Title: | Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics |
Description: | Data sets exemplifying statistical methods, and some facilitatory utility functions used in ``Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics using R'', Cambridge University Press, 2008. |
Authors: | R. H. Baayen <[email protected]>, Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | R. H. Baayen <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.5.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 08:07:06 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Data sets and functions accompanying 'Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics', Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Package: | languageR |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0 |
Date: | 2007-01-15 |
License: | GNU public license |
The main function of this package is to make available the data sets discussed and analyzed in 'Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics using R', to appear with Cambridge University Press. The following packages should be installed, as ancillary functions in this package depend on them.
for word frequency distributions
for mixed-effects models
for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo estimation
for trellis graphics
for mixed-effects modeling
The following packages need to be installed for working through specific examples.
for regression modeling
for CART trees
for support vector machines
for many useful functions
for phylogenetic clustering
The main convenience functions in this library are, by category:
(extending code by Murtagh, 2005)
correspondence analysis
supplementary data
(supplementing current zipfR functionality)
for two texts, compare richness
empirical vocabulary growth data for text
conversion to vgc object of zipfR
creates frequency spectrum
conversion to spc object of zipfR
(p-values for mixed-effects models with lme4)
p-values for table of coefficients including MCMC
p-values for anova tables and/or MCMC p-value for specified factor
(for comparing mixed models with traditional techniques including F1, F2, and F1+F2)
simulate simple regression design
simulate data for Quasi-F ratios
simulating simple Latin-square design
(convenience functions)
scatterplot matrix with correlation tests
collinearity diagnostics
p-values and MCMC confidence intervals for mixed models
diagnostic visualization for logistic models
trellis scatterplots with smoother
scatterplot for bivariate standard normal random numbers with regression line
offers choice of four ways to visualize an interaction between two numeric predictors in an lmer model
R. H. Baayen
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Maintainer: [email protected]
R. H. Baayen (2007) Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics using R, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
## Not run: library(languageR) data(package="languageR") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(languageR) data(package="languageR") ## End(Not run)
This function creates a trellis plot with autocorrelation functions for by-subject sequential dependencies in response latencies.
acf.fnc(dat, group="Subject", time="Trial", x = "RT", plot=TRUE, ...)
acf.fnc(dat, group="Subject", time="Trial", x = "RT", plot=TRUE, ...)
dat |
A data frame with (minimally) a grouping factor, an index for successive trails/events, and a behavioral measure |
group |
A grouping factor such as |
time |
A sequential time measure such as |
x |
The dependent variable, usually a chronometric measure such as RT |
plot |
If true, a trellis graph is produced, otherwise a data frame with the data on which the trellis graph is based is returned |
... |
other optional arguments, such as |
If plot=TRUE
, a trellis graph, otherwise a data frame with as column
Lag |
Autocorrelation lag |
Acf |
Autocorrelation |
Subject |
The grouping factor, typically Subject |
ci |
The (approximate) 95% confidence interval. |
R. H. Baayen
R. H. Baayen (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
## Not run: data(beginningReaders) acf.fnc(beginningReaders, x="LogRT") # autocorrelations even though nonword responses not included ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(beginningReaders) acf.fnc(beginningReaders, x="LogRT") # autocorrelations even though nonword responses not included ## End(Not run)
Affix productivity, gauged by the P* productivity measure, for 27 English affixes in 44 texts.
A data frame with 44 observations on the following 30 variables.
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a numeric vector of P*-values
a factor with levels
(King James Version: Luke-Acts)
(Book of Mormon)
(Aesop's fables, translation by Townsend)
(Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz)
(Barrie, Peter Pan and Wendy)
(Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
(Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
(Carroll, Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There)
(Grimm Fairy Tales, translations)
(Kipling, The Jungle Book)
(Austen, Pride and Prejudice)
(Burroughs, A Princess of Mars)
(Bronte, Wuthering Heights)
(Conrad, Lord Jim)
(Conrad, Nigger of the Narcissus)
(Doyle, The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes)
(Dickens, The Chimes: a Goblin Story)
(Dickens, A Christmas Carol)
(Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles)
(Doyle, The Valley of Fear)
(James, Confidence)
(James, The Europeans)
(London, The Call of the Wild)
(London, The Sea Wolf)
(Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea)
(Melville, Moby Dick)
(Morris, News from Nowhere)
(Milton, Paradise Lost)
(Orczy, The Scarlet Pimpernel)
(Stoker, Dracula)
(Chu, More than a Chance Meeting (Startrek))
(Trollope, Ayala's Angel)
(Trollope, The Eustace Diamonds)
(Trollope, Can you Forgive her?)
(Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)
(Wells, The Invisible Man)
(Wells, The Time Machine)
(Wells, The War of the Worlds)
(The Federalist Papers)
(Texts sampled from Congress Hearings)
(Texts sampled from Clinton's Election Speeches)
(Darwin, On the Origin of the Species)
(Selected Texts from the Government Accounting Office)
(James, Essays in Radical Empiricism)
a factor with levels B
(Biblical texts)
(Children's books) L
(Literary texts) O
a numeric vector for the author's year of birth (where available)
Most texts were obtained from the Gutenberg Project (http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page) and the Oxford Text Archive (http://ota.ahds.ac.uk/).
Baayen, R. H. (1994) Derivational Productivity and Text Typology, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 1, 16-34.
## Not run: data(affixProductivity) affixes.pr = prcomp(affixProductivity[,1:(ncol(affixProductivity)-3)], center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE) library(lattice) trellis.device() super.sym = trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol") splom(data.frame(affixes.pr$x[,1:3]), groups = affixProductivity$Registers, panel = panel.superpose, key = list(title = "texts in productivity space", text = list(c("Religious", "Children", "Literary", "Other")), points = list(pch = super.sym$pch[1:4], col = super.sym$col[1:4]))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(affixProductivity) affixes.pr = prcomp(affixProductivity[,1:(ncol(affixProductivity)-3)], center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE) library(lattice) trellis.device() super.sym = trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol") splom(data.frame(affixes.pr$x[,1:3]), groups = affixProductivity$Registers, panel = panel.superpose, key = list(title = "texts in productivity space", text = list(c("Religious", "Children", "Literary", "Other")), points = list(pch = super.sym$pch[1:4], col = super.sym$col[1:4]))) ## End(Not run)
The text of Lewis Carroll's 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', with punctuation marks removed.
A character vector with 27269 words.
The project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
data(alice) alice[1:5]
data(alice) alice[1:5]
This function no longer works with recent versions of lme4. For p-values, see the anova() function in the lmerTest package.
aovlmer.fnc(object, ...)
aovlmer.fnc(object, ...)
object |
An lmer or glmer model for a response variable
fitted with |
... |
Other optional arguments. |
A warning message.
R. H. Baayen, D. Bates
See anova in lmerTest.
## Not run: library(optimx) library(lme4) data(latinsquare) l.lmer = lmer(RT~SOA+(1|Word)+(1|Subject), data=latinsquare, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) library(lmerTest) summary(l.lmer) anova(l.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(optimx) library(lme4) data(latinsquare) l.lmer = lmer(RT~SOA+(1|Word)+(1|Subject), data=latinsquare, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) library(lmerTest) summary(l.lmer) anova(l.lmer) ## End(Not run)
For 285 regular and irregular Dutch verbs, the auxiliary for the present and past perfect is listed together with the count of verbal synsets in WordNet. Regular and irregular verbs are matched in the mean for lemma frequency.
A data frame with 285 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor with 285 monomorphemic Dutch verbs.
a factor with as levels the auxiliaries hebben
and zijnheb
(for verbs allowing both auxiliaries).
a numeric vector witth the number of verbal synonym sets in WordNet in which the verb is listed.
a factor with levels irregular
Baayen, R. H. and Moscoso del Prado Martin, F. (2005) Semantic density and past-tense formation in three Germanic languages, Language, 81, 666-698.
data(auxiliaries) kruskal.test(auxiliaries$VerbalSynsets, auxiliaries$Aux)
data(auxiliaries) kruskal.test(auxiliaries$VerbalSynsets, auxiliaries$Aux)
Visual lexical decision latencies for beginning readers (8 year-old Dutch children).
A data frame with 7923 observations on the following 13 variables.
a factor for the words.
a factor for the subjects.
a numeric vector with the log-transformed reaction time (in ms).
a numeric vector coding the rank of the trial in the experimental list.
a numeric vector coding the word's length in letters.
a numeric vector with log-transformed frequency in Vermeer's frequency dictionary of Dutch children's texts.
a numeric vector with the log-transformed morphological family size count (with family members judged to be unknown to young children removed).
a numeric vector with a score for reading proficiency.
a numeric vector for the proportion of error responses for the word.
a numeric vector for the first principal component of a PCA orthogonalization of the preceding 4 reaction times
a numeric vector for the second principal component of a PCA orthogonalization of the preceding 4 reaction times
a numeric vector for the third principal component of a PCA orthogonalization of the preceding 4 reaction times
a numeric vector for the fourth principal component of a PCA orthogonalization of the preceding 4 reaction times
Perdijk, K., Schreuder, R., Verhoeven, L. and Baayen, R. H. (2006) Tracing individual differences in reading skills of young children with linear mixed-effects models. Manuscript, Radboud University Nijmegen.
## Not run: data(beginningReaders) require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) beginningReaders.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + ReadingScore + OrthLength + I(OrthLength^2) + LogFrequency + LogFamilySize + (1|Word) + (1|Subject) + (0+LogFrequency|Subject) + (0+OrthLength|Subject) + (0+PC1|Subject), data = beginningReaders, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(beginningReaders.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(beginningReaders) require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) beginningReaders.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + ReadingScore + OrthLength + I(OrthLength^2) + LogFrequency + LogFamilySize + (1|Word) + (1|Subject) + (0+LogFrequency|Subject) + (0+OrthLength|Subject) + (0+PC1|Subject), data = beginningReaders, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(beginningReaders.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Calculates the condition number with the intercept included, following Belsley, Kuh and Welsch (1980).
collin.fnc(data, colvector)
collin.fnc(data, colvector)
data |
A data frame. |
colvector |
A vector with the column numbers in the data frame for which the collinearity is to be assessed. Only numeric predictors allowed. |
A list with components
svd |
Singular value decomposition |
cindex |
Condition indices |
cnumber |
The condition number |
pi |
The phi matrix |
F. J. Tweedie
Belsley, D. A. and Kuh, E. and Welsch, R. E. (1980) Regression Diagnostics. Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, New York.
## Not run: data(english) collin.fnc(english[english$AgeSubj=="young",], 7:29)$cnumber ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(english) collin.fnc(english[english$AgeSubj=="young",], 7:29)$cnumber ## End(Not run)
Comparisons of lexical richness between two texts are carried out on the basis of the vocabulary size (number of types) and on the basis of the vocabulary growth rate. Variances of the number of types and of the number of hapax legomena required for the tests are estimated with the help of LNRE models.
compare.richness.fnc(text1, text2, digits = 5)
compare.richness.fnc(text1, text2, digits = 5)
text1 |
First text in the comparison. |
text2 |
Second text in the comparison. |
digits |
Number of decimal digits required for the growth rate. |
The comparison for the vocabulary size is carried out with the test statistic
and the comparison of the growth rates with the test statistic
where denotes the sample size in tokens,
the vocabulary size,
the number of hapax legomena.
A summary listing the Chi-Squared measure of goodness of fit for the LNRE models (available in the zipfR package) used to estimate variances, a table listing tokens, types, hapax legomena and the vocabulary growth rate, and two-tailed tests for differences in the vocabulary sizes and growth rates with Z-score and p-value.
It is probably unwise to attempt to apply this function to texts comprising more than 500,000 words.
R. Harald Baayen Radboud University Nijmegen and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [email protected]
Baayen, R. H. (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
## Not run: data(alice, through, oz) compare.richness.fnc(tolower(alice), tolower(through[1:length(alice)])) compare.richness.fnc(tolower(alice), tolower(oz[1:25942])) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice, through, oz) compare.richness.fnc(tolower(alice), tolower(through[1:length(alice)])) compare.richness.fnc(tolower(alice), tolower(oz[1:25942])) ## End(Not run)
A class for correspondence analysis
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("corres", ...)
Correspondence objects can be plotted, summarized, and printed.
:Object of class "list"
No methods defined with class "corres" in the signature.
to be expanded
R. H. Baayen
See Also corres.fnc
Correspondence analysis for a contingency table.
xtab |
A data frame cross-tabulating frequencies. |
A correspondence object with summary and plot methods.
The summary method lists eigenvalue rates and coordinates, correlations
and contributions for Factor 1 and Factor 2. By default, only the
first six rows of the factor tables are shown. Full tables are
obtained by specifying header = FALSE
when calling summary
For information on higher dimensions, set the option n
to the
desired number (e.g., n = 3
) within summary
See plot.corres
for documentation of plot options.
Extension of the code in Murtagh (2005) by R. Harald Baayen
Radboud University Nijmegen & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
F. Murtagh (2005) Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with JAVA and R, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
See corsup.fnc
for adding supplementary data to a
correspondence plot, and plot.corres
for plot options.
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca summary(oldFrench.ca, head = TRUE) plot(oldFrench.ca) # more readable plot data(oldFrenchMeta) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") # create subset of proze texts prose = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo = oldFrenchMeta[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo$Period = as.factor(proseinfo$Year <= 1250) prose.ca = corres.fnc(prose) plot(prose.ca, addcol = FALSE, rcol = as.numeric(proseinfo$Period) + 1, rlabels = proseinfo$Year, rcex = 0.7) # and add supplementary data for texts with unknown date of composition proseSup = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre == "prose" & is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] corsup.fnc(prose.ca, bycol = FALSE, supp = proseSup, font = 2, cex = 0.8, labels = substr(rownames(proseSup), 1, 4)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca summary(oldFrench.ca, head = TRUE) plot(oldFrench.ca) # more readable plot data(oldFrenchMeta) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") # create subset of proze texts prose = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo = oldFrenchMeta[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo$Period = as.factor(proseinfo$Year <= 1250) prose.ca = corres.fnc(prose) plot(prose.ca, addcol = FALSE, rcol = as.numeric(proseinfo$Period) + 1, rlabels = proseinfo$Year, rcex = 0.7) # and add supplementary data for texts with unknown date of composition proseSup = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre == "prose" & is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] corsup.fnc(prose.ca, bycol = FALSE, supp = proseSup, font = 2, cex = 0.8, labels = substr(rownames(proseSup), 1, 4)) ## End(Not run)
Corsup calculates supplementary rows or columns for correspondence analysis.
corsup.fnc(corres, bycol = TRUE, supp, plot = TRUE, font = 3, labels = "", cex = 1)
corsup.fnc(corres, bycol = TRUE, supp, plot = TRUE, font = 3, labels = "", cex = 1)
corres |
A correspondence object. |
bycol |
A logical value indicating whether supplementary columns (the default) or supplementary rows are required. |
supp |
Supplementary rows or columns from a data frame with the
same structure as the data frame used for the |
plot |
A logical value indicating whether supplementary rows or columns should be added to an already existing plot. |
font |
An integer specifying the font to be used for plotting. |
labels |
A character vector with row or column names to be used for plotting. |
cex |
A real specifying the font size required for plotting. |
If plot = FALSE
, a matrix with the supplementary coordinates.
Otherwise, supplementary rows or columns are added to an already
existing plot of a correspondence object.
Extension of the code in Murtagh (2005) by R. Harald Baayen
Radboud University Nijmegen & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
F. Murtagh (2005) Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with JAVA and R, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) prose = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo = oldFrenchMeta[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo$Period = as.factor(proseinfo$Year <= 1250) prose.ca = corres.fnc(prose) plot(prose.ca, addcol = FALSE, rcol = as.numeric(proseinfo$Period) + 1, rlabels = proseinfo$Year, rcex = 0.7) proseSup = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre == "prose" & is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] corsup.fnc(prose.ca, bycol = FALSE, supp = proseSup, font = 2, cex = 0.8, labels = substr(rownames(proseSup), 1, 4)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) prose = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo = oldFrenchMeta[oldFrenchMeta$Genre=="prose" & !is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] proseinfo$Period = as.factor(proseinfo$Year <= 1250) prose.ca = corres.fnc(prose) plot(prose.ca, addcol = FALSE, rcol = as.numeric(proseinfo$Period) + 1, rlabels = proseinfo$Year, rcex = 0.7) proseSup = oldFrench[oldFrenchMeta$Genre == "prose" & is.na(oldFrenchMeta$Year),] corsup.fnc(prose.ca, bycol = FALSE, supp = proseSup, font = 2, cex = 0.8, labels = substr(rownames(proseSup), 1, 4)) ## End(Not run)
Auditory lexical decision latencies for Danish complex words.
A data frame with 3326 observations on the following 16 variables.
a random-effect factor coding participants in the experiment.
a random-effect factor coding the words for which auditory lexical decision responses were elicited.
a random-effect factor coding the affixes in the words.
the dependent variable, log response latency.
first principal component orthogonalizing the four response latencies preceding the current trial in the experiment.
second principal component orthogonalizing the four response latencies preceding the current trial in the experiment.
factor with levels CORRECT
coding whether the preceding trial elicited a correct lexical decision.
the trial number in the experiment.
factor coding the sex of the participant,
with levels F
(female) and M
log-transformed word frequency.
log-transformed affix frequency.
residualized morphological family size (taking out LogWordFreq
and LogAffixFreq
residualized semantic rating (taking out morphological family size).
log-transformed complex uniqueness point (CUP).
log-transformed uniqueness point (UP).
log of the distance (in msec) from the CUP to the end of the word.
L. Balling and R. H. Baayen (2008). Morphological effects in auditory word recognition: Evidence from Danish. Submitted to Language and Cognitive Processes.
## Not run: data(danish) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) # ---- mixed-effects regression with three random intercepts danish.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish.lmerA = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), subset=abs(scale(resid(danish.lmer)))<2.5) summary(danish.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(danish) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) # ---- mixed-effects regression with three random intercepts danish.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish.lmerA = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), subset=abs(scale(resid(danish.lmer)))<2.5) summary(danish.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
Data describing the realization of the dative as NP or PP in the Switchboard corpus and the Treebank Wall Street Journal collection.
A data frame with 3263 observations on the following 15 variables.
a factor coding speaker; available only for the subset of spoken English.
a factor with levels spoken
, written
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a factor with levels
(abstract: 'give it some thought'),
(communication: 'tell, give me your name'),
(future transfer of possession: 'owe, promise'),
(prevention of possession: 'cost, deny'), and
(transfer of possession: 'give an armband, send').
a numeric vector coding the number of words comprising the recipient.
a factor with levels animate
for the animacy of the recipient.
a factor with levels definite
coding the definiteness of the recipient.
a factor with levels nonpronominal
coding the pronominality of the recipient.
a numeric vector coding the number of words comprising the theme.
a factor with levels animate
coding the animacy of the theme.
a factor with levels definite
coding the definiteness of the theme.
a factor with levels nonpronominal
coding the pronominality of the theme.
a factor with levels NP
coding the realization of the dative.
a factor with levels accessible
, and new
coding the accessibility of the recipient.
a factor with levels accessible
, and new
coding the accessibility of the theme.
Bresnan, J., Cueni, A., Nikitina, T. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Predicting the dative alternation, in Bouma, G. and Kraemer, I. and Zwarts, J. (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 33 pages, in press.
