Package: tis 1.39

Brian Salzer
tis: Time Indexes and Time Indexed Series
Functions and S3 classes for time indexes and time indexed series, which are compatible with FAME frequencies.
tis.pdf |tis.html✨
tis/json (API)
# Install 'tis' in R: |
install.packages('tis', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 3 years agofrom:f254c39171. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 26 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 26 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 26 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Time Indices and Time Indexed Series | tis-package |
Compute Summary Statistics of Time Series Subsets | aggregate.tis |
Coerce to a Data Frame | |
Convert ti or jul objects to Dates | as.Date.jul as.Date.ti |
Construct a List from a Time Index or Jul Object | as.list.jul as.list.ti |
Create a Matrix from a Time Indexed Series | as.matrix.tis |
Convert a Time Indexed Series to a Time Series | as.ts.tis |
Convert a vector into a list of objects with the same class | asClassyList |
Assign Values In a List to Names | assignList |
Barplot for Time Indexed Series | barplot.tis |
Horizontally Shifted Bar Plots | barplot2 |
Optional tis attributes | basis basis<- observed observed<- |
Check for Inclusion in a Closed Interval | between |
Blanks | blanks |
Capitalize strings | capitalize |
Combine Series Into a Multivariate (Matrix) Time Indexed Series | cbind.tis |
Rows and Columns of a Matrix | columns rows |
Constant Growth Series | fanSeries tunnelSeries |
Time scale conversions for time series | convert |
Writes a CSV (comma separated values) file. | csv |
Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes | cummax.tis cummin.tis cumprod.tis cumsum.tis |
Day of Week Time Indexes | currentFriday currentMonday currentSaturday currentSunday currentThursday currentTuesday currentWednesday latestFriday latestMonday latestSaturday latestSunday latestThursday latestTuesday latestWednesday |
Current Period Time Indexes | currentApril currentAugust currentDecember currentFebruary currentHalf currentJanuary currentJuly currentJune currentMarch currentMay currentMonth currentNovember currentOctober currentQ4 currentQMonth currentQuarter currentSeptember currentWeek currentYear |
Start and End Time Indices for a Series | dateRange |
Day positions in Time Index Periods | currentMonthDay dayOfMonth dayOfPeriod dayOfWeek dayOfYear firstBusinessDayOf firstBusinessDayOfMonth firstDayOf lastBusinessDayOf lastBusinessDayOfMonth lastDayOf latestMonthDay |
Description and Documentation Attributes | description description<- documentation documentation<- |
Evaluate an Argument If Possible | evalOrEcho |
Convert Time Index or Jul to Character | as.character.jul as.character.ti format.jul format.ti |
Fortify a tis object | fortify.tis |
FRB Color Palettes | frColors |
Growth Rates of Time Series | growth.rate growth.rate<- |
Hours, Minutes and Seconds from a Time Index or Jul | hms |
Holidays | easter federalHolidays goodFriday holidays holidaysBetween inaugurationDay isBusinessDay isEaster isGoodFriday isHoliday nextBusinessDay previousBusinessDay |
Create a Time Index to Match a Vector of DateTimes | inferTi |
Interpolate missing values in a Time Indexed Series | interpNA |
R support for Intraday frequencies | hourly minutely secondly |
Check for Intraday Time Index Frequency | isIntradayTif |
Check Leap Year | isLeapYear |
Julian Date Objects | as.jul asJul is.jul jul jul.Date jul.default jul.IDate jul.ti jul.yearmon jul.yearqtr |
Lag a Time Series | Lag lag.tis Lags lags |
Most Recent Period Time Indexes | latestApril latestAugust latestDecember latestFebruary latestHalf latestJanuary latestJuly latestJune latestMarch latestMay latestMonth latestNovember latestOctober latestQ4 latestQuarter latestSeptember latestWeek latestYear |
Linear Spline Integration | ilspline lintegrate |
Plotting Time Indexed Series | lines.tis points.tis |
Merge Time Indexed Series | mergeSeries |
Exclude NA and Zero Observations | naWindow |
Plotting NBER Recesssions | nberDates nberShade nberShade.default romerLines |
Set up Coordinates for Graphics Window | plotWindow |
Date-time Constructor Functions | as.POSIXct.jul as.POSIXct.ti POSIXct POSIXct.default POSIXct.jul POSIXct.numeric POSIXct.ti POSIXlt POSIXlt.default POSIXlt.jul POSIXlt.ti |
Print a Time Index | print.ti |
Printing Time Indexed Series | print.tis |
Form Row Sums and Means | RowMeans RowMeans.default RowMeans.tis RowSums RowSums.default RowSums.tis |
Produce high-quality scatter plots | scatterPlot |
Page Setup for Plots | screenPage |
Set the Graphics Palette and Default Colors | setColors |
Return Known Time Index Frequencies, Change Default Frequencies | setDefaultFrequencies tifList |
Solve a Tridiagonal System of Equations | solve.tridiag |
ssDate Objects | as.ssDate is.ssDate ssDate |
Starting and ending time indexes | end.tis start.tis start<- |
Strip Blanks | stripBlanks |
Remove part of a class attribute | stripClass stripTis |
Matrix Transpose | t.tis |
Time Index Objects | as.ti asTi couldBeTi is.ti ti ti.Date ti.default ti.jul ti.ssDate ti.ti ti.tis ti.yearmon ti.yearqtr |
Daily and Business Day Time Indexes | tiBusiness tiDaily |
Create tier charts | adjustableTierChart tierChart |
Time Index Frequencies and Periods | basePeriod period tif tif.default tif.ti tif.tis tif.ts tifName tifName.default tifName.ti tifName.tis |
Periods Per Year for Time Index Frequencies | tif2freq |
Time Indexed Series | as.tis as.tis.default as.tis.tis as.tis.ts as.tis.zoo is.tis tis |
Linear Filtering on a Time Series | tisFilter |
Read time series from Comma Separated Values (.csv) file | tisFromCsv |
Add a legend to a tisPlot or scatterPlot | tisLegend |
Plot time indexed series (tis objects) | tisPlot |
Time Index for the Current Date | today |
Update lists and time series | updateColumns updateList |
Time windows for Time Indexed Series | window.tis |
Extract parts of various Date-Time Objects | day month quarter year ymd ymd.default ymd.jul ymd.ssDate ymd.ti |
Shading Date Ranges | ymdShade ymdXy |