Package: qdap 2.4.6

Tyler Rinker

qdap: Bridging the Gap Between Qualitative Data and Quantitative Analysis

Automates many of the tasks associated with quantitative discourse analysis of transcripts containing discourse including frequency counts of sentence types, words, sentences, turns of talk, syllables and other assorted analysis tasks. The package provides parsing tools for preparing transcript data. Many functions enable the user to aggregate data by any number of grouping variables, providing analysis and seamless integration with other R packages that undertake higher level analysis and visualization of text. This affords the user a more efficient and targeted analysis. 'qdap' is designed for transcript analysis, however, many functions are applicable to other areas of Text Mining/ Natural Language Processing.

Authors:Tyler Rinker [aut, cre], Bryan Goodrich [ctb], Dason Kurkiewicz [ctb]

qdap.pdf |qdap.html
qdap/json (API)

# Install 'qdap' in R:
install.packages('qdap', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
  • DATA - Fictitious Classroom Dialogue
  • DATA.SPLIT - Fictitious Split Sentence Classroom Dialogue
  • DATA2 - Fictitious Repeated Measures Classroom Dialogue
  • env.syl - Syllable Lookup Environment
  • hamlet - Hamlet
  • mraja1 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Dialogue Merged with Demographics
  • mraja1spl - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Dialogue Merged with Demographics and Split
  • pres_debate_raw2012 - First 2012 U.S. Presidential Debate
  • pres_debates2012 - 2012 U.S. Presidential Debates
  • raj - Romeo and Juliet
  • raj.act.1 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1
  • raj.act.1POS - Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Parts of Speech by Person A dataset containing a list from 'pos_by' using the 'mraja1spl' data set (see 'pos_by' for more information).
  • raj.act.2 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 2
  • raj.act.3 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 3
  • raj.act.4 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 4
  • raj.act.5 - Romeo and Juliet: Act 5
  • raj.demographics - Romeo and Juliet Demographics
  • rajPOS - Romeo and Juliet Split in Parts of Speech
  • rajSPLIT - Romeo and Juliet
  • raw.time.span - Minimal Raw Time Span Data Set
  • sample.time.span - Minimal Time Span Data Set

5.27 score 1 stars 3 packages 1.3k scripts 1.5k downloads 2 mentions 230 exports 72 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:5f032a6a8b. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 20 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTESep 20 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
qdap Chaining%&% %>%
Add themes to a Network object.+.Network
Detect Incomplete Sentences; Add | Endmarkadd_incomplete
Make Plural (or Verb to Singular) Versions of Wordsadd_s
Takes a Matrix and Generates an Adjacency Matrixadjacency_matrix adjmat
Searches Text Column for Wordsall_words
Generic Animate MethodAnimate
Animate CharacterAnimate.character
Discourse MapAnimate.discourse_map
Animate FormalityAnimate.formality
Gantt DurationsAnimate.gantt
Gantt PlotAnimate.gantt_plot
Animate FormalityAnimate.lexical_classification
Animate PolarityAnimate.polarity
tm Package Compatibility Tools: Apply to or Convert to/from Term Document Matrix or Document Term Matrixapply_as_df apply_as_tm as.Corpus as.Corpus.default as.Corpus.DocumentTermMatrix as.Corpus.sent_split as.Corpus.TermDocumentMatrix as.Corpus.wfm as.DocumentTermMatrix as.dtm as.dtm.character as.dtm.Corpus as.dtm.default as.dtm.wfm as.tdm as.tdm.character as.tdm.Corpus as.tdm.default as.tdm.wfm as.TermDocumentMatrix
Readability Measuresautomated_readability_index coleman_liau flesch_kincaid fry linsear_write SMOG
Bag of Wordsbag_o_words breaker unbag word_split
Grab Begin/End of String to Characterbeg2char char2end
