis tests. F, Wald/LRT and score test-statistics are available. The null-distribution of these test-statistics takes the form of a mixture of F-distributions. The mixing weights (a.k.a. chi-bar-square weights or level probabilities) can be computed using the multivariate normal distribution function with additional Monte Carlo steps or via a simulation approach. Bootstrap methods are available to calculate the mixing weights and to compute the p-value directly. Parameters estimates under the null- and alternative-hypothesis are available from the summary function.

The function goric (generalized order-restricted information criterion) computes GORIC values, weights and relative-weights or GORICA (generalized order-restricted information crittion approximation) values, weights and relative weights. The GORIC(A) values are comparable to the AIC values. The function offers the possibility to evaluate an order-restricted hypothesis against its complement, the unconstrained hypothesis or against a set of hypotheses. For now, only one order-restricted hypothesis can be evaluated against its complement but work is in progress to evaluate a set of order-restricted hypothesis against its complement.

The package makes use of various other R packages: quadprog is used for restricted estimation, boot for bootstrapping, ic.infer for computing the mixing weights based on the multivariate normal distribution, lavaan for parsing the constraint syntax.


The output of function restriktor belongs to S3 class conLM, conMLM, conRLM or conGLM.

The output of function conTest belongs to S3 class conTest.

These classes offer print and summary methods.


This package uses as an internal function the function nchoosek from ic.infer, which is originally from vsn, authored by Wolfgang Huber, available under LGPL.

The output style of the iht print function is strongly inspired on the summary of the ic.test function from the ic.infer package.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel - Ghent University


Groemping, U. (2010). Inference With Linear Equality And Inequality Constraints Using R: The Package ic.infer. Journal of Statistical Software, Forthcoming.

Kuiper R.M., Hoijtink H., Silvapulle M.J. (2011). An Akaike-type Information Criterion for Model Selection Under Inequality Constraints. Biometrika, 98, 495–501.

Kuiper R.M., Hoijtink H., Silvapulle M.J. (2012). Generalization of the Order-Restricted Information Criterion for Multivariate Normal Linear Models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 2454–2463. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2012.03.007.

Robertson T, Wright F, Dykstra R (1988). Order-Restricted Inference. Wiley, New York.

Schoenberg, R. (1997). Constrained Maximum Likelihood. Computational Economics, 10, 251–266.

Shapiro, A. (1988). Towards a unified theory of inequality-constrained testing in multivariate analysis. International Statistical Review 56, 49–62.

Silvapulle, M. (1992a). Robust tests of inequality constraints and one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Biometrika, 79, 621–630.

Silvapulle, M. (1992b). Robust wald-type tests of one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 156–161.

Silvapulle, M. (1996). Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

Vanbrabant, L., Van Loey, N., and Kuiper, R.M. (2020). Evaluating a theory-based hypothesis against its complement using an AIC-type information criterion with an application to facial burn injury. Psychological methods, 25(2), 129-142.

See Also

See also restriktor, iht, packages boot, goric, ic.infer, mvtnorm, and quadprog.


## Data preparation
## Ages (in months) at which an infant starts to walk alone.
DATA <- ZelazoKolb1972
DATA <- subset(DATA, Group != "Control")

## unrestricted linear model 
fit.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA)

## restricted linear model with restrictions that the walking 
## exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
## mean age at which a child starts to walk. 

myConstraints <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive; 
                   GroupPassive < GroupNo '
fit.con <- restriktor(fit.lm, constraints = myConstraints)

Reduction of aggression levels Dataset (4 treatment groups)


The anger management dataset consists of reduction of aggression levels between week 1 (intake) and week 8 (end of training) from four different treatment groups (No-exercises, Physical-exercises, Behavioral-exercises, combination of physical and behavioral exercises).




A data frame of 40 observations of 4 treatment variables and covariate age.


reduction in aggression levels


No, Physical, Behavioral, Both


persons' age


Hoijtink, H. Informative Hypotheses: Theory and Practice for Behavioral and Social Scientists Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, 2012.



Benchmark Functions for GORIC(A) Analysis


The 'benchmark' functions perform benchmarking for models using the Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion (Approximation) (GORIC(A)).


benchmark(object, model_type = c("asymp", "means"), ...)
  benchmark_means(object, pop_es = NULL, ratio_pop_means = NULL, 
                  group_size = NULL, alt_group_size = NULL, 
                  quant = NULL, iter = 1000, 
                  control = list(), 
                  ncpus = 1, seed = NULL, ...)

  benchmark_asymp(object, pop_est = NULL, sample_size = NULL, 
                  alt_sample_size = NULL, quant = NULL, iter = 1000, 
                  control = list(), 
                  ncpus = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'benchmark'
print(x, output_type = c("rgw", "gw", "rlw", "ld", "all"), 
                            hypo_rate_threshold = 1, color = TRUE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'benchmark'
plot(x, output_type = c("rgw", "rlw", "gw", "ld"), 
                           percentiles = NULL, x_lim = c(), log_scale = FALSE,
                           alpha = 0.50, nrow_grid = NULL, ncol_grid = 1, 
                           distr_grid = FALSE, ...)



An object of class con_goric (a GORIC(A) object from the goric function).


If "means", the model parameters reflect (adjusted) means, else model_type = "asymp" (default). See details for more information about asymp.


An object of class benchmark or benchmark.


A scalar or a vector of population Cohen's f (effect-size) values. By default, it benchmarks ES = 0 (no-effect) and the observed Cohen's f.


A 1 x k vector or an n x k matrix of population estimates to benchmark. By default, all estimates are set to zero (no-effect) and the observed estimates from the sample are used.


A 1 x k vector denoting the relative difference between the k group means. Note that a ratio of c(3, 2, 1) gives the same as c(1, 0, -1), as the consecutive relative differences are 1 in both ratios. By default, the relative differences from the data are used.


If the GORICA object is based on estimates and their covariance matrix (instead of on a model/fit object), this should be a 1 x k vector or a scalar to denote the group sizes. If a scalar is specified, it is assumed that each group is of that size.


An 1 x k vector or a scalar to denote alternative group sizes, if you want to use sizes different from those in the data. This can be used, for example, to see the values to which the GORIC(A) weights will converge (and thus to see the maximum value of the weights). If a scalar is specified, it is assumed that each group is of that size. By default, the group sizes from the data are used.


A scalar to denote the (total) sample sizes. Only used if the GORIC object is based on estimates and their covariance matrix (instead of on a model/fit object) or alt_sample_size is not NULL.


A scalar to denote an alternative sample size if you want to use a different sample size from the one in the data. This can be used, for example, to see the values to which the GORIC(A) weights will converge (and thus to see the maximum value of the weights).


Quantiles for benchmarking results. Defaults 5%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 95%.


The number of iterations for benchmarking. Defaults to 1000.


A numeric value specifying the threshold for the hypothesis rate. The function calculates the proportion of ratio-of-goric-weights that exceeds this threshold. Defaults to 1.


A list of control parameters.For more information, see details goric.


Number of CPUs to use for parallel processing. Defaults to 1. See details for more information.


A seed for random number generation.


A character vector specifying the type of output to print or plot. Options are "all", "gw" (goric(a) weights), "rgw" (ratio of goric(a) weights), "rlw" (ratio of log-likelihood values), and "ld" (log-likelihood difference). Defaults to "rgw" for print and "rgw" for plot.


If TRUE, the output will include ANSI color coding. Set color = FALSE when using this function in R Markdown documents to avoid rendering issues with color codes.


Alpha refers to the opacity of a geom. Values of alpha range from 0 to 1, with lower values corresponding to more transparent colors.


An integer value representing the number of rows in the grid layout.


An integer value representing the number of columns in the grid layout.


If TRUE, the facet_grid function is used to create a grid of separate plots for each effect-size (estimates).


A numeric vector specifying the percentiles to be shown. By default the percentiles are inherited from the quantiles used for benchmarking, see quant.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the x-axis limits. Defaults to c().


logical, If TRUE, The x-axis is transformed using a base-10 logarithmic scale. This transformation adjusts the way the data is visualized on the x-axis, but does not alter the underlying data values themselves.


See goric.


The function benchmark_asymp is named as such because it generates data from a multivariate normal distribution with means equal to the population parameter estimates and a covariance matrix derived from the original data. This is based on the assumption that parameter estimates are asymptotically normally distributed. This assumption is valid for many statistical models, including parameters from a generalized linear model (GLM). In such models, as the sample size increases, the distribution of the parameter estimates tends to a normal distribution, allowing us to utilize the multivariate normal distribution for benchmarking.

benchmark_means benchmarks the group means of a given GORIC(A) object by evaluating various population effect sizes and comparing the observed group means against these benchmarks. benchmark_asymp benchmarks the population estimates of a given GORIC(A) object by evaluating various population estimates and comparing them against the observed estimates.

print.benchmark prints the results of benchmark analyses performed on objects of class benchmark.

plot.benchmark generates density plots for benchmark analyses of objects of class benchmark.

The benchmark function leverages the future package for parallel processing, allowing users to speed up computations by distributing tasks across multiple cores or machines. If the user does not specify a parallelization plan using future::plan(), the package will choose an appropriate strategy based on the user's operating system. Specifically, on Windows, the package defaults to using multisession, which creates separate R sessions for each parallel task. On Unix-like systems (such as Linux and macOS), the package defaults to multicore, which uses forked R processes to avoid the overhead of setting up separate R sessions.

The plan() must be specified before running the benchmark function, e.g., future::plan(future::multisession, workers = ncpus)


benchmark_means and benchmark_asymp return a list of class benchmark_means, benchmark, and list or benchmark_asymp, benchmark, and list containing the results of the benchmark analysis.

print.benchmark does not return a value. It prints formatted benchmark analysis results to the console.

plot.benchmark returns a gtable object that can be displayed or further customized using various functions from the gridExtra and grid packages. This allows for flexible and detailed adjustments to the appearance and layout of the plot.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Rebecca Kuiper


# Generate data for 4 groups with different group sizes
group1 <- rnorm(10, mean = 5, sd = 0.1)
group2 <- rnorm(20, mean = 5.5, sd = 1)
group3 <- rnorm(30, mean = 6, sd = 0.5)
group4 <- rnorm(40, mean = 6.5, sd = 0.8)

# Combine data into a data frame
data <- data.frame(
  value = c(group1, group2, group3, group4),
  group = factor(rep(1:4, times = c(10,20,30,40)))

# Perform ANOVA
anova_result <- aov(value ~ -1 + group, data = data)

# model/hypothesis
h1 <- 'group1 < group2 < group3 < group4'
h2 <- 'group1 > group2 < group3 < group4'

# fit h1 and h2 model against the unconstrained model (i.e., failsafe to avoid
# selecting a weak hypothesis)
fit_goric <- goric(anova_result, hypotheses = list(H1 = h1, H2 = h2), 
                   comparison = "unconstrained", type = "goric")

# by default: ES = 0 \& ES = observed ES
# In practice you want to increase the number of iterations (default = 1000).

# multisession supports windows machines
# future::plan(future::multisession, workers = ncpus)
benchmark_results_mean <- benchmark(fit_goric, iter = 10, model_type = "means")

# by default the ratio of GORIC weights for the preferred hypothesis (here h1) is
# plotted against its competitors (i.e., h2 and the unconstrained). To improve
# the readability of the plot, the argument hypothesis_comparison can be used to
# focus on a specif competitor. Further readability can be achieved by setting
# the x_lim option. 
plot(benchmark_results_mean, output_type = "rgw")

# specify custom effect-sizes

benchmark_results_mean_es <- benchmark(fit_goric, iter = 10,
                                       pop_es = c(0, 0.1),
                                       model_type = "means")

# Benchmark asymptotic estimates

fit_gorica <- goric(anova_result, hypotheses = list(h1=h1), 
                    comparison = "complement", type = "gorica")

# by default: no-effect \& estimates from the sample are used
benchmark_results_asymp <- benchmark(fit_gorica, sample_size = 30, iter = 5,
                                     model_type = "asymp")

# specify custom population estimates
my_pop_est <- rbind("no" = c(0,0,0,0), "observed"= coef(anova_result))

benchmark_results_asymp <- benchmark(fit_gorica, sample_size = 30, 
                                     iter = 5, pop_est = my_pop_est,
                                     model_type = "asymp")
plot(benchmark_results_asymp, x_lim = c(0, 75))

Bootstrapping a Lavaan Model


Bootstrap the D statistic.


bootstrapD(h0 = NULL, h1 = NULL, constraints, type = "A", 
             bootstrap.type = "bollen.stine", R = 1000L,  
             return.D = FALSE, double.bootstrap = "no", 
             double.bootstrap.R = 500L, double.bootstrap.alpha = 0.05, 
             verbose = FALSE, warn = -1L, 
             parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, 
             seed = NULL)
  ## S3 method for class 'conTestLavaan'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...)



An object of class lavaan. The restricted model.


An object of class lavaan. The unrestricted model.


an object of class conTestLavaan.


The imposed (in)equality constraints on the model.


hypothesis test type "A", "B".


If "parametric", the parametric bootstrap is used. If "bollen.stine", the semi-nonparametric Bollen-Stine bootstrap is used. The default is set to "bollen.stine".


Integer. The number of bootstrap draws.


Logical; if TRUE, the function returns bootstrapped D-values.


If "standard" (default) the genuine double bootstrap is used to compute an additional set of plug-in p-values for each bootstrap sample. If "no", no double bootstrap is used. If "FDB", the fast double bootstrap is used to compute second level LRT-values for each bootstrap sample. Note that the "FDB" is experimental and should not be used by inexperienced users.


