Package: tidytidbits 0.3.2

Marcel Wiesweg

tidytidbits: A Collection of Tools and Helpers Extending the Tidyverse

A selection of various tools to extend a data analysis workflow based on the 'tidyverse' packages. This includes high-level data frame editing methods (in the style of 'mutate'/'mutate_at'), some methods in the style of 'purrr' and 'forcats', 'lookup' methods for dict-like lists, a generic method for lumping a data frame by a given count, various low-level methods for special treatment of 'NA' values, 'python'-style tuple-assignment and 'truthy'/'falsy' checks, saving to PDF and PNG from a pipe and various small utilities.

Authors:Marcel Wiesweg [aut, cre]

tidytidbits.pdf |tidytidbits.html
tidytidbits/json (API)

# Install 'tidytidbits' in R:
install.packages('tidytidbits', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.15 score 2 packages 47 scripts 550 downloads 78 exports 25 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:629ef60315. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 10 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add results of prop.test to data frameadd_prop_test
All() giving NA only if all values are NAall_or_all_na
Any() giving NA only if all values are NAany_or_all_na
Appending in a pipe, never unlistingappend_object
Vectorised conversion to logical, treating NA as Falseare_true
Format numeric value for outputas_formatted_number
Formatting p valuesas_formatted_p_value
Format as percentage for outputas_percentage_label
Categorical test in a pipecategorical_test_by
Convert contingency table to classical R matrixcontingency_table_as_matrix
Create data frame formed like a contingency-tablecontingency_table_by
Count by multiple variablescount_at
Count according to groupingcount_by
The DIN A paper formatsdinA dina dinAFormat dinAHeight dinAWidth dinA_format dinA_height dinA_width
Compare vectors, treating NA like a valueequal_including_na
Execute code after tidy evaluationeval_unquoted
Extract symbols from an expression of symbols and operatorsexpression_list quosure_list symbol_string_list
Row-wise first value which is not NAfirst_non_nas
Row-wise first value that is not NAfirst_non_nas_at
First argument that does not equal a given valuefirst_not
First argument that is not NAfirst_not_na
Row-wise first index of column that is not NAfirst_which_non_na_at
First which() is not nafirst_which_not_na
Format numeric columns for displayformat_numbers_at
Format numeric columns for displayformat_p_values_at
Ordering function: identity orderidentity_order
A notion of valid and invalidinvalid valid
Inverting name and valueinvert_value_and_names
"Variable generating" functionslocalVariables local_variables sourceVariables source_variables
Lookup in a dictionarylookup lookup_chr lookup_dbl lookup_int lookup_lgl lookup_num
Creating a lookup function from dictionarylookup_function_from_dict
Generic lumpinglump
Lump rows of a tibblelump_rows
Named color palettenamed_palette
Reorder a factororder_factor_by
Orderer function for complex sortingorderer_function_from_sorted_vectors
Pluck with simplified return valuepluck_vector
Directory creationprepare_directory
Directory creation and file path concatenationprepare_path
Prepending in a pipe, never unlistingprepend_object
Print deparsed languageprint_deparsed
Rename a factor.rename_factor
Rename and reorder a factor.rename_reorder_factor
Replace sequential duplicatesreplace_sequential_duplicates
Save plot as PDFsave_pdf
Save plot as PNGsave_png
Detect sequential duplicatessequential_duplicates
Combine str_match and str_locatestr_locate_match
Make quosure from symbolsymbol_as_quosure
Syntactically safe namessyntactically_safe
Test for logical true or NAtrue_or_na
A python / javascript-like "truthy" notionfalsy truthy
Infix operator for python-style tuple assignment%=% g tuple_assignment
Get indices of non-NA valueswhich_non_na
Slice by namenamed name_contains with_name with_name_containing
Slice by valuevalue_contains with_value_containing