Package: sn 2.1.1
Adelchi Azzalini
sn: The Skew-Normal and Related Distributions Such as the Skew-t and the SUN
Build and manipulate probability distributions of the skew-normal family and some related ones, notably the skew-t and the SUN families. For the skew-normal and the skew-t distributions, statistical methods are provided for data fitting and model diagnostics, in the univariate and the multivariate case.
sn.pdf |sn.html✨
sn/json (API)
# Install 'sn' in R: |
install.packages('sn', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 2 years agofrom:bc33612e6c. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Jan 29 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | NOTE | Jan 29 2025 |
A brief overview of the package 'sn'
Rendered frompkg-overview.html.asis
on Jan 29 2025.Last update: 2020-05-26
Started: 2020-05-26
An introduction to the package 'sn'
Rendered frompkg_sn-intro.pdf.asis
on Jan 29 2025.Last update: 2020-05-26
Started: 2020-05-26
How to sample from the SN and related distributions
Rendered fromhow_to_sample.pdf.asis
on Jan 29 2025.Last update: 2020-05-26
Started: 2020-05-26
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Package 'sn': overview, background and history | sn-package SN |
Affine transformations and marginals of a skew-elliptical distribution | affineTransSECdistr marginalSECdistr |
Australian Institute of Sport data | ais |
Price of Barolo wine | barolo |
Coefficients of objects created by 'selm' | coef,mselm-method coef,selm-method coef.mselm coef.selm |
Skew-normal conditional distribution | conditionalSECdistr |
Confidence intervals for parameters of a selm-class object | confint.selm confint.selm-method |
Conversion of CSN parameters to SUN parameters | convertCSN2SUNpar |
Convert a SN distribution into a SUN | convertSN2SUNdistr |
Multivariate skew-normal distribution | dmsn pmsn rmsn |
Multivariate skew-t distribution and skew-Cauchy distribution | dmsc dmst pmsc pmst rmsc rmst |
Conversion between parametrizations of a skew-elliptical distribution | cp2dp dp2cp dp2op op2dp |
Skew-Cauchy Distribution | dsc psc qsc rsc |
Skew-Normal Distribution | dsn psn qsn rsn |
Skew-t Distribution | dst pst qst rst |
Extract the SEC error distribution from an object created by 'selm' | extractSECdistr |
Maximum-likelihood fitting of a univariate distribution from grouped data | fitdistr.grouped |
Methods for objects of class created by 'fitdistr.grouped' | coef.fitdistr.grouped fitdistr.grouped-class fitted.fitdistr.grouped logLik.fitdistr.grouped print.fitdistr.grouped summary.fitdistr.grouped vcov.fitdistr.grouped |
Four-number summary of a numeric vector | fournum |
Simulated sample from a skew-normal distribution | frontier |
Mapping of the (Galton-Bowley, Moors) measures to the (alpha, nu) parameters of a ST distribution | galton2alpha galton_moors2alpha_nu |
Build a skew-elliptically contoured distribution | makeSECdistr |
Build an object representing a SUN distribution | makeSUNdistr |
vech, tr and other matrix operators | blockDiag duplicationMatrix tr vech vech2mat |
The mode of a skew-elliptically contoured (SEC) distribution | modeSECdistr |
Package 'sn': overview of the structure and main commands | overview-sn |
Plot an object generated by 'fitdistr.grouped' | plot,fitdistr.grouped-method plot.fitdistr.grouped |
Plotting methods for classes 'SECdistrUv' and 'SECdistrMv' | plot,SECdistrMv,missing-method plot,SECdistrMv-method plot,SECdistrUv,missing-method plot,SECdistrUv-method plot.SECdistr plot.SECdistrMv plot.SECdistrUv |
Diagnostic plots for 'selm' fits | plot,mselm-method plot,selm-method plot.mselm plot.selm |
Plotting method for class 'SUNdistr' | plot,SUNdistr,missing-method plot,SUNdistr-method plot.SUNdistr |
The distribution of the product of two jointly normal or _t_ variables | pprodn2 pprodt2 qprodt2 |
Predict method for selm-class objects | predict.selm predict.selm-method |
Profile log-likelihood function of selm-class objects | profile.selm profile.selm-method |
Penalty function for log-likelihood of 'selm' models | MPpenalty Qpenalty |
Residuals and fitted values from 'selm' fits | fitted,mselm-method fitted,selm-method fitted.mselm fitted.selm residuals,mselm-method residuals,selm-method residuals.mselm residuals.selm |
Standard deviation | sd sd.default |
Class '"SECdistrMv"' | mean,SECdistrMv-method SECdistrMv-class show,SECdistrMv-method vcov,SECdistrMv-method |
Class '"SECdistrUv"' | mean,SECdistrUv-method sd,SECdistrUv-method SECdistrUv-class show,SECdistrUv-method |
Fitting linear models with skew-elliptical error term | selm |
Classes 'selm' and 'mselm' of objects created by function 'selm' | confint,selm-method logLik,mselm-method logLik,selm-method mselm-class plot,mselm,ANY-method plot,mselm,missing-method plot,selm,ANY-method plot,selm,missing-method predict,selm-method selm-class show,mselm-method show,selm-method vcov,mselm-method vcov,selm-method weights,mselm-method weights,selm-method |
Fitting functions for 'selm' models | msn.mle msn.mple mst.mple sn.mple st.mple |
Cumulants of univariate skew-normal and skew-t distributions | sn.cumulants st.cumulants |
Expected and observed Fisher information for SN and ST distributions | sn.infoMv sn.infoUv st.infoMv st.infoUv |
Spreading grouped data over intervals | spread.grouped |
Compute preliminary estimates for a linear model with ST-distributed error term | mst.prelimFit st.prelimFit |
Summary of a SEC distribution object | summary,SECdistrMv-method summary,SECdistrUv-method summary.SECdistr summary.SECdistrMv summary.SECdistrUv |
Classes 'summary.SECdistrMv' and 'summary.SECdistrUv' | show,summary.SECdistrMv-method show,summary.SECdistrUv-method summary.SECdistrMv-class summary.SECdistrUv-class |
Summarizing 'selm' fits | show,summary.mselm-method show,summary.selm-method summary,mselm-method summary,selm-method summary.mselm summary.mselm-class summary.selm summary.selm-class |
Summary of a SUN distribution object | summary,SUNdistr-method summary.SUNdistr |
Class 'summary.SUNdistr' | show,summary.SUNdistr-method summary.SUNdistr-class |
The Unified Skew-Normal (SUN) probability distribution | dsun psun rsun SUNdistr-base sunMardia sunMean sunVcov |
Class '"SUNdistr"' and its methods | mean,SUNdistr-method mean.SUNdistr show,SUNdistr-method show.SUNdistr SUNdistr-class vcov,SUNdistr-method vcov.SUNdistr |
Operations on SUNdistr-class objects | affineTransSUNdistr conditionalSUNdistr convolutionSUNdistr joinSUNdistr marginalSUNdistr SUNdistr-op |
Symmetry-modulated distributions | dmSymmModulated dSymmModulated plot2D.SymmModulated rmSymmModulated rSymmModulated SymmModulatedDistr |
Owen's function | T.Owen |
Piedmont wines data | wines |
Function log(2 Phi(x)) and its derivatives | zeta |