Title: | Binned Data Analysis |
Description: | Algorithms developed for binned data analysis, gene expression data analysis and measurement error models for ordinal data analysis. |
Authors: | Bin Wang [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Bin Wang <[email protected]> |
License: | Unlimited |
Version: | 18.3.2 |
Built: | 2025-01-24 06:27:21 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package collects algorithms for binned (grouped) data analysis.
Wang B. (2020). A Zipf-plot based normalization method for high-throughput RNA-seq data. PLOS ONE 15(4): e0230594.
Wang, B. and Wang, X-F. (2015). Fitting The Generalized Lambda Distribution To Pre-binned Data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. Vol. 86 , Iss. 9, 1785-1797.
Ge C, Zhang S-G, Wang B (2020) Modeling the joint distribution of firm size and firm age based on grouped data. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0235282. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235282
Wang, B. and Wertelecki, W. (2013) Density Estimation for Data With Rounding Errors, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 65: 4-12. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2012.02.016.
Wang, X-F. and Wang, B. (2011) Deconvolution Estimation in Measurement Error Models: The R Package decon, Journal of Statistical Software, 39(10), 1-24.
To bin a univariate data set in to a consecutive bins.
binning(x, counts, breaks,lower.limit, upper.limit)
binning(x, counts, breaks,lower.limit, upper.limit)
x |
A vector of raw data. 'NA' values will be automatically removed. |
counts |
Frequencies or counts of observations in different classes (bins) |
breaks |
The break points for data binning. |
lower.limit , upper.limit
The lower and upper limits of the bins. |
To create a 'bdata' object. If 'x' is given, a histogram will be created. Otherwise, create a histogram-type data using 'counts' and 'breaks' (or class limits with 'lower.limit' and/or 'upper.limit').
ll |
lower limits |
ul |
upper limits |
freq |
frequencies |
xhist |
histogram |
xZipf |
Zipf plot |
y <- c(10, 21, 56,79,114,122,110,85,85,61,47,49,47,44,31,20,11,4,4) x <- 14.5 + c(0:length(y)) out1 <- binning(counts=y, breaks=x) plot(out1) z = rnorm(100, 34.5, 1.6) out1 <- binning(z) plot(out1) data(FSD) x <- as.numeric(FirmAge[38,]); age <- c(0,1:6,11,16,21,26,38); y <- binning(counts=x, lower.limit=age) plot(y) plot(y, type="Zipf") x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[38,]); names(FirmSize) ll <- c(1,5,10,20,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000); ul <- c(4,9,19,49,99,249,499,999,2499,4999,9999,Inf) y <- binning(counts=x, lower.limit=ll,upper.limit=ul) plot(y) plot(y, type="Zipf")
y <- c(10, 21, 56,79,114,122,110,85,85,61,47,49,47,44,31,20,11,4,4) x <- 14.5 + c(0:length(y)) out1 <- binning(counts=y, breaks=x) plot(out1) z = rnorm(100, 34.5, 1.6) out1 <- binning(z) plot(out1) data(FSD) x <- as.numeric(FirmAge[38,]); age <- c(0,1:6,11,16,21,26,38); y <- binning(counts=x, lower.limit=age) plot(y) plot(y, type="Zipf") x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[38,]); names(FirmSize) ll <- c(1,5,10,20,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000); ul <- c(4,9,19,49,99,249,499,999,2499,4999,9999,Inf) y <- binning(counts=x, lower.limit=ll,upper.limit=ul) plot(y) plot(y, type="Zipf")
To estimate density function based on data with rounding errors.
bootkde(x,freq,a,b,from, to, gridsize=512L,method='boot')
bootkde(x,freq,a,b,from, to, gridsize=512L,method='boot')
x , freq
raw data if 'freq' missing, otherwise as distinct values with frequencies. |
a , b
the lower and upper bounds of the rounding error. |
from , to , gridsize
start point, end point and size of a fine grid where the distribution will be evaluated. |
method |
type estimate: "mle" or "Berkson", or "boot" (default). |
y |
Estimated values of the smooth function over a fine grid. |
x |
grid points where the smoothed function are evaluated. |
pars |
return 'bw' for Berkson method, or return the mean and SD for MLE method |
Wang, B and Wertelecki, W, (2013) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 65: 4-12.
#data(ofc) #x0 = round(ofc$Head) x0 = round(rnorm(100,34.5,1.6)) fx1 = bootkde(x0,a=-0.5,b=0.5,method="Berkson")
#data(ofc) #x0 = round(ofc$Head) x0 = round(rnorm(100,34.5,1.6)) fx1 = bootkde(x0,a=-0.5,b=0.5,method="Berkson")
Effectiveness Evaluation based on PROs with bootstrapping method.
x |
Data frame of repeated PRO measures. First column gives the treatment groups: 'group' or 'treat'; Repeated measures listed after column 1. |
type |
use absolute changes ("absolute") or relative (percent) changes ("relative"). |
A positive value to define responders. |
iter |
number of iterations used by the bootstrap algorithm. |
conf.level |
Confidence level of the bootstrapping confidence interval. |
To be updated.
data(Pain) x <- pain[,c(2,3:9,11:17)] grp <- rep("treat",nrow(x)) grp[x[,1]==0] <- "control" x[,1] <- grp #bootPRO(x,type='mean') #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=1) #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=1.5) #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=2) #bootPRO(x,type='rel') #bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.2) #bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.3) ##bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.5)
data(Pain) x <- pain[,c(2,3:9,11:17)] grp <- rep("treat",nrow(x)) grp[x[,1]==0] <- "control" x[,1] <- grp #bootPRO(x,type='mean') #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=1) #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=1.5) #bootPRO(x,type='mean',MCID=2) #bootPRO(x,type='rel') #bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.2) #bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.3) ##bootPRO(x,type='relative',MCID=.5)
Cleaned breast cancer data from TCGA. Three datasets: primary, normal and meta.
TCGA(2012) Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature,490(7418),61-70.
data(BreastCancer) head(normal) head(primary) head(meta)
data(BreastCancer) head(normal) head(primary) head(meta)
Mining and quarrying firm employment sizes. Classes: "0-9","10-19","20-49","50-249","250+".