Replace Blanks in a dataframeblank2NA
Bracket ParsingbracketX bracketXtract genX genXtract
Replace Temporary Introduction to qdap Vignettebuild_qdap_vignette
Capitalize Select Wordscapitalizer
Check Spellingcheck_spelling check_spelling_interactive correct which_misspelled
Check Spellingcheck_spelling_interactive.character
Check Spellingcheck_spelling_interactive.check_spelling
Check Spellingcheck_spelling_interactive.factor
Check Text For Potential Problemscheck_text
Break Text Into Ordered Word Chunkschunker
Remove Escaped Charactersclean
A Generic to Long Functioncm_2long
Blank Code Transformationcm_code.blank
Combine Codescm_code.combine
Exclude Codescm_code.exclude
Find Co-occurrence Between Codescm_code.overlap
Transform Codescm_code.transform
Find Co-occurrence Between Dummy Codescm_combine.dummy
Range Codingcm_df.fill
Break Transcript Dialogue into Blank Code Matrixcm_df.temp
Transcript With Word Numbercm_df.transcript
Transform Codes to Start-End Durationscm_df2long
Distance Matrix Between Codescm_distance
Convert cm_combine.dummy Back to Longcm_dummy2long
Stretch and Dummy Code cm_xxx2longcm_long2dummy
Range Code Sheetcm_range.temp
Transform Codes to Start-End Durationscm_range2long
Time Span Code Sheetcm_time.temp
Transform Codes to Start-End Timescm_time2long
Combine Columns to Classcolcomb2class
Separate a Column Pasted by paste2colSplit
Wrapper for colSplit that Returns Dataframe(s)colsplit2df lcolsplit2df
Ensure Space After Commacomma_spacer
Find Common Words Between Groupscommon
list Method for commoncommon.list
Condense Dataframe Columnscondense
Generic Counts Methodcounts
Readability Measurescounts.automated_readability_index
Term Countscounts.character_table
Readability Measurescounts.coleman_liau
Question Countscounts.end_mark_by
Readability Measurescounts.flesch_kincaid
Readability Measurescounts.fry
Readability Measurescounts.linsear_write
Question Countscounts.object_pronoun_type
Parts of Speechcounts.pos
Parts of Speechcounts.pos_by
Question Countscounts.pronoun_type
Question Countscounts.question_type
Readability Measurescounts.SMOG
Question Countscounts.subject_pronoun_type
Term Countscounts.termco
Word Length Countscounts.word_length
Word Positioncounts.word_position
Word Statscounts.word_stats
Cumulative Scorescumulative cumulative.animated_formality cumulative.animated_lexical_classification cumulative.animated_polarity cumulative.combo_syllable_sum cumulative.end_mark cumulative.formality cumulative.lexical_classification cumulative.polarity cumulative.pos cumulative.pos_by cumulative.syllable_freq
Fictitious Classroom DialogueDATA
Fictitious Split Sentence Classroom DialogueDATA.SPLIT
Fictitious Repeated Measures Classroom DialogueDATA2
Easy File Handlingdelete folder
Map Transcript Files from a Directory to a Scriptdir_map
Discourse Mappingdiscourse_map
Lexical Dispersion Plotdispersion_plot
Dissimilarity StatisticsDissimilarity
SPSS Style Frequency Tablesdist_tab
Diversity Statisticsdiversity
Find Duplicated Words in a Text Stringduplicates
Test for Incomplete Sentencesend_inc
Sentence End Marksend_mark end_mark_by
Syllable Lookup Environmentenv.syl
Exclude Elements From a Vector%ex% exclude exclude.default exclude.DocumentTermMatrix exclude.list exclude.TermDocumentMatrix exclude.wfm
FilterFilter Filter.all_words Filter.character Filter.DocumentTermMatrix Filter.fswl Filter.fwl Filter.rfswl Filter.TermDocumentMatrix Filter.wfm
Formality Scoreformality
Find Frequent Termsfreq_terms
Gantt Durationsgantt plot_gantt_base
Gantt Plotgantt_plot
Generate Unit Spans for Repeated Measuresgantt_rep
Gantt Plotgantt_wrap
Gradient Word Cloudgradient_cloud
Hamlet (Complete & Split by Sentence)hamlet
Dataframe Viewinghtruncdf ltruncdf lview qview truncdf
Intuitively Remark Sentences as Imperativeimperative
Denote Incomplete End Marks With "|"incomp incomplete_replace