## Not run: data(dative) # analysis with CART tree library(rpart) # ---- initial tree dative.rp = rpart(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data = dative[ ,-c(1, 3)]) # exclude the columns with subjects, verbs plot(dative.rp, compress = TRUE, branch = 1, margin = 0.1) text(dative.rp, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0) # ---- pruning the initial tree plotcp(dative.rp) dative.rp1 = prune(dative.rp, cp = 0.041) plot(dative.rp1, compress = TRUE, branch = 1, margin = 0.1) text(dative.rp1, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0) # analysis with logistic regression # ---- logistic regression with the rms package library(rms) dative.dd = datadist(dative) options(datadist = 'dative.dd') dative.lrm = lrm(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme+ SemanticClass + Modality, data = dative) anova(dative.lrm) plot(Predict(dative.lrm)) # ---- mixed-effects logistic regression with the lme4 package require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) dative.lmer = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = dative, family = "binomial") summary(dative.lmer) # multiple comparisons for Accessibility of Theme require(multcomp) par(mar=c(5,8,3,1)) AcOfTheme.glht <- glht(dative.lmer, linfct = mcp(AccessOfTheme = "Tukey")) plot(AcOfTheme.glht) abline(v=0) summary(AcOfTheme.glht) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dative) # analysis with CART tree library(rpart) # ---- initial tree dative.rp = rpart(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data = dative[ ,-c(1, 3)]) # exclude the columns with subjects, verbs plot(dative.rp, compress = TRUE, branch = 1, margin = 0.1) text(dative.rp, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0) # ---- pruning the initial tree plotcp(dative.rp) dative.rp1 = prune(dative.rp, cp = 0.041) plot(dative.rp1, compress = TRUE, branch = 1, margin = 0.1) text(dative.rp1, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0) # analysis with logistic regression # ---- logistic regression with the rms package library(rms) dative.dd = datadist(dative) options(datadist = 'dative.dd') dative.lrm = lrm(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme+ SemanticClass + Modality, data = dative) anova(dative.lrm) plot(Predict(dative.lrm)) # ---- mixed-effects logistic regression with the lme4 package require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) dative.lmer = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = dative, family = "binomial") summary(dative.lmer) # multiple comparisons for Accessibility of Theme require(multcomp) par(mar=c(5,8,3,1)) AcOfTheme.glht <- glht(dative.lmer, linfct = mcp(AccessOfTheme = "Tukey")) plot(AcOfTheme.glht) abline(v=0) summary(AcOfTheme.glht) ## End(Not run)
Data describing the realization of the dative as NP or PP in the Switchboard corpus and the Treebank Wall Street Journal collection. Simplified version of the dative data set.
A data frame with 903 observations on the following 5 variables.
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a factor with levels animate
for the animacy of the recipient.
a numeric vector coding the number of words comprising the theme.
a factor with levels animate
coding the animacy of the theme.
a factor with levels NP
coding the realization of the dative.
Bresnan, J., Cueni, A., Nikitina, T. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Predicting the dative alternation, in Bouma, G. and Kraemer, I. and Zwarts, J. (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 33 pages, in press.
## Not run: data(dative) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dative) ## End(Not run)
Extract degree of polynomial or knots for restricted cubic spline from the predictor name
name |
name of predictor, e.g. |
attempts to find degrees or knots if present in input name
Returns an integer for degrees or knots
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ge- in the Spoken Dutch Corpus.
A data frame with 428 observations on the following 8 variables.
a factor with the words as levels.
a numeric vector with the word's absolute frequency in the Spoken Dutch Corpus.
a factor with the speakers as levels.
a factor with levels female
and male
this information is missing for one speaker.
a numeric vector with years of birth.
a numeric vector with the duration of the prefix -ont in seconds.
a numeric vector coding speech rate in number of syllables per second.
a numeric vector for the number of segments in the onset of the stem.
Pluymaekers, M., Ernestus, M. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) Frequency and acoustic length: the case of derivational affixes in Dutch, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118, 2561-2569.
## Not run: data(durationsGe) durationsGe$Frequency = log(durationsGe$Frequency + 1) durationsGe$YearOfBirth = durationsGe$YearOfBirth - 1900 durationsGe.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ Frequency+SpeechRate, data = durationsGe) summary(durationsGe.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(durationsGe.lm) outliers = c(271, 392, 256, 413, 118, 256) durationsGe.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ Frequency + SpeechRate, data = durationsGe[-outliers, ]) summary(durationsGe.lm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(durationsGe) durationsGe$Frequency = log(durationsGe$Frequency + 1) durationsGe$YearOfBirth = durationsGe$YearOfBirth - 1900 durationsGe.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ Frequency+SpeechRate, data = durationsGe) summary(durationsGe.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(durationsGe.lm) outliers = c(271, 392, 256, 413, 118, 256) durationsGe.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ Frequency + SpeechRate, data = durationsGe[-outliers, ]) summary(durationsGe.lm) ## End(Not run)
Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ont- in the Spoken Dutch Corpus.
A data frame with 102 observations on the following 11 variables.
a factor with the words as levels.
a numeric vector with the word's logarithmically transformed frequency in the Spoken Dutch Corpus.
a factor with speakers as levels.
a factor with levels female
and male
a numeric vector coding year of birth of the speaker - 1900.
a numeric vector for the duration of ont- in seconds
a numeric vector for the duration of the vowel in the prefix in seconds.
a numeric vector for the duration of the nasal in the prefix in seconds.
a numeric vector for the duration of the plosive in the prefix in seconds.
a numeric vector for the number of segments in the onset of the stem.
a factor with levels no
and yes
for whether the plosive is realized in the signal.
a numeric vector coding speech rate in number of syllables per second.
Pluymaekers, M., Ernestus, M. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) Frequency and acoustic length: the case of derivational affixes in Dutch, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118, 2561-2569.
data(durationsOnt) ###### modeling the duration of the prefix prefix.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ (YearOfBirth + SpeechRate) * Frequency, data = durationsOnt) summary(prefix.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(prefix.lm) outliers = c(36, 35, 17, 72) prefix.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ (YearOfBirth + SpeechRate) * Frequency, data = durationsOnt[-outliers,]) summary(prefix.lm) ###### modeling the presence of the /t/ library(rms) durationsOnt.dd = datadist(durationsOnt) options(datadist = 'durationsOnt.dd') plosive.lrm = lrm(PlosivePresent ~ SpeechRate + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) plosive.lrm validate(plosive.lrm, bw = TRUE, B = 200) ###### modeling the duration of the /n/ nasal.lm = lm(DurationPrefixNasal ~ PlosivePresent + Frequency + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt) summary(nasal.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(nasal.lm) outliers = c(71, 28, 62, 33) nasal.lm = lm(DurationPrefixNasal ~ PlosivePresent + Frequency + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt[-outliers,]) summary(nasal.lm)
data(durationsOnt) ###### modeling the duration of the prefix prefix.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ (YearOfBirth + SpeechRate) * Frequency, data = durationsOnt) summary(prefix.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(prefix.lm) outliers = c(36, 35, 17, 72) prefix.lm = lm(DurationOfPrefix ~ (YearOfBirth + SpeechRate) * Frequency, data = durationsOnt[-outliers,]) summary(prefix.lm) ###### modeling the presence of the /t/ library(rms) durationsOnt.dd = datadist(durationsOnt) options(datadist = 'durationsOnt.dd') plosive.lrm = lrm(PlosivePresent ~ SpeechRate + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) plosive.lrm validate(plosive.lrm, bw = TRUE, B = 200) ###### modeling the duration of the /n/ nasal.lm = lm(DurationPrefixNasal ~ PlosivePresent + Frequency + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt) summary(nasal.lm) # ---- model criticism plot(nasal.lm) outliers = c(71, 28, 62, 33) nasal.lm = lm(DurationPrefixNasal ~ PlosivePresent + Frequency + YearOfBirth, data = durationsOnt[-outliers,]) summary(nasal.lm)
A distance matrix for the conversations of 165 speakers in the
Spoken Dutch Corpus. Metadata on the speakers are available in
a separate dataset, dutchSpeakersDistMeta
A data frame for a 165 by 165 matrix of between-speaker differences.
http://lands.let.kun.nl/cgn/ data collected and analyzed in collaboration with Patrick Juola
Juola, P. (2003) The time course of language change, Computers and the Humanities, 37, 77-96.
Juola, P. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) A Controlled-corpus Experiment in Authorship Identification by Cross-entropy, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 20, 59-67.
## Not run: data(dutchSpeakersDist) dutchSpeakersDist.d = as.dist(dutchSpeakersDist) dutchSpeakersDist.mds = cmdscale(dutchSpeakersDist.d, k = 3) data(dutchSpeakersDistMeta) dat = data.frame(dutchSpeakersDist.mds, Sex = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$Sex, Year = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$AgeYear, EduLevel = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$EduLevel) dat = dat[!is.na(dat$Year),] par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(dat$Year, dat$X1, xlab="year of birth", ylab = "dimension 1", type = "p") lines(lowess(dat$Year, dat$X1)) boxplot(dat$X3 ~ dat$Sex, ylab = "dimension 3") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) cor.test(dat$X1, dat$Year, method="sp") t.test(dat$X3~dat$Sex) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dutchSpeakersDist) dutchSpeakersDist.d = as.dist(dutchSpeakersDist) dutchSpeakersDist.mds = cmdscale(dutchSpeakersDist.d, k = 3) data(dutchSpeakersDistMeta) dat = data.frame(dutchSpeakersDist.mds, Sex = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$Sex, Year = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$AgeYear, EduLevel = dutchSpeakersDistMeta$EduLevel) dat = dat[!is.na(dat$Year),] par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(dat$Year, dat$X1, xlab="year of birth", ylab = "dimension 1", type = "p") lines(lowess(dat$Year, dat$X1)) boxplot(dat$X3 ~ dat$Sex, ylab = "dimension 3") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) cor.test(dat$X1, dat$Year, method="sp") t.test(dat$X3~dat$Sex) ## End(Not run)
Meta-data for the cross-entropy based between-speaker
distance matrix dutchSpeakersDist
A data frame with 165 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with speakers as levels.
a factor with levels female
and male
a numeric vector with the speakers' year of birth.
a factor with levels age18to24
, age35to44
, age45to55
, and
a factor with levels femaleOnly
, maleOnly
, and unknown
a factor with levels EduUnknown
, high
Juola, P. (2003) The time course of language change, Computers and the Humanities, 37, 77-96.
Juola, P. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) A Controlled-corpus Experiment in Authorship Identification by Cross-entropy, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 20, 59-67.
## Not run: data(dutchSpeakersDistMeta) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dutchSpeakersDistMeta) ## End(Not run)
This data set gives mean visual lexical decision latencies and word naming latencies to 2284 monomorphemic English nouns and verbs, averaged for old and young subjects, with various predictor variables.
A data frame with 4568 observations on the following variables.
numeric vector of log RT in visual lexical decision.
numeric vector of log RT in word naming.
numeric vector of subjective familiarity ratings.
a factor with 2284 words.
a factor with as levels the age group of the subject:
versus old
a factor with as levels the word categories
(noun) and V
numeric vector with log frequency in the CELEX lexical database.
numeric vector with the logged ratio of written frequency (CELEX) to spoken frequency (British National Corpus).
numeric vector with log morphological family size.
numeric vector with derivational entropy.
numeric vector with inflectional entropy.
numeric vector with the log-transformed count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed.
numeric vector with the log-transformed count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed as part of a compound.
numeric vector with length of the word in letters.
numeric vector with orthographic neighborhood density, defined as the number of lemmas in CELEX with the same length (in letters) at Hamming distance 1.
numeric vector with mean log bigram frequency.
numeric vector with log frequency of initial diphone.
numeric vector with type count of orthographic neighbors.
numeric vector with token count of orthographic neighbors.
numeric vector with type count of phonological neighbors.
numeric vector with token count of phonological neighbors.
numeric vector with type counts of consistent words.
numeric vector with token counts of consistent words.
numeric vector with type count of forward inconsistent words
numeric vector with token count of forward inconsistent words
numeric vector with type count of backward inconsistent words
numeric vector with token count of backward inconsistent words
numeric vector with the frequency of the word used as noun.
numeric vector with the frequency of the word used as verb.
factor specifying whether the initial phoneme of
the word is a consonant (C
) or a vowel (V
factor specifying whether the initial phoneme
of the word is a continuant (cont
) or an obstruent (obst
factor specifying whether the initial phoneme
has a burst (burst
) or frication (frication
) for
consonant-initial words, and for vowel-initial words whether the vowel is
or short
factor indicating whether the initial phoneme is voiced
or voiceless
numeric vector with the log-transformed frequency of the initial diphone given that it is syllable-initial.
numeric vector with the log-transformed frequency of the initial diphone given that it is word initial.
numeric vector with the proportion of subjects that accepted the item as a word in lexical decision.
Balota, D.A., Cortese, M.J. and Pilotti, M. (1999) Visual lexical decision latencies for 2906 words. Available at http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~dbalota/lexical_decision.html.
Spieler, D. H. and Balota, D. A. (1998) Naming latencies for 2820 words, available at http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~dbalota/naming.html.
Balota, D., Cortese, M., Sergent-Marshall, S., Spieler, D. and Yap, M. (2004) Visual word recognition for single-syllable words, Journal of Experimental Psychology:General, 133, 283-316.
Baayen, R.H., Feldman, L. and Schreuder, R. (2006) Morphological influences on the recognition of monosyllabic monomorphemic words, Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 496-512.
## Not run: data(english) # ---- orthogonalize orthographic consistency measures items = english[english$AgeSubject == "young",] items.pca = prcomp(items[ , c(18:27)], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) x = as.data.frame(items.pca$rotation[,1:4]) items$PC1 = items.pca$x[,1] items$PC2 = items.pca$x[,2] items$PC3 = items.pca$x[,3] items$PC4 = items.pca$x[,4] items2 = english[english$AgeSubject != "young", ] items2$PC1 = items.pca$x[,1] items2$PC2 = items.pca$x[,2] items2$PC3 = items.pca$x[,3] items2$PC4 = items.pca$x[,4] english = rbind(items, items2) # ---- add Noun-Verb frequency ratio english$NVratio = log(english$NounFrequency+1)-log(english$VerbFrequency+1) # ---- build model with ols() from rms library(rms) english.dd = datadist(english) options(datadist = 'english.dd') english.ols = ols(RTlexdec ~ Voice + PC1 + MeanBigramFrequency + rcs(WrittenFrequency, 5) + rcs(WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio, 3) + NVratio + WordCategory + AgeSubject + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + InflectionalEntropy + NumberComplexSynsets + rcs(WrittenFrequency, 5) : AgeSubject, data = english, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) # ---- plot partial effects plot(Predict(english.ols)) # ---- validate the model validate(english.ols, bw = TRUE, B = 200) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(english) # ---- orthogonalize orthographic consistency measures items = english[english$AgeSubject == "young",] items.pca = prcomp(items[ , c(18:27)], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) x = as.data.frame(items.pca$rotation[,1:4]) items$PC1 = items.pca$x[,1] items$PC2 = items.pca$x[,2] items$PC3 = items.pca$x[,3] items$PC4 = items.pca$x[,4] items2 = english[english$AgeSubject != "young", ] items2$PC1 = items.pca$x[,1] items2$PC2 = items.pca$x[,2] items2$PC3 = items.pca$x[,3] items2$PC4 = items.pca$x[,4] english = rbind(items, items2) # ---- add Noun-Verb frequency ratio english$NVratio = log(english$NounFrequency+1)-log(english$VerbFrequency+1) # ---- build model with ols() from rms library(rms) english.dd = datadist(english) options(datadist = 'english.dd') english.ols = ols(RTlexdec ~ Voice + PC1 + MeanBigramFrequency + rcs(WrittenFrequency, 5) + rcs(WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio, 3) + NVratio + WordCategory + AgeSubject + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + InflectionalEntropy + NumberComplexSynsets + rcs(WrittenFrequency, 5) : AgeSubject, data = english, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) # ---- plot partial effects plot(Predict(english.ols)) # ---- validate the model validate(english.ols, bw = TRUE, B = 200) ## End(Not run)
Estimated etymological age for regular and irregular monomorphemic Dutch verbs, together with other distributional predictors of regularity.
A data frame with 285 observations on the following 14 variables.
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a numeric vector of logarithmically transformed frequencies in written Dutch (as available in the CELEX lexical database).
a numeric vector for the number of orthographic neighbors.
a numeric vector for mean log bigram frequency.
a numeric vector for Shannon's entropy calculated for the word's inflectional variants.
a factor with levels hebben
, zijn
and zijnheb
for the verb's auxiliary in the perfect tenses.
a factor with levels irregular
and regular
a numeric vector of the word's orthographic length.
a factor with levels Den
and N
whether a verb is derived from a noun according to the CELEX lexical database.
a numeric vector for the number of types in the word's morphological family.
an ordered factor with levels Dutch
, DutchGerman
, WestGermanic
, Germanic
and IndoEuropean
a numeric vector for the verb's valency, estimated by its number of argument structures.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed ratio of the nominal and verbal frequencies of use.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed ratio of the frequencies in written and spoken Dutch.
Baayen, R. H. and Moscoso del Prado Martin, F. (2005) Semantic density and past-tense formation in three Germanic languages, Language, 81, 666-698.
Tabak, W., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) Lexical statistics and lexical processing: semantic density, information complexity, sex, and irregularity in Dutch, in Kepser, S. and Reis, M., Linguistic Evidence - Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 529-555.
## Not run: data(etymology) # ---- EtymAge should be an ordered factor, set contrasts accordingly etymology$EtymAge = ordered(etymology$EtymAge, levels = c("Dutch", "DutchGerman", "WestGermanic", "Germanic", "IndoEuropean")) options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment","contr.treatment")) library(rms) etymology.dd = datadist(etymology) options(datadist = 'etymology.dd') # ---- EtymAge as additional predictor for regularity etymology.lrm = lrm(Regularity ~ WrittenFrequency + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio + EtymAge, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) anova(etymology.lrm) # ---- EtymAge as dependent variable etymology.lrm = lrm(EtymAge ~ WrittenFrequency + NcountStem + MeanBigramFrequency + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Regularity + LengthInLetters + Denominative + FamilySize + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) # ---- model simplification etymology.lrm = lrm(EtymAge ~ NcountStem + Regularity + Denominative, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) validate(etymology.lrm, bw=TRUE, B=200) # ---- plot partial effects and check assumptions ordinal regression plot(Predict(etymology.lrm)) plot(etymology.lrm) resid(etymology.lrm, 'score.binary', pl = TRUE) plot.xmean.ordinaly(EtymAge ~ NcountStem, data = etymology) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(etymology) # ---- EtymAge should be an ordered factor, set contrasts accordingly etymology$EtymAge = ordered(etymology$EtymAge, levels = c("Dutch", "DutchGerman", "WestGermanic", "Germanic", "IndoEuropean")) options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment","contr.treatment")) library(rms) etymology.dd = datadist(etymology) options(datadist = 'etymology.dd') # ---- EtymAge as additional predictor for regularity etymology.lrm = lrm(Regularity ~ WrittenFrequency + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio + EtymAge, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) anova(etymology.lrm) # ---- EtymAge as dependent variable etymology.lrm = lrm(EtymAge ~ WrittenFrequency + NcountStem + MeanBigramFrequency + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Regularity + LengthInLetters + Denominative + FamilySize + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) # ---- model simplification etymology.lrm = lrm(EtymAge ~ NcountStem + Regularity + Denominative, data = etymology, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) validate(etymology.lrm, bw=TRUE, B=200) # ---- plot partial effects and check assumptions ordinal regression plot(Predict(etymology.lrm)) plot(etymology.lrm) resid(etymology.lrm, 'score.binary', pl = TRUE) plot.xmean.ordinaly(EtymAge ~ NcountStem, data = etymology) ## End(Not run)
Frequencies of references to previous years in issues of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeiting published in 1994.