Class |
Firm size classes |
Year20xx |
Firm size data of 10 EU countries for year 20xx. |
Eurostat, Enterprises in Europe, Data 1994-95, fifth report Edition, European Commission, Brussels, 1998.
data(EUFirmSize) head(EUFirmSize)
data(EUFirmSize) head(EUFirmSize)
To fit firm size and/or age distributions based on binned data.
x |
'x' can be a vector or a matrix, or a 'histogram'. |
breaks |
a matrix with two columns if 'x' is a matrix. Otherwise, it is a vector. Can be missing if 'x' is a vector and 'x' will be grouped uisng the default parameters with |
dist |
distribution type for 'x' and/or 'y'. Options include |
x.fit , y.fit
Fitted marginal distribution for row- and column-data when 'x' is a matrix. |
Psi |
Plackett estimate of the Psi. ONLY for 'fit.FSD2' |
If each of x.fit
and y.fit
, the following values are available:
xhist |
histogram. |
dist |
distribution type. Options include |
size |
Total number of observations (sample size) |
pars |
Estimates of parameters. |
y , y2 , x
the pdf ( |
x <- rweibull(1000,2,1) (out <- fit.FSD(x)) data(FSD) b <- c(0,1:5,6,11,16,21,26,38,Inf); x <- as.numeric(FirmAge[38,]); ## not run ##(out <- fit.FSD(x))#treated as raw data xh <- binning(counts=x, breaks=b) (out <- fit.FSD(xh)) #(out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="ewd")) (out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="pd")) (out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="gpd")) x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[nrow(FirmSize),]) brks.size <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5, 999.5,2499.5,4999.5, 9999.5,Inf) xh <- binning(counts=x,breaks=brks.size) Fn <- cumsum(x)/sum(x);Fn k <- length(Fn) i <- c((k-5):(k-1)) out1 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) i <- c(2,3,4,10,11) out2 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) i <- c(1,2,8,9,10) out3 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) plot(xh,xlim=c(0,120)) lines(out1, col=2) lines(out2, col=3) lines(out3, col=4) ZipfPlot(xh,plot=TRUE) lines(log(1-out1$y2)~log(out1$x), col=2) lines(log(1-out2$y2)~log(out2$x), col=3) lines(log(1-out3$y2)~log(out3$x), col=4) ## sample codes for the figures and tables in the PLoS ONE manuscript ## Table 1 ***************************************************** #xtable(Firm2) ## Figure 1 **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) ##postscript(file='fig1.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=2014,type="age"); #xh <- tmp$age #plot(xh, xlab="X", main="(a) Histogram of 2014 firm age data") #fit0 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp') #lines(fit0$x.fit$ly~fit0$x.fit$lx, lty=2) #ZipfPlot(fit0, lty=2, # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(b) Zipf plot of firm age (2014)") #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=1988,type="age"); #xh2 <- tmp$age #fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh2, dist='exp') #ZipfPlot(fit1, lty=2, # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(c) Zipf plot of firm age (1988)") #ZipfPlot(fit0, lty=2, type='l', # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(d) Zipf plots of firm age (1979-2014)") #for(year in 1979:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=year,type="age") # tmp2 <- ZipfPlot(tmp$age, plot=FALSE) # lines(tmp2) #} #dev.off() ## Figure 2 **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) #postscript(file='fig2.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ## plot (a) #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=2014,type="size"); #yh <- tmp$size #plot(yh, xlab="Y", main="(a) Histogram of firm size (2014)") ## plot (b) #lbrks <- log(yh$breaks); lbrks[1] <- log(1) #cnts <- yh$freq #xhist2 <- binning(counts=cnts,breaks=lbrks) #plot(xhist2,xlab="log(Y)", # main="(b) Histogram of firm size (2014, log-scale)") ## plot (c) #ZipfPlot(yh, plot=TRUE, # main="(c) Zipf plot firm size (2014)", # xlab="log(r)",ylab="log(b)") ## plot (d) #ZipfPlot(yh, plot=TRUE,type='l', # main="(d) Zipf plots of firm size (1977-2014)", # xlab="log(r)",ylab="log(b)") #res <- NULL #for(year in 1977:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize,year=year,type="size"); # yh0 <- tmp$size # zipf1 <- ZipfPlot(yh0,plot.new=FALSE) # lines(zipf1) # res <- c(res, zipf1$slope) #} #dev.off() #mean(res); sd(res) #quantile(res, prob=c(0.025,0.097)) ## Figure 3a & 3b **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) #postscript(file='fig3a.eps',paper='letter') tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=2014,type="age"); xh <- tmp$age (fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp')); (fit2 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='weibull')); #(fit3 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='ewd')); #slow #(fit0 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gpd')); # test, not used (fit4 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld')); #plot(xh, xlab="X", main="(a) Fitted Distribtions") #lines(fit1, lty=1, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit2, lty=2, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit3, lty=3, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit4, lty=4, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit0, lty=4, col=2,lwd=3) legend("topright",cex=2, legend=c("EXP","Weibull","EWD","GLD"), lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) dev.off() ## Table 3 #r2 <- c(fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, fit2$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, # fit3$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, fit4$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) #dn <- c(fit1$x.fit$Dn, fit2$x.fit$Dn, # fit3$x.fit$Dn, fit4$x.fit$Dn) #aic <- c(fit1$x.fit$AIC, fit2$x.fit$AIC, # fit3$x.fit$AIC, fit4$x.fit$AIC) #bic <- c(fit1$x.fit$BIC, fit2$x.fit$BIC, # fit3$x.fit$BIC, fit4$x.fit$BIC) #aicc <- c(fit1$x.fit$AICc, fit2$x.fit$AICc, # fit3$x.fit$AICc, fit4$x.fit$AICc) #tbl3 <- data.frame( # Dn.Zipf = r2, Dn=dn, AIC=aic, BIC=bic,AICc=aicc) #rownames(tbl3) <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") ##save(tbl3, file='tbl3.Rdata') #tbl3 #require(xtable) #xtable(tbl3,digits=c(0,4,4,0,0,0)) #postscript(file='fig3b.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #ZipfPlot(fit1, plot.new=TRUE,col=1,lwd=3,lty=1, # xlab="log(x)",ylab="log(S(x))", # main="(b) Zipf Plots of Fitted Distribtions") #ZipfPlot(fit2, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=2,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit3, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=3,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit4, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=4,lwd=3) #legend("bottomleft",cex=2, # legend=c("EXP","Weibull","EWD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() ## TABLE 4 ############################################ ## More Results ************************************** #mysummary <- function(x,dist){ # .winner <- function(x,DIST=dist){ # isele <- which(x==min(x)) # if(length(isele)>1) # warning("multiple winners, only the first is used") # DIST[isele[1]] # } # .mysum <- function(x,y) sum(y==x) # mu1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Dist, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # mu2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Dist, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # sd1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Dist, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # sd2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Dist, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # win1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # win2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # win3 <- tapply(x$BIC,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # dist0 <- levels(as.factor(x$Dist)) # out1 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win1) # out2 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win2) # out3 