Inspect Text Vectorsinspect_text inspect_text.Corpus inspect_text.default
Test If Environment is
Merge Demographic Information with Person/Text Transcriptkey_merge
Kullback Leibler Statistickullback_leibler
Text Justificationleft_just right_just
Lexical Classification Scorelexical_classification
Read/Write Multiple csv Files at a Timemcsv_r mcsv_w
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Dialogue Merged with Demographicsmraja1
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Dialogue Merged with Demographics and Splitmraja1spl
Multiple gsubmgsub multigsub sub_holder
Nested Standardizationmultiscale
Replace Missing Values (NA)NAer
Names to Gendername2sex
Generic Network MethodNetwork
Network FormalityNetwork.formality
Network Lexical ClassificationNetwork.lexical_classification
Network PolarityNetwork.polarity
Project Templatenew_project
Generate ngramsngrams
Count Object Pronouns Per Grouping Variableobject_pronoun_type
Detect Outliers in Textoutlier_detect
Locate Outliers in Numeric Stringoutlier_labeler
Paste an Unspecified Number Of Text Columnscolpaste2df paste2
Phrase Netsphrase_net
Plots an animated_character Objectplot.animated_character
Plots an animated_discourse_map Objectplot.animated_discourse_map
Plots a animated_formality Objectplot.animated_formality
Plots an animated_lexical_classification Objectplot.animated_lexical_classification
Plots an animated_polarity Objectplot.animated_polarity
Plots a automated_readability_index Objectplot.automated_readability_index
Plots a character_table Objectplot.character_table
Plots a cm_distance objectplot.cm_distance
Plots a cmspans objectplot.cmspans
Plots a coleman_liau Objectplot.coleman_liau
Plots a combo_syllable_sum Objectplot.combo_syllable_sum
Plots a cumulative_animated_formality Objectplot.cumulative_animated_formality
Plots a cumulative_animated_lexical_classification Objectplot.cumulative_animated_lexical_classification
Plots a cumulative_animated_polarity Objectplot.cumulative_animated_polarity
Plots a cumulative_combo_syllable_sum Objectplot.cumulative_combo_syllable_sum
Plots a cumulative_end_mark Objectplot.cumulative_end_mark
Plots a cumulative_formality Objectplot.cumulative_formality
Plots a cumulative_lexical_classification Objectplot.cumulative_lexical_classification
Plots a cumulative_polarity Objectplot.cumulative_polarity
Plots a cumulative_syllable_freq Objectplot.cumulative_syllable_freq
Plots a discourse_map Objectplot.discourse_map
Plots a diversity objectplot.diversity
Plots an end_mark Objectplot.end_mark
Plots a end_mark_by Objectplot.end_mark_by
Plots a end_mark_by_count Objectplot.end_mark_by_count
Plots a end_mark_by_preprocessed Objectplot.end_mark_by_preprocessed
Plots a end_mark_by_proportion Objectplot.end_mark_by_proportion
Plots a end_mark_by_score Objectplot.end_mark_by_score
Plots a flesch_kincaid Objectplot.flesch_kincaid
Plots a formality Objectplot.formality
Plots a formality_scores Objectplot.formality_scores
Plots a freq_terms Objectplot.freq_terms
Plots a gantt objectplot.gantt
Plots a kullback_leibler objectplot.kullback_leibler
Plots a lexical Objectplot.lexical
Plots a lexical_classification Objectplot.lexical_classification
Plots a lexical_classification_preprocessed Objectplot.lexical_classification_preprocessed
Plots a lexical_classification_score Objectplot.lexical_classification_score
Plots a linsear_write Objectplot.linsear_write
Plots a linsear_write_count Objectplot.linsear_write_count
Plots a linsear_write_scores Objectplot.linsear_write_scores
Plots a Network Objectplot.Network
Plots an object_pronoun_type Objectplot.object_pronoun_type
Plots a polarity Objectplot.polarity
Plots a polarity_count Objectplot.polarity_count
Plots a polarity_score Objectplot.polarity_score
Plots a pos Objectplot.pos
Plots a pos_by Objectplot.pos_by
Plots a pos_preprocessed Objectplot.pos_preprocessed
Plots an pronoun_type Objectplot.pronoun_type
