Package: gMCP 0.8-17
gMCP: Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures
Functions and a graphical user interface for graphical described multiple test procedures.
gMCP.pdf |gMCP.html✨
gMCP/json (API)
# Install 'gMCP' in R: |
install.packages('gMCP', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- hydroquinone - Hydroquinone Mutagenicity Assay
- simvastatin - Simvastatin and Colesevelam Treatment in Patients with Primary Hypercholesterolemia
Last updated 1 years agofrom:ed5d11cb05. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 21 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 21 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 21 2025 |
A Graphical Approach to Weighted Multiple Test Procedures
Rendered fromgMCP.Rnw
on Mar 21 2025.Last update: 2017-11-13
Started: 2013-07-15
Graphical approaches for multiple endpoint problems using weighted parametric tests
Rendered fromparametric.Rnw
on Mar 21 2025.Last update: 2014-10-02
Started: 2013-07-15
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Graphical described Multiple Comparison Procedures | gMCP-package |
Create a Block Diagonal Matrix with NA outside the diagonal | bdiagNA |
Weighted Bonferroni-test | bonferroni.test |
Trimmed Simes test for intersections of two hypotheses and otherwise weighted Bonferroni-test | bonferroni.trimmed.simes.test |
Calculate power values | calcPower |
Graphical User Interface for the creation of correlation matrices | corMatWizard |
EXPERIMENTAL: Evaluate conditional errors at interim for a pre-planned graphical procedure | doInterim |
Class entangledMCP | entangledMCP entangledMCP-class getMatrices getMatrices,entangledMCP-method getNodes,entangledMCP-method getRejected,entangledMCP-method getWeights,entangledMCP-method getXCoordinates,entangledMCP-method getYCoordinates,entangledMCP-method print,entangledMCP-method |
Functions that create different example graphs | BauerEtAl2001 BonferroniHolm BretzEtAl2009a BretzEtAl2009b BretzEtAl2009c BretzEtAl2011 cycleGraph Entangled1Maurer2012 Entangled2Maurer2012 exampleGraphs fallback Ferber2011 FerberTimeDose2011 fixedSequence generalSuccessive HommelEtAl2007 HommelEtAl2007Simple HungEtWang2010 HuqueAloshEtBhore2011 improvedFallbackI improvedFallbackII improvedParallelGatekeeping MaurerEtAl1995 parallelGatekeeping simpleSuccessiveI simpleSuccessiveII truncatedHolm WangTing2014 |
Calculate power values | extractPower |
generateBounds | generateBounds |
generatePvals | generatePvals |
generateTest | generateTest |
generateWeights | generateWeights |
Get Memory and Runtime Info from JVM | getJavaInfo |
Graph based Multiple Comparison Procedures | gMCP |
Graph based Multiple Comparison Procedures | gMCP.extended |
Automatic Generation of gMCP Reports | gMCPReport |
Class gMCPResult | getRejected,gMCPResult-method getWeights,gMCPResult-method gMCPResult gMCPResult-class plot,gMCPResult,ANY-method plot,gMCPResult-method print,gMCPResult-method |
Class gPADInterim | getRejected,gPADInterim-method getWeights,gPADInterim-method gPADInterim gPADInterim-class plot,gPADInterim-method print,gPADInterim-method |
Graph2LaTeX | graph2latex |
Analysis of a gMCP-Graph | graphAnalysis |
Graphical User Interface for graphical described multiple comparison procedures | graphGUI |
Class graphMCP | edgeAttr edgeAttr,graphMCP,character,character,character-method edgeAttr<- edgeAttr<-,graphMCP,character,character,character-method getMatrix getMatrix,graphMCP-method getNodes getNodes,graphMCP-method getRejected getRejected,graphMCP-method getWeights getWeights,graphMCP-method getXCoordinates getXCoordinates,graphMCP-method getYCoordinates getYCoordinates,graphMCP-method graphMCP graphMCP-class nodeAttr nodeAttr,graphMCP,character,character-method nodeAttr<- nodeAttr<-,graphMCP,character,character-method plot,graphMCP,ANY-method plot,graphMCP-method print,graphMCP-method setEdge setEdge,character,character,graphMCP,character-method setEdge,character,character,graphMCP,numeric-method setRejected<- setRejected<-,graphMCP-method setWeights setWeights,graphMCP-method |
Multiple testing using graphs | graphTest |
Hydroquinone Mutagenicity Assay | hydroquinone |
Joins two graphMCP objects | joinGraphs |
Matrix2Graph and Graph2Matrix | graph2matrix matrix2graph |
Weighted parametric test | parametric.test |
Placement of graph nodes | placeNodes |
Plot confidence intervals | plotSimCI |
Rejects a node/hypothesis and updates the graph accordingly. | rejectNode |
Replaces variables in a general graph with specified numeric values | replaceVariables |
Random sample from the multivariate normal distribution | rqmvnorm |
Sample size calculations | sampSize |
Function for sample size calculation | sampSizeCore |
EXPERIMENTAL: Construct a valid level alpha test for the second stage of an adaptive design that is based on a pre-planned graphical MCP | secondStageTest |
Simultaneous confidence intervals for sequentially rejective multiple test procedures | simConfint simConfint,graphMCP-method |
Simes on subsets, otherwise Bonferroni | simes.on.subsets.test |
Weighted Simes test | simes.test |
Simvastatin and Colesevelam Treatment in Patients with Primary Hypercholesterolemia | simvastatin |
Get a subgraph | subgraph |
Substitute Epsilon | substituteEps |
Run the R unit (and optional the JUnit) test suite for gMCP | unitTestsGMCP |
Weighted Test Functions for use with gMCP | weighted.test.functions |