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win3) # #sele1 <- match(names(out1), dist0) # #sele2 <- match(names(out2), dist0) # #sele3 <- match(names(out3), dist0) # out <- data.frame(Mean.Dn.Zipf=mu1, SD.Dn.Zipf=sd1, # Mean.Dn=mu2, SD.Dn=sd2, # Win.Zipf=out1, # Win.Dn=out2, # Win.BIC=out3) # out #} #require(bda) #version 14.3.11+ #data(FSD) #Dn.Zipf <- NULL #Dn <- NULL #BIC <- NULL #Year <- NULL #DIST <- NULL; dist0 <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") #for(year in 1983:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=year,type="age"); # xh <- tmp$age # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"EXP") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='weibull');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"WD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='ewd');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"EWD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"GLD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) #} #RES <- data.frame(Year=Year,Dist=DIST,Dn.Zipf=Dn.Zipf,Dn=Dn,BIC=BIC) #save(RES, file='tbl4.Rdata') #load(file='tbl4.Rdata') #DIST <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") #sele <- RES$Year>=1983 & RES$Year<=1987;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1988 & RES$Year<=1992;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1993 & RES$Year<=1997;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1998 & RES$Year<=2002;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=2003 & RES$Year<=2014;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #(out <- mysummary(RES,dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) ## Figure 4a & 4b ****************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=2014,type="size"); yh <- tmp$size (fit1 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='lognormal')); (fit2 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='pareto')); (fit3 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='gpd')); (fit4 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='gld')); #postscript(file='fig4a.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #plot(yh, xlab="Y", main="(a) Fitted Distributions", # xlim=c(0,50)) #lines(fit1, lty=1, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit2, lty=2, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit3, lty=3, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit4, lty=4, col=1,lwd=3) #legend("topright",cex=2, # legend=c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() #postscript(file='fig4b.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #ZipfPlot(fit1, plot.new=TRUE,col=1,lwd=3,lty=1, # xlab="log(y)",ylab="log(S(y))", # main="(b) Zipf Plots of Fitted Distribtions") #ZipfPlot(fit2, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=2,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit3, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=3,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit4, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=4,lwd=3) #legend("bottomleft",cex=2, # legend=c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() ## TABLE 5 ############################################ ## More information about firm size #Dn.Zipf <- NULL #Dn <- NULL #BIC <- NULL #Year <- NULL #DIST <- NULL; #dist0 <- c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD") #for(year in 1977:2014){ # DIST <- c(DIST,dist0) # Year <- c(Year, rep(year,length(dist0))) # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=year,type="size"); # xh <- tmp$size # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='lognormal'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='pd'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gpd'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) #} #RES <- data.frame(Year=Year,Dist=DIST,Dn.Zipf=Dn.Zipf,Dn=Dn,BIC=BIC) #save(RES, file='tbl5.Rdata') #load(file='tbl5.Rdata') #dist0 <- c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD") #(out <- mysummary(RES,dist=dist0)) #require(xtable) #xtable(out[c(3,2,1),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) ## Figure 5 **************************************************** #xy <- tmp <- ImportFSD(Firm2); #out1 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("EWD","GPD"));out1 #out2 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("EWD","GLD"));out2 #out3 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("GLD","GPD"));out3 #out4 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("GLD","GLD"));out4 #postscript(file="fig5.eps",paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #out <- out1 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(a) Contour Plot -- (EWD+GPD)") #out <- out2 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(b) Contour Plot -- (EWD+GLD)") #out <- out3 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(c) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GPD)") # #out <- out4 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(d) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GLD)") ##dev.off() ## Figure 6 **************************************************** #xy2 <- tmp <- ImportFSD(Firm2); ## this is an example showing how to use partial data to fit FSD. ## get marginal frequency distribution for firm age: #(X <- apply(xy2$xy,1,sum)); #brks.age <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,16,21,26,38,Inf) ## get marginal frequency distribution for firm size: #(Y <- apply(xy2$xy,2,sum)); #(Y <- Y[-1]) #brks.size <- c(5,10,20,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,Inf) #mxy2 <- xy2$xy[,-1] #(fitx1 <- fit.FSD(X, breaks=brks.age, dist="ewd")) #(fitx2 <- fit.FSD(X, breaks=brks.age, dist="gld")) #(fity1 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="gld")) #(fity2 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="pd")) #(fity3 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="gpd")) #(out11 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity1, mxy2)) #(out12 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity2, mxy2)) #(out21 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity1, mxy2)) #(out22 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity2, mxy2)) #(out13 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity3, mxy2)) #(out23 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity3, mxy2)) ##postscript(file="fig6.eps",paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #plot(out11,grid.size=40,nlevels=20,lty=2, # ylim=c(4.8,16),xlim=c(0,18), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(d) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GLD)") #plot(out12,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, col=2, plot.new=FALSE) ## or use the command below ## plot(out2,grid.size=50,nlevels=50, col=4, add=TRUE) ##dev.off()
x <- rweibull(1000,2,1) (out <- fit.FSD(x)) data(FSD) b <- c(0,1:5,6,11,16,21,26,38,Inf); x <- as.numeric(FirmAge[38,]); ## not run ##(out <- fit.FSD(x))#treated as raw data xh <- binning(counts=x, breaks=b) (out <- fit.FSD(xh)) #(out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="ewd")) (out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="pd")) (out <- fit.FSD(xh,dist="gpd")) x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[nrow(FirmSize),]) brks.size <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5, 999.5,2499.5,4999.5, 9999.5,Inf) xh <- binning(counts=x,breaks=brks.size) Fn <- cumsum(x)/sum(x);Fn k <- length(Fn) i <- c((k-5):(k-1)) out1 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) i <- c(2,3,4,10,11) out2 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) i <- c(1,2,8,9,10) out3 <- fit.GLD(xh, qtl=brks.size[i+1], qtl.levels=Fn[i],lbound=0) plot(xh,xlim=c(0,120)) lines(out1, col=2) lines(out2, col=3) lines(out3, col=4) ZipfPlot(xh,plot=TRUE) lines(log(1-out1$y2)~log(out1$x), col=2) lines(log(1-out2$y2)~log(out2$x), col=3) lines(log(1-out3$y2)~log(out3$x), col=4) ## sample codes for the figures and tables in the PLoS ONE manuscript ## Table 1 ***************************************************** #xtable(Firm2) ## Figure 1 **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) ##postscript(file='fig1.