A data frame with 800 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector coding years referenced in articles published in 1994.
a numeric vector for the frequencies with which years are referenced.
Pollman, T. and Baayen, R. H. (2001) Computing historical consciousness. A quantitative inquiry into the presence of the past in newspaper texts, Computers and the Humanities, 35, 237-253.
## Not run: data(faz) faz$Distance = 1:nrow(faz) # ---- visualization plot(log(faz$Distance), log(faz$Frequency + 1), xlab = "log Distance", ylab = "log Frequency") abline(v = log(49), lty=1, col="red") # 1945 abline(v = log(54), lty=1, col="red") # 1940 abline(v = log(76), lty=2, col="blue") # 1918 abline(v = log(80), lty=2, col="blue") # 1914 # ---- breakpoint analysis deviances = rep(0, nrow(faz)-1) faz$LogFrequency = log(faz$Frequency + 1) faz$LogDistance = log(faz$Distance) for (pos in 1 : (nrow(faz)-1)) { # be patient breakpoint = log(pos) faz$ShiftedLogDistance = faz$LogDistance - breakpoint faz$PastBreakPoint = as.factor(faz$ShiftedLogDistance > 0) faz.both = lm(LogFrequency~ShiftedLogDistance:PastBreakPoint, data = faz) deviances[pos] = deviance(faz.both) } breakpoint = log(which(deviances == min(deviances))) # ---- refit and plot faz$ShiftedLogDistance = faz$LogDistance - breakpoint faz$PastBreakPoint = as.factor(faz$ShiftedLogDistance > 0) faz.both = lm(LogFrequency ~ ShiftedLogDistance:PastBreakPoint, data = faz) plot(faz$LogDistance, faz$LogFrequency, xlab = "log Distance", ylab = "log Frequency", col = "darkgrey") lines(faz$LogDistance, fitted(faz.both)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(faz) faz$Distance = 1:nrow(faz) # ---- visualization plot(log(faz$Distance), log(faz$Frequency + 1), xlab = "log Distance", ylab = "log Frequency") abline(v = log(49), lty=1, col="red") # 1945 abline(v = log(54), lty=1, col="red") # 1940 abline(v = log(76), lty=2, col="blue") # 1918 abline(v = log(80), lty=2, col="blue") # 1914 # ---- breakpoint analysis deviances = rep(0, nrow(faz)-1) faz$LogFrequency = log(faz$Frequency + 1) faz$LogDistance = log(faz$Distance) for (pos in 1 : (nrow(faz)-1)) { # be patient breakpoint = log(pos) faz$ShiftedLogDistance = faz$LogDistance - breakpoint faz$PastBreakPoint = as.factor(faz$ShiftedLogDistance > 0) faz.both = lm(LogFrequency~ShiftedLogDistance:PastBreakPoint, data = faz) deviances[pos] = deviance(faz.both) } breakpoint = log(which(deviances == min(deviances))) # ---- refit and plot faz$ShiftedLogDistance = faz$LogDistance - breakpoint faz$PastBreakPoint = as.factor(faz$ShiftedLogDistance > 0) faz.both = lm(LogFrequency ~ ShiftedLogDistance:PastBreakPoint, data = faz) plot(faz$LogDistance, faz$LogFrequency, xlab = "log Distance", ylab = "log Frequency", col = "darkgrey") lines(faz$LogDistance, fitted(faz.both)) ## End(Not run)
Phonological specifications for onset, nucleus and offset for 1697 Dutch monomorphemic words with a final obstruent. These final obstruents may exhibit a voicing alternation that is traditionally described as syllable-final devoicing: underlying /d/ in /hond/ becomes a /t/ when syllable-final ([hOnt]) and remains a /d/ otherwise ([hOn-den]).
A data frame with 1697 observations on the following 9 variables.
a factor with the words as levels.
a factor for the first consonant in the onset, with levels None
and Sonorant
a factor for the second consonant in the onset, with levels None
and Sonorant
a factor describing the vowel with levels iuy
, long
a factor for the first consonant in the offset, with levels None
and Sonorant
a factor describing place and manner of articulation of the final obstruent,
with levels F
(/f,v/), P
(/p,b/), S
(/s,z/), T
(/t,d/) and
a numeric vector for the number of syllables in the word.
a factor with levels A
(antepenult), F
(final) and
a factor with levels voiced
and voiceless
Ernestus, M. and Baayen, R. H. (2003) Predicting the unpredictable: Interpreting neutralized segments in Dutch, Language, 79, 5-38.
## Not run: data(finalDevoicing) library(rpart) # ---- CART tree finalDevoicing.rp = rpart(Voice ~ ., data = finalDevoicing[ , -1]) plotcp(finalDevoicing.rp) finalDevoicing.pruned = prune(finalDevoicing.rp, cp = 0.021) plot(finalDevoicing.pruned, margin = 0.1, compress = TRUE) text(finalDevoicing.pruned, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0, cex=0.8) # ---- logistic regression library(rms) finalDevoicing.dd = datadist(finalDevoicing) options(datadist='finalDevoicing.dd') finalDevoicing.lrm = lrm(Voice ~ VowelType + ConsonantType + Obstruent + Nsyll + Stress + Onset1Type + Onset2Type, data = finalDevoicing) anova(finalDevoicing.lrm) # ---- model simplification fastbw(finalDevoicing.lrm) finalDevoicing.lrm = lrm(Voice ~ VowelType + ConsonantType + Obstruent + Nsyll, data = finalDevoicing, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) plot(Predict(finalDevoicing.lrm)) # ---- model validation validate(finalDevoicing.lrm, B = 200) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(finalDevoicing) library(rpart) # ---- CART tree finalDevoicing.rp = rpart(Voice ~ ., data = finalDevoicing[ , -1]) plotcp(finalDevoicing.rp) finalDevoicing.pruned = prune(finalDevoicing.rp, cp = 0.021) plot(finalDevoicing.pruned, margin = 0.1, compress = TRUE) text(finalDevoicing.pruned, use.n = TRUE, pretty = 0, cex=0.8) # ---- logistic regression library(rms) finalDevoicing.dd = datadist(finalDevoicing) options(datadist='finalDevoicing.dd') finalDevoicing.lrm = lrm(Voice ~ VowelType + ConsonantType + Obstruent + Nsyll + Stress + Onset1Type + Onset2Type, data = finalDevoicing) anova(finalDevoicing.lrm) # ---- model simplification fastbw(finalDevoicing.lrm) finalDevoicing.lrm = lrm(Voice ~ VowelType + ConsonantType + Obstruent + Nsyll, data = finalDevoicing, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) plot(Predict(finalDevoicing.lrm)) # ---- model validation validate(finalDevoicing.lrm, B = 200) ## End(Not run)
Extracts knots for predictor specified simply as, e.g., X
from column names of model@X or model@frame
getKnots.fnc(colnms, xlb)
getKnots.fnc(colnms, xlb)
colnms |
columns of |
xlb |
simple predictor name |
not intended for independent use
an integer (number of knots)
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
calculate HPD 95% prediction intervals
getMCMCintervals.fnc(fixf, mcmcMatrix, m)
getMCMCintervals.fnc(fixf, mcmcMatrix, m)
fixf |
vector of fixed effects coefficients ( |
mcmcMatrix |
MCMC matrix obtained with |
m |
model matrix |
not intended for independent use
A matrix with columns '"lower"' and '"upper"' and rows corresponding to the values of the predictor to be plotted on the X-axis.
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
determines the position (in the X and Y vectors) for the adding of text to an interaction plot
getPos.fnc(vec, pos)
getPos.fnc(vec, pos)
vec |
vector of Y values |
pos |
can be '"beg"', '"mid"', '"end"' |
not intended for independent use
an integer specifying position in vector for X and Y values in plot
not indended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
Extracts range of predicted values from list of data frames
lst |
a list with one or more data frames with column names
not intended for independent use.
value |
a two-element vector specifying the range of values in |
not intended for separate use.
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use ## End(Not run)
## Not run: not intended for independent use ## End(Not run)
extract X
from expressions such as poly(X, 3, raw = TRUE
xlabel |
character string for predictor name |
not intended for independent use
a character string (simple name of predictor)
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
A class for the analysis of word frequency distributions
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("growth", ...)
Growth objects can be plotted, summarized, and printed.
:Object of class "list"
No methods defined with class "growth" in the signature.
to be expanded
R. H. Baayen
R. H. Baayen, 2007
See Also growth.fnc
This function calculates, for an increasing sequence of text sizes, the observed number of types, hapax legomena, dis legomena, tris legomena, and selected measures of lexical richness.
growth.fnc(text = languageR::alice, size = 646, nchunks = 40, chunks = 0)
growth.fnc(text = languageR::alice, size = 646, nchunks = 40, chunks = 0)
text |
A vector of strings representing a text. |
size |
An integer giving the size of a text chunk when the text is to be split into a series of equally-sized text chunks. |
nchunks |
An integer denoting the number of desired equally-sized text chunks. |
chunks |
An integer vector denoting the token sizes for which growth
measures are required. When chunks is specified, |
A growth object with methods for plotting, printing. As running this function on large texts may take some time, a period is printed on the output device for each completed chunk to indicate progress.
The data frame with the actual measures, which can be extracted with
, has the following columns.
Chunk |
a numeric vector with chunk numbers. |
Tokens |
a numeric vector with the number of tokens up to and including the current chunk. |
Types |
a numeric vector with the number of types up to and including the current chunk. |
HapaxLegomena |
a numeric vector with the corresponding count of hapax legomena. |
DisLegomena |
a numeric vector with the corresponding count of dis legomena. |
TrisLegomena |
a numeric vector with the corresponding count of tris legomena. |
Yule |
a numeric vector with Yule's |
Zipf |
a numeric vector with the slope of Zipf's rank-frequency curve in the double-logarithmic plane. |
TypeTokenRatio |
a numeric vector with the ratio of types to tokens. |
Herdan |
a numeric vector with Herdan's |
Guiraud |
a numeric vector with Guiraud's |
Sichel |
a numeric vector with Sichel's |
Lognormal |
a numeric vector with mean log frequency. |
R. H. Baayen
R. H. Baayen (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tweedie, F. J. & Baayen, R. H. (1998) How variable may a constant be? Measures of lexical richness in perspective, Computers and the Humanities, 32, 323-352.
See Also plot.growth
, and the zipfR package.
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) plot(alice.growth) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) plot(alice.growth) ## End(Not run)
This function converts a growth object (as defined in the languageR package) to a vgc object (as defined in the zipfR package).
growth |
A growth object obtained with growth.fnc(). |
A vcg object as defined in the zipfR library.
R. H. Baayen
R. H. Baayen (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
zipfR Website: <URL: http://purl.org/stefan.evert/zipfR/>
See also growth.fnc
and the zipfR package.
## Not run: library(zipfR) data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(text = alice, size = 648, nchunks = 40) alice.vgc = growth2vgc.fnc(alice.growth) plot(alice.vgc) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(zipfR) data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(text = alice, size = 648, nchunks = 40) alice.vgc = growth2vgc.fnc(alice.growth) plot(alice.vgc) ## End(Not run)
The frequency of the determiner 'het' in the Dutch novel 'Max Havelaar' by Multatuli (Eduard Douwes Dekker), in 99 consecutive text fragments of 1000 tokens each.
A data frame with 99 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector with the indices of the text fragments.
a numeric vector with the frequencies of the determiner 'het' in the text fragments.
The text of Max Havelaar was obtained from the Project Gutenberg at at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
## Not run: data(havelaar) n = 1000 # token size of text fragments p = mean(havelaar$Frequency / n) # relative frequencies plot(qbinom(ppoints(99), n, p), sort(havelaar$Frequency), xlab = paste("quantiles of (", n, ",", round(p, 4), ")-binomial", sep=""), ylab = "frequencies") lambda = mean(havelaar$Frequency) ks.test(havelaar$Frequency, "ppois", lambda) ks.test(jitter(havelaar$Frequency), "ppois", lambda) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(havelaar) n = 1000 # token size of text fragments p = mean(havelaar$Frequency / n) # relative frequencies plot(qbinom(ppoints(99), n, p), sort(havelaar$Frequency), xlab = paste("quantiles of (", n, ",", round(p, 4), ")-binomial", sep=""), ylab = "frequencies") lambda = mean(havelaar$Frequency) ks.test(havelaar$Frequency, "ppois", lambda) ks.test(jitter(havelaar$Frequency), "ppois", lambda) ## End(Not run)
A simplified version of the primingHeid
A data frame with 832 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector with logarithmically transformed reaction times in visual lexical decision.
a numeric vector with the logarithmically transformed frequency of the base adjective of the word with the suffix -heid.
De Vaan, L., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Regular morphologically complex neologisms leave detectable traces in the mental lexicon, The Mental Lexicon, 2, in press.
## Not run: data(heid) heid = aggregate(heid$RT, list(heid$Word, heid$BaseFrequency), mean) colnames(heid) = c("Word", "BaseFrequency", "MeanRT") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(heid) heid = aggregate(heid$RT, list(heid$Word, heid$BaseFrequency), mean) colnames(heid) = c("Word", "BaseFrequency", "MeanRT") ## End(Not run)
This function calculates Herdan's constant C
herdan.fnc(text, chunks)
herdan.fnc(text, chunks)
text |
A vector of strings representing a text. |
chunks |
A vector of chunk sizes for which Herdan's C is required. Duplicate chunk sizes are not allowed, and the number of chunks should be at least 2. |
A list with components
growth |
A data frame with token and type counts for the requested chunk sizes. |
C |
Herdan's C. |
R. H. Baayen
Herdan, G. (1960) Type-Token Mathematics, The Hague: Mouton.
Herdan, G. (1964) Quantitative Linguistics, London: Buttersworths.
See Also growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) herdan.fnc(alice, cumsum(rep(floor(length(alice)/40), 40))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) herdan.fnc(alice, cumsum(rep(floor(length(alice)/40), 40))) ## End(Not run)
Filtered fMRI signal at the most significant voxel and average priming scores for brain-damaged patients, in a study addressing the extent to which phonological and semantic processes recruit the same brain areas.
A data frame with 35 observations on the following 3 variables.
a factor with levels
(the morphological condition involving priming using
inflected forms of irregular English verbs, e.g., 'began'-'begin')
and semantics
(priming with semantically related words such
as 'card' and 'paper').
a numeric vector for the average priming scores.
a numeric vector for the intensity of the filtered fMRI signal at the most significant voxel.
Location of data points reconstructed from the pixel map of Figure 2b of Tyler et al. 2005.
Tyler, L.K., Marslen-Wilson, W.D. and Stamatakis, E.A. (2005) Differentiating lexical form, meaning, and structure in the neural language system, PNAS, 102, 8375-8380.
## Not run: data(imaging) imaging.lm = lm(FilteredSignal~BehavioralScore*Condition, data=imaging) summary(imaging.lm) plot(imaging$BehavioralScore, imaging$FilteredSignal, type = "n", xlim = c(-30, 40), ylim = c(0, 80)) semantics = imaging[imaging$Condition == "semantics",] irregulars = imaging[imaging$Condition == "irregulars",] points(semantics$BehavioralScore, semantics$FilteredSignal, col = "black") points(irregulars$BehavioralScore, irregulars$FilteredSignal, col = "darkgrey") abline(lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore, data = semantics), col = 'black') abline(lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore, data = irregulars), col = 'darkgrey') # model criticism plot(imaging.lm) outliers = c(1, 19) # given Cook's distance, or perhaps only outliers = 1 # the outlier in the semantics subset imaging.lm = lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore * Condition, data = imaging[-outliers, ]) summary(imaging.lm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(imaging) imaging.lm = lm(FilteredSignal~BehavioralScore*Condition, data=imaging) summary(imaging.lm) plot(imaging$BehavioralScore, imaging$FilteredSignal, type = "n", xlim = c(-30, 40), ylim = c(0, 80)) semantics = imaging[imaging$Condition == "semantics",] irregulars = imaging[imaging$Condition == "irregulars",] points(semantics$BehavioralScore, semantics$FilteredSignal, col = "black") points(irregulars$BehavioralScore, irregulars$FilteredSignal, col = "darkgrey") abline(lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore, data = semantics), col = 'black') abline(lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore, data = irregulars), col = 'darkgrey') # model criticism plot(imaging.lm) outliers = c(1, 19) # given Cook's distance, or perhaps only outliers = 1 # the outlier in the semantics subset imaging.lm = lm(FilteredSignal ~ BehavioralScore * Condition, data = imaging[-outliers, ]) summary(imaging.lm) ## End(Not run)
given a model matrix with main effects only, add interactions
m |
a (model) matrix (rows observations, columns predictors) |
not intended for independent use
an updated (model) matrix
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
This function carries out a by-item regression for the simulated data sets generated in simulate.regression.fnc. It is not designed to be used independently.
data |
A data frame as produced by make.reg.fnc(). |
A model fitted with lm().
R. H. Baayen
See Also simulateRegression.fnc
## Not run: dat = make.reg.fnc() dat.lm = item.fnc(dat) summary(dat.lm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: dat = make.reg.fnc() dat.lm = item.fnc(dat) summary(dat.lm) ## End(Not run)
By-item anova for simulated data set as created within simulateQuasif.fnc. Not intended for independent use. Depends on the packages MASS, coda and lme4.
dat |
Simulated data set with Subjects, Item, and SOA treatment, as created within simulateQuasif.fnc, or the quasif dataset. |
A list with components
p |
p-value of F-test for SOA. |
data |
the input data. |
model |
the fitted model. |
R. H. Baayen
See also simulateQuasif.fnc
## Not run: data(quasif) items.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(quasif) items.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
This function calculates for a given dependent variable the value of that variable at lag timesteps earlier in the time series of an experiment.
lags.fnc(dat, time="Trial", group = "Subject", depvar = "RT", lag=1)
lags.fnc(dat, time="Trial", group = "Subject", depvar = "RT", lag=1)
dat |
A data frame with (minimally) a grouping factor, an time index for successive trails/events, and a behavioral measure |
group |
A grouping factor such as |
time |
A sequential time index measure such as |
depvar |
The dependent variable, usually a chronometric measure such as RT |
lag |
The lag for which previous values are to be extracted |
A vector with the values of the dependent variable at the specified lag. The by-group mean is substituted for the first lag timestep(s), for which there is/are no preceding value(s) for the dependent variable.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: dfr = data.frame(Subject=c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)), Trial = c(rep(1:5,2)), RT = rnorm(10, 500, 40)) dfr$prevRT = lag.fnc(dfr, time="Trial", group="Subject", depvar="RT") dfr ## End(Not run)
## Not run: dfr = data.frame(Subject=c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)), Trial = c(rep(1:5,2)), RT = rnorm(10, 500, 40)) dfr$prevRT = lag.fnc(dfr, time="Trial", group="Subject", depvar="RT") dfr ## End(Not run)
Simulated lexical decision latencies with SOA as treatment, using a Latin Square design with subjects and items, as available in Raaijmakers et al. (1999).
A data frame with 144 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels G1
, G2
, for groups of subjects
a factor with subjects labelled
, ... S12
a factor with words labelled W1
... W12
a numeric vector for reaction times.
a factor with levels long
, medium
and short
a factor with levels L1
, L2
, and L3
for lists of words.
Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Schrijnemakers, J.M.C. & Gremmen, F. (1999) How to deal with "The language as fixed effect fallacy": common misconceptions and alternative solutions, Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 416-426.
