Package: nsRFA 0.7-17

Alberto Viglione

nsRFA: Non-Supervised Regional Frequency Analysis

A collection of statistical tools for objective (non-supervised) applications of the Regional Frequency Analysis methods in hydrology. The package refers to the index-value method and, more precisely, helps the hydrologist to: (1) regionalize the index-value; (2) form homogeneous regions with similar growth curves; (3) fit distribution functions to the empirical regional growth curves. Most of the methods are those described in the Flood Estimation Handbook (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 1999, ISBN:9781906698003). Homogeneity tests from Hosking and Wallis (1993) <doi:10.1029/92WR01980> and Viglione et al. (2007) <doi:10.1029/2006WR005095> are available.

Authors:Alberto Viglione [aut, cre], Francesco Laio [ctb], Eric Gaume [ctb], Olivier Payrastre [ctb], Jose Luis Salinas [ctb], Chi Cong N'guyen [ctb], Karine Halbert [ctb]

nsRFA.pdf |nsRFA.html
nsRFA/json (API)

# Install 'nsRFA' in R:
install.packages('nsRFA', repos = c('', ''))



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Figure 1 in Elamir and Seheult (2004)

Rendered fromFig1ElamirSeheult.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 28 2025.

Last update: 2023-11-13
Started: 2013-12-16

Figures 11 and 12 in Griffis and Stedinger (2007)

Rendered fromFig11GriffisStedinger.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 28 2025.

Last update: 2023-11-13
Started: 2013-12-16

How to use the package nsRFA: example 2

Rendered fromnsRFA_ex02.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 28 2025.

Last update: 2023-11-13
Started: 2013-12-16

Local and regional analyses with BayesianMCMC

Rendered fromBayesianMCMC_reg.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 28 2025.

Last update: 2023-11-13
Started: 2014-08-30

Model selection techniques for the frequency analysis of hydrological extremes: the MSClaio2008 R function

Rendered fromMSClaio2008.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 28 2025.

Last update: 2023-11-13
Started: 2013-12-16

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Non-supervised Regional Frequency AnalysisnsRFA-package nsRFA
Anderson-Darling distance matrix for growth curvesAD.dist
Data-sampleArdechedata Ardeche_areas Ardeche_ungauged_extremes Beauvene_cont Chambonas_cont SaintLaurent_cont SaintMartin_cont SaintMartin_hist Vogue_cont
Bayesian MCMC frequency analysis.chooseparameters0 .chooseparameters0reg .datachange .lnvrais1 .lnvrais1reg .lnvrais2 .lnvrais2reg .lnvrais4 .lnvrais4reg .lnvrais5 .lnvrais5reg .parameterscandMOD .parameterscandMODreg .plotdiagnMCMC01 .plotdiagnMCMC02 .plotdiagnMCMC03 .plotdiagnMCMC04 .plotdiagnMCMC05 .plotdiagnMCMC06 .plotdiagnMCMCreg01 .plotdiagnMCMCreg02 .plotdiagnMCMCreg03 .plotdiagnMCMCreg04 .plotdiagnMCMCreg05 .plotdiagnMCMCreg06 .points1 .points1reg .pointspos3 .pointspos3reg .quantilesMOD .quantilesMODreg .thresML .thresMLreg BayesianMCMC BayesianMCMCcont BayesianMCMCreg BayesianMCMCregcont plot.BayesianMCMC plot.BayesianMCMCreg plotBayesianMCMCreg_surf print.BayesianMCMC print.BayesianMCMCreg
Empirical distribution plotsDISTPLOTS expplot exppoints frechetplot gammaplot gammapoints gumbelplot gumbelpoints logisplot logispoints loglogplot loglogpoints lognormplot normplot normpoints paretoplot plotpos plotposRP plotposRPhist pointspos pointsposRP pointsposRPhist regionalexpplot regionalfrechetplot regionalgumbelplot regionallognormplot regionalnormplot regionalparetoplot regionalplotpos studentplot studentpoints unifplot unifpoints weibullplot weibullpoints
Two parameter exponential distribution and L-momentsEXP F.exp f.exp invF.exp Lmom.exp par.exp rand.exp
Data-sampleam cd FEH1000
Data-sampledf.kgev df.polig
Three parameter generalized logistic distribution and L-momentsF.genlogis f.genlogis GENLOGIS invF.genlogis Lmom.genlogis par.genlogis rand.genlogis
Three parameter generalized Pareto distribution and L-momentsF.genpar f.genpar GENPAR invF.genpar Lmom.genpar par.genpar rand.genpar
Three parameter generalized extreme value distribution and L-momentsF.GEV f.GEV GEV invF.GEV Lmom.GEV par.GEV rand.GEV
Goodness of fit tests.typeIerrorA2_GOFlaio A2 A2_GOFlaio fw2 GOFlaio2004 W2
Goodness of fit tests.test.GOFmontecarlo gofEXPtest gofGENLOGIStest gofGENPARtest gofGEVtest gofGUMBELtest gofLOGNORMtest GOFmontecarlo gofNORMtest gofP3test
Two parameter Gumbel distribution and L-momentsF.gumb f.gumb GUMBEL invF.gumb Lmom.gumb par.gumb rand.gumb
Homogeneity testsADbootstrap.test criticalD discordancy DK.test HOMTESTS HW.tests
Data-sampleannualflows hydroSIMN meanmonthlyflows monthlyflows parameters
Four parameter kappa distribution and L-momentsF.kappa f.kappa invF.kappa KAPPA Lmom.kappa par.kappa rand.kappa
Hosking and Wallis sample L-momentsLCA LCV Lkur Lmoments regionalLmoments
Three parameter lognormal distribution and L-momentsF.lognorm f.lognorm invF.lognorm Lmom.lognorm LOGNORM par.lognorm rand.lognorm
Maximum likelihood parameters estimation.Fx .logLgam .logLgev .logLgumb .sample_generator MLlaio2004 ML_estimation moment_estimation
Sample momentsCV kurt moments skew
Model Selection Criteria.ADC .AIC .AICc .BIC .lnML MSClaio2008 plot.MSClaio2008 print.MSClaio2008 summary.MSClaio2008
Three parameters Pearson type III distribution and L-momentsF.gamma f.gamma invF.gamma Lmom.gamma mom2par.gamma P3 par.gamma par2mom.gamma rand.gamma
Diagnostics of regressionsjackknife1.lm MAE.lm MAEjk.lm mantel.lm predinterval.lm prt.lm R2.lm REGRDIAGNOSTICS RMSE.lm RMSEjk.lm vif.lm
Region of influenceroi roi.hom
Series plotsconsistencyplot serieplot SERIESPLOTS
Static plotsLmoment.ratio.diagram Lspace.HWvsAD Lspace.limits STATICPLOTS
Cluster analysis: disjoint regionsnearest sumtraceW traceWminim
Exact variance structure of sample L-momentsvarLCA varLCV varLkur varLmoments