Package 'Hmisc'

Title: Harrell Miscellaneous
Description: Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, simulation, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, recoding variables, caching, simplified parallel computing, encrypting and decrypting data using a safe workflow, general moving window statistical estimation, and assistance in interpreting principal component analysis.
Authors: Frank E Harrell Jr [aut, cre] , Charles Dupont [ctb] (contributed several functions and maintains latex functions)
Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 5.2-1
Built: 2024-12-02 13:40:44 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements


%nin% is a binary operator, which returns a logical vector indicating if there is a match or not for its left operand. A true vector element indicates no match in left operand, false indicates a match.


x %nin% table



a vector (numeric, character, factor)


a vector (numeric, character, factor), matching the mode of x


vector of logical values with length equal to length of x.

See Also

match %in%


c('a','b','c') %nin% c('a','b')

Indexes of Absolute Prediction Error for Linear Models


Computes the mean and median of various absolute errors related to ordinary multiple regression models. The mean and median absolute errors correspond to the mean square due to regression, error, and total. The absolute errors computed are derived from Y^median(Y^)\hat{Y} - \mbox{median($\hat{Y}$)}, Y^Y\hat{Y} - Y, and Ymedian(Y)Y - \mbox{median($Y$)}. The function also computes ratios that correspond to R2R^2 and 1R21 - R^2 (but these ratios do not add to 1.0); the R2R^2 measure is the ratio of mean or median absolute Y^median(Y^)\hat{Y} - \mbox{median($\hat{Y}$)} to the mean or median absolute Ymedian(Y)Y - \mbox{median($Y$)}. The 1R21 - R^2 or SSE/SST measure is the mean or median absolute Y^Y\hat{Y} - Y divided by the mean or median absolute Y^median(Y)\hat{Y} - \mbox{median($Y$)}.


abs.error.pred(fit, lp=NULL, y=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'abs.error.pred'
print(x, ...)



a fit object typically from lm or ols that contains a y vector (i.e., you should have specified y=TRUE to the fitting function) unless the y argument is given to abs.error.pred. If you do not specify the lp argument, fit must contain fitted.values or linear.predictors. You must specify fit or both of lp and y.


a vector of predicted values (Y hat above) if fit is not given


a vector of response variable values if fit (with y=TRUE in effect) is not given


an object created by abs.error.pred




a list of class abs.error.pred (used by print.abs.error.pred) containing two matrices: differences and ratios.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
[email protected]


Schemper M (2003): Stat in Med 22:2299-2308.

Tian L, Cai T, Goetghebeur E, Wei LJ (2007): Biometrika 94:297-311.

See Also

lm, ols, cor, validate.ols


set.seed(1)         # so can regenerate results
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
y  <- exp(x1+x2+rnorm(100))
f <- lm(log(y) ~ x1 + poly(x2,3), y=TRUE)
abs.error.pred(lp=exp(fitted(f)), y=y)



Add Spike Histograms and Extended Box Plots to ggplot


  type = c("ebp", "spike"),
  ylim = layer_scales(g)$y$get_limits(),
  by = "variable",
  value = "value",
  frac = 0.065,
  mult = 1,
  facet = NULL,
  pos = c("bottom", "top"),
  showN = TRUE



a ggplot object


data frame/table containing raw data


specifies either extended box plot or spike histogram. Both are horizontal so are showing the distribution of the x-axis variable.


y-axis limits to use for scaling the height of the added plots, if you don't want to use the limits that ggplot has stored


the name of a variable in data used to stratify raw data


name of x-variable


fraction of y-axis range to devote to vertical aspect of the added plot


fudge factor for scaling y aspect


optional faceting variable


position for added plot


sete to FALSE to not show sample sizes


For an example see this. Note that it was not possible to just create the layers needed to be added, as creating these particular layers in isolation resulted in a ggplot error.


the original ggplot object with more layers added


Frank Harrell

See Also


Add Marginal Observations


Given a data frame and the names of variable, doubles the data frame for each variable with a new category "All" by default, or by the value of label. A new variable .marginal. is added to the resulting data frame, with value "" if the observation is an original one, and with value equal to the names of the variable being marginalized (separated by commas) otherwise. If there is another stratification variable besides the one in ..., and that variable is nested inside the variable in ..., specify nested=variable name to have the value of that variable set fo label whenever marginal observations are created for .... See the state-city example below.


addMarginal(data, ..., label = "All", margloc=c('last', 'first'), nested)



a data frame


a list of names of variables to marginalize


category name for added marginal observations


location for marginal category within factor variable specifying categories. Set to "first" to override the default - to put a category with value label as the first category.


a single unquoted variable name if used


d <- expand.grid(sex=c('female', 'male'), country=c('US', 'Romania'),
addMarginal(d, sex, country)

# Example of nested variables
d <- data.frame(state=c('AL', 'AL', 'GA', 'GA', 'GA'),
                city=c('Mobile', 'Montgomery', 'Valdosto',
                       'Augusta', 'Atlanta'),
                x=1:5, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
addMarginal(d, state, nested=city) # cite set to 'All' when state is

Check if All Elements in Character Vector are Numeric


Tests, without issuing warnings, whether all elements of a character vector are legal numeric values, or optionally converts the vector to a numeric vector. Leading and trailing blanks in x are ignored.

Usage, what = c("test", "vector", "nonnum"), extras=c('.','NA'))



a character vector


specify what="vector" to return a numeric vector if it passes the test, or the original character vector otherwise, the default "test" to return FALSE if there are no non-missing non-extra values of x or there is at least one non-numeric value of x, or "nonnum" to return the vector of non-extra, non-NA, non-numeric values of x.


a vector of character strings to count as numeric values, other than "".


a logical value if what="test" or a vector otherwise


Frank Harrell

See Also


Examples'1','1.2','3'))'1','1.2','3a'))'1','1.2','3'),'vector')'1','1.2','3a'),'vector')'1','',' .'),'vector')'1', '1.2', '3a'), 'nonnum')

Linear Extrapolation


Works in conjunction with the approx function to do linear extrapolation. approx in R does not support extrapolation at all, and it is buggy in S-Plus 6.


approxExtrap(x, y, xout, method = "linear", n = 50, rule = 2, f = 0,
             ties = "ordered", na.rm = FALSE)


x, y, xout, method, n, rule, f

see approx


applies only to R. See approx


set to TRUE to remove NAs in x and y before proceeding


Duplicates in x (and corresponding y elements) are removed before using approx.


a vector the same length as xout


Frank Harrell

See Also




Additive Regression with Optimal Transformations on Both Sides using Canonical Variates


Expands continuous variables into restricted cubic spline bases and categorical variables into dummy variables and fits a multivariate equation using canonical variates. This finds optimum transformations that maximize R2R^2. Optionally, the bootstrap is used to estimate the covariance matrix of both left- and right-hand-side transformation parameters, and to estimate the bias in the R2R^2 due to overfitting and compute the bootstrap optimism-corrected R2R^2. Cross-validation can also be used to get an unbiased estimate of R2R^2 but this is not as precise as the bootstrap estimate. The bootstrap and cross-validation may also used to get estimates of mean and median absolute error in predicted values on the original y scale. These two estimates are perhaps the best ones for gauging the accuracy of a flexible model, because it is difficult to compare R2R^2 under different y-transformations, and because R2R^2 allows for an out-of-sample recalibration (i.e., it only measures relative errors).

Note that uncertainty about the proper transformation of y causes an enormous amount of model uncertainty. When the transformation for y is estimated from the data a high variance in predicted values on the original y scale may result, especially if the true transformation is linear. Comparing bootstrap or cross-validated mean absolute errors with and without restricted the y transform to be linear (ytype='l') may help the analyst choose the proper model complexity.


areg(x, y, xtype = NULL, ytype = NULL, nk = 4,
     B = 0, na.rm = TRUE, tolerance = NULL, crossval = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'areg'
print(x, digits=4, ...)

## S3 method for class 'areg'
plot(x, whichx = 1:ncol(x$x), ...)

## S3 method for class 'areg'
predict(object, x, type=c('lp','fitted','x'),
                       what=c('all','sample'), ...)



A single predictor or a matrix of predictors. Categorical predictors are required to be coded as integers (as factor does internally). For predict, x is a data matrix with the same integer codes that were originally used for categorical variables.


a factor, categorical, character, or numeric response variable


a vector of one-letter character codes specifying how each predictor is to be modeled, in order of columns of x. The codes are "s" for smooth function (using restricted cubic splines), "l" for no transformation (linear), or "c" for categorical (to cause expansion into dummy variables). Default is "s" if nk > 0 and "l" if nk=0.


same coding as for xtype. Default is "s" for a numeric variable with more than two unique values, "l" for a binary numeric variable, and "c" for a factor, categorical, or character variable.


number of knots, 0 for linear, or 3 or more. Default is 4 which will fit 3 parameters to continuous variables (one linear term and two nonlinear terms)


number of bootstrap resamples used to estimate covariance matrices of transformation parameters. Default is no bootstrapping.


set to FALSE if you are sure that observations with NAs have already been removed


singularity tolerance. List source code for for details.


set to a positive integer k to compute k-fold cross-validated R-squared (square of first canonical correlation) and mean and median absolute error of predictions on the original scale


number of digits to use in formatting for printing


an object created by areg


integer or character vector specifying which predictors are to have their transformations plotted (default is all). The y transformation is always plotted.


tells predict whether to obtain predicted untransformed y (type='lp', the default) or predicted y on the original scale (type='fitted'), or the design matrix for the right-hand side (type='x').


When the y-transform is non-monotonic you may specify what='sample' to predict to obtain a random sample of y values on the original scale instead of a matrix of all y-inverses. See inverseFunction.


arguments passed to the plot function.


areg is a competitor of ace in the acepack package. Transformations from ace are seldom smooth enough and are often overfitted. With areg the complexity can be controlled with the nk parameter, and predicted values are easy to obtain because parametric functions are fitted.

If one side of the equation has a categorical variable with more than two categories and the other side has a continuous variable not assumed to act linearly, larger sample sizes are needed to reliably estimate transformations, as it is difficult to optimally score categorical variables to maximize R2R^2 against a simultaneously optimally transformed continuous variable.


a list of class "areg" containing many objects


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


Breiman and Friedman, Journal of the American Statistical Association (September, 1985).

See Also

cancor,ace, transcan



ns <- c(30,300,3000)
for(n in ns) {
  y <- sample(1:5, n, TRUE)
  x <- abs(y-3) + runif(n)
  for(k in c(0,3:5)) {
    z <- areg(x, y, ytype='c', nk=k)
    plot(x, z$tx)
    tapply(z$ty, y, range)
    a <- tapply(x,y,mean)
    b <- tapply(z$ty,y,mean)
    # Should get same result to within linear transformation if reverse x and y
    w <- areg(y, x, xtype='c', nk=k)
    plot(z$ty, w$tx)
    abline(lsfit(z$ty, w$tx))

# Example where one category in y differs from others but only in variance of x
n <- 50
y <- sample(1:5,n,TRUE)
x <- rnorm(n)
x[y==1] <- rnorm(sum(y==1), 0, 5)
z <- areg(x,y,xtype='l',ytype='c')
z <- areg(x,y,ytype='c')

## Not run: 		
# Examine overfitting when true transformations are linear
for(n in c(200,2000)) {
  x <- rnorm(n); y <- rnorm(n) + x
    for(nk in c(0,3,5)) {
    z <- areg(x, y, nk=nk, crossval=10, B=100)

# Underfitting when true transformation is quadratic but overfitting
# when y is allowed to be transformed
n <- 200
x <- rnorm(n); y <- rnorm(n) + .5*x^2
#areg(x, y, nk=0, crossval=10, B=100)
#areg(x, y, nk=4, ytype='l', crossval=10, B=100)
z <- areg(x, y, nk=4) #, crossval=10, B=100)
# Plot x vs. predicted value on original scale.  Since y-transform is
# not monotonic, there are multiple y-inverses
xx <- seq(-3.5,3.5,length=1000)
yhat <- predict(z, xx, type='fitted')
plot(x, y, xlim=c(-3.5,3.5))
for(j in 1:ncol(yhat)) lines(xx, yhat[,j], col=j)
# Plot a random sample of possible y inverses
yhats <- predict(z, xx, type='fitted', what='sample')
points(xx, yhats, pch=2)

## End(Not run)

# True transformation of x1 is quadratic, y is linear
n <- 200
x1 <- rnorm(n); x2 <- rnorm(n); y <- rnorm(n) + x1^2
z <- areg(cbind(x1,x2),y,xtype=c('s','l'),nk=3)

# y transformation is inverse quadratic but areg gets the same answer by
# making x1 quadratic
n <- 5000
x1 <- rnorm(n); x2 <- rnorm(n); y <- (x1 + rnorm(n))^2
z <- areg(cbind(x1,x2),y,nk=5)

# Overfit 20 predictors when no true relationships exist
n <- 1000
x <- matrix(runif(n*20),n,20)
y <- rnorm(n)
z <- areg(x, y, nk=5)  # add crossval=4 to expose the problem

# Test predict function
n <- 50
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- rnorm(n) + x
g <- sample(1:3, n, TRUE)
z <- areg(cbind(x,g),y,xtype=c('s','c'))
range(predict(z, cbind(x,g)) - z$linear.predictors)

Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching


The transcan function creates flexible additive imputation models but provides only an approximation to true multiple imputation as the imputation models are fixed before all multiple imputations are drawn. This ignores variability caused by having to fit the imputation models. aregImpute takes all aspects of uncertainty in the imputations into account by using the bootstrap to approximate the process of drawing predicted values from a full Bayesian predictive distribution. Different bootstrap resamples are used for each of the multiple imputations, i.e., for the ith imputation of a sometimes missing variable, i=1,2,... n.impute, a flexible additive model is fitted on a sample with replacement from the original data and this model is used to predict all of the original missing and non-missing values for the target variable.

areg is used to fit the imputation models. By default, linearity is assumed for target variables (variables being imputed) and nk=3 knots are assumed for continuous predictors transformed using restricted cubic splines. If nk is three or greater and tlinear is set to FALSE, areg simultaneously finds transformations of the target variable and of all of the predictors, to get a good fit assuming additivity, maximizing R2R^2, using the same canonical correlation method as transcan. Flexible transformations may be overridden for specific variables by specifying the identity transformation for them. When a categorical variable is being predicted, the flexible transformation is Fisher's optimum scoring method. Nonlinear transformations for continuous variables may be nonmonotonic. If nk is a vector, areg's bootstrap and crossval=10 options will be used to help find the optimum validating value of nk over values of that vector, at the last imputation iteration. For the imputations, the minimum value of nk is used.

Instead of defaulting to taking random draws from fitted imputation models using random residuals as is done by transcan, aregImpute by default uses predictive mean matching with optional weighted probability sampling of donors rather than using only the closest match. Predictive mean matching works for binary, categorical, and continuous variables without the need for iterative maximum likelihood fitting for binary and categorical variables, and without the need for computing residuals or for curtailing imputed values to be in the range of actual data. Predictive mean matching is especially attractive when the variable being imputed is also being transformed automatically. Constraints may be placed on variables being imputed with predictive mean matching, e.g., a missing hospital discharge date may be required to be imputed from a donor observation whose discharge date is before the recipient subject's first post-discharge visit date. See Details below for more information about the algorithm. A "regression" method is also available that is similar to that used in transcan. This option should be used when mechanistic missingness requires the use of extrapolation during imputation.

A print method summarizes the results, and a plot method plots distributions of imputed values. Typically, fit.mult.impute will be called after aregImpute.

If a target variable is transformed nonlinearly (i.e., if nk is greater than zero and tlinear is set to FALSE) and the estimated target variable transformation is non-monotonic, imputed values are not unique. When type='regression', a random choice of possible inverse values is made.

The reformM function provides two ways of recreating a formula to give to aregImpute by reordering the variables in the formula. This is a modified version of a function written by Yong Hao Pua. One can specify nperm to obtain a list of nperm randomly permuted variables. The list is converted to a single ordinary formula if nperm=1. If nperm is omitted, variables are sorted in descending order of the number of NAs. reformM also prints a recommended number of multiple imputations to use, which is a minimum of 5 and the percent of incomplete observations.


aregImpute(formula, data, subset, n.impute=5, group=NULL,
           nk=3, tlinear=TRUE, type=c('pmm','regression','normpmm'),
           pmmtype=1, match=c('weighted','closest','kclosest'),
           kclosest=3, fweighted=0.2,
           curtail=TRUE, constraint=NULL,
           boot.method=c('simple', 'approximate bayesian'),
           burnin=3, x=FALSE, pr=TRUE, plotTrans=FALSE, tolerance=NULL, B=75)
## S3 method for class 'aregImpute'
print(x, digits=3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'aregImpute'
plot(x, nclass=NULL, type=c('ecdf','hist'),
     datadensity=c("hist", "none", "rug", "density"),
     diagnostics=FALSE, maxn=10, ...)
reformM(formula, data, nperm)



an S model formula. You can specify restrictions for transformations of variables. The function automatically determines which variables are categorical (i.e., factor, category, or character vectors). Binary variables are automatically restricted to be linear. Force linear transformations of continuous variables by enclosing variables by the identify function (I()). It is recommended that factor() or as.factor() do not appear in the formula but instead variables be converted to factors as needed and stored in the data frame. That way imputations for factor variables (done using impute.transcan for example) will be correct. Currently reformM does not handle variables that are enclosed in functions such as I().


an object created by aregImpute. For aregImpute, set x to TRUE to save the data matrix containing the final (number n.impute) imputations in the result. This is needed if you want to later do out-of-sample imputation. Categorical variables are coded as integers in this matrix.


input raw data


These may be also be specified. You may not specify na.action as na.retain is always used.


number of multiple imputations. n.impute=5 is frequently recommended but 10 or more doesn't hurt.


a character or factor variable the same length as the number of observations in data and containing no NAs. When group is present, causes a bootstrap sample of the observations corresponding to non-NAs of a target variable to have the same frequency distribution of group as the that in the non-NAs of the original sample. This can handle k-sample problems as well as lower the chance that a bootstrap sample will have a missing cell when the original cell frequency was low.


number of knots to use for continuous variables. When both the target variable and the predictors are having optimum transformations estimated, there is more instability than with normal regression so the complexity of the model should decrease more sharply as the sample size decreases. Hence set nk to 0 (to force linearity for non-categorical variables) or 3 (minimum number of knots possible with a linear tail-restricted cubic spline) for small sample sizes. Simulated problems as in the examples section can assist in choosing nk. Set nk to a vector to get bootstrap-validated and 10-fold cross-validated R2R^2 and mean and median absolute prediction errors for imputing each sometimes-missing variable, with nk ranging over the given vector. The errors are on the original untransformed scale. The mean absolute error is the recommended basis for choosing the number of knots (or linearity).


set to FALSE to allow a target variable (variable being imputed) to have a nonlinear left-hand-side transformation when nk is 3 or greater


The default is "pmm" for predictive mean matching, which is a more nonparametric approach that will work for categorical as well as continuous predictors. Alternatively, use "regression" when all variables that are sometimes missing are continuous and the missingness mechanism is such that entire intervals of population values are unobserved. See the Details section for more information. Another method, type="normpmm", only works when variables containing NAs are continuous and tlinear is TRUE (the default), meaning that the variable being imputed is not transformed when it is on the left hand model side. normpmm assumes that the imputation regression parameter estimates are multivariately normally distributed and that the residual variance has a scaled chi-squared distribution. For each imputation a random draw of the estimates is taken and a random draw from sigma is combined with those to get a random draw from the posterior predicted value distribution. Predictive mean matching is then done matching these predicted values from incomplete observations with predicted values from complete potential donor observations, where the latter predictions are based on the imputation model least squares parameter estimates and not on random draws from the posterior. For the plot method, specify type="hist" to draw histograms of imputed values with rug plots at the top, or type="ecdf" (the default) to draw empirical CDFs with spike histograms at the bottom.


type of matching to be used for predictive mean matching when type="pmm". pmmtype=2 means that predicted values for both target incomplete and complete observations come from a fit from the same bootstrap sample. pmmtype=1, the default, means that predicted values for complete observations are based on additive regression fits on original complete observations (using last imputations for non-target variables as with the other methds), and using fits on a bootstrap sample to get predicted values for missing target variables. See van Buuren (2012) section 3.4.2 where pmmtype=1 is said to work much better when the number of variables is small. pmmtype=3 means that complete observation predicted values come from a bootstrap sample fit whereas target incomplete observation predicted values come from a sample with replacement from the bootstrap fit (approximate Bayesian bootstrap).


Defaults to match="weighted" to do weighted multinomial probability sampling using the tricube function (similar to lowess) as the weights. The argument of the tricube function is the absolute difference in transformed predicted values of all the donors and of the target predicted value, divided by a scaling factor. The scaling factor in the tricube function is fweighted times the mean absolute difference between the target predicted value and all the possible donor predicted values. Set match="closest" to find as the donor the observation having the closest predicted transformed value, even if that same donor is found repeatedly. Set match="kclosest" to use a slower implementation that finds, after jittering the complete case predicted values, the kclosest complete cases on the target variable being imputed, then takes a random sample of one of these kclosest cases.


see match


Smoothing parameter (multiple of mean absolute difference) used when match="weighted", with a default value of 0.2. Set fweighted to a number between 0.02 and 0.2 to force the donor to have a predicted value closer to the target, and set fweighted to larger values (but seldom larger than 1.0) to allow donor values to be less tightly matched. See the examples below to learn how to study the relationship between fweighted and the standard deviation of multiple imputations within individuals.


applies if type='regression', causing imputed values to be curtailed at the observed range of the target variable. Set to FALSE to allow extrapolation outside the data range.


for predictive mean matching constraint is a named list specifying R expression()s encoding constaints on which donor observations are allowed to be used, based on variables that are not missing, i.e., based on donor observations and/or recipient observations as long as the target variable being imputed is not used for the recipients. The expressions must evaluate to a logical vector with no NAs and whose length is the number of rows in the donor observations. The expressions refer to donor observations by prefixing variable names by d$, and to a single recipient observation by prefixing variables names by r$.


By default, simple boostrapping is used in which the target variable is predicted using a sample with replacement from the observations with non-missing target variable. Specify boot.method='approximate bayesian' to build the imputation models from a sample with replacement from a sample with replacement of the observations with non-missing targets. Preliminary simulations have shown this results in good confidence coverage of the final model parameters when type='regression' is used. Not implemented when group is used.


aregImpute does burnin + n.impute iterations of the entire modeling process. The first burnin imputations are discarded. More burn-in iteractions may be requied when multiple variables are missing on the same observations. When only one variable is missing, no burn-ins are needed and burnin is set to zero if unspecified.


set to FALSE to suppress printing of iteration messages


set to TRUE to plot ace or avas transformations for each variable for each of the multiple imputations. This is useful for determining whether transformations are reasonable. If transformations are too noisy or have long flat sections (resulting in "lumps" in the distribution of imputed values), it may be advisable to place restrictions on the transformations (monotonicity or linearity).


singularity criterion; list the source code in the function for details


number of bootstrap resamples to use if nk is a vector


number of digits for printing


number of bins to use in drawing histogram


see Ecdf


Specify diagnostics=TRUE to draw plots of imputed values against sequential imputation numbers, separately for each missing observations and variable.


Maximum number of observations shown for diagnostics. Default is maxn=10, which limits the number of observations plotted to at most the first 10.


number of random formula permutations for reformM; omit to sort variables by descending missing count.


other arguments that are ignored


The sequence of steps used by the aregImpute algorithm is the following.
(1) For each variable containing m NAs where m > 0, initialize the NAs to values from a random sample (without replacement if a sufficient number of non-missing values exist) of size m from the non-missing values.
(2) For burnin+n.impute iterations do the following steps. The first burnin iterations provide a burn-in, and imputations are saved only from the last n.impute iterations.
(3) For each variable containing any NAs, draw a sample with replacement from the observations in the entire dataset in which the current variable being imputed is non-missing. Fit a flexible additive model to predict this target variable while finding the optimum transformation of it (unless the identity transformation is forced). Use this fitted flexible model to predict the target variable in all of the original observations. Impute each missing value of the target variable with the observed value whose predicted transformed value is closest to the predicted transformed value of the missing value (if match="closest" and type="pmm"), or use a draw from a multinomial distribution with probabilities derived from distance weights, if match="weighted" (the default).
(4) After these imputations are computed, use these random draw imputations the next time the curent target variable is used as a predictor of other sometimes-missing variables.

When match="closest", predictive mean matching does not work well when fewer than 3 variables are used to predict the target variable, because many of the multiple imputations for an observation will be identical. In the extreme case of one right-hand-side variable and assuming that only monotonic transformations of left and right-side variables are allowed, every bootstrap resample will give predicted values of the target variable that are monotonically related to predicted values from every other bootstrap resample. The same is true for Bayesian predicted values. This causes predictive mean matching to always match on the same donor observation.

When the missingness mechanism for a variable is so systematic that the distribution of observed values is truncated, predictive mean matching does not work. It will only yield imputed values that are near observed values, so intervals in which no values are observed will not be populated by imputed values. For this case, the only hope is to make regression assumptions and use extrapolation. With type="regression", aregImpute will use linear extrapolation to obtain a (hopefully) reasonable distribution of imputed values. The "regression" option causes aregImpute to impute missing values by adding a random sample of residuals (with replacement if there are more NAs than measured values) on the transformed scale of the target variable. After random residuals are added, predicted random draws are obtained on the original untransformed scale using reverse linear interpolation on the table of original and transformed target values (linear extrapolation when a random residual is large enough to put the random draw prediction outside the range of observed values). The bootstrap is used as with type="pmm" to factor in the uncertainty of the imputation model.

As model uncertainty is high when the transformation of a target variable is unknown, tlinear defaults to TRUE to limit the variance in predicted values when nk is positive.


a list of class "aregImpute" containing the following elements:


the function call expression


the formula specified to aregImpute


the match argument


the fweighted argument


total number of observations in input dataset


number of variables


list of subscripts of observations for which values were originally missing


named vector containing the numbers of missing values in the data


vector of types of transformations used for each variable ("s","l","c" for smooth spline, linear, or categorical with dummy variables)


value of tlinear parameter


number of knots used for smooth transformations


list containing character vectors specifying the levels of categorical variables


degrees of freedom (number of parameters estimated) for each variable


number of multiple imputations per missing value


a list containing matrices of imputed values in the same format as those created by transcan. Categorical variables are coded using their integer codes. Variables having no missing values will have NULL matrices in the list.


if x is TRUE, the original data matrix with integer codes for categorical variables


for the last round of imputations, a vector containing the R-squares with which each sometimes-missing variable could be predicted from the others by ace or avas.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


van Buuren, Stef. Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton FL, 2012.

Little R, An H. Robust likelihood-based analysis of multivariate data with missing values. Statistica Sinica 14:949-968, 2004.

van Buuren S, Brand JPL, Groothuis-Oudshoorn CGM, Rubin DB. Fully conditional specifications in multivariate imputation. J Stat Comp Sim 72:1049-1064, 2006.

de Groot JAH, Janssen KJM, Zwinderman AH, Moons KGM, Reitsma JB. Multiple imputation to correct for partial verification bias revisited. Stat Med 27:5880-5889, 2008.

Siddique J. Multiple imputation using an iterative hot-deck with distance-based donor selection. Stat Med 27:83-102, 2008.

White IR, Royston P, Wood AM. Multiple imputation using chained equations: Issues and guidance for practice. Stat Med 30:377-399, 2011.

Curnow E, Carpenter JR, Heron JE, et al: Multiple imputation of missing data under missing at random: compatible imputation models are not sufficient to avoid bias if they are mis-specified. J Clin Epi June 9, 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2023.06.011.