## Not run: data(latinsquare) library(lme4) latinsquare.with = simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns = 1000, with = TRUE) latinsquare.without = simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns = 1000, with = FALSE) latinsquare.with$alpha05 latinsquare.without$alpha05 ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(latinsquare) library(lme4) latinsquare.with = simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns = 1000, with = TRUE) latinsquare.without = simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns = 1000, with = FALSE) latinsquare.with$alpha05 latinsquare.without$alpha05 ## End(Not run)
Lexical decision latencies elicited from 21 subjects for 79 English concrete nouns, with variables linked to subject or word.
A data frame with 1659 observations on the following 28 variables.
a factor for the subjects.
a numeric vector for logarithmically transformed reaction times.
a numeric vector for the rank of the trial in the experimental list.
a factor with levels F
(female) and M
a factor with levels English
and Other
, distinguishing
between native and nonnative speakers of English.
a factor with levels correct
and incorrect
coding whether
the word was correctly responded to as a word rather than a nonword.
a factor with levels nonword
and word
coding whether the
item presented at the preceding trial was a word or a nonword.
a factor with levels correct
and incorrect
coding whether
the preceding item elicited a correct response.
a factor with 79 words as levels.
a numeric vector with logarithmically transformed lemma frequencies as available in the CELEX lexical database.
a numeric vector with the log-transformed count of a word's morphological family members.
a numeric vector with the log-transformed count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed.
a numeric vector for the word's length in letters.
a factor for the semantic category of the word's referent, with levels
and plant
a numeric vector with the frequency in CELEX of the singular form.
a numeric vector with the frequency in CELEX of the plural form.
Shannon's entropy calculated over the frequency distribution of a word's family members.
a factor coding morphological complexity with levels complex
a numeric vector for the log of the ratio of the singular to the plural frequency.
a numeric vector for the by-item mean reaction time averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector for the by-item mean subjective frequency estimate averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector for the by-item mean size rating averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector for the by-item mean weight rating averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector with the logarithmically transformed frequency in the written part of the British National Corpus.
a numeric vector with the logarithmically transformed frequency in the context-governed part of the British National Corpus.
a numeric vector with the logarithmically transformed frequency in the demographic part of the British National Corpus.
a numeric vector with the log of the ratio of the (absolute) frequencies in the context-governed and written parts of the British National Corpus, normalized for the differences in corpus size.
a numeric vector with the log of the ratio of the (absolute) frequencies in the demographic and written parts of the British National Corpus, normalized for the differences in corpus size.
Data collected with Jen Hay, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004.
## Not run: data(lexdec) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) lexdec.lmer = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = lexdec) summary(lexdec.lmer) # random slopes lexdec.lmerA = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = lexdec) anova(lexdec.lmer, lexdec.lmerA) lexdec.lmerB = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (Length|Subject) + (1|Word), data = lexdec, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) anova(lexdec.lmerA, lexdec.lmerB) # model criticism qqnorm(resid(lexdec.lmerB)) lexdec.lmerC = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (Length|Subject) + (1|Word), data = lexdec[abs(scale(resid(lexdec.lmerB)))<2,], control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) qqnorm(resid(lexdec.lmerC)) # p values summary(lexdec.lmerC) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(lexdec) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) lexdec.lmer = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = lexdec) summary(lexdec.lmer) # random slopes lexdec.lmerA = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = lexdec) anova(lexdec.lmer, lexdec.lmerA) lexdec.lmerB = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (Length|Subject) + (1|Word), data = lexdec, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) anova(lexdec.lmerA, lexdec.lmerB) # model criticism qqnorm(resid(lexdec.lmerB)) lexdec.lmerC = lmer(RT ~ 1 + Correct + Trial + PrevType * meanWeight + Frequency + NativeLanguage * Length + (Trial|Subject) + (Length|Subject) + (1|Word), data = lexdec[abs(scale(resid(lexdec.lmerB)))<2,], control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) qqnorm(resid(lexdec.lmerC)) # p values summary(lexdec.lmerC) ## End(Not run)
Lexical distributional measures for 2233 English monomorphemic words. This dataset provides
a subset of the data available in the dataset english
A data frame with 2233 observations on the following 24 variables.
a factor with 2284 words.
numeric vector with log-transformed lemma frequency in the CELEX lexical database.
numeric vector with the logged ratio of written frequency (CELEX) to spoken frequency (British National Corpus).
numeric vector with log morphological family size.
numeric vector with derivational entropy.
numeric vector with inflectional entropy.
numeric vector with the log-transformed count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed.
numeric vector with the log-transformed count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed as part of a compound.
numeric vector with length of the word in letters.
numeric vector with orthographic neighborhood density.
numeric vector with mean log bigram frequency.
numeric vector with log frequency of initial diphone.
numeric vector with type count of orthographic neighbors.
numeric vector with token count of orthographic neighbors.
numeric vector with type count of phonological neighbors.
numeric vector with token count of phonological neighbors.
numeric vector with type counts of consistent words.
numeric vector with token counts of consistent words.
numeric vector with type count of forward inconsistent words.
numeric vector with token count of forward inconsistent words.
numeric vector with type count of backward inconsistent words.
numeric vector with token count of backward inconsistent words
a numeric vector with the count of forward inconsistent words with nonzero frequency.
a numeric vector with the logarithmically transformed ratio of the noun and verb frequencies.
Baayen, R.H., Feldman, L. and Schreuder, R. (2006) Morphological influences on the recognition of monosyllabic monomorphemic words, Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 496-512.
## Not run: data(lexicalMeasures) data(lexicalMeasuresDist) library(rms) library(cluster) plot(varclus(as.matrix(lexicalMeasures[,-1]))) lexicalMeasures.cor = cor(lexicalMeasures[,-1], method = "spearman")^2 lexicalMeasures.dist = dist(lexicalMeasures.cor) pltree(diana(lexicalMeasures.dist)) data(lexicalMeasuresClasses) x = data.frame(measure = rownames(lexicalMeasures.cor), cluster = cutree(diana(lexicalMeasures.dist), 5), class = lexicalMeasuresClasses$Class) x = x[order(x$cluster), ] x ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(lexicalMeasures) data(lexicalMeasuresDist) library(rms) library(cluster) plot(varclus(as.matrix(lexicalMeasures[,-1]))) lexicalMeasures.cor = cor(lexicalMeasures[,-1], method = "spearman")^2 lexicalMeasures.dist = dist(lexicalMeasures.cor) pltree(diana(lexicalMeasures.dist)) data(lexicalMeasuresClasses) x = data.frame(measure = rownames(lexicalMeasures.cor), cluster = cutree(diana(lexicalMeasures.dist), 5), class = lexicalMeasuresClasses$Class) x = x[order(x$cluster), ] x ## End(Not run)
A data frame labelling the lexical measures in the
dataset lexicalMeasures
as measures of form or meaning.
A data frame with 23 observations on the following 3 variables.
a factor with as levels the measures:
Mean Bigram Frequency.
CELEX Frequency.
Derivational Entropy.
Token Count of Backward Inconsistent Words.
Type Count of Backward Inconsistent Words.
Ratio of Frequencies in Written and Spoken English.
Token Count of Forward Inconsistent Words.
Type Count of Forward Inconsistent Words with Nonzero Frequency.
Type Count of Forward Inconsistent Words
Token Count of Consistent Words.
Type Count of Consistent Words.
Inflectional Entropy
Initial Bigram Frequency
Length in Letters
Orthographic Neighborhood Density
Number of Complex Synsets
Number of Simplex Synsets
Ratio of Noun and Verb Frequencies
Token Count of Phonological Neighbors.
Type Count of Phonological Neighbors.
Token Count of Orthographic Neighbors.
Type Count of Orthographic Neighbors.
Morphological Family Size.
a factor with levels Form
and Meaning
a factor with glosses for the variables.
Baayen, R.H., Feldman, L. and Schreuder, R. (2006) Morphological influences on the recognition of monosyllabic monomorphemic words, Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 496-512.
## Not run: library(cluster) data(lexicalMeasures) data(lexicalMeasuresClasses) lexicalMeasures.cor = cor(lexicalMeasures[,-1], method = "spearman")^2 x = data.frame(measure = rownames(lexicalMeasures.cor), cluster = cutree(diana(dist(lexicalMeasures.cor)), 5), class = lexicalMeasuresClasses$Class) x = x[order(x$cluster), ] x ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(cluster) data(lexicalMeasures) data(lexicalMeasuresClasses) lexicalMeasures.cor = cor(lexicalMeasures[,-1], method = "spearman")^2 x = data.frame(measure = rownames(lexicalMeasures.cor), cluster = cutree(diana(dist(lexicalMeasures.cor)), 5), class = lexicalMeasuresClasses$Class) x = x[order(x$cluster), ] x ## End(Not run)
Visualization of an interaction in a model fitted with lmer of two numeric predictors.
lmerPlotInt.fnc(lmermodel, xname, yname, intxyname, qntls = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), view = 30, addStdError = FALSE, ndigits = 2, nlev = 30, which = "matplot", shadow = 0.5, colour = "lightblue", fun = NA, ylabel = NA, ...)
lmerPlotInt.fnc(lmermodel, xname, yname, intxyname, qntls = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), view = 30, addStdError = FALSE, ndigits = 2, nlev = 30, which = "matplot", shadow = 0.5, colour = "lightblue", fun = NA, ylabel = NA, ...)
lmermodel |
an lmer model object |
xname |
name (character string) of first numeric predictor |
yname |
name (character string) of second numeric predictor |
intxyname |
name (character string) of the interaction in the lmer summary |
qntls |
vector of values to be shown for the second numeric predictor, defaults to deciles |
view |
specifies the viewing parameter |
addStdError |
add noise with the standard deviation of the residual error in the lmer model to the plot |
ndigits |
number of digits to show for the second numeric predictor |
nlev |
number of levels for the contour plot |
which |
choices are "matplot" (default), "contour", "persp", "image", and "all", in which case a 2 by 2 panel is shown with all four plots |
shadow |
the amount of |
colour |
the color used for the perspective plot, defaults to "lightblue" |
fun |
for matplot displays, a function for transforming the predicted response |
ylabel |
string, to be added to the Y-axis as y label |
... |
other arguments |
A plot is shown on the graphics device.
This function should not be used to plot interactions when one of the predictors also has quadratic or higher terms in the model.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: require(lme4) require(optimx) lexdec.lmer = lmer(RT~BNCw*Frequency+(1|Subject)+(1|Word), data=lexdec, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) lmerPlotInt.fnc(lexdec.lmer, "BNCw", "Frequency", "BNCw:Frequency", which="matplot") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: require(lme4) require(optimx) lexdec.lmer = lmer(RT~BNCw*Frequency+(1|Subject)+(1|Word), data=lexdec, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) lmerPlotInt.fnc(lexdec.lmer, "BNCw", "Frequency", "BNCw:Frequency", which="matplot") ## End(Not run)
This convenience function creates a regression data set with subjects, items, and three numerical predictors, and optionally an effect of learning or fatigue. This function is called by simulateRegression.fnc, and is not intended for independent use.
make.reg.fnc(nsubj = 10, nitem = 20, beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), learn = FALSE, learnRate = 10, stdevItem = 40, stdevSubj = 80, stdevError = 50)
make.reg.fnc(nsubj = 10, nitem = 20, beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), learn = FALSE, learnRate = 10, stdevItem = 40, stdevSubj = 80, stdevError = 50)
nsubj |
Number of subjects (random effect) required. |
nitem |
Number of items (random effect) required. |
beta |
A numeric vector with four beta weights: one for the intercept and one for each of three predictors. |
learn |
A logical variable, if TRUE, a learning or fatigue effect
will be implemented, as specified by |
learnRate |
A number indicating learning (if negative) or fatigue (if positive). |
stdevItem |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Item random effect. |
stdevSubj |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Subject random effect. |
stdevError |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Residual Error. |
A data frame with intercept, predictors labelled X, Y and Z, Item, Subject, the simulated random effects for Item and Subject, the residual errors, and the simulated RTs.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: simdat = make.reg.fnc() require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) simdat.lmer = lmer(RT ~ X + Y + Z + (1|Subject) + (1|Item), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = simdat) summary(simdat.lmer) simdat = make.reg.fnc(learn = TRUE) simdat.lmer = lmer(RT ~ X + Y + Z + Trial + (1|Subject) + (1|Item), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = simdat) summary(simdat.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: simdat = make.reg.fnc() require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) simdat.lmer = lmer(RT ~ X + Y + Z + (1|Subject) + (1|Item), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = simdat) summary(simdat.lmer) simdat = make.reg.fnc(learn = TRUE) simdat.lmer = lmer(RT ~ X + Y + Z + Trial + (1|Subject) + (1|Item), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = simdat) summary(simdat.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Creates a model matrix with main effects only
makeDefaultMatrix.fnc(model, n = 100, conditioningPred = "", conditioningValue = NULL, control = NA)
makeDefaultMatrix.fnc(model, n = 100, conditioningPred = "", conditioningValue = NULL, control = NA)
model |
A model fit with |
n |
integer specifying number of points to be plotted on X-axis |
conditioningPred |
name of predictor entering into interaction |
conditioningValue |
vector of values (numeric or factor level names) to be shown for interaction |
control |
a two-element list (predictor, value) specifying an additional predictor to be fixed to the given value in a partial effect plot. May be useful for hand-made plots for three-way interactions. |
not intended for independent use
a (model) matrix
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
creates a data set with Y ~ 30+cos(X)
for 10 subjects,
to compare restricted cubic spline in lmer
with the
spline of ols
intr |
integer denoting type of data set: with 0 a data set with simple spline is made, with 1 a data set with a parallel interaction, and with 2 a data set with a crossed interaction. |
Requires rms
package to be attached.
A data frame with as values:
y |
X |
ranges from 2 to 8.28 |
Subject |
random-effects factor with 10 levels |
Ranef |
subjects-specific changes to intercept |
Error |
by-observation noise |
Y |
the dependent variable, |
intended for illustration only
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: require("rms") require("optimx") require("lmerTest") dfr = makeSplineData.fnc() table(dfr$Subject) xylowess.fnc(Y ~ X | Subject, data = dfr) dfr.lmer = lmer(Y ~ rcs(X, 5) + (1|Subject), data = dfr, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dfr$fittedLMER = as.vector(dfr.lmer@X %*% fixef(dfr.lmer)) dfr.dd = datadist(dfr) options(datadist='dfr.dd') dfr.ols = ols(Y~Subject+rcs(X), data=dfr, x=T, y=T) dfr$fittedOLS = fitted(dfr.ols) # we plot the lmer() fit in blue, the ols() fit in red (both adjusted for # subject S1), and plot the underlying model in green plot(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], type="l", col="blue", ylim = range(dfr$y + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], dfr[dfr$Subject == "S1",]$fittedLMER, dfr[dfr$Subject == "S1",]$fittedOLS), xlab="X", ylab="Y") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedOLS, col="red") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$y+ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="green") legend(2,29,c("30+cos(x)", "lmer (S1)", "ols (S1)"), lty=rep(1,3), col=c("green", "blue", "red")) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: require("rms") require("optimx") require("lmerTest") dfr = makeSplineData.fnc() table(dfr$Subject) xylowess.fnc(Y ~ X | Subject, data = dfr) dfr.lmer = lmer(Y ~ rcs(X, 5) + (1|Subject), data = dfr, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dfr$fittedLMER = as.vector(dfr.lmer@X %*% fixef(dfr.lmer)) dfr.dd = datadist(dfr) options(datadist='dfr.dd') dfr.ols = ols(Y~Subject+rcs(X), data=dfr, x=T, y=T) dfr$fittedOLS = fitted(dfr.ols) # we plot the lmer() fit in blue, the ols() fit in red (both adjusted for # subject S1), and plot the underlying model in green plot(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], type="l", col="blue", ylim = range(dfr$y + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], dfr[dfr$Subject == "S1",]$fittedLMER, dfr[dfr$Subject == "S1",]$fittedOLS), xlab="X", ylab="Y") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedOLS, col="red") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$y+ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="green") legend(2,29,c("30+cos(x)", "lmer (S1)", "ols (S1)"), lty=rep(1,3), col=c("green", "blue", "red")) ## End(Not run)
The text of H. Melville's 'Moby Dick', with punctuation marks removed.
A character vector with 215994 words.
The project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
## Not run: data(moby) moby[1:2] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(moby) moby[1:2] ## End(Not run)
This function produces a scatterplot for a bivariate standard normal distribution with least squares regression line.
mvrnormplot.fnc(r, n, limits)
mvrnormplot.fnc(r, n, limits)
r |
The correlation, defaults to 0.9. |
n |
Number of simulated data points, defaults to 100. |
limits |
Optional range for the axes |
A scatterplot with ordinary least squares regression line is shown on the graphics device, with sample estimate of r added at the top of the plot.
R. H. Baayen
mvrnorm (MASS package)
## Not run: mvrnormplot.fnc(r=0.9, n=100) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: mvrnormplot.fnc(r=0.9, n=100) ## End(Not run)
Frequency (m) and frequency of frequency (Vm) for string types with the suffix -ness in the context-governed subcorpus of the British National Corpus sampling spoken British English.
A data frame with 37 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector with word frequencies.
a numeric vector with the frequencies of word frequencies.
The British National Corpus, see http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
## Not run: data(nesscg) library(zipfR) nesscg.spc = spc(m=nesscg$m, Vm = nesscg$Vm) plot(nesscg.spc) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(nesscg) library(zipfR) nesscg.spc = spc(m=nesscg$m, Vm = nesscg$Vm) plot(nesscg.spc) ## End(Not run)
Frequency (m) and frequency of frequency (Vm) for string types with the suffix -ness in the demographic subcorpus of the British National Corpus sampling spoken British English.
A data frame with 15 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector with word frequencies.
a numeric vector with the frequencies of word frequencies.
The British National Corpus, see http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
data(nessdemog) library(zipfR) nessdemog.spc = spc(m=nessdemog$m, Vm = nessdemog$Vm) plot(nessdemog.spc)
data(nessdemog) library(zipfR) nessdemog.spc = spc(m=nessdemog$m, Vm = nessdemog$Vm) plot(nessdemog.spc)
Frequency (m) and frequency of frequency (Vm) for string types with the suffix -ness in the subcorpus of the British National Corpus sampling written British English.
A data frame with 189 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector with word frequencies.
a numeric vector with the frequencies of word frequencies.
The British National Corpus, see http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
## Not run: data(nessw) library(zipfR) nessw.spc = spc(m=nessw$m, Vm = nessw$Vm) plot(nessw.spc) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(nessw) library(zipfR) nessw.spc = spc(m=nessw$m, Vm = nessw$Vm) plot(nessw.spc) ## End(Not run)
Frequencies of 35 morphosyntactic tag trigrams in 343 Old French texts.
A data frame with the frequencies of 35 tag trigrams (columns) for 343 Old French texts (rows) in the Nouveau Corpus d'Amsterdam. See oldFrenchMeta for details on the texts (and manuscript versions).
Data from Nouveau Corpus d'Amsterdam, http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/lingrom/stein/corpus/.
Ernestus, M., van Mulken, M. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) De syntax van Oud-Franse ridders en heiligen in ruimte en tijd To appear in Onze Taal.
data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue")
data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue")
Meta data for the oldFrench data, a matrix of frequencies for texts (rows) by tag trigrams (columns). The meta data provide information on the texts, manuscript variants, their authors, their region and approximate date of origin, their general topic, and their genre.
