Package: XML 3.99-0.18

XML: Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus
Many approaches for both reading and creating XML (and HTML) documents (including DTDs), both local and accessible via HTTP or FTP. Also offers access to an 'XPath' "interpreter".
XML.pdf |XML.html✨
XML/json (API)
# Install 'XML' in R: |
install.packages('XML', repos = c('', '')) |
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Last updated 2 months agofrom:7473b75ef8. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects. | [.XMLNode [[.XMLDocumentContent [[.XMLInternalElementNode [[.XMLNode |
Assign sub-nodes to an XML node | [<-.XMLNode [[<-.XMLNode |
Add child nodes to an XML node | addAttributes addAttributes,XMLInternalElementNode-method addAttributes,XMLNode-method addChildren addChildren,XMLInternalNode-method addChildren,XMLNode-method removeAttributes removeAttributes,XMLInternalElementNode-method removeAttributes,XMLNode-method removeChildren removeNodes removeNodes.list removeNodes.XMLInternalNode removeNodes.XMLNodeList removeNodes.XMLNodeSet replaceNodes xmlParent<- |
Add a node to a tree | addNode addNode.XMLHashTree |
Add children to an XML node | append.XMLNode append.xmlNode |
Converts non-XML node objects to XMLTextNode objects | asXMLNode coerce,XMLInternalNode,XMLNode-method |
Convert a regular XML node to one for use in a "flat" tree | asXMLTreeNode |
Manipulate XML catalog contents | catalogAdd catalogClearTable catalogDump catalogLoad |
Look up an element via the XML catalog mechanism | catalogResolve |
Transform between XML representations | coerce,XMLAbstractDocument,XMLAbstractNode-method coerce,XMLHashTreeNode,XMLHashTree-method coerce,XMLInternalDocument,XMLHashTree-method coerce,XMLInternalNode,XMLHashTree-method coerce,XMLNode,XMLInternalNode-method |
Indicate differences between two XML documents | compareXMLDocs |
Accessors for name of XML document | docName docName,NULL-method docName,XMLDocument-method docName,XMLDocumentContent-method docName,XMLHashTree-method docName,XMLHashTreeNode-method docName,XMLInternalDocument-method docName,XMLInternalNode-method docName,XMLNode-method docName<- docName<-,XMLHashTree-method docName<-,XMLInternalDocument-method |
Constructor for DTD reference | coerce,Doctype,character-method Doctype |
Class to describe a reference to an XML DTD | Doctype-class |
Gets the definition of an element or entity from a DTD. | dtdElement dtdEntity |
Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element. | dtdElementValidEntry dtdElementValidEntry.character dtdElementValidEntry.XMLElementContent dtdElementValidEntry.XMLElementDef dtdElementValidEntry.XMLOrContent dtdElementValidEntry.XMLSequenceContent |
Query if a name is a valid attribute of a DTD element. | dtdIsAttribute |
Determines whether an XML tag is valid within another. | dtdValidElement |
Ensure that the node has a definition for particular XML namespaces | ensureNamespace |
Find the XInclude node associated with an XML node | findXInclude |
Release the specified object and clean up its memory usage | free free,XMLInternalDocument-method |
SAX generic callback handler list | genericSAXHandlers |
Get the individual | getChildrenStrings |
Determines the encoding for an XML document or node | getEncoding getEncoding,ANY-method getEncoding,XMLInternalDocument-method getEncoding,XMLInternalNode-method |
Get links or names of external files in HTML document | getHTMLExternalFiles getHTMLLinks |
Determine the location - file & line number of an (internal) XML node | getLineNumber getNodeLocation getNodePosition |
Find matching nodes in an internal XML tree/DOM | getNodeSet matchNamespaces xpathApply xpathSApply |
Compute name of URL relative to a base URL | getRelativeURL |
Manipulate sibling XML nodes | addSibling getSibling |
Find the documents that are XInclude'd in an XML document | getXIncludes xmlXIncludes |
Get XML/HTML document parse errors | getXMLErrors |
