Package: spam 2.11-1
spam: SPArse Matrix
Set of functions for sparse matrix algebra. Differences with other sparse matrix packages are: (1) we only support (essentially) one sparse matrix format, (2) based on transparent and simple structure(s), (3) tailored for MCMC calculations within G(M)RF. (4) and it is fast and scalable (with the extension package spam64). Documentation about 'spam' is provided by vignettes included in this package, see also Furrer and Sain (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v036.i10>; see 'citation("spam")' for details.
spam.pdf |spam.html✨
spam/json (API)
# Install 'spam' in R: |
install.packages('spam', repos = c('', '')) |
Pkgdown site:
- Oral - Oral Cavity Cancer
- UScounties.ndorder - Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States
- UScounties.storder - Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States
- USprecip - Monthly Total Precipitation (mm) for April 1948 in the Contiguous United States
- germany - Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany
- - Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany
- germany.poly - Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 2 months agofrom:53cae28e6f. Checks:1 OK, 2 WARNING. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 22 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | WARNING | Mar 22 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | WARNING | Mar 22 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
SPArse Matrix Package | spam-package . SPAM . SPAM Spam |
Administrative Districts of Germany | adjacency adjacency.landkreis adjacency.spam germany.graph |
Test if Two Sparse Matrices are (Nearly) Equal | all.equal,matrix,spam-method all.equal,spam,matrix-method all.equal,spam,spam-method all.equal.spam |
Apply Functions Over Sparse Matrix Margins | apply.spam |
Bandwidth of a Sparse Matrix | bandwidth |
Binds Arrays Corner-to-Corner | bdiag bdiag.spam |
Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns | cbind cbind,spam-method cbind.spam rbind rbind,spam-method rbind.spam |
Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices | chol chol,ANY-method chol,matrix-method chol,spam-method chol.spam update,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method update.spam update.spam.chol.NgPeyton |
Create Circulant Matrices | circulant.spam |
Cleaning up sparse matrices | cleanup |
Force a 'spam' Object to Belong to a Class | coerce,spam,integer-method coerce,spam,list-method coerce,spam,logical-method coerce,spam,matrix-method coerce,spam,vector-method coerce.spam |
Coercion to a Vector | as.vector as.vector,spam-method as.vector,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method as.vector.spam |
Complexity for Sparse Matrices | complexities complexity |
Slot Modification | colindices colindices<- constructors dimension<- entries entries<- rowpointers rowpointers<- |
Covariance Functions | cor.sph cov.exp cov.finnmat cov.mat cov.mat12 cov.mat32 cov.mat52 cov.nug cov.sph cov.wend1 cov.wend2 cov.wu1 cov.wu2 cov.wu3 covmat |
Spam Matrix Crossproduct | crossprod,ANY,spam-method crossprod,spam,ANY-method crossprod,spam,missing-method crossprod,spam,spam-method crossprod.default crossprod.spam tcrossprod,ANY,spam-method tcrossprod,spam,ANY-method tcrossprod,spam,missing-method tcrossprod,spam,spam-method tcrossprod.spam |
Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix | det det,spam-method det,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method det.spam determinant determinant,spam-method determinant.spam determinant.spam.chol determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton |
Sparse Matrix diagonals | diag diag,ANY-method diag,spam-method diag.assign,spam-method diag.of.spam diag.spam diag.spam<- diag<- diag<-,ANY-method diag<-,spam-method diag<-.spam spam_diag |
Lagged Differences | diff diff,spam-method diff.spam |
Dimensions of an Object | dim.spam dim<-,spam-method dim<-.spam |
Graphially Represent the Nonzero Entries | display display,spam-method display.spam |
Eigenvalues for Sparse Matrices | eigen.spam eigen_approx |
Wrapper for Distance Matrix Computation | rdist.dist spam_rdist |
Transformation to Other Sparse Formats | as.dgCMatrix.spam as.dgRMatrix.spam as.spam.dgCMatrix as.spam.dgRMatrix as.spam.matrix.csr foreign |
Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany | germany germany.poly germany.spam |
Plot Administrative Districts of Germany | germany.plot |
Generalized Multiplication | gmult |
Two trace plots and a scatter plot. | grid_trace2 |
grid_zoom | grid_zoom |
Return the First or Last Part of an Object | head,spam-method head,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method head.spam tail,spam-method tail,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method tail.spam |
