changes of vignette to avoid errors in address sanitizer CRAN checks
changes of vignette (reverse substitution of R-code chunks for block Kriging by tex output, changed pwidth and pheight arguments for block kriging in Meuse example)
spatial covariance of covariates set equal to 0 (instead of NA) for blocks that contain only one grid point in lognormal back-transformation of block kriging results under assumption of permanence of lognormality of block means
changes of vignette (temporary substitution of R-code chunks for block Kriging by tex output)
correction of error in lognormal back-transformation of block kriging results under assumption of permanence of lognormality of block means
corrected missing package anchor in documentation lgnpp.Rd anchors
improved handling of parallelized matrix multiplications and parallelized computations of generalized covariances by main process and and child processes running already in parallel
code file georob_private_functions.R replaced by 4 new code files georob_private_further_functions.R, georob_private_generalized_covariances.R, georob_private_georob_fit.R and georob_private_psi_functions_etc.R
minor edits in various help pages
minor revision of vignette
substituted all donttest
statements in examples with
lengthy computations by interactive()
clause which has the effect
that lenghty computations are only carried out in interactive
correction of error in predict.georob() when processing
now returns NULL
eliminated lonely item in NEWS.Rd
eliminated dependency on functions RFfctn()
of archived package RandomFields by new
functions gencorr()
, sim.chol.decomp()
added on.exit(options(oldoptions))
after call options()
in function code
querying class attribute by inherits()
changed default for argument allow.recursive
of function
more efficient calculation of lag.vectors
geometrically anisotropic variograms
thorough revision of function condsim()
(new functions
and sim.circulant.embedding()
simulating unconditional Gaussian realizations by Cholesky matrix
decomposition and circulant embedding method)
corrected parameter bounds for models RMlgd, RMdampedcos, RMfbm and RMgenfbm
corrected symbol for signal variance in package help page and vignette
complemented value section of various help pages, diverse fixes in order to comply with CRAN policies in Rd-files
substituted dependency on RandomFields, version 3.3.14, by dependency on RandomFieldsMLV3010 version 0.1.0 (= legacy version of RandomFields, version 3.0.10, with reduced functionality)
correction of error in add1.georob
, drop1.georob
and step.georob
occuring in parallelized computations on
windows OS
forcing socket clusters for parallelized computations in
on non-windows OS
new file inst/NEWS.Rd
new default (FALSE) for argument allow.recursive of
sanitized help pages complying with KaTeX
only NAMESPACE is imported for the formerly attached packages graphics, parallel, snowfall, stats and utils
vignette and help pages that use suggested packages gstat, lattice and multcomp changed
correction of error in check of initial values of anisotropy
parameters in function
functions fit.variogram.model
and georob
now Hessian of non-transformed variogram parameters in addition to
Hessian of transformed parameters
correction of error in sanity checks of arguments of function
new data sets wolfcamp
and elevation
all code files renamed
sanity checks of arguments in calls of if
DESCRIPTION: omission of suggest dependency for orphaned package geoR in
vignette: conditional use of objects provided by suggested packages gstat and multcomp
NAMESPACE: correction of dependencies
DESCRIPTION: correction of dependencies and licence information
method summary.georob
takes terms component now from
georob object
function condsim
: sanity checks of specified function
arguments and for calls of if
function condsim
: correction of errors when processing
output of function RFsimulate
changes in calls of class
method summary.georob
: correction of error when
printing confidence intervals of variogram parameters
function condsim
: correction of error that occurred when
preparing output consisting of a single realization
function fit.variogram.model
: new control argument and
possibility to choose between optim
and nlminb
optimizer for non-linear least squares
new function
for providing
sensible defaults to argument control
internal function f.aux.gcr
: correction of error
introduced in version 0.3-8 when computing semivariances for
anisotropic variogram models
function condsim
: conditioning data is passed as
SpatialPointsDataFrame to RFsimulate
internal function f.aux.gcr
: changes for new version
3.3 of package RandomFields
internal function f.aux.sim.1
: elimination of grid.nodes
methods add1.georob
, drop1.georob
: elimination of data argument
improved memory management in all parallized computations
method predict.georob
: generates error message if
names of coordinates in object and newdata are not the same
method predict.georob
: new optional arguments for
specifying a variogram model different from the one contained in
new functions condsim
and control.condsim
(un)conditional simulations
internal function
variogram.model is also updated
internal function
: changes to allow non-zero
snugget if there are no replicated observations
new methods coef.georob
and print.coef.georob
internal function
: issuinng warning for
negative-definite hessian
functions georob
and control.rq
: small changes
and error correction in interface to rq
for computing robust
initial values
function fit.variogram.model
: correction of minor bug
for fitting 3d anisotropic variogram models to sample variograms
internal function
: checking ml.method and
presence of intercept for intrinsic models
method predict.georob
: correction of error when
computing predictions for intrinsic variograms
interal function likelihood.calculations
: correction of
error when printing trial parameter values if they exceed safe bounds
(internal) functions fit.variogram.model
: correcting of error in 3d-rotation
matrix for geometrically anisotropic variograms
correction of minor error in internal function
functionality to use nested variogram models
function control.georob
: change of default value for
method plot.sample.variogram
: new argument lty
internal function bwd.transf
: correction of error for
method cv.georob
: correction of error when computing
standard errors of cv kriging predictions
improvements in all parallelized computations
methods add1.georob
, drop1.georob
: extended functionality for refitting variogram
parameters or keeping them fixed, improved computational efficiency,
diagnostics about convergence
method cv.georob
: allow recursive calls of
function georob
: allowing use of lmrob
for computing
initial fixed effects for rank-deficient model matrix
function profilelogLik
and method
: improved computationsl efficiency
method predict.georob
: SpatialPoints, SpatialPixels and
SpatialGrid as newdata objects
: added line color and type for
scatterplot smooths
method fixef.georob
: correcting wrong component name
internal function
: corrected names of
gradient components
method plot.georob
: changes for residual diagnostic plots
: minor changes for adding plots to
existing diagnostics graphics
new way to control which variogram parameters are fitted
generic and methods for computing sample variogram
methods cv.georob
and predict.georob
: catching
errors occurring during parallelized computations
functions validate.preditions
: check whether mandatory arguments were
method plot.georob
: changes for Tukey-Anscombe, normal
QQ-plots and for plotting variograms
issuing additional warnings in various computations
function fit.variogram.model
: correcting error in
setting default values for fit.param
Gaussian (RE)ML estimation of parameters of re-parametrized variogram
new function profilelogLik
for computing profile
loglikelihood of variogram parameters
extended functionality for transforming variogram parameters
changes for improving computational efficiency
functionality for optional computation of covariances for long-tailed error distributions
many more improvements, see ChangeLog for period from 2015-04-03 to 2015-09-02
correction of multiple errors, see ChangeLog for period from 2015-04-03 to 2015-09-02