Package: seqmon 2.5

Hui Zheng

seqmon: Group Sequential Design Class for Clinical Trials

S4 class object for creating and managing group sequential designs. It calculates the efficacy and futility boundaries at each look. It allows modifying the design and tracking the design update history.

Authors:David A Schoenfeld and Hui Zheng

seqmon.pdf |seqmon.html
seqmon/json (API)

# Install 'seqmon' in R:
install.packages('seqmon', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.38 score 24 scripts 208 downloads 22 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 10 months agofrom:5023afcc00. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 12 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Function that calculates the upper boundaries for efficacyalphaspend
The default alpha spending functionalphaspendf
Function that calculates the lower boundaries for futilitybetaspend
The default beta spending functionbetaspendf
Function for calculating the efficacy and futility boundariescalcBoundaries
Generic function that calculates the probability to declare efficacy at the end of study given the Z value at the current lookcurtail
Function for calculating the probability for efficacy given known informationcurtailDesign
Function that calculates the cumulative probabilities to declare efficacy and futilitygetProbabilities
Function that plots the efficacy and futility boundariesplotBoundaries
Function that displays the features of the designprintDesign printDesign,
Generic function that calculates boundary crossing probabilities used for monitoring clinical trialsseqmon
The sequential design
Class '""'calcBoundaries, curtailDesign, getProbabilities, plotBoundaries, print,, setAlphaspendfString, setBaseAlphaspendf, setBaseBetaspendf, setBetaspendfString, setCurrentLook, setDatestamp, setNoncentrality, setTimes, summary, updateDesign,
Function that Sets the expression of the base alpha spending function as a stringsetAlphaspendfString
Function that sets the base alpha spending functionsetBaseAlphaspendf
Function that sets the base beta spending functionsetBaseBetaspendf
Function that sets the expression of the base beta spending function as a stringsetBetaspendfString
Function that sets the current look numbersetCurrentLook
Function that sets the date stamp of the design objectsetDatestamp
Function that sets the noncentrality parametersetNoncentrality
Function that sets the look timessetTimes
Function that shows the cumulative probabilities for efficacy and futilitysummaryDesign summaryDesign,
Function that updates the designupdateDesign