See Also

fit.mult.impute, transcan, areg, naclus, naplot, mice, dotchart3, Ecdf, completer


# Check that aregImpute can almost exactly estimate missing values when
# there is a perfect nonlinear relationship between two variables
# Fit restricted cubic splines with 4 knots for x1 and x2, linear for x3
x1 <- rnorm(200)
x2 <- x1^2
x3 <- runif(200)
m <- 30
x2[1:m] <- NA
a <- aregImpute(~x1+x2+I(x3), n.impute=5, nk=4, match='closest')
matplot(x1[1:m]^2, a$imputed$x2)
abline(a=0, b=1, lty=2)


# Multiple imputation and estimation of variances and covariances of
# regression coefficient estimates accounting for imputation
# Example 1: large sample size, much missing data, no overlap in
# NAs across variables
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,TRUE))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2)
x3 <- rnorm(1000)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(1000,0,2)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:250]
orig.x2 <- x2[251:350]
x1[1:250] <- NA
x2[251:350] <- NA
d <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
# Find value of nk that yields best validating imputation models
# tlinear=FALSE means to not force the target variable to be linear
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, nk=c(0,3:5), tlinear=FALSE,
                data=d, B=10) # normally B=75
# Try forcing target variable (x1, then x2) to be linear while allowing
# predictors to be nonlinear (could also say tlinear=TRUE)
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, nk=c(0,3:5), data=d, B=10)

## Not run: 
# Use 100 imputations to better check against individual true values
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100, data=d)
modecat <- function(u) {
 tab <- table(u)
table(orig.x1,apply(f$imputed$x1, 1, modecat))
plot(orig.x2, apply(f$imputed$x2, 1, mean))
fmi <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, lm, f, 
fcc <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
summary(fcc)   # SEs are larger than from mult. imputation

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# Example 2: Very discriminating imputation models,
# x1 and x2 have some NAs on the same rows, smaller n
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),100,TRUE))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(100,0,.4)
x3 <- rnorm(100)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(100,0,.4)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:20]
orig.x2 <- x2[18:23]
x1[1:20] <- NA
x2[18:23] <- NA
#x2[21:25] <- NA
d <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
n <- naclus(d)
plot(n); naplot(n)  # Show patterns of NAs
# 100 imputations to study them; normally use 5 or 10
f  <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100, nk=0, data=d)
plot(f, diagnostics=TRUE, maxn=2)
# Note: diagnostics=TRUE makes graphs similar to those made by:
# r <- range(f$imputed$x2, orig.x2)
# for(i in 1:6) {  # use 1:2 to mimic maxn=2
#   plot(1:100, f$imputed$x2[i,], ylim=r,
#        ylab=paste("Imputations for Obs.",i))
#   abline(h=orig.x2[i],lty=2)
# }

table(orig.x1,apply(f$imputed$x1, 1, modecat))
plot(orig.x2, apply(f$imputed$x2, 1, mean))

fmi <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2, lm, f, 
fcc <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2)
summary(fcc)   # SEs are larger than from mult. imputation

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Study relationship between smoothing parameter for weighting function
# (multiplier of mean absolute distance of transformed predicted
# values, used in tricube weighting function) and standard deviation
# of multiple imputations.  SDs are computed from average variances
# across subjects.  match="closest" same as match="weighted" with
# small value of fweighted.
# This example also shows problems with predicted mean
# matching almost always giving the same imputed values when there is
# only one predictor (regression coefficients change over multiple
# imputations but predicted values are virtually 1-1 functions of each
# other)

x <- runif(200)
y <- x + runif(200, -.05, .05)
r <- resid(lsfit(x,y))
rmse <- sqrt(sum(r^2)/(200-2))   # sqrt of residual MSE

y[1:20] <- NA
d <- data.frame(x,y)
f <- aregImpute(~ x + y, n.impute=10, match='closest', data=d)
# As an aside here is how to create a completed dataset for imputation
# number 3 as fit.mult.impute would do automatically.  In this degenerate
# case changing 3 to 1-2,4-10 will not alter the results.
imputed <- impute.transcan(f, imputation=3, data=d, list.out=TRUE,
                           pr=FALSE, check=FALSE)
sd <- sqrt(mean(apply(f$imputed$y, 1, var)))

ss <- c(0, .01, .02, seq(.05, 1, length=20))
sds <- ss; sds[1] <- sd

for(i in 2:length(ss)) {
  f <- aregImpute(~ x + y, n.impute=10, fweighted=ss[i])
  sds[i] <- sqrt(mean(apply(f$imputed$y, 1, var)))

plot(ss, sds, xlab='Smoothing Parameter', ylab='SD of Imputed Values',
abline(v=.2,  lty=2)  # default value of fweighted
abline(h=rmse, lty=2)  # root MSE of residuals from linear regression

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Do a similar experiment for the Titanic dataset
h <- lm(age ~ sex + pclass + survived, data=titanic3)
rmse <- summary(h)$sigma
f <- aregImpute(~ age + sex + pclass + survived, n.impute=10,
                data=titanic3, match='closest')
sd <- sqrt(mean(apply(f$imputed$age, 1, var)))

ss <- c(0, .01, .02, seq(.05, 1, length=20))
sds <- ss; sds[1] <- sd

for(i in 2:length(ss)) {
  f <- aregImpute(~ age + sex + pclass + survived, data=titanic3,
                  n.impute=10, fweighted=ss[i])
  sds[i] <- sqrt(mean(apply(f$imputed$age, 1, var)))

plot(ss, sds, xlab='Smoothing Parameter', ylab='SD of Imputed Values',
abline(v=.2,   lty=2)  # default value of fweighted
abline(h=rmse, lty=2)  # root MSE of residuals from linear regression

## End(Not run)

d <- data.frame(x1=runif(50), x2=c(rep(NA, 10), runif(40)),
                x3=c(runif(4), rep(NA, 11), runif(35)))
reformM(~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=d)
reformM(~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=d, nperm=2)
# Give result or one of the results as the first argument to aregImpute

# Constrain imputed values for two variables
# Require imputed values for x2 to be above 0.2
# Assume x1 is never missing and require imputed values for
# x3 to be less than the recipient's value of x1
a <- aregImpute(~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=d,
                constraint=list(x2 = expression(d$x2 > 0.2),
                                x3 = expression(d$x3 < r$x1)))

Confidence Intervals for Binomial Probabilities


Produces 1-alpha confidence intervals for binomial probabilities.


binconf(x, n, alpha=0.05,
        include.x=FALSE, include.n=FALSE, return.df=FALSE)



vector containing the number of "successes" for binomial variates


vector containing the numbers of corresponding observations


probability of a type I error, so confidence coefficient = 1-alpha


character string specifing which method to use. The "all" method only works when x and n are length 1. The "exact" method uses the F distribution to compute exact (based on the binomial cdf) intervals; the "wilson" interval is score-test-based; and the "asymptotic" is the text-book, asymptotic normal interval. Following Agresti and Coull, the Wilson interval is to be preferred and so is the default.


logical flag to indicate whether x should be included in the returned matrix or data frame


logical flag to indicate whether n should be included in the returned matrix or data frame


logical flag to indicate that a data frame rather than a matrix be returned


a matrix or data.frame containing the computed intervals and, optionally, x and n.


Rollin Brant, Modified by Frank Harrell and
Brad Biggerstaff
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
P.O. Box 2087, Fort Collins, CO, 80522-2087, USA
[email protected]


A. Agresti and B.A. Coull, Approximate is better than "exact" for interval estimation of binomial proportions, American Statistician, 52:119–126, 1998.

R.G. Newcombe, Logit confidence intervals and the inverse sinh transformation, American Statistician, 55:200–202, 2001.

L.D. Brown, T.T. Cai and A. DasGupta, Interval estimation for a binomial proportion (with discussion), Statistical Science, 16:101–133, 2001.



Bivariate Summaries Computed Separately by a Series of Predictors


biVar is a generic function that accepts a formula and usual data, subset, and na.action parameters plus a list statinfo that specifies a function of two variables to compute along with information about labeling results for printing and plotting. The function is called separately with each right hand side variable and the same left hand variable. The result is a matrix of bivariate statistics and the statinfo list that drives printing and plotting. The plot method draws a dot plot with x-axis values by default sorted in order of one of the statistics computed by the function.

spearman2 computes the square of Spearman's rho rank correlation and a generalization of it in which x can relate non-monotonically to y. This is done by computing the Spearman multiple rho-squared between (rank(x), rank(x)^2) and y. When x is categorical, a different kind of Spearman correlation used in the Kruskal-Wallis test is computed (and spearman2 can do the Kruskal-Wallis test). This is done by computing the ordinary multiple R^2 between k-1 dummy variables and rank(y), where x has k categories. x can also be a formula, in which case each predictor is correlated separately with y, using non-missing observations for that predictor. biVar is used to do the looping and bookkeeping. By default the plot shows the adjusted rho^2, using the same formula used for the ordinary adjusted R^2. The F test uses the unadjusted R2.

spearman computes Spearman's rho on non-missing values of two variables. spearman.test is a simple version of spearman2.default.

chiSquare is set up like spearman2 except it is intended for a categorical response variable. Separate Pearson chi-square tests are done for each predictor, with optional collapsing of infrequent categories. Numeric predictors having more than g levels are categorized into g quantile groups. chiSquare uses biVar.


biVar(formula, statinfo, data=NULL, subset=NULL,
      na.action=na.retain, exclude.imputed=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'biVar'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'biVar'
plot(x, what=info$defaultwhat,
                       sort.=TRUE, main, xlab,
                       vnames=c('names','labels'), ...)

spearman2(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
spearman2(x, y, p=1, minlev=0, na.rm=TRUE, exclude.imputed=na.rm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
spearman2(formula, data=NULL,
          subset, na.action=na.retain, exclude.imputed=TRUE, ...)

spearman(x, y)

spearman.test(x, y, p=1)

chiSquare(formula, data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=na.retain,
          exclude.imputed=TRUE, ...)



a formula with a single left side variable


see spearman2.formula or chiSquare code

data, subset, na.action

the usual options for models. Default for na.action is to retain all values, NA or not, so that NAs can be deleted in only a pairwise fashion.


set to FALSE to include imputed values (created by impute) in the calculations.


other arguments that are passed to the function used to compute the bivariate statistics or to dotchart3 for plot.


logical; delete NA values?


a numeric matrix with at least 5 rows and at least 2 columns (if y is absent). For spearman2, the first argument may be a vector of any type, including character or factor. The first argument may also be a formula, in which case all predictors are correlated individually with the response variable. x may be a formula for spearman2 in which case spearman2.formula is invoked. Each predictor in the right hand side of the formula is separately correlated with the response variable. For print or plot, x is an object produced by biVar. For spearman and spearman.test x is a numeric vector, as is y. For chiSquare, x is a formula.


a numeric vector


for numeric variables, specifies the order of the Spearman rho^2 to use. The default is p=1 to compute the ordinary rho^2. Use p=2 to compute the quadratic rank generalization to allow non-monotonicity. p is ignored for categorical predictors.


minimum relative frequency that a level of a categorical predictor should have before it is pooled with other categories (see combine.levels) in spearman2 and chiSquare (in which case it also applies to the response). The default, minlev=0 causes no pooling.


specifies which statistic to plot. Possibilities include the column names that appear with the print method is used.


set sort.=FALSE to suppress sorting variables by the statistic being plotted


main title for plot. Default title shows the name of the response variable.


x-axis label. Default constructed from what.


set to "labels" to use variable labels in place of names for plotting. If a variable does not have a label the name is always used.


Uses midranks in case of ties, as described by Hollander and Wolfe. P-values for Spearman, Wilcoxon, or Kruskal-Wallis tests are approximated by using the t or F distributions.


spearman2.default (the function that is called for a single x, i.e., when there is no formula) returns a vector of statistics for the variable. biVar, spearman2.formula, and chiSquare return a matrix with rows corresponding to predictors.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


Hollander M. and Wolfe D.A. (1973). Nonparametric Statistical Methods. New York: Wiley.

Press WH, Flannery BP, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling, WT (1988): Numerical Recipes in C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

See Also

combine.levels, varclus, dotchart3, impute, chisq.test, cut2.


x <- c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
y <- c(4,   1, 0, 1, 4)
z <- c(1,   2, 3, 4, NA)
v <- c(1,   2, 3, 4, 5)

spearman2(x, y)
plot(spearman2(z ~ x + y + v, p=2))

f <- chiSquare(z ~ x + y + v)

Bootstrap Kaplan-Meier Estimates


Bootstraps Kaplan-Meier estimate of the probability of survival to at least a fixed time (times variable) or the estimate of the q quantile of the survival distribution (e.g., median survival time, the default).


bootkm(S, q=0.5, B=500, times, pr=TRUE)



a Surv object for possibly right-censored survival time


quantile of survival time, default is 0.5 for median


number of bootstrap repetitions (default=500)


time vector (currently only a scalar is allowed) at which to compute survival estimates. You may specify only one of q and times, and if times is specified q is ignored.


set to FALSE to suppress printing the iteration number every 10 iterations


bootkm uses Therneau's survfitKM function to efficiently compute Kaplan-Meier estimates.


a vector containing B bootstrap estimates

Side Effects

updates .Random.seed, and, if pr=TRUE, prints progress of simulations


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
[email protected]


Akritas MG (1986): Bootstrapping the Kaplan-Meier estimator. JASA 81:1032–1038.

See Also

survfit, Surv, Survival.cph, Quantile.cph


# Compute 0.95 nonparametric confidence interval for the difference in
# median survival time between females and males (two-sample problem)
S <- Surv(runif(200))      # no censoring
sex <- c(rep('female',100),rep('male',100))
med.female <- bootkm(S[sex=='female',], B=100) # normally B=500
med.male   <- bootkm(S[sex=='male',],   B=100)
quantile(med.female-med.male, c(.025,.975), na.rm=TRUE)
# na.rm needed because some bootstrap estimates of median survival
# time may be missing when a bootstrap sample did not include the
# longer survival times

Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Test


Uses method of Fleiss, Tytun, and Ury (but without the continuity correction) to estimate the power (or the sample size to achieve a given power) of a two-sided test for the difference in two proportions. The two sample sizes are allowed to be unequal, but for bsamsize you must specify the fraction of observations in group 1. For power calculations, one probability (p1) must be given, and either the other probability (p2), an odds.ratio, or a percent.reduction must be given. For bpower or bsamsize, any or all of the arguments may be vectors, in which case they return a vector of powers or sample sizes. All vector arguments must have the same length.

Given p1, p2, ballocation uses the method of Brittain and Schlesselman to compute the optimal fraction of observations to be placed in group 1 that either (1) minimize the variance of the difference in two proportions, (2) minimize the variance of the ratio of the two proportions, (3) minimize the variance of the log odds ratio, or (4) maximize the power of the 2-tailed test for differences. For (4) the total sample size must be given, or the fraction optimizing the power is not returned. The fraction for (3) is one minus the fraction for (1).

bpower.sim estimates power by simulations, in minimal time. By using bpower.sim you can see that the formulas without any continuity correction are quite accurate, and that the power of a continuity-corrected test is significantly lower. That's why no continuity corrections are implemented here.


bpower(p1, p2, odds.ratio, percent.reduction, 
       n, n1, n2, alpha=0.05)

bsamsize(p1, p2, fraction=.5, alpha=.05, power=.8)

ballocation(p1, p2, n, alpha=.05)

bpower.sim(p1, p2, odds.ratio, percent.reduction, 
           n, n1, n2, 
           alpha=0.05, nsim=10000)



population probability in the group 1


probability for group 2


odds ratio to detect


percent reduction in risk to detect


total sample size over the two groups. If you omit this for ballocation, the fraction which optimizes power will not be returned.


sample size in group 1


sample size in group 2. bpower, if n is given, n1 and n2 are set to n/2.


type I assertion probability


fraction of observations in group 1


the desired probability of detecting a difference


number of simulations of binomial responses


For bpower.sim, all arguments must be of length one.


for bpower, the power estimate; for bsamsize, a vector containing the sample sizes in the two groups; for ballocation, a vector with 4 fractions of observations allocated to group 1, optimizing the four criteria mentioned above. For bpower.sim, a vector with three elements is returned, corresponding to the simulated power and its lower and upper 0.95 confidence limits.


Frank Harrell

Department of Biostatistics

Vanderbilt University

[email protected]


Fleiss JL, Tytun A, Ury HK (1980): A simple approximation for calculating sample sizes for comparing independent proportions. Biometrics 36:343–6.

Brittain E, Schlesselman JJ (1982): Optimal allocation for the comparison of proportions. Biometrics 38:1003–9.

Gordon I, Watson R (1996): The myth of continuity-corrected sample size formulae. Biometrics 52:71–6.

See Also

samplesize.bin, chisq.test, binconf


bpower(.1, odds.ratio=.9, n=1000, alpha=c(.01,.05))
bpower.sim(.1, odds.ratio=.9, n=1000)
bsamsize(.1, .05, power=.95)
ballocation(.1, .5, n=100)

# Plot power vs. n for various odds ratios  (base prob.=.1)
n  <- seq(10, 1000, by=10)
OR <- seq(.2,.9,by=.1)
plot(0, 0, xlim=range(n), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="n", ylab="Power", type="n")
for(or in OR) {
  lines(n, bpower(.1, odds.ratio=or, n=n))
  text(350, bpower(.1, odds.ratio=or, n=350)-.02, format(or))

# Another way to plot the same curves, but letting labcurve do the
# work, including labeling each curve at points of maximum separation
pow <- lapply(OR, function(or,n)list(x=n,y=bpower(p1=.1,odds.ratio=or,n=n)),
names(pow) <- format(OR)
labcurve(pow, pl=TRUE, xlab='n', ylab='Power')

# Contour graph for various probabilities of outcome in the control
# group, fixing the odds ratio at .8 ([p2/(1-p2) / p1/(1-p1)] = .8)
# n is varied also
p1 <- seq(.01,.99,by=.01)
n  <- seq(100,5000,by=250)
pow <- outer(p1, n, function(p1,n) bpower(p1, n=n, odds.ratio=.8))
# This forms a length(p1)*length(n) matrix of power estimates
contour(p1, n, pow)

Box-percentile plots


Producess side-by-side box-percentile plots from several vectors or a list of vectors.


bpplot(..., name=TRUE, main="Box-Percentile Plot", 
       xlab="", ylab="", srtx=0, plotopts=NULL)



vectors or lists containing numeric components (e.g., the output of split).


character vector of names for the groups. Default is TRUE to put names on the x-axis. Such names are taken from the data vectors or the names attribute of the first argument if it is a list. Set name to FALSE to suppress names. If a character vector is supplied the names in the vector are used to label the groups.


main title for the plot.


x axis label.


y axis label.


rotation angle for x-axis labels. Default is zero.


a list of other parameters to send to plot


There are no returned values

Side Effects

A plot is created on the current graphics device.


Box-percentile plots are similiar to boxplots, except box-percentile plots supply more information about the univariate distributions. At any height the width of the irregular "box" is proportional to the percentile of that height, up to the 50th percentile, and above the 50th percentile the width is proportional to 100 minus the percentile. Thus, the width at any given height is proportional to the percent of observations that are more extreme in that direction. As in boxplots, the median, 25th and 75th percentiles are marked with line segments across the box.


Jeffrey Banfield
[email protected]
Modified by F. Harrell 30Jun97


Esty WW, Banfield J: The box-percentile plot. J Statistical Software 8 No. 17, 2003.

See Also

panel.bpplot, boxplot, Ecdf, bwplot


x1 <- rnorm(500)
x2 <- runif(500, -2, 2)
x3 <- abs(rnorm(500))-2
bpplot(x1, x2, x3)
g <- sample(1:2, 500, replace=TRUE)
bpplot(split(x2, g), name=c('Group 1','Group 2'))

Statistics by Categories


For any number of cross-classification variables, bystats returns a matrix with the sample size, number missing y, and fun(non-missing y), with the cross-classifications designated by rows. Uses Harrell's modification of the interaction function to produce cross-classifications. The default fun is mean, and if y is binary, the mean is labeled as Fraction. There is a print method as well as a latex method for objects created by bystats. bystats2 handles the special case in which there are 2 classifcation variables, and places the first one in rows and the second in columns. The print method for bystats2 uses the print.char.matrix function to organize statistics for cells into boxes.


bystats(y, ..., fun, nmiss, subset)
## S3 method for class 'bystats'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bystats'
latex(object, title, caption, rowlabel, ...)
bystats2(y, v, h, fun, nmiss, subset)
## S3 method for class 'bystats2'
print(x, abbreviate.dimnames=FALSE,
   prefix.width=max(nchar(dimnames(x)[[1]])), ...)
## S3 method for class 'bystats2'
latex(object, title, caption, rowlabel, ...)



a binary, logical, or continuous variable or a matrix or data frame of such variables. If y is a data frame it is converted to a matrix. If y is a data frame or matrix, computations are done on subsets of the rows of y, and you should specify fun so as to be able to operate on the matrix. For matrix y, any column with a missing value causes the entire row to be considered missing, and the row is not passed to fun.


For bystats, one or more classifcation variables separated by commas. For print.bystats, options passed to print.default such as digits. For latex.bystats, and latex.bystats2, options passed to latex.default such as digits. If you pass cdec to latex.default, keep in mind that the first one or two positions (depending on nmiss) should have zeros since these correspond with frequency counts.


vertical variable for bystats2. Will be converted to factor.


horizontal variable for bystats2. Will be converted to factor.


a function to compute on the non-missing y for a given subset. You must specify fun= in front of the function name or definition. fun may return a single number or a vector or matrix of any length. Matrix results are rolled out into a vector, with names preserved. When y is a matrix, a common fun is function(y) apply(y, 2, ff) where ff is the name of a function which operates on one column of y.


A column containing a count of missing values is included if nmiss=TRUE or if there is at least one missing value.


a vector of subscripts or logical values indicating the subset of data to analyze


set to TRUE to abbreviate dimnames in output


see print.char.matrix


title to pass to latex.default. Default is the first word of the character string version of the first calling argument.


caption to pass to latex.default. Default is the heading attribute from the object produced by bystats.


rowlabel to pass to latex.default. Default is the byvarnames attribute from the object produced by bystats. For bystats2 the default is "".


an object created by bystats or bystats2


an object created by bystats or bystats2


for bystats, a matrix with row names equal to the classification labels and column names N, Missing, funlab, where funlab is determined from fun. A row is added to the end with the summary statistics computed on all observations combined. The class of this matrix is bystats. For bystats, returns a 3-dimensional array with the last dimension corresponding to statistics being computed. The class of the array is bystats2.

Side Effects

latex produces a .tex file.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also

interaction, cut, cut2, latex, print.char.matrix, translate


## Not run: 
bystats(sex==2, county, city)
bystats(death, race)
bystats(death, cut2(age,g=5), race)
bystats(cholesterol, cut2(age,g=4), sex, fun=median)
bystats(cholesterol, sex, fun=quantile)
bystats(cholesterol, sex, fun=function(x)c(Mean=mean(x),Median=median(x)))
latex(bystats(death,race,nmiss=FALSE,subset=sex=="female"), digits=2)
f <- function(y) c(Hazard=sum(y[,2])/sum(y[,1]))
# f() gets the hazard estimate for right-censored data from exponential dist.
bystats(cbind(d.time, death), race, sex, fun=f)
bystats(cbind(pressure, cholesterol), age.decile, 
        fun=function(y) c(Median.pressure   =median(y[,1]),
y <- cbind(pressure, cholesterol)
bystats(y, age.decile, 
        fun=function(y) apply(y, 2, median))   # same result as last one
bystats(y, age.decile, fun=function(y) apply(y, 2, quantile, c(.25,.75)))
# The last one computes separately the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of 2 vars.
latex(bystats2(death, race, sex, fun=table))

## End(Not run)

capitalize the first letter of a string


Capitalizes the first letter of each element of the string vector.





String to be capitalized


Returns a vector of charaters with the first letter capitalized


Charles Dupont


capitalize(c("Hello", "bob", "daN"))

Power of Interaction Test for Exponential Survival


Uses the method of Peterson and George to compute the power of an interaction test in a 2 x 2 setup in which all 4 distributions are exponential. This will be the same as the power of the Cox model test if assumptions hold. The test is 2-tailed. The duration of accrual is specified (constant accrual is assumed), as is the minimum follow-up time. The maximum follow-up time is then accrual + tmin. Treatment allocation is assumed to be 1:1.


ciapower(tref, n1, n2, m1c, m2c, r1, r2, accrual, tmin, 
         alpha=0.05, pr=TRUE)



time at which mortalities estimated


total sample size, stratum 1


total sample size, stratum 2


tref-year mortality, stratum 1 control


tref-year mortality, stratum 2 control


% reduction in m1c by intervention, stratum 1


% reduction in m2c by intervention, stratum 2


duration of accrual period


minimum follow-up time


type I error probability


set to FALSE to suppress printing of details



Side Effects



Frank Harrell

Department of Biostatistics

Vanderbilt University

[email protected]


Peterson B, George SL: Controlled Clinical Trials 14:511–522; 1993.

See Also

cpower, spower


# Find the power of a race x treatment test.  25% of patients will
# be non-white and the total sample size is 14000.  
# Accrual is for 1.5 years and minimum follow-up is 5y.
# Reduction in 5-year mortality is 15% for whites, 0% or -5% for
# non-whites.  5-year mortality for control subjects if assumed to
# be 0.18 for whites, 0.23 for non-whites.
n <- 14000
for(nonwhite.reduction in c(0,-5)) {
  cat("\n\n\n% Reduction in 5-year mortality for non-whites:",
      nonwhite.reduction, "\n\n")
  pow <- ciapower(5,  .75*n, .25*n,  .18, .23,  15, nonwhite.reduction,  
                  1.5, 5)

Convert between the 5 different coordinate sytems on a graphical device


Takes a set of coordinates in any of the 5 coordinate systems (usr, plt, fig, dev, or tdev) and returns the same points in all 5 coordinate systems.


cnvrt.coords(x, y = NULL, input = c("usr", "plt", "fig", "dev","tdev"))



Vector, Matrix, or list of x coordinates (or x and y coordinates), NA's allowed.


y coordinates (if x is a vector), NA's allowed.


Character scalar indicating the coordinate system of the input points.


Every plot has 5 coordinate systems:

usr (User): the coordinate system of the data, this is shown by the tick marks and axis labels.

plt (Plot): Plot area, coordinates range from 0 to 1 with 0 corresponding to the x and y axes and 1 corresponding to the top and right of the plot area. Margins of the plot correspond to plot coordinates less than 0 or greater than 1.

fig (Figure): Figure area, coordinates range from 0 to 1 with 0 corresponding to the bottom and left edges of the figure (including margins, label areas) and 1 corresponds to the top and right edges. fig and dev coordinates will be identical if there is only 1 figure area on the device (layout, mfrow, or mfcol has not been used).

dev (Device): Device area, coordinates range from 0 to 1 with 0 corresponding to the bottom and left of the device region within the outer margins and 1 is the top and right of the region withing the outer margins. If the outer margins are all set to 0 then tdev and dev should be identical.

tdev (Total Device): Total Device area, coordinates range from 0 to 1 with 0 corresponding to the bottom and left edges of the device (piece of paper, window on screen) and 1 corresponds to the top and right edges.


A list with 5 components, each component is a list with vectors named x and y. The 5 sublists are:


The coordinates of the input points in usr (User) coordinates.


The coordinates of the input points in plt (Plot) coordinates.


The coordinates of the input points in fig (Figure) coordinates.


The coordinates of the input points in dev (Device) coordinates.


The coordinates of the input points in tdev (Total Device) coordinates.


You must provide both x and y, but one of them may be NA.

This function is becoming depricated with the new functions grconvertX and grconvertY in R version 2.7.0 and beyond. These new functions use the correct coordinate system names and have more coordinate systems available, you should start using them instead.


