Package: Hmisc 5.2-3

Frank E Harrell Jr

Hmisc: Harrell Miscellaneous

Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, simulation, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, recoding variables, caching, simplified parallel computing, encrypting and decrypting data using a safe workflow, general moving window statistical estimation, and assistance in interpreting principal component analysis.

Authors:Frank E Harrell Jr [aut, cre], Charles Dupont [ctb]

Hmisc.pdf |Hmisc.html
Hmisc/json (API)

# Install 'Hmisc' in R:
install.packages('Hmisc', repos = c('', ''))
Uses libs:
  • fortran– Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


9.16 score 750 packages 214k downloads 1000 mentions 457 exports 64 dependencies

Last updated 6 days agofrom:213ef15914. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 16 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 16 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 16 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements%nin%
Indexes of Absolute Prediction Error for Linear Modelsabs.error.pred print.abs.error.pred
Add Marginal ObservationsaddMarginal
Check if All Elements in Character Vector are
Linear ExtrapolationapproxExtrap
Additive Regression with Optimal Transformations on Both Sides using Canonical Variatesareg plot.areg predict.areg print.areg
Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean MatchingaregImpute plot.aregImpute print.aregImpute reformM
Confidence Intervals for Binomial Probabilitiesbinconf
Bivariate Summaries Computed Separately by a Series of PredictorsbiVar chiSquare plot.biVar print.biVar spearman spearman.test spearman2 spearman2.default spearman2.formula
Bootstrap Kaplan-Meier Estimatesbootkm
Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Testballocation bpower bpower.sim bsamsize
Box-percentile plotsbpplot
Statistics by Categoriesbystats bystats2 latex.bystats latex.bystats2 print.bystats print.bystats2
capitalize the first letter of a stringcapitalize
Power of Interaction Test for Exponential Survivalciapower
Convert between the 5 different coordinate sytems on a graphical devicecnvrt.coords
Miscellaneous ggplot2 and grid Helper FunctionsarrGrob colorFacet print.arrGrob
Combination Plotcombplotp
Element Mergingconsolidate consolidate.default consolidate<-
Metadata for a Data Framecontents contents.list print.contents.list
Power of Cox/log-rank Two-Sample Testcpower
Character strings from unquoted names.q Cs
Read Comma-Separated Text Data Filescsv.get
Representative CurvescurveRep curveSmooth plot.curveRep print.curveRep
Cut a Numeric Variable into Intervalscut2 cutGn
Tips for Creating, Modifying, and Checking Data Framesdata.frame.create.modify.check
Representativeness of Observations in a Data SetdataRep predict.dataRep print.dataRep print.predict.dataRep roundN [.roundN
Design Effect and Intra-cluster Correlationdeff
Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formuladescribe describe.default describe.formula describe.matrix describe.vector formatdescribeSingle html.describe html.describe.single latex.describe latex.describe.single plot.describe print.describe print.describe.single [.describe
Discrete Vector toolsas.discrete as.discrete.default discrete is.discrete<-.discrete length<-.discrete [.discrete [<-.discrete [[.discrete
Enhanced Dot Chartdotchart2
Enhanced Version of dotchart Functiondotchart3 dotchartp summaryD summaryDp
Enhanced Version of dotchart Function for plotlydotchartpl
Empirical Cumulative Distribution PlotEcdf Ecdf.default Ecdf.formula panel.Ecdf prepanel.Ecdf
Multicolumn FormatingequalBins
Plot Error Barserrbar
Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression.escapeBS escapeRegex
Flexible Event Chart for Time-to-Event Dataevent.chart
Event Conversion for Time-to-Event Dataevent.convert
Produces event.history graph for survival dataevent.history
Debug Printing Function GeneratorFdebug
Find Close Matchesfind.matches matchCases print.find.matches summary.find.matches
First Word in a String or Expressionfirst.word
Format a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTMLformat.df
Format P Valuesformat.pval
Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributionsgbayes gbayes1PowerNP gbayes2 gbayesMixPost gbayesMixPowerNP gbayesMixPredNoData plot.gbayes
Step function confidence intervals for ggplot2geom_stepconfint
Download and Install Datasets for 'Hmisc', 'rms', and Statistical ModelinggetHdata
Interact with github rscripts ProjectgetRs
Open a Zip File From a URLgetZip
Frequency ScatterplotggfreqScatter