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=2014,type="age"); #xh <- tmp$age #plot(xh, xlab="X", main="(a) Histogram of 2014 firm age data") #fit0 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp') #lines(fit0$x.fit$ly~fit0$x.fit$lx, lty=2) #ZipfPlot(fit0, lty=2, # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(b) Zipf plot of firm age (2014)") #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=1988,type="age"); #xh2 <- tmp$age #fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh2, dist='exp') #ZipfPlot(fit1, lty=2, # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(c) Zipf plot of firm age (1988)") #ZipfPlot(fit0, lty=2, type='l', # xlab="log(b)",ylab="log(r)", # main="(d) Zipf plots of firm age (1979-2014)") #for(year in 1979:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=year,type="age") # tmp2 <- ZipfPlot(tmp$age, plot=FALSE) # lines(tmp2) #} #dev.off() ## Figure 2 **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) #postscript(file='fig2.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ## plot (a) #tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=2014,type="size"); #yh <- tmp$size #plot(yh, xlab="Y", main="(a) Histogram of firm size (2014)") ## plot (b) #lbrks <- log(yh$breaks); lbrks[1] <- log(1) #cnts <- yh$freq #xhist2 <- binning(counts=cnts,breaks=lbrks) #plot(xhist2,xlab="log(Y)", # main="(b) Histogram of firm size (2014, log-scale)") ## plot (c) #ZipfPlot(yh, plot=TRUE, # main="(c) Zipf plot firm size (2014)", # xlab="log(r)",ylab="log(b)") ## plot (d) #ZipfPlot(yh, plot=TRUE,type='l', # main="(d) Zipf plots of firm size (1977-2014)", # xlab="log(r)",ylab="log(b)") #res <- NULL #for(year in 1977:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize,year=year,type="size"); # yh0 <- tmp$size # zipf1 <- ZipfPlot(yh0,plot.new=FALSE) # lines(zipf1) # res <- c(res, zipf1$slope) #} #dev.off() #mean(res); sd(res) #quantile(res, prob=c(0.025,0.097)) ## Figure 3a & 3b **************************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) #postscript(file='fig3a.eps',paper='letter') tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=2014,type="age"); xh <- tmp$age (fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp')); (fit2 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='weibull')); #(fit3 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='ewd')); #slow #(fit0 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gpd')); # test, not used (fit4 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld')); #plot(xh, xlab="X", main="(a) Fitted Distribtions") #lines(fit1, lty=1, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit2, lty=2, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit3, lty=3, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit4, lty=4, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit0, lty=4, col=2,lwd=3) legend("topright",cex=2, legend=c("EXP","Weibull","EWD","GLD"), lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) dev.off() ## Table 3 #r2 <- c(fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, fit2$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, # fit3$x.fit$Dn.Zipf, fit4$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) #dn <- c(fit1$x.fit$Dn, fit2$x.fit$Dn, # fit3$x.fit$Dn, fit4$x.fit$Dn) #aic <- c(fit1$x.fit$AIC, fit2$x.fit$AIC, # fit3$x.fit$AIC, fit4$x.fit$AIC) #bic <- c(fit1$x.fit$BIC, fit2$x.fit$BIC, # fit3$x.fit$BIC, fit4$x.fit$BIC) #aicc <- c(fit1$x.fit$AICc, fit2$x.fit$AICc, # fit3$x.fit$AICc, fit4$x.fit$AICc) #tbl3 <- data.frame( # Dn.Zipf = r2, Dn=dn, AIC=aic, BIC=bic,AICc=aicc) #rownames(tbl3) <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") ##save(tbl3, file='tbl3.Rdata') #tbl3 #require(xtable) #xtable(tbl3,digits=c(0,4,4,0,0,0)) #postscript(file='fig3b.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #ZipfPlot(fit1, plot.new=TRUE,col=1,lwd=3,lty=1, # xlab="log(x)",ylab="log(S(x))", # main="(b) Zipf Plots of Fitted Distribtions") #ZipfPlot(fit2, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=2,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit3, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=3,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit4, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=4,lwd=3) #legend("bottomleft",cex=2, # legend=c("EXP","Weibull","EWD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() ## TABLE 4 ############################################ ## More Results ************************************** #mysummary <- function(x,dist){ # .winner <- function(x,DIST=dist){ # isele <- which(x==min(x)) # if(length(isele)>1) # warning("multiple winners, only the first is used") # DIST[isele[1]] # } # .mysum <- function(x,y) sum(y==x) # mu1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Dist, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # mu2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Dist, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # sd1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Dist, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # sd2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Dist, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # win1 <- tapply(x$Dn.Zipf,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # win2 <- tapply(x$Dn,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # win3 <- tapply(x$BIC,x$Year, .winner,DIST=dist) # dist0 <- levels(as.factor(x$Dist)) # out1 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win1) # out2 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win2) # out3 <- sapply(dist0, .mysum,y=win3) # #sele1 <- match(names(out1), dist0) # #sele2 <- match(names(out2), dist0) # #sele3 <- match(names(out3), dist0) # out <- data.frame(Mean.Dn.Zipf=mu1, SD.Dn.Zipf=sd1, # Mean.Dn=mu2, SD.Dn=sd2, # Win.Zipf=out1, # Win.Dn=out2, # Win.BIC=out3) # out #} #require(bda) #version 14.3.11+ #data(FSD) #Dn.Zipf <- NULL #Dn <- NULL #BIC <- NULL #Year <- NULL #DIST <- NULL; dist0 <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") #for(year in 1983:2014){ # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmAge, year=year,type="age"); # xh <- tmp$age # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='exp');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"EXP") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='weibull');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"WD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='ewd');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"EWD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld');fit1 # DIST <- c(DIST,"GLD") # Year <- c(Year, year) # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) #} #RES <- data.frame(Year=Year,Dist=DIST,Dn.Zipf=Dn.Zipf,Dn=Dn,BIC=BIC) #save(RES, file='tbl4.Rdata') #load(file='tbl4.Rdata') #DIST <- c("EXP","WD","EWD","GLD") #sele <- RES$Year>=1983 & RES$Year<=1987;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1988 & RES$Year<=1992;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1993 & RES$Year<=1997;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=1998 & RES$Year<=2002;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #sele <- RES$Year>=2003 & RES$Year<=2014;sum(sele) #(out <- mysummary(RES[sele,],dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) #(out <- mysummary(RES,dist=DIST)) #xtable(out[c(2,4,1,3),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) ## Figure 4a & 4b ****************************************** #rm(list=ls()) #require(bda) #data(FSD) tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=2014,type="size"); yh <- tmp$size (fit1 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='lognormal')); (fit2 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='pareto')); (fit3 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='gpd')); (fit4 <- fit.FSD(yh, dist='gld')); #postscript(file='fig4a.