A data frame with 342 observations on the following 7 variables.
a factor with texts coded as follows:
J. de Meun, Traduction de la premiere epitre de P. Abelard, 1–821
Anon, La vie de saint Hylaire
J. de Meun, L'art de chevalerie
Anon, L'histoire de Barlaam et Josaphat
Anon, La vie de sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie
Anon, La vie de saint Hylaire
Chretien de Troyes, Le Chevalier au lion
Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion
Robert de Clari, La conquete de Constantinople
Rutebeuf, Sainte Marie l'Egyptienne
Anon, Fabliau nr 4 ms C
Anon, Fabliau nr 4 ms E
Anon, Fabliau 4f
Anon, Fabliaux nrs 1,2,4,23 et 29 du ms A
Anon, Fabliaux nrs 2 et 4 du ms B
Anon, Fabliaux nrs 2 et 4 du ms D
Anon, La vie de saint Hylaire
Pierre de Beauvais, The Liber Sancti Jacobi
J. de Joinville, La vie de saint Louis
Anon, La passion saynte Katherine
Anon, Lancelot do Lac, p. 1.1–20.13
Merlin, Robert de Boron
Anon, La vie de Sainte Marguerite de Wace
Anon, Leben und Wunderthaten des heiligen Martin
Anon, Merlin, p.1–29 (ms. Huth)
J. de Meun, Le Roman de la Rose
Anon, La mort le roi Artu, par.1–35
Anon, charroi de Nimes, ms. A, fragment
Anon, Le charroi de Nimes, ms B1
Anon, Le charroi de Nimes, ms B2
Jacquemart Gielee, Renart le Nouvel
Anon, La vie de saint Jehan Bouche d'Or
Chretien de Troyes, Perceval
Chretien de Troyes, Perceval
Chretien de Troyes, Perceval
Chretien de Troyes, Perceval
Chretien de Troyes, Perceval
Anon, La queste del saint Graal, p.1.1–41.17
Anon, Robert le Diable, v.1–808
Anon, Le Roman de Renart, br.VI, ms B
Anon, Roman de Renard, br.VI, ms D
Anon, Roman de Renard, br. VI, ms L
Anon, Le Roman de Renart, br. VI, ms 0
Guillaume de Lorris, Le roman de la rose
Anon, Sermo de sapientia, dans: Li dialoge Gregoire lo pape
Anon, Le roman de Troie en prose, par.1–19
Josfroi de Vileharduyn, La conqueste de Costentinoble
Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion, v.1–1000
Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion, v.1–1000
Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion, v.1–1000
Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion, v 1–1000
a factor with manuscript variants, indicated by extensions to the text codes.
a factor with levels Anon
, ChretienDeTroyes
, GuillaumeDeLorris
, Meun
, NouvelRenart
, PierreDeBeauvais
, RobertDeBoron
, RobertLeDiable
, Rutebeuf
, and Villeharduyn
a factor with levels Knight
, Other
, and Saint
a factor with levels poetry
and prose
a factor with levels R1
(Picardie), R2
(Champenois), and
a numeric vector indicating approximate year of origin.
Data from Nouveau Corpus d'Amsterdam, http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/lingrom/stein/corpus/.
Ernestus, M., van Mulken, M. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) De syntax van Oud-Franse ridders en heiligen in ruimte en tijd To appear in Onze Taal.
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") ## End(Not run)
The text of L. F. Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', with punctuation marks removed.
A character vector with 39513 words.
The project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
## Not run: data(oz) oz[1:5] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oz) oz[1:5] ## End(Not run)
A matrix of scatterplots is produced with Pearson and Spearman correlations in the lower triangle. By default, smoothers are added to panels in the upper triangle, and histograms are added to the panels on the diagonal.
pairscor.fnc(data, hist = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, cex.points = 1, col.points = "darkgrey")
pairscor.fnc(data, hist = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, cex.points = 1, col.points = "darkgrey")
data |
a data frame or matrix with numeric vectors. |
hist |
a logical indicating whether panels on the diagonal should contain a histogram. |
smooth |
a logical indicating whether panels in the upper triangle should have a smoother added. |
cex.points |
a number indicating the size of the points in the panels in the upper triangle, available only when smoothers are added. |
col.points |
a number or string indicating the color of the points in the panels in the upper triangle, available only when smoothers are added. |
R. Harald Baayen
See Also pairs
and panel.smooth
## Not run: data(lexicalMeasures) pairscor.fnc(lexicalMeasures[,c("CelS", "Vf", "Ient", "NsyS", "Ncou")]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(lexicalMeasures) pairscor.fnc(lexicalMeasures[,c("CelS", "Vf", "Ient", "NsyS", "Ncou")]) ## End(Not run)
parse character string specifying restricted cubic spline into simple predictor name and number of knots
name |
character string for predictor, e.g. |
not intended for independent use
a list with components
baseName |
character string denoting simple predictor name ( |
knots |
integer specifying number of knots |
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
The development of periphrastic do in English: Ellegard's counts for the use of do across four sentence types in 11 consecutive time periods between 1390 and 1710.
A data frame with 44 observations on the following 5 variables.
a numeric vector with beginnings of the time periods used by Ellegard.
a numeric vector with ends of these time periods.
a factor for sentence type, with levels
(affirmative declarative),
(affirmative question),
(negative declarative) and
(negative question).
a numeric vector with the count of sentences with do.
a numeric vector with the count of sentences without do.
Ellegard, A. (1953) The auxiliary do: The establishment and regulation of its use in English, Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell.
Vulanovic, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2006) Fitting the development of periphrastic do in all sentence types, in Grzybek, P. and Koehler, R. (eds.), Festschrift fuer Gabriel Altmann, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, p. 679-688.
## Not run: data(periphrasticDo) # add midpoints of time periods periphrasticDo$year = periphrasticDo$begin + (periphrasticDo$end-periphrasticDo$begin)/2 # and ad an indicator variable distinguishing the first three time periods # from the others periphrasticDo$Indicator = rep(c(rep(0, 3), rep(1, 8)), 4) # fit a logistic regression model periphrasticDo.glm = glm(cbind(do, other) ~ (year + I(year^2) + I(year^3)) * type + Indicator * type + Indicator * year, data = periphrasticDo, family = "binomial") anova(periphrasticDo.glm, test = "F") # visualization of data and model predictions periphrasticDo$predict = predict(periphrasticDo.glm, type = "response") par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) for (i in 1:nlevels(periphrasticDo$type)) { subset = periphrasticDo[periphrasticDo$type == levels(periphrasticDo$type)[i], ] plot(subset$year, subset$do/(subset$do + subset$other), type = "p", ylab = "proportion", xlab = "year", ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(1400, 1700)) mtext(levels(periphrasticDo$type)[i], line = 2) lines(subset$year, subset$predict, lty = 1) } par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(periphrasticDo) # add midpoints of time periods periphrasticDo$year = periphrasticDo$begin + (periphrasticDo$end-periphrasticDo$begin)/2 # and ad an indicator variable distinguishing the first three time periods # from the others periphrasticDo$Indicator = rep(c(rep(0, 3), rep(1, 8)), 4) # fit a logistic regression model periphrasticDo.glm = glm(cbind(do, other) ~ (year + I(year^2) + I(year^3)) * type + Indicator * type + Indicator * year, data = periphrasticDo, family = "binomial") anova(periphrasticDo.glm, test = "F") # visualization of data and model predictions periphrasticDo$predict = predict(periphrasticDo.glm, type = "response") par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) for (i in 1:nlevels(periphrasticDo$type)) { subset = periphrasticDo[periphrasticDo$type == levels(periphrasticDo$type)[i], ] plot(subset$year, subset$do/(subset$do + subset$other), type = "p", ylab = "proportion", xlab = "year", ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(1400, 1700)) mtext(levels(periphrasticDo$type)[i], line = 2) lines(subset$year, subset$predict, lty = 1) } par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) ## End(Not run)
Phylogenetic relations between Papuan and Oceanic languages: 127 grammatical traits (absent/present) for 31 languages.
A data frame with 31 observations on the following 127 variables.
a factor for 31 languages: Anem
, Ata
, Banoni
, Bilua
, Buin
, Gapapaiwa
, Kaulong
, Kilivila
, Kokota
, Kuot
, Lavukaleve
, Mali
, Motuna
, Nasioi
, Rotokas
, Roviana
, Siar
, Sisiqa
, Sudest
, Taiof
, Takia
, Touo
, Tungag
and Yeli_Dnye
a factor with levels Oceanic
and Papuan
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
a numeric vector, 1: presence, 0: absence
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Dunn, M., Terrill, A., Reesink, G., Foley, R. A. and Levinson, S. C. (2005) Structural phylogenetics and the reconstruction of ancient language history, Science, 309, 2072-2075.
## Not run: data(phylogeny) library(ape) # joint analysis of both language families phylogeny.dist = dist(phylogeny[ ,3:ncol(phylogeny)], method = "binary") phylogeny.dist.tr = nj(phylogeny.dist) families = as.character(phylogeny$Family[as.numeric(phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label)]) languages = as.character(phylogeny$Language[as.numeric(phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label)]) phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label = languages plot(phylogeny.dist.tr, type="u", font = as.numeric(as.factor(families))) # analysis of subset of Papuan languages papuan = phylogeny[phylogeny$Family == "Papuan",] papuan$Language = as.factor(as.character(papuan$Language)) papuan.meta = papuan[ ,1:2] papuan.mat = papuan[, 3:ncol(papuan)] papuan.meta$Geography = c( "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Central Solomons", "Bougainville", "Louisiade Archipelago", "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Central Solomons", "Central Solomons", "Central Solomons") papuan.dist = dist(papuan.mat, method = "binary") papuan.dist.tr = nj(papuan.dist) fonts = as.character(papuan.meta$Geography[as.numeric( papuan.dist.tr$tip.label)]) papuan.dist.tr$tip.label = as.character(papuan.meta$Language[as.numeric( papuan.dist.tr$tip.label)]) plot(papuan.dist.tr, type = "u", font = as.numeric(as.factor(fonts))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(phylogeny) library(ape) # joint analysis of both language families phylogeny.dist = dist(phylogeny[ ,3:ncol(phylogeny)], method = "binary") phylogeny.dist.tr = nj(phylogeny.dist) families = as.character(phylogeny$Family[as.numeric(phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label)]) languages = as.character(phylogeny$Language[as.numeric(phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label)]) phylogeny.dist.tr$tip.label = languages plot(phylogeny.dist.tr, type="u", font = as.numeric(as.factor(families))) # analysis of subset of Papuan languages papuan = phylogeny[phylogeny$Family == "Papuan",] papuan$Language = as.factor(as.character(papuan$Language)) papuan.meta = papuan[ ,1:2] papuan.mat = papuan[, 3:ncol(papuan)] papuan.meta$Geography = c( "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Central Solomons", "Bougainville", "Louisiade Archipelago", "Bougainville", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Bismarck Archipelago", "Central Solomons", "Central Solomons", "Central Solomons") papuan.dist = dist(papuan.mat, method = "binary") papuan.dist.tr = nj(papuan.dist) fonts = as.character(papuan.meta$Geography[as.numeric( papuan.dist.tr$tip.label)]) papuan.dist.tr$tip.label = as.character(papuan.meta$Language[as.numeric( papuan.dist.tr$tip.label)]) plot(papuan.dist.tr, type = "u", font = as.numeric(as.factor(fonts))) ## End(Not run)
This function defines a plot method for correspondence objects.
## S3 method for class 'corres' plot(x, main = "", addcol = TRUE, extreme = 0, rcex = 1, rcol = 1, rlabels = "", stretch = 1.4, ccex = 1, ccol = 2, clabels = "", ...)
## S3 method for class 'corres' plot(x, main = "", addcol = TRUE, extreme = 0, rcex = 1, rcol = 1, rlabels = "", stretch = 1.4, ccex = 1, ccol = 2, clabels = "", ...)
x |
A correspondence object as produced by |
main |
A string used for the main title of the plot. |
addcol |
A logical, if true, columns are added to the plot. |
extreme |
If nonzero, defines quantiles that define the extremes such that only data points exceeding these extremes are plotted. |
rcex |
sets cex graphical parameter for rows. |
rcol |
sets color for rows. |
rlabels |
vector of row labels. |
stretch |
a number defining the degree to which the columns (or rows) should be stretched out for visual presentation. |
ccex |
sets cex graphical parameter for columns. |
ccol |
sets color for columns. |
clabels |
vector of column labels. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
A plot on the graphics device.
R. H. Baayen
See Also corres.fnc
, link{corsup.fnc}
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) data(oldFrenchMeta) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) plot(oldFrench.ca) plot(oldFrench.ca, rlabels = oldFrenchMeta$Genre, rcol = as.numeric(oldFrenchMeta$Genre), rcex = 0.5, extreme = 0.1, ccol = "blue") ## End(Not run)
This function defines the plot method for growth objects.
## S3 method for class 'growth' plot(x, w = "all", ...)
## S3 method for class 'growth' plot(x, w = "all", ...)
x |
A growth object. |
w |
A character string denoting the name of a specific variable to be plotted. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
A plot shown on the graphics device.
R. H. Baayen
See Also growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) plot(alice.growth) plot(alice.growth, w = "Yule") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) plot(alice.growth) plot(alice.growth, w = "Yule") ## End(Not run)
given a list with one or more data frames with values for a plot (or subplot), create the actual plots
plotAll.fnc(reslist, sameYrange = TRUE, ylabel, xlabel = NA, intrName = NA, pos = "end", ylimit = NA, addlines=FALSE, cexsize = 0.6, conditioningVals=NA, conditioningColors=1, conditioningLines=1, lineColor=1, addToExistingPlot = FALSE, ...)
plotAll.fnc(reslist, sameYrange = TRUE, ylabel, xlabel = NA, intrName = NA, pos = "end", ylimit = NA, addlines=FALSE, cexsize = 0.6, conditioningVals=NA, conditioningColors=1, conditioningLines=1, lineColor=1, addToExistingPlot = FALSE, ...)
reslist |
list with as components either a data frame or a list with data frames, the data frames specify X and Y coordinates and HPD intervals |
sameYrange |
logical, if |
ylabel |
label to be used for the vertical axis |
xlabel |
label to be used for the horizontal axis; this option is active only when a single predictor is plotted |
intrName |
label for the interaction predictor, if present |
pos |
location of legend values for interaction |
ylimit |
if specified, overrides |
addlines |
if TRUE, adds line between levels of same factor(s) |
cexsize |
character expansion size for information in the plot for interactions, default is 0.6 |
conditioningVals |
vector of names of the levels of the conditioning factor in the interaction (the factor with different lines in the plot) |
conditioningColors |
vector of names of the colors to be used for the levels of the conditioning factor in the interaction (the factor with different lines in the plot) |
conditioningLines |
vector of names of the line types to be used for the levels of the conditioning factor in the interaction (the factor with different lines in the plot), by default solid lines |
lineColor |
name of color to be used for the lines in the plot |
addToExistingPlot |
if TRUE, the current plot is added to an already existing plot |
... |
further graphical parameters to be passed down, none are currently implemented |
Note that reslist
may contain as elements lists of data frames, these then specify the separate points or lines to be plotted for a given interaction
A plot is produced on the graphics device.
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
Plot partial effects of a (generalized) linear mixed-effects model fit with
. For gaussian models, 95% highest posterior density credible
intervals can be added.
plotLMER.fnc(model, xlabel = NA, xlabs = NA, ylabel = NA, ylimit = NA, ilabel = NA, fun = NA, pred = NA, control = NA, ranefs = NA, n = 100, intr = NA, lockYlim = TRUE, addlines = FALSE, withList = FALSE, cexsize = 0.5, linecolor = 1, addToExistingPlot = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
plotLMER.fnc(model, xlabel = NA, xlabs = NA, ylabel = NA, ylimit = NA, ilabel = NA, fun = NA, pred = NA, control = NA, ranefs = NA, n = 100, intr = NA, lockYlim = TRUE, addlines = FALSE, withList = FALSE, cexsize = 0.5, linecolor = 1, addToExistingPlot = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
model |
a |
xlabel |
label for X-axis (if other than the variable name in the original model formula) |
xlabs |
character vector with labels for X-axes in multipanel plot (if
other than the variable names in the original model formula); if used,
ylabel |
label for Y-axis (if other than the variable name of the dependent variable in the original model formula) |
ylimit |
range for vertical axis; if not specified, this range will be chosen such that all data points across all subplots, including HPD intervals, will be accommodated |
ilabel |
label for the interaction shown in the lower right-hand margin of the plot, overriding the original variable name in the model formula |
fun |
a function to be applied for transforming the dependent variable,
if |
pred |
character string with name of predictor; if specified, a single plot will produced for the partial effect of this specific predictor |
control |
a two-element list |
ranefs |
a four-element list |
n |
integer denoting number of points for the plot, chosen at equally spaced intervals across the empirical range of the predictor variable |
intr |
a list specifying an interaction to be graphed; obligatory arguments are (1) the name of the interaction variable, followed by (2) a vector of values for that variable, followed by (3) the position for interaction labels ('"beg"', '"mid"', or '"end"', or 'NA' if no labels are desired), optionally followed by (4) a list with as first element a vector of colors and as second element a vector of line types. The number of elements in both vectors should match the number of values specified under (2) for the interaction predictor. |
lockYlim |
logical specifying whether all subplots should have the same
range of values for the vertical axis; if |
addlines |
if TRUE, adds line(s) between levels of same factor(s) |
withList |
logical, if |
cexsize |
character expansion size (cex) for additional information in the plot for interactions |
linecolor |
color of lines in the plot, by default set to 1 (black) |
addToExistingPlot |
default FALSE, if set to TRUE, plot will be added to previous plot, but only if pred is specified |
verbose |
if TRUE (default), effect sizes and default transformations are reported |
... |
further graphical parameters to be passed down; warning: |
When no predictor is specified, a series of plots is produced for the partial effects of each predictor. The graphs are shown for the reference level for factors and are adjusted for the median value for the other numerical predicors in the model. Interactions are not shown. The user should set up the appropriate number of subplots on the graphics device before running plotLMER.fnc().
Instead of showing all predictors jointly, plotLMER.fnc() can also be used to
plot the partial effect of a specific predictor. When a specific predictor
is specified (with pred = ...
), a single plot is produced for that
predictor. In this case, the intr
argument can be used to specify a
single second predictor that enters into an interaction with the selected
main predictor.
Polynomials have to be fitted with poly(..., degree, raw=TRUE)
restricted cubic splines with rcs()
from the rms
A plot is produced on the graphical device.
This code needs much more work, including (i) extension to poly
with raw=FALSE
and (ii) general clean-up of the code.
R. H. Baayen
The 'danish' dataset in the example section is contributed by Laura Winther-Balling, see Winther-Balling, L. and Baayen, R. H., Morphological effects in auditory word recognition: Evidence from Danish, Language and Cognitive Processes, in press.