Gini's Mean DifferenceGiniMd
Harrell-Davis Distribution-Free Quantile Estimatorhdquantile
Moving and Hiding Table of ContentshidingTOC
Histograms for Variables in a Data
Back to Back Histogramshistbackback
Use plotly to Draw Stratified Spike Histogram and Box Plot Statisticsdhistboxp histboxp histboxpM
Overview of Hmisc LibraryHmisc.Overview HmiscOverview
Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statisticshoeffd print.hoeffd
Convert an S object to HTMLhtml html.default html.latex htmlVerbatim
Generic Functions and Methods for Imputationimpute impute.default is.imputed print.impute summary.impute [.impute
knitr Setup and plotly Service FunctionknitrSet plotlySave
Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curvesbezier drawPlot labcurve largest.empty plot.drawPlot putKey putKeyEmpty
Label Attribute of an combineLabels data.frame.labelled Label label label.default label.Surv label<- label< label<-.default labelLatex labelPlotmath llist plotmathTranslate print.labelled prList putHcap putHfig reLabelled relevel.labelled [.labelled
Lag a Numeric, Character, or Factor VectorLag
Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilitiesdvi dvi.latex dvigv dvigv.dvi dvigv.latex dvips dvips.dvi dvips.latex htmlSN htmlTranslate latex latex.default latex.function latex.list latexSN latexTranslate latexVerbatim print.dvi print.latex show.dvi show.latex
Check whether the options for latex functions have been specified.latexCheckOptions
Enhanced Dot Chart for LaTeX Picture Environment with epiclatexDotchart
Convert a Data Frame or Matrix to a LaTeX TabularlatexTabular
Create LaTeX Thermometers and Colored NeedleslatexNeedle latexTherm pngNeedle
Legend Creation FunctionsKey Key2 legendfunctions sKey
Pretty-print the Structure of a Data Objectlist.tree
creates a string that is a repeat of a substringmakeNstr
Apply a Function to Rows of a Matrix or VectormApply
Methods for Storing and Analyzing Multiple Choice Variablesas.character.mChoice as.double.mChoice format.mChoice inmChoice inmChoicelike is.mChoice match.mChoice Math.mChoice mChoice nmChoice Ops.mChoice print.mChoice print.summary.mChoice Summary.mChoice summary.mChoice [.mChoice
Read Tables in a Microsoft Access Databasemdb.get
Merge Multiple Data Frames or Data TablesMerge
Draw Axes With Side-Specific mgp Parametersmgp.axis mgp.axis.labels
Miscellaneous Functions for Epidemiologylrcum mhgr print.lrcum print.mhgr
Minor Tick Marksminor.tick
Miscellaneous Functionsclowess confbar getLatestSource grType htmlSpecialType inverseFunction james.stein keepHattrib km.quick latexBuild makeSteps matxv nomiss outerText plotlyParm plotp prType rendHTML restoreHattrib sepUnitsTrans strgraphwrap tobase64image trap.rule trellis.strip.blank unPaste whichClosek whichClosePW whichClosest xless
Margin Titlesmtitle
Plot Multiple LinesmultLines
Row-wise Deletion na.actionna.delete
Detailed Response Variable Informationna.detail.response
Do-nothing na.actionna.keep
Compute Number of Observations for Left Hand Side of FormulanobsY
Creates a string of arbitry lengthnstr
Extract number of interceptsnum.intercepts
Minimally Group an Ordinal Variable So Bootstrap Samples Will Contain All Distinct ValuesordGroupBoot
Box-Percentile Panel Function for TrellisbpplotM bpplt bppltp panel.bpplot
Patitions an object into different setspartition partition.matrix partition.vector
First Principal Componentpc1
Plot Precision of Estimate of Pearson Correlation CoefficientplotCorrPrecision
plotly MultipleplotlyM
Plot smoothed estimatespanel.plsmo plsmo
Power and Sample Size for Ordinal ResponsemultEventChart pomodm popower posamsize print.popower print.posamsize propsPO propsTrans simPOcuts
prints a list of lists in a visually readable format.print.char.list
Function to print a matrix with stacked cellsprint.char.matrix
Print and Object with its Nameprn
Selectively Print Lines of a Text Vectorprselect
Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plotpstamp
Matrix of Correlations and P-valuesprint.rcorr rcorr
Rank Correlation for Censored Datarcorr.cens rcorrcens rcorrcens.formula
Rank Correlation for Paired Predictors with a Possibly Censored Response, and Integrated Discrimination IndeximproveProb print.improveProb rcorrp.cens
Restricted Cubic Spline Design Matrixrcspline.eval
Plot Restricted Cubic Spline Functionrcspline.plot
Re-state Restricted Cubic Spline Functionrcspline.restate rcsplineFunction
Redundancy Analysisprint.redun redun
Reshape Matrices and Serial DatareShape
Special Version of legend for Rrlegend rlegendg
Bootstrap Repeated Measurements Modelplot.rm.boot rm.boot
Generate Multinomial Random Variables with Varying ProbabilitiesrMultinom
Sample Size for 2-sample Binomialsamplesize.bin
Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
Enhanced Importing of SAS Transport Files using read.xportsasdsLabels sasxport.get
Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote DirectoriesLoad Save
One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Densitydatadensity ecdfpM histSpike histSpikeg jitter2 jitter2.default scat1d
Score a Series of Binary Variablesscore.binary
Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functionsall.digits numeric.string replace.substring.wild sedit substring.location substring2 substring2<-
Display Colors, Plotting Symbols, and Symbol Numeric Equivalentscharacter.table show.col show.pch
Display image from psfrag LaTeX stringsshowPsfrag
List SimplificationsimplifyDims
Simulate Power for Adjusted Ordinal Regression Two-Sample TestsimRegOrd
Compute Summary Statistics on a smean.sdl smedian.hilow
solve Function with tol argumentsolvet
Somers' Dxy Rank Correlationsomers2
Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex ConditionsGompertz2 Lognorm2 logrank plot.Quantile2 print.Quantile2 print.spower Quantile2 spower Weibull2
Enhanced Importing of SPSS Filesspss.get
Source a File from the Current Working Directorysrc
Add a lowess smoother without counfidence bands.stat_plsmo
Enhanced Importing of STATA Filesstata.get
Determine Dimensions of
Break a String into Many Lines at Newlinesstring.break.line
String DimentionsstringDims
Embed a new plot within an existing plotsubplot
Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-ClassificationasNumericMatrix matrix2dataFrame summarize
Summarize Data for Making Tables and PlotscatTestchisq conTestkw cumcategory formula.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.cross latex.summary.formula.response latex.summary.formula.reverse na.retain ordTestpo plot.summary.formula.response plot.summary.formula.reverse print.summary.formula.cross print.summary.formula.response print.summary.formula.reverse stratify summary.formula [.summary.formula.response
Summarize Mixed Data Types vs. Groupshtml.summaryM latex.summaryM plot.summaryM print.summaryM printsummaryM summaryM
Multi-way Summary of Proportionsggplot.summaryP latex.summaryP plot.summaryP summaryP
Graphical Summarization of Continuous Variables Against a ResponsesummaryRc
Summarize Multiple Response Variables and Make Multipanel Scatter or Dot PlotmbarclPanel mbarclpl medvPanel medvpl plot.summaryS plotp.summaryS summaryS
Graphic Representation of a Frequency Tablesymbol.freq
Run Unix or Dos Depending on Systemsys
t-test for Clustered Dataprint.t.test.cluster t.test.cluster
Interface to Tabular FunctionnFm table_formatpct table_freq table_latexdefs table_N table_pc table_trio tabulr
function for use in graphs that are used with the psfrag package in LaTeXtex
Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avasareg.boot Function.areg.boot ggplot.transace Mean Mean.areg.boot monotone plot.areg.boot predict.areg.boot print.areg.boot print.summary.areg.boot print.transace Quantile Quantile.areg.boot smearingEst summary.areg.boot transace
Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variatesfit.mult.impute Function Function.transcan ggplot.transcan impute.transcan invertTabulated plot.transcan predict.transcan print.transcan summary.transcan transcan vcov.default [.transcan
Translate Vector or Matrix of Text Stringstranslate
Return the floor, ceiling, or rounded value of date or time to specified unit.ceil ceil.default ceil.POSIXt roundPOSIXt truncPOSIXt
Units Attribute of a Vectorunits units.default units.Surv units<-.default
Update a Data Frame or Cleanup a Data Frame after Importingcleanup.import dataframeReduce upData
Change First Letters to Upper CaseupFirst
Store Descriptive Information About an ObjectvalueLabel valueLabel<- valueName valueName<- valueTags valueTags<- valueUnit valueUnit<-
Variable Clusteringna.pattern naclus naplot plot.varclus plotMultSim print.varclus varclus
Weighted Statistical Estimatesnum.denom.setup wtd.Ecdf wtd.loess.noiter wtd.mean wtd.quantile wtd.rank wtd.table wtd.var
Auxiliary Function Method for Sorting and Rankingxtfrm.labelled
Mean x vs. function of y in groups of
xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and BandsCbind Dotplot numericScale panel.Dotplot panel.xYplot prepanel.Dotplot prepanel.xYplot setTrellis xYplot [.Cbind
Get Number of Days in Year or MonthmonthDays yearDays
Combine Variables in a MatrixpBlock ynbind [.pBlock [.ynbind