Package: drc 3.0-1

Christian Ritz

drc: Analysis of Dose-Response Curves

Analysis of dose-response data is made available through a suite of flexible and versatile model fitting and after-fitting functions.

Authors:Christian Ritz <>, Jens C. Strebig <>

drc.pdf |drc.html
drc/json (API)

# Install 'drc' in R:
install.packages('drc', repos = '')
  • G.aparine - Herbicide applied to Galium aparine
  • H.virescens - Mortality of tobacco budworms
  • M.bahia - Effect of an effluent on the growth of mysid shrimp
  • O.mykiss - Test data from a 21 day fish test
  • P.promelas - Effect of sodium pentachlorophenate on growth of fathead minnow
  • RScompetition - Competition between two biotypes
  • S.alba - Potency of two herbicides
  • S.capricornutum - Effect of cadmium on growth of green alga
  • acidiq - Acifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor.
  • algae - Volume of algae as function of increasing concentrations of a herbicide
  • auxins - Effect of technical grade and commercially formulated auxin herbicides
  • chickweed - Germination of common chickweed
  • chickweed0 - Germination of common chickweed
  • daphnids - Daphnia test
  • decontaminants - Performance of decontaminants used in the culturing of a micro-organism
  • deguelin - Deguelin applied to chrysanthemum aphis
  • earthworms - Earthworm toxicity test
  • etmotc - Effect of erythromycin on mixed sewage microorganisms
  • finney71 - Example from Finney
  • germination - Germination of three crops
  • glymet - Glyphosate and metsulfuron-methyl tested on algae.
  • heartrate - Heart rate baroreflexes for rabbits
  • leaflength - Leaf length of barley
  • lepidium - Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using lepidium
  • lettuce - Hormesis in lettuce plants
  • mecter - Mechlorprop and terbythylazine tested on Lemna minor
  • metals - Data from heavy metal mixture experiments
  • methionine - Weight gain for different methionine sources
  • nasturtium - Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using nasturtium
  • ryegrass - Effect of ferulic acid on growth of ryegrass
  • secalonic - Root length measurements
  • selenium - Data from toxicology experiments with selenium
  • spinach - Inhibition of photosynthesis
  • terbuthylazin - The effect of terbuthylazin on growth rate
  • vinclozolin - Vinclozolin from AR in vitro assay



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

6.25 score 8 stars 28 packages 27k downloads 291 mentions 128 exports 71 dependencies