Facilities for working with XML strings | isXMLString xml xmlParseString XMLString-class |
Determine the number of children in an XMLNode object. | length.XMLNode |
Query the version and available features of the libxml library. | libxmlFeatures libxmlVersion |
Create S4 class definition based on XML node(s) | makeClassTemplate |
Get the names of an XML nodes children. | names.XMLNode |
Create internal XML node or document object | coerce,vector,XMLInternalNode-method newHTMLDoc newXMLCDataNode newXMLCommentNode newXMLDoc newXMLDTDNode newXMLNode newXMLPINode newXMLTextNode xmlDoc |
Add a namespace definition to an XML node | newXMLNamespace |
Read a Document Type Definition (DTD) | parseDTD |
Parse a URI string into its elements | coerce,URI,character-method parseURI URI-class |
Parse XML content and add it to a node | parseXMLAndAdd |
Methods for displaying XML objects | print.XMLAttributeDef print.XMLCDataNode print.XMLComment print.XMLElementContent print.XMLElementDef print.XMLEntity print.XMLEntityRef print.XMLNode print.XMLOrContent print.XMLProcessingInstruction print.XMLSequenceContent print.XMLTextNode |
Perform the XInclude substitutions | processXInclude processXInclude.list processXInclude.XMLInternalDocument processXInclude.XMLInternalElement |
Read data in an HTML list or all lists in a document | readHTMLList readHTMLList,character-method readHTMLList,HTMLInternalDocument-method readHTMLList,XMLInternalNode-method |
Read data from one or more HTML tables | coerce,character,Currency-method coerce,character,FormattedInteger-method coerce,character,FormattedNumber-method coerce,character,Percent-method FormattedInteger-class FormattedNumber-class Percent-class readHTMLTable readHTMLTable,character-method readHTMLTable,HTMLInternalDocument-method readHTMLTable,XMLInternalElementNode-method |
Read an XML property-list style document | readKeyValueDB readKeyValueDB,AsIs-method readKeyValueDB,character-method readKeyValueDB,XMLInternalDocument-method readKeyValueDB,XMLInternalNode-method |
Read the data from a Solr document | readSolrDoc readSolrDoc,AsIs-method readSolrDoc,character-method readSolrDoc,XMLInternalDocument-method readSolrDoc,XMLInternalNode-method |
Remove namespace definitions from a XML node or document | removeXMLNamespaces removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalDocument-method removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalElementNode-method removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalNode-method |
Replace an XML node with it child nodes | replaceNodeWithChildren |
Output internal XML Tree | coerce,XMLInternalDocument,character-method coerce,XMLInternalDOM,character-method coerce,XMLInternalNode,character-method saveXML saveXML,HTMLInternalDocument-method saveXML,XMLFlatTree-method saveXML,XMLInternalDocument-method saveXML,XMLInternalDOM-method saveXML,XMLInternalNode-method saveXML,XMLNode-method saveXML,XMLOutputStream-method saveXML.XMLInternalDocument saveXML.XMLInternalDOM saveXML.XMLInternalNode saveXML.XMLNode saveXML.XMLOutputStream |
A virtual base class defining methods for SAX parsing | SAXState-class |
Classes for working with XML Schema | $,libxmlTypeTable-method $,xmlSchemaRef-method $<-,libxmlTypeTable-method coerce,libxmlTypeTable,list-method ExternalReference-class libxmlTypeTable-class names,libxmlTypeTable-method names,xmlSchemaRef-method SchemaAttributeGroupTable-class SchemaAttributeTable-class SchemaElementTable-class SchemaNotationTable-class SchemaTypeTable-class show,XMLSchemaValidationResults-method xmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef-class xmlSchemaAttributeRef-class xmlSchemaElementRef-class xmlSchemaNotationRef-class xmlSchemaRef-class xmlSchemaTypeRef-class |
Set the name space on a node | setXMLNamespace |