Plots a question_type Objectplot.question_type
Plots a question_type_preprocessed Objectplot.question_type_preprocessed
Plots a readability_count Objectplot.readability_count
Plots a readability_score Objectplot.readability_score
Plots a rmgantt objectplot.rmgantt
Plots a sent_split Objectplot.sent_split
Plots a SMOG Objectplot.SMOG
Plots an subject_pronoun_type Objectplot.subject_pronoun_type
Plot Summary Stats for a Summary of a cmspans Objectplot.sum_cmspans
Plots a sums_gantt objectplot.sums_gantt
Plots a syllable_freq Objectplot.syllable_freq
Plots a table_count Objectplot.table_count
Plots a table_proportion Objectplot.table_proportion
Plots a table_score Objectplot.table_score
Plots a termco objectplot.termco
Plots a type_token_ratio Objectplot.type_token_ratio
Plots a weighted_wfm objectplot.weighted_wfm
Plots a wfdf objectplot.wfdf
Plots a wfm objectplot.wfm
Plots a word_cor objectplot.word_cor
Plots a word_length Objectplot.word_length
Plots a word_position objectplot.word_position
Plots a word_proximity objectplot.word_proximity
Plots a word_stats objectplot.word_stats
Plots a word_stats_counts Objectplot.word_stats_counts
Polarity Score (Sentiment Analysis)polarity
Parts of Speech Taggingpos pos_by pos_tags
Search for Potential Missing Valuespotential_NA
Generic Preprocessed Methodpreprocessed
Check Spellingpreprocessed.check_spelling_interactive
Question Countspreprocessed.end_mark_by
Lexical Classificationpreprocessed.lexical_classification
Question Countspreprocessed.object_pronoun_type
Parts of Speechpreprocessed.pos
Parts of Speechpreprocessed.pos_by
Question Countspreprocessed.pronoun_type
Question Countspreprocessed.question_type
Question Countspreprocessed.subject_pronoun_type
Word Positionpreprocessed.word_position
First 2012 U.S. Presidential Debatepres_debate_raw2012
2012 U.S. Presidential Debatespres_debates2012
Prints an adjacency_matrix Objectprint.adjacency_matrix
Prints an all_words Objectprint.all_words
Prints an animated_character Objectprint.animated_character
Prints an animated_discourse_map Objectprint.animated_discourse_map
Prints a animated_formality Objectprint.animated_formality
Prints an animated_lexical_classification Objectprint.animated_lexical_classification
Prints an animated_polarity Objectprint.animated_polarity
Prints an automated_readability_index Objectprint.automated_readability_index
Prints a boolean_qdap objectprint.boolean_qdap
Prints a character_table objectprint.character_table
Prints a check_spelling Objectprint.check_spelling
Prints a check_spelling_interactive Objectprint.check_spelling_interactive
Prints a check_text Objectprint.check_text
Prints a cm_distance Objectprint.cm_distance
Prints an coleman_liau Objectprint.coleman_liau
Prints a colsplit2df Object.print.colsplit2df
Prints an combo_syllable_sum objectprint.combo_syllable_sum
Prints a cumulative_animated_formality Objectprint.cumulative_animated_formality
Prints a cumulative_animated_lexical_classification Objectprint.cumulative_animated_lexical_classification
Prints a cumulative_animated_polarity Objectprint.cumulative_animated_polarity
Prints a cumulative_combo_syllable_sum Objectprint.cumulative_combo_syllable_sum
Prints a cumulative_end_mark Objectprint.cumulative_end_mark
Prints a cumulative_formality Objectprint.cumulative_formality
Prints a cumulative_lexical_classification Objectprint.cumulative_lexical_classification
Prints a cumulative_polarity Objectprint.cumulative_polarity
Prints a cumulative_syllable_freqObjectprint.cumulative_syllable_freq
Prints a discourse_map Objectprint.discourse_map
Prints a Dissimilarity objectprint.Dissimilarity
Prints a diversity objectprint.diversity
Prints an end_mark objectprint.end_mark
Prints an end_mark_by objectprint.end_mark_by
Prints a end_mark_by_preprocessed objectprint.end_mark_by_preprocessed
Prints an flesch_kincaid Objectprint.flesch_kincaid