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #plot(yh, xlab="Y", main="(a) Fitted Distributions", # xlim=c(0,50)) #lines(fit1, lty=1, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit2, lty=2, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit3, lty=3, col=1,lwd=3) #lines(fit4, lty=4, col=1,lwd=3) #legend("topright",cex=2, # legend=c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() #postscript(file='fig4b.eps',paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #ZipfPlot(fit1, plot.new=TRUE,col=1,lwd=3,lty=1, # xlab="log(y)",ylab="log(S(y))", # main="(b) Zipf Plots of Fitted Distribtions") #ZipfPlot(fit2, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=2,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit3, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=3,lwd=3) #ZipfPlot(fit4, plot.new=FALSE,col=1,lty=4,lwd=3) #legend("bottomleft",cex=2, # legend=c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD"), # lty=c(1:4),lwd=rep(3,4),col=rep(1,4)) #dev.off() ## TABLE 5 ############################################ ## More information about firm size #Dn.Zipf <- NULL #Dn <- NULL #BIC <- NULL #Year <- NULL #DIST <- NULL; #dist0 <- c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD") #for(year in 1977:2014){ # DIST <- c(DIST,dist0) # Year <- c(Year, rep(year,length(dist0))) # tmp <- ImportFSD(FirmSize, year=year,type="size"); # xh <- tmp$size # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='lognormal'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='pd'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gpd'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) # fit1 <- fit.FSD(xh, dist='gld'); # Dn.Zipf <- c(Dn.Zipf, fit1$x.fit$Dn.Zipf) # Dn <- c(Dn, fit1$x.fit$Dn) # BIC <- c(BIC, fit1$x.fit$BIC) #} #RES <- data.frame(Year=Year,Dist=DIST,Dn.Zipf=Dn.Zipf,Dn=Dn,BIC=BIC) #save(RES, file='tbl5.Rdata') #load(file='tbl5.Rdata') #dist0 <- c("LN","PD","GPD","GLD") #(out <- mysummary(RES,dist=dist0)) #require(xtable) #xtable(out[c(3,2,1),],digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,0,0,0)) ## Figure 5 **************************************************** #xy <- tmp <- ImportFSD(Firm2); #out1 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("EWD","GPD"));out1 #out2 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("EWD","GLD"));out2 #out3 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("GLD","GPD"));out3 #out4 <- fit.FSD(xy$xy, breaks=xy$breaks,dist=c("GLD","GLD"));out4 #postscript(file="fig5.eps",paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #out <- out1 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(a) Contour Plot -- (EWD+GPD)") #out <- out2 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(b) Contour Plot -- (EWD+GLD)") #out <- out3 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(c) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GPD)") # #out <- out4 #res2 <- plot(out,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, # ylim=c(0,15),xlim=c(0,30), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(d) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GLD)") ##dev.off() ## Figure 6 **************************************************** #xy2 <- tmp <- ImportFSD(Firm2); ## this is an example showing how to use partial data to fit FSD. ## get marginal frequency distribution for firm age: #(X <- apply(xy2$xy,1,sum)); #brks.age <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,16,21,26,38,Inf) ## get marginal frequency distribution for firm size: #(Y <- apply(xy2$xy,2,sum)); #(Y <- Y[-1]) #brks.size <- c(5,10,20,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,Inf) #mxy2 <- xy2$xy[,-1] #(fitx1 <- fit.FSD(X, breaks=brks.age, dist="ewd")) #(fitx2 <- fit.FSD(X, breaks=brks.age, dist="gld")) #(fity1 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="gld")) #(fity2 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="pd")) #(fity3 <- fit.FSD(Y, breaks=brks.size, dist="gpd")) #(out11 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity1, mxy2)) #(out12 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity2, mxy2)) #(out21 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity1, mxy2)) #(out22 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity2, mxy2)) #(out13 <- fit.Copula(fitx1, fity3, mxy2)) #(out23 <- fit.Copula(fitx2, fity3, mxy2)) ##postscript(file="fig6.eps",paper='letter') #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #plot(out11,grid.size=40,nlevels=20,lty=2, # ylim=c(4.8,16),xlim=c(0,18), # xlab="Firm Age",ylab="Firm Size", # main="(d) Contour Plot -- (GLD+GLD)") #plot(out12,grid.size=40,nlevels=30, col=2, plot.new=FALSE) ## or use the command below ## plot(out2,grid.size=50,nlevels=50, col=4, add=TRUE) ##dev.off()
To fit a mixture model of generalize beta and Pareto to grouped data.
x |
'x' can be a vector or a matrix, or a 'histogram'. |
breaks |
a matrix with two columns if 'x' is a matrix. Otherwise, it is a vector. Can be missing if 'x' is a vector and 'x' will be grouped uisng the default parameters with |
pars |
estimated parameters. |
data(FSD) x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[nrow(FirmSize),]) brks.size <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5, 999.5,2499.5,4999.5, 9999.5,Inf) xhist1 <- binning(counts=x,breaks=brks.size) (out <- fit.GBP(x,brks.size)) (out <- fit.GBP(xhist1)) plot(xhist1,xlim=c(0,110)) x0 <- seq(0,110,length=1000) f0 <- dGBP(x0,out) lines(f0~x0, col=2,lwd=2) ZipfPlot(xhist1,plot=TRUE) F0 <- pGBP(brks.size,out) lines(log(1-F0)~log(brks.size), col=2)
data(FSD) x <- as.numeric(FirmSize[nrow(FirmSize),]) brks.size <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5, 999.5,2499.5,4999.5, 9999.5,Inf) xhist1 <- binning(counts=x,breaks=brks.size) (out <- fit.GBP(x,brks.size)) (out <- fit.GBP(xhist1)) plot(xhist1,xlim=c(0,110)) x0 <- seq(0,110,length=1000) f0 <- dGBP(x0,out) lines(f0~x0, col=2,lwd=2) ZipfPlot(xhist1,plot=TRUE) F0 <- pGBP(brks.size,out) lines(log(1-F0)~log(brks.size), col=2)
To fit log-normal distributions to raw data.
fit.lognormal(x, k=1,normal=FALSE)
fit.lognormal(x, k=1,normal=FALSE)
x |
Raw data or grouped data |
k |
number of components, Default: 1 |
normal |
Fit normal mixture models if 'normal=TRUE'; otherwise fit log-normal mixture models. |
p0 |
The estimated proportion of zeros. |
p , mean , sigma
The fitted parameters of mixing coefficients, means and standard deviations of the k normal components. |
n |
The sample size of data. |
npar |
Number of parameters to be estimated. |
llk |
Estimated log-likelihood. |
mu = -.5 s = 2
mu = -.5 s = 2
Fit a Pareto distribution to binned data.
fit.Pareto(x, xm, method='mle')
fit.Pareto(x, xm, method='mle')
x |
grouped data |
xm |
The location parameter: lower bound of the support of the distribution |
method |
fitting method: 'mle'=maximum likelihood estimate, 'percentile'=percentile matching. |
xm |
fitted location parameter |
alpha |
fitted scale parameter |
xm <- 0.5 alpha <- 1.0 x <- rPareto(1000, xm, alpha) (out <- fit.Pareto(x,method='mle')) (out <- fit.Pareto(x,method='ls')) xbrks <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5,999.5, 2499.5,4999.5,9999.5,Inf) xhist <- binning(x, breaks=xbrks) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist)) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,method='mle')) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,method='ls')) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,xm=.5,method='mle'))
xm <- 0.5 alpha <- 1.0 x <- rPareto(1000, xm, alpha) (out <- fit.Pareto(x,method='mle')) (out <- fit.Pareto(x,method='ls')) xbrks <- c(0,4.5,9.5,19.5,49.5,99.5,249.5,499.5,999.5, 2499.5,4999.5,9999.5,Inf) xhist <- binning(x, breaks=xbrks) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist)) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,method='mle')) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,method='ls')) (out <- fit.Pareto(xhist,xm=.5,method='mle'))
To fit PRO data to distributions including GLD, PD, GPD, Weibull, EWD and other families.