Greg Snow [email protected]

See Also

par specifically 'usr','plt', and 'fig'. Also 'xpd' for plotting outside of the plotting region and 'mfrow' and 'mfcol' for multi figure plotting. subplot, grconvertX and grconvertY in R2.7.0 and later


old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)


# generate some sample data
tmp.x <- rnorm(25, 10, 2)
tmp.y <- rnorm(25, 50, 10)
tmp.z <- rnorm(25, 0, 1)

plot( tmp.x, tmp.y)

# draw a diagonal line across the plot area
tmp1 <- cnvrt.coords( c(0,1), c(0,1), input='plt' )
lines(tmp1$usr, col='blue')

# draw a diagonal line accross figure region
tmp2 <- cnvrt.coords( c(0,1), c(1,0), input='fig')
lines(tmp2$usr, col='red')

# save coordinate of point 1 and y value near top of plot for future plots
tmp.point1 <- cnvrt.coords(tmp.x[1], tmp.y[1])
tmp.range1 <- cnvrt.coords(NA, 0.98, input='plt')

# make a second plot and draw a line linking point 1 in each plot
plot(tmp.y, tmp.z)

tmp.point2 <- cnvrt.coords( tmp.point1$dev, input='dev' )
arrows( tmp.y[1], tmp.z[1], tmp.point2$usr$x, tmp.point2$usr$y,

# draw another plot and add rectangle showing same range in 2 plots

plot(tmp.x, tmp.z)
tmp.range2 <- cnvrt.coords(NA, 0.02, input='plt')
tmp.range3 <- cnvrt.coords(NA, tmp.range1$dev$y, input='dev')
rect( 9, tmp.range2$usr$y, 11, tmp.range3$usr$y, border='yellow')

# put a label just to the right of the plot and
#  near the top of the figure region.
text( cnvrt.coords(1.05, NA, input='plt')$usr$x,
	cnvrt.coords(NA, 0.75, input='fig')$usr$y,
	"Label", adj=0)


## create a subplot within another plot (see also subplot)

plot(1:10, 1:10)

tmp <- cnvrt.coords( c( 1, 4, 6, 9), c(6, 9, 1, 4) )

par(plt = c(tmp$dev$x[1:2], tmp$dev$y[1:2]), new=TRUE)

par(fig = c(tmp$dev$x[3:4], tmp$dev$y[3:4]), new=TRUE)


Miscellaneous ggplot2 and grid Helper Functions


These functions are used on ggplot2 objects or as layers when building a ggplot2 object, and to facilitate use of gridExtra. colorFacet colors the thin rectangles used to separate panels created by facet_grid (and probably by facet_wrap). A better approach may be found at arrGrob is a front-end to gridExtra::arrangeGrob that allows for proper printing. See The arrGrob print method calls grid::grid.draw.


colorFacet(g, col = adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f = 0.3))


## S3 method for class 'arrGrob'
print(x, ...)



a ggplot2 object that used faceting


color for facet separator rectanges


passed to arrangeGrob


an object created by arrGrob


Sandy Muspratt


## Not run: 
s <- summaryP(age + sex ~ region + treatment)
colorFacet(ggplot(s))   # prints directly
# arrGrob is called by rms::ggplot.Predict and others

## End(Not run)



Combine Infrequent Levels of a Categorical Variable


  minlev = 0.05,
  ord = is.ordered(x),
  plevels = FALSE,
  sep = ","



a factor, 'ordered' factor, or numeric or character variable that will be turned into a 'factor'


the minimum proportion of observations in a cell before that cell is combined with one or more cells. If more than one cell has fewer than minlev*n observations, all such cells are combined into a new cell labeled '"OTHER"'. Otherwise, the lowest frequency cell is combined with the next lowest frequency cell, and the level name is the combination of the two old level levels. When 'ord=TRUE' combinations happen only for consecutive levels.


alternative to 'minlev', is the minimum number of observations in a cell before it will be combined with others


set to 'TRUE' to treat 'x' as if it were an ordered factor, which allows only consecutive levels to be combined


by default 'combine.levels' pools low-frequency levels into a category named 'OTHER' when 'x' is not ordered and 'ord=FALSE'. To instead name this category the concatenation of all the pooled level names, separated by a comma, set 'plevels=TRUE'.


the separator for concatenating levels when 'plevels=TRUE'


After turning 'x' into a 'factor' if it is not one already, combines levels of 'x' whose frequency falls below a specified relative frequency 'minlev' or absolute count 'm'. When 'x' is not treated as ordered, all of the small frequency levels are combined into '"OTHER"', unless 'plevels=TRUE'. When 'ord=TRUE' or 'x' is an ordered factor, only consecutive levels are combined. New levels are constructed by concatenating the levels with 'sep' as a separator. This is useful when comparing ordinal regression with polytomous (multinomial) regression and there are too many categories for polytomous regression. 'combine.levels' is also useful when assumptions of ordinal models are being checked empirically by computing exceedance probabilities for various cutoffs of the dependent variable.


a factor variable, or if 'ord=TRUE' an ordered factor variable


Frank Harrell


x <- c(rep('A', 1), rep('B', 3), rep('C', 4), rep('D',1), rep('E',1))
combine.levels(x, m=3)
combine.levels(x, m=3, plevels=TRUE)
combine.levels(x, ord=TRUE, m=3)
x <- c(rep('A', 1), rep('B', 3), rep('C', 4), rep('D',1), rep('E',1),
combine.levels(x, ord=TRUE, m=3)

Combination Plot


Generates a plotly attribute plot given a series of possibly overlapping binary variables


  data = NULL,
  na.action = na.retain,
  vnames = c("labels", "names"),
  includenone = FALSE,
  showno = FALSE,
  maxcomb = NULL,
  minfreq = NULL,
  N = NULL,
  pos = function(x) 1 * (tolower(x) %in% c("true", "yes", "y", "positive", "+",
    "present", "1")),
  obsname = "subjects",
  ptsize = 35,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,



a formula containing all the variables to be cross-tabulated, on the formula's right hand side. There is no left hand side variable. If formula is omitted, then all variables from data are analyzed.


input data frame. If none is specified the data are assumed to come from the parent frame.


an optional subsetting expression applied to data


see lm etc.


set to "names" to use variable names to label axes instead of variable labels. When using the default labels, any variable not having a label will have its name used instead.


set to TRUE to include the combination where all conditions are absent


set to TRUE to show a light dot for conditions that are not part of the currently tabulated combination


maximum number of combinations to display


if specified, any combination having a frequency less than this will be omitted from the display


set to an integer to override the global denominator, instead of using the number of rows in the data


a function of vector returning a logical vector with TRUE values indicating positive


character string noun describing observations, default is "subjects"


point size, defaults to 35


width of plotly plot


height of plotly plot


optional arguments to pass to table


Similar to the UpSetR package, draws a special dot chart sometimes called an attribute plot that depicts all possible combination of the binary variables. By default a positive value, indicating that a certain condition pertains for a subject, is any of logical TRUE, numeric 1, "yes", "y", "positive", "+" or "present" value, and all others are considered negative. The user can override this determination by specifying her own pos function. Case is ignored in the variable values.

The plot uses solid dots arranged in a vertical line to indicate which combination of conditions is being considered. Frequencies of all possible combinations are shown above the dot chart. Marginal frequencies of positive values for the input variables are shown to the left of the dot chart. More information for all three of these component symbols is provided in hover text.

Variables are sorted in descending order of marginal frqeuencies and likewise for combinations of variables.


plotly object


Frank Harrell


if (requireNamespace("plotly")) {
  g <- function() sample(0:1, n, prob=c(1 - p, p), replace=TRUE)
  set.seed(2); n <- 100; p <- 0.5
  x1 <- g(); label(x1) <- 'A long label for x1 that describes it'
  x2 <- g()
  x3 <- g(); label(x3) <- 'This is<br>a label for x3'
  x4 <- g()
  combplotp(~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, showno=TRUE, includenone=TRUE)

  n <- 1500; p <- 0.05
  pain       <- g()
  anxiety    <- g()
  depression <- g()
  soreness   <- g()
  numbness   <- g()
  tiredness  <- g()
  sleepiness <- g()
  combplotp(~ pain + anxiety + depression + soreness + numbness +
            tiredness + sleepiness, showno=TRUE)



Create imputed dataset(s) using transcan and aregImpute objects


completer(a, nimpute, oneimpute = FALSE, mydata)



An object of class transcan or aregImpute


A numeric vector between 1 and a$n.impute. For transcan object, this is set to 1. For aregImpute object, returns a list of nimpute datasets when oneimpute is set to FALSE (default).


A logical vector. When set to TRUE, returns a single completed dataset for the imputation number specified by nimpute


A data frame in which its missing values will be imputed.


Similar in function to mice::complete, this function uses transcan and aregImpute objects to impute missing data and returns the completed dataset(s) as a dataframe or a list. It assumes that transcan is used for single regression imputation.


      A single or a list of completed dataset(s).


      Yong-Hao Pua, Singapore General Hospital


## Not run: 
mtcars$hp[1:5]    <- NA
mtcars$wt[1:10]   <- NA
myrform <- ~ wt + hp + I(carb)
mytranscan  <- transcan( myrform,  data = mtcars, imputed = TRUE,
  pl = FALSE, pr = FALSE, trantab = TRUE, long = TRUE)
myareg      <- aregImpute(myrform, data = mtcars, x=TRUE, n.impute = 5)
completer(mytranscan)                    # single completed dataset
completer(myareg, 3, oneimpute = TRUE)
# single completed dataset based on the `n.impute`th set of multiple imputation
completer(myareg, 3)
# list of completed datasets based on first `nimpute` sets of multiple imputation
# list of completed datasets based on all available sets of multiple imputation
# To get a stacked data frame of all completed datasets use
#, completer(myareg, data=mydata))
# or use rbindlist in data.table

## End(Not run)

Element Merging


Merges an object by the names of its elements. Inserting elements in value into x that do not exists in x and replacing elements in x that exists in value with value elements if protect is false.


consolidate(x, value, protect, ...)
## Default S3 method:
consolidate(x, value, protect=FALSE, ...)

consolidate(x, protect, ...) <- value



named list or vector


named list or vector


logical; should elements in x be kept instead of elements in value?


currently does nothing; included if ever want to make generic.


Charles Dupont

See Also



x <- 1:5
names(x) <- LETTERS[x]

y <- 6:10
names(y) <- LETTERS[y-2]

x                  # c(A=1,B=2,C=3,D=4,E=5)
y                  # c(D=6,E=7,F=8,G=9,H=10)

consolidate(x, y)      # c(A=1,B=2,C=3,D=6,E=7,F=8,G=9,H=10)
consolidate(x, y, protect=TRUE)      # c(A=1,B=2,C=3,D=4,E=5,F=8,G=9,H=10)

Metadata for a Data Frame


contents is a generic method for which is currently the only method. creates an object containing the following attributes of the variables from a data frame: names, labels (if any), units (if any), number of factor levels (if any), factor levels, class, storage mode, and number of NAs. will print the results, with options for sorting the variables. creates HTML code for displaying the results. This code has hyperlinks so that if the user clicks on the number of levels the browser jumps to the correct part of a table of factor levels for all the factor variables. If long labels are present ("longlabel" attributes on variables), these are printed at the bottom and the html method links to them through the regular labels. Variables having the same levels in the same order have the levels factored out for brevity.

contents.list prints a directory of datasets when sasxport.get imported more than one SAS dataset.

If options(prType='html') is in effect, calling print on an object that is the contents of a data frame will result in rendering the HTML version. If run from the console a browser window will open.


contents(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
contents(object, sortlevels=FALSE, id=NULL,
  range=NULL, values=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
    sort=c('none','names','labels','NAs'), prlevels=TRUE, maxlevels=Inf,
    number=FALSE, ...) 
## S3 method for class ''
           sort=c('none','names','labels','NAs'), prlevels=TRUE, maxlevels=Inf,
           number=FALSE, nshow=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
contents(object, dslabels, ...)
## S3 method for class 'contents.list'
    sort=c('none','names','labels','NAs','vars'), ...)



a data frame. For html is an object created by contents. For contents.list is a list of data frames.


set to TRUE to sort levels of all factor variables into alphabetic order. This is especially useful when two variables use the same levels but in different orders. They will still be recognized by the html method as having identical levels if sorted.


an optional subject ID variable name that if present in object will cause the number of unique IDs to be printed in the contents header


an optional variable name that if present in object will cause its range to be printed in the contents header


an optional variable name that if present in object will cause its unique values to be printed in the contents header


an object created by contents


Default is to print the variables in their original order in the data frame. Specify one of "names", "labels", or "NAs" to sort the variables by, respectively, alphabetically by names, alphabetically by labels, or by increaseing order of number of missing values. For contents.list, sort may also be the value "vars" to cause sorting by the number of variables in the dataset.


set to FALSE to not print all levels of factor variables


maximum number of levels to print for a factor variable


set to TRUE to have the print and latex methods number the variables by their order in the data frame


set to FALSE to suppress outputting number of observations and number of NAs; useful when these counts would unblind information to blinded reviewers


By default, bullet lists of category levels are constructed in html. Set levelType='table' to put levels in html table format.


arguments passed from html to format.df, unused otherwise


named vector of SAS dataset labels, created for example by sasdsLabels


an object of class "" or "contents.list". For the html method is an html character vector object.


Frank Harrell
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also

describe, html, upData, extractlabs, hlab


dfr <- data.frame(x=rnorm(400),y=sample(c('male','female'),400,TRUE),
dfr <- upData(dfr, labels=c(x='Label for x', y='Label for y'))
attr(dfr$x, 'longlabel') <-
 'A very long label for x that can continue onto multiple long lines of text'

k <- contents(dfr)
print(k, sort='names', prlevels=FALSE)
## Not run: 
html(contents(dfr))            # same result
latex(k$contents)              # latex.default just the main information

## End(Not run)

Power of Cox/log-rank Two-Sample Test


Assumes exponential distributions for both treatment groups. Uses the George-Desu method along with formulas of Schoenfeld that allow estimation of the expected number of events in the two groups. To allow for drop-ins (noncompliance to control therapy, crossover to intervention) and noncompliance of the intervention, the method of Lachin and Foulkes is used.


cpower(tref, n, mc, r, accrual, tmin, noncomp.c=0, noncomp.i=0, 
       alpha=0.05, nc, ni, pr=TRUE)



time at which mortalities estimated


total sample size (both groups combined). If allocation is unequal so that there are not n/2 observations in each group, you may specify the sample sizes in nc and ni.


tref-year mortality, control


% reduction in mc by intervention


duration of accrual period


minimum follow-up time


% non-compliant in control group (drop-ins)


% non-compliant in intervention group (non-adherers)


type I error probability. A 2-tailed test is assumed.


number of subjects in control group


number of subjects in intervention group. nc and ni are specified exclusive of n.


set to FALSE to suppress printing of details


For handling noncompliance, uses a modification of formula (5.4) of Lachin and Foulkes. Their method is based on a test for the difference in two hazard rates, whereas cpower is based on testing the difference in two log hazards. It is assumed here that the same correction factor can be approximately applied to the log hazard ratio as Lachin and Foulkes applied to the hazard difference.

Note that Schoenfeld approximates the variance of the log hazard ratio by 4/m, where m is the total number of events, whereas the George-Desu method uses the slightly better 1/m1 + 1/m2. Power from this function will thus differ slightly from that obtained with the SAS samsizc program.



Side Effects



Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


Peterson B, George SL: Controlled Clinical Trials 14:511–522; 1993.

Lachin JM, Foulkes MA: Biometrics 42:507–519; 1986.

Schoenfeld D: Biometrics 39:499–503; 1983.

See Also

spower, ciapower, bpower


#In this example, 4 plots are drawn on one page, one plot for each
#combination of noncompliance percentage.  Within a plot, the
#5-year mortality % in the control group is on the x-axis, and
#separate curves are drawn for several % reductions in mortality
#with the intervention.  The accrual period is 1.5y, with all
#patients followed at least 5y and some 6.5y.


morts <- seq(10,25,length=50)
red <- c(10,15,20,25)

for(noncomp in c(0,10,15,-1)) {
  if(noncomp>=0) nc.i <- nc.c <- noncomp else {nc.i <- 25; nc.c <- 15}
  z <- paste("Drop-in ",nc.c,"%, Non-adherence ",nc.i,"%",sep="")
           xlab="5-year Mortality in Control Patients (%)",
  lty <- 0
  for(r in red) {
        lty <- lty+1
        power <- morts
        i <- 0
        for(m in morts) {
          i <- i+1
          power[i] <- cpower(5, 14000, m/100, r, 1.5, 5, nc.c, nc.i, pr=FALSE)
        lines(morts, power, lty=lty)
  if(noncomp==0)legend(18,.55,rev(paste(red,"% reduction",sep="")),
mtitle("Power vs Non-Adherence for Main Comparison",
           ll="alpha=.05, 2-tailed, Total N=14000",cex.l=.8)
# Point sample size requirement vs. mortality reduction
# Root finder (uniroot()) assumes needed sample size is between
# 1000 and 40000
nc.i <- 25; nc.c <- 15; mort <- .18
red <- seq(10,25,by=.25)
samsiz <- red

i <- 0
for(r in red) {
  i <- i+1
  samsiz[i] <- uniroot(function(x) cpower(5, x, mort, r, 1.5, 5,
                                          nc.c, nc.i, pr=FALSE) - .8,

samsiz <- samsiz/1000
plot(red, samsiz, xlab='% Reduction in 5-Year Mortality',
	 ylab='Total Sample Size (Thousands)', type='n')
lines(red, samsiz, lwd=2)
title('Sample Size for Power=0.80\nDrop-in 15%, Non-adherence 25%')
title(sub='alpha=0.05, 2-tailed', adj=0)

Character strings from unquoted names


Cs makes a vector of character strings from a list of valid R names. .q is similar but also makes uses of names of arguments.





any number of names separated by commas. For .q any names of arguments will be used.


character string vector. For .q there will be a names attribute to the vector if any names appeared in ....

See Also

sys.frame, deparse


# <- dataframe[,Cs(age,sex,race,bloodpressure,height)]
.q(a, b, c, 'this and that')
.q(dog=a, giraffe=b, cat=c)

Read Comma-Separated Text Data Files


Read comma-separated text data files, allowing optional translation to lower case for variable names after making them valid S names. There is a facility for reading long variable labels as one of the rows. If labels are not specified and a final variable name is not the same as that in the header, the original variable name is saved as a variable label. Uses read.csv if the data.table package is not in effect, otherwise calls fread.


csv.get(file, lowernames=FALSE, datevars=NULL, datetimevars=NULL,
        fixdates=c('none','year'), comment.char="", autodate=TRUE,
        allow=NULL, charfactor=FALSE,
        sep=',', skip=0, vnames=NULL, labels=NULL, text=NULL, ...)



the file name for import.


set this to TRUE to change variable names to lower case.


character vector of names (after lowernames is applied) of variables to consider as a factor or character vector containing dates in a format matching dateformat. The default is "%F" which uses the yyyy-mm-dd format.


character vector of names (after lowernames is applied) of variables to consider to be date-time variables, with date formats as described under datevars followed by a space followed by time in hh:mm:ss format. chron is used to store such variables. If all times in the variable are 00:00:00 the variable will be converted to an ordinary date variable.


for cleanup.import is the input format (see strptime)


for any of the variables listed in datevars that have a dateformat that cleanup.import understands, specifying fixdates allows corrections of certain formatting inconsistencies before the fields are attempted to be converted to dates (the default is to assume that the dateformat is followed for all observation for datevars). Currently fixdates='year' is implemented, which will cause 2-digit or 4-digit years to be shifted to the alternate number of digits when dateform is the default "%F" or is "%y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%y", or "%m/%d/%Y". Two-digits years are padded with 20 on the left. Set dateformat to the desired format, not the exceptional format.


a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use '""' to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


Set to true to allow function to guess at which variables are dates


a vector of characters allowed by R that should not be converted to periods in variable names. By default, underscores in variable names are converted to periods as with R before version 1.9.


set to TRUE to change character variables to factors if they have fewer than n/2 unique values. Blanks and null strings are converted to NAs.


field separator, defaults to comma


number of records to skip before data start. Required if vnames or labels is given.


number of row containing variable names, default is one


number of row containing variable labels, default is no labels


a character string containing the .csv file to use instead of file=. Passed to read.csv as the text= argument.


arguments to pass to read.csv other than skip and sep.


csv.get reads comma-separated text data files, allowing optional translation to lower case for variable names after making them valid S names. Original possibly non-legal names are taken to be variable labels if labels is not specified. Character or factor variables containing dates can be converted to date variables. cleanup.import is invoked to finish the job.


a new data frame.


Frank Harrell, Vanderbilt University

See Also

sas.get, data.frame, cleanup.import, read.csv, strptime, POSIXct, Date, fread


## Not run: 
dat <- csv.get('myfile.csv')

# Read a csv file with junk in the first row, variable names in the
# second, long variable labels in the third, and junk in the 4th row
dat <- csv.get('myfile.csv', vnames=2, labels=3, skip=4)

## End(Not run)

Representative Curves


curveRep finds representative curves from a relatively large collection of curves. The curves usually represent time-response profiles as in serial (longitudinal or repeated) data with possibly unequal time points and greatly varying sample sizes per subject. After excluding records containing missing x or y, records are first stratified into kn groups having similar sample sizes per curve (subject). Within these strata, curves are next stratified according to the distribution of x points per curve (typically measurement times per subject). The clara clustering/partitioning function is used to do this, clustering on one, two, or three x characteristics depending on the minimum sample size in the current interval of sample size. If the interval has a minimum number of unique values of one, clustering is done on the single x values. If the minimum number of unique x values is two, clustering is done to create groups that are similar on both min(x) and max(x). For groups containing no fewer than three unique x values, clustering is done on the trio of values min(x), max(x), and the longest gap between any successive x. Then within sample size and x distribution strata, clustering of time-response profiles is based on p values of y all evaluated at the same p equally-spaced x's within the stratum. An option allows per-curve data to be smoothed with lowess before proceeding. Outer x values are taken as extremes of x across all curves within the stratum. Linear interpolation within curves is used to estimate y at the grid of x's. For curves within the stratum that do not extend to the most extreme x values in that stratum, extrapolation uses flat lines from the observed extremes in the curve unless extrap=TRUE. The p y values are clustered using clara.

print and plot methods show results. By specifying an auxiliary idcol variable to plot, other variables such as treatment may be depicted to allow the analyst to determine for example whether subjects on different treatments are assigned to different time-response profiles. To write the frequencies of a variable such as treatment in the upper left corner of each panel (instead of the grand total number of clusters in that panel), specify freq.

curveSmooth takes a set of curves and smooths them using lowess. If the number of unique x points in a curve is less than p, the smooth is evaluated at the unique x values. Otherwise it is evaluated at an equally spaced set of x points over the observed range. If fewer than 3 unique x values are in a curve, those points are used and smoothing is not done.


curveRep(x, y, id, kn = 5, kxdist = 5, k = 5, p = 5,
         force1 = TRUE, metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan"),
         smooth=FALSE, extrap=FALSE, pr=FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'curveRep'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'curveRep'
plot(x, which=1:length(res),
                        m=NULL, probs=c(.5, .25, .75), nx=NULL, fill=TRUE,
                        idcol=NULL, freq=NULL, plotfreq=FALSE,
                        xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y),
                        xlab='x', ylab='y', colorfreq=FALSE, ...)
curveSmooth(x, y, id, p=NULL, pr=TRUE)



a numeric vector, typically measurement times. For plot.curveRep is an object created by curveRep.


a numeric vector of response values


a vector of curve (subject) identifiers, the same length as x and y


number of curve sample size groups to construct. curveRep tries to divide the data into equal numbers of curves across sample size intervals.


maximum number of x-distribution clusters to derive using clara


maximum number of x-y profile clusters to derive using clara


number of x points at which to interpolate y for profile clustering. For curveSmooth is the number of equally spaced points at which to evaluate the lowess smooth, and if p is omitted the smooth is evaluated at the original x values (which will allow curveRep to still know the x distribution


By default if any curves have only one point, all curves consisting of one point will be placed in a separate stratum. To prevent this separation, set force1 = FALSE.


see clara


By default, linear interpolation is used on raw data to obtain y values to cluster to determine x-y profiles. Specify smooth = TRUE to replace observed points with lowess before computing y points on the grid. Also, when smooth is used, it may be desirable to use extrap=TRUE.


set to TRUE to use linear extrapolation to evaluate y points for x-y clustering. Not recommended unless smoothing has been or is being done.


set to TRUE to print progress notes


an integer vector specifying which sample size intervals to plot. Must be specified if method='lattice' and must be a single number in that case.


The default makes individual plots of possibly all x-distribution by sample size by cluster combinations. Fewer may be plotted by specifying which. Specify method='lattice' to show a lattice xyplot of a single sample size interval, with x distributions going across and clusters going down. To not plot but instead return a data frame for a single sample size interval, specify method='data'


the number of curves in a cluster to randomly sample if there are more than m in a cluster. Default is to draw all curves in a cluster. For method = "lattice" you can specify m = "quantiles" to use the xYplot function to show quantiles of y as a function of x, with the quantiles specified by the probs argument. This cannot be used to draw a group containing n = 1.


applies if m = "quantiles". See xYplot.


3-vector of probabilities with the central quantile first. Default uses quartiles.


for method = "all", by default if a sample size x-distribution stratum did not have enough curves to stratify into k x-y profiles, empty graphs are drawn so that a matrix of graphs will have the next row starting with a different sample size range or x-distribution. See the example below.


a named vector to be used as a table lookup for color assignments (does not apply when m = "quantile"). The names of this vector are curve ids and the values are color names or numbers.


a named vector to be used as a table lookup for a grouping variable such as treatment. The names are curve ids and values are any values useful for grouping in a frequency tabulation.


set to TRUE to plot the frequencies from the freq variable as horizontal bars instead of printing them. Applies only to method = "lattice". By default the largest bar is 0.1 times the length of a panel's x-axis. Specify plotfreq = 0.5 for example to make the longest bar half this long.


set to TRUE to color the frequencies printed by plotfreq using the colors provided by idcol.

xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab

plotting parameters. Default ranges are the ranges in the entire set of raw data given to curveRep.


arguments passed to other functions.


In the graph titles for the default graphic output, n refers to the minimum sample size, x refers to the sequential x-distribution cluster, and c refers to the sequential x-y profile cluster. Graphs from method = "lattice" are produced by xyplot and in the panel titles distribution refers to the x-distribution stratum and cluster refers to the x-y profile cluster.


a list of class "curveRep" with the following elements


a hierarchical list first split by sample size intervals, then by x distribution clusters, then containing a vector of cluster numbers with id values as a names attribute


a table of frequencies of sample sizes per curve after removing NAs


total number of records excluded due to NAs


a table of frequencies of number of NAs excluded per curve


cut points for sample size intervals


number of sample size intervals


number of clusters on x distribution


number of clusters of curves within sample size and distribution groups


number of points at which to evaluate each curve for clustering


input data after removing NAs

curveSmooth returns a list with elements x,y,id.


The references describe other methods for deriving representative curves, but those methods were not used here. The last reference which used a cluster analysis on principal components motivated curveRep however. The kml package does k-means clustering of longitudinal data with imputation.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


Segal M. (1994): Representative curves for longitudinal data via regression trees. J Comp Graph Stat 3:214-233.

Jones MC, Rice JA (1992): Displaying the important features of large collections of similar curves. Am Statistician 46:140-145.

Zheng X, Simpson JA, et al (2005): Data from a study of effectiveness suggested potential prognostic factors related to the patterns of shoulder pain. J Clin Epi 58:823-830.

See Also



## Not run: 
# Simulate 200 curves with per-curve sample sizes ranging from 1 to 10
# Make curves with odd-numbered IDs have an x-distribution that is random
# uniform [0,1] and those with even-numbered IDs have an x-dist. that is
# half as wide but still centered at 0.5.  Shift y values higher with
# increasing IDs
N <- 200
nc <- sample(1:10, N, TRUE)
id <- rep(1:N, nc)
x <- y <- id
for(i in 1:N) {
  x[id==i] <- if(i %% 2) runif(nc[i]) else runif(nc[i], c(.25, .75))
  y[id==i] <- i + 10*(x[id==i] - .5) + runif(nc[i], -10, 10)

w <- curveRep(x, y, id, kxdist=2, p=10)
par(ask=TRUE, mfrow=c(4,5))
plot(w)                # show everything, profiles going across
plot(w,1)              # show n=1 results
# Use a color assignment table, assigning low curves to green and
# high to red.  Unique curve (subject) IDs are the names of the vector.
cols <- c(rep('green', N/2), rep('red', N/2))
names(cols) <- as.character(1:N)
plot(w, 3, idcol=cols)
par(ask=FALSE, mfrow=c(1,1))

plot(w, 1, 'lattice')  # show n=1 results
plot(w, 3, 'lattice')  # show n=4-5 results
plot(w, 3, 'lattice', idcol=cols)  # same but different color mapping
plot(w, 3, 'lattice', m=1)  # show a single "representative" curve
# Show median, 10th, and 90th percentiles of supposedly representative curves
plot(w, 3, 'lattice', m='quantiles', probs=c(.5,.1,.9))
# Same plot but with much less grouping of x variable
plot(w, 3, 'lattice', m='quantiles', probs=c(.5,.1,.9), nx=2)

# Use ggplot2 for one sample size interval
z <- plot(w, 2, 'data')
ggplot(z, aes(x, y, color=curve)) + geom_line() +
       facet_grid(distribution ~ cluster) +
       theme(legend.position='none') +

# Smooth data before profiling.  This allows later plotting to plot
# smoothed representative curves rather than raw curves (which
# specifying smooth=TRUE to curveRep would do, if curveSmooth was not used)
d <- curveSmooth(x, y, id)
w <- with(d, curveRep(x, y, id))

# Example to show that curveRep can cluster profiles correctly when
# there is no noise.  In the data there are four profiles - flat, flat
# at a higher mean y, linearly increasing then flat, and flat at the
# first height except for a sharp triangular peak

x <- 0:100
m <- length(x)
profile <- matrix(NA, nrow=m, ncol=4)
profile[,1] <- rep(0, m)
profile[,2] <- rep(3, m)
profile[,3] <- c(0:3, rep(3, m-4))
profile[,4] <- c(0,1,3,1,rep(0,m-4))
col <- c('black','blue','green','red')
matplot(x, profile, type='l', col=col)
xeval <- seq(0, 100, length.out=5)
s <- x 
matplot(x[s], profile[s,], type='l', col=col)

id <- rep(1:100, each=m)
X <- Y <- id
cols <- character(100)
names(cols) <- as.character(1:100)
for(i in 1:100) {
  s <- id==i
  X[s] <- x
  j <- sample(1:4,1)
  Y[s] <- profile[,j]
  cols[i] <- col[j]
yl <- c(-1,4)
w <- curveRep(X, Y, id, kn=1, kxdist=1, k=4)
plot(w, 1, 'lattice', idcol=cols, ylim=yl)
# Found 4 clusters but two have same profile
w <- curveRep(X, Y, id, kn=1, kxdist=1, k=3)
plot(w, 1, 'lattice', idcol=cols, freq=cols, plotfreq=TRUE, ylim=yl)
# Incorrectly combined black and red because default value p=5 did
# not result in different profiles at x=xeval
w <- curveRep(X, Y, id, kn=1, kxdist=1, k=4, p=40)
plot(w, 1, 'lattice', idcol=cols, ylim=yl)
# Found correct clusters because evaluated curves at 40 equally
# spaced points and could find the sharp triangular peak in profile 4

## End(Not run)

Cut a Numeric Variable into Intervals


Function like cut but left endpoints are inclusive and labels are of the form [lower, upper), except that last interval is [lower,upper]. If cuts are given, will by default make sure that cuts include entire range of x. Also, if cuts are not given, will cut x into quantile groups (g given) or groups with a given minimum number of observations (m). Whereas cut creates a category object, cut2 creates a factor object.


cut2(x, cuts, m=150, g, levels.mean=FALSE, digits, minmax=TRUE,
oneval=TRUE, onlycuts=FALSE, formatfun=format, ...)



numeric vector to classify into intervals


cut points


desired minimum number of observations in a group. The algorithm does not guarantee that all groups will have at least m observations.


number of quantile groups


set to TRUE to make the new categorical vector have levels attribute that is the group means of x instead of interval endpoint labels


number of significant digits to use in constructing levels. Default is 3 (5 if levels.mean=TRUE)


if cuts is specified but min(x)<min(cuts) or max(x)>max(cuts), augments cuts to include min and max x


if an interval contains only one unique value, the interval will be labeled with the formatted version of that value instead of the interval endpoints, unless oneval=FALSE


set to TRUE to only return the vector of computed cuts. This consists of the interior values plus outer ranges.


formatting function, supports formula notation (if rlang is installed)


additional arguments passed to formatfun


a factor variable with levels of the form [a,b) or formatted means (character strings) unless onlycuts is TRUE in which case a numeric vector is returned

See Also

cut, quantile, combine.levels


x <- runif(1000, 0, 100)
z <- cut2(x, c(10,20,30))
table(cut2(x, g=10))      # quantile groups
table(cut2(x, m=50))      # group x into intevals with at least 50 obs.