Integer; number of double bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 249.


The significance level to compute the adjusted alpha based on the plugin p-values. Only used if double.bootstrap = "standard". The default value is set to 0.05.


If TRUE, show information for each bootstrap draw.


Sets the handling of warning messages. See options.


The type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is "no".


Integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


An optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the bootstrapLavaan or bootstrapLRT call.


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


no additional arguments for now.


An integer to set the seed. Or NULL if no reproducible seeds are needed.


A bootstrap p value, calculated as the proportion of bootstrap samples with a D statistic at least as large as the D statistic for the original data.


Leonard Vanbrabant


Bollen, K. and Stine, R. (1992) Bootstrapping Goodness of Fit Measures in Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methods and Research, 21, 205–229.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

Yuan, K.-H., Hayashi, K., and Yanagihara, H. (2007). A class of population covariance matrices in the bootstrap approach to covariance structure analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 42, 261–281.


### real data example ###
# Multiple group path model for facial burns example.

# model syntax with starting values.
burns.model <- 'Selfesteem ~ Age + c(m1, f1)*TBSA + HADS +
                           start(-.10, -.20)*TBSA  
             HADS ~ Age + c(m2, f2)*TBSA + RUM +
                    start(.10, .20)*TBSA '

# constraints syntax
burns.constraints <- 'f2 > 0  ; m1 < 0
                      m2 > 0  ; f1 < 0
                      f2 > m2 ; f1 < m1'

# we only generate 2 bootstrap samples in this example; in practice
# you may wish to use a much higher number. 
# the double bootstrap was switched off; in practice you probably 
# want to set it to "standard".
example1 <- conTestD(model = burns.model, data = FacialBurns,
                     R = 2, constraints = burns.constraints,
                     double.bootstrap = "no", group = "Sex")


### artificial example ###

# Simple ANOVA model with 3 groups (N = 20 per group)
Y <- cbind(c(rnorm(20,0,1), rnorm(20,0.5,1), rnorm(20,1,1)))
grp <- c(rep("1", 20), rep("2", 20), rep("3", 20))
Data <- data.frame(Y, grp)

#create model matrix
fit.lm <- lm(Y ~ grp, data = Data)
mfit <- fit.lm$model
mm <- model.matrix(mfit)

Y <- model.response(mfit)
X <- data.frame(mm[,2:3])
names(X) <- c("d1", "d2") <- data.frame(Y, X)

# model
model <- 'Y ~ 1 + a1*d1 + a2*d2'

# fit without constraints
fit <- lavaan::sem(model, data =

# constraints syntax: mu1 < mu2 < mu3
constraints <- ' a1 > 0
                 a1 < a2 '

# we only generate 10 bootstrap samples in this example; in practice
# you may wish to use a much higher number, say > 1000. The double 
# bootstrap is not necessary in case of an univariate ANOVA model.
example2 <- conTestD(model = model, data =, 
                     start = lavaan::parTable(fit),
                     R = 10L, double.bootstrap = "no",
                     constraints = constraints)

Relation between the response variable PTSS and gender, age, TBSA, guilt and anger.


Simulated dataset based on the original model parameters. The original data are based on two cohort studies in children from 0 to 4 and 8 to 18 years old with burns and their mother.




A data frame of 278 observations of 4 variables.


post-traumatic stress symptoms




age in years


estimated percentage total body surface area affected by second and third degree burns


parental guilt feelings in relation to the burn event


parental anger feelings in relation to the burn event


Bakker A, Van der Heijden PG, Van Son MJ, Van Loey NE. Course of traumatic stress reactions in couples after a burn event to their young child. Health Psychology 2013; 10(32):1076-1083, doi:10.1037/a0033983.

Egberts MR, van de Schoot R, Boekelaar A, Hendrickx H, Geenen R, NEE V. Child and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems 12 months postburn: the potential role of preburn functioning, parental posttraumatic stress, and informant bias. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2016; 25:791-803.



Calculating IC weights based on IC values (AIC, ORIC, GORIC(A), BIC, SIC, ...)


This function transforms IC values into IC weights: IC values denote the ordering of hypotheses/models, while IC weights quantify the relative strength of hypotheses/models.


calculate_IC_weights(IC, hypo_names = NULL, use_scientific = TRUE)
calc_ICweights(IC, hypo_names = NULL, use_scientific = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'goric_ICw'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)



A vector or one-column matrix with information criteria (AIC, ORIC, GORIC(A), BIC, SIC, ...) values of length 'NrHypos', where 'NrHypos' stands for the number of hypotheses/ models.


an object of class con_goric.


Optional. Vector containing 'NrHypos' characters which will be used for labeling the hypothesis. Default: H1, H2, ...


If TRUE (default), the IC weights and ratio of IC weights will be formatted using scientific notation. If FALSE, standard numeric formatting is used.


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


no additional arguments for now.


IC weights, which quantify the relative strength of hypotheses/models.


IC <- c(1,2,3)

## PT weights 
# This examples shows how to calculate PT weights.
# Notably, one is interested in PT weights when the log-likelihood for two or more
# hypotheses are (approximately) equal.
# Then, the comparison between those hypotheses is solely based on the PT values.
# The IC weights will then equal the PT weights.
# In that case, there is support for the overlap (boundary) of these hypotheses.
# Thus, when the IC weights equal the PT weights for a (sub)set of hypotheses,
# then there is support for the overlap (boundary) of these hypotheses.

y <- rnorm(30)
group <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C"), each = 10))
fit.lm <- lm(y ~ -1 + group)
est <- coef(fit.lm)
VCOV_est <- vcov(fit.lm)
H1 <- "groupA < groupB < groupC"
results <- goric(est, VCOV = VCOV_est, hypotheses = list(H1), 
                 comparison = "complement", type = "gorica")

function for computing the chi-bar-square weights based on Monte Carlo simulation.


The null-distribution of the test statistics under inequality constraints takes the form of mixtures of F-distributions. This function computes these mixing weights (a.k.a chi-bar-square weights and level probabilities).


con_weights_boot(VCOV, Amat, meq, R = 1e5L, 
                 chunk_size = 5000L, convergence_crit = 1e-03, 
                 seed = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)



variance-covariance matrix of the data for which the weights are to be calculated.


constraints matrix RR (or a vector in case of one constraint) and defines the left-hand side of the constraint RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs, where each row represents one constraint. The number of columns needs to correspond to the number of parameters estimated (θ\theta). The rows should be linear independent, otherwise the function gives an error. For more information about constructing the matrix RR and rhsrhs see restriktor.


integer (default = 0) treating the number of constraints rows as equality constraints instead of inequality constraints. For example, if meq = 2, this means that the first two rows of the constraints matrix RR are treated as equality constraints.


integer; the maximum number of bootstrap draws for mix_weights_bootstrap_limit. The default value is set to 1e5. See details for more information.


integer; the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.


the convergence criterion for the iterative process. The default is 1e-03. See details for more information.


seed value.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


additional parameters for the rtmvnorm function.


## Iterative Weight Updating and Convergence Checking ## The function adds in each run chunks of 5000 samples (default) to compute the chi-bar-square weights. After each iteration, the function checks if the weights have converged. This is determined by the convergence_crit parameter.

Convergence is assessed by comparing the absolute difference between the current and previous iteration's weights against the convergence_crit. If the change in weights is smaller than the convergence criterion, it indicates that the weights have stabilized, suggesting convergence.

If the weights have not converged and the mix_weights_bootstrap_limit has not been reached, the function proceeds with adding another set of 5000 samples and updates the weights accordingly.If the maximum number of iterations is reached without convergence, the function returns the (non-converged) weights. In this situation, it is advisible to increase the number of mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.


If convergence is reached, the function returns a vector with the mixing weights with the following attributes:


total number of bootstrap draws


have the chi-bar-square weights converged


convergence criterium


matrix with the chi-bar-square weights for each iteration


how many samples are added in each iteration


what is the maximum number of chunks based on mix_weights_bootstrap_limit and chunk_size


number of iterations run


which bootstrap samples were not succesful


the maximum number of bootstrap draws


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005, p.79). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York.


W <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1),2,2)
Amat <- rbind(c(0,1))
meq <- 0L <- con_weights_boot(W, Amat, meq, R = 99999)

# in practice you want to use are more conservative convergence criterion
wt.bar2 <- con_weights_boot(W, Amat, meq, R = 99999, convergence_crit = 1e-02)

Tests for iht with equality constraints only


conTest_ceq tests linear equality restricted hypotheses for (robust) linear models by F-, Wald-, and score-tests. It can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if all restrictions are equalities.


## S3 method for class 'conLM'
conTest_ceq(object, test = "F", boot = "no", 
            R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, parallel = "no", 
            ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, verbose = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'conRLM'
conTest_ceq(object, test = "F", boot = "no", 
            R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, parallel = "no", 
            ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, verbose = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'conGLM'
conTest_ceq(object, test = "F", boot = "no", 
            R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, parallel = "no", 
            ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, verbose = FALSE, ...)



an object of class conLM, conRLM or conGLM.


test statistic; for information about the null-distribution see details.

  • for object of class lm and glm; if "F" (default), the classical F-statistic is computed. If "Wald", the classical Wald-statistic is computed. If "score", the classical score test statistic is computed.

  • for object of class rlm; if "F" (default), a robust likelihood ratio type test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992a) is computed. If "Wald", a robust Wald test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992b) is computed. If "score", a score test statistic (Silvapulle, 1996) is computed.


if "parametric", the p-value is computed based on the parametric bootstrap. See p.distr for available distributions. If "model.based", a model-based bootstrap method is used. Model-based bootstrapping is not supported for the conGLM object yet.


integer; number of bootstrap draws for boot. The default value is set to 9999.


the p.distr function is specified by this function. For all available distributions see ?distributions. For example, if rnorm, samples are drawn from the normal distribution (default) with mean zero and variance one. If rt, samples are drawn from a t-distribution. If rchisq, samples are drawn from a chi-square distribution. The distributional parameters will be passed in via ....


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the conTest call.


seed value. The default value is set to 1234.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


additional arguments to be passed to the p.distr function.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


unrestricted R-squared.


restricted R-squared.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M. (1992a). Robust tests of inequality constraints and one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Biometrika, 79, 621–630.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M. (1992b). Robust Wald-Type Tests of One-Sided Hypotheses in the Linear Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 156–161.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

See Also

quadprog, iht


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive = GroupPassive = GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1)

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit_restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)


# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 2

iht(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1,
    rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

function for computing all available hypothesis tests


conTest_summary computes all available hypothesis tests and returns and object of class conTest for which a print function is available. The conTest_summary can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if type = "summary".


## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
conTest_summary(object, test = "F", ...)



an object of class restriktor.


test statistic; for information about the null-distribution see details.

  • for object of class lm; if "F" (default), the classical F-statistic is computed. If "Wald", the classical Wald-statistic is computed. If "score", the classical score test statistic is computed.

  • for object of class rlm; if "F" (default), a robust likelihood ratio type test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992a) is computed. If "Wald", a robust Wald test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992b) is computed. If "score", a score test statistic (Silvapulle, 1996) is computed.


the same arguments as passed to the iht function, except for type, of course.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input neq.alt.


number of active constraints.


same as input.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


equality restricted regression coefficients. Only available for type = "A" and type = "global", else b.eqrestr = NULL.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients under HA if some equality constraints are maintained.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.

unrestricted R-squared.


restricted R-squared.


same as input.

original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Shapiro, A. (1988). Towards a unified theory of inequality-constrained testing in multivariate analysis. International Statistical Review 56, 49–62.

Silvapulle, M. (1992a). Robust tests of inequality constraints and one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Biometrika, 79, 621–630.

Silvapulle, M. (1992b). Robust Wald-Type Tests of One-Sided Hypotheses in the Linear Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 156–161.

Silvapulle, M. and Silvapulle, P. (1995). A score test against one-sided alternatives. American statistical association, 90, 342–349.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) On an F-type statistic for testing one-sided hypotheses and computation of chi-bar-squared weights. Statistics and probability letters, 28, 137–141.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

Wolak, F. (1987). An exact test for multiple inequality and equality constraints in the linear regression model. Journal of the American statistical association, 82, 782–793.

See Also

quadprog, iht


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1)

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)


# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

fit1.con <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1,
                       rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

one-sided t-test for iht


conTestC tests linear inequality restricted hypotheses for (robust) linear models by a one-sided t-test. This method is based on the union-intersection principle. It is called by the conTest function if all restrictions are equalities. For more information see details.


## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
conTestC(object, ...)



an object of class restriktor.


no additional arguments for now.


Hypothesis test Type C:

  • Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle. Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.

unrestricted R-squared.


restricted R-squared.


"no", not used (yet).

original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005, chapter 5.). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

See Also

quadprog, iht


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1, type = "C")

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)

iht(fit.restr1, type = "C")

# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

fit1.con <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1,
                       rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)
iht(fit1.con, type = "C")

F-bar test for iht


conTestF tests linear equality and/or inequality restricted hypotheses for linear models by F-tests. It can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if test = "F".


