Package: flexmix 2.3-20

Bettina Gruen
flexmix: Flexible Mixture Modeling
A general framework for finite mixtures of regression models using the EM algorithm is implemented. The E-step and all data handling are provided, while the M-step can be supplied by the user to easily define new models. Existing drivers implement mixtures of standard linear models, generalized linear models and model-based clustering.
flexmix.pdf |flexmix.html✨
flexmix/json (API)
# Install 'flexmix' in R: |
install.packages('flexmix', repos = c('', '')) |
- BregFix - Artificial Example for Binomial Regression
- Mehta - Mehta Trial
- NPreg - Artificial Example for Normal, Poisson and Binomial Regression
- Nclus - Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians
- NregFix - Artificial Example for Normal Regression
- betablocker - Clinical Trial of Beta-Blockers
- bioChemists - Articles by Graduate Students in Biochemistry Ph.D. Programs
- candy - Candy Packs Purchased
- dmft - Dental Data
- fabricfault - Fabric Faults
- patent - Patents and R&D Spending
- salmonellaTA98 - Salmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay
- seizure - Epileptic Seizure Data
- tribolium - Tribolium Beetles
- trypanosome - Trypanosome
- whiskey - Survey Data on Brands of Scotch Whiskey Consumed
- whiskey_brands - Survey Data on Brands of Scotch Whiskey Consumed
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 6 days agofrom:d352332eb4. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 28 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Feb 28 2025 |
Applications of finite mixtures of regression models
Rendered fromregression-examples.Rnw
on Feb 28 2025.Last update: 2020-10-12
Started: 2012-01-10
Finite Mixture Model Diagnostics Using Resampling Methods
Rendered frombootstrapping.Rnw
on Feb 28 2025.Last update: 2020-10-12
Started: 2012-01-10
FlexMix Version 2: Finite Mixtures with Concomitant Variables and Varying and Constant Parameters
Rendered frommixture-regressions.Rnw
on Feb 28 2025.Last update: 2020-10-12
Started: 2012-01-10
FlexMix: A General Framework for Finite Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in R
Rendered fromflexmix-intro.Rnw
on Feb 28 2025.Last update: 2020-10-12
Started: 2012-01-10
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Methods for Function AIC | AIC,flexmix-method AIC,stepFlexmix-method |
Clinical Trial of Beta-Blockers | betablocker |
Methods for Function BIC | BIC,flexmix-method BIC,stepFlexmix-method |
Articles by Graduate Students in Biochemistry Ph.D. Programs | bioChemists |
Bootstrap a flexmix Object | boot boot,flexmix-method clusters,FLXboot,listOrdata.frame-method FLXboot-class LR_test LR_test,flexmix-method parameters,FLXboot-method plot,FLXboot,missing-method posterior,FLXboot,listOrdata.frame-method predict,FLXboot-method show,FLXboot-method |
Artificial Example for Binomial Regression | BregFix |
Candy Packs Purchased | candy |
Dental Data | dmft |
Entropic Measure Information Criterion | EIC EIC,flexmix-method EIC,stepFlexmix-method |
Artificial Data from a Generalized Linear Regression Mixture | ExLinear |
Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians | ExNclus Nclus |
Artificial Example for Normal, Poisson and Binomial Regression | ExNPreg NPreg |
Fabric Faults | fabricfault |
Extract Model Fitted Values | fitted,flexmix-method fitted,FLXM-method fitted,FLXR-method fitted,FLXRMRglm-method |
Flexible Mixture Modeling | flexmix flexmix,formula,ANY,ANY,ANY,FLXM-method flexmix,formula,ANY,ANY,ANY,list-method flexmix,formula,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing-method prior,flexmix-method show,flexmix-method show,summary.flexmix-method summary,flexmix-method |
Class "flexmix" | flexmix-class |
Class "FLXcomponent" | FLXcomponent-class show,FLXcomponent-method |
Class "FLXcontrol" | coerce,list,FLXcontrol-method coerce,NULL,FLXcontrol-method FLXcontrol-class |
Finite Mixtures of Distributions | FLXdist show,FLXdist-method simulate,FLXdist-method |
Class "FLXdist" | FLXdist-class parameters,FLXdist-method predict,FLXdist-method predict,FLXM-method predict,FLXMRglm-method predict,FLXMRmgcv-method prior prior,FLXdist-method |
Fitter Function for FlexMix Models | FLXfit FLXfit,list-method |
Simultaneous Inference in Finite Mixtures of Regression Models | flxglht flxglht,flexmix,character-method flxglht,FLXRoptim,character-method |
Class "FLXM" | FLXM-class FLXMC-class FLXMCsparse-class FLXMR-class show,FLXM-method |