x |
'x' can be a vector or a matrix, a 'histogram', or binned data. |
dist |
distribution type for 'x' and/or 'y'. Options include |
x.range |
Specifies the range of data. Used only for interval PRO data. |
nclass |
Number of classes/bins. Used only for interval PRO data. |
x.fit , y.fit
Fitted marginal distribution for row- and column-data when 'x' is a matrix. |
Psi |
Plackett estimate of the Psi. ONLY for 'fit.FSD2' |
If each of x.fit
and y.fit
, the following values are available:
xhist |
histogram. |
dist |
distribution type. Options include |
size |
Total number of observations (sample size) |
pars |
Estimates of parameters. |
y , y2 , x
the pdf ( |
x <- rweibull(1000,2,1) (out <- fit.PRO(x))
x <- rweibull(1000,2,1) (out <- fit.PRO(x))
To compute the values of the density and distribution functions of two finite Gaussian mixture models.
p1 , p2
mixing coefficients. |
mu1 , mu2
vectors of the mean values of the Gaussian components. |
sig1 , sig2
vectors of the SD values of the Gaussian components. |
from , to
to specify the range of data. |
Return the densities ('y') and probabilities ('Fx') over a grid of 'x'.
data(Pain) group <- pain$treat x <- pain$recall0 y <- pain$recall1 #out <- tkde(x,y,group) out <- tkde(x,y,group,type='percent') plot(out$risk,type='l') abline(h=1,col='gray') plot(out$responder,type='l',ylim=c(-.28,.1)) lines(out$resp$ll~out$resp$x,lty=2,col=1+(out$resp$p<0.05)) lines(out$resp$ul~out$resp$x,lty=2,col=1+(out$resp$p<0.05)) abline(h=0,col='gray') plot(out$g2,type='l') lines(out$g1,col=2)
data(Pain) group <- pain$treat x <- pain$recall0 y <- pain$recall1 #out <- tkde(x,y,group) out <- tkde(x,y,group,type='percent') plot(out$risk,type='l') abline(h=1,col='gray') plot(out$responder,type='l',ylim=c(-.28,.1)) lines(out$resp$ll~out$resp$x,lty=2,col=1+(out$resp$p<0.05)) lines(out$resp$ul~out$resp$x,lty=2,col=1+(out$resp$p<0.05)) abline(h=0,col='gray') plot(out$g2,type='l') lines(out$g1,col=2)
2014 US Private-sector firm size data.
https://www.sba.gov/advocacy/firm-size-data, Accessed on 2018-11-16
To read firm size and/or firm age data from built-in datasets.
x |
A built-in firm size and/or firm age dataset. |
type |
type of data: "size" or "age". If missing, read the age data from rows and the size data from columns. |
year |
The number year the firm size/age data to be read. If missing, assume the year is 2014. |
xy |
a matrix of joint frequency distribution table. |
breaks |
the class boundaries for firm age as a component |
size |
a 'bdata' subject of the firm size data |
age |
a 'bdata' object of the firm age data |
data(FSD) ## bivariate data xy = ImportFSD(Firm2) ## firm age of 2013 x = ImportFSD(FirmAge, type="age", year=2013) ## firm size of 2013 y = ImportFSD(FirmSize, type="size", year=2013)
data(FSD) ## bivariate data xy = ImportFSD(Firm2) ## firm age of 2013 x = ImportFSD(FirmAge, type="age", year=2013) ## firm size of 2013 y = ImportFSD(FirmSize, type="size", year=2013)
To compute the variance of the local polynomial regression function
lps.variance(y,x,bw, method="Rice")
lps.variance(y,x,bw, method="Rice")
y , x
Two numerical vectors: |
bw |
Smoothing parameter. Is used only when |
method |
We use four method to compute the variance of r(x):
Method 1) Larry Wasserman–nearly unbiased. This method based on
an lps object;
Method 2) Rice 1984
Method 3) Gasser et al (1986) – a variation of method 3.
Method 4) For heteroscedastic errors. Need to estimate based on an
lpr object. Yu and Jones (2004).
Defaulty method: |
the variance of r(x).
n = 100 x=rnorm(n) y=x^2+rnorm(n) bw = lps.variance par(mfrow=c(1,1)) out=lpsmooth(y,x) #plot(out, scb=TRUE, type='l') vrx = lps.variance(y,x) out=lpsmooth(y,x,sd.y=sqrt(vrx), bw=0.5) plot(y~x, pch='.') lines(out, col=2) x0 = seq(min(x), max(x), length=100) y0 = x0^2 lines(y0~x0, col=4)
n = 100 x=rnorm(n) y=x^2+rnorm(n) bw = lps.variance par(mfrow=c(1,1)) out=lpsmooth(y,x) #plot(out, scb=TRUE, type='l') vrx = lps.variance(y,x) out=lpsmooth(y,x,sd.y=sqrt(vrx), bw=0.5) plot(y~x, pch='.') lines(out, col=2) x0 = seq(min(x), max(x), length=100) y0 = x0^2 lines(y0~x0, col=4)
To fit nonparametric regression model.
lpsmooth(y,x, bw, sd.y,lscv=FALSE, adaptive=FALSE, from, to, gridsize,conf.level=0.95) npr(y,x,sd.x,bw,kernel='decon',optimal=FALSE,adaptive=FALSE, x0,from, to, gridsize,conf.level=0.95) wlpsmooth(y,x,w,s.x,bw,from,to,gridsize,conf.level=0.95) bootsmooth(y,x,type="relative",iter=100,conf.level=0.95)
lpsmooth(y,x, bw, sd.y,lscv=FALSE, adaptive=FALSE, from, to, gridsize,conf.level=0.95) npr(y,x,sd.x,bw,kernel='decon',optimal=FALSE,adaptive=FALSE, x0,from, to, gridsize,conf.level=0.95) wlpsmooth(y,x,w,s.x,bw,from,to,gridsize,conf.level=0.95) bootsmooth(y,x,type="relative",iter=100,conf.level=0.95)
y , x
Two numerical vectors. |
w |
weights |
s.x |
standard deviation of the measurement error – Laplacian errors are assumed. |
x0 , from , to , gridsize
'x0' is the grid points where the fitted values will be evaluated. If it is missing, define a fine grid using the start point ("from"), end point ("to") and size ("gridsize"). |
bw |
Smoothing parameter. Numeric or character value is allowed. If missing, adaptive (LSCV) bandwidth selector will be used. |
kernel |
kernel type: "normal","gauss","nw","decon" (default), "lp","nadaraya-watson" |
lscv , adaptive
If |
optimal |
Search for optimal bandwidth if TRUE. |
sd.y |
Standard deviation of |
sd.x |
Standard deviation of the measurement error |
conf.level |
Confidence level. |
iter |
Bootstrapping iteration number. |
type |
"relative" changes or "absolute" changes for effectiveness evaluation. |
y |
Estimated values of the smooth function over a fine grid. |
x |
grid points where the smoothed function are evaluated. |
x0 , y0
cleaned data of x and y. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the simultaneous confidence bands. |
pars |
estimate parameters including smoothing bandwidth, and parameters for the tube formula. |
ucb , lcb
upper and lower confidence bands. |
call |
function called |
x <- rnorm(100,34.5,1.5) e <- rnorm(100,0,2) y <- (x-32)^2 + e out <- lpsmooth(y,x) out plot(out, type='l') x0 <- seq(min(x),max(x),length=100) y0 <- (x0-32)^2 lines(x0, y0, col=2) points(x, y, pch="*", col=4)
x <- rnorm(100,34.5,1.5) e <- rnorm(100,0,2) y <- (x-32)^2 + e out <- lpsmooth(y,x) out plot(out, type='l') x0 <- seq(min(x),max(x),length=100) y0 <- (x0-32)^2 lines(x0, y0, col=2) points(x, y, pch="*", col=4)
To compute statistics and p-values for the Sobel test. Results for three versions of "Sobel test" are provided: Sobel test, Aroian test and Goodman test.