## S3 method for class 'conLM'
conTestF(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
         boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, 
         parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
         verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'conRLM'
conTestF(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
         boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, 
         parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
         verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'conGLM'
conTestF(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
         boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, 
         parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
         verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)



an object of class conLM, conRLM or conGLM.


hypothesis test type "A", "B", "C", "global", or "summary" (default). See details for more information.


integer: number of equality constraints that are maintained under the alternative hypothesis (for hypothesis test type "B"), see example 3.


the null-distribution of these test-statistics (except under type "C") takes the form of a mixture of F-distributions. The tail probabilities can be computed directly via bootstrapping; if "parametric", the p-value is computed based on the parametric bootstrap. By default, samples are drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and varance one. See p.distr for other distributional options. If "model.based", a model-based bootstrap method is used. Instead of computing the p-value via simulation, the p-value can also be computed using the chi-bar-square weights. If "no", the p-value is computed based on the weights obtained via simulation (mix_weights = "boot") or using the multivariate normal distribution function (mix_weights = "pmvnorm"). Note that, these weights are already available in the restriktor objected and do not need to be estimated again. However, there are two exception for objects of class conRLM, namely for computing the p-value for the robust test = "Wald" and the robust "score". In these cases the weights need to be recalculated.


integer; number of bootstrap draws for boot. The default value is set to 9999.


random generation distribution for the parametric bootstrap. For all available distributions see ?distributions. For example, if rnorm, samples are drawn from the normal distribution (default) with mean zero and variance one. If rt, samples are drawn from a t-distribution. If rchisq, samples are drawn from a chi-square distribution. The distributional parameters will be passed in via ....


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the conTest call.


seed value. The default value is set to 1234.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


a list of control arguments:

  • absval tolerance criterion for convergence (default = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)). Only used for model of class lm.

  • maxit the maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (default = 10000). Only used for model of class mlm (not yet supported).

  • tol numerical tolerance value. Estimates smaller than tol are set to 0.

  • chunk_size the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative process. The default is 1e-03.


Additional arguments that can be passed to the p.distr function, or arguments for the restriktor or iht function. Consider, for example, the mix_weights_bootstrap_limit control argument, which specifies the maximum number of bootstrap draws (default is 100.000) used to compute the chi-bar-square weights. If mix_weights_bootstrap_limit is set to 100.000, then in each iteration, a sample of size 5000 is added until the weights converge, or the maximum limit is reached.


The following hypothesis tests are available:

  • Type A: Test H0: all constraints with equalities ("=") active against HA: at least one inequality restriction (">") strictly true.

  • Type B: Test H0: all constraints with inequalities (">") (including some equalities ("=")) active against HA: at least one restriction false (some equality constraints may be maintained).

  • Type C: Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 5.3). Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

  • Type global: equal to Type A but H0 contains additional equality constraints. This test is analogue to the global F-test in lm, where all coefficients but the intercept equal 0.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.

The exact finite sample distributions of the non-robust F-, score- and LR-test statistics based on restricted OLS estimates and normally distributed errors, are a mixture of F-distributions under the null hypothesis (Wolak, 1987). In agreement with Silvapulle (1992), we found that the results based on these mixtures of F-distributions approximate the tail probabilities of the robust tests better than their asymptotic distributions. Therefore, all p-values for hypothesis test Type "A", "B" and "global" are computed based on mixtures of F-distributions.

Note that, in case of equality constraints only, the null-distribution of the (robust) F-test statistics is based on an F-distribution. The (robust) Wald- and (robust) score-test statistics are based on chi-square distributions.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input neq.alt.


number of active constraints.


same as input.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


equality restricted regression coefficients. Only available for type = "A" and type = "global", else b.eqrestr = NULL.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients under HA if some equality constraints are maintained. Only available for type = "B" else b.restr.alt = NULL.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.

unrestricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


restricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


same as input.

original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Kudo, A. (1963) A multivariate analogue of the one-sided test. Biometrika, 50, 403–418.

Silvapulle, M. (1992a). Robust tests of inequality constraints and one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Biometrika, 79, 621–630.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) On an F-type statistic for testing one-sided hypotheses and computation of chi-bar-squared weights. Statistics and probability letters, 28, 137–141.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

Wolak, F. (1987). An exact test for multiple inequality and equality constraints in the linear regression model. Journal of the American statistical association, 82, 782–793.

See Also

quadprog, iht


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1)

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)


  # Or in matrix notation.
  Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
                 c( 0, 1, -1))
  myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
  myNeq1 <- 0
  iht(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1,
      rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##
# generate data
n <- 10
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit2.lm <- lm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2)

## example 2: increasing means
myConstraints2 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# compute F-test for hypothesis test Type A and compute the tail 
# probability based on the parametric bootstrap. We only generate 9 
# bootstrap samples in this example; in practice you may wish to 
# use a much higher number.
iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2, type = "A", 
    boot = "parametric", R = 9)

# or fit restricted linear model
fit2.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2)


# increasing means in matrix notation.
Amat2 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
               c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
               c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs2 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat2)) 
myNeq2 <- 0

iht(fit2.con, constraints = Amat2, rhs = myRhs2, neq = myNeq2, 
    type = "A", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

## example 3:
# combination of equality and inequality constraints.
myConstraints3 <- ' group1  = group2
                    group3  < group4 '

iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3, type = "B", neq.alt = 1)

# fit resticted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
# Note that, a warning message may be thrown because the number of 
# bootstrap samples is too low.
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
iht(fit3.con, type = "B", neq.alt = 1)

## example 4:
# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose constraints on them. For example, is the 
# average effect (AVE) larger than zero?
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit4.lm <- lm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3)

# constraint syntax
myConstraints4 <- ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                    AVE > 0 '

iht(fit4.lm, constraints = myConstraints4)

# or
fit4.con <- restriktor(fit4.lm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                AVE > 0 ')

Likelihood-ratio-bar test for iht


conTestLRT tests linear equality and/or inequality restricted hypotheses for linear models by LR-tests. It can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if test = "LRT".


## S3 method for class 'conLM'
conTestLRT(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
           boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
           parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
           verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'conGLM'
conTestLRT(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
            boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
            parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
            verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)           

## S3 method for class 'conMLM'
conTestLRT(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
            boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
            parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
            verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)



an object of class conLM, conMLM or conGLM.


hypothesis test type "A", "B", "C", "global", or "summary" (default). See details for more information.


integer: number of equality constraints that are maintained under the alternative hypothesis (for hypothesis test type "B"), see example 3.


the null-distribution of these test-statistics (except under type "C", see details) takes the form of a mixture of F-distributions. The tail probabilities can be computed directly via bootstrapping; if "parametric", the p-value is computed based on the parametric bootstrap. By default, samples are drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and varance one. See p.distr for other distributional options. If "model.based", a model-based bootstrap method is used. Instead of computing the p-value via simulation, the p-value can also be computed using the chi-bar-square weights. If "no", the p-value is computed based on the weights obtained via simulation (mix_weights = "boot") or using the multivariate normal distribution function (mix_weights = "pmvnorm"). Note that, these weights are already available in the restriktor objected and do not need to be estimated again. However, there are two exception for objects of class conRLM, namely for computing the p-value for the robust test = "Wald" and the robust "score". In these cases the weights need to be recalculated.


integer; number of bootstrap draws for boot. The default value is set to 9999.


random generation distribution for the parametric bootstrap. For all available distributions see ?distributions. For example, if rnorm, samples are drawn from the normal distribution (default) with mean zero and variance one. If rt, samples are drawn from a t-distribution. If rchisq, samples are drawn from a chi-square distribution. The random generation distributional parameters will be passed in via ....


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the conTest call.


seed value. The default value is set to 1234.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


a list of control arguments:

  • absval tolerance criterion for convergence (default = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)). Only used for model of class lm.

  • maxit the maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (default = 10000). Only used for model of class mlm (not yet supported).

  • tol numerical tolerance value. Estimates smaller than tol are set to 0.

  • chunk_size the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative process. The default is 1e-03.


Additional arguments that can be passed to the p.distr function, or arguments for the restriktor or iht function. Consider, for example, the mix_weights_bootstrap_limit argument, which specifies the maximum number of bootstrap draws (default is 100.000) used to compute the chi-bar-square weights. If mix_weights_bootstrap_limit is set to 100.000, then in each iteration, a sample of size 5000 is added until the weights converge, or the maximum limit is reached.


The following hypothesis tests are available:

  • Type A: Test H0: all constraints with equalities ("=") active against HA: at least one inequality restriction (">") strictly true.

  • Type B: Test H0: all constraints with inequalities (">") (including some equalities ("=")) active against HA: at least one restriction false (some equality constraints may be maintained).

  • Type C: Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 5.3). Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

  • Type global: equal to Type A but H0 contains additional equality constraints. This test is analogue to the global F-test in lm, where all coefficients but the intercept equal 0.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.

The exact finite sample distributions of the non-robust F-, score- and LR-test statistics based on restricted OLS estimates and normally distributed errors, are a mixture of F-distributions under the null hypothesis (Wolak, 1987). In agreement with Silvapulle (1992), we found that the results based on these mixtures of F-distributions approximate the tail probabilities of the robust tests better than their asymptotic distributions. Therefore, all p-values for hypothesis test Type "A", "B" and "global" are computed based on mixtures of F-distributions.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input neq.alt.


number of active constraints.


same as input.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


equality restricted regression coefficients. Only available for type = "A" and type = "global", else b.eqrestr = NULL.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients under HA if some equality constraints are maintained. Only available for type = "B" else b_restr_alt = NULL.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.


unrestricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


restricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


same as input.


original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

See Also

quadprog, conTest


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1_lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1_lm, myConstraints1, test = "LRT")

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit_restr1 <- restriktor(fit1_lm, constraints = myConstraints1)

iht(fit_restr1, test = "LRT")

# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

iht(fit1_lm, constraints = Amat1, test = "LRT",
    rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##
# generate data
n <- 10
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit2_lm <- lm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2)

## example 2: increasing means
myConstraints2 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# compute F-test for hypothesis test Type A and compute the tail 
# probability based on the parametric bootstrap. We only generate 9 
# bootstrap samples in this example; in practice you may wish to 
# use a much higher number.
iht(fit2_lm, constraints = myConstraints2, type = "A", test = "LRT",
    boot = "parametric", R = 9)

# or fit restricted linear model
fit2_con <- restriktor(fit2_lm, constraints = myConstraints2)

iht(fit2_con, test = "LRT")

# increasing means in matrix notation.
Amat2 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
               c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
               c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs2 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat2)) 
myNeq2 <- 0

iht(fit2_con, constraints = Amat2, rhs = myRhs2, neq = myNeq2, 
    type = "A", test = "LRT", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

## example 3:
# combination of equality and inequality constraints.
myConstraints3 <- ' group1  = group2
                    group3  < group4 '

iht(fit2_lm, constraints = myConstraints3, type = "B", 
    test = "LRT", neq.alt = 1)

# fit resticted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
# Note that, a warning message may be thrown because the number of 
# bootstrap samples is too low.
fit3_con <- restriktor(fit2_lm, constraints = myConstraints3, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
iht(fit3_con, type = "B", test = "LRT", neq.alt = 1)

## example 4:
# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose constraints on them. For example, is the 
# average effect (AVE) larger than zero?
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit4_lm <- lm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3)

# constraint syntax
myConstraints4 <- ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                    AVE > 0 '

iht(fit4_lm, constraints = myConstraints4, test = "LRT")

# or
fit4_con <- restriktor(fit4_lm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                AVE > 0 ')
iht(fit4_con, test = "LRT")

Score-bar test for iht


conTestScore tests linear equality and/or inequality restricted hypotheses for (robust) linear models by score-tests. It can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if test = "score".


## S3 method for class 'conLM'
conTestScore(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
           boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm, 
           parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
           verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'conRLM'
conTestScore(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
           boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
           parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
           verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'conGLM'
conTestScore(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
           boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
           parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
           verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)



an object of class conLM, conRLM or conGLM.


hypothesis test type "A", "B", "C", "global", or "summary" (default). See details for more information.


integer: number of equality constraints that are maintained under the alternative hypothesis (for hypothesis test type "B"), see example 3.


the null-distribution of these test-statistics (except under type "C", see details) takes the form of a mixture of F-distributions. The tail probabilities can be computed directly via bootstrapping; if "parametric", the p-value is computed based on the parametric bootstrap. By default, samples are drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and varance one. See p.distr for other distributional options. If "model.based", a model-based bootstrap method is used. Instead of computing the p-value via simulation, the p-value can also be computed using the chi-bar-square weights. If "no", the p-value is computed based on the weights obtained via simulation (mix_weights = "boot") or using the multivariate normal distribution function (mix_weights = "pmvnorm"). Note that, these weights are already available in the restriktor objected and do not need to be estimated again. However, there are two exception for objects of class conRLM, namely for computing the p-value for the robust test = "Wald" and the robust "score". In these cases the weights need to be recalculated.


integer; number of bootstrap draws for boot. The default value is set to 9999.


random generation distribution for the parametric bootstrap. For all available distributions see ?distributions. For example, if rnorm, samples are drawn from the normal distribution (default) with mean zero and variance one. If rt, samples are drawn from a t-distribution. If rchisq, samples are drawn from a chi-square distribution. The random generation distributional parameters will be passed in via ....


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the conTest call.


seed value. The default value is set to 1234.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


a list of control arguments:

  • absval tolerance criterion for convergence (default = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)). Only used for model of class lm.

  • maxit the maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (default = 10000). Only used for model of class mlm (not yet supported).

  • tol numerical tolerance value. Estimates smaller than tol are set to 0.

  • chunk_size the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative process. The default is 1e-03.


