Package: languageR 1.5.0

R. H. Baayen

languageR: Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics

Data sets exemplifying statistical methods, and some facilitatory utility functions used in ``Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics using R'', Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Authors:R. H. Baayen <[email protected]>, Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan <[email protected]>

languageR.pdf |languageR.html
languageR/json (API)

# Install 'languageR' in R:
install.packages('languageR', repos = c('', ''))
  • affixProductivity - Affix productivity
  • alice - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • auxiliaries - Auxiliaries for regular and irregular verbs in Dutch
  • beginningReaders - Visual lexical decision with beginning readers
  • danish - Danish auditory lexical decision
  • dative - Dative Alternation
  • dativeSimplified - Dative Alternation - simplified data set
  • durationsGe - Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ge-
  • durationsOnt - Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ont-
  • dutchSpeakersDist - Cross-entropy based distances between speakers
  • dutchSpeakersDistMeta - Metadata for dutchSpeakersDist
  • english - English visual lexical decision and naming latencies
  • etymology - Etymological age and regularity in Dutch
  • faz - Frankfurter frequencies
  • finalDevoicing - Final Devoicing in Dutch
  • havelaar - The determiner 'het' in the Dutch novel Max Havelaar
  • heid - Lexical decision latencies for words ending in -heid
  • imaging - FMRI Filtered Signal and Priming Scores for Brain-Damaged Patients
  • latinsquare - Simulated Latin Square data set with subjects and items
  • lexdec - Lexical decision latencies for 79 English nouns
  • lexicalMeasures - Lexical measures for 2233 English monomorphemic words
  • lexicalMeasuresClasses - Classification of lexical measures
  • moby - Moby Dick
  • nesscg - Frequency spectrum for -ness in the demographic BNC
  • nessdemog - Frequency spectrum for -ness in the context-governed BNC
  • nessw - Frequency spectrum for -ness in the written BNC
  • oldFrench - Frequencies of tag trigrams in Old French texts
  • oldFrenchMeta - Meta data for the oldFrench data
  • oz - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • periphrasticDo - The development of periphrastic do in English
  • phylogeny - Phylogenetic relations between Papuan and Oceanic languages
  • primingHeid - Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
  • primingHeidPrevRT - Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
  • quasif - Simulated data set with subjects and items requiring quasi-F ratios
  • ratings - Ratings for 81 English nouns
  • regularity - Regular and irregular Dutch verbs
  • selfPacedReadingHeid - Self-paced reading latencies for Dutch neologisms
  • shrinkage - Data set illustrating shrinkage
  • sizeRatings - Size ratings for 81 English concrete nouns
  • spanish - Relative frequencies of tag trigrams is selected Spanish texts
  • spanishFunctionWords - Relative frequencies of function words in selected Spanish texts
  • spanishMeta - Metadata for the spanish and spanishFunctionWords data sets
  • splitplot - Simulated data set with split plot design
  • through - Through the Looking Glass
  • twente - Frequency spectrum for the Twente News Corpus
  • variationLijk - Variation in spoken Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk
  • ver - The Dutch prefix ver-: semantic transparency and frequency
  • verbs - Dative Alternation - simplified data set
  • warlpiri - Ergative case marking in Warlpiri
  • weightRatings - Subjective estimates of the weight of the referents of 81 English nouns
  • writtenVariationLijk - Variation in written Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.32 score 2.1k downloads 64 mentions 33 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 6 years agofrom:76ffa66a38. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 28 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 28 2025


