Package: mcen 1.2.1

Ben Sherwood

mcen: Multivariate Cluster Elastic Net

Fits the Multivariate Cluster Elastic Net (MCEN) presented in Price & Sherwood (2018) <arxiv:1707.03530>. The MCEN model simultaneously estimates regression coefficients and a clustering of the responses for a multivariate response model. Currently accommodates the Gaussian and binomial likelihood.

Authors:Ben Sherwood [aut, cre], Brad Price [aut]

mcen.pdf |mcen.html
mcen/json (API)

# Install 'mcen' in R:
install.packages('mcen', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.00 score 1 stars 8 scripts 272 downloads 4 exports 23 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:6f2675fd90. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 23 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adjusts the value of the coefficients to account for the scaling of x and y.beta_adjust
Adjusts the value of the binomial coefficients to account for the scaling of x.beta_adjust_bin
The workhorse function for the binomial updates in mcen. It uses IRWLS glmnet updates to solve the regression problem.bin_horse
Creates the the working response for all responses for glmnet binomial familyCalcHorseBin
Creates the probabilities and working response for the glmnet update for a given response with a binomial familyCalcHorseEBin
Wrapper function for different clustering methodscluster
Returns the cluster values from a cv.mcen object.cluster.vals
Returns the coefficients from the cv.mcen object with the smallest cross-validation
Returns the coefficients from an mcen object.coef.mcen
Cross validation for mcen functioncv.mcen
Gets the index position for the model with the smallest cross-validation error.get_best_cvm
matrix multiplymatrix_multiply
Fits an MCEN modelmcen
Calculates cluster assignment and coefficient estimates for a binomial mcen.mcen_bin_workhorse
Estimates the clusters and provides the coefficients for an mcen objectmcen_workhorse
Provides initial estimates for the mcen functionFmcen.init
Calculates the out of sample likelihood for an mcen objectpred_eval
Evaluates prediction error for multiple binomial responses.pred_eval.mbinom_mcen
Calculates the prediction error for a mgauss_mcen object.pred_eval.mgauss_mcen
Makes predictions from the model with the smallest cross-validation
predictions from a mcen modelpredict.mcen
Prints nice output for a cv.mcen
Prints nice output for an mcen object.print.mcen
randomly assign n samples to k groupsrandomly_assign
SetEq test set equivalence of two clustering setsSetEq
Calculates sum of squared error between two vectors or matricessquared_error
Calculates out of sample error on the binomial likelihoodvl_binom