Additional arguments that can be passed to the p.distr function, or arguments for the restriktor or iht function. Consider, for example, the mix_weights_bootstrap_limit argument, which specifies the maximum number of bootstrap draws (default is 100.000) used to compute the chi-bar-square weights. If mix_weights_bootstrap_limit is set to 100.000, then in each iteration, a sample of size 5000 is added until the weights converge, or the maximum limit is reached.


The following hypothesis tests are available:

  • Type A: Test H0: all constraints with equalities ("=") active against HA: at least one inequality restriction (">") strictly true.

  • Type B: Test H0: all constraints with inequalities (">") (including some equalities ("=")) active against HA: at least one restriction false (some equality constraints may be maintained).

  • Type C: Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 5.3). Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

  • Type global: equal to Type A but H0 contains additional equality constraints. This test is analogue to the global F-test in lm, where all coefficients but the intercept equal 0.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.

The exact finite sample distributions of the non-robust F-, score- and LR-test statistics based on restricted OLS estimates and normally distributed errors, are a mixture of F-distributions under the null hypothesis (Wolak, 1987). In agreement with Silvapulle (1992), we found that the results based on these mixtures of F-distributions approximate the tail probabilities of the robust tests better than their asymptotic distributions. Therefore, all p-values for hypothesis test Type "A", "B" and "global" are computed based on mixtures of F-distributions.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input neq.alt.


number of active constraints.


same as input.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


equality restricted regression coefficients. Only available for type = "A" and type = "global", else b.eqrestr = NULL.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients under HA if some equality constraints are maintained. Only available for type = "B" else b.restr.alt = NULL.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.

unrestricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


restricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


same as input.

original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M. and Silvapulle, P. (1995). A score test against one-sided alternatives. American statistical association, 90, 342–349.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

See Also

quadprog, conTest


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive; 
                    GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1, test = "score")

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)

iht(fit.restr1, test = "score")

# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

iht(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1, test = "score", rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##
# generate data
n <- 10
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit2.lm <- lm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2)

## example 2: increasing means
myConstraints2 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# compute F-test for hypothesis test Type A and compute the tail 
# probability based on the parametric bootstrap. We only generate 9 
# bootstrap samples in this example; in practice you may wish to 
# use a much higher number.
iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2, type = "A", test = "score",
    boot = "parametric", R = 9)

# or fit restricted linear model
fit2.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2)

conTest(fit2.con, test = "score")

# increasing means in matrix notation.
Amat2 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
               c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
               c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs2 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat2)) 
myNeq2 <- 0

iht(fit2.con, constraints = Amat2, rhs = myRhs2, neq = myNeq2, 
    type = "A", test = "score", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

## example 3:
# combination of equality and inequality constraints.
myConstraints3 <- ' group1  = group2
                    group3  < group4 '

iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3, type = "B", test = "score", neq.alt = 1)

# fit resticted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
# Note that, a warning message may be thrown because the number of 
# bootstrap samples is too low.
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
iht(fit3.con, type = "B", test = "score", neq.alt = 1)

## example 4:
# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose constraints on them. For example, is the 
# average effect (AVE) larger than zero?
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit4.lm <- lm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3)

# constraint syntax
myConstraints4 <- ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                    AVE > 0 '

iht(fit4.lm, constraints = myConstraints4, test = "score")

# or
fit4.con <- restriktor(fit4.lm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                AVE > 0 ')
iht(fit4.con, test = "score")

Wald-bar test for robust iht


conTestWald tests linear equality and/or inequality restricted hypotheses for linear models by Wald-tests. It can be used directly and is called by the conTest function if test = "Wald".


## S3 method for class 'conRLM'
conTestWald(object, type = "A", neq.alt = 0, 
           boot = "no", R = 9999, p.distr = rnorm,  
           parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = 1234, 
           verbose = FALSE, control = NULL, ...)



an object of class conRLM.


hypothesis test type "A", "B", "C", "global", or "summary" (default). See details for more information.


integer: number of equality constraints that are maintained under the alternative hypothesis (for hypothesis test type "B"), see example 3.


the null-distribution of these test-statistics (except under type "C", see details) takes the form of a mixture of F-distributions. The tail probabilities can be computed directly via bootstrapping; if "parametric", the p-value is computed based on the parametric bootstrap. By default, samples are drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and varance one. See p.distr for other distributional options. If "model.based", a model-based bootstrap method is used. Instead of computing the p-value via simulation, the p-value can also be computed using the chi-bar-square weights. If "no", the p-value is computed based on the weights obtained via simulation (mix_weights = "boot") or using the multivariate normal distribution function (mix_weights = "pmvnorm"). Note that, these weights are already available in the restriktor objected and do not need to be estimated again. However, there are two exception for objects of class conRLM, namely for computing the p-value for the robust test = "Wald" and the robust "score". In these cases the weights need to be recalculated.


integer; number of bootstrap draws for boot. The default value is set to 9999.


random generation distribution for the parametric bootstrap. For all available distributions see ?distributions. For example, if rnorm, samples are drawn from the normal distribution (default) with mean zero and variance one. If rt, samples are drawn from a t-distribution. If rchisq, samples are drawn from a chi-square distribution. The random generation distributional parameters will be passed in via ....


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the conTest call.


seed value. The default value is set to 1234.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


a list of control arguments:

  • absval tolerance criterion for convergence (default = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)). Only used for model of class lm.

  • maxit the maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (default = 10000). Only used for model of class mlm (not yet supported).

  • tol numerical tolerance value. Estimates smaller than tol are set to 0.

  • chunk_size the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative process. The default is 1e-03.


Additional arguments that can be passed to the p.distr function, or arguments for the restriktor or iht function. Consider, for example, the mix_weights_bootstrap_limit argument, which specifies the maximum number of bootstrap draws (default is 100.000) used to compute the chi-bar-square weights. If mix_weights_bootstrap_limit is set to 100.000, then in each iteration, a sample of size 5000 is added until the weights converge, or the maximum limit is reached.


The following hypothesis tests are available:

  • Type A: Test H0: all constraints with equalities ("=") active against HA: at least one inequality restriction (">") strictly true.

  • Type B: Test H0: all constraints with inequalities (">") (including some equalities ("=")) active against HA: at least one restriction false (some equality constraints may be maintained).

  • Type C: Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 5.3). Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

  • Type global: equal to Type A but H0 contains additional equality constraints. This test is analogue to the global F-test in lm, where all coefficients but the intercept equal 0.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.

The exact finite sample distributions of the non-robust F-, score- and LR-test statistics based on restricted OLS estimates and normally distributed errors, are a mixture of F-distributions under the null hypothesis (Wolak, 1987). In agreement with Silvapulle (1992), we found that the results based on these mixtures of F-distributions approximate the tail probabilities of the robust tests better than their asymptotic distributions. Therefore, all p-values for hypothesis test Type "A", "B" and "global" are computed based on mixtures of F-distributions.


An object of class conTest, for which a print is available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the constraints.


constraints matrix.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality constraints.


same as input neq.alt.


number of active constraints.


same as input.


same as input.


test-statistic value.


the residual degrees of freedom.


tail probability for Ts.


equality restricted regression coefficients. Only available for type = "A" and type = "global", else b.eqrestr = NULL.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients under HA if some equality constraints are maintained. Only available for type = "B" else b.restr.alt = NULL.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.

unrestricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


restricted R-squared, not available for objects of class conGLM.


same as input.

original model.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Silvapulle, M. (1992b). Robust Wald-Type Tests of One-Sided Hypotheses in the Linear Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 156–161.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

See Also

quadprog, conTest


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted robust linear model
fit1.rlm <- rlm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1, method = "MM")

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive; 
                    GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.rlm, myConstraints1, test = "Wald")

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.rlm, constraints = myConstraints1)

iht(fit.restr1, test = "Wald")

# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

iht(fit1.rlm, constraints = Amat1, test = "Wald", rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##
# generate data
n <- 30
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted robust linear model
fit2.rlm <- rlm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2, method = "MM")

## example 2: increasing means
myConstraints2 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# compute Wald-test for hypothesis test Type A and compute the tail 
# probability based on the parametric bootstrap. We only generate 9 
# bootstrap samples in this example; in practice you may wish to 
# use a much higher number.
iht(fit2.rlm, constraints = myConstraints2, type = "A", 
    test = "Wald", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

# or fit restricted robust linear model
fit2.con <- restriktor(fit2.rlm, constraints = myConstraints2)

iht(fit2.con, test = "Wald")

# increasing means in matrix notation.
Amat2 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
               c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
               c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs2 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat2)) 
myNeq2 <- 0

iht(fit2.con, constraints = Amat2, rhs = myRhs2, neq = myNeq2, 
    type = "A", test = "Wald", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

## example 3:
# combination of equality and inequality constraints.
myConstraints3 <- ' group1  = group2
                    group3  < group4 '

iht(fit2.rlm, constraints = myConstraints3, type = "B", test = "Wald", neq.alt = 1)

# fit robust resticted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
# Note that, a warning message may be thrown because the number of 
# bootstrap samples is too low.
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit2.rlm, constraints = myConstraints3, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
iht(fit3.con, type = "B", test = "Wald", neq.alt = 1)

## example 4:
# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose constraints on them. For example, is the 
# average effect (AVE) larger than zero?
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit3.rlm <- rlm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3, method = "MM")

# constraint syntax
myConstraints4 <- ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                    AVE > 0 '

iht(fit3.rlm, constraints = myConstraints4, test = "Wald")

# or
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit3.rlm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                 AVE > 0 ')
iht(fit3.con, test = "Wald")

GORIC(A) Evidence synthesis


GORIC(A) evidence synthesis aggregates the evidence for theory-based hypotheses from multiple studies that may use diverse designs to investigate the same central theory.


# I try to guess the input type.
evSyn(object, input_type = NULL, ...)

# input: Parameter estimates and covariance matrix
evSyn_est(object, ..., VCOV = list(), hypotheses = list(),
          type = c("added", "equal", "average"), 
          comparison = c("unconstrained", "complement", "none"),
          hypo_names = c())

# input: Log-likelihood and penalty values
evSyn_LL(object, ..., PT = list(), type = c("added", "equal", "average"),
         hypo_names = c())

# input: GORIC(A), ORIC, AIC values
evSyn_ICvalues(object, ..., hypo_names = c())

# input: AIC or ORIC or GORIC or GORICA weights or (Bayesian) posterior 
# model probabilities
evSyn_ICweights(object, ..., priorWeights = NULL, hypo_names = c())

# input: Ratio of AIC or ORIC or GORIC or GORICA weights or 
# (Bayesian) posterior model probabilities
evSyn_ICratios(object, ..., priorWeights = NULL, hypo_names = c())

# input: result from the goric() function
# Note that this is a wrapper function for evSyn_LL.
evSyn_gorica(object, ..., type = c("added", "equal", "average"), hypo_names = c())

# input: Result from the escalc() function from the metafor package. 
# Note that this is a wrapper function for evSyn_est.
evSyn_escalc(data, yi_col = "yi", vi_cols = "vi", cluster_col, outcome_col, ...)

## S3 method for class 'evSyn'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)

## S3 method for class 'evSyn'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.evSyn'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)  

## S3 method for class 'evSyn'
plot(x, output_type = "gorica_weights", xlab = NULL, ...)



Currently, the following objects can be processed:

  • a list of vectors with (standardized) parameter estimates (the VCOV argument is required);

  • a list of vectors with log-likelihood values (the PT argument is required);

  • a list of vectors with GORIC(A) weights;

  • a list of vectors with ratio of GORIC(A) weights;

  • a list of vectors with GORIC(A) values;

  • a list of objects of class goric;

  • a data.frame of class escalc from the metafore package;


character Specifies the type of input provided to the function. Valid options are:


Indicates that the input consists of estimates and covariance matrices. Invokes the evSyn_est() function.


Indicates that the input consists of log-likelihoods and penalty values. Invokes the evSyn_LL() function.


Indicates that the input consists of information criterion (IC) weights. Invokes the evSyn_ICweights() function.


Indicates that the input consists of IC weights ratios. Invokes the evSyn_ICratios() function.


Indicates that the input consists of IC values. Invokes the evSyn_ICvalues() function.


Indicates that the input is of class goric from the goric function. Invokes the evSyn_gorica() function.


Indicates that the input is of class escalc from the metafor package. Invokes the evSyn_escalc() function.

If input_type is NULL, the function attempts to infer the input type based on the structure of the object and other arguments.


a list of covariance matrices of the (standardized) parameter estimates of interest.


a list of vectors with penalty values.


an object of class evSyn


type of evidence-synthesis approach: Equal-evidence approach (type = "equal"), Added-evidence approach (type = "added"), or Average-evidence approach (type = "average"). See details for more information.


