Package: shotGroups 0.8.2

Daniel Wollschlaeger

shotGroups: Analyze Shot Group Data

Analyzes shooting data with respect to group shape, precision, and accuracy. This includes graphical methods, descriptive statistics, and inference tests using standard, but also non-parametric and robust statistical methods. Implements distributions for radial error in bivariate normal variables. Works with files exported by 'OnTarget PC/TDS', 'Silver Mountain' e-target, 'ShotMarker' e-target, or 'Taran', as well as with custom data files in text format. Supports inference from range statistics such as extreme spread. Includes a set of web-based graphical user interfaces.

Authors:Daniel Wollschlaeger

shotGroups.pdf |shotGroups.html
shotGroups/json (API)

# Install 'shotGroups' in R:
install.packages('shotGroups', repos = '')
  • DF300BLK - Combined bullet hole data
  • DF300BLKhl - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFcciHV - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFcm - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFdistr - Lookup table for distribution of range statistics and Rayleigh sigma
  • DFinch - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFlandy01 - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFlandy02 - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFlandy03 - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFlandy04 - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFlistCm - List containing several data frames with bullet hole data
  • DFsavage - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFscar17 - Combined bullet hole data
  • DFtalon - Combined bullet hole data
  • targets - List containing definitions of several circular target types from the shooting federations ISSF, NRA, DSB, BDS, BDMP, DSU



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.48 score 1 packages 498 downloads 62 exports 19 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:ae04a8371a. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 04 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 04 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 04 2025



Analyzing shooting precision and accuracy using shotGroups

Rendered fromshotGroups.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Mar 04 2025.

Last update: 2022-09-17
Started: 2014-01-10

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Analyze shot group datashotGroups-package shotGroups
Analysis for a single group of bullet holesanalyzeGroup
Combine list of data frames into onecombineData
Compare bullet hole groupscompareGroups
Combined bullet hole dataDF300BLK
Combined bullet hole dataDF300BLKhl
Combined bullet hole dataDFcciHV
Combined bullet hole dataDFcm
Lookup table for distribution of range statistics and Rayleigh sigmaDFdistr
Combined bullet hole dataDFinch
Combined bullet hole dataDFlandy01
Combined bullet hole dataDFlandy02
Combined bullet hole dataDFlandy03
Combined bullet hole dataDFlandy04
List containing several data frames with bullet hole dataDFlistCm
Combined bullet hole dataDFsavage
Combined bullet hole dataDFscar17
Combined bullet hole dataDFtalon
Draw an axis-aligned boxdrawBox drawBox.default drawBox.list
Draw an oriented boxdrawBox2 drawBox2.default drawBox2.list
Draw a circledrawCircle drawCircle.default drawCircle.list
Draw an ellipsedrawEllipse drawEllipse.default drawEllipse.list
Draw a group of bullet holes with additional measuresdrawGroup drawGroup.default
Draw a target patterndrawTarget
Estimate number of required groups for given CI level and widthefficiency
Conversion from angular diameter to absolute sizefromMOA
Bounding box for a set of 2D-pointsgetBoundingBox getBoundingBox.default
Circular Error Probable (CEP) and Spherical Error Probable (SEP)getCEP getCEP.default
Confidence ellipsegetConfEll getConfEll.default
Get distance based on absolute and angular sizegetDistance
Distances to center for a set of pointsgetDistToCtr getDistToCtr.default
Hit probability within given regiongetHitProb getHitProb.default
Determine parameters q and omega of the Hoyt distributiongetHoytParam getHoytParam.default getHoytParam.list getHoytParam.matrix
Kuchnost precision estimategetKuchnost getKuchnost.default
Maximum pairwise distance for a set of pointsgetMaxPairDist getMaxPairDist.default
Minimum-area bounding box for a set of 2D-pointsgetMinBBox getMinBBox.default
Minimum enclosing circle for a set of 2D-pointsgetMinCircle getMinCircle.default
Minimum enclosing ellipse for a set of 2D-pointsgetMinEllipse getMinEllipse.default
Conversion of absolute size to angular diametergetMOA
Range statisticsgetRangeStat getRangeStat.default
Estimate Rayleigh parameters sigma, mean and standard deviationgetRayParam getRayParam.default
Estimate Rice parameters nu and sigmagetRiceParam getRiceParam.default
Extract (x,y)-coordinates (relative to point of aim) from a data framegetXYmat
Accuracy: Location measures for a single group of bullet holesgroupLocation groupLocation.default
Shape analysis for a single group of bullet holesgroupShape groupShape.default
Precision: Spread measures of a single group of bullet holesgroupSpread groupSpread.default
The Hoyt DistributiondHoyt Hoyt pHoyt qHoyt rHoyt
The Maxwell-Boltzmann DistributiondMaxwell Maxwell pMaxwell qMaxwell rMaxwell
Multivariate normal offset ellipse probabilitiesmvnEll pmvnEll qmvnEll rmvnEll
Estimate circular error probable (CEP) based on range statisticsrange2CEP
Estimate Rayleigh sigma based on range statisticsrange2sigma
Distribution of range statisticspRangeStat qRangeStat rangeStat rRangeStat
The Rayleigh DistributiondRayleigh pRayleigh qRayleigh Rayleigh rRayleigh
Read data from text filesreadDataMisc
Read data files exported by OnTarget PC v1.1*readDataOT1
Read data files exported by OnTarget PC v2.* or OnTarget TDS v3.*readDataOT2
Read data files exported by the ShotMarker e-target systemreadDataShotMarker
Read data files exported by the Silver Mountain e-target systemreadDataSMT
The Rice DistributiondRice pRice qRice Rice rRice
Open web-based GUI in browserrunGUI
Calculate simulated ring count for a given group and targetsimRingCount simRingCount.default
List containing definitions of several circular target types from the shooting federations ISSF, NRA, DSB, BDS, BDMP, DSUtargets