Package: orthopolynom 1.0-6.1

Frederick Novomestky

orthopolynom: Collection of Functions for Orthogonal and Orthonormal Polynomials

A collection of functions to construct sets of orthogonal polynomials and their recurrence relations. Additional functions are provided to calculate the derivative, integral, value and roots of lists of polynomial objects.

Authors:Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

orthopolynom.pdf |orthopolynom.html
orthopolynom/json (API)

# Install 'orthopolynom' in R:
install.packages('orthopolynom', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.75 score 49 packages 3.8k downloads 88 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:5699a2a808. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 06 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 06 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 06 2025



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Inner products of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.c.inner.products
Create list of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.c.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.c.recurrences
Weight function for the Chebyshev polynomialchebyshev.c.weight
Inner products of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.s.inner.products
Create list of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.s.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.s.recurrences
Weight function for the Chebyshev polynomialchebyshev.s.weight
Inner products of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.t.inner.products
Create list of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.t.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.t.recurrences
Weight function for the Chebyshev polynomialchebyshev.t.weight
Inner products of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.u.inner.products
Create list of Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.u.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.u.recurrences
Weight function for the Chebyshev polynomialchebyshev.u.weight
Inner products of Gegenbauer polynomialsgegenbauer.inner.products
Create list of Gegenbauer polynomialsgegenbauer.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Gegenbauer polynomialsgegenbauer.recurrences
Weight function for the Gegenbauer polynomialgegenbauer.weight
Inner products of generalized Hermite polynomialsghermite.h.inner.products
Create list of generalized Hermite polynomialsghermite.h.polynomials
Recurrence relations for generalized Hermite polynomialsghermite.h.recurrences
Weight function for the generalized Hermite polynomialghermite.h.weight
Inner products of generalized Laguerre polynomialsglaguerre.inner.products
Create list of generalized Laguerre polynomialsglaguerre.polynomials
Recurrence relations for generalized Laguerre polynomialsglaguerre.recurrences
Weight function for the generalized Laguerre polynomialglaguerre.weight
Inner products of Hermite polynomialshermite.h.inner.products
Create list of Hermite polynomialshermite.h.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Hermite polynomialshermite.h.recurrences
Weight function for the Hermite polynomialhermite.h.weight
Inner products of Hermite polynomialshermite.he.inner.products
Create list of Hermite polynomialshermite.he.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Hermite polynomialshermite.he.recurrences
Weight function for the Hermite polynomialhermite.he.weight
Inner products of Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.g.inner.products
Create list of Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.g.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.g.recurrences
Weight function for the Jacobi polynomialjacobi.g.weight
Create list of Jacobi matrices from monic recurrence parametersjacobi.matrices
Inner products of Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.p.inner.products
Create list of Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.p.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Jacobi polynomialsjacobi.p.recurrences
Weight function for the Jacobi polynomialjacobi.p.weight
Inner products of Laguerre polynomialslaguerre.inner.products
Create list of Laguerre polynomialslaguerre.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Laguerre polynomialslaguerre.recurrences
Weight function for the Laguerre polynomiallaguerre.weight
Inner products of Legendre polynomialslegendre.inner.products
Create list of Legendre polynomialslegendre.polynomials
Recurrence relations for Legendre polynomialslegendre.recurrences
Weight function for the Legendre polynomiallegendre.weight
Calculate the logarithm of Pochhammer's symbollpochhammer
Create data frame of monic recurrencesmonic.polynomial.recurrences
Create list of monic orthogonal polynomialsmonic.polynomials
Create orthogonal polynomialsorthogonal.polynomials
Create orthonormal polynomialsorthonormal.polynomials
Calculate the value of Pochhammer's symbolpochhammer
Create list of polynomial coefficient vectorspolynomial.coefficients
Create list of polynomial derivativespolynomial.derivatives
Coerce polynomials to functionspolynomial.functions
Create list of polynomial integralspolynomial.integrals
Create vector of polynomial orderspolynomial.orders
Create a list of polynomial linear combinationspolynomial.powers
Create a list of polynomial rootspolynomial.roots
Create vector of polynomial valuespolynomial.values
Scale values from [a,b] to [u.v]scaleX
Inner products of shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.t.inner.products
Create list of shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.t.polynomials
Recurrence relations for shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.t.recurrences
Weight function for the shifted Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.t.weight
Inner products of shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.u.inner.products
Create list of shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.u.polynomials
Recurrence relations for shifted Chebyshev polynomialsschebyshev.u.recurrences
Weight function for the shifted Chebyshev polynomialschebyshev.u.weight
Inner products of shifted Legendre polynomialsslegendre.inner.products
Create list of shifted Legendre polynomialsslegendre.polynomials
Recurrence relations for shifted Legendre polynomialsslegendre.recurrences
Weight function for the shifted Legendre polynomialslegendre.weight
Inner products of spherical polynomialsspherical.inner.products
Create list of spherical polynomialsspherical.polynomials
Recurrence relations for spherical polynomialsspherical.recurrences
Weight function for the spherical polynomialspherical.weight
Inner products of ultraspherical polynomialsultraspherical.inner.products
Create list of ultraspherical polynomialsultraspherical.polynomials
Recurrence relations for ultraspherical polynomialsultraspherical.recurrences
Weight function for the ultraspherical polynomialultraspherical.weight