Display a Sparse Matrix as Color Image | image image,spam-method image.spam image.spam.chol |
Read External Matrix Formats | import read.HB read.MM |
Test if a Sparse Matrix is Symmetric | isSymmetric,spam-method isSymmetric.spam |
Kronecker Products on Sparse Matrices | kronecker,ANY,spam-method kronecker,spam,ANY-method kronecker,spam,spam-method kronecker.default kronecker.spam |
Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' | 64bit 64bits large matries large matrix large_matries large_matrix long vector long vectors spam64 |
Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Sparse Matrix | lower.tri lower.tri.spam upper.tri upper.tri.spam |
Create Precision Matrices | precmat.GMRFreglat |
Administrative districts of Germany | map.landkreis |
Mathematical Functions | abs,spam-method abs.spam acos,spam-method acos.spam acosh,spam-method acosh.spam asin,spam-method asin.spam asinh,spam-method asinh.spam atan,spam-method atan.spam atanh,spam-method atanh.spam ceiling,spam-method ceiling.spam cos,spam-method cos.spam cosh,spam-method cosh.spam cummax,spam-method cummax.spam cummin,spam-method cummin.spam cumprod,spam-method cumprod.spam cumsum,spam-method cumsum.spam digamma,spam-method digamma.spam exp,spam-method exp.spam floor,spam-method floor.spam gamma,spam-method gamma.spam lgamma,spam-method lgamma.spam log,spam-method log.spam log10,spam-method log10.spam log2,spam-method log2.spam Math Math,spam-method Math.spam sin,spam-method sin.spam sqrt,spam-method sqrt.spam tan,spam-method tan.spam trigamma,spam-method trigamma.spam trunc,spam-method trunc.spam |
Rounding of Numbers | Math2 Math2,spam,numeric-method Math2,spam-method Math2.spam round,spam-method round.spam signif,spam-method signif.spam |
Maximum likelihood estimates | mle mle.nomean mle.nomean.spam mle.spam neg2loglikelihood neg2loglikelihood.nomean neg2loglikelihood.spam |
Distance Matrix Computation | dist.spam distance nearest.dist |
Options Settings | getOption.spam options.spam spam.options |
Oral Cavity Cancer | Oral Oral.spam oral.spam |
Extract the permutation | ordering ordering,matrix-method ordering,spam-method ordering-methods ordering.spam ordering.spam.chol ordering.spam.chol.NgPeyton |
Padding a Sparse Matrix | pad pad.spam pad<- pad<-,matrix-method pad<-,spam-method pad<-.spam |
Permute a Matrix | permutation permutation,matrix-method permutation,spam-method permutation.spam |
Specific Options Setting | powerboost |
IGMRF Precision Matrices | precmat precmat.IGMRFirreglat precmat.IGMRFreglat precmat.RW1 precmat.RW2 precmat.RWn precmat.season |
Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices | print print,spam-method print.spam print.spam.chol print.spam.chol.NgPeyton print_nnzpos summary,spam-method summary.spam summary.spam.chol summary.spam.chol.NgPeyton |
Create Random Sparse Matrices | spam_random |
Draw From a Gaussian Random Field | rgrf rgrf.spam |
Draw Multivariate Normals | rmvnorm rmvnorm.canonical rmvnorm.prec rmvnorm.spam |
Draw Conditional Multivariate Normals | rmvnorm.cond rmvnorm.conditional rmvnorm.conditional.spam |
Draw Constrainted Multivariate Normals | rmvnorm.canonical.const rmvnorm.const rmvnorm.prec.const |
Draw From a Multivariate t-Distribution | rmvt rmvt.spam |
Form Row and Column Sums and Means | colMeans colMeans,spam-method colMeans.spam colSums colSums,spam-method colSums.spam rowMeans rowMeans,spam-method rowMeans.spam rowSums rowSums,spam-method rowSums.spam |
Wappers for Sparse Matrices | var.spam |
Sparse Matrix Class | as.spam as.spam,dist-method as.spam,list-method as.spam,matrix-method as.spam,numeric-method as.spam,spam-method as.spam.chol.NgPeyton as.spam.dist as.spam.list as.spam.matrix as.spam.numeric as.spam.spam initialize,spam-method is.spam spam spam,list-method spam,numeric-method spam.creation spam.list spam.numeric |
Class "spam" | !,spam-method +,spam,missing-method -,spam,missing-method Arith,ANY,spam-method Arith,spam,ANY-method Arith,spam,spam-method as.matrix,spam-method as.matrix.spam c,spam-method Compare,ANY,spam-method Compare,spam,ANY-method Compare,spam,spam-method length,spam-method length<-,spam-method lower.tri,spam-method plot,spam,missing-method plot,spam,spam-method show,spam-method spam-class spam.class t,spam-method upper.tri,spam-method [,spam,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,spam,matrix,matrix,ANY-method [,spam,matrix,missing,logical-method [,spam,matrix,missing,missing-method [,spam,missing,missing,ANY-method [,spam,missing,vector,ANY-method [,spam,spam,missing,ANY-method [,spam,vector,missing,logical-method [,spam,vector,missing,missing-method [,spam,vector,vector,ANY-method [<-,spam,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,spam,ANY-method [<-,spam,matrix,matrix,ANY-method [<-,spam,matrix,matrix,numeric-method [<-,spam,matrix,missing,ANY-method [<-,spam,matrix,missing,numeric-method [<-,spam,missing,missing,ANY-method [<-,spam,missing,missing,numeric-method [<-,spam,missing,vector,ANY-method [<-,spam,missing,vector,numeric-method [<-,spam,missing,vector,spam-method [<-,spam,spam,missing,ANY-method [<-,spam,spam,missing,numeric-method [<-,spam,vector,missing,ANY-method [<-,spam,vector,missing,numeric-method [<-,spam,vector,missing,spam-method [<-,spam,vector,vector,ANY-method [<-,spam,vector,vector,numeric-method [<-,spam,vector,vector,spam-method |