When applying the same set of hypotheses to each study, the syntax structure should be as follows: "hypotheses = list(H1, H2, ...)". However, if a different set of hypotheses is applied to each study, the syntax structure should be as follows: hypotheses = list(set1 = list(H11, H12), set2 = list(H21, H22)). See goric how to specify the hypotheses syntax or see the example section below.


if "unconstrained" (default) the unconstrained model is included in the set of models. If "complement" then the restricted object is compared against its complement. Note that the complement can only be computed for one model/hypothesis at a time (for now). If "none" the model is only compared against the models provided by the user.


vector that represents the prior belief for this model. By default, equal prior weights are used (i.e., 1/(#hypotheses)). Notably, in case the prior weights do not sum to 1, it will be rescaled such that it does; which implies that relative importance can be used and not per se weights.


character vector for labelling the hypotheses. By default the names are set to H1, H2, ...


if "gorica_weights", a plot with the cumulative goric(a) weights and goric(a) weights per study is displayed. If "ll_weights" a plot with the cumulative log-likelihood weights and log-likelihood weights per study is displayed.


a vector specifying custom labels for the x-axis. The length of the vector must match the number of studies in the dataset. If not provided, the x-axis labels default to a sequence from 1 to the number of studies.


an object of class "escalc" from the metafor package.


an optional column name in data containing the outcome identifiers for each observation within a cluster. If NULL, the function assumes the outcome identifier is "yi" (one outcome variable).


a character string specifying the column in data that contains the outcome values for each observation. The default is "yi" (one outcome variable).


a character vector specifying the columns in data that contain the variance and covariance values for each observation. The default is "vi" (one outcome variable).


a character string specifying the column in data that contains the cluster identifier. Observations within the same cluster should share the same value in this column. The default is "trial", other usual suspects are "study" and "author".


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


This depends on the class of the object.


In the added-evidence approach, evidence from each study or dataset is cumulatively aggregated. This means that for every new study, the log-likelihood and the penalty term are added to the cumulative totals. The strength of the aggregated evidence in this approach depends on the nature of the evidence itself. Simply having more studies doesn't necessarily mean stronger evidence if those studies provide weak or contradictory evidence.
Opt for this approach when you anticipate each new piece of evidence to provide an incremental contribution to the overall evidence, without the need to normalize or average across datasets. It's especially suitable when you believe that the aggregated evidence from multiple studies is stronger than if the data were combined into a single study.

The equal-evidence approach aggregates the cumulative evidence in the same manner as the added-evidence approach. However, when calculating the GORICA, the cumulative evidence is divided by the number of studies. This ensures that the contribution from each study or dataset remains equal, regardless of the total count. Conceptually, aggregating evidence from multiple studies in this approach can be likened to obtaining evidence from a single larger study, similar to how a meta-analysis treats combined evidence.
Choose this method when you want each study to contribute equally to the overall evidence, irrespective of the size or scope of each individual dataset. It's ideal for situations where you view the combined evidence from multiple studies as equivalent to that from a single, larger study.

The average-evidence method can be conceptualized as a form of multiverse analysis. When faced with a single dataset, there are often numerous analytical choices available, such as handling missing data, selecting variables, or choosing statistical methods. Each choice can lead to a different analysis or model, creating a "multiverse" of possible outcomes.
For each of these analyses, an "evidence" score can be calculated, indicating how well the model fits the data. Some models might offer a superior fit, while others might not align as closely with the data. The average-evidence method aggregates these scores, providing an average measure of fit across all considered models. This approach offers an overarching perspective on the general trend across all analyses. If the average evidence suggests a good fit, it indicates that the majority of the chosen analyses align well with the data. This method is invaluable for assessing the robustness of results, ensuring that findings are not merely artifacts of a specific analytical choice but are consistent across various model specifications on the same dataset.
Opt for the average-evidence approach when you wish to gauge the central tendency of evidence across multiple analytical choices. It's especially beneficial when aiming to determine the robustness of results across various model specifications applied to the same dataset.


An object of class evSyn for which a print, summary and plot function is available. The output comprises, among other things, the cumulative and final evidence for the theory-based hypotheses.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Rebecca Kuiper


## By following these examples, you can appropriately specify hypotheses based on 
## your research questions and analytical framework.

# The hypotheses (i.e., constraints) have to be in a list. It is recommended to name
# each hypothesis in the list. Otherwise the hypotheses are named accordingly 'H1', 'H2', \ldots

# text-based syntax (the labels x1, x2, and x2 are the names of coef(model) or names(vector))
h1 <- '(x1, x2, x3) > 0'
h2 <- '(x1, x3) > 0; x2 = 0'
h3 <- 'x1 > 0; x2 < 0; x3 = 0'
hypotheses = list(hypo1 = h1, hypo2 = h2, hypo3 = h3)

# mixed syntax:  
hypotheses = list(Ha = h1, Hb = 'x1 = x2 > x3')

# the same set of hypotheses for each study:
# hypotheses = list(H1, H2, \ldots)

# a different set of hypotheses for each study: 
# note that the list names set1 and set2 are redundant and can be left out. 
# It is crucial to ensure that the hypotheses across each set are ordered in a similar manner.

H11 <- 'group1 = group2 > group3' 
H12 <- 'group2 > group1 > group3'   

H21 <- 'gr1 = gr2 > gr3'
H22 <- 'gr2 > gr1 > gr3'

# correct
hypotheses = list(set1 = list(H11, H12), set2 = list(H21, H22))

# NOT correct
hypotheses = list(set1 = list(H12, H11), set2 = list(H21, H22))

## Example 1 - 4 studies
est_1 <- c(beta1 = 0.09)
est_2 <- c(beta1 = 0.14)
est_3 <- c(beta1 = 1.09)
est_4 <- c(beta1 = 1.781)
Param_studies <- list(est_1, est_2, est_3, est_4)

# standard error of the beta's (from the primary studies)
vcov_est_1 <- matrix(c(0.029^2), nrow = 1)
vcov_est_2 <- matrix(c(0.054^2), nrow = 1)
vcov_est_3 <- matrix(c(0.093^2), nrow = 1)
vcov_est_4 <- matrix(c(0.179^2), nrow = 1)
CovMx_studies <- list(vcov_est_1, vcov_est_2, vcov_est_3, vcov_est_4)

# Set of hypotheses for each study
# Note: in this case the same for each study
H0   <- "beta1 = 0"
Hpos <- "beta1 > 0"
Hneg <- "beta1 < 0"
hypotheses <- list(H0 = H0, Hpos = Hpos, Hneg = Hneg)

# Since this covers the whole space / covers all theories, we do not need a safeguard-hypothesis:
comparison <- "none"

evS4_added <- evSyn(object = Param_studies, VCOV = CovMx_studies, 
                    hypotheses = hypotheses,
                    type = "added", 
                    comparison = "none")


evS4_equal <- evSyn(object = Param_studies, VCOV = CovMx_studies, 
                    hypotheses = hypotheses,
                    type = "equal", 
                    comparison = "none")


## Example 2 - 2 studies
est_1 <- c(1.88, 2.54, 0.02)
names(est_1) <- c("group1", "group2", "group3")
vcov_est_1 <- diag(c(0.2149074, 0.2149074, 0.1408014))

est_2 <- c(0.98, 0.02, 0.27)
names(est_2) <- c("gr1", "gr2", "gr3") 
vcov_est_2 <- diag(c(0.1382856, 0.1024337, 0.0987754))

# beta values from the analyses
object <- list(est_1, est_2)
# standard error of the beta's (from the S primary studies)
VCOV <- CovMx_studies <- list(vcov_est_1, vcov_est_2)

# names(est_1) # Specify restrictions using those names
H11 <- 'group1 = group2 > group3'
H12 <- 'group2 > group1 > group3'

# names(est_2) # Specify restrictions using those names
H21 <- 'gr1 = gr2 > gr3'
H22 <- 'gr2 > gr1 > gr3' 

# hypotheses
hypotheses <- list(H1 = list(H11, H12), H2 = list(H21, H22))

evS2_added <- evSyn(object, VCOV = VCOV, hypotheses = hypotheses,
                    type = "added", comparison = "unconstrained") 

## Example 3 - 3 studies

# generate data
ratio <- c(1,1.1,1.2)
n <- c(30, 50, 100)

# Generate data1
n1 <- n[1]
x11 <- rnorm(n1)
x12 <- rnorm(n1)
x13 <- rnorm(n1)
data <- cbind(x11, x12, x13)
# Standardize data - since parameters for continuous variables will be compared
data1 <-
y1 <- ratio[1]*data1$x11 + ratio[2]*data1$x12 + ratio[3]*data1$x13 + rnorm(n1)
# Note: since there is one outcome, the outcome does not need to be standardized.

fit.lm1 <- lm(y1 ~ 1 + x11 + x12 + x13, data = data1)

n2 <- n[2]
x21 <- rnorm(n2)
x22 <- rnorm(n2)
x23 <- rnorm(n2)
data <- cbind(x21, x22, x23)
data2 <-
y2 <- ratio[1]*data2$x21 + ratio[2]*data2$x22 + ratio[3]*data2$x23 + rnorm(n2)
fit.lm2 <- lm(y2 ~ 1 + x21 + x22 + x23, data = data2)

# Generate data3
n3 <- n[3]
x31 <- rnorm(n3)
x32 <- rnorm(n3)
x33 <- rnorm(n3)
data <- cbind(x31, x32, x33)
data3 <-
y3 <- ratio[1]*data3$x31 + ratio[2]*data3$x32 + ratio[3]*data3$x33 + rnorm(n3)
fit.lm3 <- lm(y3 ~ 1 + x31 + x32 + x33, data = data3)

# Extract estimates and their covariance matrix (per study)
est_1 <- coef(fit.lm1)
est_2 <- coef(fit.lm2)
est_3 <- coef(fit.lm3)
vcov_est_1 <- vcov(fit.lm1)
vcov_est_2 <- vcov(fit.lm2)
vcov_est_3 <- vcov(fit.lm3)

names(est_1) <- names(est_2) <- names(est_3) <- c("intercept", "x1", "x2", "x3")

# Parameter estimate values from the primary studies
Param_studies <- list(est_1, est_2, est_3)

# standard error of the beta's
CovMx_studies <- list(vcov_est_1, vcov_est_2, vcov_est_3)

# Set of hypotheses for each study. Note: in this case the same for each study
hypothesis <- 'x1 < x2 < x3'  

# In our theory, we compare estimates of continuous variables, so we standardized 
# the data beforehand to ensure comparability. In 'Param_studies' and 'CovMx_studies', 
# the intercept can be omitted without affecting the GORIC(A) weights, as there are 
# no restrictions on it. Since we have only one theory-based hypothesis, we will 
# utilize the more powerful complement of the hypothesis (Vanbrabant, Van Loey, Kuiper, 2019). 
# The complement represents the remaining 11 theories, while the unconstrained 
# scenario includes all 12 possible theories, including H1.

# Evidence synthesis
evS3 <- evSyn(object = Param_studies, VCOV = CovMx_studies, 
              hypotheses = list(H1 = hypothesis),
              type = "added", 
              comparison = "complement") 

## Example 4 - loglikelihood values and penalty values
# make it a list
LL <- as.list(data.frame(t(myLLs)))
penalty.values <- as.list(data.frame(t(myPTs)))

evS_LL_added <- evSyn(object = LL, PT = penalty.values, type = "added")
evS_LL_equal <- evSyn(object = LL, PT = penalty.values, type = "equal")


## Example 5 - AIC, ORIC, GORIC(A) values
goric.values <- as.list(data.frame(t(myGORICs)))

evS_Gv <- evSyn(goric.values)

Relation between exam scores and study hours, anxiety scores and average point scores.


The data provide information about students' exam scores, average point score, the amount of study hours and anxiety scores.




A data frame of 20 observations of 4 variables.


exam scores


study hours


anxiety scores


average point score


The original source of these data is



Dataset for illustrating the conTest_conLavaan function.


A dataset from the Dutch burn center ( The data were used to examine psychosocial functioning in patients with facial burn wounds. Psychosocial functioning was measured by Anxiety and depression symptoms (HADS), and self-esteem (Rosenberg's self-esteem scale).




A data frame of 77 observations of 6 variables.


Rosenberg's self-esteem scale


Anxiety and depression scale


Age measured in years, control variable


Total Burned Surface Area


Rumination, control variable


Gender, grouping variable



Generalized Order-Restricted Information Criterion (Approximation) Weights


The goric function computes GORIC(A) weights, which are comparable to the Akaike weights.


goric(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      comparison = NULL, 
      VCOV = NULL, sample_nobs = NULL, type = "goric",
      penalty_factor = 2, Heq = FALSE, control = list(), debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      comparison = NULL, type = "goric",
      missing = "none", auxiliary = c(), emControl = list(),
      debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      VCOV = NULL, comparison = NULL,
      type = "gorica", sample_nobs = NULL,
      debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'lavaan'
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      comparison = NULL, type = "gorica",
      standardized = FALSE, debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'CTmeta'
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      comparison = NULL, type = "gorica", 
      sample_nobs = NULL, debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'rma'
goric(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL,
      VCOV = NULL, comparison = NULL, type = "gorica", 
      sample_nobs = NULL, debug = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'con_goric'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)

## S3 method for class 'con_goric'
summary(object, brief = TRUE, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)
## S3 method for class 'con_goric'
coef(object, ...)



an object containing the outcome of an unconstrained statistical analysis. Currently, the following objects can be processed:

  • a fitted unconstrained object of class lm, rlm or glm.

  • a numeric vector containing the unconstrained estimates resulting from any statistical analysis.

  • a fitted object of class lavaan. See examples on how to specify the hypotheses.

  • a fitted object of class CTmeta.

  • a fitted object of class rma.

  • a fitted object of class nlmerMod.

  • a fitted object of class glmerMod.

  • a fitted object of class lmerMod.


an object of class con_goric.


this depends on the class of the object. If object is of class lavaan, the standardized or unstandardized vcov can be used, using setting standardized = TRUE. See details for more information.

