Package: dtrackr 0.4.6

Robert Challen

dtrackr: Track your Data Pipelines

Track and document 'dplyr' data pipelines. As you filter, mutate, and join your way through a data set, 'dtrackr' seamlessly keeps track of your data flow and makes publication ready documentation of a data pipeline simple.

Authors:Robert Challen [aut, cre]

dtrackr.pdf |dtrackr.html
dtrackr/json (API)

# Install 'dtrackr' in R:
install.packages('dtrackr', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

5.33 score 1 packages 354 scripts 255 downloads 78 exports 36 dependencies

Last updated 2 days agofrom:f343361496. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 22 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 22 2024



dtrackr - Basic operations

Rendered fromdtrackr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 22 2024.

Last update: 2023-09-04
Started: 2022-07-05

dtrackr - Configuration example

Rendered fromdtrackr-options.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 22 2024.

Last update: 2024-10-21
Started: 2022-07-05

dtrackr - Consort statement example

Rendered fromconsort-example.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 22 2024.

Last update: 2024-10-21
Started: 2022-07-05

dtrackr - Joining data pipelines

Rendered fromjoining-pipelines.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 22 2024.

Last update: 2023-09-04
Started: 2022-07-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
dplyr modifying operationsadd_count.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsadd_tally
Anti joinanti_join.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsarrange.trackr_df
Set operationsbind_cols
Set operationsbind_rows
Start capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.capture_exclusions
Add a generic comment to the dtrackr history graphcomment
Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graphcount_subgroup
Distinct values of datadistinct.trackr_df
Convert 'Graphviz' dot content to a SVGdot2svg
Exclude all items matching one or more criteriaexclude_all
Get the dtrackr excluded data recordexcluded
Filtering datafilter.trackr_df
Flowchart outputflowchart
Full joinfull_join.trackr_df
Stratifying your analysisgroup_by.trackr_df
Group-wise modification of data and complex operationsgroup_modify.trackr_df
Get the dtrackr history graphhistory
Include any items matching a criteriainclude_any
Inner joinsinner_join.trackr_df
Set operationsintersect.trackr_df
Left joinleft_join.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsmutate.trackr_df
Nest joinnest_join.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsp_add_count
dplyr modifying operationsp_add_tally
Anti joinp_anti_join
dplyr modifying operationsp_arrange
Set operationsp_bind_cols
Set operationsp_bind_rows
Start capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.p_capture_exclusions
Clear the dtrackr history graphp_clear
Add a generic comment to the dtrackr history graphp_comment
Copy the dtrackr history graph from one dataframe to anotherp_copy
Simple count_if dplyr summary functionp_count_if
Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graphp_count_subgroup
Distinct values of datap_distinct
Exclude all items matching one or more criteriap_exclude_all
Get the dtrackr excluded data recordp_excluded
Filtering datap_filter
Flowchart outputp_flowchart
Full joinp_full_join
Get the dtrackr history graphp_get
DOT outputp_get_as_dot
Stratifying your analysisp_group_by
Group-wise modification of data and complex operationsp_group_modify
Include any items matching a criteriap_include_any
Inner joinsp_inner_join
Set operationsp_intersect
Left joinp_left_join
dplyr modifying operationsp_mutate
Nest joinp_nest_join
Pause tracking the data frame.p_pause
Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'p_pivot_longer
Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'p_pivot_wider
Summarise a data setp_reframe
dplyr modifying operationsp_relocate
dplyr modifying operationsp_rename
dplyr modifying operationsp_rename_with
Resume tracking the data frame.p_resume
Right joinp_right_join
dplyr modifying operationsp_select
Semi joinp_semi_join
Set the dtrackr history graphp_set
Set operationsp_setdiff
Slice operationsp_slice
Slice operationsp_slice_head
Slice operationsp_slice_max
Slice operationsp_slice_min
Slice operationsp_slice_sample
Slice operationsp_slice_tail
Add a summary to the dtrackr history graphp_status
Summarise a data setp_summarise
Retrieve tagged data in the history graphp_tagged
Start tracking the dtrackr history graphp_track
dplyr modifying operationsp_transmute
Remove a stratification from a data setp_ungroup
Set operationsp_union
Set operationsp_union_all
Remove tracking from the dataframep_untrack
Pause tracking the data frame.pause
Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'pivot_longer.trackr_df
Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'pivot_wider.trackr_df
Plots a history graph as htmlplot.trackr_graph
Print a history graph to the consoleprint.trackr_graph
Summarise a data setreframe.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsrelocate.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsrename_with.trackr_df
dplyr modifying operationsrename.trackr_df
Resume tracking the data frame.resume
Right joinright_join.trackr_df
Save DOT content to a filesave_dot
dplyr modifying operationsselect.trackr_df
Semi joinsemi_join.trackr_df
Set operationssetdiff.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice_head.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice_max.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice_min.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice_sample.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice_tail.trackr_df
Slice operationsslice.trackr_df
Add a summary to the dtrackr history graphstatus
Standard paper sizesstd_size
Summarise a data setsummarise.trackr_df
Retrieve tagged data in the history graphtagged
Start tracking the dtrackr history graphtrack
dplyr modifying operationstransmute.trackr_df
Remove a stratification from a data setungroup.trackr_df
Set operationsunion_all.trackr_df
Set operationsunion.trackr_df
Remove tracking from the dataframeuntrack