Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements | %nin% |
Indexes of Absolute Prediction Error for Linear Models | abs.error.pred print.abs.error.pred |
addggLayers | addggLayers |
Add Marginal Observations | addMarginal |
Check if All Elements in Character Vector are Numeric | |
Linear Extrapolation | approxExtrap |
Additive Regression with Optimal Transformations on Both Sides using Canonical Variates | areg plot.areg predict.areg print.areg |
Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching | aregImpute plot.aregImpute print.aregImpute reformM |
Confidence Intervals for Binomial Probabilities | binconf |
Bivariate Summaries Computed Separately by a Series of Predictors | biVar chiSquare plot.biVar print.biVar spearman spearman.test spearman2 spearman2.default spearman2.formula |
Bootstrap Kaplan-Meier Estimates | bootkm |
Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Test | ballocation bpower bpower.sim bsamsize |
Box-percentile plots | bpplot |
Statistics by Categories | bystats bystats2 latex.bystats latex.bystats2 print.bystats print.bystats2 |
capitalize the first letter of a string | capitalize |
Power of Interaction Test for Exponential Survival | ciapower |
Convert between the 5 different coordinate sytems on a graphical device | cnvrt.coords |
Miscellaneous ggplot2 and grid Helper Functions | arrGrob colorFacet print.arrGrob |
combine.levels | combine.levels |
Combination Plot | combplotp |
completer | completer |
Element Merging | consolidate consolidate.default consolidate<- |
Metadata for a Data Frame | contents contents.list print.contents.list |
Power of Cox/log-rank Two-Sample Test | cpower |
Character strings from unquoted names | .q Cs |
Read Comma-Separated Text Data Files | csv.get |
Representative Curves | curveRep curveSmooth plot.curveRep print.curveRep |
Cut a Numeric Variable into Intervals | cut2 cutGn |
Tips for Creating, Modifying, and Checking Data Frames | data.frame.create.modify.check |
Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set | dataRep predict.dataRep print.dataRep print.predict.dataRep roundN [.roundN |
Design Effect and Intra-cluster Correlation | deff |
Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula | describe describe.default describe.formula describe.matrix describe.vector formatdescribeSingle html.describe html.describe.single latex.describe latex.describe.single plot.describe print.describe print.describe.single [.describe |
Discrete Vector tools | as.discrete as.discrete.default discrete is.discrete<-.discrete length<-.discrete [.discrete [<-.discrete [[.discrete |
Enhanced Dot Chart | dotchart2 |
Enhanced Version of dotchart Function | dotchart3 dotchartp summaryD summaryDp |
Enhanced Version of dotchart Function for plotly | dotchartpl |
ebpcomp | ebpcomp |
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plot | Ecdf Ecdf.default Ecdf.formula panel.Ecdf prepanel.Ecdf |
ecdfSteps | ecdfSteps |
Multicolumn Formating | equalBins |
Plot Error Bars | errbar |
Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression. | escapeBS escapeRegex |
estSeqMarkovOrd | estSeqMarkovOrd |
estSeqSim | estSeqSim |
Flexible Event Chart for Time-to-Event Data | event.chart |
Event Conversion for Time-to-Event Data | event.convert |
Produces event.history graph for survival data | event.history |
extractlabs | extractlabs |
Debug Printing Function Generator | Fdebug |
fImport | fImport |
Find Close Matches | find.matches matchCases print.find.matches summary.find.matches |
First Word in a String or Expression | first.word |
Format a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTML | format.df |
Format P Values | format.pval |
Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions | gbayes gbayes1PowerNP gbayes2 gbayesMixPost gbayesMixPowerNP gbayesMixPredNoData plot.gbayes |
gbayesSeqSim | gbayesSeqSim |
Step function confidence intervals for ggplot2 | geom_stepconfint |
getabd | getabd |
Download and Install Datasets for 'Hmisc', 'rms', and Statistical Modeling | getHdata |
Interact with github rscripts Project | getRs |
Open a Zip File From a URL | getZip |
Frequency Scatterplot | ggfreqScatter |
ggplotlyr | ggplotlyr |
Gini's Mean Difference | GiniMd |
hashCheck | hashCheck |
Harrell-Davis Distribution-Free Quantile Estimator | hdquantile |
Moving and Hiding Table of Contents | hidingTOC |
Histograms for Variables in a Data Frame | |
Back to Back Histograms | histbackback |
Use plotly to Draw Stratified Spike Histogram and Box Plot Statistics | dhistboxp histboxp histboxpM |
hlab | hlab |
hlabs | hlabs |
Overview of Hmisc Library | Hmisc.Overview HmiscOverview |
Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics | hoeffd print.hoeffd |
Convert an S object to HTML | html html.default html.latex htmlVerbatim |
htmltabc | htmltabv |
Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation | impute impute.default is.imputed print.impute summary.impute [.impute |
intMarkovOrd | intMarkovOrd |
knitr Setup and plotly Service Function | knitrSet plotlySave |
Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves | bezier drawPlot labcurve largest.empty plot.drawPlot putKey putKeyEmpty |
Label Attribute of an Object | combineLabels data.frame.labelled Label label label.default label.Surv label<- label< label<-.default labelLatex labelPlotmath llist plotmathTranslate print.labelled prList putHcap putHfig reLabelled relevel.labelled [.labelled |
Lag a Numeric, Character, or Factor Vector | Lag |
latestFile | latestFile |
Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities | dvi dvi.latex dvigv dvigv.dvi dvigv.latex dvips dvips.dvi dvips.latex htmlSN htmlTranslate latex latex.default latex.function latex.list latexSN latexTranslate latexVerbatim print.dvi print.latex show.dvi show.latex |
Check whether the options for latex functions have been specified. | latexCheckOptions |
Enhanced Dot Chart for LaTeX Picture Environment with epic | latexDotchart |
Convert a Data Frame or Matrix to a LaTeX Tabular | latexTabular |
Create LaTeX Thermometers and Colored Needles | latexNeedle latexTherm pngNeedle |
Legend Creation Functions | Key Key2 legendfunctions sKey |
Pretty-print the Structure of a Data Object | list.tree |
creates a string that is a repeat of a substring | makeNstr |
Apply a Function to Rows of a Matrix or Vector | mApply |
Methods for Storing and Analyzing Multiple Choice Variables | as.character.mChoice as.double.mChoice format.mChoice inmChoice inmChoicelike is.mChoice match.mChoice Math.mChoice mChoice nmChoice Ops.mChoice print.mChoice print.summary.mChoice Summary.mChoice summary.mChoice [.mChoice |
Read Tables in a Microsoft Access Database | mdb.get |
meltData | meltData |
Merge Multiple Data Frames or Data Tables | Merge |
Draw Axes With Side-Specific mgp Parameters | mgp.axis mgp.axis.labels |
Miscellaneous Functions for Epidemiology | lrcum mhgr print.lrcum print.mhgr |
Minor Tick Marks | minor.tick |
Miscellaneous Functions | clowess confbar getLatestSource grType htmlSpecialType inverseFunction james.stein keepHattrib km.quick latexBuild makeSteps matxv nomiss outerText plotlyParm plotp prType rendHTML restoreHattrib sepUnitsTrans strgraphwrap tobase64image trap.rule trellis.strip.blank unPaste whichClosek whichClosePW whichClosest xless |
movStats | movStats |
Margin Titles | mtitle |
Plot Multiple Lines | multLines |
Row-wise Deletion na.action | na.delete |
Detailed Response Variable Information | na.detail.response |
Do-nothing na.action | na.keep |
nCoincident | nCoincident |
Compute Number of Observations for Left Hand Side of Formula | nobsY |
Creates a string of arbitry length | nstr |
Extract number of intercepts | num.intercepts |
Minimally Group an Ordinal Variable So Bootstrap Samples Will Contain All Distinct Values | ordGroupBoot |
pairUpDiff | pairUpDiff |
Box-Percentile Panel Function for Trellis | bpplotM bpplt bppltp panel.bpplot |
Patitions an object into different sets | partition partition.matrix partition.vector |
First Principal Component | pc1 |
plot.princmp | plot.princmp |
plotCorrM | plotCorrM |
Plot Precision of Estimate of Pearson Correlation Coefficient | plotCorrPrecision |
plotly Multiple | plotlyM |
Plot smoothed estimates | panel.plsmo plsmo |
pMedian | pMedian |
Power and Sample Size for Ordinal Response | multEventChart pomodm popower posamsize print.popower print.posamsize propsPO propsTrans simPOcuts |
princmp | princmp |
prints a list of lists in a visually readable format. | print.char.list |
Function to print a matrix with stacked cells | print.char.matrix |
print.princmp | print.princmp |
printL | printL |
Print and Object with its Name | prn |
Selectively Print Lines of a Text Vector | prselect |
Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plot | pstamp |
qcrypt | qcrypt |
qrxcenter | qrxcenter |
r2describe | r2describe |
R2Measures | R2Measures |
Matrix of Correlations and P-values | print.rcorr rcorr |
Rank Correlation for Censored Data | rcorr.cens rcorrcens rcorrcens.formula |
Rank Correlation for Paired Predictors with a Possibly Censored Response, and Integrated Discrimination Index | improveProb print.improveProb rcorrp.cens |
Restricted Cubic Spline Design Matrix | rcspline.eval |
Plot Restricted Cubic Spline Function | rcspline.plot |
Re-state Restricted Cubic Spline Function | rcspline.restate rcsplineFunction |
Redundancy Analysis | print.redun redun |
Reshape Matrices and Serial Data | reShape |
Special Version of legend for R | rlegend rlegendg |
Bootstrap Repeated Measurements Model | plot.rm.boot rm.boot |
rmClose | rmClose |
Generate Multinomial Random Variables with Varying Probabilities | rMultinom |
runifChanged | runifChanged |
runParallel | runParallel |
Sample Size for 2-sample Binomial | samplesize.bin |
Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame | |
Enhanced Importing of SAS Transport Files using read.xport | sasdsLabels sasxport.get |
Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote Directories | Load Save |
One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Density | datadensity ecdfpM histSpike histSpikeg jitter2 jitter2.default scat1d |
Score a Series of Binary Variables | score.binary |
Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions | all.digits numeric.string replace.substring.wild sedit substring.location substring2 substring2<- |
seqFreq | seqFreq |
Display Colors, Plotting Symbols, and Symbol Numeric Equivalents | character.table show.col show.pch |
Display image from psfrag LaTeX strings | showPsfrag |
simMarkovOrd | simMarkovOrd |
List Simplification | simplifyDims |
Simulate Power for Adjusted Ordinal Regression Two-Sample Test | simRegOrd |
Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector | smean.sdl smedian.hilow |
solve Function with tol argument | solvet |
Somers' Dxy Rank Correlation | somers2 |
soprobMarkovOrd | soprobMarkovOrd |
soprobMarkovOrdm | soprobMarkovOrdm |
spikecomp | spikecomp |
Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions | Gompertz2 Lognorm2 logrank plot.Quantile2 print.Quantile2 print.spower Quantile2 spower Weibull2 |
Enhanced Importing of SPSS Files | spss.get |
Source a File from the Current Working Directory | src |
Add a lowess smoother without counfidence bands. | stat_plsmo |
Enhanced Importing of STATA Files | stata.get |
Determine Dimensions of Strings | |
Break a String into Many Lines at Newlines | string.break.line |
String Dimentions | stringDims |
Embed a new plot within an existing plot | subplot |
Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification | asNumericMatrix matrix2dataFrame summarize |
Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots | catTestchisq conTestkw cumcategory formula.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.response latex.summary.formula.reverse na.retain ordTestpo plot.summary.formula.response plot.summary.formula.reverse print.summary.formula.cross print.summary.formula.response print.summary.formula.reverse stratify summary.formula [.summary.formula.response |
Summarize Mixed Data Types vs. Groups | html.summaryM latex.summaryM plot.summaryM print.summaryM printsummaryM summaryM |
Multi-way Summary of Proportions | ggplot.summaryP latex.summaryP plot.summaryP summaryP |
Graphical Summarization of Continuous Variables Against a Response | summaryRc |
Summarize Multiple Response Variables and Make Multipanel Scatter or Dot Plot | mbarclPanel mbarclpl medvPanel medvpl plot.summaryS plotp.summaryS summaryS |
Graphic Representation of a Frequency Table | symbol.freq |
Run Unix or Dos Depending on System | sys |
t-test for Clustered Data | print.t.test.cluster t.test.cluster |
Interface to Tabular Function | nFm table_formatpct table_freq table_latexdefs table_N table_pc table_trio tabulr |
testCharDateTime | testCharDateTime |
function for use in graphs that are used with the psfrag package in LaTeX | tex |
Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas | areg.boot Function.areg.boot ggplot.transace Mean Mean.areg.boot monotone plot.areg.boot predict.areg.boot print.areg.boot print.summary.areg.boot print.transace Quantile Quantile.areg.boot smearingEst summary.areg.boot transace |
Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates | fit.mult.impute Function Function.transcan ggplot.transcan impute.transcan invertTabulated plot.transcan predict.transcan print.transcan summary.transcan transcan vcov.default [.transcan |
Translate Vector or Matrix of Text Strings | translate |
Return the floor, ceiling, or rounded value of date or time to specified unit. | ceil ceil.default ceil.POSIXt roundPOSIXt truncPOSIXt |
Units Attribute of a Vector | units units.default units.Surv units<-.default |
Update a Data Frame or Cleanup a Data Frame after Importing | cleanup.import dataframeReduce upData |
Change First Letters to Upper Case | upFirst |
Store Descriptive Information About an Object | valueLabel valueLabel<- valueName valueName<- valueTags valueTags<- valueUnit valueUnit<- |
Variable Clustering | na.pattern naclus naplot plot.varclus plotMultSim print.varclus varclus |
vlab | vlab |
Weighted Statistical Estimates | num.denom.setup wtd.Ecdf wtd.loess.noiter wtd.mean wtd.quantile wtd.rank wtd.table wtd.var |
Auxiliary Function Method for Sorting and Ranking | xtfrm.labelled |
Mean x vs. function of y in groups of x | |
xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands | Cbind Dotplot numericScale panel.Dotplot panel.xYplot prepanel.Dotplot prepanel.xYplot setTrellis xYplot [.Cbind |
Get Number of Days in Year or Month | monthDays yearDays |
Combine Variables in a Matrix | pBlock ynbind [.pBlock [.ynbind |