Package: sm 2.2-6.0

Adrian Bowman

sm: Smoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation

This is software linked to the book 'Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis - The Kernel Approach with S-Plus Illustrations' Oxford University Press.

Authors:Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini. Ported to R by B. D. Ripley <[email protected]> up to version 2.0, version 2.1 by Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini, version 2.2 by Adrian Bowman.

sm.pdf |sm.html
sm/json (API)

# Install 'sm' in R:
install.packages('sm', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • fortran– Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
  • aircraft - These data record six characteristics of aircraft designs which appeared during the twentieth century
  • airpc - These data list the first two principal component scores from the aircraft data, which record six characteristics of aircraft designs throughout the twentieth century
  • birth - Low birthweight in babies
  • bissell - Flaws in cloth
  • bonions - Yield-density relationship for Brown Imperial Spanish onions
  • britpts - Coastline of the UK and Ireland
  • citrate - The relationship between plasma citrate and carbohydrate metabolites
  • coalash - Coal ash in mining samples
  • dogs - Coronary sinus potassium in dogs
  • follicle - Ovarian follicle counts
  • geys3d - Duration and the time between eruptions for the Old Faithful Geyser
  • geyser - Old Faithful Geyser Data
  • lcancer - Spatial positions of cases of laryngeal cancer
  • mackerel - The abundance of mackerel eggs
  • magrem - Magnetic remanence
  • mildew - Mildew control
  • mosses - Heavy metals in mosses in Galicia.
  • muscle - Rat skeletal muscles
  • nile - Water level of the River Nile
  • poles - Positions of the south pole
  • radioc - Radiocarbon in Irish oak
  • smacker - Mackerel data from a Spanish survey
  • stanford - Survival times from the Stanford Heart Transplant Study
  • tephra - Tephra layer
  • trawl - Trawl data from the Great Barrier Reef
  • trout - Potassium cyanate and trout eggs
  • wonions - Yield-density relationship for White Imperial Spanish onion plants
  • worm - Human parasitic worm infections

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

6.99 score 1 stars 38 packages 728 scripts 12k downloads 42 mentions 37 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 8 months agofrom:403652c39a. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 15 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKOct 15 2024



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Help pageTopics
These data record six characteristics of aircraft designs which appeared during the twentieth centuryaircraft
These data list the first two principal component scores from the aircraft data, which record six characteristics of aircraft designs throughout the twentieth centuryairpc
Construct frequency table from raw data in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions.binning
Low birthweight in babiesbirth
Flaws in clothbissell
Yield-density relationship for Brown Imperial Spanish onionsbonions
Coastline of the UK and Irelandbritpts
The relationship between plasma citrate and carbohydrate metabolitescitrate
Coal ash in mining samplescoalash
Coronary sinus potassium in dogsdogs
Ovarian follicle countsfollicle
Duration and the time between eruptions for the Old Faithful Geysergeys3d
Old Faithful Geyser Datageyser
Selection of the smoothing
Cross-validatory choice of smoothing parameterhcv
Normal optimal choice of smoothing parameter in density estimationhnorm
Sheather-Jones choice of smoothing parameter for density estimationhsj
Spatial positions of cases of laryngeal cancerlcancer
The abundance of mackerel eggsmackerel
Magnetic remanencemagrem
Mildew controlmildew
Heavy metals in mosses in Galicia.mosses
Rat skeletal musclesmuscle
Water level of the River Nilenile
Integrated squared error between a density estimate and a Normal densitynise
mean integrated squared error for density estimation with normal datanmise
nearest neighbour distances from data in one or two dimensionsnnbr
Pause before continuing executionpause
Positions of the south polepoles
Making data available as
Radiocarbon in Irish oakradioc
A significance trace for a hypothesis testsig.trace
The sm package: summary informationsm
Nonparametric analysis of covariancesm.ancova
Nonparametric estimation of the autoregression functionsm.autoregression
Nonparametric logistic regressionsm.binomial
Bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for a logistic regression
Nonparametric density estimation in one, two or three
Comparison of univariate density
The detection of discontinuities in a regression curve or
A test of monotonicity in a regression
Set or return options of sm librarysm.options
Smooth principal components analysissm.pca
Nonparametric Poisson regressionsm.poisson
Bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for a Poisson regression modelsm.poisson.bootstrap
Nonparametric regression with one or two
Nonparametric regression with autocorrelated errorssm.regression.autocor
Nonparametric analysis of repeated measurements datasm.rm
Running a script associated to the sm librarysm.script
Estimation of the error standard deviation in nonparametric
Comparison across two groups of the error standard deviation in nonparametric regression with two
Nonparametric density estimation for spherical
Adding a regression surface to an rgl
Nonparametric regression with survival
Nonparametric density estimation of stationary time series datasm.ts.pdf
Confidence intervals and tests based on smoothing an empirical
Mackerel data from a Spanish surveysmacker
Survival times from the Stanford Heart Transplant Studystanford
Tephra layertephra
Trawl data from the Great Barrier Reeftrawl
Potassium cyanate and trout eggstrout
Yield-density relationship for White Imperial Spanish onion plantswonions
Human parasitic worm infectionsworm