Prints a formality Objectprint.formality
Prints a formality_scores objectprint.formality_scores
Prints an fry Objectprint.fry
Prints an inspect_text Objectprint.inspect_text
Prints a kullback_leibler Object.print.kullback_leibler
Prints an lexical_classification Objectprint.lexical_classification
Prints a lexical_classification Objectprint.lexical_classification_by
Prints a lexical_classification_preprocessed Objectprint.lexical_classification_preprocessed
Prints a lexical_classification_score Objectprint.lexical_classification_score
Prints an linsear_write Objectprint.linsear_write
Prints a linsear_write_count Objectprint.linsear_write_count
Prints a linsear_write_scores Objectprint.linsear_write_scores
Prints a Network Objectprint.Network
Prints an ngrams objectprint.ngrams
Prints a object_pronoun_type objectprint.object_pronoun_type
Prints a phrase_net Objectprint.phrase_net
Prints an polarity Objectprint.polarity
Prints a polarity_count Objectprint.polarity_count
Prints a polarity_score Objectprint.polarity_score
Prints an polysyllable_sum objectprint.polysyllable_sum
Prints a pos Object.print.pos
Prints a pos_by Object.print.pos_by
Prints a pos_preprocessed objectprint.pos_preprocessed
Prints a pronoun_type objectprint.pronoun_type
Prints a qdap_context objectprint.qdap_context
Prints a qdapProj Objectprint.qdapProj
Prints a question_type objectprint.question_type
Prints a question_type_preprocessed objectprint.question_type_preprocessed
Prints a readability_count Objectprint.readability_count
Prints a readability_score Objectprint.readability_score
Prints a sent_split objectprint.sent_split
Prints an SMOG Objectprint.SMOG
Prints a sub_holder objectprint.sub_holder
Prints a subject_pronoun_type objectprint.subject_pronoun_type
Prints a sum_cmspans objectprint.sum_cmspans
Prints a sums_gantt objectprint.sums_gantt
Prints an syllable_sum objectprint.syllable_sum
Prints a table_count objectprint.table_count
Prints a table_proportion objectprint.table_proportion
Prints a table_score objectprint.table_score
Prints a termco object.print.termco
Prints a trunc objectprint.trunc
Prints a type_token_ratio Objectprint.type_token_ratio
Prints a wfm Objectprint.wfm
Prints a wfm_summary Objectprint.wfm_summary
Prints a which_misspelled Objectprint.which_misspelled
Prints a word_associate objectprint.word_associate
Prints a word_cor objectprint.word_cor
Prints a word_length objectprint.word_length
Prints a word_list Objectprint.word_list
Prints a word_position object.print.word_position
Prints a word_proximity objectprint.word_proximity
Prints a word_stats objectprint.word_stats
Prints a word_stats_counts objectprint.word_stats_counts
Count Object/Subject Pronouns Per Grouping Variablepronoun_type
Convert Raw Numeric Matrix or Data Frame to Proportionsprop
Generic Proportions Methodproportions
Term Countsproportions.character_table
Question Countsproportions.end_mark_by
Question Countsproportions.object_pronoun_type
Parts of Speechproportions.pos
Parts of Speechproportions.pos_by
Question Countsproportions.pronoun_type
Question Countsproportions.question_type
Question Countsproportions.subject_pronoun_type
Term Countsproportions.termco
Word Length Countsproportions.word_length
Word Positionproportions.word_position
Combine Columnsqcombine
Quick Character Vectorqcv
qdap: Quantitative Discourse Analysis Packagepackage-qdap qdap
Create qdap Specific Data Structureqdap_df Text Text<-
Quick Heatmapqheat qheat.character_table qheat.default qheat.diversity qheat.pos_by qheat.question_type qheat.termco qheat.word_stats
Quick Preparation of Textqprep
Add themes to a Network object.qtheme theme_badkitchen theme_cafe theme_duskheat theme_grayscale theme_greyscale theme_hipster theme_nightheat theme_norah
Count of Question Typequestion_type
Romeo and Juliet (Unchanged & Complete)raj
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1raj.act.1