Generic Methods for SAX callbacks | .InitSAXMethods comment.SAX comment.SAX,ANY,SAXState-method endElement.SAX endElement.SAX,ANY,SAXState-method entityDeclaration.SAX entityDeclaration.SAX,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,SAXState-method processingInstruction.SAX processingInstruction.SAX,ANY,ANY,SAXState-method startElement.SAX startElement.SAX,ANY,ANY,SAXState-method text.SAX text.SAX,ANY,SAXState-method |
Determines which native XML parsers are being used. | supportsExpat supportsLibxml |
Create an HTML representation of the given R object, using internal C-level nodes | toHTML toHTML,call-method toHTML,matrix-method toHTML,vector-method |
Creates string representation of XML node | toString.XMLNode |
Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode | xmlApply xmlApply.XMLDocument xmlApply.XMLDocumentContent xmlApply.XMLNode xmlSApply xmlSApply.XMLDocument xmlSApply.XMLDocumentContent xmlSApply.XMLNode |
Class '"XMLAttributes"' | show,XMLAttributes-method XMLAttributes-class [,XMLAttributes-method |
The type of an XML attribute for element from the DTD | xmlAttributeType |
Get the list of attributes of an XML node. | xmlAttrs xmlAttrs.XMLElementDef xmlAttrs.XMLInternalNode xmlAttrs.XMLNode xmlAttrs<- xmlAttrs<-,XMLInternalElementNode-method xmlAttrs<-,XMLInternalNode xmlAttrs<-,XMLNode xmlAttrs<-,XMLNode-method |
Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object. | xmlChildren xmlChildren.XMLInternalDocument xmlChildren.XMLInternalNode xmlChildren.XMLNode xmlChildren<- xmlChildren<-,ANY-method xmlChildren<-,XMLInternalNode-method |
Remove redundant namespaces on an XML document | xmlCleanNamespaces |
Create a copy of an internal XML document or node | xmlClone xmlClone,XMLInternalDocument-method xmlClone,XMLInternalNode-method |
Simple classes for identifying an XML document containing R code | coerce,character,XMLCodeDoc-method coerce,character,XMLCodeFile-method coerce,XMLCodeFile,XMLCodeDoc-method source,XMLCodeFile-method XMLCodeDoc-class xmlCodeFile XMLCodeFile-class [[,XMLCodeFile,ANY-method [[,XMLCodeFile-method |
Checks if an entity is defined within a DTD. | xmlContainsElement xmlContainsEntity |
Apply function to nodes in an XML tree/DOM. | xmlDOMApply |
Retrieve the children of an XML node with a specific tag name | xmlElementsByTagName |
Frequency table of names of elements and attributes in XML content | xmlElementSummary |
Default handlers for the SAX-style event XML parser | xmlEventHandler |
XML Event/Callback element-wise Parser | xmlEventParse |
Get the value of an attribute in an XML node | xmlGetAttr |
Example XML Event Parser Handler Functions | xmlHandler |
Constructors for trees stored as flat list of nodes with information about parents and children. | xmlHashTree |
Class to represent reference to C-level data structure for an XML document | coerce,XMLDocument,XMLInternalDocument-method coerce,XMLInternalDocument,XMLInternalNode-method coerce,XMLInternalNode,XMLInternalDocument-method HTMLInternalDocument-class XMLAbstractDocument-class XMLInternalDocument-class |
Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object. | xmlName xmlName.XMLComment xmlName.XMLInternalNode xmlName.XMLNode xmlName<- |
Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node. | xmlNamespace XMLNamespace-class xmlNamespace.character xmlNamespace.XMLInternalNode xmlNamespace.XMLNode xmlNamespace<- xmlNamespace<-,XMLInternalNode-method |
Get definitions of any namespaces defined in this XML node | coerce,character,XMLNamespaceDefinitions-method coerce,NULL,XMLNamespaceDefinitions-method coerce,XMLNamespace,character-method coerce,XMLNamespaceDefinition,character-method coerce,XMLNamespaceDefinitions,character-method getDefaultNamespace xmlNamespaceDefinitions xmlNamespaces xmlNamespaces<- xmlNamespaces<-,XMLInternalNode-method xmlNamespaces<-,XMLNode-method |
Create an XML node | xmlCDataNode xmlCommentNode xmlNode xmlPINode xmlTextNode |