Last updated 9 years agofrom:ad2974183d. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 21 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 21 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 21 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Acifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor.acidiq
Volume of algae as function of increasing concentrations of a herbicidealgae
ANOVA for dose-response model fitsanova.drc
Asymptotic regression modelAR.2 AR.3
Effect of technical grade and commercially formulated auxin herbicidesauxins
Calculation of backfit values from a fitted dose-response modelbackfit
The modified baro5 functionbaro5
The Brain-Cousens hormesis modelsBC.4 BC.5 bcl3 bcl4
Transform-both-sides Box-Cox transformationboxcox.drc
The Brain-Cousens hormesis modelsbraincousens
Bread and meat for the sandwichbread.drc estfun.drc
The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig modelcedergreen CRS.6 ucedergreen
Germination of common chickweed (_Stellaria media_)chickweed chickweed0
Calculation of combination index for binary mixturesCIcomp CIcompX plotFACI
Extract Model Coefficientscoef.drc
Comparison of effective dose valuescomped
Comparison of parameterscompParm
Confidence Intervals for model parametersconfint.drc
The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig modelCRS.4a CRS.4b CRS.4c ml3a ml3b ml3c UCRS.4a UCRS.4b UCRS.4c uml3a uml3b uml3c
Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesisCRS.5a CRS.5b CRS.5c ml4a ml4b ml4c UCRS.5a UCRS.5b UCRS.5c uml4a uml4b uml4c
Daphnia testdaphnids
Performance of decontaminants used in the culturing of a micro-organismdecontaminants
Deguelin applied to chrysanthemum aphisdeguelin
Fitting dose-response modelsdrm
Sets control argumentsdrmc
Earthworm toxicity testearthworms
Estimating effective dosesED ED.drc
Comparison of relative potencies between dose-response curvesEDcomp relpot
Effect of erythromycin on mixed sewage microorganismsetmotc
Exponential decay modelEXD.2 EXD.3
Example from Finney (1971)finney71
Extract fitted values from modelfitted.drc
Fractional polynomial-logistic dose-response modelsFPL.4 fplogistic
Herbicide applied to Galium aparineG.aparine
Gamma dose-response modelgammadr
Normal and log-normal biphasic dose-response modelsgaussian lgaussian
Germination of three cropsgermination
Showing starting values usedgetInitial
Display available dose-response modelsgetMeanFunctions
Glyphosate and metsulfuron-methyl tested on algae.glymet
Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curveG.2 G.3 G.3u G.4 gompertz
The derivative of the Gompertz functiongompertzd
Mortality of tobacco budwormsH.virescens
Model diagnostics for nonlinear dose-response modelscooks.distance.drc hatvalues.drc
Heart rate baroreflexes for rabbitsheartrate
Creating isobologramsisobole
Leaf length of barleyleaflength
Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using lepidiumlepidium
Hormesis in lettuce plantslettuce
Lack-of-fit test for the mean structure based on cumulated residualslin.test
The two-parameter log-logistic functionl2 LL.2 LL2.2
The three-parameter log-logistic functionl3 l3u LL.3 LL.3u LL2.3 LL2.3u
The four-parameter log-logistic functionl4 LL.4 LL2.4
The five-parameter log-logistic functionl5 LL.5 LL2.5
The log-logistic functionllogistic llogistic2
Log-normal dose-response modelLN.2 LN.3 LN.3u LN.4 lnormal
The logistic modelL.3 L.4 L.5 logistic
Extracting the log likelihoodlogLik.drc
Effect of an effluent on the growth of mysid shrimpM.bahia
Estimation of ED values using model-averagingmaED
Maximum mean responseMAX
Mechlorprop and terbythylazine tested on Lemna minormecter
Data from heavy metal mixture experimentsmetals
Weight gain for different methionine sourcesmethionine
Fitting binary mixture modelsmixture
Michaelis-Menten modelMM.2 MM.3
Assessing the model fitmodelFit
Mizon-Richard test for dose-response modelsmr.test
Dose-response model selectionmselect
Multistage dose-response model with quadratic termsmulti2
Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using nasturtiumnasturtium
Dose-response model for estimation of no effect concentration (NEC).NEC NEC.2 NEC.3 NEC.4
Neill's lack-of-fit test for dose-response modelsneill.test
Testing if there is a dose effect at allnoEffect
Test data from a 21 day fish testO.mykiss
Effect of sodium pentachlorophenate on growth of fathead minnowP.promelas
Plotting fitted dose-response curvesplot.drc
Expected or predicted responsePR
Predictionpredict.drc predict.mrdrc
Printing key featuresprint.drc
Printing summary of non-linear model fitsprint.summary.drc
Simulating a dose-response curverdrm
Extracting residuals from the fitted dose-response modelresiduals.drc
Competition between two biotypesRScompetition
Effect of ferulic acid on growth of ryegrassryegrass
Potency of two herbicidesS.alba
Effect of cadmium on growth of green algaS.capricornutum
Searching through a range of initial parameter values to obtain convergencesearchdrc
Root length measurementssecalonic
Data from toxicology experiments with seleniumselenium
Simulating ED values under various scenariossimDR
Inhibition of photosynthesisspinach
Summarising non-linear model fitssummary.drc
The effect of terbuthylazin on growth rateterbuthylazin
Two-phase dose-response modeltwophase
Updating and re-fitting a modelupdate.drc
Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interactionactimL genBliss genBliss2 genLoewe genLoewe2 genursa iceLoewe.1 iceLoewe2.1 ursa
Calculating variance-covariance matrix for objects of class 'drc'vcov.drc
Vinclozolin from AR in vitro assayvinclozolin
The two-parameter Weibull functionsW1.2 w2 W2.2
The three-parameter Weibull functionsW1.3 W1.3u W2.3 W2.3u W2x.3 w3
The four-parameter Weibull functionsW1.4 W2.4 W2x.4 w4
Weibull model functionsweibull1 weibull2 weibull2x
Calculating yield loss parametersyieldLoss