Tips for Creating, Modifying, and Checking Data Frames


This help file contains a template for importing data to create an R data frame, correcting some problems resulting from the import and making the data frame be stored more efficiently, modifying the data frame (including better annotating it and changing the names of some of its variables), and checking and inspecting the data frame for reasonableness of the values of its variables and to describe patterns of missing data. Various built-in functions and functions in the Hmisc library are used. At the end some methods for creating data frames “from scratch” within R are presented.

The examples below attempt to clarify the separation of operations that are done on a data frame as a whole, operations that are done on a small subset of its variables without attaching the whole data frame, and operations that are done on many variables after attaching the data frame in search position one. It also tries to clarify that for analyzing several separate variables using R commands that do not support a data argument, it is helpful to attach the data frame in a search position later than position one.

It is often useful to create, modify, and process datasets in the following order.

  1. Import external data into a data frame (if the raw data do not contain column names, provide these during the import if possible)

  2. Make global changes to a data frame (e.g., changing variable names)

  3. Change attributes or values of variables within a data frame

  4. Do analyses involving the whole data frame (without attaching it)
    (Data frame still in .Data)

  5. Do analyses of individual variables (after attaching the data frame in search position two or later)


The examples below use the FEV dataset from Rosner 1995. Almost any dataset would do. The jcetable data are taken from Galobardes, etal.

Presently, giving a variable the "units" attribute (using the Hmisc units function) only benefits the Hmisc describe function and the rms library's version of the link[rms]{Surv} function. Variables labels defined with the Hmisc label function are used by describe, summary.formula, and many of the plotting functions in Hmisc and rms.


Alzola CF, Harrell FE (2006): An Introduction to S and the Hmisc and Design Libraries. Chapters 3 and 4,

Galobardes, et al. (1998), J Clin Epi 51:875-881.

Rosner B (1995): Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 4th Edition. New York: Duxbury Press.

See Also

scan, read.table, cleanup.import, sas.get, data.frame, attach, detach, describe, datadensity,,, naclus, factor, label, units, names, expand.grid, summary.formula,, casefold, edit, page,, Cs, combine.levels,upData


## Not run: 
# First, we do steps that create or manipulate the data
# frame in its entirety.  For S-Plus, these are done with
# .Data in search position one (the default at the
# start of the session).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1: Create initial draft of data frame
# We usually begin by importing a dataset from
# # another application.  ASCII files may be imported
# using the scan and read.table functions.  SAS
# datasets may be imported using the Hmisc sas.get
# function (which will carry more attributes from
# SAS than using File \dots  Import) from the GUI
# menus.  But for most applications (especially
# Excel), File \dots Import will suffice.  If using
# the GUI, it is often best to provide variable
# names during the import process, using the Options
# tab, rather than renaming all fields later Of
# course, if the data to be imported already have
# field names (e.g., in Excel), let S use those
# automatically.  If using S-Plus, you can use a
# command to execute File \dots  Import, e.g.: = "/windows/temp/fev.asc",
            FileType = "ASCII", DataFrame = "FEV")

# Here we name the new data frame FEV rather than
# fev, because we wanted to distinguish a variable
# in the data frame named fev from the data frame
# name.  For S-Plus the command will look
# instead like the following:

FEV <- importData("/tmp/fev.asc")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 2: Clean up data frame / make it be more
# efficiently stored
# Unless using sas.get to import your dataset
# (sas.get already stores data efficiently), it is
# usually a good idea to run the data frame through
# the Hmisc cleanup.import function to change
# numeric variables that are always whole numbers to
# be stored as integers, the remaining numerics to
# single precision, strange values from Excel to
# NAs, and character variables that always contain
# legal numeric values to numeric variables.
# cleanup.import typically halves the size of the
# data frame.  If you do not specify any parameters
# to cleanup.import, the function assumes that no
# numeric variable needs more than 7 significant
# digits of precision, so all non-integer-valued
# variables will be converted to single precision.

FEV <- cleanup.import(FEV)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 3: Make global changes to the data frame
# A data frame has attributes that are "external" to
# its variables.  There are the vector of its
# variable names ("names" attribute), the
# observation identifiers ("row.names"), and the
# "class" (whose value is "data.frame").  The
# "names" attribute is the one most commonly in need
# of modification.  If we had wanted to change all
# the variable names to lower case, we could have
# specified lowernames=TRUE to the cleanup.import
# invocation above, or type

names(FEV) <- casefold(names(FEV))

# The upData function can also be used to change
# variable names in two ways (see below).
# To change names in a non-systematic way we use
# other options.  Under Windows/NT the most
# straigtforward approach is to change the names
# interactively.  Click on the data frame in the
# left panel of the Object Browser, then in the
# right pane click twice (slowly) on a variable.
# Use the left arrow and other keys to edit the
# name.  Click outside that name field to commit the
# change.  You can also rename columns while in a
# Data Sheet.  To instead use programming commands
# to change names, use something like:

names(FEV)[6] <- 'smoke'   # assumes you know the positions!  
names(FEV)[names(FEV)=='smoking'] <- 'smoke' 
names(FEV) <- edit(names(FEV))

# The last example is useful if you are changing
# many names.  But none of the interactive
# approaches such as edit() are handy if you will be
# re-importing the dataset after it is updated in
# its original application.  This problem can be
# addressed by saving the new names in a permanent
# vector in .Data:

new.names <- names(FEV)

# Then if the data are re-imported, you can type

names(FEV) <- new.names

# to rename the variables.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 4: Delete unneeded variables
# To delete some of the variables, you can
# right-click on variable names in the Object
# Browser's right pane, then select Delete.  You can
# also set variables to have NULL values, which
# causes the system to delete them.  We don't need
# to delete any variables from FEV but suppose we
# did need to delete some from mydframe.

mydframe$x1 <- NULL 
mydframe$x2 <- NULL
mydframe[c('age','sex')] <- NULL   # delete 2 variables 
mydframe[Cs(age,sex)]    <- NULL   # same thing

# The last example uses the Hmisc short-cut quoting
# function Cs.  See also the drop parameter to upData.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5: Make changes to individual variables
#         within the data frame
# After importing data, the resulting variables are
# seldom self - documenting, so we commonly need to
# change or enhance attributes of individual
# variables within the data frame.
# If you are only changing a few variables, it is
# efficient to change them directly without
# attaching the entire data frame.

FEV$sex   <- factor(FEV$sex,   0:1, c('female','male')) 
FEV$smoke <- factor(FEV$smoke, 0:1, 
                    c('non-current smoker','current smoker')) 
units(FEV$age)    <- 'years'
units(FEV$fev)    <- 'L' 
label(FEV$fev)    <- 'Forced Expiratory Volume' 
units(FEV$height) <- 'inches'

# When changing more than one or two variables it is
# more convenient change the data frame using the
# Hmisc upData function.

FEV2 <- upData(FEV,
  # omit if renamed above
  levels=list(sex  =list(female=0,male=1),
              smoke=list('non-current smoker'=0,
                         'current smoker'=1)),
  units=list(age='years', fev='L', height='inches'),
  labels=list(fev='Forced Expiratory Volume'))

# An alternative to levels=list(\dots) is for example
# upData(FEV, sex=factor(sex,0:1,c('female','male'))).
# Note that we saved the changed data frame into a
# new data frame FEV2.  If we were confident of the
# correctness of our changes we could have stored
# the new data frame on top of the old one, under
# the original name FEV.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 6:  Check the data frame
# The Hmisc describe function is perhaps the first
# function that should be used on the new data
# frame.  It provides documentation of all the
# variables and the frequency tabulation, counts of
# NAs,  and 5 largest and smallest values are
# helpful in detecting data errors.  Typing
# describe(FEV) will write the results to the
# current output window.  To put the results in a
# new window that can persist, even upon exiting
# S, we use the page function.  The describe
# output can be minimized to an icon but kept ready
# for guiding later steps of the analysis.

page(describe(FEV2), multi=TRUE) 
# multi=TRUE allows that window to persist while
# control is returned to other windows

# The new data frame is OK.  Store it on top of the
# old FEV and then use the graphical user interface
# to delete FEV2 (click on it and hit the Delete
# key) or type rm(FEV2) after the next statement.


# Next, we can use a variety of other functions to
# check and describe all of the variables.  As we
# are analyzing all or almost all of the variables,
# this is best done without attaching the data
# frame.  Note that plots inverted
# CDFs for continuous variables and dot plots
# showing frequency distributions of categorical
# ones.

# basic summary function ( 

plot(FEV)                # 
# rug plots and freq. bar charts for all var.     
# for variables having > 2 values 

by(FEV, FEV$smoke, summary)  
# use basic summary function with stratification

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 7:  Do detailed analyses involving individual
#          variables
# Analyses based on the formula language can use
# data= so attaching the data frame may not be
# required.  This saves memory.  Here we use the
# Hmisc summary.formula function to compute 5
# statistics on height, stratified separately by age
# quartile and by sex.

summary(height ~ age + sex, data=FEV,
# This computes mean height, S.D., median, outer quartiles

fit <- lm(height ~ age*sex, data=FEV) 

# For this analysis we could also have attached the
# data frame in search position 2.  For other
# analyses, it is mandatory to attach the data frame
# unless FEV$ prefixes each variable name.
# Important: DO NOT USE attach(FEV, 1) or
# attach(FEV, pos=1, \dots) if you are only analyzing
# and not changing the variables, unless you really
# need to avoid conflicts with variables in search
# position 1 that have the same names as the
# variables in FEV.  Attaching into search position
# 1 will cause S-Plus to be more of a memory hog.

# Use e.g. attach(FEV[,Cs(age,sex)]) if you only
# want to analyze a small subset of the variables
# Use e.g. attach(FEV[FEV$sex=='male',]) to
# analyze a subset of the observations

summary(height ~ age + sex,
fit <- lm(height ~ age*sex)

# Run generic summary function on height and fev, 
# stratified by sex
by(data.frame(height,fev), sex, summary)

# Cross-classify into 4 sex x smoke groups
by(FEV, list(sex,smoke), summary)

# Plot 5 quantiles
s <- summary(fev ~ age + sex + height,

plot(s, which=1:5, pch=c(1,2,15,2,1), #pch=c('=','[','o',']','='), 
     main='A Discovery', xlab='FEV')

# Use the nonparametric bootstrap to compute a 
# 0.95 confidence interval for the population mean fev    # in Hmisc

# Use the Statistics \dots Compare Samples \dots One Sample 
# keys to get a normal-theory-based C.I.  Then do it 
# more manually.  The following method assumes that 
# there are no NAs in fev

sd <- sqrt(var(fev))
xbar <- mean(fev)
n <- length(fev)
# prints 0.975 critical value of t dist. with n-1 d.f.

xbar + c(-1,1)*sd/sqrt(n)*qt(.975,n-1)   
# prints confidence limits

# Fit a linear model
# fit <- lm(fev ~ other variables \dots)


# The last command is only needed if you want to
# start operating on another data frame and you want
# to get FEV out of the way.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creating data frames from scratch
# Data frames can be created from within S.  To
# create a small data frame containing ordinary
# data, you can use something like

dframe <- data.frame(age=c(10,20,30), 

# You can also create a data frame using the Data
# Sheet.  Create an empty data frame with the
# correct variable names and types, then edit in the
# data.

dd <- data.frame(age=numeric(0),sex=character(0),

# The sex variable will be stored as a factor, and
# levels will be automatically added to it as you
# define new values for sex in the Data Sheet's sex
# column.
# When the data frame you need to create is defined
# by systematically varying variables (e.g., all
# possible combinations of values of each variable),
# the expand.grid function is useful for quickly
# creating the data.  Then you can add
# non-systematically-varying variables to the object
# created by expand.grid, using programming
# statements or editing the Data Sheet.  This
# process is useful for creating a data frame
# representing all the values in a printed table.
# In what follows we create a data frame
# representing the combinations of values from an 8
# x 2 x 2 x 2 (event x method x sex x what) table,
# and add a non-systematic variable percent to the
# data.

jcetable <- expand.grid(
 event=c('Wheezing at any time',
         'Wheezing and breathless',
         'Wheezing without a cold',
         'Waking with tightness in the chest',
         'Waking with shortness of breath',
         'Waking with an attack of cough',
         'Attack of asthma',
         'Use of medication'),

jcetable$percent <- 
  766,423,500,833,833,604,955,986) / 10

# In jcetable, event varies most rapidly, then
# method, then sex, and what.

## End(Not run)

Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set


These functions are intended to be used to describe how well a given set of new observations (e.g., new subjects) were represented in a dataset used to develop a predictive model. The dataRep function forms a data frame that contains all the unique combinations of variable values that existed in a given set of variable values. Cross–classifications of values are created using exact values of variables, so for continuous numeric variables it is often necessary to round them to the nearest v and to possibly curtail the values to some lower and upper limit before rounding. Here v denotes a numeric constant specifying the matching tolerance that will be used. dataRep also stores marginal distribution summaries for all the variables. For numeric variables, all 101 percentiles are stored, and for all variables, the frequency distributions are also stored (frequencies are computed after any rounding and curtailment of numeric variables). For the purposes of rounding and curtailing, the roundN function is provided. A print method will summarize the calculations made by dataRep, and if long=TRUE all unique combinations of values and their frequencies in the original dataset are printed.

The predict method for dataRep takes a new data frame having variables named the same as the original ones (but whose factor levels are not necessarily in the same order) and examines the collapsed cross-classifications created by dataRep to find how many observations were similar to each of the new observations after any rounding or curtailment of limits is done. predict also does some calculations to describe how the variable values of the new observations "stack up" against the marginal distributions of the original data. For categorical variables, the percent of observations having a given variable with the value of the new observation (after rounding for variables that were through roundN in the formula given to dataRep) is computed. For numeric variables, the percentile of the original distribution in which the current value falls will be computed. For this purpose, the data are not rounded because the 101 original percentiles were retained; linear interpolation is used to estimate percentiles for values between two tabulated percentiles. The lowest marginal frequency of matching values across all variables is also computed. For example, if an age, sex combination matches 10 subjects in the original dataset but the age value matches 100 ages (after rounding) and the sex value matches the sex code of 300 observations, the lowest marginal frequency is 100, which is a "best case" upper limit for multivariable matching. I.e., matching on all variables has to result on a lower frequency than this amount. A print method for the output of predict.dataRep prints all calculations done by predict by default. Calculations can be selectively suppressed.


dataRep(formula, data, subset, na.action)

roundN(x, tol=1, clip=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'dataRep'
print(x, long=FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'dataRep'
predict(object, newdata, ...)

## S3 method for class 'predict.dataRep'
print(x, prdata=TRUE, prpct=TRUE, ...)



a formula with no left-hand-side. Continuous numeric variables in need of rounding should appear in the formula as e.g. roundN(x,5) to have a tolerance of e.g. +/- 2.5 in matching. Factor or character variables as well as numeric ones not passed through roundN are matched on exactly.


a numeric vector or an object created by dataRep


the object created by dataRep or predict.dataRep

data, subset, na.action

standard modeling arguments. Default na.action is na.delete, i.e., observations in the original dataset having any variables missing are deleted up front.


rounding constant (tolerance is actually tol/2 as values are rounded to the nearest tol)


a 2-vector specifying a lower and upper limit to curtail values of x before rounding


set to TRUE to see all unique combinations and frequency count


a data frame containing all the variables given to dataRep but not necessarily in the same order or having factor levels in the same order


set to FALSE to suppress printing newdata and the count of matching observations (plus the worst-case marginal frequency).


set to FALSE to not print percentiles and percents




dataRep returns a list of class "dataRep" containing the collapsed data frame and frequency counts along with marginal distribution information. predict returns an object of class "predict.dataRep" containing information determined by matching observations in newdata with the original (collapsed) data.

Side Effects

print.dataRep prints.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
[email protected]

See Also

round, table


num.symptoms <- sample(1:4, 1000,TRUE)
sex <- factor(sample(c('female','male'), 1000,TRUE))
x    <- runif(1000)
x[1] <- NA
table(num.symptoms, sex, .25*round(x/.25))

d <- dataRep(~ num.symptoms + sex + roundN(x,.25))
print(d, long=TRUE)

predict(d, data.frame(num.symptoms=1:3, sex=c('male','male','female'),

Design Effect and Intra-cluster Correlation


Computes the Kish design effect and corresponding intra-cluster correlation for a single cluster-sampled variable


deff(y, cluster)



variable to analyze


a variable whose unique values indicate cluster membership. Any type of variable is allowed.


a vector with named elements n (total number of non-missing observations), clusters (number of clusters after deleting missing data), rho(intra-cluster correlation), and deff (design effect).


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also

bootcov, robcov


blood.pressure <- rnorm(1000, 120, 15)
clinic <- sample(letters, 1000, replace=TRUE)
deff(blood.pressure, clinic)

Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula


describe is a generic method that invokes, describe.matrix, describe.vector, or describe.formula. describe.vector is the basic function for handling a single variable. This function determines whether the variable is character, factor, category, binary, discrete numeric, and continuous numeric, and prints a concise statistical summary according to each. A numeric variable is deemed discrete if it has <= 10 distinct values. In this case, quantiles are not printed. A frequency table is printed for any non-binary variable if it has no more than 20 distinct values. For any variable for which the frequency table is not printed, the 5 lowest and highest values are printed. This behavior can be overriden for long character variables with many levels using the listunique parameter, to get a complete tabulation.

describe is especially useful for describing data frames created by *.get, as labels, formats, value labels, and (in the case of sas.get) frequencies of special missing values are printed.

For a binary variable, the sum (number of 1's) and mean (proportion of 1's) are printed. If the first argument is a formula, a model frame is created and passed to If a variable is of class "impute", a count of the number of imputed values is printed. If a date variable has an attribute (this is set up by sas.get), counts of how many partial dates are actually present (missing month, missing day, missing both) are also presented. If a variable was created by the special-purpose function substi (which substitutes values of a second variable if the first variable is NA), the frequency table of substitutions is also printed.

For numeric variables, describe adds an item called Info which is a relative information measure using the relative efficiency of a proportional odds/Wilcoxon test on the variable relative to the same test on a variable that has no ties. Info is related to how continuous the variable is, and ties are less harmful the more untied values there are. The formula for Info is one minus the sum of the cubes of relative frequencies of values divided by one minus the square of the reciprocal of the sample size. The lowest information comes from a variable having only one distinct value following by a highly skewed binary variable. Info is reported to two decimal places.

A latex method exists for converting the describe object to a LaTeX file. For numeric variables having more than 20 distinct values, describe saves in its returned object the frequencies of 100 evenly spaced bins running from minimum observed value to the maximum. When there are less than or equal to 20 distinct values, the original values are maintained. latex and html insert a spike histogram displaying these frequency counts in the tabular material using the LaTeX picture environment. For example output see Note that the latex method assumes you have the following styles installed in your latex installation: setspace and relsize.

The html method mimics the LaTeX output. This is useful in the context of Quarto/Rmarkdown html and html notebook output. If options(prType='html') is in effect, calling print on an object that is the result of running describe on a data frame will result in rendering the HTML version. If run from the console a browser window will open. When which is specified to print, whether or not prType='html' is in effect, a gt package html table will be produced containing only the types of variables requested. When which='both' a list with element names Continuous and Categorical is produced, making it convenient for the user to print as desired, or to pass the list directed to the qreport maketabs function when using Quarto.

The plot method is for describe objects run on data frames. It produces spike histograms for a graphic of continuous variables and a dot chart for categorical variables, showing category proportions. The graphic format is ggplot2 if the user has not set options(grType='plotly') or has set the grType option to something other than 'plotly'. Otherwise plotly graphics that are interactive are produced, and these can be placed into an Rmarkdown html notebook. The user must install the plotly package for this to work. When the use hovers the mouse over a bin for a raw data value, the actual value will pop-up (formatted using digits). When the user hovers over the minimum data value, most of the information calculated by describe will pop up. For each variable, the number of missing values is used to assign the color to the histogram or dot chart, and a legend is drawn. Color is not used if there are no missing values in any variable. For categorical variables, hovering over the leftmost point for a variable displays details, and for all points proportions, numerators, and denominators are displayed in the popup. If both continuous and categorical variables are present and which='both' is specified, the plot method returns an unclassed list containing two objects, named 'Categorical' and 'Continuous', in that order.

Sample weights may be specified to any of the functions, resulting in weighted means, quantiles, and frequency tables.

Note: As discussed in Cox and Longton (2008), Stata Technical Bulletin 8(4) pp. 557, the term "unique" has been replaced with "distinct" in the output (but not in parameter names).

When weights are not used, the pseudomedian and Gini's mean difference are computed for numeric variables. The pseudomedian is labeled pMedian and is the median of all possible pairwise averages. It is a robust and efficient measure of location that equals the mean and median for symmetric distributions. It is also called the Hodges-Lehmann one-sample estimator. Gini's mean difference is a robust measure of dispersion that is the mean absolute difference between any pairs of observations. In simple output Gini's difference is labeled Gmd.

formatdescribeSingle is a service function for latex, html, and print methods for single variables that is not intended to be called by the user.


## S3 method for class 'vector'
describe(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE, digits=4,
         listunique=0, listnchar=12,
         weights=NULL, normwt=FALSE, minlength=NULL, shortmChoice=TRUE,
         rmhtml=FALSE, trans=NULL, lumptails=0.01, ...)
## S3 method for class 'matrix'
describe(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE, digits=4, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
describe(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE,
    digits=4, trans=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
describe(x, descript, data, subset, na.action,
    digits=4, weights, ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe'
print(x, which = c('both', 'categorical', 'continuous'), ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe'
latex(object, title=NULL,
      append=FALSE, size='small', tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE,
      spacing=0.7, lspace=c(0,0), ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe.single'
latex(object, title=NULL, vname,
      file, append=FALSE, size='small', tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE,
      lspace=c(0,0), ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe'
html(object, size=85, tabular=TRUE,
      greek=TRUE, scroll=FALSE, rows=25, cols=100, ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe.single'
html(object, size=85,
      tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE, ...)
formatdescribeSingle(x, condense=c('extremes', 'frequencies', 'both', 'none'),
           lang=c('plain', 'latex', 'html'), verb=0, lspace=c(0, 0),
           size=85, ...)
## S3 method for class 'describe'
plot(x, which=c('both', 'continuous', 'categorical'),
                          sort=c('ascending', 'descending', 'none'),
                          n.unique=10, digits=5, bvspace=2, ...)



a data frame, matrix, vector, or formula. For a data frame, the function is automatically invoked. For a matrix, describe.matrix is called. For a formula, is invoked. The formula may or may not have a response variable. For print, latex, html, or formatdescribeSingle, x is an object created by describe.


optional title to print for x. The default is the name of the argument or the "label" attributes of individual variables. When the first argument is a formula, descript defaults to a character representation of the formula.


set toTRUE to print the names of variables that contain only missing values. This list appears at the bottom of the printout, and no space is taken up for such variables in the main listing.


number of significant digits to print. For plot.describe is the number of significant digits to put in hover text for plotly when showing raw variable values.


For a character variable that is not an mChoice variable, that has its longest string length greater than listnchar, and that has no more than listunique distinct values, all values are listed in alphabetic order. Any value having more than one occurrence has the frequency of occurrence included. Specify listunique equal to some value at least as large as the number of observations to ensure that all character variables will have all their values listed. For purposes of tabulating character strings, multiple white spaces of any kind are translated to a single space, leading and trailing white space are ignored, and case is ignored.


see listunique


a numeric vector of frequencies or sample weights. Each observation will be treated as if it were sampled weights times.


value passed to summary.mChoice


set to FALSE to have summary of mChoice variables use actual levels everywhere, instead of abbreviating to integers and printing of all original labels at the top


set to TRUE to strip html from variable labels


for describe.vector is a list specifying how to transform x for constructing the frequency distribution used in spike histograms. The first element of the list is a character string describing the transformation, the second is the transformation function, and the third argument is the inverse of this function that is used in labeling points on the original scale, e.g. trans=list('log', log, exp). For trans is a list of such lists, with the name of each list being name of the variable to which the transformation applies. See for an example.


specifies the quantile to use (its complement is also used) for grouping observations in the tails so that outliers have less chance of distorting the variable's range for sparkline spike histograms. The default is 0.01, i.e., observations below the 0.01 quantile are grouped together in the leftmost bin, and observations above the 0.99 quantile are grouped to form the last bin.


The default, normwt=FALSE results in the use of weights as weights in computing various statistics. In this case the sample size is assumed to be equal to the sum of weights. Specify normwt=TRUE to divide weights by a constant so that weights sum to the number of observations (length of vectors specified to describe). In this case the number of observations is taken to be the actual number of records given to describe.


a result of describe




a data frame, data table, or list


a subsetting expression


These are used if a formula is specified. na.action defaults to na.retain which does not delete any NAs from the data frame. Use na.action=na.omit or na.delete to drop any observation with any NA before processing.


arguments passed to describe.default which are passed to calls to format for numeric variables. For example if using R POSIXct or Date date/time formats, specifying describe(d,format='%d%b%y') will print date/time variables as "01Jan2000". This is useful for omitting the time component. See the help file for format.POSIXct or format.Date for more information. For plot methods, ... is ignored. For html and latex methods, ... is used to pass optional arguments to formatdescribeSingle, especially the condense argument. For the print method when which= is given, possible arguments to use for tabulating continuous variable output are sparkwidth (the width of the spike histogram sparkline in pixels, defaulting to 200), qcondense (set to FALSE to devote separate columns to all quantiles), extremes (set to TRUE to print the 5 lowest and highest values in the table of continuous variables). For categorical variable output, the argument freq can be used to specify how frequency tables are rendered: 'chart' (the default; an interactive sparkline frequency bar chart) or freq='table' for small tables. sort is another argument passed to html_describe_cat. For sparkline frequency charts the default is to sort non-numeric categories in descending order of frequency. Set code=FALSE to use the original data order. The w argument also applies to categorical variable output.


name of output file (should have a suffix of .tex). Default name is formed from the first word of the descript element of the describe object, prefixed by "describe". Set file="" to send LaTeX code to standard output instead of a file.


set to TRUE to have latex append text to an existing file named file


LaTeX text size ("small", the default, or "normalsize", "tiny", "scriptsize", etc.) for the describe output in LaTeX. For html is the percent of the prevailing font size to use for the output.


set to FALSE to use verbatim rather than tabular (or html table) environment for the summary statistics output. By default, tabular is used if the output is not too wide.


By default, the latex and html methods will change names of greek letters that appear in variable labels to appropriate LaTeX symbols in math mode, or html symbols, unless greek=FALSE.


By default, the latex method for describe run on a matrix or data frame uses the setspace LaTeX package with a line spacing of 0.7 so as to no waste space. Specify spacing=0 to suppress the use of the setspace's spacing environment, or specify another positive value to use this environment with a different spacing.


extra vertical scape, in character size units (i.e., "ex" as appended to the space). When using certain font sizes, there is too much space left around LaTeX verbatim environments. This two-vector specifies space to remove (i.e., the values are negated in forming the vspace command) before (first element) and after (second element of lspace) verbatims


set to TRUE to create an html scrollable box for the html output

rows, cols

the number of rows or columns to allocate for the scrollable box


unused argument in latex.describe.single


specifies whether to plot numeric continuous or binary/categorical variables, or both. When "both" a list with two elements is created. Each element is a ggplot2 or plotly object. If there are no variables of a given type, a single ggplot2 or plotly object is returned, ready to print. For print.describe may be "categorical" or "continuous", causing a gt table to be created with the categorical or continuous variable describe results.


character or numeric vector specifying which variables to plot; default is to plot all


specifies how and whether variables are sorted in order of the proportion of positives when which="categorical". Specify sort="none" to leave variables in the order they appear in the original data.


the minimum number of distinct values a numeric variable must have before plot.describe uses it in a continuous variable plot


the between-variable spacing for categorical variables. Defaults to 2, meaning twice the amount of vertical space as what is used for between-category spacing within a variable


specifies whether to condense the output with regard to the 5 lowest and highest values ("extremes") and the frequency table


specifies the markup language


set to 1 if a verbatim environment is already in effect for LaTeX


If options(na.detail.response=TRUE) has been set and na.action is "na.delete" or "na.keep", summary statistics on the response variable are printed separately for missing and non-missing values of each predictor. The default summary function returns the number of non-missing response values and the mean of the last column of the response values, with a names attribute of c("N","Mean"). When the response is a Surv object and the mean is used, this will result in the crude proportion of events being used to summarize the response. The actual summary function can be designated through options( = "function name").

If you are modifying LaTex parskip or certain other parameters, you may need to shrink the area around tabular and verbatim environments produced by latex.describe. You can do this using for example \usepackage{etoolbox}\makeatletter\preto{\@verbatim}{\topsep=-1.4pt \partopsep=0pt}\preto{\@tabular}{\parskip=2pt \parsep=0pt}\makeatother in the LaTeX preamble.


a list containing elements descript, counts, values. The list is of class describe. If the input object was a matrix or a data frame, the list is a list of lists, one list for each variable analyzed. latex returns a standard latex object. For numeric variables having at least 20 distinct values, an additional component intervalFreq. This component is a list with two elements, range (containing two values) and count, a vector of 100 integer frequency counts. print with which= returns a 'gt' table object. The user can modify the table by piping formatting changes, column removals, and other operations, before final rendering.