Options for calculating the chi-bar-square weights:

Parameters passed to the truncated multivariate normal distribution. By default, restriktor (i.e. con_weights_boot function) uses no truncation points for calculating the chi-bar-square weights, which renders to the multivariate normal distribution. See the manual page of the rtmvnorm function from the rtmvnorm to see how to specify a truncated mvnorm distribution and the possible arguments.


a named list; Please note that the hypotheses argument in the given context serves the same purpose as the constraints argument utilized in the restriktor function. The distinction between them is solely semantic.

There are two ways to constrain parameters. First, the hypothesis syntax consists of one or more text-based descriptions, where the syntax can be specified as a literal string enclosed by single quotes. Only the names of coef(model) or names(vector) can be used as names. See details for more information. Note that objects of class "mlm" do not (yet) support this method.

Second, the hypothesis syntax consists of a matrix RR (or a vector in case of one constraint) and defines the left-hand side of the constraint RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs, where each row represents one constraint. The number of columns needs to correspond to the number of parameters estimated (θ\theta) by model. The rows should be linear independent, otherwise the function gives an error. For more information about constructing the matrix RR and rhsrhs see details.


The default behavior depends on the number of user-specified order-restricted hypotheses. If a single hypothesis is specified, it is compared against its complement by default. When multiple order-restricted hypotheses are specified, the unconstrained model is added as a safeguard to the set of hypotheses.

These default settings can be overridden. Use "unconstrained" to include the unconstrained model in the set of models. Use "complement" to compare the order-restricted object against its complement; note that the complement can only be computed for one model/hypothesis at a time for now. If "none" is chosen, the model is compared only against those provided by the user.


variance-coviance matrix. Only needed if object is of class numeric and type = "gorica" or type = "goricac".


the number of observations if type = "goricac". Note that, if type = "goricc", the number of observations are inherited from the fitted object.


if "goric", the generalized order-restricted information criterion value is computed. If "gorica" the log-likihood is computed using the multivariate normal distribution function.


The penalty factor adjusts the penalty in the GORIC(A) formula (GORIC(A) = -2 x log-likelihood + penalty_factor x penalty). By default, GORIC(A) uses a penalty factor of 2, but penalty factor allows this to be customized. Higher values of penalty factor place a stronger emphasis on model simplicity, helping to prevent overfitting by penalizing complex models more heavily.


If TRUE, the null hypothesis is added to the set of models. This means that all inequality constraints are replaced with equality constraints, effectively testing the hypothesis that the parameters satisfy exact equality rather than inequality. Defaults to FALSE.


the default setting for objects of class "lm" is listwise: all cases with missing values are removed from the data before the analysis. This is only valid if the data are missing completely at random (MCAR). Another option is to use "two.stage". In this approach, missing data are imputed using an EM algorithm. However, we cannot use the complete data as input for futher analyses, because the resulting complete data variance-covariance matrix will not be correct. Therefore, we compute the correct aymptotic covariance (Savalei and Bentler, 2009) and use it as input for the goric.numeric function to compute a GORICA(C) value. Note that, the parameter estimates are also recomputed using the complete data.


Vector. The inclusion of auxiliary variables can improve the imputation model. These auxiliary variables are not part of the target model.


a list of control arguments for the emnorm function from the norm package.


if TRUE, standardized parameter estimates are used.


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


if TRUE, debugging information is printed out.

Control options for calculating the chi-bar-square weights:

  • chunk_size integer; the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • mix_weights_bootstrap_limit integer; maximum number of bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 1e5.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative bootstrap process. Default is 1e-03.


if TRUE, a short overview is printed.


The GORIC(A) values themselves are not interpretable and the interest lie in their differences. The GORIC(A) weights reflect the support of each hypothesis in the set. To compare two hypotheses (and not one to the whole set), one can examine the ratio of the two corresponding GORIC(A) weights. To avoid selecting a weakly supported hypothesis as the best one, the unconstrained hypothesis is usually included as safeguard.

In case of one order-constrained hypothesis, say H1, the complement Hc can be computed as competing hypothesis. The complement is defined as Hc = not H1.

The hypothesis syntax can be parsed via the hypotheses argument. If the object is an unconstrained model of class lm, rlm or glm, then the hypotheses can be specified in two ways, see restriktor. Note that if the hypotheses are written in matrix notation, then the hypotheses for each model/hypothesis is put in a named list with specific names constraints, rhs, and neq. For example with three parameters x1, x2, x3, and x1 > 0: list(model1 = list(constraints = rbind(c(1, 0, 0)), rhs = 0, neq = 0))). The rhs and neq are not required if they are equal to 0. If type = "gorica", then the object might be a (named) numeric vector. The hypotheses can again be specified in two ways, see restriktor. For examples, see below.

To determine the penalty term values, the chi-bar-square weights (a.k.a. level probabilities) must be computed. If "mix_weights = "pmvnorm" " (default), the chi-bar-square weights are computed based on the multivariate normal distribution function with additional Monte Carlo steps. If "mix_weights = "boot" ", the chi-bar-square weights are computed using parametric bootstrapping (see restriktor).

The "two.stage" approach for missing data uses the EM algorithm from the norm package. The response variables are assumed to be jointly normal. In practice, missing-data procedures designed for variables that are normal are sometimes applied to variables that are not. Binary and ordinal variables are sometimes imputed under a normal model, and the imputed values may be classified or rounded. This is also how restriktor handles (ordered) factors for now.

A better strategy (not implemented yet) would be to convert (ordered) factors into a pair of dummy variables. If the (ordered) factors have missing values, the dummy variables could be included as columns of Y and imputed, but then you have to decide how to convert the continuously distributed imputed values for these dummy codes back into categories.

### Note on not full row-rank ###

If the restriction matrix is not of full row-rank, this means one of the following:

  • There is at least one redundant restriction specified in the hypothesis. Then, either

    • [a] Leave the redundant one out

    • [b] Use another (more time-consuming) way of obtaining the level probabilities for the penalty term (goric function does this by default): Bootstrapping, as discussed above.

  • There is at least one range restriction (e.g., -2 < group1 < 2). Such a restriction can be evaluated but there is a sensitivity (of a scaling factor in the covariance matrix, like with a prior in a Bayes factor) which currently cannot be checked for.

  • There is at least one conflicting restriction (e.g., 2 < group1 < -2).

Such a restriction can evidently never hold and is thus impossible to evaluate. To prevent this type of error delete the one that is incorrect.


The function returns a dataframe with the log-likelihood, penalty term, GORIC(A) values and the GORIC(A) weights. Furthermore, a dataframe is returned with the relative GORIC(A) weights.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Rebecca Kuiper


Kuiper, R.M., Hoijtink, H., and Silvapulle, M.J. (2011). An Akaike-type information criterion for model selection under inequality constraints. Biometrika, 98, 2, 495–501.

Vanbrabant, L. and Kuiper, R. (2020). Evaluating a theory-based hypothesis against its complement using an AIC-type information criterion with an application to facial burn injury. Psychological Methods.

Victoria Savalei and Peter M. Bentler (2009) A Two-Stage Approach to Missing Data: Theory and Application to Auxiliary Variables, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 16:3, 477-497, DOI: 10.1080/10705510903008238


## By following these examples, you can appropriately specify hypotheses based on 
## your research questions and analytical framework.

# The hypotheses (i.e., constraints) have to be in a list. It is recommended to name
# each hypothesis in the list. Otherwise the hypotheses are named accordingly 'H1', 'H2', \ldots.
# Another option is to use the \code{llist()} function from the \pkg{Hmisc} package, where.

# text-based syntax (the labels x1, x2, and x2 are the names of coef(model) or names(vector))
h1 <- '(x1, x2, x3) > 0'
h2 <- '(x1, x3) > 0; x2 = 0'
h3 <- 'x1 > 0; x2 < 0; x3 = 0'
hypotheses = list(hypo1 = h1, hypo2 = h2, hypo3 = h3)

# define constraints matrix directly (note that the constraints have to be specified pairwise).
# the element names (i.e., constraints, rhs, neq) must be used. 
h1 <- list(constraints = c(0,1,0)) 
h2 <- list(constraints = rbind(c(0,1,0), c(0,0,1)), rhs = c(0.5, 1), neq = 0) 
hypotheses = list(H1 = h1, H2 = h2)

# mixed syntax:  
hypotheses = list(Ha = h1, Hb = 'x1 = x2 > x3')

# lavaan object syntax:
# the recommended option for objects of class lavaan is to use labels (here a, b and c) 
# to define our hypothesis.
model.lav <- "y ~ 1 + a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3 + x4"
# fit lavaan model, for example
# library(lavaan)
# fit.lav <- sem(model, data = DATA)
# define hypothesis syntax
hypotheses = list(h1 = 'a > b > c')
# if needed absolute values can be used.
hypotheses = list(h1 = 'abs(a) > abs(b) > abs(c)')

## lm
## unrestricted linear model for ages (in months) at which an 
## infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")
# fit unrestrikted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ Group, data = DATA)

# some artificial restrictions
H1 <- "GroupPassive > 0; GroupPassive < GroupNo"
H2 <- "GroupPassive > 0; GroupPassive > GroupNo"
H3 <- "GroupPassive = 0; GroupPassive < GroupNo"

# object is of class lm
goric(fit1.lm, hypotheses = list(H1 = H1, H2 = H2, H3 = H3))

# same result, but using the parameter estimates and covariance matrix as input
# Note, that in case of a numeric input only the gorica(c) can be computed. 
goric(coef(fit1.lm), VCOV = vcov(fit1.lm), hypotheses = list(H1 = H1, H2 = H2, H3 = H3))

# hypothesis H1 versus the complement (i.e., not H1)
goric(fit1.lm, hypotheses = list(H1 = H1), comparison = "complement")

# generate data
n <- 10
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n)
y <- 1 + x1 + x2 + rnorm(n)
# fit unconstrained linear model
fit.lm <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2)

# extract unconstrained estimates
est <- coef(fit.lm)
# unconstrained variance-covariance matrix
VCOV <- vcov(fit.lm)

## constraint syntax (character)
h1 <- "x1 > 0"
h2 <- "x1 > 0; x2 > 0"
# use fitted unconstrained linear model
goric(fit.lm, hypotheses = list(h1 = h1, h2 = h2), type = "gorica")
# use unconstrained estimates
goric(est, VCOV = VCOV, hypotheses = list(h1 = h1, h2 = h2), type = "gorica")

## constraint syntax (matrix notation)
h1 <- list(constraints = c(0,1,0))
h2 <- list(constraints = rbind(c(0,1,0), c(0,0,1)), rhs = c(0.5, 1), neq = 0)
goric(fit.lm, hypotheses = list(h1 = h1, h2 = h2), type = "gorica")
goric(est, VCOV = VCOV, hypotheses = list(h1 = h1, h2 = h2), type = "gorica")

The Hurricanes Dataset


The data provide information on the effect of El Nino (Cold, Neutral, Warm) on the number of hurricanes from 1950 to 1995.




A data frame of 46 observations of 3 variables.


Number of Hurricanes


1=Cold, 2=Neutral, 3=Warm


The original source of these data is the National Hurricane Center in Australia. The dataset was extracted from the table on page 5 in Silvapulle and Sen (2005).



function for informative hypothesis testing (iht)


iht tests linear equality and/or inequality restricted hypotheses for linear models.



conTest(object, constraints = NULL, type = "summary", test = "F", 
        rhs = NULL, neq = 0, ...)

conTestD(model = NULL, data = NULL, constraints = NULL, 
         type = c("A","B"), R = 1000L, bootstrap.type = "bollen.stine", 
         return.test = TRUE, neq.alt = 0, 
         double.bootstrap = "standard", double.bootstrap.R = 249, 
         double.bootstrap.alpha = 0.05, 
         parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), 
         ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)



an object of class lm or rlm. In this case, the constraint syntax needs to be specified


an object of class restriktor. The constraints are inherited from the fitted restriktor object and do not to be specified again.


lavaan model syntax specifying the model. See model.syntax for more information.


there are two ways to constrain parameters. First, the constraint syntax consists of one or more text-based descriptions, where the syntax can be specified as a literal string enclosed by single quotes. Only the names of coef(model) can be used as names. See details restriktor for more information.

Second, the constraint syntax consists of a matrix RR (or a vector in case of one constraint) and defines the left-hand side of the constraint RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs, where each row represents one constraint. The number of columns needs to correspond to the number of parameters estimated (θ\theta) by model. The rows should be linear independent, otherwise the function gives an error. For more information about constructing the matrix RR and rhsrhs see the details in the restriktor function.


the data frame containing the observed variables being used to fit the lavaan model.


hypothesis test type "A", "B", "C", "global", or "summary" (default). See details for more information.


test statistic; for information about the null-distribution see details.

  • for object of class lm; if "F" (default), the F-bar statistic (Silvapulle, 1996) is computed. If "LRT", a likelihood ratio test statistic (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 3.) is computed. If "score", a global score test statistic (Silvapulle and Silvapulle, 1995) is computed. Note that, in case of equality constraints only, the usual unconstrained F-, Wald-, LR- and score-test statistic is computed.

  • for object of class rlm; if "F" (default), a robust likelihood ratio type test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992a) is computed. If "Wald", a robust Wald test statistic (Silvapulle, 1992b) is computed. If "score", a global score test statistic (Silvapulle, and Silvapulle, 1995) is computed. Note that, in case of equality constraints only, unconstrained robust F-, Wald-, score-test statistics are computed.