See also other utilities in languageR for facilitating work with lmer
## Not run: ########################################################################### # we will stay as close to the older optimizer of lme4 as possible - # this requires the optimx package and using the control option of lmer() ########################################################################### require(optimx) ########################################################################### # fitting a cosine with a spline (simulated data) ########################################################################### require("rms", quietly=TRUE, character=TRUE) require("lme4", quietly=TRUE, character=TRUE) dfr = makeSplineData.fnc() table(dfr$Subject) xylowess.fnc(Y ~ X | Subject, data = dfr) # the smoother doesn't recognize the cosine function implemented in makeSplineData.fnc() dev.off() dfr.lmer = lmer(Y ~ rcs(X, 5) + (1|Subject), data = dfr, control = lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) plotLMER.fnc(dfr.lmer) # comparison with ols from Design package dfr.lm = lm(Y~Subject+rcs(X), data=dfr, x=T, y=T) dfr$fittedOLS = fitted(dfr.lm) dfr$fittedLMER = as.vector(dfr.lmer@pp$X %*% fixef(dfr.lmer)) # we plot the lmer() fit in blue, the ols() fit in red (both adjusted for # subject S1), and plot the underlying model in green plot(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="blue", ylim = c(24,30), xlab="X", ylab="Y", type="n") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedOLS, col="red") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER, col="blue") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$y+ ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="green") legend(2,30,c("30+cos(x)", "lmer (S1)", "ols (S1)"), lty=rep(1,3), col=c("green", "blue", "red")) ############################################################# # a model with a raw polynomial ############################################################# bg.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1+PC2+PC3 + ReadingScore + poly(OrthLength, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogFrequency + LogFamilySize + (1|Word) + (1|Subject)+(0+OrthLength|Subject) + (0+LogFrequency|Subject), data = beginningReaders, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) pars = par() par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(bg.lmer, fun=exp, ylabel = "RT (ms)") ############################################################# # a model with an interaction involving numeric predictors ############################################################# danish.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish.lmerA = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, subset=abs(scale(resid(danish.lmer)))<2.5, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) # plot for reference level of Sex plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogAffixFreq", intr=list("LogWordFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogWordFreq),3), "beg", list(c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"), rep(1,5))), ylimit=c(6.5,7.0)) # this model has a significant three-way interaction # for visualization, we can either relevel Sex and refit, # or make use of the control option. First releveling: danish$Sex=relevel(danish$Sex, "F") danish.lmerF = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish$Sex=relevel(danish$Sex, "M") danish.lmerM = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) # Next preparing for using the control option: # # names(fixef(danish.lmer))[10] # SexM # unique(danish.lmer@pp$X[,10]) # 1 0 par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end"), control=list("SexM", 0)) mtext("females", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end"), control=list("SexM", 1)) mtext("males", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerF, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end")) mtext("females", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerM, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5, 7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end")) mtext("males", line=1.5, cex=0.9) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ############################################################# # calculating effect sizes, defined as max - min ############################################################# # effect size for a covariate dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogCUP", withList=TRUE) max(dfr$LogCUP$Y)-min(dfr$LogCUP$Y) # effect size for a factor dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "PrevError", withList=TRUE) max(dfr$PrevError$Y)-min(dfr$PrevError$Y) # effect sizes for the quantiles in an interaction plot dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogAffixFreq", withList=TRUE, intr=list("LogWordFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogWordFreq),3), "beg")) unlist(lapply(dfr$LogAffixFreq, FUN=function(X)return(max(X$Y)-min(X$Y)))) ############################################################# # plotting an interaction between two factors ############################################################# danish$WordFreqFac = danish$LogWordFreq > median(danish$LogWordFreq) danish.lmer2 = lmer(LogRT ~ WordFreqFac*Sex + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer2, pred = "Sex", intr=list("WordFreqFac", c("TRUE", "FALSE"), "end", list(c("red", "blue"), rep(1,2))), ylimit=c(6.7,6.9), cexsize=1.0, addlines=TRUE) ############################################################# # a generalized linear mixed-effects model ############################################################# dative.lmer = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), data = dative, family = "binomial", control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) par(mfrow=c(3,4),mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(dative.lmer, fun=plogis, addlines=TRUE) # with user-specified labels for the x-axis par(mfrow=c(3,4),mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(dative.lmer, fun=plogis, addlines=TRUE, xlabs=unlist(strsplit("abcdefghij",""))) par(pars) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ########################################################################### # we will stay as close to the older optimizer of lme4 as possible - # this requires the optimx package and using the control option of lmer() ########################################################################### require(optimx) ########################################################################### # fitting a cosine with a spline (simulated data) ########################################################################### require("rms", quietly=TRUE, character=TRUE) require("lme4", quietly=TRUE, character=TRUE) dfr = makeSplineData.fnc() table(dfr$Subject) xylowess.fnc(Y ~ X | Subject, data = dfr) # the smoother doesn't recognize the cosine function implemented in makeSplineData.fnc() dev.off() dfr.lmer = lmer(Y ~ rcs(X, 5) + (1|Subject), data = dfr, control = lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) plotLMER.fnc(dfr.lmer) # comparison with ols from Design package dfr.lm = lm(Y~Subject+rcs(X), data=dfr, x=T, y=T) dfr$fittedOLS = fitted(dfr.lm) dfr$fittedLMER = as.vector(dfr.lmer@pp$X %*% fixef(dfr.lmer)) # we plot the lmer() fit in blue, the ols() fit in red (both adjusted for # subject S1), and plot the underlying model in green plot(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER + ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="blue", ylim = c(24,30), xlab="X", ylab="Y", type="n") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedOLS, col="red") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$fittedLMER, col="blue") lines(dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$X, dfr[dfr$Subject=="S1",]$y+ ranef(dfr.lmer)[[1]]["S1",], col="green") legend(2,30,c("30+cos(x)", "lmer (S1)", "ols (S1)"), lty=rep(1,3), col=c("green", "blue", "red")) ############################################################# # a model with a raw polynomial ############################################################# bg.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1+PC2+PC3 + ReadingScore + poly(OrthLength, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogFrequency + LogFamilySize + (1|Word) + (1|Subject)+(0+OrthLength|Subject) + (0+LogFrequency|Subject), data = beginningReaders, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) pars = par() par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(bg.lmer, fun=exp, ylabel = "RT (ms)") ############################################################# # a model with an interaction involving numeric predictors ############################################################# danish.lmer = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish.lmerA = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, subset=abs(scale(resid(danish.lmer)))<2.5, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) # plot for reference level of Sex plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogAffixFreq", intr=list("LogWordFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogWordFreq),3), "beg", list(c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"), rep(1,5))), ylimit=c(6.5,7.0)) # this model has a significant three-way interaction # for visualization, we can either relevel Sex and refit, # or make use of the control option. First releveling: danish$Sex=relevel(danish$Sex, "F") danish.lmerF = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) danish$Sex=relevel(danish$Sex, "M") danish.lmerM = lmer(LogRT ~ PC1 + PC2 + PrevError + Rank + ResidSemRating + ResidFamSize + LogWordFreq*LogAffixFreq*Sex + poly(LogCUP, 2, raw=TRUE) + LogUP + LogCUPtoEnd + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) # Next preparing for using the control option: # # names(fixef(danish.lmer))[10] # SexM # unique(danish.lmer@pp$X[,10]) # 1 0 par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end"), control=list("SexM", 0)) mtext("females", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end"), control=list("SexM", 1)) mtext("males", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerF, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5,7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end")) mtext("females", line=1.5, cex=0.9) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerM, pred="LogWordFreq", ylimit=c(6.5, 7.0), intr=list("LogAffixFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogAffixFreq),2), "end")) mtext("males", line=1.5, cex=0.9) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ############################################################# # calculating effect sizes, defined as max - min ############################################################# # effect size for a covariate dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogCUP", withList=TRUE) max(dfr$LogCUP$Y)-min(dfr$LogCUP$Y) # effect size for a factor dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "PrevError", withList=TRUE) max(dfr$PrevError$Y)-min(dfr$PrevError$Y) # effect sizes for the quantiles in an interaction plot dfr = plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmerA, pred = "LogAffixFreq", withList=TRUE, intr=list("LogWordFreq", round(quantile(danish$LogWordFreq),3), "beg")) unlist(lapply(dfr$LogAffixFreq, FUN=function(X)return(max(X$Y)-min(X$Y)))) ############################################################# # plotting an interaction between two factors ############################################################# danish$WordFreqFac = danish$LogWordFreq > median(danish$LogWordFreq) danish.lmer2 = lmer(LogRT ~ WordFreqFac*Sex + (1|Subject) + (1|Word) + (1|Affix), data = danish, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) plotLMER.fnc(danish.lmer2, pred = "Sex", intr=list("WordFreqFac", c("TRUE", "FALSE"), "end", list(c("red", "blue"), rep(1,2))), ylimit=c(6.7,6.9), cexsize=1.0, addlines=TRUE) ############################################################# # a generalized linear mixed-effects model ############################################################# dative.lmer = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), data = dative, family = "binomial", control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) par(mfrow=c(3,4),mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(dative.lmer, fun=plogis, addlines=TRUE) # with user-specified labels for the x-axis par(mfrow=c(3,4),mar=c(5,5,1,1)) plotLMER.fnc(dative.lmer, fun=plogis, addlines=TRUE, xlabs=unlist(strsplit("abcdefghij",""))) par(pars) ## End(Not run)
This function plots observed proportions against mean predicted probabilities. For a good fit, points should be approximately on a straight line.
plotlogistic.fit.fnc(x, data, method, where, scalesize, ...)
plotlogistic.fit.fnc(x, data, method, where, scalesize, ...)
x |
A logistic regression model fitted with |
data |
The data set to which the model was fitted. |
method |
Either "cut", in which case the vector of cut-off points
supplied by the "where" argument will be used to partition the fitted
probabilities, or "shingle", in which a shingle (using |
where |
A vector of cut-off points for partitioning the vector of
fitted probabilities, by default |
scalesize |
A positive real <= 1. If not NA (the default), the circles representing data points in the graph are scaled to reflect the number of data points in the underlying data set. The scalesize parameter specifies how large the largest circle will be compared to 1 inch. For counts with large outliers, small values of scalesize are better. See example below. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
A plot is produced on the graphics device. The R-squared value shown above the plot represents the correlation between the X and Y values in the plot. It does NOT represent the R-squared of the lrm or lmer model.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: data(dative) require(lme4) require(rms) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) dative.lrm = lrm(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality, data = dative) dative.glmm = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = dative, family = "binomial") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.lrm, dative) mtext("lrm", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.glmm, dative) mtext("lmer", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.lrm, dative, scalesize=0.2) mtext("lrm", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.glmm, dative, method="shingle") mtext("lmer", 3, 3) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dative) require(lme4) require(rms) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) dative.lrm = lrm(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality, data = dative) dative.glmm = glmer(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AccessOfTheme + AccessOfRec + LengthOfRecipient + AnimacyOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + PronomOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + LengthOfTheme + SemanticClass + Modality + (1|Verb), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = dative, family = "binomial") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.lrm, dative) mtext("lrm", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.glmm, dative) mtext("lmer", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.lrm, dative, scalesize=0.2) mtext("lrm", 3, 3) plotlogistic.fit.fnc (dative.glmm, dative, method="shingle") mtext("lmer", 3, 3) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
this function figures out the X and Y values for a given (sub)plot, including upper and lower 95% HPD intervals
preparePredictor.fnc(pred, model, m, ylabel, fun, val, xlabel, ranefs, ...)
preparePredictor.fnc(pred, model, m, ylabel, fun, val, xlabel, ranefs, ...)
pred |
character string denoting predictor to be plotted on horizontal axis |
model |
model fit by |
m |
matrix as produced by |
ylabel |
label for vertical axis (if other than name of dependent variable |
fun |
character string denoting transformation function for dependent variable, currently only '"plogis"' or '"exp"' |
val |
value of interacting variable |
xlabel |
label for horizontal axis |
ranefs |
a three-element list |
... |
further graphical parameters, currently not implemented |
A data frame with values to be plotted, with columns
X |
values of predictor |
Y |
fitted values |
Type |
logical for whether predictor is factor |
Interaction |
logical for whether predictor is interacting predictor |
Levels |
for factors, the factor level names (only present for factors) |
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: Not intended for independent use.
## Not run: Not intended for independent use.
Primed lexical decision latencies for Dutch neologisms ending in the suffix -heid.
A data frame with 832 observations on the following 13 variables.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector for the rank of the trial in its experimental list.
a numeric vector with log-transformed lexical decision latencies.
a factor coding the priming treatmen,
with levels baseheid
(prime is the base word) and
(the prime is the neologism)
a numeric vector for subjective frequency estimates.
a numeric vector for log-transformed frequencies of the whole word.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed frequencies of the base word.
a numeric vector coding orthographic length in letters.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed count of the word's morphological family.
a numeric vector for the number of synonym sets in WordNet in which the base is listed.
a factor with levels correct
for the response to the prime.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reaction time to the prime.
De Vaan, L., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Regular morphologically complex neologisms leave detectable traces in the mental lexicon, The Mental Lexicon, 2, in press.
## Not run: data(primingHeid) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = primingHeid) summary(primingHeid.lmer) # model criticism primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = primingHeid[abs(scale(resid(primingHeid.lmer)))<2.5,]) summary(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(primingHeid) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = primingHeid) summary(primingHeid.lmer) # model criticism primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = primingHeid[abs(scale(resid(primingHeid.lmer)))<2.5,]) summary(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Primed lexical decision latencies for Dutch neologisms ending in the suffix -heid, with information on RTs to preceding trials added to the data already in primingHeid.
A data frame with 832 observations on the following 17 variables.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector for the rank of the trial in its experimental list.
a numeric vector with log-transformed lexical decision latencies.
a factor coding the priming treatmen,
with levels baseheid
(prime is the base word) and
(the prime is the neologism)
a numeric vector for subjective frequency estimates.
a numeric vector for log-transformed frequencies of the whole word.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed frequencies of the base word.
a numeric vector coding orthographic length in letters.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed count of the word's morphological family.
a numeric vector for the number of synonym sets in WordNet in which the base is listed.
a factor with levels correct
for the response to the prime.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reaction time to the prime.
a numeric vector for reaction time in ms to the item preceding the target.
a numeric vector for reaction time in ms to the item preceding the target by two trials.
a numeric vector for reaction time in ms to the item preceding the target by three trials.
a numeric vector for reaction time in ms to the item preceding the target by four trials.
De Vaan, L., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Regular morphologically complex neologisms leave detectable traces in the mental lexicon, The Mental Lexicon, 2, in press.
## Not run: data(primingHeidPrevRT) require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + log(RTmin1) + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeidPrevRT, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(primingHeidPrevRT) require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + log(RTmin1) + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeidPrevRT, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Prints eigenvalues and eigenvalue rates for a correspondence object.
## S3 method for class 'corres' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'corres' print(x, ...)
x |
A correspondence object. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
Report of eigenvalues and eigenvalue rates.
R. H. Baayen
See also corres.fnc
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca ## End(Not run)
Print method for growth objects.
## S3 method for class 'growth' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'growth' print(x, ...)
x |
A growth object, as produced by |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
The data frame with chunk sizes and associated vocabulary statistics
is printed. To access the data frame that is being shown, use
R. H. Baayen
See also growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) alice.growth # for accessing the printed data frame: alice.growth@data$data[1:4,] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice) alice.growth # for accessing the printed data frame: alice.growth@data$data[1:4,] ## End(Not run)
This function used to calculate p-values and HPD intervals for the
parameters of models fitted with lmer
As MCMC is no longer supported by lme4, this function is now obsolete and does no longer produce any output, other than a warning.
See the lme4 function pvalues() for alternatives.
pvals.fnc(object, ...)
pvals.fnc(object, ...)
object |
a |
... |
Optional arguments that can be passed down. |
A warning.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: data(primingHeid) library(lme4) # remove extreme outliers primingHeid = primingHeid[primingHeid$RT < 7.1,] # fit mixed-effects model # we will stay as close to the older optimizer of lme4 as possible - # this requires the optimx package and using the control option of lmer() require(optimx) require(lmerTest) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeid, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(primingHeid.lmer) anova(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(primingHeid) library(lme4) # remove extreme outliers primingHeid = primingHeid[primingHeid$RT < 7.1,] # fit mixed-effects model # we will stay as close to the older optimizer of lme4 as possible - # this requires the optimx package and using the control option of lmer() require(optimx) require(lmerTest) primingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime * ResponseToPrime + Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), data = primingHeid, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) summary(primingHeid.lmer) anova(primingHeid.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Simulated lexical decision latencies with SOA as treatment, traditionally requiring an analysis using quasi-F ratios, as available in Raaijmakers et al. (1999).
A data frame with 64 observations on the following 4 variables.
a factor coding subjects.
a numeric vector for simulated reaction times in lexical decision.
a factor coding items.
a factor coding SOA treatment with levels long
and short
Raaijmakers, J.G.W., Schrijnemakers, J.M.C. & Gremmen, F. (1999) How to deal with "The language as fixed effect fallacy": common misconceptions and alternative solutions, Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 416-426.
## Not run: data(quasif) items.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(quasif) items.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
The textbook Quasi-F test for a design with subjects, items, and a single factorial predictor. Included for educational purposes for this specific design only.
quasiF.fnc(ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, df1, df2, df3, df4)
quasiF.fnc(ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, df1, df2, df3, df4)
ms1 |
Mean squares Factor |
ms2 |
Mean squares Item:Subject |
ms3 |
Mean squares Factor:Subject |
ms4 |
Mean squares Item |
df1 |
Degrees of freedom Factor |
df2 |
Degrees of freedom Item:Subject |
df3 |
Degrees of freedom Factor:Subject |
df4 |
Degrees of freedom Item |
A list with components
F |
Quasi-F value. |
df1 |
degrees of freedom numerator. |
df2 |
degrees of freedom denominator. |
p |
p-value. |
R. H. Baayen
See Also as quasiFsim.fnc
data(quasif) quasif.lm = lm(RT ~ SOA + Item + Subject + SOA:Subject + Item:Subject, data = quasif) quasif.aov = anova(quasif.lm) quasiF.fnc(quasif.aov["SOA","Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["Item:Subject", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["SOA:Subject", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["Item", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["SOA","Df"], quasif.aov["Item:Subject", "Df"], quasif.aov["SOA:Subject", "Df"], quasif.aov["Item", "Df"]) # much simpler is quasiFsim.fnc(quasif)$quasiF
data(quasif) quasif.lm = lm(RT ~ SOA + Item + Subject + SOA:Subject + Item:Subject, data = quasif) quasif.aov = anova(quasif.lm) quasiF.fnc(quasif.aov["SOA","Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["Item:Subject", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["SOA:Subject", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["Item", "Mean Sq"], quasif.aov["SOA","Df"], quasif.aov["Item:Subject", "Df"], quasif.aov["SOA:Subject", "Df"], quasif.aov["Item", "Df"]) # much simpler is quasiFsim.fnc(quasif)$quasiF
This function carries out a Quasi-F test for data with columns labelled SOA, Subject, Item. This function is called by simulate.quasif.fnc, and is not intended for general use.
dat |
A data frame with RT (or RTsim), SOA, Subject and Item as predictors. |
A list with components
p |
The p-value of the quasi-F test. |
data |
The input data. |
model |
The linear model fitted to the data. |
qF |
a list with F, df1, df2 and p-value of quasi-F test. |
R. H. Baayen
See Also quasiF.fnc
data(quasif) quasiFsim.fnc(quasif)$quasiF
data(quasif) quasiFsim.fnc(quasif)$quasiF
Subjective frequency ratings, ratings of estimated weight, and ratings of estimated size, averaged over subjects, for 81 concrete English nouns.
A data frame with 81 observations on the following 14 variables.
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector of logarithmically transformed frequencies
a numeric vector of logarithmically transformed morphological family sizes.
a numeric vector with logarithmically transformed counts of the number of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed.
a numeric vector for the length of the word in letters.
a factor with levels animal
and plant
a numeric vector for the frequency of the word in the singular.
a numeric vector with the frequency of the word in the plural.
a numeric vector with the derivational entropies of the words.
a factor coding morphological complexity with levels
and simplex
a numeric vector coding the log of ratio of singular to plural frequencies.
a numeric vector for the estimated weight of the word's referent, averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector for the estimated size of the word's referent, averaged over subjects.
a numeric vector with subjective frequency estimates, averaged over subjects.
Data collected together with Jen Hay at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004.
