Package: TapeS 0.13.2

Christian Vonderach

TapeS: Tree Taper Curves and Sorting Based on 'TapeR'

Providing new german-wide 'TapeR' Models and functions for their evaluation. Included are the most common tree species in Germany (Norway spruce, Scots pine, European larch, Douglas fir, Silver fir as well as European beech, Common/Sessile oak and Red oak). Many other species are mapped to them so that 36 tree species / groups can be processed. Single trees are defined by species code, one or multiple diameters in arbitrary measuring height and tree height. The functions then provide information on diameters along the stem, bark thickness, height of diameters, volume of the total or parts of the trunk and total and component above-ground biomass. It is also possible to calculate assortments from the taper curves. Uncertainty information is provided for diameter, volume and component biomass estimation.

Authors:Christian Vonderach [aut, cre], Edgar Kublin [aut], Gerald Kändler [aut]

TapeS.pdf |TapeS.html
TapeS/json (API)

# Install 'TapeS' in R:
install.packages('TapeS', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3


2.48 score 276 downloads 52 exports 6 dependencies

Last updated 21 days agofrom:640ba2a13c. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 22 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 22 2025



Extend TapeR by implementing sorting and related aspects of forestry in R

Rendered fromtapes.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 22 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-09
Started: 2023-03-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
estimate minimum cutting diameterAz
function for mapping the 36 tree species to several internal functionsBaMap
Double Bark Thicknessbark
Prediction of above-ground biomass according to NFI-functionsbiomass
calculate VCOV-Matrix for volume segmentscalcVCOVsekVol
generate and/or check validity of biomass function component namescheck_Comp
monotonicity check for taper curvecheck_monotonicity
coerce different data sources into class 'tprTrees'bdat_as_tprtrees data_coercion nfi_as_tprtrees seg_as_tprtrees
Extract pre-defined diameterBhd D005 D03 D13 D7 Dbh
Find Height of diameter under bark via unirootE_HDxoR_HmDm_Ht.f HxoR_root.f
Estimate tree height by DBH according to BWI3estHeight
percentage of unusable coarse woodfnUnvd
Tariff for taper formFormTariff
returns coefficients for Pettersen-Height modelHtCoef
diameter prediction E[d] for TapeR-objectlmeSKEBLUP
Component biomass functionsnsur
Component biomass functionsnsur2
estimate variance components for component biomass functionsNSURvar
constructor for class parSortparSort
An S4 class to represent the parameters for tree assorting.parSort-class [,parSort,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,parSort-method
height estimationpetterson
Plot taper curve for an object of class 'tprTrees'plot.tprTrees
parameter of bark functionRiPar
Set and get options for the TapeS-packagegetTapeSoptions setTapeSoptions
simulating objects of class 'tprTrees'simTrees
slot accessor functions for class 'tprtrees'Dm Dm,tprTrees-method Dm<- Dm<-,tprTrees-method Hm Hm,tprTrees-method Hm<- Hm<-,tprTrees-method Ht Ht,tprTrees-method Ht<- Ht<-,tprTrees-method mono mono,tprTrees-method sHt sHt,tprTrees-method sHt<- sHt<-,tprTrees-method Slot_accessors spp spp,tprTrees-method spp<- spp<-,tprTrees-method
Functions to calculate assortments for given treetprAssortment tprAssortment,tprTrees-method
Functions to calculate double bark thickness for given diameter at height 'Hx'tprBark tprBark,tprTrees-method
total aboveground and component biomasstprBiomass tprBiomass,tprTrees-method
Functions to extract diameters from Taper curvetprDiameter tprDiameter,tprTrees-method
Function to extract diameters from Taper curve using RcpptprDiameterCpp tprDiameterCpp,tprTrees-method
Estimate height for given diameter w/ or w/o barktprHeight tprHeight,tprTrees-method
Get BDAT species code or transform it to a name.tprSpeciesCode
constructor for class tprTreestprTrees
An S4 class to represent one or multiple trees.length,tprTrees-method show,tprTrees-method tprTrees-class [,tprTrees,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,tprTrees-method
Functions to calculate stem volume from taper curvetprVolume tprVolume,tprTrees-method
tree volume informationEfm Efm_phys Vfm Vfm_phys VolE VolFAO VolR