Package: wflo 1.9

Carsten Croonenbroeck

wflo: Data Set and Helper Functions for Wind Farm Layout Optimization Problems

Provides a convenient data set, a set of helper functions, and a benchmark function for economically (profit) driven wind farm layout optimization. This enables researchers in the field of the NP-hard (non-deterministic polynomial-time hard) problem of wind farm layout optimization to focus on their optimization methodology contribution and also provides a realistic benchmark setting for comparability among contributions. See Croonenbroeck, Carsten & Hennecke, David (2020) <doi:10.1016/>.

Authors:Carsten Croonenbroeck [aut, cre], David Hennecke [ctb]

wflo.pdf |wflo.html
wflo/json (API)

# Install 'wflo' in R:
install.packages('wflo', repos = c('', ''))
  • FarmData - Data set for wind farm layout optimization.



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 258 downloads 35 exports 50 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:05588d703c. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 14 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 14 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 14 2025




Rendered fromwflo.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Mar 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-03-19
Started: 2020-03-25

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Downloads the larger data set for entire Germany.AcquireData
Provides convenient computations for air density.AirDensity
Computes the overlap area for the partial Jensen wake.Area
Stub for a turbine's cost function.Cost
Environment for data and variables.e
Data set for wind farm layout optimization.FarmData
Variables object for wind farm specifications.FarmVars
Convenience function to look-up values from a object returned by GenerateGauss.GaussWS
For an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function computes a 3D tensor object containing Gaussian model based wind speeds.GenerateGauss
Converts degrees between the arithmetic system and the azimuth system (and vice versa).Geo2Ari
Returns the angle between two turbines.GetAngle
Simple helper function for 'PlotResult'.GetArrow
Returns average wind direction and direction standard deviation for a turbine's location.GetDirInfo
Accesses full FarmData set and returns a compatible list object for the requested location.GetFarmFromLonLat
Converts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to FarmData indices.GK2Index
Converts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to longitude/latitude coordinates.GK2LonLat
Returns the elevation of a turbine's location.Height
Simple helper function for 'PlotResult'.ImposeVectorField
Converts FarmData indices to Gauss-Kruger coordinates.Index2GK
For a given distance 'x', computes the wake cone generated by a turbine.JensenAngle
For a given distance 'x', computes the penalty factor for a turbine's wake.JensenFactor
Computes the four corner points of a Jensen trapezoid (or cone).JensenTrapezoid
Converts longitude/latitude coordinates to Gauss-Kruger coordinates.LonLat2GK
Returns Mosetti's cost model for a number of turbines.MosettiTurbineCost
Returns the Jensen wake penalty factor for a pair of turbines.PairPenalty
Computes the partial Jensen wake effect.PartialJensen
Visualizes the wind farm layout optimization result.PlotResult
Checks whether a point is inside a polygon.PointInPolygon
Computes the economic profit for a given wind farm layout configurationProfit
Computes profit contributions for all points in a setup solution.ProfitContributors
For an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function computes a 3D Gaussian model based wind speed.QuickGauss3D
Visualizes the points causing/'suffering' from wake effects.ShowWakePenalizers
Helper function for ex-post wind direction dependence analysisSwitchProfile
Checks whether all turbine locations provided satisfy the minimum distance criterion.ValidSetup
Data set and functions for wind farm layout optimization.wflo-package wflo
Scales wind speeds to certain heights.WindspeedHellmann
Scales wind speeds to certain heights.WindspeedLog
Returns yearly yield for a turbine's location.Yield