Package: dateutils 0.1.5

Seth Leonard

dateutils: Date Utils

Utilities for mixed frequency data. In particular, use to aggregate and normalize tabular mixed frequency data, index dates to end of period, and seasonally adjust tabular data.

Authors:Seth Leonard [aut, cre], Jiancong Liu [ctb]

dateutils.pdf |dateutils.html
dateutils/json (API)

# Install 'dateutils' in R:
install.packages('dateutils', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • fred - Sample mixed frequency data from FRED
  • fredlib - Library of metadata for mixed frequency dataset 'fred'

3.34 score 44 scripts 202 downloads 61 exports 5 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:85960aa5ef. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 15 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKOct 15 2024



Introduction to dateutils

Rendered fromintro.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 15 2024.

Last update: 2021-11-10
Started: 2021-11-10

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add NA values to the tail of a wide data.tableadd_forecast_dates
Aggregate long format data.tableagg_to_freq
Aggregate data.table and return wide formatagg_to_freq_wide
Rows with only finite valuesall_finite
Are all elements `NA`?allNA
Rows with finite valuesany_finite
Can data be seasonally adjusted?can_seasonal
Convert columns to listcol_to_list
Companion Formcomp_form
Count observationscount_obs
Return the day of a Date valueday
Difference dataDiff
End of period dateend_of_period
End of Yearend_of_year
Extract charactersextract_basic_character
Extract character valuesextract_character
Extract numeric valuesextract_numeric
Fill Forwardfill_forward
First of monthfirst_of_month
First of Quarterfirst_of_quarter
First of previous quarter datefirst_previous_quarter
Sample mixed frequency data from FREDfred
Library of metadata for mixed frequency dataset `fred`fredlib
Get frequency of data based on missing observationsget_data_frq
Get from listget_from_list
Find the Friday in a given weekindex_by_friday
Find element of this_in thatis_in
Last date in the monthlast_in_month
Last date in the weeklast_in_quarter
Last date in the weeklast_in_week
Last date in the yearlast_in_year
Last observationlast_obs
Limit Characterslimit_character
Long Run Variance of a VARlong_run_var
Match index valuesmatch_index
Match dates between two timeseriesmatch_ts_dates
Return the meanmean_na
Number of days in a given monthmonth_days
Number of finite values in a columnnumber_finite
Dummies for Numeric Datanumdum
Percent changepct_chng
Percent of responses at a given frequencypct_response
Process Dataprocess
Process mixed frequencyprocess_MF
Process Wide Format Dataprocess_wide
Rolling Maxrollmax
Rolling meanrollmean
Rolling Minrollmin
Convert rows to listrow_to_list
Seasonally adjust data using seas()run_sa
Return the standard deviationsd_na
Seasonally adjust long format data using seas()seas_df_long
Seasonally adjust wide format data using seas()seas_df_wide
Spline fill missing observationsspline_fill
Spline fill missing observationsspline_fill_trend
Stack time series observations in VAR formatstack_obs
Return the sumsum_na
Tabular data to ts() formatto_ts
Number of of responses at a given frequencytotal_response
Remove low frequency trends from datatry_detrend
Seasonally adjust data using seas()try_sa
Estimate low frequnecy trendstry_trend
ts() data to a dataframets_to_df