mv |
The mediator variable. |
iv |
The independent variable. |
dv |
The dependent variable. |
To test whether a mediator carries the influence on an IV to a DV. Missing values will be automatically excluded with a warning.
a table showing the values of the test statistics (z-values) and the corresponding p-values for three tests, namely the Sobel test, Aroian test and Goodman test, respectively.
B. Wang [email protected]
MacKinnon, D. P., & Dwyer, J. H. (1993). Estimating mediated effects in prevention studies. Evaluation Review, 17, 144-158.
MacKinnon, D. P., Warsi, G., & Dwyer, J. H. (1995). A simulation study of mediated effect measures. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 30, 41-62.
Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods,Instruments, & Computers, 36, 717-731.
Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008). asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 40, 879-891.
mv = rnorm(100) iv = rnorm(100) dv = rnorm(100) mediation.test(mv,iv,dv)
mv = rnorm(100) iv = rnorm(100) dv = rnorm(100) mediation.test(mv,iv,dv)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the lognormal mixture distribution with means equal to 'mu' and standard deviations equal to 's'.
dmlnorm(x,p,mean,sd) pmlnorm(q,p,mean,sd) qmlnorm(prob,p,mean,sd) rmlnorm(n,p,mean,sd)
dmlnorm(x,p,mean,sd) pmlnorm(q,p,mean,sd) qmlnorm(prob,p,mean,sd) rmlnorm(n,p,mean,sd)
x , q
vector of quantiles in dmixnorm and pmixnorm. In qmixnorm, 'x' is a vector of probabilities. |
p |
proportions of the mixture components. |
prob |
A vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of observations. If 'length(n) > 1', the length is taken to be the number required. |
mean |
vector of means |
sd |
vector of standard deviations |
return the density, probability, quantile and random value for the four functions, respectively.
p <- c(.4,.6) mu <- c(1,4) s <- c(2,3) dmlnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) pmlnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) qmlnorm(c(0,1,.2,.20),p,mu,s) rmlnorm(3,p,mu,s)
p <- c(.4,.6) mu <- c(1,4) s <- c(2,3) dmlnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) pmlnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) qmlnorm(c(0,1,.2,.20),p,mu,s) rmlnorm(3,p,mu,s)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the normal mixture distribution with means equal to 'mu' and standard deviations equal to 's'.
dmnorm(x,p,mean,sd) pmnorm(q,p,mean,sd) qmnorm(prob,p,mean,sd) rmnorm(n,p,mean,sd)
dmnorm(x,p,mean,sd) pmnorm(q,p,mean,sd) qmnorm(prob,p,mean,sd) rmnorm(n,p,mean,sd)
x , q
vector of quantiles in dmixnorm and pmixnorm. In qmixnorm, 'x' is a vector of probabilities. |
p |
proportions of the mixture components. |
prob |
A vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of observations. If 'length(n) > 1', the length is taken to be the number required. |
mean |
vector of means |
sd |
vector of standard deviations |
Return the density, probability, quantile and random value, respectively.
p <- c(.4,.6) mu <- c(1,4) s <- c(2,3) dmnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) pmnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) qmnorm(c(0,1,.2,.20),p,mu,s) rmnorm(3,p,mu,s)
p <- c(.4,.6) mu <- c(1,4) s <- c(2,3) dmnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) pmnorm(c(0,1,2,20),p,mu,s) qmnorm(c(0,1,.2,.20),p,mu,s) rmnorm(3,p,mu,s)
OFC data for singleton live births with gestational age at least 38 weeks.
A data frame with 2019 observations on 4 variables.
Year |
numeric | 2006 -- 2009 |
Sex |
character | 'male' or 'female' |
Gestation |
numeric | Gestational age (in weeks). |
Head |
numeric | head size. |
Wang, B and Wertelecki, W, (2013) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 65: 4-12.
data(ofc) head(ofc)
data(ofc) head(ofc)
Pain data using VAS.
A data frame with 203 records on 17 variables.
group |
character | 'control' or 'treatment' group |
t01-t07 |
numeric | VAS measures at T0 from diary |
t11-t17 |
numeric | VAS measures at T1 from diary |
rvas0 |
numeric | recalled VAS average at T0 |
rvas1 |
numeric | recalled VAS average at T1 |
To be updated
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the Pareto distribution.
dPareto(x,xm,alpha) pPareto(q,xm,alpha) qPareto(p,xm,alpha) rPareto(n,xm,alpha)
dPareto(x,xm,alpha) pPareto(q,xm,alpha) qPareto(p,xm,alpha) rPareto(n,xm,alpha)
x , q
vector of quantiles in dmixnorm and pmixnorm. In qmixnorm, 'x' is a vector of probabilities. |
p |
A vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of observations. If 'length(n) > 1', the length is taken to be the number required. |
xm , alpha
parameters of the Pareto distribution. |
xm = 0.1 alpha = 1 dPareto(.5, xm,alpha)
xm = 0.1 alpha = 1 dPareto(.5, xm,alpha)
Tests for effectiveness evaluations based on PROs.
x , y
vector of PROs at T0 and T1. |
group |
Group assignment: control or treatment. |
cutoff |
Class boundaries to define states. Works only when 'x' and 'y' are numeric. |
x.range |
Range of the scores for 'x' and 'y'. |
type |
Data (grouping/binning) type: 'vas', 'nrs', 'wbf'. |
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.
states <- c("low", "moderate", "high") x0 <- sample(states, size=100, replace=TRUE) x1 <- sample(states, size=100, replace=TRUE) grp <- c(rep("control",50),rep("treatment",50)) pro.test(x=x0,y=x1,group=grp)
states <- c("low", "moderate", "high") x0 <- sample(states, size=100, replace=TRUE) x1 <- sample(states, size=100, replace=TRUE) grp <- c(rep("control",50),rep("treatment",50)) pro.test(x=x0,y=x1,group=grp)
Algorithms for VAS. The algorithms are applicable to other numerical variables with measurement errors as well.
x |
Raw data |
w |
weights |
alpha |
Significance level for confidence bands. |
Estimate of the emprical distribution function.
