Package: georob 0.3-20

Andreas Papritz

georob: Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data

Provides functions for efficiently fitting linear models with spatially correlated errors by robust (Kuensch et al. (2011) <doi:10.3929/ethz-a-009900710>) and Gaussian (Harville (1977) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1977.10480998>) (Restricted) Maximum Likelihood and for computing robust and customary point and block external-drift Kriging predictions (Cressie (1993) <doi:10.1002/9781119115151>), along with utility functions for variogram modelling in ad hoc geostatistical analyses, model building, model evaluation by cross-validation, (conditional) simulation of Gaussian processes (Davies and Bryant (2013) <doi:10.18637/jss.v055.i09>), unbiased back-transformation of Kriging predictions of log-transformed data (Cressie (2006) <doi:10.1007/s11004-005-9022-8>).

Authors:Andreas Papritz [aut, cre]

georob.pdf |georob.html
georob/json (API)

# Install 'georob' in R:
install.packages('georob', repos = c('', ''))

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38 exports 0.71 score 36 dependencies 1 mentions 26 scripts 608 downloads

Last updated 12 days agofrom:ac87e8481b. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 06 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKSep 06 2024


Tutorial and Manual for georob

Rendered fromgeorob_vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-03-11
Started: 2016-07-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
The georob Packagegeorob-package georobIntro georobPackage
Compact Storage of Symmetric and Triangular Matricescompress expand
Control Parameters for georobbwd.transf control.georob control.nleqslv control.nlminb control.optim control.rq dfwd.transf fwd.transf param.transf
Generic Cross-validationcv
Cross-Validating a Spatial Linear Model Fitted by 'georob'cv.georob
Setting Default Values of Variogram Parametersdefault.aniso
Elevation Dataelevation
Fitting Model Functions to Sample fit.variogram.model lines.fitted.variogram print.fitted.variogram print.summary.fitted.variogram summary.fitted.variogram
Variogram Modelsgencorr
Robust Fitting of Spatial Linear Modelsgeorob
S3 Methods for Stepwise Building Fixed-Effects Models for Class 'georob'add1.georob deviance.georob drop1.georob extractAIC.georob georobModelBuilding logLik.georob step step.default step.georob waldtest waldtest.georob
Fitted georob ObjectgeorobObject
Common S3 Methods for Class 'georob'coef.georob fixed.effects fixed.effects.georob fixef fixef.georob georobMethods georobS3methods model.frame.georob model.matrix.georob nobs.georob print.coef.georob print.georob print.summary.georob random.effects random.effects.georob ranef ranef.georob resid.georob residuals.georob rstandard.georob summary.georob vcov.georob
Simulating Realizations of Gaussian Processescondsim control.condsim georobSimulation
Unbiased Back-Transformations for Log-normal Kriginglgnpp
Names and Permissible Ranges of Variogram Parametersparam.bounds param.names
Plot Methods for Class 'georob'lines.georob plot.georob
Parallelized Matrix Multiplicationcontrol.pcmp pmm
Predict Method for Robustly Fitted Spatial Linear Modelscontrol.predict.georob predict.georob
Profile LikelihoodprofilelogLik
Re-Exported Functions from R package importsK lmrob.control
Computing (Robust) Sample Variograms of Spatial Dataplot.sample.variogram print.summary.sample.variogram sample.variogram sample.variogram.default sample.variogram.formula sample.variogram.georob summary.sample.variogram
Summary Statistics of (Cross-)Validation Prediction validate.predictions
Wolfcamp Aquifer Datawolfcamp