Defunct Objects in Package 'spam' | spam-defunct validspamobject |
Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices | !=,spam-method %%,spam-method %*%,ANY,ANY-method %*%,matrix,spam-method %*%,numeric,spam-method %*%,spam,matrix-method %*%,spam,numeric-method %*%,spam,spam-method %*%-methods %/%,spam-method %d*% %d*%,matrix,ANY-method %d*%,matrix,spam-method %d*%,numeric,matrix-method %d*%,numeric,numeric-method %d*%,numeric,spam-method %d*%,spam,ANY-method %d*%,spam,numeric-method %d*%,spam,spam-method %d+% %d+%,matrix,ANY-method %d+%,matrix,spam-method %d+%,numeric,matrix-method %d+%,numeric,numeric-method %d+%,numeric,spam-method %d+%,spam,ANY-method %d+%,spam,numeric-method %d+%,spam,spam-method &,ANY,spam-method &,spam,ANY-method &,spam,spam-method *,ANY,spam-method *,spam,ANY-method *,spam,spam-method +,ANY,spam-method +,matrix,spam-method +,spam,ANY-method +,spam,matrix-method +,spam,spam-method -,ANY,spam-method -,matrix,spam-method -,spam,ANY-method -,spam,matrix-method -,spam,spam-method /,ANY,spam-method /,matrix,spam-method /,spam,ANY-method /,spam,spam-method <,spam-method <=,spam-method ==,spam-method >,spam-method >=,spam-method assign.spam dim,ANY-method dim,spam-method ncol,spam-method norm norm,ANY-method norm,matrix,character-method norm,matrix,missing-method norm,numeric,character-method norm,numeric,missing-method norm,spam,character-method norm,spam,missing-method norm.spam nrow,spam-method Ops.spam plot.spam spam.ops subset.spam t.spam [.spam [<-,spam,ANY,ANY-method [<-,spam,matrix,matrix-method [<-,spam,matrix,missing-method [<-,spam,missing,missing-method [<-,spam,missing,vector-method [<-,spam,spam,missing-method [<-,spam,vector,missing-method [<-,spam,vector,vector-method [<-.spam ^,ANY,spam-method ^,spam,ANY-method ^,spam,spam-method ^,spam-method |,ANY,spam-method |,spam,ANY-method |,spam,spam-method |
Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices | backsolve backsolve,ANY-method backsolve,matrix-method backsolve,spam-method backsolve-methods backsolve.spam chol2inv chol2inv,spam-method chol2inv,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method chol2inv.spam forwardsolve forwardsolve,ANY-method forwardsolve,matrix-method forwardsolve,spam-method forwardsolve-methods forwardsolve.spam solve solve,ANY-method solve,spam-method solve.spam |
Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" | as.matrix,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method as.spam,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method backsolve,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method c,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method chol,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method determinant,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method diag,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method diag<-,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method dim,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method dim<-,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method display,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method forwardsolve,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method image,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method length,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method length<-,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method ordering,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method print,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method show,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method spam.chol.NgPeyton-class summary,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method t,spam.chol.NgPeyton-method |
Rounding of Numbers | all,spam-method all.spam any,spam-method any.spam max,spam-method max.spam min,spam-method min.spam prod,spam-method prod.spam range,spam-method range.spam sum,spam-method sum.spam Summary Summary,spam-method Summary.spam |
Create Toeplitz Matrices | toeplitz.spam |
Transform a "spam" Format to Triplets | triplet |
Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States | UScounties UScounties.ndorder UScounties.storder |
Monthly Total Precipitation (mm) for April 1948 in the Contiguous United States | USprecip |
Validate a Sparse Matrix | validate_spam |
Spam Version Information | spam.Version spam.version version |