Classes to describe an XML node object. | coerce,XMLAbstractNode,character-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,Date-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,integer-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,logical-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,numeric-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,POSIXct-method coerce,XMLAbstractNode,URL-method RXMLNode-class XMLAbstractNode-class XMLAttributeDeclNode-class XMLDocumentFragNode-class XMLDocumentNode-class XMLDocumentTypeNode-class XMLDTDNode-class XMLEntityDeclNode-class XMLInternalCDataNode-class XMLInternalCommentNode-class XMLInternalElementNode-class XMLInternalNode-class XMLInternalPINode-class XMLInternalTextNode-class XMLNamespaceDeclNode-class XMLNamespaceDefinitions-class XMLNode-class XMLTreeNode-class XMLXIncludeEndNode-class XMLXIncludeStartNode-class |
XML output streams | xmlOutputBuffer xmlOutputDOM |
Get parent node of XMLInternalNode or ancestor nodes | xmlAncestors xmlParent xmlParent,XMLHashTreeNode-method xmlParent,XMLInternalNode-method xmlParent,XMLTreeNode-method xmlParent.XMLInternalNode |
Identifies function as expecting an xmlParserContext argument | xmlParserContextFunction |
Get the top-level XML node. | xmlRoot xmlRoot.HTMLDocument xmlRoot.XMLDocument xmlRoot.XMLDocumentContent xmlRoot.XMLDocumentRoot xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument xmlRoot.XMLInternalDOM |
Validate an XML document relative to an XML schema | schemaValidationErrorHandler xmlSchemaValidate |
Find a namespace definition object by searching ancestor nodes | coerce,XMLNamespaceRef,character-method xmlSearchNs |
Functions that help serialize and deserialize XML internal objects | xmlDeserializeHook xmlSerializeHook |
The number of sub-elements within an XML node. | xmlSize xmlSize.default xmlSize.XMLDocument xmlSize.XMLNode |
Source the R code, examples, etc. from an XML document | xmlSource xmlSource,character-method xmlSource,XMLInternalDocument-method xmlSource,XMLNodeSet-method xmlSourceFunctions xmlSourceFunctions,character-method xmlSourceFunctions,XMLInternalDocument-method xmlSourceSection xmlSourceSection,character-method xmlSourceSection,XMLInternalDocument-method xmlSourceThread xmlSourceThread,character-method xmlSourceThread,list-method xmlSourceThread,XMLInternalDocument-method |
Terminate an XML parser | xmlStopParser |
Condition/error handler functions for XML parsing | xmlErrorCumulator xmlStructuredStop |
Extract data from a simple XML document | xmlToDataFrame xmlToDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,list-method xmlToDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,XMLInternalNodeList-method xmlToDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,XMLNodeSet-method xmlToDataFrame,character,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method xmlToDataFrame,list,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method xmlToDataFrame,XMLInternalDocument,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing-method xmlToDataFrame,XMLInternalElementNode,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method xmlToDataFrame,XMLInternalNodeList,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method xmlToDataFrame,XMLNodeSet,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method |
Convert an XML node/document to a more R-like list | xmlToList |
General mechanism for mapping an XML node to an S4 object | xmlToS4 xmlToS4,XMLInternalNode-method |
An internal, updatable DOM object for building XML trees | xmlTree |
XML Parser | htmlParse htmlTreeParse xmlInternalTreeParse xmlNativeTreeParse xmlParse xmlSchemaParse xmlTreeParse |
Extract or set the contents of a leaf XML node | coerce,XMLInternalTextNode,character-method xmlValue xmlValue.XMLCDataNode xmlValue.XMLComment xmlValue.XMLNode xmlValue.XMLProcessingInstruction xmlValue.XMLTextNode xmlValue<- xmlValue<-,XMLAbstractNode-method xmlValue<-,XMLInternalTextNode-method xmlValue<-,XMLTextNode-method |