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Parts of Speech by Person A dataset containing a list from 'pos_by' using the 'mraja1spl' data set (see 'pos_by' for more information).raj.act.1POS
Romeo and Juliet: Act 2raj.act.2
Romeo and Juliet: Act 3raj.act.3
Romeo and Juliet: Act 4raj.act.4
Romeo and Juliet: Act 5raj.act.5
Romeo and Juliet Demographicsraj.demographics
Romeo and Juliet Split in Parts of SpeechrajPOS
Romeo and Juliet (Complete & Split)rajSPLIT
Generate Random Dialogue Datarandom_data random_sent
Rank Frequency Plotrank_freq_mplot rank_freq_plot
Minimal Raw Time Span Data Setraw.time.span
Read Transcripts Into Rread.transcript
Replace Abbreviationsreplace_abbreviation
Replace Contractionsreplace_contraction
Replace Numbers With Text Representationreplace_number
Replace Mixed Ordinal Numbers With Text Representationreplace_ordinal
Replace Symbols With Word Equivalentsreplace_symbol
Replace Cells in a Matrix or Data Framereplacer
Remove Rows That Contain Markersrm_empty_row rm_row
Remove Stop Words%sw% rm_stop rm_stopwords
Minimal Time Span Data Setsample.time.span
Generic Scores Methodscores
Readability Measuresscores.automated_readability_index
Term Countsscores.character_table
Readability Measuresscores.coleman_liau
Question Countsscores.end_mark_by
Readability Measuresscores.flesch_kincaid
Readability Measuresscores.fry
Lexical Classificationscores.lexical_classification
Readability Measuresscores.linsear_write
Question Countsscores.object_pronoun_type
Parts of Speechscores.pos_by
Question Countsscores.pronoun_type
Question Countsscores.question_type
Readability Measuresscores.SMOG
Question Countsscores.subject_pronoun_type
Term Countsscores.termco
Word Length Countsscores.word_length
Word Positionscores.word_position
Word Statsscores.word_stats
Clean Imported Textscrubber
Search Columns of a Data Frame%bs% boolean_search Search
Power Score (Sentiment Analysis)sentiment_frame
Sentence SplittingsentCombine sentSplit sent_detect sent_detect_nlp TOT
Replace Spacesspace_fill
Add Leading/Trailing Spacesspaste
Break and Stretch if Multiple Persons per CellspeakerSplit
Stem Textstem2df stemmer stem_words
Strip Textstrip strip.character strip.default strip.factor strip.list
Wrap Character Strings to Format ParagraphsstrWrap
Count Subject Pronouns Per Grouping Variablesubject_pronoun_type
Summarize a cmspans objectsummary.cmspans
Summarize a wfdf objectsummary.wfdf
Summarize a wfm objectsummary.wfm
Syllabicationcombo_syllable_sum polysyllable_sum syllable_count syllable_sum
Search For Synonymssyn synonyms synonyms_frame syn_frame
Search For and Count Termstermco termco2mat termco_d term_match
Combine Columns from a termco Objecttermco_c
Add Title to Select qdap PlotsTitle Title<-
Visualize Word Length by Turn of Talktot_plot
Word Clouds by Grouping Variabletrans_cloud
Print Context Around Indicestrans_context
Venn Diagram by Grouping Variabletrans_venn
Remove Leading/Trailing White SpaceTrim
Type-Token Ratiotype_token_ratio
Find Unique Words by Grouping Variableunique_by
Apply Parameter to List of Igraph Vertices/Edgesedge_apply vertex_apply
Generic visual Methodvisual
Discourse Mapvisual.discourse_map
Weight a qdap Objectweight
Word Frequency Matrixas.wfm as.wfm.Corpus as.wfm.default as.wfm.DocumentTermMatrix as.wfm.matrix as.wfm.TermDocumentMatrix as.wfm.wfdf weight.wfdf weight.wfm wfdf wfm wfm.character wfm.Corpus wfm.factor wfm.wfdf wfm_combine wfm_expanded
Find Associated Wordsword_associate
Find Correlated Wordsword_cor
Word Countscharacter_count character_table char_table wc word_count
Differences In Word Use Between Groupsword_diff_list
Count of Word Lengths Typeword_length
Raw Word Lists/Frequency Countsword_list
Word Network Plotword_network_plot
Word Positionword_position
Proximity Matrix Between Wordsweight.word_proximity word_proximity
Descriptive Word Statisticsword_stats