Package: FuzzySTs 0.3

Redina Berkachy

FuzzySTs: Fuzzy Statistical Tools

The main goal of this package is to present various fuzzy statistical tools. It intends to provide an implementation of the theoretical and empirical approaches presented in the book entitled "The signed distance measure in fuzzy statistical analysis. Some theoretical, empirical and programming advances" <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-76916-1>. For the theoretical approaches, see Berkachy R. and Donze L. (2019) <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03368-2_1>. For the empirical approaches, see Berkachy R. and Donze L. (2016) <ISBN: 978-989-758-201-1>). Important (non-exhaustive) implementation highlights of this package are as follows: (1) a numerical procedure to estimate the fuzzy difference and the fuzzy square. (2) two numerical methods of fuzzification. (3) a function performing different possibilities of distances, including the signed distance and the generalized signed distance for instance with all its properties. (4) numerical estimations of fuzzy statistical measures such as the variance, the moment, etc. (5) two methods of estimation of the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio in the fuzzy context. (6) an estimation of a fuzzy confidence interval by the likelihood ratio method. (7) testing fuzzy hypotheses and/or fuzzy data by fuzzy confidence intervals in the Kwakernaak - Kruse and Meyer sense. (8) a general method to estimate the fuzzy p-value with fuzzy hypotheses and/or fuzzy data. (9) a method of estimation of global and individual evaluations of linguistic questionnaires. (10) numerical estimations of multi-ways analysis of variance models in the fuzzy context. The unbalance in the considered designs are also foreseen.

Authors:Redina Berkachy <[email protected]>, Laurent Donze <[email protected]>

FuzzySTs.pdf |FuzzySTs.html
FuzzySTs/json (API)

# Install 'FuzzySTs' in R:
install.packages('FuzzySTs', repos = c('', ''))



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3.40 score 255 downloads 49 exports 2 dependencies

Last updated 8 months agofrom:328a9559d5. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 05 2025


On evaluations of linguistic questionnaires

Rendered fromVignette_D.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-11-23
Started: 2020-11-23

On fuzzification tools, fuzzy arithmetics and metrics

Rendered fromVignette_A.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-11-23
Started: 2020-07-03

On fuzzy analysis of variance

Rendered fromVignette_E.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-11-23
Started: 2020-11-23

On statistical inference

Rendered fromVignette_C.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-11-23
Started: 2020-11-23