Frank Harrell
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also

spikecomp, sas.get, quantile, GiniMd, pMedian, table, summary, model.frame.default, naprint, lapply, tapply, Surv, na.delete, na.keep, na.detail.response, latex


describe(runif(200),dig=2)    #single variable, continuous
                              #get quantiles .05,.10,\dots

dfr <- data.frame(x=rnorm(400),y=sample(c('male','female'),400,TRUE))

## Not run: 
d <- describe(mydata)
p <- plot(d)   # create plots for both types of variables
p[[1]]; p[[2]] # or p$Categorical; p$Continuous
plotly::subplot(p[[1]], p[[2]], nrows=2)  # plot both in one
plot(d, which='categorical')    # categorical ones

d <- sas.get(".","mydata",special.miss=TRUE,recode=TRUE)
describe(d)      #describe entire data frame
attach(d, 1)
describe(relig)  #Has special missing values .D .F .M .R .T
                 #attr(relig,"label") is "Religious preference"

#relig : Religious preference  Format:relig
#    n missing  D  F M R T distinct 
# 4038     263 45 33 7 2 1        8
#0:none (251, 6%), 1:Jewish (372, 9%), 2:Catholic (1230, 30%) 
#3:Jehovah's Witnes (25, 1%), 4:Christ Scientist (7, 0%) 
#5:Seventh Day Adv (17, 0%), 6:Protestant (2025, 50%), 7:other (111, 3%) 

# Method for describing part of a data frame:
 describe(death.time ~ age*sex + rcs(blood.pressure))
 describe(~ age+sex)
 describe(~ age+sex, weights=freqs)  # weighted analysis

 fit <- lrm(y ~ age*sex + log(height))
 describe(y ~ age*sex, na.action=na.delete)   
# report on number deleted for each variable
# keep missings separately for each x, report on dist of y by x=NA
 describe(y ~ age*sex)
 describe(y ~ age*sex)   # same but use quantiles of y by x=NA

 d <- describe(
 d$age                   # print description for just age
 d[c('age','sex')]       # print description for two variables
 d[sort(names(d))]       # print in alphabetic order by var. names
 d2 <- d[20:30]          # keep variables 20-30
 page(d2)                # pop-up window for these variables

# Test date/time formats and suppression of times when they don't vary
 d <- data.frame(a=chron((1:20)+.1),

# Make a function to run describe, latex.describe, and use the kdvi
# previewer in Linux to view the result and easily make a pdf file

 ldesc <- function(data) {
  d <- describe(data, desc=deparse(substitute(data)))
  dvi(latex(d, file='/tmp/z.tex'), nomargins=FALSE, width=8.5, height=11)


## End(Not run)

Discrete Vector tools


discrete creates a discrete vector which is distinct from a continuous vector, or a factor/ordered vector. The other function are tools for manipulating descrete vectors.


as.discrete(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
as.discrete(x, ...)
discrete(x, levels = sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE), exclude = NA)
## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete'
x[...] <- value
## S3 method for class 'discrete'
x[..., drop = FALSE]
## S3 method for class 'discrete'
## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete' <- value
## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete'
length(x) <- value



a vector


Should unused levels be dropped.


logical: should NA be excluded.


indexing vector


charater: list of individual level values


index of elements to set to NA


arguments to be passed to other functions


as.discrete converts a vector into a discrete vector.

discrete creates a discrete vector from provided values.

is.discrete tests to see if the vector is a discrete vector.


as.discrete, discrete returns a vector of discrete type.

is.discrete returan logical TRUE if the vector is of class discrete other wise it returns FALSE.


Charles Dupont

See Also

[[, [, factor


a <- discrete(1:25)


b <- as.discrete(2:4)

Enhanced Dot Chart


dotchart2 is an enhanced version of the dotchart function with several new options.


dotchart2(data, labels, groups=NULL, gdata=NA, horizontal=TRUE, pch=16,
          xlab='', ylab='', xlim=NULL, auxdata, auxgdata=NULL, auxtitle,
          lty=1, lines=TRUE, dotsize = .8,
          cex = par("cex"), cex.labels = cex,
 = cex.labels*1.25, sort.=TRUE, 
	      add=FALSE, dotfont=par('font'), groupfont=2, 
	      reset.par=add, xaxis=TRUE, width.factor=1.1,
          lcolor='gray', leavepar=FALSE,
          axisat=NULL, axislabels=NULL, ...)



a numeric vector whose values are shown on the x-axis


a vector of labels for each point, corresponding to x. If omitted, names(data) are used, and if there are no names, integers prefixed by "#" are used.


an optional categorical variable indicating how data values are grouped


data values for groups, typically summaries such as group medians


set to FALSE to make the chart vertical instead of the default


default character number or value for plotting dots in dot charts. The default is 16.


x-axis title


y-axis title


x-axis limits. Applies only to horizontal=TRUE.


a vector of auxiliary data given to dotchart2, of the same length as the first (data) argument. If present, this vector of values will be printed outside the right margin of the dot chart. Usually auxdata represents cell sizes.


similar to auxdata but corresponding to the gdata argument. These usually represent overall sample sizes for each group of lines.


if auxdata is given, auxtitle specifies a column heading for the extra printed data in the chart, e.g., "N"


line type for horizontal lines. Default is 1 for R, 2 for S-Plus


set to FALSE to suppress drawing of reference lines


cex value for drawing dots. Default is 0.8. Note that the original dotchart function used a default of 1.2.


see par


cex parameter that applies only to the line labels for the dot chart cex parameter for major grouping labels for dotchart2. Defaults to cex.

value of cex corresponding to gdata


set to FALSE to keep dotchart2 from sorting the input data, i.e., it will assume that the data are already properly arranged. This is especially useful when you are using gdata and groups and you want to control the order that groups appear on the chart (from top to bottom).


set to TRUE to add to an existing plot


font number of plotting dots. Default is one. Use -1 to use "outline" fonts. For example, pch=183, dotfont=-1 plots an open circle for UNIX on postscript. pch=1 makes an open octagon under Windows.


font number to use in drawing group labels for dotchart2. Default is 2 for boldface.


set to FALSE to cause dotchart2 to not reset the par parameters when finished. This is useful when add=TRUE is about to be used in another call. The default is to reset the par parameters if add=TRUE and not if add=FALSE, i.e., the program assumes that only one set of points will be added to an existing set. If you fail to use reset.par=TRUE for the first of a series of plots, the next call to plot with add=TRUE will result in distorted x-axis scaling.


set to FALSE to suppress drawing x-axis


When the calculated left margin turns out to be faulty, specify a factor by which to multiple the left margin as width.factor to get the appropriate space for labels on horizonal charts.


color for horizontal reference lines. Default is "gray" for R, par("col") for S-Plus.


set to TRUE to leave par() unchanged. This assumes the user has allocated sufficient left and right margins for a horizontal dot chart.


a vector of tick mark locations to pass to axis. Useful if transforming the data axis


a vector of strings specifying axis tick mark labels. Useful if transforming the data axis


arguments passed to plot.default

Side Effects

dotchart will leave par altered if reset.par=FALSE.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also



maj <- factor(c(rep('North',13),rep('South',13)))
g <- paste('Category',rep(letters[1:13],2))
n <- sample(1:15000, 26, replace=TRUE)
y1 <- runif(26)
y2 <- pmax(0, y1 - runif(26, 0, .1))
dotchart2(y1, g, groups=maj, auxdata=n, auxtitle='n', xlab='Y')
dotchart2(y2, g, groups=maj, pch=17, add=TRUE)
## Compare with dotchart function (no superpositioning or auxdata allowed):
## dotchart(y1, g, groups=maj, xlab='Y')

## To plot using a transformed scale add for example
## axisat=sqrt(pretty(y)), axislabels=pretty(y)

Enhanced Version of dotchart Function


These are adaptations of the R dotchart function that sorts categories top to bottom, adds auxdata and auxtitle arguments to put extra information in the right margin, and for dotchart3 adds arguments cex.labels,, and groupfont. By default, group headings are in a larger, bold font. dotchart3 also cuts a bit of white space from the top and bottom of the chart. The most significant change, however, is in how x is interpreted. Columns of x no longer provide an alternate way to define groups. Instead, they define superpositioned values. This is useful for showing three quartiles, for example. Going along with this change, for dotchart3 pch can now be a vector specifying symbols to use going across columns of x. x was changed in this way because to put multiple points on a line (e.g., quartiles) and keeping track of par() parameters when dotchart2 was called with add=TRUE was cumbersome. dotchart3 changes the margins to account for horizontal labels.

dotchartp is a version of dotchart3 for making the chart with the plotly package.

summaryD creates aggregate data using summarize and calls dotchart3 with suitable arguments to summarize data by major and minor categories. If options(grType='plotly') is in effect and the plotly package is installed, summaryD uses dotchartp instead of dotchart3.

summaryDp is a streamlined summaryD-like function that uses the dotchartpl function to render a plotly graphic. It is used to compute summary statistics stratified separately by a series of variables.


dotchart3(x, labels = NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL,
          cex = par("cex"), pch = 21, gpch = pch, bg = par("bg"),
          color = par("fg"), gcolor = par("fg"), lcolor = "gray",
          xlim = range(c(x, gdata), na.rm=TRUE), main = NULL, xlab = NULL,
          ylab = NULL, auxdata = NULL, auxtitle = NULL, auxgdata=NULL,
          axisat=NULL, axislabels=NULL,
          cex.labels = cex, = cex.labels * 1.25,
          cex.auxdata=cex, groupfont = 2,
          auxwhere=NULL, height=NULL, width=NULL, ...)

dotchartp(x, labels = NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL,
            xlim = range(c(x, gdata), na.rm=TRUE), main=NULL,
            xlab = NULL, ylab = '', auxdata=NULL, auxtitle=NULL,
            auxgdata=NULL, auxwhere=c('right', 'hover'),
            symbol='circle', col=colorspace::rainbow_hcl,
            axisat=NULL, axislabels=NULL, sort=TRUE, digits=4, dec=NULL,
            height=NULL, width=700, layoutattr=FALSE, showlegend=TRUE, ...) 

summaryD(formula, data=NULL, fun=mean, funm=fun,
         groupsummary=TRUE, auxvar=NULL, auxtitle='',
         auxwhere=c('hover', 'right'),
         vals=length(auxvar) > 0, fmtvals=format,
         symbol=if(use.plotly) 'circle' else 21,
         col=if(use.plotly) colorspace::rainbow_hcl else 1:10,
         cex.auxdata=.7, xlab=v[1], ylab=NULL,
         gridevery=NULL, gridcol=gray(.95), sort=TRUE, ...)

          fun=function(x) c(Mean=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),
          overall=TRUE, xlim=NULL, xlab=NULL,
          data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=na.retain,
          ncharsmax=c(50, 30),
          digits=4, ...)



a numeric vector or matrix


labels for categories corresponding to rows of x. If not specified these are taken from row names of x.

groups, gdata, cex, pch, gpch, bg, color, gcolor, lcolor, xlim, main, xlab, ylab

see dotchart


a vector of information to be put in the right margin, in the same order as x. May be numeric, character, or a vector of expressions containing plotmath markup. For dotchartp, auxdata may be a matrix to go along with the numeric x-axis variable, to result in point-specific hover text.


a column heading for auxdata


similar to auxdata but corresponding to the gdata argument. These usually represent overall sample sizes for each group of lines.


a vector of tick mark locations to pass to axis. Useful if transforming the data axis


a vector of strings specifying axis tick mark labels. Useful if transforming the data axis


number of significant digits for formatting numeric data in hover text for dotchartp and summaryDp


for dotchartp only, overrides digits to specify the argument to round() for rounding values for hover labels


cex for labels

cex for group labels


cex for auxdata


font number for group headings


for summaryD and dotchartp specifies whether auxdata and auxgdata are to be placed on the far right of the chart, or should appear as pop-up tooltips when hovering the mouse over the ordinary x data points on the chart. Ignored for dotchart3.


other arguments passed to some of the graphics functions, or to dotchart3 or dotchartp from summaryD. The auxwhere='hover' option is a useful argument to pass from summaryD to dotchartp. Also used to pass other arguments to dotchartpl from summaryDp.


set to TRUE to put plotly::layout information in a list as an attribute layout of the returned plotly object instead of running the plotly object through the layout function. This is useful if running dotchartp multiple times to later put together using plotly::subplot and only then running the result through plotly::layout.


set to FALSE to suppress the plotly legend with dotchartp


a formula with one variable on the left hand side (the variable to compute summary statistics on), and one or two variables on the right hand side. If there are two variables, the first is taken as the major grouping variable. If the left hand side variable is a matrix it has to be a legal R variable name, not an expression, and fun needs to be able to process a matrix. For summaryDp there may be more than two right-hand-side variables.


a data frame or list used to find the variables in formula. If omitted, the parent environment is used.


a summarization function creating a single number from a vector. Default is the mean. For summaryDp, fun produces a named vector of summary statistics, with the default computing the Mean and N (number of non-missing values).


applies if there are two right hand variables and groupsummary=TRUE and the marginal summaries over just the first x variable need to be computed differently than the summaries that are cross-classified by both variables. funm defaults to fun and should have the same structure as fun.


By default, when there are two right-hand variables, summarize(..., fun) is called a second time without the use of the second variable, to obtain marginal summaries for the major grouping variable and display the results as a dot (and optionally in the right margin). Set groupsummary=FALSE to suppress this information.


when fun returns more than one statistic and the user names the elements in the returned vector, you can specify auxvar as a single character string naming one of them. This will cause the named element to be written in the right margin, and that element to be deleted when plotting the statistics.


set to TRUE to show data values (dot locations) in the right margin. Defaults to TRUE if auxvar is specified.


an optional function to format values before putting them in the right margin. Default is the format function.


a scalar or vector of pch values for ordinary graphics or a character vector or scalar of plotly symbols. These correspond to columns of x or elements produced by fun.


a function or vector of colors to assign to multiple points plotted in one line. If a function it will be evaluated with an argument equal to the number of groups/columns.


see plotly documentation; corresponds to column names/fun output for plotly graphs only


specify a positive number to draw very faint vertical grid lines every gridevery x-axis units; for non-plotly charts


color for grid lines; default is very faint gray scale


specify sort=FALSE to plot data in the original order, from top to bottom on the dot chart. For dotchartp, set sort to 'descending' to sort in descending order of the first column of x, or 'ascending' to do the reverse. These do not make sense if groups is present.

height, width

height and width in pixels for dotchartp if not using plotly defaults. Ignored for dotchart3. If set to "auto" the height is computed using Hmisc::plotlyHeightDotchart.


set to FALSE to suppress plotting of unstratified estimates


an observation subsetting expression


an NA action function


a 2-vector specifying the number of characters after which an html new line character should be placed, respectively for the x-axis label and the stratification variable levels


the function returns invisibly


Frank Harrell

See Also

dotchart,dotchart2,summarize, rlegend


maj <- factor(c(rep('North',13),rep('South',13)))
g <- paste('Category',rep(letters[1:13],2))
n <- sample(1:15000, 26, replace=TRUE)
y1 <- runif(26)
y2 <- pmax(0, y1 - runif(26, 0, .1))
dotchart3(cbind(y1,y2), g, groups=maj, auxdata=n, auxtitle='n',
          xlab='Y', pch=c(1,17))
## Compare with dotchart function (no superpositioning or auxdata allowed):
## dotchart(y1, g, groups=maj, xlab='Y')

## Not run: 
dotchartp(cbind(y1, y2), g, groups=maj, auxdata=n, auxtitle='n',
          xlab='Y', gdata=cbind(c(0,.1), c(.23,.44)), auxgdata=c(-1,-2),
          symbol=c('circle', 'line-ns-open'))

summaryDp(sbp ~ region + sex + race + cut2(age, g=5), data=mydata)

## End(Not run)

## Put options(grType='plotly') to have the following use dotchartp
## (rlegend will not apply)
## Add argument auxwhere='hover' to summaryD or dotchartp to put
## aux info in hover text instead of right margin
summaryD(y1 ~ maj + g, xlab='Mean')
summaryD(y1 ~ maj + g, groupsummary=FALSE)
summaryD(y1 ~ g, fmtvals=function(x) sprintf('%4.2f', x))
Y <- cbind(y1, y2)   # summaryD cannot handle cbind(...) ~ ...
summaryD(Y  ~ maj + g, fun=function(y) y[1,], symbol=c(1,17))
rlegend(.1, 26, c('y1','y2'), pch=c(1,17))

summaryD(y1 ~ maj, fun=function(y) c(Mean=mean(y), n=length(y)),
         auxvar='n', auxtitle='N')

Enhanced Version of dotchart Function for plotly


This function produces a plotly interactive graphic and accepts a different format of data input than the other dotchart functions. It was written to handle a hierarchical data structure including strata that further subdivide the main classes. Strata, indicated by the mult variable, are shown on the same horizontal line, and if the variable big is FALSE will appear slightly below the main line, using smaller symbols, and having some transparency. This is intended to handle output such as that from the summaryP function when there is a superpositioning variable group and a stratification variable mult, especially when the data have been run through the addMarginal function to create mult categories labelled "All" for which the user will specify big=TRUE to indicate non-stratified estimates (stratified only on group) to emphasize.

When viewing graphics that used mult and big, the user can click on the legends for the small points for groups to vanish the finely stratified estimates.

When group is used by mult and big are not, and when the group variable has exactly two distinct values, you can specify refgroup to get the difference between two proportions in addition to the individual proportions. The individual proportions are plotted, but confidence intervals for the difference are shown in hover text and half-width confidence intervals for the difference, centered at the midpoint of the proportions, are shown. These have the property of intersecting the two proportions if and only if there is no significant difference at the 1 - level.

Specify fun=exp and ifun=log if estimates and confidence limits are on the log scale. Make sure that zeros were prevented in the original calculations. For exponential hazard rates this can be accomplished by replacing event counts of 0 with 0.5.


dotchartpl(x, major=NULL, minor=NULL, group=NULL, mult=NULL,
           big=NULL, htext=NULL, num=NULL, denom=NULL,
           numlabel='', denomlabel='',
           fun=function(x) x, ifun=function(x) x, op='-',
           lower=NULL, upper=NULL,
           refgroup=NULL, sortdiff=TRUE,,
           minkeep=NULL, xlim=NULL, xlab='Proportion',
           tracename=NULL, limitstracename='Limits',
           nonbigtracename='Stratified Estimates',
           dec=3, width=800, height=NULL,



a numeric vector used for values on the x-axis


major vertical category, e.g., variable labels


minor vertical category, e.g. category levels within variables


superpositioning variable such as treatment


strata names for further subdivisions without groups


omit if all levels of mult are equally important or if mult is omitted. Otherwise denotes major (larger points, right on horizontal lines) vs. minor (smaller, transparent points slightly below the line).


additional hover text per point


if x represents proportions, optionally specifies numerators to be used in fractions added to hover text. When num is given, x is automatically added to hover text, rounded to 3 digits after the decimal point.


like num but for denominators


character string to put to the right of the numerator in hover text


character string to put to the right of the denominator in hover text


a transformation to make when printing estimates. For example, one may specify fun=exp to anti-log estimates and confidence limites that were computed on a log basis


inverse transformation of fun


set to for example '/' when fun=exp and effects are computed as ratios instead of differences. This is used in hover text.


lower limits for optional error bars


upper limits for optional error bars


if group is specified and there are exactly two groups, specify the character string for the reference group in computing difference in proportions. For example if refgroup='A' and the group levels are 'A','B', you will get B - A.


minor categories are sorted by descending values of the difference in proportions when refgroup is used, unless you specify sortdiff=FALSE

confidence level for computing confidence intervals for the difference in two proportions. Specify to suppress confidence intervals.


if refgroup and minkeep are both given, observations that are at or above minkeep for at least one of the groups are retained. The defaults to to keep all observations.


x-axis limits


x-axis label


plotly trace name if group is not used


plotly trace name for lower and upper if group is not used


plotly trace name used for non-big elements, which usually represent stratified versions of the "big" observations


a function or vector of colors to assign to group. If a function it will be evaluated with an argument equal to the number of distinct groups.


number of places to the right of the decimal place for formatting numeric quantities in hover text


width of plot in pixels


height of plot in pixels; computed from number of strata by default


a plotly object. An attribute levelsRemoved is added if minkeep is used and any categories were omitted from the plot as a result. This is a character vector with categories removed. If major is present, the strings are of the form major:minor


Frank Harrell

See Also



## Not run: 
d <- expand.grid(major=c('Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arkansas'),
                 minor=c('East', 'West'),
                 group=c('Female', 'Male'),
n <- nrow(d)
d$num   <- round(100*runif(n))
d$denom <- d$num + round(100*runif(n))
d$x     <- d$num / d$denom
d$lower <- d$x - runif(n)
d$upper <- d$x + runif(n)

 dotchartpl(x, major, minor, group, city, lower=lower, upper=upper,
            big=city==0, num=num, denom=denom, xlab='x'))

# Show half-width confidence intervals for Female - Male differences
# after subsetting the data to have only one record per
# state/region/group
d <- subset(d, city == 0)
 dotchartpl(x, major, minor, group, num=num, denom=denom,
            lower=lower, upper=upper, refgroup='Male')

n <- 500
d <- data.frame(
  race         = sample(c('Asian', 'Black/AA', 'White'), n, TRUE),
  sex          = sample(c('Female', 'Male'), n, TRUE),
  treat        = sample(c('A', 'B'), n, TRUE),
  smoking      = sample(c('Smoker', 'Non-smoker'), n, TRUE),
  hypertension = sample(c('Hypertensive', 'Non-Hypertensive'), n, TRUE),
  region       = sample(c('North America','Europe','South America',
                          'Europe', 'Asia', 'Central America'), n, TRUE))

d <- upData(d, labels=c(race='Race', sex='Sex'))

dm <- addMarginal(d, region)
s <- summaryP(race + sex + smoking + hypertension ~
                region + treat,  data=dm)

s$region <- ifelse(s$region == 'All', 'All Regions', as.character(s$region))

 dotchartpl(freq / denom, major=var, minor=val, group=treat, mult=region,
            big=region == 'All Regions', num=freq, denom=denom)

s2 <- s[- attr(s, ''), ]
     dotchartpl(freq / denom, major=var, minor=val, group=treat, mult=region,
                big=region == 'All Regions', num=freq, denom=denom)
# Note these plots can be created by plot.summaryP when options(grType='plotly')

# Plot hazard rates and ratios with confidence limits, on log scale
d <- data.frame(tx=c('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'),
                event=c('MI', 'stroke', 'MI', 'stroke'),
                count=c(10, 5, 5, 2),
                exposure=c(1000, 1000, 900, 900))
# There were no zero event counts in this dataset.  In general we
# want to handle that, hence the 0.5 below
d <- upData(d, hazard = pmax(0.5, count) / exposure,
               selog  = sqrt(1. / pmax(0.5, count)),
               lower  = log(hazard) - 1.96 * selog,
               upper  = log(hazard) + 1.96 * selog)
     dotchartpl(log(hazard), minor=event, group=tx, num=count, denom=exposure,
                lower=lower, upper=upper,
                fun=exp, ifun=log, op='/',
                numlabel='events', denomlabel='years',
                refgroup='a', xlab='Events Per Person-Year')

## End(Not run)



Computation of Coordinates of Extended Box Plots Elements


ebpcomp(x, qref = c(0.5, 0.25, 0.75), probs = c(0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375))



a numeric variable


quantiles for major corners


quantiles for minor corners


For an extended box plots computes all the elements needed for plotting it. This is typically used when adding to a ggplot2 plot.


list with elements segments, lines, points, points2


Frank Harrell



Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plot


Computes coordinates of cumulative distribution function of x, and by defaults plots it as a step function. A grouping variable may be specified so that stratified estimates are computed and (by default) plotted. If there is more than one group, the labcurve function is used (by default) to label the multiple step functions or to draw a legend defining line types, colors, or symbols by linking them with group labels. A weights vector may be specified to get weighted estimates. Specify normwt to make weights sum to the length of x (after removing NAs). Other wise the total sample size is taken to be the sum of the weights.

Ecdf is actually a method, and Ecdf.default is what's called for a vector argument. is called when the first argument is a data frame. This function can automatically set up a matrix of ECDFs and wait for a mouse click if the matrix requires more than one page. Categorical variables, character variables, and variables having fewer than a set number of unique values are ignored. If par(mfrow=..) is not set up before is called, the function will try to figure the best layout depending on the number of variables in the data frame. Upon return the original mfrow is left intact.

When the first argument to Ecdf is a formula, a Trellis/Lattice function Ecdf.formula is called. This allows for multi-panel conditioning, superposition using a groups variable, and other Trellis features, along with the ability to easily plot transformed ECDFs using the fun argument. For example, if fun=qnorm, the inverse normal transformation will be used for the y-axis. If the transformed curves are linear this indicates normality. Like the xYplot function, Ecdf will create a function Key if the groups variable is used. This function can be invoked by the user to define the keys for the groups.


Ecdf(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
Ecdf(x, what=c('F','1-F','f','1-f'),
     weights=rep(1, length(x)), normwt=FALSE,
     xlab, ylab, q, pl=TRUE, add=FALSE, lty=1, 
     col=1, group=rep(1,length(x)), label.curves=TRUE, xlim, 
     subtitles=TRUE, datadensity=c('none','rug','hist','density'),
     dens.opts=NULL, lwd=1, log='', ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
Ecdf(x, group=rep(1,nrows),
     weights=rep(1, nrows), normwt=FALSE,
     label.curves=TRUE, n.unique=10, na.big=FALSE, subtitles=TRUE, 

## S3 method for class 'formula'
Ecdf(x, data=sys.frame(sys.parent()), groups=NULL,
     prepanel=prepanel.Ecdf, panel=panel.Ecdf, ..., xlab,
     ylab, fun=function(x)x, what=c('F','1-F','f','1-f'), subset=TRUE)



a numeric vector, data frame, or Trellis/Lattice formula


The default is "F" which results in plotting the fraction of values <= x. Set to "1-F" to plot the fraction > x or "f" to plot the cumulative frequency of values <= x. Use "1-f" to plot the cumulative frequency of values >= x.


numeric vector of weights. Omit or specify a zero-length vector or NULL to get unweighted estimates.


see above


x-axis label. Default is label(x) or name of calling argument. For Ecdf.formula, xlab defaults to the label attribute of the x-axis variable.


y-axis label. Default is "Proportion <= x", "Proportion > x", or "Frequency <= x" depending on value of what.


a vector for quantiles for which to draw reference lines on the plot. Default is not to draw any.


set to F to omit the plot, to just return estimates


set to TRUE to add the cdf to an existing plot. Does not apply if using lattice graphics (i.e., if a formula is given as the first argument).


integer line type for plot. If group is specified, this can be a vector.


line width for plot. Can be a vector corresponding to groups.


see plot. Set log='x' to use log scale for x-axis.


color for step function. Can be a vector.


a numeric, character, or factor categorical variable used for stratifying estimates. If group is present, as many ECDFs are drawn as there are non–missing group levels.


applies if more than one group exists. Default is TRUE to use labcurve to label curves where they are farthest apart. Set label.curves to a list to specify options to labcurve, e.g., label.curves=list(method="arrow", cex=.8). These option names may be abbreviated in the usual way arguments are abbreviated. Use for example label.curves=list(keys=1:5) to draw symbols periodically (as in pch=1:5 - see points) on the curves and automatically position a legend in the most empty part of the plot. Set label.curves=FALSE to suppress drawing curve labels. The col, lty, and type parameters are automatically passed to labcurve, although you can override them here. You can set label.curves=list(keys="lines") to have different line types defined in an automatically positioned key.


x-axis limits. Default is entire range of x.


set to FALSE to suppress putting a subtitle at the bottom left of each plot. The subtitle indicates the numbers of non-missing and missing observations, which are labeled n, m.


If datadensity is not "none", either scat1d or histSpike is called to add a rug plot (datadensity="rug"), spike histogram (datadensity="hist"), or smooth density estimate ("density") to the bottom or top of the ECDF.


If datadensity is not "none", the default is to place the additional information on top of the x-axis (side=1). Use side=3 to place at the top of the graph.


passed to histSpike


a list of optional arguments for histSpike


other parameters passed to plot if add=F. For data frames, other parameters to pass to Ecdf.default. For Ecdf.formula, if groups is not used, you can also add data density information to each panel's ECDF by specifying the datadensity and optional frac, side, dens.opts arguments.


minimum number of unique values before an ECDF is drawn for a variable in a data frame. Default is 10.


set to TRUE to draw the number of NAs in larger letters in the middle of the plot for


By default, variable labels are used to label x-axes. Set vnames="names" to instead use variable names.


method for computing the empirical cumulative distribution. See wtd.Ecdf. The default is to use the standard "i/n" method as is used by the non-Trellis versions of Ecdf.


a function to transform the cumulative proportions, for the Trellis-type usage of Ecdf

data, groups, subset, prepanel, panel

the usual Trellis/Lattice parameters, with groups causing Ecdf.formula to overlay multiple ECDFs on one panel.


for Ecdf.default an invisible list with elements x and y giving the coordinates of the cdf. If there is more than one group, a list of such lists is returned. An attribute, N, is in the returned object. It contains the elements n and m, the number of non-missing and missing observations, respectively.

