Package: tntpr 1.2.1

Dustin Pashouwer

tntpr: Data Analysis Tools Customized for TNTP

An assortment of functions and templates customized to meet the needs of data analysts at the non-profit organization TNTP. Includes functions for branded colors and plots, credentials management, repository set-up, and other common analytic tasks.

Authors:Dustin Pashouwer [aut, cre], Sam Firke [aut], Shane Orr [aut], Sam Talcott [aut]

tntpr.pdf |tntpr.html
tntpr/json (API)

# Install 'tntpr' in R:
install.packages('tntpr', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • fake_county - Fake teacher roster dataset from OpenSDP
  • teacher_survey - Teacher survey data
  • wisc - Fake student data from the Wisconsin State Dept. of Ed

3.30 score 271 downloads 51 exports 93 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:afb2a73da6. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 26 2025



TNTP Visualization Cookbook

Rendered fromvisualization-cookbook.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-11-26
Started: 2024-03-22

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Bar chart of counts with TNTP polishbar_chart_counts
Tabulate a range of check-all-that-apply response columns in a single table.check_all_count
Process a range of check-all-that-apply response columns for correct tabulation.check_all_recode
Get contrasting text colors for fillschoose_text_color
TNTP colorscolors_tntp
Likert pallettecolors_tntp_likert
Likert orange to green pallettecolors_tntp_likert_orange_to_green
TNTP pallettecolors_tntp_palette
Convert a date value into its school year.date_to_sy
Convert all character vectors containing a set of values in a data.frame to factors.factorize_df
Fake teacher roster dataset from OpenSDPfake_county
Create sequential figure numbersfigureN
Pull extension from a pathget_ext
Checks if a font family is usable and returns a usable font if notget_usable_family
Insert header_script_tntp.header_tntp
Import Segoe UI Condensed font for use in chartsimport_segoe_ui
Validate color inputsis_color
Test if a string is formatted like a Sharepoint drive idis_drive_id
Test if a string is formatted like a Sharepoint site idis_site_id
Test if a string is formatted like a Sharepoint site urlis_site_url
Convert all 'labelled'-class columns to factors.labelled_to_factors
Pallette namespalette_names
TNTP branded color palettespalette_tntp
Attempt to parse a date with common formatsparse_date
Easy Diverging Bar Chartsposition_diverge
Determine function type by extension and provided type Handles type validationprocess_type
Calculate the percent of non-missing values in a character vector containing the values of interest. This is a helper function for factorize_df().prop_matching
Recode a variable into binary groups, e.g., "Top-2" and "Not in Top-2".recode_to_binary
scale_color_tntp/scale_fill_tntpscale_color_tntp scale_colour_tntp scale_fill_tntp
Set the formatting options for a TNTP Data Memoset_data_memo_formatting
Initialize a new repository, and a single subfolder, TNTP style.setup_repo
Initialize a new subdirectory in an existing repository, TNTP style.setup_subdirectory
Write Dataframe to a temp excel file and open it.show_in_excel
Check for existence of a Sharepoint folder and offer to create it if it doesn't existsp_check_folder
Create Sharepoint Foldersp_create_folder
Set default Sharepoint settings for a sessionsp_defaults
For parsing sharepoint errors (right now just path errors)sp_error
List Sharepoint Contentssp_list sp_list_drives sp_list_sites sp_list_subsites
Read/Write from Sharepointsp_read sp_write
Internal function for reading excel files from Sharepointsp_read_xlsx
Return Microsoft365R site or drive objectsp_drive sp_site
Internal function to create cli-friendly site/drive/path stringsp_string
Sharepoint upload/downloadsp_download sp_upload
Function for uploading an xls / xlsx filesp_write_xlsx
Update case of a character vectorstandardize_case
Create sequential table numberstableN
Teacher survey datateacher_survey
TNTP's ggplot2 themetheme_tntp
A precise & pristine 'ggplot2' theme with opinionated defaults and an emphasis on typographytheme_tntp_2018
TNTP Brand Colorsshow_tntp_colors tntp_colors
TNTP Credential Get/Set Commandtntp_cred tntp_cred_list tntp_cred_set
Common TNTP Color Palettesshow_tntp_palette tntp_palette
Create TNTP themed ggplot2 chartstntp_style
Data Analysis Tools Customized for TNTPtntpr-package tntpr
Update matching font defaults for text geomsupdate_geom_font_defaults
Re-install the tntpr package from GitHub.update_tntpr
Fake student data from the Wisconsin State Dept. of Edwisc