Package: tripack 1.3-9.2

Albrecht Gebhardt

tripack: Triangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data

A constrained two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation package providing both triangulation and generation of voronoi mosaics of irregular spaced data. Please note that most of the functions are now also covered in package interp, which is a re-implementation from scratch under a free license based on a different triangulation algorithm.

Authors:Albrecht Gebhardt [aut, cre, cph], R. J. Renka [aut], Stephen Eglen [aut, cph], Sergej Zuyev [aut, cph], Denis White [aut, cph]

tripack.pdf |tripack.html
tripack/json (API)

# Install 'tripack' in R:
install.packages('tripack', repos = '')
Uses libs:
  • fortran– Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


3.56 score 1 packages 206 scripts 3.0k downloads 2 mentions 29 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:7efbf2f9bc. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 18 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 18 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add a constraint to an triangulaion objectadd.constraint
extract info about voronoi cellscells
plot circlescircles
circtest / sample datacirctest circtest2
Determine the circumcircle of a trianglecircum
Determine the circumcircle of a set of pointscircumcircle
Return the convex hull of a triangulation objectconvex.hull
Identify points in a triangulation plotidentify.tri
Determines if points are in the convex hull of a triangulation objectin.convex.hull
Determines whether given points are left of a directed left
List of neighbours from a triangulation objectneighbours
Determines if points are on the convex hull of a triangulation objecton.convex.hull
Version of outer which operates only in a convex hullouter.convhull
Plot a triangulation objectplot.tri
Plot a voronoi objectplot.voronoi
plots an voronoi.polygons objectplot.voronoi.polygons
Print a summary of a triangulation objectprint.summary.tri
Print a summary of a voronoi objectprint.summary.voronoi
Print a triangulation objectprint.tri
Print a voronoi objectprint.voronoi
Return a summary of a triangulation objectsummary.tri
Return a summary of a voronoi objectsummary.voronoi
A triangulation objecttri
Compute the Delaunay segment lengthstri.dellens
Locate a point in a triangulationtri.find
Create a delaunay triangulationtri.mesh
Extract a list of triangles from a triangulation objecttriangles
Internal functionstri.swap tri.swap.lowlevel tri.vordist voronoi.findvertices voronoi.polyarea
tritest / sample datatritest tritest2
Voronoi objectvoronoi
Calculate area of Voronoi polygonsvoronoi.area
Find the Voronoi sites at the border of the region (to be rejected).voronoi.findrejectsites
Create a Voronoi mosaicvoronoi.mosaic
extract polygons from a voronoi mosaicvoronoi.polygons