Package: survcompare 0.1.2

Diana Shamsutdinova

survcompare: Compares Cox and Survival Random Forests to Quantify Nonlinearity

Performs repeated nested cross-validation for Cox Proportionate Hazards, Cox Lasso, Survival Random Forest, and their ensemble. Returns internally validated concordance index, time-dependent area under the curve, Brier score, calibration slope, and statistical testing of non-linear ensemble outperforming the baseline Cox model. In this, it helps researchers to quantify the gain of using a more complex survival model, or justify its redundancy. Equally, it shows the performance value of the non-linear and interaction terms, and may highlight the need of further feature transformation. Further details can be found in Shamsutdinova, Stamate, Roberts, & Stahl (2022) "Combining Cox Model and Tree-Based Algorithms to Boost Performance and Preserve Interpretability for Health Outcomes" <doi:10.1007/978-3-031-08337-2_15>, where the method is described as Ensemble 1.

Authors:Diana Shamsutdinova [aut, cre], Daniel Stahl [aut]

survcompare.pdf |survcompare.html
survcompare/json (API)

# Install 'survcompare' in R:
install.packages('survcompare', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

15 exports 1 stars 0.09 score 143 dependencies 5 scripts 193 downloads

Last updated 8 months agofrom:5ac7165d8d. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 20 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKAug 20 2024




Rendered fromsurvcompare_application.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 20 2024.

Last update: 2024-01-23
Started: 2024-01-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calibration stats of a fitted Cox PH modelcox_calibration_stats
Auxiliary function for simulatedata functionslinear_beta
Predicts event probability for a fitted survensemblepredict.survensemble
Print survcompare objectprint.survcompare
Prints trained survensemble objectprint.survensemble
Prints survensemble_cv objectprint.survensemble_cv
Simulated sample with survival outcomes with non-linear and cross-term dependenciessimulate_crossterms
Simulated sample with survival outcomes with linear dependenciessimulate_linear
Simulated sample with survival outcomes with non-linear dependenciessimulate_nonlinear
Internal function to compute survival probability by time from a fitted survival random forestsrf_survival_prob_for_time
Summary of survcompare resultssummary.survcompare
Prints summary of a trained survensemble objectsummary.survensemble
Prints a summary of survensemble_cv objectsummary.survensemble_cv
Calculates time-dependent Brier Scoresurv_brierscore
Computes performance statistics for a survival data given the predicted event probabilitiessurv_validate
Cross-validates and compares Cox Proportionate Hazards and Survival Random Forest modelssurvcompare
Cross-validates Cox or CoxLasso modelsurvcox_cv
Computes event probabilities from a trained cox modelsurvcox_predict
Trains CoxPH using survival package, or trains CoxLasso (cv.glmnet, lambda.min), and then re-trains survival:coxph on non-zero predictorssurvcox_train
Trains CoxLasso, using cv.glmnet(s="lambda.min")survcoxlasso_train
Cross-validates predictive performance for Ensemble 1survensemble_cv
Fits an ensemble of Cox-PH and Survival Random Forest (SRF) with internal CV to tune SRF hyperparameters.survensemble_train
Calculates survival probability estimated by Kaplan-Meier survival curve Uses polynomial extrapolation in survival function space, using poly(n=3)survival_prob_km
Cross-validates SRF modelsurvsrf_cv
Predicts event probability for a fitted SRF modelsurvsrf_predict
Fits randomForestSRC, with tuning by mtry, nodedepth, and nodesize. Underlying model is by Ishwaran et al(2008) Ishwaran H, Kogalur UB, Blackstone EH, Lauer MS. Random survival forests. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 2008;2:841–60.survsrf_train
Internal function to tune SRF model, in nested CV loopsurvsrf_tune