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Help pageTopics
Data sets and functions for 'Analyzing Linguistic Data'languageR-package languageR
Autocorrelation trellis graphacf.fnc
Affix productivityaffixProductivity
Alice's Adventures in Wonderlandalice
Compute p-values for factors in mixed modelsaovlmer.fnc
Auxiliaries for regular and irregular verbs in Dutchauxiliaries
Visual lexical decision with beginning readersbeginningReaders
Calculate condition number with intercept includedcollin.fnc
Compare Lexical Richness of Two Textscompare.richness.fnc
Class "corres"corres-class
Correspondence Analysiscorres.fnc
Supplementary rows or columns in correspondence analysiscorsup.fnc
Danish auditory lexical decisiondanish
Dative Alternationdative
Dative Alternation - simplified data setdativeSimplified
Extract degree of polynomial or knots for restricted cubic splinedegreesOrKnots.fnc
Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ge-durationsGe
Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ont-durationsOnt
Cross-entropy based distances between speakersdutchSpeakersDist
Metadata for dutchSpeakersDistdutchSpeakersDistMeta
English visual lexical decision and naming latenciesenglish
Etymological age and regularity in Dutchetymology
Frankfurter frequenciesfaz
Final Devoicing in DutchfinalDevoicing
Extracts knots from variable namegetKnots.fnc
calculate HPD prediction intervalsgetMCMCintervals.fnc
determine position for labels for interaction plotsgetPos.fnc
Extracts range of predicted values from list of data framesgetRange.fnc
extract simple name of predictor from expression with polygetRoot.fnc
Class "growth"growth-class
Calculate vocabulary growth curve and vocabulary richness measuresgrowth.fnc
Conversion of growth object into a vgc objectgrowth2vgc.fnc
The determiner 'het' in the Dutch novel Max Havelaarhavelaar
Lexical decision latencies for words ending in -heidheid
Herdan's Cherdan.fnc
fMRI Filtered Signal and Priming Scores for Brain-Damaged Patientsimaging
implement interactions in the model matriximplementInteractions.fnc
Function for by-item regression used by simulateRegression.fncitem.fnc
By-item anova for simulated data for quasi-F analysisitems.quasif.fnc
Calculate vector at specified laglags.fnc
Simulated Latin Square data set with subjects and itemslatinsquare
Lexical decision latencies for 79 English nounslexdec
Lexical measures for 2233 English monomorphemic wordslexicalMeasures
Classification of lexical measureslexicalMeasuresClasses
Plot the interaction of two linear numeric predictors in a model fitted with lmerlmerPlotInt.fnc
Make a simulated data set with regression designmake.reg.fnc
Create model matrix with main effects onlymakeDefaultMatrix.fnc
generate simulated data set with nonlinear functionmakeSplineData.fnc
Moby Dickmoby
Scatterplot of bivariate standard normal distributionmvrnormplot.fnc
Frequency spectrum for -ness in the demographic BNCnesscg
Frequency spectrum for -ness in the context-governed BNCnessdemog
Frequency spectrum for -ness in the written BNCnessw
Frequencies of tag trigrams in Old French textsoldFrench
Meta data for the oldFrench dataoldFrenchMeta
The Wonderful Wizard of Ozoz
Scatterplot matrix with correlationspairscor.fnc
parse character string specifying restricted cubic splineparsePredName.fnc
The development of periphrastic do in EnglishperiphrasticDo
Phylogenetic relations between Papuan and Oceanic languagesphylogeny
Plot method for correspondence objectsplot.corres
Plot method for growth objectsplot.growth
create plot or plots for list with data frames for plot or subplotsplotAll.fnc
plot a mer objectplotLMER.fnc
Plot for goodness of fit of logistic
determine X and Y values for a given (sub)plotpreparePredictor.fnc
Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heidprimingHeid
Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heidprimingHeidPrevRT
Print method for correspondence objectprint.corres
Print method for growth objects.print.growth
Compute p-values and MCMC confidence intervals for mixed modelspvals.fnc
Simulated data set with subjects and items requiring quasi-F ratiosquasif
Quasi-F testquasiF.fnc
Quasi-F test for specific simple designquasiFsim.fnc
Ratings for 81 English nounsratings
Regular and irregular Dutch verbsregularity
Self-paced reading latencies for Dutch neologismsselfPacedReadingHeid
Shade rejection region for normal probability density functionshadenormal.fnc
Plot method for growth
Data set illustrating shrinkageshrinkage
Simulate simple Latin Square data and compare modelssimulateLatinsquare.fnc
Simulate data for quasi-F analysis and compare modelssimulateQuasif.fnc
Simulate regression data and compare modelssimulateRegression.fnc
Size ratings for 81 English concrete nounssizeRatings
Relative frequencies of tag trigrams is selected Spanish textsspanish
Relative frequencies of function words in selected Spanish textsspanishFunctionWords
Metadata for the spanish and spanishFunctionWords data setsspanishMeta
Frequency spectrum from text vectorspectrum.fnc
Simulated data set with split plot designsplitplot
By-subject analysis of simple Latin Square data setssubjects.latinsquare.fnc
By-subject analysis of data sets requiring quasi-F ratiossubjects.quasif.fnc
Summarize a correspondence objectsummary.corres
Summary method for growth objectssummary.growth
Create a frequency spectrum from a text vectortext2spc.fnc
Through the Looking Glassthrough
transform vector according to specified functiontransforming.fnc
Frequency spectrum for the Twente News Corpustwente
Variation in spoken Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijkvariationLijk
The Dutch prefix ver-: semantic transparency and frequencyver
Dative Alternation - simplified data setverbs
Ergative case marking in Warlpiriwarlpiri
Subjective estimates of the weight of the referents of 81 English nounsweightRatings
Variation in written Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijkwrittenVariationLijk
Trellis scatterplot with smoothersxylowess.fnc
Yule's characteristic constant Kyule.fnc
Zipf's rank frequency distributionzipf.fnc