x |
grid points |
y |
ECDF value Fn(x) |
lb , ub
lower and upper confidence bands of ECDF. |
alpha |
significance level |
data |
raw data |
ecdf |
Draw ECDF if TRUE. |
x <- rnorm(100, -2.6, 3.1)
x <- rnorm(100, -2.6, 3.1)
Returns x and y coordinates of the binned kernel density estimate of the probability density of the weighted data.
wkde(x, w, bandwidth, freq=FALSE, gridsize = 401L, range.x, truncate = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
wkde(x, w, bandwidth, freq=FALSE, gridsize = 401L, range.x, truncate = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
x |
vector of observations from the distribution whose density is to be estimated. Missing values are not allowed. |
w |
The weights of |
bandwidth |
the kernel bandwidth smoothing parameter. Larger values of
freq |
An indicator showing whether |
gridsize |
the number of equally spaced points at which to estimate the density. |
range.x |
vector containing the minimum and maximum values of |
truncate |
logical flag: if |
na.rm |
logical flag: if |
The default bandwidth, "wnrd0"
, is computed using a rule-of-thumb for
choosing the bandwidth of a Gaussian kernel density estimator
based on weighted data. It defaults to 0.9 times the
minimum of the standard deviation and the interquartile range
divided by 1.34 times the sample size to the negative one-fifth
power (= Silverman's ‘rule of thumb’, Silverman (1986, page 48,
eqn (3.31)) _unless_ the quartiles coincide when a positive result
will be guaranteed.
is the more common variation given by Scott (1992), using
factor 1.06.
is a completely automatic optimal bandwidth selector
using the least-squares cross-validation (LSCV) method by minimizing the
integrated squared errors (ISE).
a list containing the following components:
x |
vector of sorted |
y |
vector of density estimates
at the corresponding |
bw |
optimal bandwidth. |
sp |
sensitivity parameter, none |
Wand, M. P. and Jones, M. C. (1995). Kernel Smoothing. Chapman and Hall, London.
mu = 34.5; s=1.5; n = 3000 x = round(rnorm(n, mu, s),1) x0 = seq(min(x)-s,max(x)+s, length=100) f0 = dnorm(x0,mu, s) xt = table(x); n = length(x) x1 = as.numeric(names(xt)) w1 = as.numeric(xt) (h1 <- bw.wnrd0(x1, w1)) (h2 <- bw.wnrd0(x1,w1,n=n)) est1 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth=h1) est2 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth=h2) est3 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='awmise') est4 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='wmise') est5 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='blscv') est0 = density(x1,bw="SJ",weights=w1/sum(w1)); plot(f0~x0, xlim=c(min(x),max(x)), ylim=c(0,.30), type="l") lines(est0, col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) lines(est1, col=2) lines(est2, col=3) lines(est3, col=4) lines(est4, col=5) lines(est5, col=6) legend(max(x),.3,xjust=1,yjust=1,cex=.8, legend=c("N(34.5,1.5)", "SJ", "wnrd0", "wnrd0(n)","awmise","wmise","blscv"), col = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,6), lty=c(1,2,1,1,1,1,1), lwd=c(1,2,1,1,1,1,1))
mu = 34.5; s=1.5; n = 3000 x = round(rnorm(n, mu, s),1) x0 = seq(min(x)-s,max(x)+s, length=100) f0 = dnorm(x0,mu, s) xt = table(x); n = length(x) x1 = as.numeric(names(xt)) w1 = as.numeric(xt) (h1 <- bw.wnrd0(x1, w1)) (h2 <- bw.wnrd0(x1,w1,n=n)) est1 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth=h1) est2 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth=h2) est3 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='awmise') est4 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='wmise') est5 <- wkde(x1,w1, bandwidth='blscv') est0 = density(x1,bw="SJ",weights=w1/sum(w1)); plot(f0~x0, xlim=c(min(x),max(x)), ylim=c(0,.30), type="l") lines(est0, col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) lines(est1, col=2) lines(est2, col=3) lines(est3, col=4) lines(est4, col=5) lines(est5, col=6) legend(max(x),.3,xjust=1,yjust=1,cex=.8, legend=c("N(34.5,1.5)", "SJ", "wnrd0", "wnrd0(n)","awmise","wmise","blscv"), col = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,6), lty=c(1,2,1,1,1,1,1), lwd=c(1,2,1,1,1,1,1))
Zipf plot based normalization.
Zipf.Normalize(x, y, cutoff=6,optim=FALSE, method)
Zipf.Normalize(x, y, cutoff=6,optim=FALSE, method)
x , y
data: two vectors. |
cutoff |
a large enought value such that the values larger
than the |
optim |
Find the optimal normalization parameters if TRUE |
method |
use both power transformation and scalingby default. If 'scaling' is specified, skip power transformation. |
x |
reference profile (not normalized) |
y |
normalized profile |
scaler |
Linear rescaling normalization parameter estimate |
power |
power transformation parameter estimate |
scaler.optim |
Optimized estimate of the linear rescaling parameter |
power.optim |
Optimzed estimate of the power transformation parameter. |
mat.optim |
A matrix of the objective function values generated to find the optimal estimates. |
coef |
Coefficient table to display the estimates. |
Wang, B. (2020) A Zipf-plot based normalization method for high-throughput RNA-Seq data. PLoS ONE, (in press).
data(LCL) names(LCL) x <- LCL$p47 y <- LCL$p107 outx <- ZipfPlot(x) plot(outx,type='l') outy <- ZipfPlot(y) lines(outy,col=2) out2 <- Zipf.Normalize(x,y) outy2 <- ZipfPlot(out2$y) lines(outy2,col=4)
data(LCL) names(LCL) x <- LCL$p47 y <- LCL$p107 outx <- ZipfPlot(x) plot(outx,type='l') outy <- ZipfPlot(y) lines(outy,col=2) out2 <- Zipf.Normalize(x,y) outy2 <- ZipfPlot(out2$y) lines(outy2,col=4)
Draw Zipf Plot.
ZipfPlot(x, x0, plot=FALSE,plot.new=TRUE, weights,...)
ZipfPlot(x, x0, plot=FALSE,plot.new=TRUE, weights,...)
x |
data: two vectors. |
x0 |
low bound to filter data. |
plot |
Draw Zipf plot if |
plot.new |
whether draw a new plot. |
weights |
Compute weighted least squares line
if |
... |
plotting parameters. |
Wang, B. (2020) A Zipf-plot based normalization method for high-throughput RNA-Seq data. PLoS ONE, (in press).
data(LCL) names(LCL) x <- LCL$p47 y <- LCL$p107 outx <- ZipfPlot(x) plot(outx,type='l') outy <- ZipfPlot(y) lines(outy,col=2) out2 <- Zipf.Normalize(x,y) outy2 <- ZipfPlot(out2$y) lines(outy2,col=4)
data(LCL) names(LCL) x <- LCL$p47 y <- LCL$p107 outx <- ZipfPlot(x) plot(outx,type='l') outy <- ZipfPlot(y) lines(outy,col=2) out2 <- Zipf.Normalize(x,y) outy2 <- ZipfPlot(out2$y) lines(outy2,col=4)