Package: SlideCNA 0.1.0

Diane Zhang

SlideCNA: Calls Copy Number Alterations from Slide-Seq Data

This takes spatial single-cell-type RNA-seq data (specifically designed for Slide-seq v2) that calls copy number alterations (CNAs) using pseudo-spatial binning, clusters cellular units (e.g. beads) based on CNA profile, and visualizes spatial CNA patterns. Documentation about 'SlideCNA' is included in the the pre-print by Zhang et al. (2022, <doi:10.1101/2022.11.25.517982>). The package 'enrichR' (>= 3.0), conditionally used to annotate SlideCNA-determined clusters with gene ontology terms, can be installed at <> or with install_github("wjawaid/enrichR").

Authors:Diane Zhang [aut, cre], Johanna Klughammer [aut], Jan Watter [aut], Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard [cph, fnd]

SlideCNA.pdf |SlideCNA.html
SlideCNA/json (API)

# Install 'SlideCNA' in R:
install.packages('SlideCNA', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.70 score 3 scripts 284 downloads 28 exports 193 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:fdea2a492e. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 23 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Subfunction of bin_metadata() for expression/positional binningbin
Spatio-molecular binning of relative expression intensitiesbin_metadata
Center expression intensitiescenter_rm
Add clone information to meta data of seurat object and bin the beadsclone_so
Plot CNV scores on a heat mapcnv_heatmap
Convert data to long format and add in metadatadat_to_long
Find and plot top n DEGs per clusterfind_cluster_markers
Find and plot top n GO-enriched terms per clusterfind_go_terms
Find optimal number of clustersget_num_clust
Convert to wide bin x genes + metadata formatlong_to_bin
Creation of Seurat objectmake_seurat_annot
Make a binned version of a Seurat objectmake_so_bin
Plot mean CNV scores per bin and per chromosomemean_cnv_plot
Subfunction of long_to_bin() that finds mode of vector/columnmode
Plot cluster/clone informationplot_clones
Infercnv-based preparation of relative gene expression intensitiesprep
Prepare data for CNV heat mapprep_cnv_dat
Plot CNV score quantiles per bin and per chromosomequantile_plot
Adjust for Reference (Normal) Beadsref_adj
Subfunction to get significantly enriched GO terms given a set of signfiicant beads and genesrun_enrichr
Run SlideCNA workflowrun_slide_cna
Scale for nUMI (UMI Count) to generate CNV scoresscale_nUMI
Subfunction for scale_nUMI that normalizes a given bin for UMI count and centers the mean CNV score at 1scalefit
Spatial plots of meta dataSpatialPlot
Expressional smoothing along a chromosome using a weighted pyramidal moving averageweight_rollmean
Subfunction of weight_rollmeanweight_rollmean_sub