Package: unitedR 0.4

David Schindler

unitedR: Assessment and Evaluation of Formations in United

United is a software tool which can be downloaded at the following website <>. In general, it is a virtual manager game for football teams. This package contains helpful functions for determining an optimal formation for a virtual match in United. E.g. knowing that the opponent has a strong defensive it is advisable to beat him in the midfield. Furthermore, this package contains functions for computing the optimal usage of hardness in a game.

Authors:David Schindler [aut, cre]

unitedR.pdf |unitedR.html
unitedR/json (API)

# Install 'unitedR' in R:
install.packages('unitedR', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 6 scripts 199 downloads 9 exports 2 dependencies

Last updated 5 years agofrom:0dc5f8f6f8. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 20 2025




Rendered fromunitedR.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Feb 20 2025.

Last update: 2018-01-05
Started: 2015-10-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Assessment and Evaluation of United FormationsunitedR-package unitedR
Representing a formationformation
Lineup of a united formationgetLineup getLineup,formation-method
Computing overtime resultsovertime
Overview over the parameters used in the 'unitedR' packageoverview
Computing goals by unitedpenaltyGoalsProb
Computing outcome of penalty shootoutpenaltyShootout
Simulate red card(s)simRedCard simRedCard,formation,numeric,matrix-method
Summary of assessments of a randomization proceduresummary summary,unitedSim-method summary,unitedSimResults-method
Simulating a formationunitedSim
Simulating a formationunitedSimOne