Side Effects



Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University
[email protected]

See Also

wtd.Ecdf, label, table, cumsum, labcurve, xYplot, histSpike


ch <- rnorm(1000, 200, 40)
Ecdf(ch, xlab="Serum Cholesterol")
scat1d(ch)                       # add rug plot
histSpike(ch, add=TRUE, frac=.15)   # add spike histogram
# Better: add a data density display automatically:
Ecdf(ch, datadensity='density')

label(ch) <- "Serum Cholesterol"
Ecdf(ch) <- rnorm(500, 220, 20)

sex <- factor(sample(c('female','male'), 1000, TRUE))
Ecdf(ch, q=c(.25,.5,.75))  # show quartiles
Ecdf(ch, group=sex,

# Example showing how to draw multiple ECDFs from paired data
pre.test <- rnorm(100,50,10)
post.test <- rnorm(100,55,10)
x <- c(pre.test, post.test)
g <- c(rep('Pre',length(pre.test)),rep('Post',length(post.test)))
Ecdf(x, group=g, xlab='Test Results', label.curves=list(keys=1:2))
# keys=1:2 causes symbols to be drawn periodically on top of curves

# Draw a matrix of ECDFs for a data frame
m <- data.frame(pre.test, post.test, 
Ecdf(m, group=m$sex, datadensity='rug')

freqs <- sample(1:10, 1000, TRUE)
Ecdf(ch, weights=freqs)  # weighted estimates

# Trellis/Lattice examples:

region <- factor(sample(c('Europe','USA','Australia'),100,TRUE))
year <- factor(sample(2001:2002,1000,TRUE))
Ecdf(~ch | region*year, groups=sex)
Key()           # draw a key for sex at the default location
# Key(locator(1)) # user-specified positioning of key
age <- rnorm(1000, 50, 10)
Ecdf(~ch | lattice::equal.count(age), groups=sex)  # use overlapping shingles
Ecdf(~ch | sex, datadensity='hist', side=3)  # add spike histogram at top



Compute Coordinates of an Empirical Distribution Function


ecdfSteps(x, extend)



numeric vector, possibly with NAs that are ignored


a 2-vector do extend the range of x (low, high). Set extend=FALSE to not extend x, or leave it missing to extend it 1/20th of the observed range on other side.


For a numeric vector uses the R built-in ecdf function to compute coordinates of the ECDF, with extension slightly below and above the range of x by default. This is useful for ggplot2 where the ECDF may need to be transformed. The returned object is suitable for creating stratified statistics using data.table and other methods.


a list with components x and y


Frank Harrell

See Also



## Not run: 
# Use data.table for obtaining ECDFs by country and region
w <- d[, ecdfSteps(z, extend=c(1,11)), by=.(country, region)]  # d is a DT
# Use ggplot2 to make one graph with multiple regions' ECDFs
# and use faceting for countries
ggplot(w, aes(x, y, color=region)) + geom_step() +
       facet_wrap(~ country)

## End(Not run)

Multicolumn Formating


Expands the width either supercolumns or the subcolumns so that the the sum of the supercolumn widths is the same as the sum of the subcolumn widths.


equalBins(widths, subwidths)



widths of the supercolumns.


list of widths of the subcolumns for each supercolumn.


This determins the correct subwidths of each of various columns in a table for printing. The correct width of the multicolumns is deterimed by summing the widths of it subcolumns.


widths of the the columns for a table.


Charles Dupont

See Also

nchar, stringDims


mcols <- c("Group 1", "Group 2")
mwidth <- nchar(mcols, type="width")
spancols <- c(3,3)
ccols <- c("a", "deer", "ad", "cat", "help", "bob")
cwidth <- nchar(ccols, type="width")

subwidths <- partition.vector(cwidth, spancols)

equalBins(mwidth, subwidths)

Plot Error Bars


Add vertical error bars to an existing plot or makes a new plot with error bars.


errbar(x, y, yplus, yminus, cap=0.015, main = NULL,
       sub=NULL, xlab=as.character(substitute(x)),
       ylab=if(is.factor(x) || is.character(x)) ""
           else as.character(substitute(y)),
       add=FALSE, lty=1, type='p', ylim=NULL,
       lwd=1, pch=16, errbar.col, Type=rep(1, length(y)), 



vector of numeric x-axis values (for vertical error bars) or a factor or character variable (for horizontal error bars, x representing the group labels)


vector of y-axis values.


vector of y-axis values: the tops of the error bars.


vector of y-axis values: the bottoms of the error bars.


the width of the little lines at the tops and bottoms of the error bars in units of the width of the plot. Defaults to 0.015.


a main title for the plot, passed to plot, see also title.


a sub title for the plot, passed to plot


optional x-axis labels if add=FALSE.


optional y-axis labels if add=FALSE. Defaults to blank for horizontal charts.


set to TRUE to add bars to an existing plot (available only for vertical error bars)


type of line for error bars


type of point. Use type="b" to connect dots.


y-axis limits. Default is to use range of y, yminus, and yplus. For horizonal charts, ylim is really the x-axis range, excluding differences.


line width for line segments (not main line)


character to use as the point.


color to use for drawing error bars.


used for horizontal bars only. Is an integer vector with values 1 if corresponding values represent simple estimates, 2 if they represent differences.


other parameters passed to all graphics functions.


errbar adds vertical error bars to an existing plot or makes a new plot with error bars. It can also make a horizontal error bar plot that shows error bars for group differences as well as bars for groups. For the latter type of plot, the lower x-axis scale corresponds to group estimates and the upper scale corresponds to differences. The spacings of the two scales are identical but the scale for differences has its origin shifted so that zero may be included. If at least one of the confidence intervals includes zero, a vertical dotted reference line at zero is drawn.


Charles Geyer, University of Chicago. Modified by Frank Harrell, Vanderbilt University, to handle missing data, to add the parameters add and lty, and to implement horizontal charts with differences.


x <- 1:10
y <- x + rnorm(10)
delta <- runif(10)
errbar( x, y, y + delta, y - delta )

# Show bootstrap nonparametric CLs for 3 group means and for
# pairwise differences on same graph
group <- sample(c('a','b','d'), 200, TRUE)
y     <- runif(200) + .25*(group=='b') + .5*(group=='d')
cla <-[group=='a'],B=100,reps=TRUE)  # usually B=1000
a   <- attr(cla,'reps')
clb <-[group=='b'],B=100,reps=TRUE)
b   <- attr(clb,'reps')
cld <-[group=='d'],B=100,reps=TRUE)
d   <- attr(cld,'reps')
a.b <- quantile(a-b,c(.025,.975))
a.d <- quantile(a-d,c(.025,.975))
b.d <- quantile(b-d,c(.025,.975))
errbar(c('a','b','d','a - b','a - d','b - d'),
       Type=c(1,1,1,2,2,2), xlab='', ylab='')

Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression.


Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression.





string being operated on.


escapeRegex will escape any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression. For any string grep(regexpEscape(string), string) will always be true.

escapeBS will escape any backslash ‘⁠\⁠’ in a string.


The value of the string with any characters that would have special meaning in a reqular expression escaped.


Charles Dupont
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University

See Also



string <- "this\\(system) {is} [full]."




Simulate Comparisons For Use in Sequential Markov Longitudinal Clinical Trial Simulations


  absorb = NULL,
  ppo = NULL,
  yprevfactor = TRUE,
  groupContrast = NULL,
  cscov = FALSE,
  timecriterion = NULL,
  coxzph = FALSE,
  sstat = NULL,
  rdsample = NULL,
  maxest = NULL,
  maxvest = NULL,
  nsim = 1,
  progress = FALSE,
  pfile = ""



vector of possible y values in order (numeric, character, factor)


vector of measurement times


a vector of probabilities summing to 1.0 that specifies the frequency distribution of initial values to be sampled from. The vector must have names that correspond to values of y representing non-absorbing states.


vector of absorbing states, a subset of y. The default is no absorbing states. Observations are truncated when an absorbing state is simulated. May be numeric, character, or factor.


vector of intercepts in the proportional odds model. There must be one fewer of these than the length of y.


vector of true parameter (effects; group differences) values. These are group 2:1 log odds ratios in the transition model, conditioning on the previous y.


integer vector of ID numbers at which maximum likelihood estimates and their estimated variances are computed. For a single look specify a scalar value for loops equal to the number of subjects in the sample.


a user-specified function of three or more arguments which in order are yprev - the value of y at the previous time, the current time t, the gap between the previous time and the current time, an optional (usually named) covariate vector X, and optional arguments such as a regression coefficient value to simulate from. The function needs to allow yprev to be a vector and yprev must not include any absorbing states. The g function returns the linear predictor for the proportional odds model aside from intercepts. The returned value must be a matrix with row names taken from yprev. If the model is a proportional odds model, the returned value must be one column. If it is a partial proportional odds model, the value must have one column for each distinct value of the response variable Y after the first one, with the levels of Y used as optional column names. So columns correspond to intercepts. The different columns are used for y-specific contributions to the linear predictor (aside from intercepts) for a partial or constrained partial proportional odds model. Parameters for partial proportional odds effects may be included in the ... arguments.


a formula object given to the lrm() function using variables with these name: y, time, yprev, and group (factor variable having values '1' and '2'). The yprev variable is converted to a factor before fitting the model unless yprevfactor=FALSE.


a formula specifying the part of formula for which proportional odds is not to be assumed, i.e., that specifies a partial proportional odds model. Specifying ppo triggers the use of VGAM::vglm() instead of rms::lrm and will make the simulations run slower.


see formula


omit this argument if group has only one regression coefficient in formula. Otherwise if ppo is omitted, provide groupContrast as a list of two lists that are passed to rms::contrast.rms() to compute the contrast of interest and its standard error. The first list corresponds to group 1, the second to group 2, to get a 2:1 contrast. If ppo is given and the group effect is not just a simple regression coefficient, specify as groupContrast a function of a vglm fit that computes the contrast of interest and its standard error and returns a list with elements named Contrast and SE. For the latter type you can optionally have formal arguments n1, n2, and parameter that are passed to groupContrast to compute the standard error of the group contrast, where n1 and n2 respectively are the sample sizes for the two groups and parameter is the true group effect parameter value.


applies if ppo is not used. Set to TRUE to use the cluster sandwich covariance estimator of the variance of the group comparison.


a function of a time-ordered vector of simulated ordinal responses y that returns a vector FALSE or TRUE values denoting whether the current y level met the condition of interest. For example estSeqMarkovOrd will compute the first time at which y >= 5 if you specify timecriterion=function(y) y >= 5. This function is only called at the last data look for each simulated study. To have more control, instead of timecriterion returning a logical vector have it return a numeric 2-vector containing, in order, the event/censoring time and the 1/0 event/censoring indicator.


set to TRUE if timecriterion is specified and you want to compute a statistic for testing proportional hazards at the last look of each simulated data


set to a function of the time vector and the corresponding vector of ordinal responses for a single group if you want to compute a Wilcoxon test on a derived quantity such as the number of days in a given state.


an optional function to do response-dependent sampling. It is a function of these arguments, which are vectors that stop at any absorbing state: times (ascending measurement times for one subject), y (vector of ordinal outcomes at these times for one subject. The function returns NULL if no observations are to be dropped, returns the vector of new times to sample.


maximum acceptable absolute value of the contrast estimate, ignored if NULL. Any values exceeding maxest will result in the estimate being set to NA.


like maxest but for the estimated variance of the contrast estimate


number of simulations (default is 1)


set to TRUE to send current iteration number to pfile every 10 iterations. Each iteration will really involve multiple simulations, if parameter has length greater than 1.


file to which to write progress information. Defaults to '' which is the console. Ignored if progress=FALSE.


Simulates sequential clinical trials of longitudinal ordinal outcomes using a first-order Markov model. Looks are done sequentially after subject ID numbers given in the vector looks with the earliest possible look being after subject 2. At each look, a subject's repeated records are either all used or all ignored depending on the sequent ID number. For each true effect parameter value, simulation, and at each look, runs a function to compute the estimate of the parameter of interest along with its variance. For each simulation, data are first simulated for the last look, and these data are sequentially revealed for earlier looks. The user provides a function g that has extra arguments specifying the true effect of parameter the treatment group expecting treatments to be coded 1 and 2. parameter is usually on the scale of a regression coefficient, e.g., a log odds ratio. Fitting is done using the rms::lrm() function, unless non-proportional odds is allowed in which case VGAM::vglm() is used. If timecriterion is specified, the function also, for the last data look only, computes the first time at which the criterion is satisfied for the subject or use the event time and event/censoring indicator computed by timecriterion. The Cox/logrank chi-square statistic for comparing groups on the derived time variable is saved. If coxzph=TRUE, the survival package correlation coefficient rho from the scaled partial residuals is also saved so that the user can later determine to what extent the Markov model resulted in the proportional hazards assumption being violated when analyzing on the time scale. vglm is accelerated by saving the first successful fit for the largest sample size and using its coefficients as starting value for further vglm fits for any sample size for the same setting of parameter.


a data frame with number of rows equal to the product of nsim, the length of looks, and the length of parameter, with variables sim, parameter, look, est (log odds ratio for group), and vest (the variance of the latter). If timecriterion is specified the data frame also contains loghr (Cox log hazard ratio for group), lrchisq (chi-square from Cox test for group), and if coxph=TRUE, phchisq, the chi-square for testing proportional hazards. The attribute etimefreq is also present if timecriterion is present, and it probvides the frequency distribution of derived event times by group and censoring/event indicator. If sstat is given, the attribute sstat is also present, and it contains an array with dimensions corresponding to simulations, parameter values within simulations, id, and a two-column subarray with columns group and y, the latter being the summary measure computed by the sstat function. The returned data frame also has attribute lrmcoef which are the last-look logistic regression coefficient estimates over the nsim simulations and the parameter settings, and an attribute failures which is a data frame containing the variables reason and frequency cataloging the reasons for unsuccessful model fits.


Frank Harrell

See Also

gbayesSeqSim(), simMarkovOrd(),



Simulate Comparisons For Use in Sequential Clinical Trial Simulations


estSeqSim(parameter, looks, gendat, fitter, nsim = 1, progress = FALSE)



vector of true parameter (effects; group differences) values


integer vector of observation numbers at which posterior probabilities are computed


a function of three arguments: true parameter value (scalar), sample size for first group, sample size for second group


a function of two arguments: 0/1 group indicator vector and the dependent variable vector


number of simulations (default is 1)


set to TRUE to send current iteration number to the console


Simulates sequential clinical trials. Looks are done sequentially at observation numbers given in the vector looks with the earliest possible look being at observation 2. For each true effect parameter value, simulation, and at each look, runs a function to compute the estimate of the parameter of interest along with its variance. For each simulation, data are first simulated for the last look, and these data are sequentially revealed for earlier looks. The user provides a function gendat that given a true effect of parameter and the two sample sizes (for treatment groups 1 and 2) returns a list with vectors y1 and y2 containing simulated data. The user also provides a function fitter with arguments x (group indicator 0/1) and y (response variable) that returns a 2-vector containing the effect estimate and its variance. parameter is usually on the scale of a regression coefficient, e.g., a log odds ratio.


a data frame with number of rows equal to the product of nsim, the length of looks, and the length of parameter.


Frank Harrell

See Also

gbayesSeqSim(), simMarkovOrd(), estSeqMarkovOrd()


if (requireNamespace("rms", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Run 100 simulations, 5 looks, 2 true parameter values
  # Total simulation time: 2s
  lfit <- function(x, y) {
  f <-, y)
    k <- length(coef(f))
    c(coef(f)[k], vcov(f)[k, k])
  gdat <- function(beta, n1, n2) {
    # Cell probabilities for a 7-category ordinal outcome for the control group
    p <- c(2, 1, 2, 7, 8, 38, 42) / 100

    # Compute cell probabilities for the treated group
    p2 <- pomodm(p=p, odds.ratio=exp(beta))
    y1 <- sample(1 : 7, n1, p,  replace=TRUE)
    y2 <- sample(1 : 7, n2, p2, replace=TRUE)
    list(y1=y1, y2=y2)

  est <- estSeqSim(c(0, log(0.7)), looks=c(50, 75, 95, 100, 200),
                    fitter=lfit, nsim=100)

Flexible Event Chart for Time-to-Event Data


Creates an event chart on the current graphics device. Also, allows user to plot legend on plot area or on separate page. Contains features useful for plotting data with time-to-event outcomes Which arise in a variety of studies including randomized clinical trials and non-randomized cohort studies. This function can use as input a matrix or a data frame, although greater utility and ease of use will be seen with a data frame.


event.chart(data, subset.r = 1:dim(data)[1], subset.c = 1:dim(data)[2],

  = NA, sort.ascending = TRUE,
  = TRUE, sort.after.subset = TRUE,
           y.var = NA, y.var.type = "n",
           y.jitter = FALSE, y.jitter.factor = 1,
           y.renum = FALSE, NA.rm = FALSE, x.reference = NA,
           now = max(data[, subset.c], na.rm = TRUE),
           now.line = FALSE, now.line.lty = 2,
           now.line.lwd = 1, now.line.col = 1, pty = "m",
           date.orig = c(1, 1, 1960), titl = "Event Chart",

           y.idlabels = NA, y.axis = "auto",
  = NA, y.axis.custom.labels = NA,
           y.julian = FALSE, y.lim.extend = c(0, 0),
           y.lab = ifelse(, "", as.character(y.idlabels)),

           x.axis.all = TRUE, x.axis = "auto",
  = NA, x.axis.custom.labels = NA,
           x.julian = FALSE, x.lim.extend = c(0, 0), x.scale = 1,
           x.lab = ifelse(x.julian, "Follow-up Time", "Study Date"),

  = NA, line.lty = 1, line.lwd = 1, line.col = 1,
           line.add = NA, line.add.lty = NA,
           line.add.lwd = NA, line.add.col = NA,
           point.pch = 1:length(subset.c),
           point.cex = rep(0.6, length(subset.c)),
           point.col = rep(1, length(subset.c)),

           point.cex.mult = 1., point.cex.mult.var = NA,
  = rep(NA, length(subset.c)),

           legend.plot = FALSE, legend.location = "o", legend.titl = titl,
           legend.titl.cex = 3, legend.titl.line = 1,
  = list(x = c(5, 95), y = c(95, 30)),
           legend.point.pch = point.pch,
           legend.point.text = ifelse(rep(, length(subset.c)),
                                      names(data[, subset.c]),
           legend.cex = 2.5, legend.bty = "n",
  = list(x = c(5, 95), y = c(20, 5)),
           legend.line.text = names(table(as.character(data[,]),
                                          exclude = c("", "NA"))),
           legend.line.lwd = line.lwd, legend.loc.num = 1,




a matrix or data frame with rows corresponding to subjects and columns corresponding to variables. Note that for a data frame or matrix containing multiple time-to-event data (e.g., time to recurrence, time to death, and time to last follow-up), one column is required for each specific event.


subset of rows of original matrix or data frame to place in event chart. Logical arguments may be used here (e.g., treatment.arm == 'a', if the data frame, data, has been attached to the search directory; otherwise, data$treatment.arm == "a").


subset of columns of original matrix or data frame to place in event chart; if working with a data frame, a vector of data frame variable names may be used for subsetting purposes (e.g., c('randdate', 'event1').

column(s) or data frame variable name(s) with which to sort the chart's output. The default is NA, thereby resulting in a chart sorted by original row number.


logical flag (which takes effect only if the argument is utilized). If TRUE (default), sorting is done in ascending order; if FALSE, descending order.

logical flag (which takes effect only if the argument is utilized). If TRUE (default), NA values are considered as last values in ordering.


logical flag (which takes effect only if the argument is utilized). If FALSE, sorting data (via specified variables or columns) will be performed prior to row subsetting (via subset.r); if TRUE (default), row subsetting of original data will be done before sorting.


variable name or column number of original matrix or data frame with which to scale y-axis. Default is NA, which will result in equally spaced lines on y-axis (based on original data or sorted data if requested by Otherwise, location of lines on y-axis will be dictated by specified variable or column. Examples of specified variables may be date of an event or a physiological covariate. Any observation which has a missing value for the y.var variable will not appear on the graph.


type of variable specified in y.var (which will only take effect if argument y.var is utilized). If "d", specifed variable is a date (either numeric julian date or an S-Plus dates object); if "n", specifed variable is numeric (e.g., systolic blood pressure level) although not a julian date.


logical flag (which takes effect only if the argument y.var is utilized). Due to potential ties in y.var variable, y.jitter (when TRUE) will jitter the data to allow discrimination between observations at the possible cost of producing slightly inaccurate dates or covariate values; if FALSE (the default), no jittering will be performed. The y.jitter algorithm assumes a uniform distribution of observations across the range of y.var. The algorithm is as follows:

size.jitter <- ( diff(range(y.var)) / (2 * (length(y.var) - 1)) ) * y.jitter.factor

The default of y.jitter.factor is 1. The entire product is then used as an argument into runif: y.var <- y.var + runif(length(y.var), -size.jitter, size.jitter)


an argument used with the y.jitter function to scale the range of added noise. Default is 1.


logical flag. If TRUE, subset observations are listed on y-axis from 1 to length(subset.r); if FALSE (default), subset observations are listed on y-axis in original form. As an example, if subset.r = 301:340 and y.renum ==TRUE, y-axis will be shown as 1 through 40. However, if y.renum ==FALSE, y-axis will be shown as 301 through 340. The above examples assume the following argument, NA.rm, is set to FALSE.


logical flag. If TRUE, subset observations which have NA for each variable specified in subset.c will not have an entry on the y-axis. Also, if the following argument, x.reference, is specified, observations with missing x.reference values will also not have an entry on the y-axis. If FALSE (default), user can identify those observations which do have NA for every variable specified in subset.c (or, if x.reference is specified, also those observations which are missing only the x.reference value); this can easily be done by examining the resulting y-axis and recognizing the observations without any plotting symbols.


column of original matrix or data frame with which to reference the x-axis. That is, if specified, all columns specified in subset.c will be substracted by x.reference. An example may be to see the timing of events before and after treatment or to see time-to-event after entry into study. The event times will be aligned using the x.reference argument as the reference point.


the “now” date which will be used for top of y-axis when creating the Goldman eventchart (see reference below). Default is max(data[, subset.c], na.rm =TRUE).


logical flag. A feature utilized by the Goldman Eventchart. When x.reference is specified as the start of follow-up and y.var = x.reference, then the Goldman chart can be created. This argument, if TRUE, will cause the plot region to be square, and will draw a line with a slope of -1 from the top of the y-axis to the right end of the x-axis. Essentially, it denotes end of current follow-up period for looking at the time-to-event data. Default is FALSE.


line type of now.line.


line width of now.line.


color of now.line.


graph option, pty='m' is the default; use pty='s' for the square looking Goldman's event chart.


date of origin to consider if dates are in julian, SAS , or S-Plus dates object format; default is January 1, 1960 (which is the default origin used by both S-Plus and SAS). Utilized when either y.julian = FALSE or x.julian = FALSE.


title for event chart. Default is 'Event Chart'.


column or data frame variable name used for y-axis labels. For example, if c('') is specified, patient ID (stored in will be seen on y-axis labels instead of sequence specified by subset.r. This argument takes precedence over both y.axis = 'auto' and y.axis = 'custom' (see below). NOTE: Program will issue warning if this argument is specified and if == FALSE; y.idlabels will not be used in this situation. Also, attempting to plot too many patients on a single event chart will cause undesirable plotting of y.idlabels.


character string specifying whether program will control labelling of y-axis (with argument "auto"), or if user will control labelling (with argument "custom"). If "custom" is chosen, user must specify location and text of labels using and y.axis.custom.labels arguments, respectively, listed below. This argument will not be utilized if y.idlabels is specified.

user-specified vector of y-axis label locations. Must be used when y.axis = "custom"; will not be used otherwise.


user-specified vector of y-axis labels. Must be used when y.axis = "custom"; will not be used otherwise.


logical flag (which will only be considered if y.axis == "auto" and (! & y.var.type== "d"). If FALSE (default), will convert julian numeric dates or S-Plus dates objects into “mm/dd/yy” format for the y-axis labels. If TRUE, dates will be printed in julian (numeric) format.


two-dimensional vector representing the number of units that the user wants to increase ylim on bottom and top of y-axis, respectively. Default c(0,0). This argument will not take effect if the Goldman chart is utilized.


single label to be used for entire y-axis. Default will be the variable name or column number of y.idlabels (if non-missing) and blank otherwise.


logical flag. If TRUE (default), lower and upper limits of x-axis will be based on all observations (rows) in matrix or data frame. If FALSE, lower and upper limits will be based only on those observations specified by subset.r (either before or after sorting depending on specification of and value of sort.after.subset).


character string specifying whether program will control labelling of x-axis (with argument "auto"), or if user will control labelling (with argument "custom"). If "custom" is chosen, user must specify location and text of labels using and x.axis.custom.labels arguments, respectively, listed below.

user-specified vector of x-axis label locations. Must be used when x.axis == "custom"; will not be used otherwise.


user-specified vector of x-axis labels. Must be used when x.axis == "custom"; will not be used otherwise.


logical flag (which will only be considered if x.axis == "auto"). If FALSE (default), will convert julian dates or S-plus dates objects into “mm/dd/yy” format for the x-axis labels. If TRUE, dates will be printed in julian (numeric) format. NOTE: This argument should remain TRUE if x.reference is specified.


two-dimensional vector representing the number of time units (usually in days) that the user wants to increase xlim on left-hand side and right-hand side of x-axis, respectively. Default is c(0,0). This argument will not take effect if the Goldman chart is utilized.


a factor whose reciprocal is multiplied to original units of the x-axis. For example, if the original data frame is in units of days, x.scale = 365 will result in units of years (notwithstanding leap years). Default is 1.


single label to be used for entire x-axis. Default will be “On Study Date” if x.julian = FALSE and “Time on Study” if x.julian = TRUE.

column or data frame variable name for plotting unique lines by unique values of vector (e.g., specify c('arm') to plot unique lines by treatment arm). Can take at most one column or variable name. Default is NA which produces identical lines for each patient.


vector of line types corresponding to ascending order of values. If is specified, the vector should be the length of the number of unique values of If is NA, only line.lty[1] will be used. The default is 1.


vector of line widths corresponding to ascending order of values. If is specified, the vector should be the length of the number of unique values of If is NA, only line.lwd[1] will be used. The default is 1.


vector of line colors corresponding to ascending order of values. If is specified, the vector should be the length of the number of unique values of If is NA, only line.col[1] will be used. The default is 1.


a 2xk matrix with k=number of pairs of additional line segments to add. For example, if it is of interest to draw additional line segments connecting events one and two, two and three, and four and five, (possibly with different colors), an appropriate line.add argument would be matrix(c('first.event','second.event','second.event','third.event', 'fourth.event','fifth.event'), 2, 3). One line segment would be drawn between first.event and second.event, a second line segment would be drawn between second.event and third.event, and a third line segment would be drawn between fourth.event and fifth.event. Different line types, widths and colors can be specified (in arguments listed just below).

The convention use of subset.c and line.add must match (i.e., column name must be used for both or column number must be used for both).

If line.add != NA, length of line.add.lty, line.add.lwd, and line.add.col must be the same as number of pairs of additional line segments to add.

NOTE: The drawing of the original default line may be suppressed (with line.col = 0), and line.add can be used to do all the line plotting for the event chart.


a kx1 vector corresponding to the columns of line.add; specifies the line types for the k line segments.


a kx1 vector corresponding to the columns of line.add; specifies the line widths for the k line segments.


a kx1 vector corresponding to the columns of line.add; specifies the line colors for the k line segments.


vector of pch values for points representing each event. If similar events are listed in multiple columns (e.g., regular visits or a recurrent event), repeated pch values may be listed in the vector (e.g., c(2,4,rep(183,3))). If length(point.pch) < length(subset.c), point.pch will be repeated until lengths are equal; a warning message will verify this condition.


vector of size of points representing each event. If length(point.cex) < length(subset.c), point.cex will be repeated until lengths are equal; a warning message will verify this condition.


vector of colors of points representing each event. If length(point.col) < length(subset.c), point.col will be repeated until lengths are equal; a warning message will verify this condition.


a single number (may be non-integer), which is the base multiplier for the value of the cex of the plotted points, when interest lies in a variable size allowed for certain points, as a function of the quantity of the variable(s) in the dataset specified in the point.cex.mult.var argument; multiplied by original point.cex value and then the value of interest (for an individual) from the point.cex.mult.var argument; used only when non-NA arguments are provided to point.cex.mult.var; default is 1. .


vector of variables to be used in determining what point.cex.mult is multiplied by for determining size of plotted points from (possibly a subset of) subset.c variables, when interest lies in a variable size allowed for certain points, as a function of the level of some variable(s) in the dataset; default is NA.

vector of variables in the dataset to ignore for purposes of using point.cex.mult; for example, for some variables there may be interest in allowing a variable size allowed for the plotting of the points, whereas other variables (e.g., dropout time), there may be no interest in such manipulation; the vector should be the same size as the number of variables specified in subset.c, with NA entries where variable point size is of interest and the variable name (or location in subset.c) specified when the variable point size is not of interest; in this latter case, the associated argument in point.cex is instead used as the point cex; used only when non-NA arguments are provided to point.cex.mult.var; default is NA


logical flag; if TRUE, a legend will be plotted. Location of legend will be based on specification of legend.location along with values of other arguments listed below. Default is FALSE (i.e., no legend plotting).


will be used only if legend.plot = TRUE. If "o" (default), a one-page legend will precede the output of the chart. The user will need to hit enter in order for the event chart to be displayed. This feature is possible due to the dev.ask option. If "i", an internal legend will be placed in the plot region based on If "l", a legend will be placed in the plot region using the locator option. Legend will map points to events (via column names, by default) and, if is specified, lines to groups (based on levels of


title for the legend; default is title to be used for main plot. Only used when legend.location = "o".


size of text for legend title. Only used when legend.location = "o".


line location of legend title dictated by mtext function with outer = FALSE option; default is 1.0. Only used when legend.location = "o".

location of upper left and lower right corners of legend area to be utilized for describing events via points and text.


vector of pch values for points representing each event in the legend. Default is point.pch.


text to be used for describing events; the default is setup for a data frame, as it will print the names of the columns specified by subset.c.


size of text for points and event descriptions. Default is 2.5 which is setup for legend.location = "o". A much smaller cex is recommended (possibly 0.75) for use with legend.location = "i" or legend.location = "l".


option to put a box around the legend(s); default is to have no box (legend.bty = "n"). Option legend.bty = "o" will produce a legend box.

if was specified (with legend.location = "o" or legend.location = "i"), this argument will dictate the location of the upper left and lower right corners of legend area to be utilized for describing the different values (e.g., treatment.arm). The default is setup for legend.location = "o".


text to be used for describing values; the default are the names of the unique non-missing values as produced from the table function.


vector of line widths corresponding to values.


number used for locator argument when legend.locator = "l". If 1 (default), user is to locate only the top left corner of the legend box. If 2, user is to locate both the top left corner and the lower right corner. This will be done twice when is specified (once for points and once for lines).


additional par arguments for use in main plot.


if you want to put, say, two eventcharts side-by-side, in a plot region, you should not set up par(mfrow=c(1,2)) before running the first plot. Instead, you should add the argument mfg=c(1,1,1,2) to the first plot call followed by the argument mfg=c(1,2,1,2) to the second plot call.

if dates in original data frame are in a specialized form (eg., mm/dd/yy) of mode CHARACTER, the user must convert those columns to become class dates or julian numeric mode (see Date for more information). For example, in a data frame called testdata, with specialized dates in columns 4 thru 10, the following code could be used: as.numeric(dates(testdata[,4:10])). This will convert the columns to numeric julian dates based on the function's default origin of January 1, 1960. If original dates are in class dates or julian form, no extra work is necessary.