On statistical measures

Rendered fromVignette_B.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-11-23
Started: 2020-11-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculates the adjusted weight for a given main-item of a linguistic questionnaireadjusted.weight.MI
Calculates the adjusted weight for a given sub-item of a linguistic questionnaireadjusted.weight.SI
Calculates a distance by the d_Bertoluzza between fuzzy numbersBertoluzza
Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 1 using the meanboot.mean.algo1
Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 2 using the meanboot.mean.algo2
Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 1 or 2 using the
Cube a numbercube
Calculates a distance by the D2 between fuzzy numbersD2
Defuzzify the fuzzy sums of squares calculated by a FANOVA model by an exact calculation or an approximationDefuzz.FANOVA
Calculates the factor Delta_jkiDelta_jki
Calculates a distance by the d_Delta.pq between fuzzy numbersDelta.pq
Calculates a distance between fuzzy numbersdistance
Calculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbersDSGD
Calculates a distance by the d_DSGD.G between fuzzy numbersDSGD.G
Computes a FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact calculation or an approximationFANOVA
Computes a FANOVA model by an approximationFANOVA.approximation
Computes a FANOVA model by a convenient metricFANOVA.distance
Computes a FANOVA model by an exact calculationFANOVA.exact
Prints the summary of the estimation of a FANOVA metric-based modelFANOVA.summary
Estimates a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood
Estimates a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood
Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact calculation or an approximationFMANOVA
Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by an approximationFMANOVA.approximation
Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metricFMANOVA.distance
Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by an exact calculationFMANOVA.exact
Prints the summary of the estimation of the interaction in a Mult-FANOVA metric-based modelFMANOVA.interaction.summary
Prints the summary of the estimation of a Mult-FANOVA metric-based modelFMANOVA.summary
Calculates multiple tests corresponding to the fuzzy response variableFtests
Calculates the Tukey HSD test corresponding to the fuzzy response variableFTukeyHSD
Fuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular fuzzy numbersFUZZ
Computes a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence intervals method calculated by the Likelihood methodFuzzy.CI.ML.test
Computes a fuzzy inference test by the traditional fuzzy confidence intervalsFuzzy.CI.test
Computes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the traditional fuzzy confidence intervalsFuzzy.decisions
Computes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence intervals by the likelihood methodFuzzy.decisions.ML
Calculates the difference between two fuzzy numbersFuzzy.Difference
Calculates the exact varianceFuzzy.exact.variance
Gives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts modelling the exact varianceFuzzy.exact.variance.poly.left
Gives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts modelling the exact varianceFuzzy.exact.variance.poly.right
Computes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis testFuzzy.p.value
Computes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis test for the meanFuzzy.p.value.mean
Calculates the fuzzy predicted valuesfuzzy.predicted.values
Calculates the fuzzy residualsfuzzy.residuals
Calculates the fuzzy sample meanFuzzy.sample.mean
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - generalFuzzy.sample.variance.approximation
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 1Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation1
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 2Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation2
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 3Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation3
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 4Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation4
Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 5Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation5
Calculates numerically the square of a fuzzy numberFuzzy.Square
Gives the polynomial expression of the left alpha-levels of the numerical square of a fuzzy numberFuzzy.Square.poly.left
Gives the polynomial expression of the right alpha-levels of the numerical square of a fuzzy numberFuzzy.Square.poly.right
Calculates the variance by a chosen method: distance, exact or approximationFuzzy.variance
Creates a Gaussian two-sided bell fuzzy numberGaussianBellFuzzyNumber
Creates a Gaussian fuzzy numberGaussianFuzzyNumber
Fuzzifies a variable modelled by any type of fuzzy numbersGFUZZ
Calculates the global evaluation of a linguistic questionnaireGLOB.EVAL
Calculates the weighted mean of the set of individual evaluationsGLOB.EVAL.mean
Calculates a distance between fuzzy numbersGSGD
Calculates the individual evaluations of a linguistic questionnaireIND.EVAL
Numerical integration by the trivial method - method 1int.0
Numerical integration by the composite trapezoidal method - method 3int.ct
Numerical integration by the Simpson method - method 4int.simpson
Numerical integration - method 2int.t
Numerical integration by a particular methodintegrate.num
Verifies if a matrix is set of left and right alpha-cutsis.alphacuts
Verifies if a design is balancedis.balanced
Verifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrixis.fuzzification
Verifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrix of trapezoidal fuzzy numbersis.trfuzzification
Calculates the excess of kurtosis of a random fuzzy variableKurtosis
Calculates a distance by the d_Mid.Spr between fuzzy numbersMid.Spr
Calculates a central sample moment of a random fuzzy variableMoment
Calculates the number of answers by a specific sub-item
Calculates the number of answers by a specific linguistic of a sub-item
Calculates the number of breakpoints of a numerical matrix of alpha-cutsnbreakpoints
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Fisher distributionp.value.fisher
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Logistic distributionp.value.log
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a logistic distribution for the meanp.value.mean.log
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a normal distribution for the meanp.value.mean.normal
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Poisson distribution for the meanp.value.mean.poisson
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Student distribution for the meanp.value.mean.Student
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a normal distributionp.value.normal
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Poisson distributionp.value.poisson
Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Student distributionp.value.Student
Calculates the indicator of information's rate of the data baseR
Calculates a distance by the Rho1 between fuzzy numbersRho1
Calculates a distance by the Rho2 between fuzzy numbersRho2
Calculates a distance by the d_Rhop between fuzzy numbersRhop
Calculates the indicator of information's rate of the data base for a given unitRi
Calculates the sample variance by a convenient metricSample.variance
Calculates the sequential sums of squares by a convenient metricSEQ.ORDERING
Calculates the sequential sums of squares by an approximationSEQ.ORDERING.APPROXIMATION
Calculates the sequential sums of squares by an exact calculationSEQ.ORDERING.EXACT
Calculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbersSGD
Calculates the skewness of a random fuzzy variableSkewness
Square a numbersquare
Fuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular fuzzy numberstr.gfuzz
Calculates a distance by the d_wabl between fuzzy numberswabl
Calculates the weighted fuzzy sample meanWeighted.fuzzy.mean