  • for object of class glm; if "F" (default), the F-bar statistic (Silvapulle, 1996) is computed. If "LRT", a likelihood ratio test statistic (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 4.) is computed. If "score", a global score test statistic (Silvapulle and Silvapulle, 1995) is computed. Note that, in case of equality constraints only, the usual unconstrained F-, Wald-, LR- and score-test statistic is computed.


vector on the right-hand side of the constraints; RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs. The length of this vector equals the number of rows of the constraints matrix RR and consists of zeros by default. Note: only used if constraints input is a matrix or vector.


integer (default = 0) treating the number of constraints rows as equality constraints instead of inequality constraints. For example, if neq = 2, this means that the first two rows of the constraints matrix RR are treated as equality constraints. Note: only used if constraints input is a matrix or vector.


integer: number of equality constraints that are maintained under the alternative hypothesis (for hypothesis test type "B").


Integer; number of bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 1000.


If "parametric", the parametric bootstrap is used. If "bollen.stine", the semi-nonparametric Bollen-Stine bootstrap is used. The default is set to "bollen.stine".


Logical; if TRUE, the function returns bootstrapped test-values.


If "standard" (default) the genuine double bootstrap is used to compute an additional set of plug-in p-values for each bootstrap sample. If "no", no double bootstrap is used. If "FDB", the fast double bootstrap is used to compute second level LRT-values for each bootstrap sample. Note that the "FDB" is experimental and should not be used by inexperienced users.


Integer; number of double bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 249.


The significance level to compute the adjusted alpha based on the plugin p-values. Only used if double.bootstrap = "standard". The default value is set to 0.05.


The type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


Integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


An optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the InformativeTesting call.


Logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


futher options for the iht and/or restriktor function. See details for more information.


The following hypothesis tests are available:

  • Type A: Test H0: all constraints with equalities ("=") active against HA: at least one inequality restriction (">") strictly true.

  • Type B: Test H0: all constraints with inequalities (">") (including some equalities ("=")) active against HA: at least one restriction false (some equality constraints may be maintained).

  • Type C: Test H0: at least one restriction false ("<") against HA: all constraints strikty true (">"). This test is based on the intersection-union principle (Silvapulle and Sen, 2005, chp 5.3). Note that, this test only makes sense in case of no equality constraints.

  • Type global: equal to Type A but H0 contains additional equality constraints. This test is analogue to the global F-test in lm, where all coefficients but the intercept equal 0.

The null-distribution of hypothesis test Type C is based on a t-distribution (one-sided). Its power can be poor in case of many inequalty constraints. Its main role is to prevent wrong conclusions from significant results from hypothesis test Type A.

The exact finite sample distributions of the non-robust F-, score- and LR-test statistics based on restricted OLS estimates and normally distributed errors, are a mixture of F-distributions under the null hypothesis (Wolak, 1987). For the robust tests, we found that the results based on these mixtures of F-distributions approximate the tail probabilities better than their asymptotic distributions.

Note that, in case of equality constraints only, the null-distribution of the (non-)robust F-test statistics are based on an F-distribution. The (non-)robust Wald- and (non-)robust score-test statistics are based on chi-square distributions.

If object is of class lm or rlm, the conTest function internally calls the restriktor function. Arguments for the restriktor function can be passed on via the .... Additional arguments for the conTest function can also passed on via the .... See for example conTestF for all available arguments.


An object of class conTest or conTestLavaan for which a print is available.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Robertson, T., Wright, F.T. and Dykstra, R.L. (1988). Order Restricted Statistical Inference New York: Wiley.

Shapiro, A. (1988). Towards a unified theory of inequality-constrained testing in multivariate analysis. International Statistical Review 56, 49–62.

Silvapulle, M. (1992a). Robust tests of inequality constraints and one-sided hypotheses in the linear model. Biometrika, 79, 621–630.

Silvapulle, M. (1992b). Robust Wald-Type Tests of One-Sided Hypotheses in the Linear Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 156–161.

Silvapulle, M. and Silvapulle, P. (1995). A score test against one-sided alternatives. American statistical association, 90, 342–349.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) On an F-type statistic for testing one-sided hypotheses and computation of chi-bar-squared weights. Statistics and probability letters, 28, 137–141.

Silvapulle, M. (1996) Robust bounded influence tests against one-sided hypotheses in general parametric models. Statistics and probability letters, 31, 45–50.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

Vanbrabant, L., Van de Schoot, R., Van Loey, N.E.E. and Rosseel, Y. (2017). A General Procedure for Testing Inequality Constrained Hypotheses in SEM. Methodology European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 13, 61-70.

Van de Schoot, R., Hoijtink, H., and Dekovic, M. (2010). Testing inequality constrained hypotheses in SEM models. Structural Equation Modeling, 17, 443-463.

Van de Schoot, R., Strohmeier, D. (2011). Testing informative hypotheses in SEM increases power: An illustration contrasting classical. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35, 180-190.

Wolak, F. (1987). An exact test for multiple inequality and equality constraints in the linear regression model. Journal of the American statistical association, 82, 782–793.

See Also

quadprog, conTest


## example 1:
# the data consist of ages (in months) at which an 
# infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose constraints on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# constraint syntax: assuming that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
myConstraints1 <- ' GroupActive < GroupPassive < GroupNo '

iht(fit1.lm, myConstraints1)

# another way is to first fit the restricted model
fit.restr1 <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1)


# Or in matrix notation.
Amat1 <- rbind(c(-1, 0,  1),
               c( 0, 1, -1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

iht(fit1.lm, constraints = Amat1, rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##
# generate data
n <- 10
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit2.lm <- lm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2)

## example 2: increasing means
myConstraints2 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# compute F-test for hypothesis test Type A and compute the tail 
# probability based on the parametric bootstrap. We only generate 9 
# bootstrap samples in this example; in practice you may wish to 
# use a much higher number.
iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2, type = "A", 
    boot = "parametric", R = 9)

# or fit restricted linear model
fit2.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints2)


# increasing means in matrix notation.
Amat2 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
               c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
               c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs2 <- rep(0L, nrow(Amat2)) 
myNeq2 <- 0

iht(fit2.con, constraints = Amat2, rhs = myRhs2, neq = myNeq2, 
    type = "A", boot = "parametric", R = 9)

## example 3: equality constraints only.
myConstraints3 <- ' group1 = group2 = group3 = group4 '

iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3)

# or
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints3)

## example 4:
# combination of equality and inequality constraints.
myConstraints4 <- ' group1 = group2
                    group3 < group4 '

iht(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints4, type = "B", neq.alt = 1)

# fit resticted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
# Note that, a warning message may be thrown because the number of 
# bootstrap samples is too low.
fit4.con <- restriktor(fit2.lm, constraints = myConstraints4, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
iht(fit4.con, type = "B", neq.alt = 1)

## example 5:
# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose constraints on them. For example, is the 
# average effect (AVE) larger than zero?
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit5.lm <- lm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3)

# constraint syntax
myConstraints5 <- ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                    AVE > 0 '

iht(fit5.lm, constraints = myConstraints5)

# or
fit5.con <- restriktor(fit5.lm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                AVE > 0 ')

# testing equality and/or inequality restrictions in SEM:

### real data example ###
# Multiple group path model for facial burns example.

# model syntax with starting values.
burns.model <- 'Selfesteem ~ Age + c(m1, f1)*TBSA + HADS +
                           start(-.10, -.20)*TBSA  
             HADS ~ Age + c(m2, f2)*TBSA + RUM +
                    start(.10, .20)*TBSA '

# constraints syntax
burns.constraints <- 'f2 > 0  ; m1 < 0
                      m2 > 0  ; f1 < 0
                      f2 > m2 ; f1 < m1'

# we only generate 2 bootstrap samples in this example; in practice
# you may wish to use a much higher number. 
# the double bootstrap was switched off; in practice you probably 
# want to set it to "standard".
example6 <- iht(model = burns.model, data = FacialBurns,
                R = 2, constraints = burns.constraints,
                double.bootstrap = "no", group = "Sex")


### artificial example ###

# Simple ANOVA model with 3 groups (N = 20 per group)
Y <- cbind(c(rnorm(20,0,1), rnorm(20,0.5,1), rnorm(20,1,1)))
grp <- c(rep("1", 20), rep("2", 20), rep("3", 20))
Data <- data.frame(Y, grp)

#create model matrix
fit.lm <- lm(Y ~ grp, data = Data)
mfit <- fit.lm$model
mm <- model.matrix(mfit)

Y <- model.response(mfit)
X <- data.frame(mm[,2:3])
names(X) <- c("d1", "d2") <- data.frame(Y, X)

# model
model <- 'Y ~ 1 + a1*d1 + a2*d2'

# fit without constraints
fit <- lavaan::sem(model, data =

# constraints syntax: mu1 < mu2 < mu3
constraints <- ' a1 > 0
                 a1 < a2 '

# we only generate 10 bootstrap samples in this example; in practice
# you may wish to use a much higher number, say > 1000. The double 
# bootstrap is not necessary in case of an univariate ANOVA model.
example7 <- iht(model = model, data =, 
                start = lavaan::parTable(fit),
                R = 10L, double.bootstrap = "no",
                constraints = constraints)

Methods for iht


Print function for objects of class conTest.


## S3 method for class 'conTest'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...)



an object of class conTest.


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


no additional arguments for now.


No return value, just the result of the print function


# unrestricted linear model for ages (in months) at which an 
  # infant starts to walk alone.
  # prepare data
  DATA <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")
  # fit unrestricted linear model
  fit.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA)
  # restricted linear model with restrictions that the walking 
  # exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
  # mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
  fit.con <- restriktor(fit.lm, constraints = "GroupActive < GroupPassive < GroupNo")

An example of IC values


An example of IC: A matrix with information criteria (AIC, ORIC, GORIC, or GORICA) values of size 4 x 3 (in general: S x 'NrHypos+1', where 'NrHypos+1' stands for the number of theory-based hypotheses plus a safeguard hypothesis (the complement or unconstrained)).




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 4 rows and 3 columns.



An example of log-likelihood (LL) values


An example of LL: A matrix with log-likelihood values of size 4 x 3 (in general: S x 'NrHypos+1', where 'NrHypos+1' stands for the number of theory-based hypotheses plus a safeguard hypothesis (the complement or unconstrained)).




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 4 rows and 3 columns.



An example of penalty (PT) values


An example of PT: A matrix with penalty values of size 4 x 3 (in general: S x 'NrHypos+1', where 'NrHypos+1' stands for the number of theory-based hypotheses plus a safeguard hypothesis (the complement or unconstrained)).




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 4 rows and 3 columns.



Estimating linear regression models with (in)equality restrictions


Function restriktor estimates the parameters of an univariate and a multivariate linear model (lm), a robust estimation of the linear model (rlm) and a generalized linear model (glm) subject to linear equality and linear inequality restrictions. It is a convenience function. The real work horses are the conLM, conMLM, conRLM and the conGLM functions.


restriktor(object, constraints = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
conLM(object, constraints = NULL, se = "standard", 
      B = 999, rhs = NULL, neq = 0L, mix_weights = "pmvnorm", 
      parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = NULL, 
      control = list(), verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rlm'
conRLM(object, constraints = NULL, se = "standard", 
       B = 999, rhs = NULL, neq = 0L, mix_weights = "pmvnorm", 
       parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = NULL, 
       control = list(), verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'glm'
conGLM(object, constraints = NULL, se = "standard", 
       B = 999, rhs = NULL, neq = 0L, mix_weights = "pmvnorm", 
       parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = NULL, 
       control = list(), verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mlm'
conMLM(object, constraints = NULL, se = "none", 
       B = 999, rhs = NULL, neq = 0L, mix_weights = "pmvnorm", 
       parallel = "no", ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, seed = NULL, 
       control = list(), verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a fitted linear model object of class "lm", "mlm", "rlm" or "glm". For class "rlm" only the loss function bisquare is supported for now, otherwise the function gives an error.


there are two ways to constrain parameters. First, the constraint syntax consists of one or more text-based descriptions, where the syntax can be specified as a literal string enclosed by single quotes. Only the names of coef(model) can be used as names. See details for more information. Note that objects of class "mlm" do not (yet) support this method.

Second, the constraint syntax consists of a matrix RR (or a vector in case of one constraint) and defines the left-hand side of the constraint RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs, where each row represents one constraint. The number of columns needs to correspond to the number of parameters estimated (θ\theta) by model. The rows should be linear independent, otherwise the function gives an error. For more information about constructing the matrix RR and rhsrhs see details.


if "standard" (default), conventional standard errors are computed based on inverting the observed augmented information matrix. If "const", homoskedastic standard errors are computed. If "HC0" or just "HC", heteroskedastic robust standard errors are computed (a.k.a Huber White). The options "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", and "HC5" are refinements of "HC0". For more details about heteroskedastic robust standard errors see the sandwich package. If "boot.standard", bootstrapped standard errors are computed using standard bootstrapping. If "boot.model.based" or "boot.residual", bootstrapped standard errors are computed using model-based bootstrapping. If "none", no standard errors are computed. Note that for objects of class "mlm" no standard errors are available (yet).


integer; number of bootstrap draws for se. The default value is set to 999. Parallel support is available.


vector on the right-hand side of the constraints; RθrhsR\theta \ge rhs. The length of this vector equals the number of rows of the constraints matrix RR and consists of zeros by default. Note: only used if constraints input is a matrix or vector.


integer (default = 0) treating the number of constraints rows as equality constraints instead of inequality constraints. For example, if neq = 2, this means that the first two rows of the constraints matrix RR are treated as equality constraints. Note: only used if constraints input is a matrix or vector.


if "pmvnorm" (default), the chi-bar-square weights are computed based on the multivariate normal distribution function with additional Monte Carlo steps. If "boot", the chi-bar-square weights are computed using parametric bootstrapping. If "none", no chi-bar-square weights are computed. The weights are necessary in the restriktor.summary function for computing the GORIC. Moreover, the weights are re-used in the iht function for computing the p-value for the test-statistic, unless the p-value is computed directly via bootstrapping.


the type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is set "no".


integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


an optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the restriktor call.


seed value.


a list of control arguments:

  • absval tolerance criterion for convergence (default = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)).

