Package: REAT 3.0.3

Thomas Wieland

REAT: Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox

Collection of models and analysis methods used in regional and urban economics and (quantitative) economic geography, e.g. measures of inequality, regional disparities and convergence, regional specialization as well as accessibility and spatial interaction models.

Authors:Thomas Wieland

REAT.pdf |REAT.html
REAT/json (API)

# Install 'REAT' in R:
install.packages('REAT', repos = c('', ''))



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3.62 score 3 stars 140 scripts 745 downloads 10 mentions 64 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:602f988441. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 25 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 25 2025



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Regional Economic Analysis ToolboxREAT-package REAT
Atkinson Inequality Indexatkinson
Automotive industry dataAutomotive
Analysis of regional beta convergence using nonlinear regressionbetaconv.nls
Analysis of regional beta convergence using OLS regressionbetaconv.ols
Regional beta convergence: Convergence speed and half-lifebetaconv.speed
Measures of industry concentrationconc
Breaking point formula by Converseconverse
Coulter Coefficientcoulter
Curve fittingcurvefit
Coefficient of variationcv
Dalton Inequality Indexdalton
Concentration/inequality/dispersion measuresdisp
Counting points in a bufferdist.buf
Euclidean distance between coordinatesdist.calc
Euclidean distance matrix between pointsdist.mat
Relative diversity index by Duranton and Pugadurpug
Ellison-Glaeser Agglomeration Indexellison.a
Ellison-Glaeser Agglomeration Indexellison.a2
Ellison-Glaeser Coagglomeration Indexellison.c
Ellison-Glaeser Coagglomeration Indexellison.c2
Eurostat national employment data 2004-2016EU28.emp
Fictional sample data of 42 firmsFK2014_EGC
Employment data in Freiburg and GermanyFreiburg
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for German counties 1992-2014G.counties.gdp
Employment data for German regions 2008-2014G.regions.emp
Firms and employment data for German regions
Commercial area prognosisgifpro
Trend-based and location-specific commercial area prognosisgifpro.tbs
Gini coefficientgini
Gini coefficient of spatial industry concentrationgini.conc
Gini coefficient of regional specializationgini.spec
Gini coefficientgini2
Employment data for Goettingen and Germany 2008-2017Goettingen
Healthcare providers in South Lower SaxonyGoettingenHealth1
Healthcare provision in South Lower SaxonyGoettingenHealth2
Growth ratesgrowth
Hansen accessibilityhansen
Herfindahl-Hirschman coefficientherf
Hoover Concentration Indexhoover
Howard-Newman-Tarp colocation
Howard-Newman-Tarp excess colocation (XCL) indexhoward.xcl
Howard-Newman-Tarp excess colocation (XCL) indexhoward.xcl2
Huff modelhuff
Krugman coefficient of spatial industry concentration for two industrieskrugman.conc
Krugman coefficient of spatial industry concentration for more than two industrieskrugman.conc2
Krugman coefficient of regional specialization for two regionskrugman.spec
Krugman coefficient of regional specialization for more than two regionskrugman.spec2
Litzenberger-Sternberg Cluster Indexlitzenberger
Litzenberger-Sternberg Cluster Indexlitzenberger2
Beta regression coefficientslm.beta
Location quotientlocq
Portfolio matrix for specialization and growthlocq.growth
Location quotientlocq2
Lorenz curvelorenz
Calculation of mean (extended)mean2
Mean square successive differencemssd
Portfolio matrixportfolio
Analysis of regional beta and sigma convergencerca
Law of retail gravitation by Reillyreilly
Ripley's Kripley
Standard deviation (extended)sd2
Shift-share analysisshift
Growth rates for shift-share analysisshift.growth
Dynamic shift-share analysisshiftd
Shift-share analysis for industriesshifti
Dynamic shift-share analysis for industriesshiftid
Shift-share prognosisshiftp
Analysis of regional sigma convergence for two years using ANOVAsigmaconv
Analysis of regional sigma convergence for a time series using trend regressionsigmaconv.t
Measures of regional specializationspec
Theil inequality indextheil
Creating dummy variablesto.dummy
Variance (extended)var2
Williamson indexwilliamson