Package: vcrpart 1.0-6
vcrpart: Tree-Based Varying Coefficient Regression for Generalized Linear and Ordinal Mixed Models
Recursive partitioning for varying coefficient generalized linear models and ordinal linear mixed models. Special features are coefficient-wise partitioning, non-varying coefficients and partitioning of time-varying variables in longitudinal regression. A description of a part of this package was published by Burgin and Ritschard (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v080.i06>.
vcrpart.pdf |vcrpart.html✨
vcrpart/json (API)
# Install 'vcrpart' in R: |
install.packages('vcrpart', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 3 months agofrom:479b716a6c. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Date |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Dec 04 2024 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Dec 04 2024 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Contrast matrices | contr.wsum |
Bagging and Random Forests based on 'tvcm' | fvcglm fvcglm_control fvcm fvcm_control fvcolmm fvcolmm_control |
Methods for 'fvcm' objects | fitted.fvcm fvcm-methods oobloss.fvcm plot.fvcm predict.fvcm print.fvcm ranef.fvcm |
Movie critics | movie |
Fitting ordinal and nominal two-stage linear mixed models | adjacent baseline cumulative family.olmm olmm |
Control parameters for 'olmm'. | olmm-control olmm_control |
Methods for score processes of 'olmm' objects | olmm-gefp olmm_estfun olmm_gefp predecor_control |
Methods for 'olmm' objects | anova.olmm coef.olmm coefficients.olmm deviance.olmm fixef fixef.glm fixef.olmm formula.olmm getCall.olmm logLik.olmm model.frame.olmm model.matrix.olmm neglogLik2 neglogLik2.olmm olmm-methods print.VarCorr.olmm ranef ranef.olmm ranefCov ranefCov.olmm resid.olmm residuals.olmm simulate.olmm terms.olmm update.olmm VarCorr VarCorr.olmm vcov.olmm weights.olmm |
Predict outcome probabilities and responses for 'olmm' objects | fitted.olmm olmm-predict predict.olmm |
Printing and summarizing 'olmm' objects | olmm-summary print.olmm print.summary.olmm summary.olmm |
Time-series plot for longitudinal ordinal data | otsplot otsplot.default otsplot_control otsplot_filter |
Effect of parental leave policy | PL |
Poverty in Switzerland | poverty |
National Institute of Mental Health shizophrenia study | schizo |
Coefficient-wise tree-based varying coefficient regression based on generalized linear models | tvcglm tvcglm_control |
Tree-based varying coefficient regression models | tvcm |
Model selection utility functions for 'tvcm' objects. | cvloss cvloss.tvcm folds_control oobloss oobloss.tvcm plot.cvloss.tvcm prune prune.tvcm prunepath prunepath.tvcm tvcm-assessment |
Control parameters for 'tvcm'. | tvcm-control tvcm_control |
Methods for 'tvcm' objects | coef.tvcm coefficients.tvcm depth.tvcm extract extract.tvcm fitted.tvcm formula.tvcm getCall.tvcm logLik.tvcm model.frame.tvcm neglogLik2.tvcm nobs.tvcm predict.tvcm print.tvcm ranef.tvcm resid.tvcm residuals.tvcm splitpath splitpath.tvcm summary.tvcm tvcm-methods weights.tvcm width.tvcm |
'plot' method for 'tvcm' objects. | panel_coef panel_partdep plot.tvcm tvcm-plot |
Tree-based varying coefficient regression based on ordinal and nominal two-stage linear mixed models. | tvcolmm tvcolmm_control |
Synthetic data sets | unemp vcrpart-demo vcrpart_1 vcrpart_2 vcrpart_3 |
Special terms for formulas. | ce fe ge re vc vcrpart-formula |