  • maxit the maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (default = 10000).

  • tol numerical tolerance value. Estimates smaller than tol are set to 0.

Control options for calculating the chi-bar-square weights:

  • chunk_size integer; the chi-bar-square weights are computed for samples of size chunk_size = 5000L. This process is repeated iteratively until the weights converges (see convergenge_crit) or the maximum is reached, i.e., mix_weights_bootstrap_limit.

  • mix_weights_bootstrap_limit integer; maximum number of bootstrap draws. The default value is set to 1e5.

  • convergence_crit the convergence criterion for the iterative bootstrap process. Default is 1e-03.


logical; if TRUE, information is shown at each bootstrap draw.


if TRUE, debugging information about the constraints is printed out.

Options for calculating the chi-bar-square weights:


parameters passed to the truncated multivariate normal distribution. By default, restriktor (i.e. con_weights_boot function) uses no truncation points for calculating the chi-bar-square weights, which renders to the multivariate normal distribution. See the manual page of the rtmvnorm function from the rtmvnorm to see how to specify a truncated mvnorm distribution and the possible arguments.


The constraint syntax can be specified in two ways. First as a literal string enclosed by single quotes as shown below:

myConstraints <- '
    # 1. inequality constraints
      x1 > 0
      x1 < x2
    # or
      0 < x1 < x2
    ! 2. equality constraints  
      x3 == x4; x4 == x5 
    # or 
      x3 = x4; x4 = x5 
    # or
      x3 = x4 = x5'

The variable names x1 to x5 refer to the corresponding regression coefficient. Thus, constraints are impose on regression coefficients and not on the data.

Second, the above constraints syntax can also be written in matrix/vector notation as:

(The first column refers to the intercept, the remaining five columns refer to the regression coefficients x1 to x5.)

myConstraints <-
    rbind(c(0, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0), #equality constraint x3 = x4
          c(0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1), #equality constraint x4 = x5
          c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), #inequality constraint x1 > rhs
          c(0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) #inequality constraint x1 < x2
# the length of rhs is equal to the number of myConstraints rows.      
myRhs <- c(0,0,0,0) 
# the first two rows should be considered as equality constraints
myNeq <- 2  

Blank lines and comments can be used in between the constraints, and constraints can be split over multiple lines. Both the hashtag (#) and the exclamation (!) characters can be used to start a comment. Multiple constraints can be placed on a single line if they are separated by a semicolon (;), a comma (,) or the "&" sign.

In addition compound constraints can be stated via one or more longer equality or inequality sentences e.g., 'x1 > x2 > x3; x3 < 4 < x4' or 'x1 == x2 == x3 & x4 = 1'. Alternatively, the constrains can be specifies as '(x1, x2) > (x3, x4)' which is equivalent to 'x1 > x3; x1 > x4; x2 > x3; x2 > x4'.

There can be three types of text-based descriptions in the constraints syntax:

  1. Equality constraints: The "==" or "=" operator can be used to define equality constraints (e.g., x1 = 1 or x1 = x2).

  2. Inequality constraints: The "<" or ">" operator can be used to define inequality constraints (e.g., x1 > 1 or x1 < x2).

  3. Newly defined parameters: The ":=" operator can be used to define new parameters, which take on values that are an arbitrary function of the original model parameters. The function must be specified in terms of the parameter names in coef(model) (e.g., new := x1 + 2*x2). By default, the standard errors for these defined parameters are computed by using the so-called Delta method.

Variable names of interaction effects in objects of class lm, rlm and glm contain a semi-colon (:) between the variables. To impose constraints on parameters of interaction effects, the semi-colon must be replaced by a dot (.) (e.g., x3:x4 becomes x3.x4). In addition, the intercept variable names is shown as "(Intercept)". To impose restrictions on the intercept both parentheses must be replaced by a dot ".Intercept." (e.g.,.Intercept. > 10). Note: in most practical situations we do not impose restrictions on the intercept because we do not have prior knowledge about the intercept. Moreover, the sign of the intercept can be changed arbitrarily by shifting the response variable yy.

Each element can be modified using arithmetic operators. For example, if x2 is expected to be twice as large as x1, then "2*x2 = x1".

If constraints = NULL, the unrestricted model is fitted.

### Note on not full row-rank ###

If the restriction matrix is not of full row-rank, this means one of the following:

  • There is at least one redundant restriction. Then, either

    • [a] Leave the redundant one out

    • [b] Use another (more time-consuming) way of obtaining the level probabilities for the penalty term (goric function does this by default): Bootstrapping, as discussed above.

  • There is at least one range restriction (e.g., -2 < group1 < 2). Such a restriction can be evaluated but there is a sensitivity (of a scaling factor in the covariance matrix, like with a prior in a Bayes factor) which currently cannot be checked for.

  • There is at least one conflicting restriction (e.g., 2 < group1 < -2).

Such a restriction can evidently never hold and is thus impossible to evaluate. To prevent this type of error delete the one that is incorrect.


An object of class restriktor, for which a print and a summary method are available. More specifically, it is a list with the following items:


a list with useful information about the restrictions.


the matched call.


how much time several tasks take.


a parameter table with information about the observed variables in the model and the imposed restrictions.


unrestricted regression coefficients.


restricted regression coefficients.


restricted residuals.


a working residual, weighted for "inv.var" weights only (rlm only)


restricted fitted mean values.


(only for weighted fits) the specified weights.


the weights used in the IWLS process (rlm only).


the robust scale estimate used (rlm only).


a scale estimate used for the standard errors.

unrestricted R-squared.


restricted R-squared.


the residual degrees of freedom


mean squared error of unrestricted model.


mean squared error of restricted model.


restricted log-likelihood.


variance-covariance matrix of unrestricted model.


matrix with restrictions.


vector of right-hand side elements.


number of equality restrictions.

chi-bar-square mixing weights or a.k.a. level probabilities.


active restrictions.


did the IWLS converge (rlm only)?


number of iteration needed for convergence (rlm only).


object of class boot. Only available if bootstrapped standard errors are requested, else bootout = NULL.


list with control options.

original model.


as input. This information is needed in the summary function.


observed information matrix with the inverted information matrix and the augmented information matrix as attributes.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Yves Rosseel


Schoenberg, R. (1997). Constrained Maximum Likelihood. Computational Economics, 10, 251–266.

Shapiro, A. (1988). Towards a unified theory of inequality-constrained testing in multivariate analysis. International Statistical Review 56, 49–62.

Silvapulle, M.J. and Sen, P.K. (2005). Constrained Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York

See Also

iht, goric


## lm
## unrestricted linear model for ages (in months) at which an 
## infant starts to walk alone.

# prepare data
DATA1 <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")

# fit unrestricted linear model
fit1.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA1)

# the variable names can be used to impose restrictions on
# the corresponding regression parameters.

# restricted linear model with restrictions that the walking 
# exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
# mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
fit1.con <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo ')

# Or in matrix notation.
myConstraints1 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0),
                        c( 0,-1, 1))
myRhs1 <- rep(0L, nrow(myConstraints1)) 
myNeq1 <- 0

fit1.con <- restriktor(fit1.lm, constraints = myConstraints1,
                       rhs = myRhs1, neq = myNeq1)

## Artificial examples ##

## mlm
# generate data
n <- 30
mu <- rep(0, 4)
Sigma <- matrix(5,4,4)
  diag(Sigma) <- c(10,10,10,10)
# 4 Y's.
Y <- mvrnorm(n, mu, Sigma)

# fit unrestricted multivariate linear model
fit.mlm <- lm(Y ~ 1)

# constraints
myConstraints2 <- diag(0,4)
  diag(myConstraints2) <- 1

# fit restricted multivariate linear model
fit2.con <- restriktor(fit.mlm, constraints = myConstraints2)


## rlm
# generate data
n <- 10
means <- c(1,2,1,3)
nm <- length(means)
group <- as.factor(rep(1:nm, each = n))
y <- rnorm(n * nm, rep(means, each = n))
DATA2 <- data.frame(y, group)

# fit unrestricted robust linear model
fit3.rlm <- rlm(y ~ -1 + group, data = DATA2, method = "MM")

## increasing means
myConstraints3 <- ' group1 < group2 < group3 < group4 '

# fit restricted robust linear model and compute 
# Huber-White (robust) standard errors.
fit3.con <- restriktor(fit3.rlm, constraints = myConstraints3, 
                       se = "HC0")

## increasing means in matrix notation.
myConstraints3 <- rbind(c(-1, 1, 0, 0),
                        c( 0,-1, 1, 0),
                        c( 0, 0,-1, 1))
myRhs3 <- rep(0L, nrow(myConstraints3)) 
myNeq3 <- 0

fit3.con <- restriktor(fit3.rlm, constraints = myConstraints3,
                       rhs = myRhs3, neq = myNeq3, se = "HC0")

## equality restrictions only.
myConstraints4 <- ' group1 = group2 = group3 = group4 '
fit4.con <- restriktor(fit3.rlm, constraints = myConstraints4)

## combination of equality and inequality restrictions.
myConstraints5 <- ' group1  = group2
                    group3  < group4 '

# fit restricted model and compute model-based bootstrapped 
# standard errors. We only generate 9 bootstrap samples in this 
# example; in practice you may wish to use a much higher number.
fit5.con <- restriktor(fit3.rlm, constraints = myConstraints4, 
                       se = "boot.model.based", B = 9)
# an error is probably thrown, due to a too low number of bootstrap draws.

# restriktor can also be used to define effects using the := operator 
# and impose restrictions on them. For example, compute the average 
# effect (AVE) and impose the restriction AVE > 0.
# generate data
n <- 30
b0 <- 10; b1 = 0.5; b2 = 1; b3 = 1.5
X <- c(rep(c(0), n/2), rep(c(1), n/2))
Z <- rnorm(n, 16, 5)
y <- b0 + b1*X + b2*Z + b3*X*Z + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10) 
DATA3 = data.frame(cbind(y, X, Z))

# fit linear model with interaction
fit6.lm <- lm(y ~ X*Z, data = DATA3)

fit6.con <- restriktor(fit6.lm, constraints = ' AVE := X + 16.86137*X.Z; 
                                                AVE > 0 ')

Methods for restriktor


restricted estimation and confidence intervals for (robust) linear (in)equality restricted hypotheses.


## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...)

## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
summary(object, bootCIs = TRUE, 
        bty = "perc", level = 0.95, goric = "goric", ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.restriktor'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
              signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)     

## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
model.matrix(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'restriktor'
logLik(object, ...)



an object of class restriktor.


an object of class restriktor.


if TRUE (default), nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals are generated. Only available if object contains bootout object.


a character string representing the type of interval required. The value should be any of the values "norm", "basic","perc","bca". The value "stud" is not supported. For more details see


the confidence level of the interval (default = 0.95).


if "goric" (default), the generalized order-restricted information criterion value is computed. If "gorica" the log-likihood is computed using the multivariate normal distribution function. If "goricc" or "goricca", a small sample version of the "goric" or "gorica" is computed.


the number of significant digits to use when printing.


If TRUE, "significance stars are printed for each coefficient.


no additional arguments for now.


The function print returns the restricted coefficients. The output from the print.summary.conLM function provides information that is comparable with the output from print.summary.lm. Additional information is provided about the unrestricted and restricted R-square and by default the output of the GORIC. If bootstrapped standard errors are requested (e.g., option se = "boot.model.based" in the restriktor function and bootCI = TRUE in the summary function) standard errors and confidence intervals are provided.


The function summary computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted unrestricted and restricted (robust) linear model given in object, plus


type of standard error computed, equal to input se in the restriktor function.


the weighted residuals.


a p x 4 matrix with columns for the estimated coefficient, its standard error, t-statistic and corresponding p-value. If bootCIs = TRUE and the bootout object is available in the object, bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals are produced.


residual degrees of freedom.

unrestricted R-squared.


restricted R-squared.


goric value and attributed its penalty term and log-likelihood.


# unrestricted linear model for ages (in months) at which an 
  # infant starts to walk alone.
  # prepare data
  DATA <- subset(ZelazoKolb1972, Group != "Control")
  # fit unrestricted linear model
  fit.lm <- lm(Age ~ -1 + Group, data = DATA)
  # restricted linear model with restrictions that the walking 
  # exercises would not have a negative effect of increasing the 
  # mean age at which a child starts to walk. 
  fit.con <- restriktor(fit.lm, constraints = ' GroupActive  < GroupPassive < GroupNo ')

"Walking" in the newborn (4 treatment groups)


The Zelazo, Zelazo and Kolb (1972) dataset consists of ages (in months) at which an infant starts to walk alone from four different treatment groups (Active-exercise, Passive-exercise, 8 week Control, No-exercise).




A data frame of 23 observations of 4 treatment variables.


Age in months


Active-exercise, Passive-exercise, 8-week Control group, No-exercise


Zelazo, P.R., Zelazo, N.A., and Kolb, S. (1972). "Walking in the Newborn". Science, New Series, 176, 314-315

