Package: lrmest 3.0

Ajith Dissanayake

lrmest: Different Types of Estimators to Deal with Multicollinearity

When multicollinearity exists among predictor variables of the linear model, least square estimators does not provide a better solution for estimating parameters. To deal with multicollinearity several estimators are proposed in the literature. Some of these estimators are Ordinary Least Square Estimator (OLSE), Ordinary Generalized Ordinary Least Square Estimator (OGOLSE), Ordinary Ridge Regression Estimator (ORRE), Ordinary Generalized Ridge Regression Estimator (OGRRE), Restricted Least Square Estimator (RLSE), Ordinary Generalized Restricted Least Square Estimator (OGRLSE), Ordinary Mixed Regression Estimator (OMRE), Ordinary Generalized Mixed Regression Estimator (OGMRE), Liu Estimator (LE), Ordinary Generalized Liu Estimator (OGLE), Restricted Liu Estimator (RLE), Ordinary Generalized Restricted Liu Estimator (OGRLE), Stochastic Restricted Liu Estimator (SRLE), Ordinary Generalized Stochastic Restricted Liu Estimator (OGSRLE), Type (1),(2),(3) Liu Estimator (Type-1,2,3 LTE), Ordinary Generalized Type (1),(2),(3) Liu Estimator (Type-1,2,3 OGLTE), Type (1),(2),(3) Adjusted Liu Estimator (Type-1,2,3 ALTE), Ordinary Generalized Type (1),(2),(3) Adjusted Liu Estimator (Type-1,2,3 OGALTE), Almost Unbiased Ridge Estimator (AURE), Ordinary Generalized Almost Unbiased Ridge Estimator (OGAURE), Almost Unbiased Liu Estimator (AULE), Ordinary Generalized Almost Unbiased Liu Estimator (OGAULE), Stochastic Restricted Ridge Estimator (SRRE), Ordinary Generalized Stochastic Restricted Ridge Estimator (OGSRRE), Restricted Ridge Regression Estimator (RRRE) and Ordinary Generalized Restricted Ridge Regression Estimator (OGRRRE). To select the best estimator in a practical situation the Mean Square Error (MSE) is used. Using this package scalar MSE value of all the above estimators and Prediction Sum of Square (PRESS) values of some of the estimators can be obtained, and the variation of the MSE and PRESS values for the relevant estimators can be shown graphically.

Authors:Ajith Dissanayake [aut, cre], P. Wijekoon [aut], R-core [cph]

lrmest.pdf |lrmest.html
lrmest/json (API)

# Install 'lrmest' in R:
install.packages('lrmest', repos = c('', ''))
  • pcd - Portland Cement Dataset



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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 26 2025



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Estimation of varies types of estimators in the linear modellrmest-package lrmest
Type (1) Adjusted Liu Estimatoralte1
Type (2) Adjusted Liu Estimatoralte2
Type (3) Adjusted Liu Estimatoralte3
Almost Unbiased Liu Estimatoraul
Almost Unbiased Ridge Estimatoraur
Check the degree of multicollinearity present in the datasetcheckm
Liu Estimatorliu
Type (1) Liu Estimatorlte1
Type (2) Liu Estimatorlte2
Type (3) Liu Estimatorlte3
Ordinary Mixed Regression Estimatormixe
Ordinary Generalized Type (1) Adjusted Liu Estimatorogalt1
Ordinary Generalized Type (2) Adjusted Liu Estimatorogalt2
Ordinary Generalized Type (3) Adjusted Liu Estimatorogalt3
Ordinary Generalized Almost Unbiased Liu Estimatorogaul
Ordinary Generalized Almost Unbiased Ridge Estimatorogaur
Ordinary Generalized Liu Estimatorogliu
Ordinary Generalized Type (1) Liu Estimatoroglt1
Ordinary Generalized Type (2) Liu Estimatoroglt2
Ordinary Generalized Type (3) Liu Estimatoroglt3
Ordinary Generalized Mixed Regression Estimatorogmix
Ordinary Generalized Ordinary Least Square Estimatorsogols
Ordinary Generalized Ridge Regression Estimatorogre
Ordinary Generalized Restricted Liu Estimatorogrliu
Ordinary Generalized Restricted Least Square Estimatorogrls
Ordinary Generalized Restricted Ridge Regression Estimatorogrrre
Ordinary Generalized Stochastic Restricted Liu Estimatorogsrliu
Ordinary Generalized Stochastic Restricted Ridge Estimatorogsrre
Ordinary Least Square Estimatorsols
Summary of optimum scalar Mean Square Error values of all estimators and optimum Prediction Sum of Square values of some of the estimatorsoptimum
Portland Cement Datasetpcd
Ordinary Ridge Regression Estimatorrid
Restricted Liu Estimatorrliu
Restricted Least Square Estimatorrls
Restricted Ridge Regression Estimatorrrre
Stochastic Restricted Liu Estimatorsrliu
Stochastic Restricted Ridge Estimatorsrre