In the survival analysis, the data typically come in two columns: one column containing survival time and the other containing censoring indicator or event code. The event.convert function converts this type of data into multiple columns of event times, one column of each event type, suitable for the event.chart function.

Side Effects

an event chart is created on the current graphics device. If legend.plot =TRUE and legend.location = 'o', a one-page legend will precede the event chart. Please note that par parameters on completion of function will be reset to par parameters existing prior to start of function.


J. Jack Lee and Kenneth R. Hess
Department of Biostatistics
University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 77030
[email protected], [email protected]

Joel A. Dubin
Department of Statistics
University of Waterloo
[email protected]


Lee J.J., Hess, K.R., Dubin, J.A. (2000). Extensions and applications of event charts. The American Statistician, 54:1, 63–70.

Dubin, J.A., Lee, J.J., Hess, K.R. (1997). The Utility of Event Charts. Proceedings of the Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association.

Dubin, J.A., Muller H-G, Wang J-L (2001). Event history graphs for censored survival data. Statistics in Medicine, 20: 2951–2964.

Goldman, A.I. (1992). EVENTCHARTS: Visualizing Survival and Other Timed-Events Data. The American Statistician, 46:1, 13–18.

See Also

event.history, Date


# The sample data set is an augmented CDC AIDS dataset (ASCII)
# which is used in the examples in the help file.  This dataset is 
# described in Kalbfleisch and Lawless (JASA, 1989).
# Here, we have included only children 4 years old and younger.
# We have also added a new field, dethdate, which
# represents a fictitious death date for each patient.  There was
# no recording of death date on the original dataset.  In addition, we have
# added a fictitious viral load reading (copies/ml) for each patient at time of AIDS diagnosis,
# noting viral load was also not part of the original dataset.
# All dates are julian with julian=0 being 
# January 1, 1960, and julian=14000 being 14000 days beyond
# January 1, 1960 (i.e., May 1, 1998).

cdcaids <- data.frame(

cdcaids <- upData(cdcaids,
 labels=c(age     ='Age, y', infedate='Date of blood transfusion',
          diagdate='Date of AIDS diagnosis',
          diffdate='Incubation period (days from HIV to AIDS)',
          dethdate='Fictitious date of death',
          censdate='Fictitious censoring date',
	  viralload='Fictitious viral load'))

# Note that the style options listed with these
# examples are best suited for output to a postscript file (i.e., using
# the postscript function with horizontal=TRUE) as opposed to a graphical
# window (e.g., motif).

# To produce simple calendar event chart (with internal legend):
# postscript('', horizontal=TRUE)
  x.lab = 'observation dates',
  y.lab='patients (sorted by AIDS diagnosis date)',
  titl='AIDS data calendar event chart 1',
  point.pch=c(1,2,15,0), point.cex=c(1,1,0.8,0.8),
  legend.plot=TRUE, legend.location='i', legend.cex=1.0,
  legend.point.text=c('transfusion','AIDS diagnosis','death','censored'), = list(c(7210, 8100), c(35, 27)), legend.bty='o')

# To produce simple interval event chart (with internal legend):
# postscript('', horizontal=TRUE)
  x.lab = 'time since transfusion (in days)',
  y.lab='patients (sorted by AIDS diagnosis date)',
  titl='AIDS data interval event chart 1',
  point.pch=c(1,2,15,0), point.cex=c(1,1,0.8,0.8),
  legend.plot=TRUE, legend.location='i', legend.cex=1.0,
  legend.point.text=c('transfusion','AIDS diagnosis','death','censored'),
  x.reference='infedate', x.julian=TRUE,
  legend.bty='o', = list(c(1400, 1950), c(7, -1)))

# To produce simple interval event chart (with internal legend),
# but now with flexible diagdate symbol size based on viral load variable:
# postscript('', horizontal=TRUE)
  x.lab = 'time since transfusion (in days)',
  y.lab='patients (sorted by AIDS diagnosis date)',
  titl='AIDS data interval event chart 1a, with viral load at diagdate represented',
  point.pch=c(1,2,15,0), point.cex=c(1,1,0.8,0.8),
  point.cex.mult = 0.00002, point.cex.mult.var = 'viralload', = c(1,NA,1,1), 
  legend.plot=TRUE, legend.location='i', legend.cex=1.0,
  legend.point.text=c('transfusion','AIDS diagnosis','death','censored'),
  x.reference='infedate', x.julian=TRUE,
  legend.bty='o', = list(c(1400, 1950), c(7, -1)))

# To produce more complicated interval chart which is
# referenced by infection date, and sorted by age and incubation period:
# postscript('', horizontal=TRUE)
  x.lab = 'time since diagnosis of AIDS (in days)',
  y.lab='patients (sorted by age and incubation length)',
  titl='AIDS data interval event chart 2 (sorted by age, incubation)',
  point.pch=c(1,2,15,0), point.cex=c(1,1,0.8,0.8),
  legend.plot=TRUE, legend.location='i',legend.cex=1.0,
  legend.point.text=c('transfusion','AIDS diagnosis','death','censored'),
  x.reference='diagdate', x.julian=TRUE,'age','diffdate'),'age', line.lty=c(1,3,2,4), line.lwd=rep(1,4), line.col=rep(1,4),
  legend.bty='o', = list(c(-1350, -800), c(7, -1)), = list(c(-1350, -800), c(16, 8)),
  legend.line.text=c('age = 1', '       = 2', '       = 3', '       = 4'))

# To produce the Goldman chart:
# postscript('', horizontal=TRUE)
  x.lab = 'time since transfusion (in days)', y.lab='dates of observation',
  titl='AIDS data Goldman event chart 1',
  y.var = c('infedate'), y.var.type='d', now.line=TRUE, y.jitter=FALSE,
  point.pch=c(1,2,15,0), point.cex=c(1,1,0.8,0.8), mgp = c(3.1,1.6,0),
  legend.plot=TRUE, legend.location='i',legend.cex=1.0,
  legend.point.text=c('transfusion','AIDS diagnosis','death','censored'),
  x.reference='infedate', x.julian=TRUE,
  legend.bty='o', = list(c(1500, 2800), c(9300, 10000)))

# To convert coded time-to-event data, then, draw an event chart:
surv.time <- c(5,6,3,1,2)
cens.ind   <- c(1,0,1,1,0)  <- cbind(surv.time,cens.ind) <- event.convert(

Event Conversion for Time-to-Event Data


Convert a two-column data matrix with event time and event code into multiple column event time with one event in each column


event.convert(data2, event.time = 1, event.code = 2)



a matrix or dataframe with at least 2 columns; by default, the first column contains the event time and the second column contains the k event codes (e.g. 1=dead, 0=censord)


the column number in data contains the event time


the column number in data contains the event code


In the survival analysis, the data typically come in two columns: one column containing survival time and the other containing censoring indicator or event code. The event.convert function converts this type of data into multiple columns of event times, one column of each event type, suitable for the event.chart function.


J. Jack Lee and Kenneth R. Hess
Department of Biostatistics
University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 77030
[email protected], [email protected]

Joel A. Dubin
Department of Statistics
University of Waterloo
[email protected]

See Also

event.history, Date, event.chart


# To convert coded time-to-event data, then, draw an event chart:
surv.time <- c(5,6,3,1,2)
cens.ind   <- c(1,0,1,1,0)  <- cbind(surv.time,cens.ind) <- event.convert(

Produces event.history graph for survival data


Produces an event history graph for right-censored survival data, including time-dependent covariate status, as described in Dubin, Muller, and Wang (2001). Effectively, a Kaplan-Meier curve is produced with supplementary information regarding individual survival information, censoring information, and status over time of an individual time-dependent covariate or time-dependent covariate function for both uncensored and censored individuals.


event.history(data, survtime.col, surv.col,
              surv.ind = c(1, 0), subset.rows = NULL,
              covtime.cols = NULL, cov.cols = NULL,
              num.colors = 1, cut.cov = NULL, colors = 1,
              cens.density = 10, mult.end.cens = 1.05,
              cens.mark.right =FALSE, cens.mark = "-",
              cens.mark.ahead = 0.5, cens.mark.cutoff = -1e-08,
              cens.mark.cex = 1,
              x.lab = "time under observation",
              y.lab = "estimated survival probability",
              title = "event history graph", ...)



A matrix or data frame with rows corresponding to units (often individuals) and columns corresponding to survival time, event/censoring indicator. Also, multiple columns may be devoted to time-dependent covariate level and time change.


Column (in data) representing minimum of time-to-event or right-censoring time for individual.


Column (in data) representing event indicator for an individual. Though, traditionally, such an indicator will be 1 for an event and 0 for a censored observation, this indicator can be represented by any two numbers, made explicit by the surv.ind argument.


Two-element vector representing, respectively, the number for an event, as listed in surv.col, followed by the number for a censored observation. Default is traditional survival data represention, i.e., c(1,0).


Subset of rows of original matrix or data frame (data) to place in event history graph. Logical arguments may be used here (e.g., treatment.arm == "a", if the data frame, data, has been attached to the search directory;


Column(s) (in data) representing the time when change of time-dependent covariate (or time-dependent covariate function) occurs. There should be a unique non-NA entry in the column for each such change (along with corresponding cov.cols column entry representing the value of the covariate or function at that change time). Default is NULL, meaning no time-dependent covariate information will be presented in the graph.


Column(s) (in data) representing the level of the time-dependent covariate (or time-dependent covariate function). There should be a unique non-NA column entry representing each change in the level (along with a corresponding covtime.cols column entry representing the time of the change). Default is NULL, meaning no time-dependent covariate information will be presented in the graph.


Colors are utilized for the time-dependent covariate level for an individual. This argument provides the number of unique covariate levels which will be displayed by mapping the number of colors (via num.colors) to the number of desired covariate levels. This will divide the covariate span into roughly equally-sized intervals, via the S-Plus cut function. Default is one color, meaning no time-dependent information will be presented in the graph. Note that this argument will be ignored/superceded if a non-NULL argument is provided for the cut.cov parameter.


This argument allows the user to explicitly state how to define the intervals for the time-dependent covariate, such that different colors will be allocated to the user-defined covariate levels. For example, for plotting five colors, six ordered points within the span of the data's covariate levels should be provided. Default is NULL, meaning that the num.colors argument value will dictate the number of breakpoints, with the covariate span defined into roughly equally-sized intervals via the S-Plus cut function. However, if is.null(cut.cov) == FALSE, then this argument supercedes any entry for the num.colors argument.


This is a vector argument defining the actual colors used for the time-dependent covariate levels in the plot, with the index of this vector corresponding to the ordered levels of the covariate. The number of colors (i.e., the length of the colors vector) should correspond to the value provided to the num.colors argument or the number of ordered points - 1 as defined in the cut.cov argument (with cut.cov superceding num.colors if is.null(cut.cov) == FALSE). The function, as currently written, allows for as much as twenty distinct colors. This argument effectively feeds into the col argument for the S-Plus polygon function. Default is colors = 1. See the col argument for the both the S-Plus par function and polygon function for more information.


This will provide the shading density at the end of the individual bars for those who are censored. For more information on shading density, see the density argument in the S-Plus polygon function. Default is cens.density=10.


This is a multiplier that extends the length of the longest surviving individual bar (or bars, if a tie exists) if right-censored, presuming that no event times eventually follow this final censored time. Default extends the length 5 percent beyond the length of the observed right-censored survival time.


A logical argument that states whether an explicit mark should be placed to the right of the individual right-censored survival bars. This argument is most useful for large sample sizes, where it may be hard to detect the special shading via cens.density, particularly for the short-term survivors.


Character argument which describes the censored mark that should be used if cens.mark.right = TRUE. Default is "-".


A numeric argument, which specifies the absolute distance to be placed between the individual right-censored survival bars and the mark as defined in the above cens.mark argument. Default is 0.5 (that is, a half of day, if survival time is measured in days), but may very well need adjusting depending on the maximum survival time observed in the dataset.


A negative number very close to 0 (by default cens.mark.cutoff = -1e-8) to ensure that the censoring marks get plotted correctly. See event.history code in order to see its usage. This argument typically will not need adjustment.


Numeric argument defining the size of the mark defined in the cens.mark argument above. See more information by viewing the cex argument for the S-Plus par function. Default is cens.mark.cex = 1.0.


Single label to be used for entire x-axis. Default is "time under observation".


Single label to be used for entire y-axis. Default is "estimated survival probability".


Title for the event history graph. Default is "event history graph".


This allows arguments to the plot function call within the event.history function. So, for example, the axes representations can be manipulated with appropriate arguments, or particular areas of the event.history graph can be “zoomed”. See the details section for more comments about zooming.


In order to focus on a particular area of the event history graph, zooming can be performed. This is best done by specifying appropriate xlim and ylim arguments at the end of the event.history function call, taking advantage of the ... argument link to the plot function. An example of zooming can be seen in Plate 4 of the paper referenced below.

Please read the reference below to understand how the individual covariate and survival information is provided in the plot, how ties are handled, how right-censoring is handled, etc.


This function has been tested thoroughly, but only within a restricted version and environment, i.e., only within S-Plus 2000, Version 3, and within S-Plus 6.0, version 2, both on a Windows 2000 machine. Hence, we cannot currently vouch for the function's effectiveness in other versions of S-Plus (e.g., S-Plus 3.4) nor in other operating environments (e.g., Windows 95, Linux or Unix). The function has also been verified to work on R under Linux.


The authors have found better control of the use of color by producing the graphs via the postscript plotting device in S-Plus. In fact, the provided examples utilize the postscript function. However, your past experiences may be different, and you may prefer to control color directly (to the graphsheet in Windows environment, for example). The event.history function will work with either approach.


Joel Dubin
[email protected]


Dubin, J.A., Muller, H.-G., and Wang, J.-L. (2001). Event history graphs for censored survival data. Statistics in Medicine, 20, 2951-2964.

See Also

plot,polygon, event.chart, par


# Code to produce event history graphs for SIM paper
# before generating plots, some pre-processing needs to be performed,
#  in order to get dataset in proper form for event.history function;
#  need to create one line per subject and sort by time under observation, 
#  with those experiencing event coming before those tied with censoring time;

# creation of event.history version of heart dataset (call <- matrix(nrow=length(unique(heart$id)), ncol=8)
for(i in 1:length(unique(heart$id)))
  if(length(heart$id[heart$id==i]) == 1)[i,] <- as.numeric(unlist(heart[heart$id==i, ]))
  else if(length(heart$id[heart$id==i]) == 2)[i,] <- as.numeric(unlist(heart[heart$id==i,][2,]))
 }[,3][[,3] == 0] <- 2 	## converting censored events to 2, from 0
if(is.factor(heart$transplant))[,7] <-[,7] - 1
 ## getting back to correct transplantation coding <-[order(unlist([,2]), unlist([,3])),])
names( <- names(heart)
# back to usual censoring indicator:[,3][[,3] == 2] <- 0 
# note: transplant says 0 (for no transplants) or 1 (for one transplant)
#        and event = 1 is death, while event = 0 is censored

# plot single Kaplan-Meier curve from heart data, first creating survival object
heart.surv <- survfit(Surv(stop, event) ~ 1,, = FALSE)

# figure 3: traditional Kaplan-Meier curve
# postscript('', horiz=TRUE)
# omi <- par(omi=c(0,1.25,0.5,1.25))
 plot(heart.surv, ylab='estimated survival probability',
      xlab='observation time (in days)')
 title('Figure 3: Kaplan-Meier curve for Stanford data', cex=0.8)

## now, draw event history graph for Stanford heart data; use as Figure 4

# postscript('', horiz=TRUE, colors = seq(0, 1, len=20))
# par(omi=c(0,1.25,0.5,1.25))
		covtime.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,1]),
		cov.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,7]),
		num.colors=2, colors=c(6,10),
		x.lab = 'time under observation (in days)',
		title='Figure 4: Event history graph for\nStanford data',
		cens.mark.right =TRUE, cens.mark = '-', 
		cens.mark.ahead = 30.0, cens.mark.cex = 0.85)

# now, draw age-stratified event history graph for Stanford heart data; 
#  use as Figure 5

# two plots, stratified by age status
# postscript('c:\temp\', horiz=TRUE, colors = seq(0, 1, len=20))
# par(omi=c(0,1.25,0.5,1.25))

 event.history(, subset.rows = ([,4] < 0),[,2],[,3],
		covtime.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,1]),
		cov.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,7]),
		num.colors=2, colors=c(6,10),  
		x.lab = 'time under observation\n(in days)',
		title = 'Figure 5a:\nStanford data\n(age < 48)',
		cens.mark.right =TRUE, cens.mark = '-', 
		cens.mark.ahead = 40.0, cens.mark.cex = 0.85,

 event.history(, subset.rows = ([,4] >= 0),[,2],[,3],
		covtime.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,1]),
		cov.cols = cbind(rep(0, dim([1]),[,7]),
		num.colors=2, colors=c(6,10),
		x.lab = 'time under observation\n(in days)',
		title = 'Figure 5b:\nStanford data\n(age >= 48)',
		cens.mark.right =TRUE, cens.mark = '-', 
		cens.mark.ahead = 40.0, cens.mark.cex = 0.85,
# par(omi=omi)

# we will not show liver cirrhosis data manipulation, as it was 
#  a bit detailed; however, here is the 
#  event.history code to produce Figure 7 / Plate 1

# Figure 7 / Plate 1 : prothrombin ehg with color
## Not run: 
second.arg <- 1				### second.arg is for shading
third.arg <- c(rep(1,18),0,1)		### third.arg is for intensity

# postscript('c:\temp\', horiz=TRUE, 
# colors = cbind(seq(0, 1, len = 20), second.arg, third.arg)) 
# par(omi=c(0,1.25,0.5,1.25), col=19)
 event.history(, subset.rows = NULL,
		covtime.cols = as.matrix([, ((2:18)*2)]),
		cov.cols = as.matrix([, ((2:18)*2) + 1]),
		cut.cov =  as.numeric(quantile(as.matrix([, ((2:18)*2) + 1]),
				c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8,1), na.rm=TRUE) + c(-1,0,0,0,0,1)),	
		x.lab = 'time under observation (in days)',
		title='Figure 7: Event history graph for liver cirrhosis data (color)',
		cens.mark.right =TRUE, cens.mark = '-', 
		cens.mark.ahead = 100.0, cens.mark.cex = 0.85)

## End(Not run)



Extract Labels and Units From Multiple Datasets


extractlabs(..., print = TRUE)



one ore more data frames or data tables


set to FALSE to not print details about variables with conflicting attributes


For one or more data frames/tables extracts all labels and units and comb ines them over dataset, dropping any variables not having either labels or units defined. The resulting data table is returned and is used by the hlab function if the user stores the result in an objectnamed LabelsUnits. The result is NULL if no variable in any dataset has a non-blank label or units. Variables found in more than one dataset with duplicate label and units are consolidated. A warning message is issued when duplicate variables have conflicting labels or units, and by default, details are printed. No attempt is made to resolve these conflicts.


a data table


Frank Harrell

See Also

label(), contents(), units(), hlab()


d <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=(1:10)/10)
d <- upData(d, labels=c(x='X', y='Y'), units=c(x='mmHg'), print=FALSE)
d2 <- d
units(d2$x) <- 'cm'
LabelsUnits <- extractlabs(d, d2)



General File Import Using rio


  lowernames = c("not mixed", "no", "yes"),
  und. = FALSE,



name of file to import, or full URL. rio determines the file type from the file suffix unless you override this with format


format of file to import, usually not needed. See rio::import() for details


defaults to changing variable names to all lower case unless the name as mixed upper and lower case, which results in keeping the original characters in the name. Set lowernames='no' to leave variable names as they were created in the original file export, or set lowernames='yes' to set all names to lower case whether they have mixed case or not. For all options, a check is made to see if the name conversions would result in any duplicate names. If so, the original names are retained and a warning message issued.


set to TRUE to change all underscores in names to periods


more arguments to pass to rio::import()


This is a front-end for the rio package's import function. fImport includes options for setting variable names to lower case and to change underscores in names to periods. Variables on the imported data frame that have labels are converted to Hmisc package labelled class so that subsetting the data frame will preserve the labels.


a data frame created by rio, unless a rio option is given to use another format


Frank Harrell

See Also

upData, especially the moveUnits option


## Not run: 
# Get a Stata dataset
d <- fImport('')

## End(Not run)

Find Close Matches


Compares each row in x against all the rows in y, finding rows in y with all columns within a tolerance of the values a given row of x. The default tolerance tol is zero, i.e., an exact match is required on all columns. For qualifying matches, a distance measure is computed. This is the sum of squares of differences between x and y after scaling the columns. The default scaling values are tol, and for columns with tol=1 the scale values are set to 1.0 (since they are ignored anyway). Matches (up to maxmatch of them) are stored and listed in order of increasing distance.
The summary method prints a frequency distribution of the number of matches per observation in x, the median of the minimum distances for all matches per x, as a function of the number of matches, and the frequency of selection of duplicate observations as those having the smallest distance. The print method prints the entire matches and distance components of the result from find.matches.
matchCases finds all controls that match cases on a single variable x within a tolerance of tol. This is intended for prospective cohort studies that use matching for confounder adjustment (even though regression models usually work better).


find.matches(x, y, tol=rep(0, ncol(y)), scale=tol, maxmatch=10)
## S3 method for class 'find.matches'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'find.matches'
print(x, digits, ...)

matchCases(xcase,    ycase,    idcase=names(ycase),
           xcontrol, ycontrol, idcontrol=names(ycontrol),
           maxmatch=20, which=c('closest','random'))



a numeric matrix or the result of find.matches


a numeric matrix with same number of columns as x


numeric vector to match on for cases


numeric vector to match on for controls, not necessarily the same length as xcase


a vector or matrix


ycase and ycontrol are vectors or matrices, not necessarily having the same number of rows, specifying a variable to carry along from cases and matching controls. If you instead want to carry along rows from a data frame, let ycase and ycontrol be non-overlapping integer subscripts of the donor data frame.


a vector of tolerances with number of elements the same as the number of columns of y, for find.matches. For matchCases is a scalar tolerance.


a vector of scaling constants with number of elements the same as the number of columns of y.


maximum number of matches to allow. For matchCases, maximum number of controls to match with a case (default is 20). If more than maxmatch matching controls are available, a random sample without replacement of maxmatch controls is used (if which="random").


an object created by find.matches


number of digits to use in printing distances


vector the same length as xcase


idcase and idcontrol are vectors the same length as xcase and xcontrol respectively, specifying the id of cases and controls. Defaults are integers specifying original element positions within each of cases and controls.


maximum number of cases and all matching controls combined (maximum dimension of data frame resulting from matchControls). Default is ten times the maximum of the number of cases and number of controls. maxobs is used to allocate space for the resulting data frame.


set to "closest" (the default) to match cases with up to maxmatch controls that most closely match on x. Set which="random" to use randomly chosen controls. In either case, only those controls within tol on x are allowed to be used.




find.matches returns a list of class find.matches with elements matches and distance. Both elements are matrices with the number of rows equal to the number of rows in x, and with k columns, where k is the maximum number of matches (<= maxmatch) that occurred. The elements of matches are row identifiers of y that match, with zeros if fewer than maxmatch matches are found (blanks if y had row names). matchCases returns a data frame with variables idcase (id of case currently being matched), type (factor variable with levels "case" and "control"), id (id of case if case row, or id of matching case), and y.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
[email protected]


Ming K, Rosenbaum PR (2001): A note on optimal matching with variable controls using the assignment algorithm. J Comp Graph Stat 10:455–463.

Cepeda MS, Boston R, Farrar JT, Strom BL (2003): Optimal matching with a variable number of controls vs. a fixed number of controls for a cohort study: trade-offs. J Clin Epidemiology 56:230-237. Note: These papers were not used for the functions here but probably should have been.

See Also

scale, apply


y <- rbind(c(.1, .2),c(.11, .22), c(.3, .4), c(.31, .41), c(.32, 5))
x <- rbind(c(.09,.21), c(.29,.39))
w <- find.matches(x, y, maxmatch=5, tol=c(.05,.05))

set.seed(111)       # so can replicate results
x <- matrix(runif(500), ncol=2)
y <- matrix(runif(2000), ncol=2)
w <- find.matches(x, y, maxmatch=5, tol=c(.02,.03))
# Find first x with 3 or more y-matches
num.match <- apply(w$matches, 1, function(x)sum(x > 0))
j <- ((1:length(num.match))[num.match > 2])[1]


# For many applications would do something like this:
# attach(df1)
# x <- cbind(age, sex) # Just do as.matrix(df1) if df1 has no factor objects
# attach(df2)
# y <- cbind(age, sex)
# mat <- find.matches(x, y, tol=c(5,0)) # exact match on sex, 5y on age

# Demonstrate matchCases
xcase     <- c(1,3,5,12)
xcontrol  <- 1:6
idcase    <- c('A','B','C','D')
idcontrol <- c('a','b','c','d','e','f')
ycase     <- c(11,33,55,122)
ycontrol  <- c(11,22,33,44,55,66)
matchCases(xcase, ycase, idcase,
           xcontrol, ycontrol, idcontrol, tol=1)

# If y is a binary response variable, the following code
# will produce a Mantel-Haenszel summary odds ratio that 
# utilizes the matching.
# Standard variance formula will not work here because
# a control will match more than one case
# WARNING: The M-H procedure exemplified here is suspect 
# because of the small strata and widely varying number
# of controls per case.

x    <- c(1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 12,  1, 1:7)
y    <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,  1,  1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
case <- c(rep(TRUE, 8), rep(FALSE, 8))
id   <- 1:length(x)

m <- matchCases(x[case],  y[case],  id[case],
                x[!case], y[!case], id[!case], tol=1)
iscase <- m$type=='case'
# Note: the first tapply on insures that event indicators are
# sorted by case id.  The second actually does something.    <- tapply(m$y[iscase],  m$idcase[iscase],  sum)
event.control <- tapply(m$y[!iscase], m$idcase[!iscase], sum)
n.control     <- tapply(!iscase,      m$idcase,          sum)
n             <- tapply(m$y,          m$idcase,          length)
or <- sum( * (n.control - event.control) / n) /
      sum(event.control * (1 - / n)

# Bootstrap this estimator by sampling with replacement from
# subjects.  Assumes id is unique when combine cases+controls
# (id was constructed this way above).  The following algorithms
# puts all sampled controls back with the cases to whom they were
# originally matched.

ids <- unique(m$id)
idgroups <- split(1:nrow(m), m$id)
B   <- 50   # in practice use many more
ors <- numeric(B)
# Function to order w by ids, leaving unassigned elements zero
align <- function(ids, w) {
  z <- structure(rep(0, length(ids)), names=ids)
  z[names(w)] <- w
for(i in 1:B) {
  j <- sample(ids, replace=TRUE)
  obs <- unlist(idgroups[j])
  u <- m[obs,]
  iscase <- u$type=='case' <- align(ids, tapply(u$type, u$idcase, 
  n.control <- align(ids, tapply(u$type, u$idcase,
                                 function(v)sum(v=='control'))) <- align(ids, tapply(u$y[iscase],  u$idcase[iscase],  sum))
  event.control <- align(ids, tapply(u$y[!iscase], u$idcase[!iscase], sum))
  n <- + n.control
  # Remove sets having 0 cases or 0 controls in resample
  s             <- > 0 & n.control > 0
  denom <- sum(event.control[s] * ([s] -[s]) / n[s])
  or <- if(denom==0) NA else 
   sum([s] * (n.control[s] - event.control[s]) / n[s]) / denom
  ors[i] <- or

First Word in a String or Expression


first.word finds the first word in an expression. A word is defined by unlisting the elements of the expression found by the S parser and then accepting any elements whose first character is either a letter or period. The principal intended use is for the automatic generation of temporary file names where it is important to exclude special characters from the file name. For Microsoft Windows, periods in names are deleted and only up to the first 8 characters of the word is returned.


first.word(x, i=1, expr=substitute(x))



any scalar character string


word number, default value = 1. Used when the second or ith word is wanted. Currently only the i=1 case is implemented.


any S object of mode expression.


a character string


Frank E. Harrell, Jr.,
Department of Biostatistics,
Vanderbilt University,
[email protected]

Richard M. Heiberger,
Department of Statistics,
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
[email protected]


first.word(expr=expression(y ~ x + log(w)))

Format a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTML


format.df does appropriate rounding and decimal alignment, and outputs a character matrix containing the formatted data. If x is a data.frame, then do each component separately. If x is a matrix, but not a data.frame, make it a data.frame with individual components for the columns. If a component x$x is a matrix, then do all columns the same.


format.df(x, digits, dec=NULL, rdec=NULL, cdec=NULL,
          numeric.dollar=!dcolumn, na.blank=FALSE,,
, col.just=NULL, cdot=FALSE,
          dcolumn=FALSE, matrix.sep=' ', scientific=c(-4,4),
          math.row.names=FALSE, already.math.row.names=FALSE,
          math.col.names=FALSE, already.math.col.names=FALSE,
          double.slash=FALSE, format.Date="%m/%d/%Y",
          format.POSIXt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%OS", ...)



a matrix (usually numeric) or data frame


causes all values in the table to be formatted to digits significant digits. dec is usually preferred.


