TapeS 0.13.3 (2025-02-14)
- removed unnecessary data set from package
TapeS 0.13.2 (2025-01-22)
- in tprVolume now checking lower end 'A' of segment against upper end 'B' of
segment: 'A' should be lower or equal 'B'. This is especially important if one
of both is given as a diameter and the other as a height.
- bug fix in uncertainty estimation of biomass for deciduous trees and requested
component 'ndl'.
TapeS 0.13.1 (2025-01-15)
- extended internal function which calculated position and length of measurement
position during volume estimation: now parameter AB in tprVolume can both be
zero with no error and returning reasonable information: 0.
TapeS 0.13.0 (2024-11-26)
- implemented variance estimates for biomass estimates, based on the NSUR
component biomass functions. See details in tprBiomass-helpfile for how this
was done.
- added function nsur2() implementing the 'simple' biomass functions of
Vonderach et al. 2018 (internal).
- corrected function nsur(), now using the adjusted tree height (tree height minus
stump height) for prediction as detailed in Vonderach & Kändler (2021)
- bugfix in internal nsur()-function: one parameter in ash was wrong (led to
negative estimates in small trees).
- extended tprBiomass: now optionally scale NSUR- to NFI-estimate
- moved internal data to sysdata instead of data/, hence, package runs also if
not attached (e.g. calls via TapeS::tprVolume don't break)
- added citation file
- corrected minor bugs, some internal improvements
TapeS 0.12.1 (2023-03-25)
- corrected bug in example of nsur() function
TapeS 0.12.0 (2023-03-09)
- function tprVolume now with MSE and interval information
- function tprDiameter now returns estimated MSE for the mean and prediction
when interval='MSE'
- added 'sHt' into tprObject
- added function FormTariff() to fix taper form according to German NFI
observations instead of giving a second measured diameter
- added 'inv'-parameter into tprTrees-constructor
- corrected component biomass function, now total mass includes needle mass
- improved plotting function
- improved documentation
TapeS 0.11.2
- updated the relative taper models for beech, oak and red oak, adding a
lower diameter to the relative data based on BDAT to stabilise taper curves.
TapeS 0.11.1
TapeS 0.11.0
- added new TapeR-models for beech, oak and red oak based on pre-smoothed
data used during BDAT model building. These models now are the default models
for these species; the original TapeR-models based one sectional data are now
pushed to species code 37, 38 and 39, respectively. Updated all functions to
handle the extended data set.
- corrected bug in function HDxoR()
- technical adjustments
TapeS 0.10.0
- added height tariff based on German NFI data to estimated tree height
given diameter in breast height (DBH)
TapeS 0.9.0
- corrected bug in bdat_as_tprtrees(), when passing more than one tree from
rBDAT::buildTree (class 'datBDAT')
- added 37th tree species based on an additional taper curve model, which is
build on pre-smoothed beech data used during development of BDAT.
- corrected bug in plot function
- added function and indicator for residual variance to be set to zero to
force taper curve through measurements; even more options possible
- added support diameter D001 (in 1% of height) at the stem base to avoid
non-monotoneous taper curves for such trees (mainly very small trees of
certain species). The support diameter is added based on the population
average relation between D001 and D05.
TapeS 0.8.5
- more flexibility in defining a tprTrees object
- corrected bug, when variable HdhG was not always available in tprAssortment
- corrected bug, when indexing was not correct deciduous trees in tprAssortment
TapeS 0.8.4
- simplified the return value of tprDiameterCpp (as in tprDiameter)
- added examples
TapeS 0.8.3
- allow for small diameter increase in taper curve when checking monotonicity
(increase <= 1% of diameter)
- constraint in bark function: never return negative double bark thickness
(c.f. e.g. Japanese larch) and diameter after bark deduction might not be
smaller than zero
TapeS 0.8.2
- update examples in tprDiameter and tprDiameterCpp
TapeS 0.8.1
- updated helpfile of class parSort
TapeS 0.8
- corrected bug in tprDiameter, when bark=FALSE and interval != 'none'
- corrected biomass estimation: tprBiomass now return aboveground biomass
without component needles as the underlying functions do not include
TapeS 0.8.0
- plot method for class 'tprTrees'
- call of 'tprHeight' in 'tprAssortment' corrected
- in subsetting: keep attribute about R0-status in object
TapeS 0.7.1
- updated helpfile for tprVolume
TapeS 0.7.0
- added confidence and prediction intervals into tprVolume
- added simTrees()
- some fixes in show and nfi_as_tprtrees coercion
TapeS 0.6.0
- renamed 'trees'-class into 'tprTrees' to be more specific.
- renamed slot 'H' into 'Ht' (and accessort function)
- added cartesian product to function tprDiameter/Cpp, tprHeight and tprBark
- some updates to BDAT-coercion and show-method
- some updates to vignette
TapeS 0.5.1
- switched option TapeS_R0 from TRUE to FALSE (as default)
TapeS 0.5.0
- added accessor functions to objects of class 'trees'
- added 'show' function
TapeS 0.4.0
- re-implemented component biomass estimation to get rid of
dplyr/tidyr-dependency. Now component biomass is estimated using newly
developed NSUR-biomass functions. Implemented using Rcpp.
- added coercion function to coerce nfi, sectional and bdat data
TapeS 0.3.0
- removed dependency on (unpublished) rBDATPRO-package, implementing biomass
function via RCpp (instead call to rDBATPRO)
- added monotonicity check of taper curve right into class-constructor
TapeS 0.2.0
- included fitted TapeR models (data: SKPar) and updated corresponding data
help file.
Added this News file.
TapeS 0.1.0
- basic package development