## Not run: data(ratings) ratings.lm = lm(meanSizeRating ~ meanFamiliarity * Class + I(meanFamiliarity^2), data = ratings) ratings$fitted = fitted(ratings.lm) plot(ratings$meanFamiliarity, ratings$meanSizeRating, xlab = "mean familiarity", ylab = "mean size rating", type = "n") text(ratings$meanFamiliarity, ratings$meanSizeRating, substr(as.character(ratings$Class), 1, 1), col = 'darkgrey') plants = ratings[ratings$Class == "plant", ] animals = ratings[ratings$Class == "animal", ] plants = plants[order(plants$meanFamiliarity),] animals = animals[order(animals$meanFamiliarity),] lines(plants$meanFamiliarity, plants$fitted) lines(animals$meanFamiliarity, animals$fitted) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(ratings) ratings.lm = lm(meanSizeRating ~ meanFamiliarity * Class + I(meanFamiliarity^2), data = ratings) ratings$fitted = fitted(ratings.lm) plot(ratings$meanFamiliarity, ratings$meanSizeRating, xlab = "mean familiarity", ylab = "mean size rating", type = "n") text(ratings$meanFamiliarity, ratings$meanSizeRating, substr(as.character(ratings$Class), 1, 1), col = 'darkgrey') plants = ratings[ratings$Class == "plant", ] animals = ratings[ratings$Class == "animal", ] plants = plants[order(plants$meanFamiliarity),] animals = animals[order(animals$meanFamiliarity),] lines(plants$meanFamiliarity, plants$fitted) lines(animals$meanFamiliarity, animals$fitted) ## End(Not run)
Regular and irregular Dutch verbs and selected lexical and distributional properties.
A data frame with 700 observations on the following 13 variables.
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a numeric vector of logarithmically transformed frequencies in written Dutch (as available in the CELEX lexical database).
a numeric vector for the number of orthographic neighbors.
a numeric vector for the number of verbal synsets in WordNet.
a numeric vector for mean log bigram frequency.
a numeric vector for Shannon's entropy calculated for the word's inflectional variants.
a factor with levels hebben
, zijn
and zijnheb
for the verb's auxiliary in the perfect tenses.
a factor with levels irregular
and regular
a numeric vector of the word's orthographic length.
a numeric vector for the number of types in the word's morphological family.
a numeric vector for the verb's valency, estimated by its number of argument structures.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed ratio of the nominal and verbal frequencies of use.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed ratio of the frequencies in written and spoken Dutch.
Baayen, R. H. and Moscoso del Prado Martin, F. (2005) Semantic density and past-tense formation in three Germanic languages, Language, 81, 666-698.
Tabak, W., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2005) Lexical statistics and lexical processing: semantic density, information complexity, sex, and irregularity in Dutch, in Kepser, S. and Reis, M., Linguistic Evidence - Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 529-555.
## Not run: data(regularity) # ---- predicting regularity with a logistic regression model library(rms) regularity.dd = datadist(regularity) options(datadist = 'regularity.dd') regularity.lrm = lrm(Regularity ~ WrittenFrequency + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = regularity, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) anova(regularity.lrm) # ---- model validation validate(regularity.lrm, bw = TRUE, B = 200) pentrace(regularity.lrm, seq(0, 0.8, by = 0.05)) regularity.lrm.pen = update(regularity.lrm, penalty = 0.6) regularity.lrm.pen # ---- a plot of the partial effects plot(Predict(regularity.lrm.pen)) # predicting regularity with a support vector machine library(e1071) regularity$AuxNum = as.numeric(regularity$Auxiliary) regularity.svm = svm(regularity[, -c(1,8,10)], regularity$Regularity, cross=10) summary(regularity.svm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(regularity) # ---- predicting regularity with a logistic regression model library(rms) regularity.dd = datadist(regularity) options(datadist = 'regularity.dd') regularity.lrm = lrm(Regularity ~ WrittenFrequency + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency + NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = regularity, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) anova(regularity.lrm) # ---- model validation validate(regularity.lrm, bw = TRUE, B = 200) pentrace(regularity.lrm, seq(0, 0.8, by = 0.05)) regularity.lrm.pen = update(regularity.lrm, penalty = 0.6) regularity.lrm.pen # ---- a plot of the partial effects plot(Predict(regularity.lrm.pen)) # predicting regularity with a support vector machine library(e1071) regularity$AuxNum = as.numeric(regularity$Auxiliary) regularity.svm = svm(regularity[, -c(1,8,10)], regularity$Regularity, cross=10) summary(regularity.svm) ## End(Not run)
Self-paced reading latencies for Dutch neologisms ending in the suffix -heid.
A data frame with 1280 observations on the following 18 variables.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector with logarithmically transformed reading latencies.
a numeric vector for the logarithmically transformed frequency of the lowest-level base of the neologism (e.g., lob in [[[lob]+ig]+heid].
a factor for the priming conditions
with levels baseheid
(neologism is preceded 40 trials back
by its base word) and heidheid
(the neologism is preceded
40 trials back by itself).
a numeric vector for the word's subjective frequency estimate.
a numeric vector for the neologism's frequency (all zero).
a numeric vector for the base adjective underlying the neologism (e.g., lobbig in [[[lob]+ig]+heid]).
a numeric vector coding word length in letters.
a numeric vector for the logaritmically transformed count of a word's morphological family members.
a numeric vector for the count of synonym sets in WordNet in which the word is listed.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies four trials back.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies three trials back.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies two trials back.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies one trial back.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies one trial later.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latencies two trials later.
a numeric vector for the log-transformed reading latency for the prime.
De Vaan, L., Schreuder, R. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Regular morphologically complex neologisms leave detectable traces in the mental lexicon, The Mental Lexicon, 2, in press.
## Not run: data(selfPacedReadingHeid) # data validation plot(sort(selfPacedReadingHeid$RT)) selfPacedReadingHeid = selfPacedReadingHeid[selfPacedReadingHeid$RT > 5 & selfPacedReadingHeid$RT < 7.2,] # fitting a mixed-effects model require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) x = selfPacedReadingHeid[,12:15] x.pr = prcomp(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) selfPacedReadingHeid$PC1 = x.pr$x[,1] selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime + LengthInLetters + PC1 * Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = selfPacedReadingHeid) summary(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer) # model criticism selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime + LengthInLetters + PC1 * Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = selfPacedReadingHeid[abs(scale(resid(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer))) < 2.5, ]) qqnorm(resid(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA)) summary(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(selfPacedReadingHeid) # data validation plot(sort(selfPacedReadingHeid$RT)) selfPacedReadingHeid = selfPacedReadingHeid[selfPacedReadingHeid$RT > 5 & selfPacedReadingHeid$RT < 7.2,] # fitting a mixed-effects model require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) x = selfPacedReadingHeid[,12:15] x.pr = prcomp(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) selfPacedReadingHeid$PC1 = x.pr$x[,1] selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime + LengthInLetters + PC1 * Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = selfPacedReadingHeid) summary(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer) # model criticism selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA = lmer(RT ~ RTtoPrime + LengthInLetters + PC1 * Condition + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = selfPacedReadingHeid[abs(scale(resid(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmer))) < 2.5, ]) qqnorm(resid(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA)) summary(selfPacedReadingHeid.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
This function plots the standord normal probability density function and shades the rejection region.
shadenormal.fnc(qnts = c(0.025, 0.975))
shadenormal.fnc(qnts = c(0.025, 0.975))
qnts |
A numeric vector with the Z-scores of the boundaries of the lower and upper rejection regions. |
A plot on the graphics device.
Type shadenormal.fnc
to see the code. The polygon() function used for
the shaded areas takes a sequence of X and Y coordinates, connects the
corresponding points, and fills the area(s) enclosed with a specified color.
To understand the use of polygon(), one can best think of making a
polygon with a set of pins, a thread, and a board. Outline the polygon by
placing the pins on the board at the corners of the polygon. First fasten the
thread to one of the pins, then connect the thread to the second pin, from
there to the third pin, and so on, until the first pin has been reached.
What polygon() requires as input is a vector of the X-coordinates of
the pins, and a vector of their Y-coordinates. These coordinates should be
in exactly the order in which the thread is to be connected from pin to pin.
For shading the left rejection area, we specify the vectors of X and Y coordinates, beginning at the leftmost point of the tail, proceding to the right edge of the shaded area, then up, and finally to the left and down to the starting point, thereby closing the polygon. The X-coordinates are therefore specified from left to right, and then from right to left. The corresponding Y-coordinates are all the zeros necessary to get from $-3$ to $1.96$ (the default, qnorm(0.025)), and then the Y-coordinates of the density in reverse order to return to where we began.
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: shadenormal.fnc() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: shadenormal.fnc() ## End(Not run)
A print method for growth objects created with growth.fnc
## S3 method for class 'growth' show(x)
## S3 method for class 'growth' show(x)
x |
A growth object. |
Prints growth object. To access the data frame embedded in the
growth object, use <my.growth.object>@data$data
R. H. Baayen
See Also growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice, chunks= c(5000, 10000, 15000)) alice.growth ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.growth = growth.fnc(alice, chunks= c(5000, 10000, 15000)) alice.growth ## End(Not run)
Simulated data set for illustrating shrinkage.
A data frame with 200 observations on the following 6 variables.
a numeric vector for the intercept.
a numeric vector for word frequency.
a factor for subjects with levels S1
, ... , S10
a numeric vector for residuals.
a numeric vector for random effect.
a numeric vector for simulated RTs.
## Not run: data(shrinkage) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) shrinkage.lmer = lmer(RT ~ frequency + (1|subject), data = shrinkage, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")) shrinkage.lmList = lmList(RT ~ frequency | subject, data = shrinkage) # and visualize the difference between random regression # and mixed-effects regression mixed = coef(shrinkage.lmer)[[1]] random = coef(shrinkage.lmList) subj = unique(shrinkage[,c("subject", "ranef")]) subj = subj[order(subj$subject),] subj$random = random[,1] subj$mixed = mixed[,1] subj = subj[order(subj$random),] subj$rank = 1:nrow(subj) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(subj$rank, subj$random, xlab="rank", ylab="RT", ylim=c(200,550), type="n") text(subj$rank, subj$random, as.character(subj$subject), cex=0.8, col="red") mtext("random regression", 3, 1) points(subj$rank, 400+subj$ranef, col="blue") abline(h=400) plot(subj$rank, subj$mixed, xlab="rank", ylab="RT", ylim=c(200,550), type="n") text(subj$rank, subj$mixed, as.character(subj$subject), cex=0.8, col = "red") mtext("mixed-effects regression", 3, 1) points(subj$rank, 400+subj$ranef, col="blue") abline(h=400) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(shrinkage) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) shrinkage.lmer = lmer(RT ~ frequency + (1|subject), data = shrinkage, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")) shrinkage.lmList = lmList(RT ~ frequency | subject, data = shrinkage) # and visualize the difference between random regression # and mixed-effects regression mixed = coef(shrinkage.lmer)[[1]] random = coef(shrinkage.lmList) subj = unique(shrinkage[,c("subject", "ranef")]) subj = subj[order(subj$subject),] subj$random = random[,1] subj$mixed = mixed[,1] subj = subj[order(subj$random),] subj$rank = 1:nrow(subj) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(subj$rank, subj$random, xlab="rank", ylab="RT", ylim=c(200,550), type="n") text(subj$rank, subj$random, as.character(subj$subject), cex=0.8, col="red") mtext("random regression", 3, 1) points(subj$rank, 400+subj$ranef, col="blue") abline(h=400) plot(subj$rank, subj$mixed, xlab="rank", ylab="RT", ylim=c(200,550), type="n") text(subj$rank, subj$mixed, as.character(subj$subject), cex=0.8, col = "red") mtext("mixed-effects regression", 3, 1) points(subj$rank, 400+subj$ranef, col="blue") abline(h=400) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
This function creates a user-specified number of simulated datasets with a Latin Square design, and compares mixed-effects models with the by-subject anova.
simulateLatinsquare.fnc(dat, with = TRUE, trial = 0, nruns = 100, nsub = NA, nitem = NA, ...)
simulateLatinsquare.fnc(dat, with = TRUE, trial = 0, nruns = 100, nsub = NA, nitem = NA, ...)
dat |
A data frame with the structure of the data set |
with |
Logical, if TRUE, effect of SOA built into the data. |
trial |
A number which, if nonzero, gives the magnitude of a learning or a fatigue effect. |
nruns |
A number indicating the required number of simulation runs. |
nsub |
A number for the number of subjects. |
nitem |
A number for the number of items. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
A list with components
alpha05 |
Description of 'comp1' |
alpha01 |
proportion of runs in which predictors are significant at the 05 significance level. |
res |
Data frame with simulation results. |
with |
Logical, TRUE if SOA effect is built into the simulations. |
R. H. Baayen
## Not run: data(latinsquare) \dontrun{ library(lme4) simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns=100) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(latinsquare) \dontrun{ library(lme4) simulateLatinsquare.fnc(latinsquare, nruns=100) } ## End(Not run)
This function creates a user-specified number of simulated datasets, and compares mixed-effects models with quasi-F and F1 and F2 analyses. It should be run with the version of R and the version of languageR used by Baayen, Davidson & Bates (2008, JML), as mcmcsamp no longer supports models with random correlation parameters.
simulateQuasif.fnc(dat, with = TRUE, nruns = 100, nsub = NA, nitem = NA, ...)
simulateQuasif.fnc(dat, with = TRUE, nruns = 100, nsub = NA, nitem = NA, ...)
dat |
Data frame with a data set with as variables Subject, Item and
SOA, as in the |
with |
Logical, if TRUE, an effect of SOA is built into the simulation. |
nruns |
Integer for the number of simulation runs. |
nsub |
Integer denoting the number of subjects. |
nitem |
Integer denoting the number of items. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
Model parameters are estimated from the input data set.
For each completed simulation run, a dot is added to the R console.
A list with components
alpha05 |
Description of 'comp1' |
alpha01 |
proportion of runs in which predictors are significant at the 05 significance level. |
res |
Data frame with simulation results. |
with |
Logical, TRUE if SOA effect is built into the simulations. |
R. H. Baayen
See also subjects.quasif.fnc
## Not run: data(quasif) library(lme4) quasif.sim = simulateQuasif.fnc(quasif, nruns = 1000, with = TRUE) quasif.sim$alpha05 ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(quasif) library(lme4) quasif.sim = simulateQuasif.fnc(quasif, nruns = 1000, with = TRUE) quasif.sim$alpha05 ## End(Not run)
This function creates a user-specified number of simulated regression datasets, and compares mixed-effects regression with random regression, by-subject regression, by-item regression, and by-subject plus by-item regression. Optionally, an effect of learning or fatigue can be incorporated.
simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), nitem = 20, nsubj = 10, stdevItem = 40, stdevSubj = 80, stdevError = 50, nruns = 100, learn = FALSE, learnRate = 10, ...)
simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), nitem = 20, nsubj = 10, stdevItem = 40, stdevSubj = 80, stdevError = 50, nruns = 100, learn = FALSE, learnRate = 10, ...)
beta |
A numeric vector with beta weights for the intercept and three numeric predictors. |
nitem |
A number specifying the number of items. |
nsubj |
A number specifying the number of subjects. |
stdevItem |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Item random effect. |
stdevSubj |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Subject random effect. |
stdevError |
A number specifying the standard deviation of the Residual Error. |
nruns |
A number specifying the required number of simulated datasets. |
learn |
A logical that if TRUE, allows an effect of learning or fatigue into the model. |
learnRate |
A number specifying the learning rate (if negative) or the effect of fatigue (if positive). |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
A list with components
alpha05 |
proportion of runs in which predictors are significant at the 05 significance level. |
alpha01 |
proportion of runs in which predictors are significant at the 01 significance level. |
ranef |
mean estimated random effects. |
As this may take some time, the index of each completed run is shown on the output device.
R. H. Baayen
See Also make.reg.fnc
## Not run: library(lme4) simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), nruns = 5) \dontrun{simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 0), nruns = 1000, learn = TRUE)} ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(lme4) simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 4), nruns = 5) \dontrun{simulateRegression.fnc(beta = c(400, 2, 6, 0), nruns = 1000, learn = TRUE)} ## End(Not run)
Subjective estimates of the size of the referents of 81 English concrete nouns, collected from 38 subjects.
A data frame with 3078 observations on the following 7 variables.
a numeric vector with subjective estimates of the size of the word's referent.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a factor with words as levels.
a factor with levels animal
and plant
a factor with levels naive
and notNaive
coding whether the subject new about the purpose of the experiment.
a factor with levels English
and notEnglish
coding whether the subject was a native speaker of English.
a numeric vector for the by-item mean familiarity ratings.
Data collected with Jen Hay, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004.
## Not run: data(sizeRatings) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) sizeRatings.lmer = lmer(Rating ~ Class * Naive + MeanFamiliarity * Language + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = sizeRatings) summary(sizeRatings.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(sizeRatings) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) sizeRatings.lmer = lmer(Rating ~ Class * Naive + MeanFamiliarity * Language + (1|Subject) + (1|Word), control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = sizeRatings) summary(sizeRatings.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Relative frequencies of the 120 most frequent tag trigrams in 15 texts contributed by 3 authors.
A data frame with 120 observations on 15 variables documented in
Spassova, M. S. (2006) Las marcas sintacticas de atribucion forense de autoria de textos escritos en espanol, Masters thesis, Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
## Not run: data(spanish) data(spanishMeta) # principal components analysis spanish.t = t(spanish) spanish.pca = prcomp(spanish.t, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) spanish.x = data.frame(spanish.pca$x) spanish.x = spanish.x[order(rownames(spanish.x)), ] library(lattice) splom(~spanish.x[ , 1:3], groups = spanishMeta$Author) # linear discriminant analysis library(MASS) spanish.pca.lda = lda(spanish.x[ , 1:8], spanishMeta$Author) plot(spanish.pca.lda) # cross-validation n = 8 spanish.t = spanish.t[order(rownames(spanish.t)), ] predictedClasses = rep("", 15) for (i in 1:15) { training = spanish.t[-i,] trainingAuthor = spanishMeta[-i,]$Author training.pca = prcomp(training, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) training.x = data.frame(training.pca$x) training.x = training.x[order(rownames(training.x)), ] training.pca.lda = lda(training[ , 1:n], trainingAuthor) predictedClasses[i] = as.character(predict(training.pca.lda, spanish.t[ , 1:n])$class[i]) } ncorrect = sum(predictedClasses==as.character(spanishMeta$Author)) ncorrect sum(dbinom(ncorrect:15, 15, 1/3)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(spanish) data(spanishMeta) # principal components analysis spanish.t = t(spanish) spanish.pca = prcomp(spanish.t, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) spanish.x = data.frame(spanish.pca$x) spanish.x = spanish.x[order(rownames(spanish.x)), ] library(lattice) splom(~spanish.x[ , 1:3], groups = spanishMeta$Author) # linear discriminant analysis library(MASS) spanish.pca.lda = lda(spanish.x[ , 1:8], spanishMeta$Author) plot(spanish.pca.lda) # cross-validation n = 8 spanish.t = spanish.t[order(rownames(spanish.t)), ] predictedClasses = rep("", 15) for (i in 1:15) { training = spanish.t[-i,] trainingAuthor = spanishMeta[-i,]$Author training.pca = prcomp(training, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) training.x = data.frame(training.pca$x) training.x = training.x[order(rownames(training.x)), ] training.pca.lda = lda(training[ , 1:n], trainingAuthor) predictedClasses[i] = as.character(predict(training.pca.lda, spanish.t[ , 1:n])$class[i]) } ncorrect = sum(predictedClasses==as.character(spanishMeta$Author)) ncorrect sum(dbinom(ncorrect:15, 15, 1/3)) ## End(Not run)
Relative frequencies of the 120 most frequent function words in 15 texts contributed by 3 authors.