If dec is a scalar, all elements of the matrix will be rounded to dec decimal places to the right of the decimal. dec can also be a matrix whose elements correspond to x, for customized rounding of each element. A matrix dec must have number of columns equal to number of columns of input x. A scalar dec is expanded to a vector cdec with number of items equal to number of columns of input x.


a vector specifying the number of decimal places to the right for each row (cdec is more commonly used than rdec) A vector rdec must have number of items equal to number of rows of input x. rdec is expanded to matrix dec.


a vector specifying the number of decimal places for each column. The vector must have number of items equal to number of columns or components of input x.


Set to TRUE to use centered dots rather than ordinary periods in numbers. The output uses a syntax appropriate for latex.


Set to TRUE to use blanks rather than NA for missing values. This usually looks better in latex.


Set to TRUE to use David Carlisle's dcolumn style for decimal alignment in latex. Default is FALSE. You will probably want to use dcolumn if you use rdec, as a column may then contain varying number of places to the right of the decimal. dcolumn can line up all such numbers on the decimal point, with integer values right justified at the decimal point location of numbers that actually contain decimal places. When you use dcolumn = TRUE, numeric.dollar is set by default to FALSE. When you use dcolumn = TRUE, the object attribute "style" set to ‘⁠dcolumn⁠’ as the latex usepackage must reference [dcolumn]. The three files ‘dcolumn.sty’, ‘newarray.sty’, and ‘array.sty’ will need to be in a directory in your TEXINPUTS path. When you use dcolumn=TRUE, numeric.dollar should be set to FALSE.


logical, default !dcolumn. Set to TRUE to place dollar signs around numeric values when dcolumn = FALSE. This assures that latex will use minus signs rather than hyphens to indicate negative numbers. Set to FALSE when dcolumn = TRUE, as dcolumn.sty automatically uses minus signs.


logical, set true to place dollar signs around the row names.


set to TRUE to prevent any math mode changes to row names


logical, set true to place dollar signs around the column names.


set to TRUE to prevent any math mode changes to column names

Set to TRUE to use periods rather than NA for missing numeric values. This works with the SAS convention that periods indicate missing values.

Set to TRUE to use periods rather than blanks for missing character values. This works with the SAS convention that periods indicate missing values.


Input vector col.just must have number of columns equal to number of columns of the output matrix. When NULL, the default, the col.just attribute of the result is set to ‘⁠l⁠’ for character columns and to ‘⁠r⁠’ for numeric columns. The user can override the default by an argument vector whose length is equal to the number of columns of the result matrix. When format.df is called by latex.default, the col.just is used as the cols argument to the tabular environment and the letters ‘⁠l⁠’, ‘⁠r⁠’, and ‘⁠c⁠’ are valid values. When format.df is called by SAS, the col.just is used to determine whether a ‘⁠\$⁠’ is needed on the ‘⁠input⁠’ line of the ‘sysin’ file, and the letters ‘⁠l⁠’ and ‘⁠r⁠’ are valid values. You can pass specifications other than l,r,c in col.just, e.g., "p{3in}" to get paragraph-formatted columns from latex().


When x is a data frame containing a matrix, so that new column names are constructed from the name of the matrix object and the names of the individual columns of the matrix, matrix.sep specifies the character to use to separate object names from individual column names.


specifies ranges of exponents (or a logical vector) specifying values not to convert to scientific notation. See format.default for details.


should escaping backslashes be themselves escaped.


String used to format objects of the Date class.


String used to format objects of the POSIXt class.


other arguments are accepted and passed to format.default. For latexVerbatim these arguments are passed to the print function.


a character matrix with character images of properly rounded x. Matrix components of input x are now just sets of columns of character matrix. Object attribute"col.just" repeats the value of the argument col.just when provided, otherwise, it includes the recommended justification for columns of output. See the discussion of the argument col.just. The default justification is ‘⁠l⁠’ for characters and factors, ‘⁠r⁠’ for numeric. When dcolumn==TRUE, numerics will have ‘⁠.⁠’ as the justification character.


Frank E. Harrell, Jr.,
Department of Biostatistics,
Vanderbilt University,
[email protected]

Richard M. Heiberger,
Department of Statistics,
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
[email protected]

See Also



## Not run: 
x <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=3:4)
x$m <- 10000*matrix(5:8,nrow=2)
format.df(x, big.mark=",")

## End(Not run)

Format P Values


format.pval is intended for formatting p-values.


format.pval(x, pv=x, digits = max(1, .Options$digits - 2),
            eps = .Machine$double.eps, na.form = "NA", ...)



a numeric vector.


argument for method compliance.


how many significant digits are to be used.


a numerical tolerance: see Details.


character representation of NAs.


arguments passed to format in the format.pval function body.


format.pval is mainly an auxiliary function for print.summary.lm etc., and does separate formatting for fixed, floating point and very small values; those less than eps are formatted as “‘⁠< [eps]⁠’” (where “‘⁠[eps]⁠’” stands for format(eps, digits)).


A character vector.


This is the base format.pval function with the ablitiy to pass the nsmall argument to format


format.pval(c(runif(5), pi^-100, NA))
format.pval(c(0.1, 0.0001, 1e-27))
format.pval(c(0.1, 1e-27), nsmall=3)

Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions


gbayes derives the (Gaussian) posterior and optionally the predictive distribution when both the prior and the likelihood are Gaussian, and when the statistic of interest comes from a 2-sample problem. This function is especially useful in obtaining the expected power of a statistical test, averaging over the distribution of the population effect parameter (e.g., log hazard ratio) that is obtained using pilot data. gbayes is also useful for summarizing studies for which the statistic of interest is approximately Gaussian with known variance. An example is given for comparing two proportions using the angular transformation, for which the variance is independent of unknown parameters except for very extreme probabilities. A plot method is also given. This plots the prior, posterior, and predictive distributions on a single graph using a nice default for the x-axis limits and using the labcurve function for automatic labeling of the curves.

gbayes2 uses the method of Spiegelhalter and Freedman (1986) to compute the probability of correctly concluding that a new treatment is superior to a control. By this we mean that a 1-alpha normal theory-based confidence interval for the new minus old treatment effect lies wholly to the right of delta.w, where delta.w is the minimally worthwhile treatment effect (which can be zero to be consistent with ordinary null hypothesis testing, a method not always making sense). This kind of power function is averaged over a prior distribution for the unknown treatment effect. This procedure is applicable to the situation where a prior distribution is not to be used in constructing the test statistic or confidence interval, but is only used for specifying the distribution of delta, the parameter of interest.

Even though gbayes2 assumes that the test statistic has a normal distribution with known variance (which is strongly a function of the sample size in the two treatment groups), the prior distribution function can be completely general. Instead of using a step-function for the prior distribution as Spiegelhalter and Freedman used in their appendix, gbayes2 uses the built-in integrate function for numerical integration. gbayes2 also allows the variance of the test statistic to be general as long as it is evaluated by the user. The conditional power given the parameter of interest delta is 1 - pnorm((delta.w - delta)/sd + z), where z is the normal critical value corresponding to 1 - alpha/2.

gbayesMixPredNoData derives the predictive distribution of a statistic that is Gaussian given delta when no data have yet been observed and when the prior is a mixture of two Gaussians.

gbayesMixPost derives the posterior density, cdf, or posterior mean of delta given the statistic x, when the prior for delta is a mixture of two Gaussians and when x is Gaussian given delta.

gbayesMixPowerNP computes the power for a test for delta > delta.w for the case where (1) a Gaussian prior or mixture of two Gaussian priors is used as the prior distribution, (2) this prior is used in forming the statistical test or credible interval, (3) no prior is used for the distribution of delta for computing power but instead a fixed single delta is given (as in traditional frequentist hypothesis tests), and (4) the test statistic has a Gaussian likelihood with known variance (and mean equal to the specified delta). gbayesMixPowerNP is handy where you want to use an earlier study in testing for treatment effects in a new study, but you want to mix with this prior a non-informative prior. The mixing probability mix can be thought of as the "applicability" of the previous study. As with gbayes2, power here means the probability that the new study will yield a left credible interval that is to the right of delta.w. gbayes1PowerNP is a special case of gbayesMixPowerNP when the prior is a single Gaussian.


gbayes(mean.prior, var.prior, m1, m2, stat, var.stat, 
       n1, n2, cut.prior, cut.prob.prior=0.025)

## S3 method for class 'gbayes'
plot(x, xlim, ylim, name.stat='z', ...)

gbayes2(sd, prior, delta.w=0, alpha=0.05, upper=Inf, prior.aux)

gbayesMixPredNoData(mix=NA, d0=NA, v0=NA, d1=NA, v1=NA,

gbayesMixPost(x=NA, v=NA, mix=1, d0=NA, v0=NA, d1=NA, v1=NA,

gbayesMixPowerNP(pcdf, delta, v, delta.w=0, mix, interval,
                 nsim=0, alpha=0.05)

gbayes1PowerNP(d0, v0, delta, v, delta.w=0, alpha=0.05)



mean of the prior distribution

cut.prior, cut.prob.prior, var.prior

variance of the prior. Use a large number such as 10000 to effectively use a flat (noninformative) prior. Sometimes it is useful to compute the variance so that the prior probability that stat is greater than some impressive value u is only alpha. The correct var.prior to use is then ((u-mean.prior)/qnorm(1-alpha))^2. You can specify cut.prior=u and cut.prob.prior=alpha (whose default is 0.025) in place of var.prior to have gbayes compute the prior variance in this manner.


sample size in group 1


sample size in group 2


statistic comparing groups 1 and 2, e.g., log hazard ratio, difference in means, difference in angular transformations of proportions


variance of stat, assumed to be known. var.stat should either be a constant (allowed if n1 is not specified), or a function of two arguments which specify the sample sizes in groups 1 and 2. Calculations will be approximate when the variance is estimated from the data.


an object returned by gbayes or the value of the statistic which is an estimator of delta, the parameter of interest


the standard deviation of the treatment effect


a function of possibly a vector of unknown treatment effects, returning the prior density at those values


a function computing the posterior CDF of the treatment effect delta, such as a function created by gbayesMixPost with what="cdf".


a true unknown single treatment effect to detect


the variance of the statistic x, e.g., s^2 * (1/n1 + 1/n2). Neither x nor v need to be defined to gbayesMixPost, as they can be defined at run time to the function created by gbayesMixPost.


number of future observations in group 1, for obtaining a predictive distribution


number of future observations in group 2


vector of 2 x-axis limits. Default is the mean of the posterior plus or minus 6 standard deviations of the posterior.


vector of 2 y-axis limits. Default is the range over combined prior and posterior densities.


label for x-axis. Default is "z".


optional arguments passed to labcurve from plot.gbayes


the minimum worthwhile treatment difference to detech. The default is zero for a plain uninteristing null hypothesis.


type I error, or more accurately one minus the confidence level for a two-sided confidence limit for the treatment effect


upper limit of integration over the prior distribution multiplied by the normal likelihood for the treatment effect statistic. Default is infinity.


argument to pass to prior from integrate through gbayes2. Inside of power the argument must be named prior.aux if it exists. You can pass multiple parameters by passing prior.aux as a list and pulling off elements of the list inside prior. This setup was used because of difficulties in passing ... arguments through integrate for some situations.


mixing probability or weight for the Gaussian prior having mean d0 and variance v0. mix must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.


mean of the first Gaussian distribution (only Gaussian for gbayes1PowerNP and is a required argument)


variance of the first Gaussian (only Gaussian for gbayes1PowerNP and is a required argument)


mean of the second Gaussian (if mix < 1)


variance of the second Gaussian (if mix < 1). Any of these last 5 arguments can be omitted to gbayesMixPredNoData as they can be provided at run time to the function created by gbayesMixPredNoData.


specifies whether the predictive density or the CDF is to be computed. Default is "density".


a 2-vector containing the lower and upper limit for possible values of the test statistic x that would result in a left credible interval exceeding delta.w with probability 1-alpha/2


defaults to zero, causing gbayesMixPowerNP to solve numerically for the critical value of x, then to compute the power accordingly. Specify a nonzero number such as 20000 for nsim to instead have the function estimate power by simulation. In this case 0.95 confidence limits on the estimated power are also computed. This approach is sometimes necessary if uniroot can't solve the equation for the critical value.


gbayes returns a list of class "gbayes" containing the following names elements: mean.prior,var.prior,,, and if n1 is specified, mean.pred and var.pred. Note that mean.pred is identical to gbayes2 returns a single number which is the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis in favor of the new treatment. gbayesMixPredNoData returns a function that can be used to evaluate the predictive density or cumulative distribution. gbayesMixPost returns a function that can be used to evaluate the posterior density or cdf. gbayesMixPowerNP returns a vector containing two values if nsim = 0. The first value is the critical value for the test statistic that will make the left credible interval > delta.w, and the second value is the power. If nsim > 0, it returns the power estimate and confidence limits for it if nsim > 0. The examples show how to use these functions.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
[email protected]


Spiegelhalter DJ, Freedman LS, Parmar MKB (1994): Bayesian approaches to randomized trials. JRSS A 157:357–416. Results for gbayes are derived from Equations 1, 2, 3, and 6.

Spiegelhalter DJ, Freedman LS (1986): A predictive approach to selecting the size of a clinical trial, based on subjective clinical opinion. Stat in Med 5:1–13.

Joseph, Lawrence and Belisle, Patrick (1997): Bayesian sample size determination for normal means and differences between normal means. The Statistician 46:209–226.

Grouin, JM, Coste M, Bunouf P, Lecoutre B (2007): Bayesian sample size determination in non-sequential clinical trials: Statistical aspects and some regulatory considerations. Stat in Med 26:4914–4924.

See Also



# Compare 2 proportions using the var stabilizing transformation
# arcsin(sqrt((x+3/8)/(n+3/4))) (Anscombe), which has variance 
# 1/[4(n+.5)]

m1 <- 100;     m2 <- 150
deaths1 <- 10; deaths2 <- 30

f <- function(events,n) asin(sqrt((events+3/8)/(n+3/4)))
stat <- f(deaths1,m1) - f(deaths2,m2)
var.stat <- function(m1, m2) 1/4/(m1+.5) + 1/4/(m2+.5)
cat("Test statistic:",format(stat),"  s.d.:",
    format(sqrt(var.stat(m1,m2))), "\n")
#Use unbiased prior with variance 1000 (almost flat)
b <- gbayes(0, 1000, m1, m2, stat, var.stat, 2*m1, 2*m2)
#To get posterior Prob[parameter > w] use 
# 1-pnorm(w, b$, sqrt(b$

#If g(effect, n1, n2) is the power function to
#detect an effect of 'effect' with samples size for groups 1 and 2
#of n1,n2, estimate the expected power by getting 1000 random
#draws from the posterior distribution, computing power for
#each value of the population effect, and averaging the 1000 powers
#This code assumes that g will accept vector-valued 'effect'
#For the 2-sample proportion problem just addressed, 'effect'
#could be taken approximately as the change in the arcsin of
#the square root of the probability of the event

g <- function(effect, n1, n2, alpha=.05) {
  sd <- sqrt(var.stat(n1,n2))
  z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
  effect <- abs(effect)
  1 - pnorm(z - effect/sd) + pnorm(-z - effect/sd)

effects <- rnorm(1000, b$, sqrt(b$
powers <- g(effects, 500, 500)
hist(powers, nclass=35, xlab='Power')

# gbayes2 examples
# First consider a study with a binary response where the
# sample size is n1=500 in the new treatment arm and n2=300
# in the control arm.  The parameter of interest is the 
# treated:control log odds ratio, which has variance
# 1/[n1 p1 (1-p1)] + 1/[n2 p2 (1-p2)].  This is not
# really constant so we average the variance over plausible
# values of the probabilities of response p1 and p2.  We
# think that these are between .4 and .6 and we take a 
# further short cut

v <- function(n1, n2, p1, p2) 1/(n1*p1*(1-p1)) + 1/(n2*p2*(1-p2))
n1 <- 500; n2 <- 300
ps <- seq(.4, .6, length=100)
vguess <- quantile(v(n1, n2, ps, ps), .75)
#        75% 
# 0.02183459

# The minimally interesting treatment effect is an odds ratio
# of 1.1.  The prior distribution on the log odds ratio is
# a 50:50 mixture of a vague Gaussian (mean 0, sd 100) and
# an informative prior from a previous study (mean 1, sd 1)

prior <- function(delta) 
  0.5*dnorm(delta, 0, 100)+0.5*dnorm(delta, 1, 1)
deltas <- seq(-5, 5, length=150)
plot(deltas, prior(deltas), type='l')

# Now compute the power, averaged over this prior
gbayes2(sqrt(vguess), prior, log(1.1))
# [1] 0.6133338

# See how much power is lost by ignoring the previous
# study completely

gbayes2(sqrt(vguess), function(delta)dnorm(delta, 0, 100), log(1.1))
# [1] 0.4984588

# What happens to the power if we really don't believe the treatment
# is very effective?  Let's use a prior distribution for the log
# odds ratio that is uniform between log(1.2) and log(1.3).
# Also check the power against a true null hypothesis

prior2 <- function(delta) dunif(delta, log(1.2), log(1.3))
gbayes2(sqrt(vguess), prior2, log(1.1))
# [1] 0.1385113

gbayes2(sqrt(vguess), prior2, 0)
# [1] 0.3264065

# Compare this with the power of a two-sample binomial test to
# detect an odds ratio of 1.25
bpower(.5, odds.ratio=1.25, n1=500, n2=300)
#     Power 
# 0.3307486

# For the original prior, consider a new study with equal
# sample sizes n in the two arms.  Solve for n to get a
# power of 0.9.  For the variance of the log odds ratio
# assume a common p in the center of a range of suspected
# probabilities of response, 0.3.  For this example we
# use a zero null value and the uniform prior above

v   <- function(n) 2/(n*.3*.7)
pow <- function(n) gbayes2(sqrt(v(n)), prior2)
uniroot(function(n) pow(n)-0.9, c(50,10000))$root
# [1] 2119.675
# Check this value
# [1] 0.9

# Get the posterior density when there is a mixture of two priors,
# with mixing probability 0.5.  The first prior is almost
# non-informative (normal with mean 0 and variance 10000) and the
# second has mean 2 and variance 0.3.  The test statistic has a value
# of 3 with variance 0.4.
f <- gbayesMixPost(3, 4, mix=0.5, d0=0, v0=10000, d1=2, v1=0.3)


# Plot this density
delta <- seq(-2, 6, length=150)
plot(delta, f(delta), type='l')

# Add to the plot the posterior density that used only
# the almost non-informative prior
lines(delta, f(delta, mix=1), lty=2)

# The same but for an observed statistic of zero
lines(delta, f(delta, mix=1, x=0), lty=3)

# Derive the CDF instead of the density
g <- gbayesMixPost(3, 4, mix=0.5, d0=0, v0=10000, d1=2, v1=0.3,
# Had mix=0 or 1, gbayes1PowerNP could have been used instead
# of gbayesMixPowerNP below

# Compute the power to detect an effect of delta=1 if the variance
# of the test statistic is 0.2
gbayesMixPowerNP(g, 1, 0.2, interval=c(-10,12))

# Do the same thing by simulation
gbayesMixPowerNP(g, 1, 0.2, interval=c(-10,12), nsim=20000)

# Compute by what factor the sample size needs to be larger
# (the variance needs to be smaller) so that the power is 0.9
ratios <- seq(1, 4, length=50)
pow <- single(50)
for(i in 1:50) 
  pow[i] <- gbayesMixPowerNP(g, 1, 0.2/ratios[i], interval=c(-10,12))[2]

# Solve for ratio using reverse linear interpolation
approx(pow, ratios, xout=0.9)$y

# Check this by computing power
gbayesMixPowerNP(g, 1, 0.2/2.1, interval=c(-10,12))
# So the study will have to be 2.1 times as large as earlier thought



Simulate Bayesian Sequential Treatment Comparisons Using a Gaussian Model


gbayesSeqSim(est, asserts)



data frame created by estSeqSim()


list of lists. The first element of each list is the user-specified name for each assertion/prior combination, e.g., "efficacy". The other elements are, in order, a character string equal to "<", ">", or "in", a parameter value cutoff (for "<" and ">") or a 2-vector specifying an interval for "in", and either a prior distribution mean and standard deviation named mu and sigma respectively, or a parameter value ("cutprior") and tail area "tailprob". If the latter is used, mu is assumed to be zero and sigma is solved for such that P(parameter > 'cutprior') = P(parameter < - 'cutprior') = tailprob.


Simulate a sequential trial under a Gaussian model for parameter estimates, and Gaussian priors using simulated estimates and variances returned by estSeqSim. For each row of the data frame est and for each prior/assertion combination, computes the posterior probability of the assertion.


a data frame with number of rows equal to that of est with a number of new columns equal to the number of assertions added. The new columns are named p1, p2, p3, ... (posterior probabilities), mean1, mean2, ... (posterior means), and sd1, sd2, ... (posterior standard deviations). The returned data frame also has an attribute asserts added which is the original asserts augmented with any derived mu and sigma and converted to a data frame, and another attribute alabels which is a named vector used to map p1, p2, ... to the user-provided labels in asserts.


Frank Harrell

See Also

gbayes(), estSeqSim(), simMarkovOrd(), estSeqMarkovOrd()


## Not run: 
# Simulate Bayesian operating characteristics for an unadjusted
# proportional odds comparison (Wilcoxon test)
# For 100 simulations, 5 looks, 2 true parameter values, and
# 2 assertion/prior combinations, compute the posterior probability
# Use a low-level logistic regression call to speed up simuluations
# Use data.table to compute various summary measures
# Total simulation time: 2s
lfit <- function(x, y) {
f <-, y)
  k <- length(coef(f))
  c(coef(f)[k], vcov(f)[k, k])
gdat <- function(beta, n1, n2) {
  # Cell probabilities for a 7-category ordinal outcome for the control group
  p <- c(2, 1, 2, 7, 8, 38, 42) / 100

  # Compute cell probabilities for the treated group
  p2 <- pomodm(p=p, odds.ratio=exp(beta))
  y1 <- sample(1 : 7, n1, p,  replace=TRUE)
  y2 <- sample(1 : 7, n2, p2, replace=TRUE)
  list(y1=y1, y2=y2)

# Assertion 1: log(OR) < 0 under prior with prior mean 0.1 and sigma 1 on log OR scale
# Assertion 2: OR between 0.9 and 1/0.9 with prior mean 0 and sigma computed so that
# P(OR > 2) = 0.05
asserts <- list(list('Efficacy', '<', 0, mu=0.1, sigma=1),
                list('Similarity', 'in', log(c(0.9, 1/0.9)),
                     cutprior=log(2), tailprob=0.05))

est <- estSeqSim(c(0, log(0.7)), looks=c(50, 75, 95, 100, 200),
                   fitter=lfit, nsim=100)
z <- gbayesSeqSim(est, asserts)
attr(z, 'asserts')

# Compute the proportion of simulations that hit targets (different target posterior
# probabilities for efficacy vs. similarity)

# For the efficacy assessment compute the first look at which the target
# was hit (set to infinity if never hit)
z <- data.table(z)
u <- z[, .(first=min(p1 > 0.95)), by=.(parameter, sim)]
# Compute the proportion of simulations that ever hit the target and
# that hit it by the 100th subject
u[, .(ever=mean(first < Inf)),  by=.(parameter)]
u[, .(by75=mean(first <= 100)), by=.(parameter)]

## End(Not run)



Data from The Analysis of Biological Data by Shitlock and Schluter


getabd(name = "", lowernames = FALSE, allow = "_")



name of dataset to fetch. Omit to get a data table listing all available datasets.


set to TRUE to change variable names to lower case


set to NULL to convert underscores in variable names to periods


Fetches csv files for exercises in the book


data frame with attributes label and url


Frank Harrell

Download and Install Datasets for Hmisc, rms, and Statistical Modeling


This function downloads and makes ready to use datasets from the main web site for the Hmisc and rms libraries. For R, the datasets were stored in compressed save format and getHdata makes them available by running load after download. For S-Plus, the datasets were stored in data.dump format and are made available by running data.restore after import. The dataset is run through the cleanup.import function. Calling getHdata with no file argument provides a character vector of names of available datasets that are currently on the web site. For R, R's default browser can optionally be launched to view ⁠html⁠ files that were already prepared using the Hmisc command html(contents()) or to view ‘.txt’ or ‘.html’ data description files when available.

If options(localHfiles=TRUE) the scripts are read from local directory ~/web/data/repo instead of from the web server.


getHdata(file, what = c("data", "contents", "description", "all"),



an unquoted name of a dataset on the web site, e.g. ‘⁠prostate⁠’. Omit file to obtain a list of available datasets.


specify what="contents" to browse the contents (metadata) for the dataset rather than fetching the data themselves. Specify what="description" to browse a data description file if available. Specify what="all" to retrieve the data and see the metadata and description.


URL containing the data and metadata files


getHdata() without a file argument returns a character vector of dataset base names. When a dataset is downloaded, the data frame is placed in search position one and is not returned as value of getHdata.


Frank Harrell

See Also

download.file, cleanup.import, data.restore, load


## Not run: 
getHdata()          # download list of available datasets
getHdata(prostate)  # downloads, load( ) or data.restore( )
                    # runs cleanup.import for S-Plus 6
getHdata(valung, "contents")   # open browser (options(browser="whatever"))
                    # after downloading valung.html
                    # (result of html(contents()))
getHdata(support, "all")  # download and open one browser window
attach(support)     # make individual variables available
getHdata(plasma,  "all")  # download and open two browser windows
                          # (description file is available for plasma)

## End(Not run)

Interact with github rscripts Project


The github rscripts project at contains R scripts that are primarily analysis templates for teaching with RStudio. This function allows the user to print an organized list of available scripts, to download a script and source() it into the current session (the default), to download a script and load it into an RStudio script editor window, to list scripts whose major category contains a given string (ignoring case), or to list all major and minor categories. If options(localHfiles=TRUE) the scripts are read from local directory ~/R/rscripts instead of from github.


getRs(file=NULL, guser='harrelfe', grepo='rscripts', gdir='raw/master',
      dir=NULL, browse=c('local', 'browser'), cats=FALSE,
      put=c('source', 'rstudio'))



a character string containing a script file name. Omit file to obtain a list of available scripts with major and minor categories.


GitHub user name, default is 'harrelfe'


Github repository name, default is 'rscripts'


Github directory under which to find retrievable files


directory under grepo in which to find files


When showing the rscripts contents directory, the default is to list in tabular form in the console. Specify browse='browser' to open the online contents in a web browser.


Leave at the default (FALSE) to list whole contents or download a script. Specify cats=TRUE to list major and minor categories available. Specify a character string to list all scripts whose major category contains the string (ignoring case).


Leave at the default ('source') to source() the file. This is useful when the file just defines a function you want to use in the session. Use load put='rstudio' to load the file into the RStudio script editor window using the rstudioapi navigateToFile function. If RStudio is not running, file.edit() is used instead.


a data frame or list, depending on arguments


Frank Harrell and Cole Beck

See Also



## Not run: 
getRs()             # list available scripts
scripts <- getRs()  # likewise, but store in an object that can easily
                    # be viewed on demand in RStudio
getRs('introda.r')  # download introda.r and put in script editor
getRs(cats=TRUE)    # list available major and minor categories
categories <- getRs(cats=TRUE)
# likewise but store results in a list for later viewing
getRs(cats='reg')   # list all scripts in a major category containing 'reg'
getRs('importREDCap.r')   # source() to define a function
# source() a new version of the Hmisc package's cut2 function: