Package: mipplot 0.3.1

Akimitsu Inoue

mipplot: An Open-Source Tool for Visualization of Climate Mitigation Scenarios

Generic functions to produce area/bar/box/line plots of data following IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) submission format.

Authors:Diego Silva Herran [aut], Jiayang WANG [aut], Masahiro SUGIYAMA [aut], Hiroto SHIRAKI [aut], Akimitsu Inoue [ctr, cre]

mipplot.pdf |mipplot.html
mipplot/json (API)

# Install 'mipplot' in R:
install.packages('mipplot', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.70 score 252 downloads 24 exports 84 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:f9800aa346. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 08 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 08 2025



First steps with the mipplot package

Rendered frommipplot-first-steps.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 08 2025.

Last update: 2021-05-18
Started: 2021-05-18

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add credit text to plotsadd_credit_to_list_of_plot
Add credit text to a plotadd_credit_to_plot
Sample Datasetar5_db_sample_data
Sample Rule Tablear5_db_sample_rule_table
change column data type in data-setchange_data_types_of_iamc_dataframe
check if the dataset has required fields of IAMC datasetcheck_column_availability
check if the format of given data is valid as an IAMC dataset.check_format_of_iamc_dataframe
correct data format of given IAMC data tablecorrect_format_of_iamc_dataframe
generate code to reproduce area plotgenerate_code_to_plot_area
generate code to reproduce bar plotgenerate_code_to_plot_bar
generate code to reproduce line plotgenerate_code_to_plot_line
Get name list of models in IAMC formatted data frameget_model_name_list
Get name list of scenarios in IAMC formatted data frameget_scenario_name_list
Get expression of vector of string in string formatget_string_expression_of_vector_of_strings
Get variable-group-name listget_variable_group_name_list
Get variable name list in given variable-groupget_variable_name_list_in_variable_group
check additivity of rules and datamipplot_additivity_check
Additivity check using bar plotmipplot_additivity_check_bar
Area plot from IAMC datamipplot_area
Complementation of color schememipplot_autofill_color
Bar plot from IAMC datamipplot_bar
Box plot from IAMC datamipplot_box
Default color palette.mipplot_default_color_palette
Manual coloringmipplot_generate_color_mapper
A function to launch interactive plot using Shinymipplot_interactive_additivity_check_bar
A function to launch interactive plotting session on Shinymipplot_interactive_area
A function to launch interactive plot using Shinymipplot_interactive_bar
A function to launch interactive plot using Shinymipplot_interactive_line
A function to launch interactive plot using Shinymipplot_interactive_plot_line
Line plot from IAMC datamipplot_line
Point plot from IAMC datamipplot_point
Print list of plots to pdf filemipplot_print_pdf
Read IAMC scenario input data.mipplot_read_iamc
Read file of rule table without ID numbermipplot_read_ruletab
Mutated table of SR15 Datamipplot_return_table
variable SUBMISSION CHECKmipplot_var_submission
Read IAMC scenario input data in Excel formatread_iamc_xlsx
Split variable into positive and negative partssplit_variable_into_positive_and_negative_parts
Sample Conversion Rule Tablesr15_sample_conversion_rule_table
Sample Datasetsr15_sample_data