A data frame with 120 observations on 15 variables documented in
Spassova, M. S. (2006) Las marcas sintacticas de atribucion forense de autoria de textos escritos en espanol, Masters thesis, Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
## Not run: data(spanishFunctionWords) data(spanishMeta) # principal components analysis spanishFunctionWords.t = t(spanishFunctionWords) spanishFunctionWords.t = spanishFunctionWords.t[order(rownames(spanishFunctionWords.t)), ] spanishFunctionWords.pca = prcomp(spanishFunctionWords.t, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) sdevs = spanishFunctionWords.pca$sdev^2 n = sum(sdevs/sum(sdevs)> 0.05) # linear discriminant analysis with cross-validation library(MASS) predictedClasses = rep("", 15) for (i in 1:15) { training = spanishFunctionWords.t[-i,] trainingAuthor = spanishMeta[-i,]$Author training.pca = prcomp(training, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) training.x = data.frame(training.pca$x) training.x = training.x[order(rownames(training.x)), ] training.pca.lda = lda(training[ , 1:n], trainingAuthor) cl = predict(training.pca.lda, spanishFunctionWords.t[,1:n])$class[i] predictedClasses[i] = as.character(cl) } ncorrect = sum(predictedClasses==spanishMeta$Author) sum(dbinom(ncorrect:15, 15, 1/3)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(spanishFunctionWords) data(spanishMeta) # principal components analysis spanishFunctionWords.t = t(spanishFunctionWords) spanishFunctionWords.t = spanishFunctionWords.t[order(rownames(spanishFunctionWords.t)), ] spanishFunctionWords.pca = prcomp(spanishFunctionWords.t, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) sdevs = spanishFunctionWords.pca$sdev^2 n = sum(sdevs/sum(sdevs)> 0.05) # linear discriminant analysis with cross-validation library(MASS) predictedClasses = rep("", 15) for (i in 1:15) { training = spanishFunctionWords.t[-i,] trainingAuthor = spanishMeta[-i,]$Author training.pca = prcomp(training, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) training.x = data.frame(training.pca$x) training.x = training.x[order(rownames(training.x)), ] training.pca.lda = lda(training[ , 1:n], trainingAuthor) cl = predict(training.pca.lda, spanishFunctionWords.t[,1:n])$class[i] predictedClasses[i] = as.character(cl) } ncorrect = sum(predictedClasses==spanishMeta$Author) sum(dbinom(ncorrect:15, 15, 1/3)) ## End(Not run)
By-text metadata for the spanish and spanishFunctionWords data sets.
A data frame with 15 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels C
, M
, and V
a numeric vector with year of birth of the author.
a factor with codes for the texts as levels (
... X14476gll
a numeric vector with data of publication of the text.
a numeric vector with text sizes in tokens.
a factor with author names: Cela
and VargasLLosa
Spassova, M. S. (2006) Las marcas sintacticas de atribucion forense de autoria de textos escritos en espanol, Masters thesis, Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
## Not run: data(spanishMeta) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(spanishMeta) ## End(Not run)
This function creates a frequency spectrum for a text in character vector form.
text |
A character vector containing the words of a text. |
A data frame with as column variables
frequency |
Word frequencies. |
freqOfFreq |
The frequencies of the word frequencies. |
R. H. Baayen
R. H. Baayen (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
See Also the zipfR
## Not run: data(alice) alice.spectrum = spectrum.fnc(alice) head(alice.spectrum) tail(alice.spectrum) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.spectrum = spectrum.fnc(alice) head(alice.spectrum) tail(alice.spectrum) ## End(Not run)
Simulated lexical decision latencies with priming as treatment and reaction time in lexical decision as dependent variable.
A data frame with 800 observations on the following 11 variables.
A factor with levels w1
, w2
..., w40
, coding 40 word items.
The by-word random adjustments to the intercept.
A factor with levels listA
and listB
The priming effect is counterbalanced for subjects across these
two lists, compare table(splitplot$list, splitplot$subjects)
The by-list random adjustments to the intercept.
A treatment factor with levels primed
The priming effect, -30 for the primed and 0 for the unprimed condition.
A factor with levels s1
, s2
... s20
coding 20 subjects.
The by-subject random adjustments to the intercept.
The by-observation noise.
The intercept.
The reaction time.
R. H. Baayen, D. J. Davidson and D. M. Bates. Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items. Manuscript under revision for Journal of Memory and Language.
## Not run: data(splitplot) table(splitplot$list, splitplot$subjects) dat=splitplot require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) dat.lmer1 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1+priming|subjects)+(1+list|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer2 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1+priming|subjects)+(1|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer3 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1|subjects)+(1|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer4 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1|subjects),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) anova(dat.lmer1, dat.lmer2, dat.lmer3, dat.lmer4) summary(dat.lmer3) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(splitplot) table(splitplot$list, splitplot$subjects) dat=splitplot require(lme4) require(optimx) require(lmerTest) dat.lmer1 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1+priming|subjects)+(1+list|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer2 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1+priming|subjects)+(1|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer3 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1|subjects)+(1|items),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) dat.lmer4 = lmer(RT ~ list*priming+(1|subjects),data=dat, control=lmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb"))) anova(dat.lmer1, dat.lmer2, dat.lmer3, dat.lmer4) summary(dat.lmer3) ## End(Not run)
This function is called by simulateLatinsquare.fnc
for by-subject
analysis of simulated Latin Square datasets. It is not intended for
independent use.
dat |
A data frame with variables RT or RTsim , SOA, Subject, Item,
Group and List, as in the |
A list with components
p |
The p-value of the by-subject anova. |
data |
The input dataset. |
model |
The fitted model. |
R. H. Baayen
See also simulateLatinsquare.fnc
## Not run: data(latinsquare) subjects.latinsquare.fnc(latinsquare)$p ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(latinsquare) subjects.latinsquare.fnc(latinsquare)$p ## End(Not run)
This function is called by simulateQuasif.fnc
for by-subject
analysis of simulated datasets traditionally requiring quasi-F ratios.
It is not intended for independent use.
dat |
A data frame with variables RT or RTsim , SOA, Subject and Item. |
A list with components
p |
p-value for by-subject F-test. |
data |
Data set with aggregated subject means. |
model |
Anova table of fitted model. |
R. H. Baayen
See also simulateQuasif.fnc
## Not run: data(quasif) subjects.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(quasif) subjects.quasif.fnc(quasif) ## End(Not run)
This function provides a concise summary of a correspondence object.
## S3 method for class 'corres' summary(object, n = 2, returnList = FALSE, head = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'corres' summary(object, n = 2, returnList = FALSE, head = TRUE, ...)
object |
A correspondence object as produced by |
n |
A number indicating number of dimensions to be summarized. |
returnList |
Logical, if TRUE, a list is returned with as components the full information on each factor, instead of only the first 6 lines. |
head |
Logical, if TRUE, first 6 rows of factor summaries are shown. |
... |
Additional arguments passed on to summaries. |
A summary with eigenvalue rates, and coordinates, correlations, and contributions for the factors (by default, 2, unless n is set to a higher number).
R. H. Baayen
See also corres.fnc
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca summary(oldFrench.ca) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca = corres.fnc(oldFrench) oldFrench.ca summary(oldFrench.ca) ## End(Not run)
Summary method for vocabulary growth objects created with growth.fnc
## S3 method for class 'growth' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'growth' summary(object, ...)
object |
A vocabulary growth object. |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions. |
The growth object is printed. For access to the data frame inside
the object, use <my.growth.object>@data$data
R. H. Baayen
See also growth.fnc
This functions takes a text in the form of a character vector as input,
and outputs a frequency spectrum object as defined in the zipfR
text |
A text in the form of a character vector. |
A spc
spectrum object as defined in the zipfR
R. H. Baayen
See the documentation for zipfR
for spc
## Not run: library(zipfR) data(alice) alice.spc = text2spc.fnc(alice) plot(alice.spc) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(zipfR) data(alice) alice.spc = text2spc.fnc(alice) plot(alice.spc) ## End(Not run)
The text of Lewis Carroll's 'Through the Looking Glass', with punctuation marks removed.
A character vector with 29560 words.
The project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
## Not run: data(through) through[1:3] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(through) through[1:3] ## End(Not run)
Apply function fun to input vector y
transforming.fnc(y, fun)
transforming.fnc(y, fun)
y |
numerical vector (for dependent variable) |
fun |
a function, or NA (in which case no transformation is applied |
exists only to make code more readable
a numerical vector
not intended for independent use
R. H. Baayen
See Also as plotLMER.fnc
## Not run: not intended for independent use
## Not run: not intended for independent use
Frequency (m) and frequency of frequency (Vm) for string types in the Twente News Corpus.
A data frame with 4639 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector with word frequencies.
a numeric vector with the frequencies of word frequencies.
Twente News Corpus.
## Not run: data(twente) library(zipfR) twente.spc = spc(m=twente$m, Vm = twente$Vm) plot(twente.spc) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(twente) library(zipfR) twente.spc = spc(m=twente$m, Vm = twente$Vm) plot(twente.spc) ## End(Not run)
This dataset documents variation in the use of the suffix -lijk, as realized in 32 words, in spoken Dutch across region (Flanders versus The Netherlands), sex (females versus males) and education (high versus mid).
A data frame with 32 observations on the following 8 variables.
a numeric vector with counts for Dutch females with a mid education level.
a numeric vector counts for Dutch females with a high education level.
a numeric vector counts for Dutch males with a high education level.
a numeric vector counts for Dutch males with a mid education level.
a numeric vector counts for Flemish females with a high education level.
a numeric vector counts for Flemish females with a mid education level.
a numeric vector counts for Flemish males with a high education level.
a numeric vector counts for Flemish males with a mid education level.
Keune, K., Ernestus, M., Van Hout, R. and Baayen, R.H. (2005) Social, geographical, and register variation in Dutch: From written 'mogelijk' to spoken 'mok', Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 1, 183-223.
## Not run: data(variationLijk) variationLijk.ca = corres.fnc(variationLijk) plot(variationLijk.ca, rcex=0.7, ccol="black", rcol = rep("blue", nrow(variationLijk))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(variationLijk) variationLijk.ca = corres.fnc(variationLijk) plot(variationLijk.ca, rcex=0.7, ccol="black", rcol = rep("blue", nrow(variationLijk))) ## End(Not run)
Semantic transparency (dichotomous) and frequency for 985 words with the Dutch prefix ver-.
A data frame with 985 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector for the words' frequency.
a factor with levels opaque
coding semantic transparency.
Baayen, R. H. and Lieber, R. (1997) Word Frequency Distributions and Lexical Semantics, Computers and the Humanities, 30, 281-291.
## Not run: data(ver) ver$Frequency = log(ver$Frequency) plot(density(ver$Frequency)) # plot separate densities for opaque and transparent words ver.transp = ver[ver$SemanticClass == "transparent",]$Frequency ver.opaque = ver[ver$SemanticClass == "opaque", ]$Frequency ver.transp.d = density(ver.transp) ver.opaque.d = density(ver.opaque) xlimit = range(ver.transp.d$x, ver.opaque.d$x) ylimit = range(ver.transp.d$y, ver.opaque.d$y) plot(ver.transp.d, lty = 1, col = "black", xlab = "frequency", ylab = "density", xlim = xlimit, ylim = ylimit, main = "") lines(ver.opaque.d, col = "darkgrey") legend(6,0.25, lty=rep(1,2), col=c("black", "darkgrey"), legend=c("transparent", "opaque")) # test whether the difference is significant ks.test(jitter(ver.transp), jitter(ver.opaque)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(ver) ver$Frequency = log(ver$Frequency) plot(density(ver$Frequency)) # plot separate densities for opaque and transparent words ver.transp = ver[ver$SemanticClass == "transparent",]$Frequency ver.opaque = ver[ver$SemanticClass == "opaque", ]$Frequency ver.transp.d = density(ver.transp) ver.opaque.d = density(ver.opaque) xlimit = range(ver.transp.d$x, ver.opaque.d$x) ylimit = range(ver.transp.d$y, ver.opaque.d$y) plot(ver.transp.d, lty = 1, col = "black", xlab = "frequency", ylab = "density", xlim = xlimit, ylim = ylimit, main = "") lines(ver.opaque.d, col = "darkgrey") legend(6,0.25, lty=rep(1,2), col=c("black", "darkgrey"), legend=c("transparent", "opaque")) # test whether the difference is significant ks.test(jitter(ver.transp), jitter(ver.opaque)) ## End(Not run)
A simplified version of the dative
data set, used
for expository purposes only.
A data frame with 903 observations on the following 5 variables.
a factor with levels NP
and PP
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a factor with levels animate
a factor with levels animate
a numeric vector coding the length in words of the theme.
Bresnan, J., Cueni, A., Nikitina, T. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Predicting the dative alternation, in Bouma, G. and Kraemer, I. and Zwarts, J. (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 33 pages, in press.
data(verbs) head(verbs) xtabs( ~ RealizationOfRec + AnimacyOfRec, data = verbs) barplot(xtabs( ~ RealizationOfRec + AnimacyOfRec, data = verbs),beside=TRUE)
data(verbs) head(verbs) xtabs( ~ RealizationOfRec + AnimacyOfRec, data = verbs) barplot(xtabs( ~ RealizationOfRec + AnimacyOfRec, data = verbs),beside=TRUE)
This data set documents the use of ergative case marking in the narratives of native speakers of Lajamanu Warlpiri (8 children, 13 adults) describing events in picture books.
A data frame with 347 observations on the following 9 variables.
a factor with speakers as levels.
a factor with sentence as levels.
a factor with levels adult
and child
a factor with levels ergative
a factor with levels subInitial
initial) and subNotInitial
(subject not initial).
a factor with levels animate
and inanimate
a factor with levels notOvert
and overt
a factor with levels animate
and inanimate
a factor with levels texta
and textc
O'Shannessy, C. (2006) Language contact and child bilingual acquisition: Learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia, PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia.
## Not run: data(warlpiri) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) warlpiri.lmer = glmer(CaseMarking ~ WordOrder * AgeGroup + AnimacyOfSubject + (1|Text) + (1|Speaker), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), family = "binomial", data = warlpiri) summary(warlpiri.lmer) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(warlpiri) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(optimx) warlpiri.lmer = glmer(CaseMarking ~ WordOrder * AgeGroup + AnimacyOfSubject + (1|Text) + (1|Speaker), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), family = "binomial", data = warlpiri) summary(warlpiri.lmer) ## End(Not run)
Subjective estimates on a seven-point scale of the weight of the referents of 81 English nouns.
A data frame with 1620 observations on the following 7 variables.
a factor with subjects as levels.
a numeric vector.
a numeric vector with the weight ratings.
a factor with levels F
and M
a factor with words as levels.
a numeric vector with log-transformed lemma frequencies as available in the CELEX lexical database.
a factor with levels animal
and plant
Data collected with Jen Hay, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004.
## Not run: data(weightRatings) xylowess.fnc(Rating ~ Frequency | Subject, data = weightRatings, xlab = "log Frequency", ylab = "Weight Rating") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(weightRatings) xylowess.fnc(Rating ~ Frequency | Subject, data = weightRatings, xlab = "log Frequency", ylab = "Weight Rating") ## End(Not run)
This dataset documents variation in the use of the 80 most frequent words ending in the suffix -lijk in written Dutch.
A data frame with 560 observations on the following 5 variables.
a factor with as levels the sampled newspapers:
(Het Belang van Limburg),
(De Gazet van Antwerpen),
(Het Laatste Nieuws),
(De Limburger),
(NRC Handelsblad),
(De Standaard), and
(De Telegraaf).
a factor with the 80 most frequent words ending in -lijk.
a numeric vector with token counts in the CONDIV corpus.
a factor with levels Flanders
a factor with levels National
and Regional
coding the type of newspaper.
Keune, K., Ernestus, M., Van Hout, R. and Baayen, R.H. (2005) Social, geographical, and register variation in Dutch: From written 'mogelijk' to spoken 'mok', Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 1, 183-223.
## Not run: data(writtenVariationLijk) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(lme4) writtenVariationLijk.lmer = glmer(Count ~ Country * Register + (1|Word), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = writtenVariationLijk, family = "poisson") writtenVariationLijk.lmerA = glmer(Count ~ Country * Register + (Country|Word), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = writtenVariationLijk, family = "poisson") anova(writtenVariationLijk.lmer, writtenVariationLijk.lmerA) summary(writtenVariationLijk.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(writtenVariationLijk) require(lme4) require(lmerTest) require(lme4) writtenVariationLijk.lmer = glmer(Count ~ Country * Register + (1|Word), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = writtenVariationLijk, family = "poisson") writtenVariationLijk.lmerA = glmer(Count ~ Country * Register + (Country|Word), control=glmerControl(optimizer="optimx",optCtrl=list(method="nlminb")), data = writtenVariationLijk, family = "poisson") anova(writtenVariationLijk.lmer, writtenVariationLijk.lmerA) summary(writtenVariationLijk.lmerA) ## End(Not run)
Convenience function for trellis scatterplots with smoothers added.
xylowess.fnc(fmla, data, span = 2/3, symbolcolor = "darkgrey", linecolor = "blue", xlabel = "", ylabel = "", ...)
xylowess.fnc(fmla, data, span = 2/3, symbolcolor = "darkgrey", linecolor = "blue", xlabel = "", ylabel = "", ...)
fmla |
A formula. |
data |
A dataframe. |
span |
Span for the smoother. |
symbolcolor |
Color for plot symbols. |
linecolor |
Color for smoother. |
xlabel |
Label for horizontal axis. |
ylabel |
Label for vertical axis. |
... |
Arguments to be passed to methods. |
A trellis scatterplot matrix with smoothers is shown on the graphics device.
R. H. Baayen
See also xyplot
## Not run: data(weightRatings) xylowess.fnc(Rating ~ Frequency | Subject, data = weightRatings, xlab = "log Frequency", ylab = "Weight Rating") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(weightRatings) xylowess.fnc(Rating ~ Frequency | Subject, data = weightRatings, xlab = "log Frequency", ylab = "Weight Rating") ## End(Not run)
This function calculates Yule's characteristic constant K given a frequency spectrum.
spect |
A frequency spectrum as generated by |
Yule's characteristic constant K
R. H. Baayen
Yule, G. U. (1944) The Statistical Study of Literary Vocabulary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Baayen, R. H. (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
See also spectrum.fnc
and growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) yule.fnc(spectrum.fnc(alice)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) yule.fnc(spectrum.fnc(alice)) ## End(Not run)
This function calculates Zipf's rank-frequency distribution for a text vector, and optionally produces the rank-frequency plot.
zipf.fnc(text, plot = FALSE)
zipf.fnc(text, plot = FALSE)
text |
A character vector containing a text. |
plot |
Logical, if TRUE, a rank-frequency plot is shown on the graphics device. |
A data frame with variables
frequency |
Word Frequencies, ordered from large to small. |
freqOfFreq |
Frequencies of word frequencies. |
rank |
Zipf rank. |
R. H. Baayen
Zipf, G. K. (1935) The Psycho-Biology of Language, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Zipf, G. K. (1949) Human Behavior and the Principle of the Least Effort. An Introduction to Human Ecology, New York: Hafner.
Baayen, R. H. (2001) Word Frequency Distributions, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
See also growth.fnc
## Not run: data(alice) alice.zipf = zipf.fnc(alice, plot = TRUE) head(alice.zipf) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(alice) alice.zipf = zipf.fnc(alice, plot = TRUE) head(alice.zipf) ## End(Not run)