Package: tis 1.39

Brian Salzer

tis: Time Indexes and Time Indexed Series

Functions and S3 classes for time indexes and time indexed series, which are compatible with FAME frequencies.

Authors:Jeff Hallman <[email protected]>

tis.pdf |tis.html
tis/json (API)

# Install 'tis' in R:
install.packages('tis', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.35 score 6 packages 12k downloads 1 mentions 174 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:f254c39171. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 26 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 26 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 26 2025



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Time Indices and Time Indexed Seriestis-package
Compute Summary Statistics of Time Series Subsetsaggregate.tis
Coerce to a Data
Convert ti or jul objects to Datesas.Date.jul as.Date.ti
Construct a List from a Time Index or Jul Objectas.list.jul as.list.ti
Create a Matrix from a Time Indexed Seriesas.matrix.tis
Convert a Time Indexed Series to a Time Seriesas.ts.tis
Convert a vector into a list of objects with the same classasClassyList
Assign Values In a List to NamesassignList
Barplot for Time Indexed Seriesbarplot.tis
Horizontally Shifted Bar Plotsbarplot2
Optional tis attributesbasis basis<- observed observed<-
Check for Inclusion in a Closed Intervalbetween
Capitalize stringscapitalize
Combine Series Into a Multivariate (Matrix) Time Indexed Seriescbind.tis
Rows and Columns of a Matrixcolumns rows
Constant Growth SeriesfanSeries tunnelSeries
Time scale conversions for time seriesconvert
Writes a CSV (comma separated values) file.csv
Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremescummax.tis cummin.tis cumprod.tis cumsum.tis
Day of Week Time IndexescurrentFriday currentMonday currentSaturday currentSunday currentThursday currentTuesday currentWednesday latestFriday latestMonday latestSaturday latestSunday latestThursday latestTuesday latestWednesday
Current Period Time IndexescurrentApril currentAugust currentDecember currentFebruary currentHalf currentJanuary currentJuly currentJune currentMarch currentMay currentMonth currentNovember currentOctober currentQ4 currentQMonth currentQuarter currentSeptember currentWeek currentYear
Start and End Time Indices for a SeriesdateRange
Day positions in Time Index PeriodscurrentMonthDay dayOfMonth dayOfPeriod dayOfWeek dayOfYear firstBusinessDayOf firstBusinessDayOfMonth firstDayOf lastBusinessDayOf lastBusinessDayOfMonth lastDayOf latestMonthDay
Description and Documentation Attributesdescription description<- documentation documentation<-
Evaluate an Argument If PossibleevalOrEcho
Convert Time Index or Jul to Characteras.character.jul as.character.ti format.jul format.ti
Fortify a tis objectfortify.tis
FRB Color PalettesfrColors
Growth Rates of Time Seriesgrowth.rate growth.rate<-
Hours, Minutes and Seconds from a Time Index or Julhms
Holidayseaster federalHolidays goodFriday holidays holidaysBetween inaugurationDay isBusinessDay isEaster isGoodFriday isHoliday nextBusinessDay previousBusinessDay
Create a Time Index to Match a Vector of DateTimesinferTi
Interpolate missing values in a Time Indexed SeriesinterpNA
R support for Intraday frequencieshourly minutely secondly
Check for Intraday Time Index FrequencyisIntradayTif
Check Leap YearisLeapYear
Julian Date Objectsas.jul asJul is.jul jul jul.Date jul.default jul.IDate jul.ti jul.yearmon jul.yearqtr
Lag a Time SeriesLag lag.tis Lags lags
Most Recent Period Time IndexeslatestApril latestAugust latestDecember latestFebruary latestHalf latestJanuary latestJuly latestJune latestMarch latestMay latestMonth latestNovember latestOctober latestQ4 latestQuarter latestSeptember latestWeek latestYear
Linear Spline Integrationilspline lintegrate
Plotting Time Indexed Serieslines.tis points.tis
Merge Time Indexed SeriesmergeSeries
Exclude NA and Zero ObservationsnaWindow
Plotting NBER RecesssionsnberDates nberShade nberShade.default romerLines
Set up Coordinates for Graphics WindowplotWindow
Date-time Constructor Functionsas.POSIXct.jul as.POSIXct.ti POSIXct POSIXct.default POSIXct.jul POSIXct.numeric POSIXct.ti POSIXlt POSIXlt.default POSIXlt.jul POSIXlt.ti
Print a Time Indexprint.ti
Printing Time Indexed Seriesprint.tis
Form Row Sums and MeansRowMeans RowMeans.default RowMeans.tis RowSums RowSums.default RowSums.tis
Produce high-quality scatter plotsscatterPlot
Page Setup for PlotsscreenPage
Set the Graphics Palette and Default ColorssetColors
Return Known Time Index Frequencies, Change Default FrequenciessetDefaultFrequencies tifList
Solve a Tridiagonal System of Equationssolve.tridiag
ssDate Objectsas.ssDate is.ssDate ssDate
Starting and ending time indexesend.tis start.tis start<-
Strip BlanksstripBlanks
Remove part of a class attributestripClass stripTis
Matrix Transposet.tis
Time Index Objectsas.ti asTi couldBeTi is.ti ti ti.Date ti.default ti.jul ti.ssDate ti.ti ti.tis ti.yearmon ti.yearqtr
Daily and Business Day Time IndexestiBusiness tiDaily
Create tier chartsadjustableTierChart tierChart
Time Index Frequencies and PeriodsbasePeriod period tif tif.default tif.ti tif.tis tif.ts tifName tifName.default tifName.ti tifName.tis
Periods Per Year for Time Index Frequenciestif2freq
Time Indexed Seriesas.tis as.tis.default as.tis.tis as.tis.ts as.tis.zoo is.tis tis
Linear Filtering on a Time SeriestisFilter
Read time series from Comma Separated Values (.csv) filetisFromCsv
Add a legend to a tisPlot or scatterPlottisLegend
Plot time indexed series (tis objects)tisPlot
Time Index for the Current Datetoday
Update lists and time seriesupdateColumns updateList
Time windows for Time Indexed Serieswindow.tis
Extract parts of various Date-Time Objectsday month quarter year ymd ymd.default ymd.jul ymd.ssDate ymd.ti
Shading Date RangesymdShade ymdXy