FlexMix Clustering of Univariate Distributions | FLXMCdist1 |
Driver for Mixtures of Factor Analyzers | FLXMCfactanal rFLXM,FLXMCfactanal,FLXcomponent-method |
FlexMix Binary Clustering Driver | FLXbclust FLXMCmvbinary |
FlexMix Binary and Gaussian Clustering Driver | FLXMCmvcombi |
FlexMix Clustering Demo Driver | FLXmclust FLXMCmvnorm FLXMCnorm1 |
FlexMix Poisson Clustering Driver | FLXMCmvpois |
FlexMix Interface to Conditional Logit Models | FLXMRcondlogit |
FlexMix Interface to Generalized Linear Models | FLXglm FLXMRglm |
FlexMix Interface to GLMs with Fixed Coefficients | FLXglmFix FLXMRglmfix |
FlexMix Interface for Adaptive Lasso / Elastic Net with GLMs | FLXMRglmnet FLXMRglmnet-class |
FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models | FLXdeterminePostunscaled,FLXMRlmer-method FLXdeterminePostunscaled,FLXMRlmm-method FLXgetModelmatrix,FLXMRlmer-method FLXgetModelmatrix,FLXMRlmm-method FLXgetObs,FLXMRlmm-method FLXMRlmer FLXMRlmer-class FLXMRlmm FLXMRlmm-class FLXMRlmmfix-class FLXmstep,FLXMRlmer-method FLXmstep,FLXMRlmm-method FLXmstep,FLXMRlmmfix-method predict,FLXMRlmm-method rFLXM,FLXMRlmc,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMRlmer,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMRlmm,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMRlmm,list-method |
FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring | FLXMRlmc-class FLXMRlmcfix-class FLXMRlmmc FLXMRlmmc-class FLXMRlmmcfix-class predict,FLXMRlmc-method |
FlexMix Interface to GAMs | FLXMRmgcv FLXMRmgcv-class |
FlexMix Interface to Multiomial Logit Models | FLXMRmultinom |
FlexMix Driver for Robust Estimation of Generalized Linear Models | FLXMRrobglm FLXMRrobglm-class |
FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models | FLXgradlogLikfun,FLXMRziglm-method FLXMRziglm FLXMRziglm-class FLXreplaceParameters,FLXMRziglm-method refit,FLXMRziglm-method |
Class "FLXnested" | coerce,list,FLXnested-method coerce,NULL,FLXnested-method coerce,numeric,FLXnested-method FLXnested-class initialize,FLXnested-method |
Creates the Concomitant Variable Model | FLXconstant FLXmultinom FLXPconstant FLXPmultinom show,FLXP-method |
Class "FLXP" | FLXP-class FLXPconstant-class FLXPmultinom-class initialize,FLXP-method |
Extract Grouping Variable | group group,flexmix-method group,FLXM-method group,FLXMRglmfix-method group-methods |
Integrated Completed Likelihood Criterion | ICL,flexmix-method ICL,stepFlexmix-method |
Kullback-Leibler Divergence | KLdiv,flexmix-method KLdiv,FLXMC-method KLdiv,FLXMRglm-method KLdiv,matrix-method |
Methods for Function Lapply | Lapply,FLXRmstep-method |
Methods for Function logLik in Package 'flexmix' | logLik,flexmix-method logLik,stepFlexmix-method |
Mehta Trial | Mehta |
Artificial Example for Normal Regression | NregFix |
Patents and R&D Spending | patent |
Rootogram of Posterior Probabilities | plot,flexmix,missing-method plot-methods |
Plot Confidence Ellipses for FLXMCmvnorm Results | plotEll |
Determine Cluster Membership and Posterior Probabilities | clusters,flexmix,missing-method clusters,FLXdist,ANY-method posterior,flexmix,missing-method posterior,FLXdist,listOrdata.frame-method |
Refit a Fitted Model | FLXRmstep-class FLXRoptim-class plot,FLXRoptim,missing-method refit,flexmix-method show,Coefmat-method show,FLXR-method summary,FLXRmstep-method summary,FLXRoptim-method |
Relabel the Components | relabel relabel,FLXdist,character-method relabel,FLXdist,integer-method relabel,FLXdist,missing-method |
Random Number Generator for Finite Mixtures | rflexmix rflexmix,flexmix,missing-method rflexmix,FLXdist,listOrdata.frame-method rflexmix,FLXdist,numeric-method rFLXM rFLXM,FLXM,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXM,list-method rFLXM,FLXMC,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMCbinom,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMCmultinom,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMRglm,FLXcomponent-method rFLXM,FLXMRglm,list-method rFLXM,FLXMRglmfix,list-method |
Salmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay | salmonellaTA98 |
Epileptic Seizure Data | seizure |
Run FlexMix Repeatedly | getModel,stepFlexmix-method initFlexmix initMethod initMethod-class plot,stepFlexmix,missing-method show,stepFlexmix-method stepFlexmix stepFlexmix-class unique,stepFlexmix-method |
Tribolium Beetles | tribolium |
Trypanosome | trypanosome |
Survey Data on Brands of Scotch Whiskey Consumed | whiskey whiskey_brands |