Package: bda 18.3.2

Bin Wang

bda: Binned Data Analysis

Algorithms developed for binned data analysis, gene expression data analysis and measurement error models for ordinal data analysis.

Authors:Bin Wang [aut, cre]

bda.pdf |bda.html
bda/json (API)

# Install 'bda' in R:
install.packages('bda', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.40 score 1.3k downloads 2 mentions 63 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:a04e16146b. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 25 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 25 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 25 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Binned (Grouped) Data Analysisbda
Data Binning.bdaConnect binning binning.default binning.histogram plot.bdata print.bdata
Density estimation for data with rounding errorsbootkde
Effectiveness Evaluation based on PROs with bootstrapping methodbootPRO
Breast Cancer DataLCL meta normal primary
Firm size data of 10 EU countriesEUFirmSize
Fitting firm size-age distributionsfit.Copula fit.FSD fit.GLD lines.FSD plot.FSD print.FSD
Fitting Mixture Model of Generalized Beta and ParetodGBP fit.GBP pGBP
Fitting log-normal distributionsddeg fit.lnorm fit.lognormal fit.mlnorm mixlognormal NGS.normalize print.mixlognormal
Fit a Pareto Distribution to Binned Datafit.Pareto
Fitting distributions to Patient-reported Outcome Datafit.PRO
Distribution of Two Finite Gaussian Mixturesfnm tkde
Firm size dataEmployment2 Firm2 FirmAge FirmDeathAge FirmDeathSize FirmEmploymentAge FirmEmploymentSize FirmJobAge FirmJobSize FirmSize FSD Job2
Import Firm Size and Firm Age DataImportFSD
compute the variance of the local polynomial regression functionlps.variance
non-parametric regressionbootsmooth lpsmooth npr wlpsmooth
The Sobel mediation testmediation.test
The mixed lognormal distributiondmlnorm pmlnorm qmlnorm rmlnorm
The mixed normal distributiondmnorm pmnorm qmnorm rmnorm
occipitofrontal head circumference dataofc
Pain dataPain pain
The Pareto distributiondPareto pmixPU pPareto qmixPU qPareto rPareto
Test effectiveness based on PROspro.test
Algorithms for Visual Analogue Scaleslines.VAS plot.VAS print.VAS VAS.ecdf VAS.npr VAS.pdf wdekde
Compute a Binned Kernel Density Estimate for Weighted Databw.blscv bw.wnrd bw.wnrd0 wkde
Zipf NormalizationZipf.Normalize
Draw Zipf PlotZipfPlot ZipfPlot.bdata ZipfPlot.default ZipfPlot.FSD ZipfPlot.histogram